• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 2,605 Views, 32 Comments

Applejack and Applebloom in Appleoosa - Metal Pony Fan

Earth and Sky side story. AJ and Applebloom take the train to Appleoosa and make some new friends.

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Why did I have to forget my paper?

Sis fell asleep, so I went off to look for the snack cart. One problem though, I don't have any bits for the snack cart. Sure, they have free sandwiches, but I ain't eatin' one a' those nasty things. But worst of all, "I forgot mah paper!" I slammed my head into the floor. I'm stuck here with a box of crayons that I can't even use. How am I gonna make it all the way to Appleoosa without going crazy? What if I get a cutie mark in boredom? What would a boring cutie mark even look like?

"Here," said a voice, "you can have mine."

I looked up to see a light blue pegasus with a dark blue mane. He was about my age and didn't have a cutie mark. And he was handing me a stack of paper. With his wing. I didn't even know pegasuses could do that.

"Uh, thanks," I said as he set the paper down in front of me, "but why?"

"We were in a rush and I forgot my crayons." He started to walk away.

"We could share mine if ya want ta," I called after him.

He turned around with a smile. "Really? Thanks!"

I dumped out my crayons and pushed half of the over to him. "Well, yer sharin' yer paper, it's only right ta share back." When we split the stack of paper, he sat down and started drawing right away, but I had been so focused on boredom that I had no ideas. "What d'ya reckon Ah should draw?"

"Draw something that makes you happy," he said without looking up, "that's what I do."

"Huh." I started tapping a crayon against my chin. "Ah reckon that's pretty good idea."

"You talk funny."

"Take that back!" I jabbed the crayon at him. "And don't think Ah ain't gonna change my mind about sharin'."

"Sorry," he said. "I kinda like it though, the way you talk. You sound like you're from a farm or something."

"But Ah am from a farm." What's so great about that?

"Oh," he said, "that's cool. I like farms, all the plants and stuff. Cities are boring, there's too many ponies and they all run around like there's a fire all the time. My brother's taking me to see the apple orchards in Appleoosa."

I peeked over at his drawing. I couldn't tell what it was yet, but he sure was usin' a lot of green. "We're goin' ta the same place then. Mah sister's dragging me ta Braeburn's so we can get a new tree for our orchards. Mah brother didn't come."

He put down the green crayon and started looking around. "Do you have the red?" I looked around and gave him the crayon when I found it. "Thanks. My momma didn't get to come either, did your momma come?"

I stared at the paper as I thought about what to tell. Applejack is usually the one who answers questions about that. What am I supposed to say?

"I'm sorry," he said, looking up from his drawing, "I didn't know."

"What are ya apologizin' for?"

"You're acting like I do when someone asks about my dad, like you don't know what to say cause someone else always answers the question for you."

"Yeah, Ah never knew my parents. Big sis, Big Mac, and granny're all Ah got, and all Ah need." That's what I'll draw. "Ah'm Applebloom by the way."

"Divin'," he held out a hoof, "nice to meet you Applebloom."

"Divin' what?" I asked as I took his hoof and shook it. It sounds like there should be something at the end of that.

"I don't know," he shrugged and went back to drawing, "none of us do."

"You mean yer family doesn't even know yer own name?"

"I guess."

"How does that work?"

"My brother said there was an accident, when they found us, Momma couldn't remember us, or even her name. Brother was hurt and couldn't remember either. My first memory is him holding me in his wings and carrying me away from a fire. The only thing they found was a locket with me and my brother's pictures inside. The front had the words "Soarin' & Divin'," engraved on it. Since then, it's just been us, Momma still doesn't know her name, and my brother and I can't be sure we have the right ones."

"Sorry fer bringin' it up. That must be hard though, Ah can't imagine not knowin' my own name."

"Well, I can't imagine not haven't a Momma."