• Published 28th Oct 2012
  • 3,183 Views, 108 Comments

What The Night Remembers - TCSNxs

After a successful festival for Nightmare Night, Luna comes to terms with a pony she feels a longing for, both in the past and in the present. What happens when she realizes she isn't just waxing nostalgia?

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11. The Night's Pale Moonlight

What The Night Remembers
By: TCSNxs

Chapter Eleven
The Night's Pale Moonlight

"See the rose within that field of white,
clashed crimson lightning in ivory storms?
Tis a twilight call for us to run as we once did
amidst the field where the sweet wine's born.

So I ask, my love, this night, stay at my side.
Be my fire-lit silhouette 'neath Luna's mystery!
Though the wardrums soon will call for me,
tonight, my love, let's delay that misery.
~Excerpt from Triton's "A Soldier's Dying Wish"

The farmer did her level headed best to wake Luna before another of Celestia's inspired letters arrived, but the Lunar Regent was still snoring as the calls came clearer and more urgently from the moon. Seeing no water convenient, she found the next best thing with a quill from Luna's desk. Yanking back the sheets and seizing the writing instrument in her mouth, she found the Lunar Regent's exposed flank and gave her a quick prick.

Despite being a creature of physical sensations, the Lunar Regent still somehow snored contentedly, oblivious to the farmer's pointed inquiry. Applejack tried once again with a bit more pressure, but still the found the alicorn a tougher proposition then trying get to foal up for school. After setting the quill back, the farmer groaned. Between the hangover and pressing urgency the celestial body gave her, it wasn't as good start to the day. Seeing no other course, the farmer seized the Lunar Regent's horn and gave it a violent shake.

"Huh....," Luna finally responded groggily before becoming aware of the blistering headache behind her eyes.

"Ya gotta get up," Applejack said.

"Ugh. Five more minutes?"

"Do Ah gotta get an ax?" Applejack threatened.

"Violence begets violence, fair Applejack," Luna managed to quip, still refusing to open her eyes.

"Sugarcube," Applejack replied, managing as much command as she could muster given her bodily aches and the dreams the night before, "Move your haunch!"

"I'm up," the alicorn said, opening one eye slowly before the other while silently cursing her headache.

She rolled around for a moment while Applejack searched for her hat. At lengthy internal debate, the Lunar Regent decided to move on with the day. The alicorn moved in a slow gate towards the bathroom. Moon or not, some things had always come first. After a few minutes, Luna moved out onto the balcony where she found Applejack quietly leaning on the rail, her head buried beneath the hat and resting on her crossed forehoofs.

"There is a reason why I don't imbibe often," Luna remarked as she focused her magic towards manifestation. Her regalia seemingly glistened in the moon's waning light.

As her horn sparked to life, it seemed the tiny silver sparkles that defied gravity moved slower than usual. Despite the grogginess and aches engendered from the wine's after effects, it didn't take long to set the moon down for the day. Where Luna had expected a retort from the farmer, she found Applejack was silent. Whether it was from the lack of coffee or something seizing her thoughts, Luna wasn't sure. However, even in her current state, that troubled the Lunar Regent.

"A bit for your thoughts, my friend," Luna offered as she motioned back inside.

Applejack turned an eye towards the Lunar Regent. She wanted to speak her thoughts, but no words were forthcoming. The farmer shook her head gently, as much for her headache as for what she was processing, and turned back inside. As Luna watched the solemn farmer move inside, her own thoughts began to race as she recalled the reverie of the previous night.

The next few hours until breakfast were silent between the two. Luna pressed the farmer for any details she could muster while silent cursing her own stupidity. As much as she treasured Applejack, she remained a slave to her impulses around the farmer. The Lunar Regent wanted to make her apparent transgression right, but was unsure how to set about that. She remained silent with the farmer's namesake because of that fear of ruining what they had. However, if the current incarnation taught her anything, it was to take life as it came and accept what it gave you.

Luna now had come to believe she misunderstood that lesson. Further, she believed she saw her error. Where she had the fear of loss again, she failed to simply relish those experiences the farmer gave her. Hay fries, the banter, "Go Buck Yourself", all if it was an experience to treasure. But in counting on the farmer's accepting nature, had she perhaps pressed that relationship to far?

As the two moved slowly to breakfast courtesy of Fetch and the kitchen staff, Applejack focused more on the Quad Shot then her spinach and hay pancakes. Luna watched her friend as her mind replayed everything. So consumed, she nearly missed the fact that the telltale signals had begun to feed itself to Luna, albeit very weakly.

Luna was ever the embodiment of the moon and Applejack was a part of that for a while. As such, a thought occurred to her. The Lunar Regent tried to use that connection to feel out the moon, seeing if would give her an answer about the suddenly morose farmer. But when the Lunar Regent received what understood to be a coy giggle, a terse expression unintentionally crossed her features.

"Don't glare at me," Applejack said as she returned Luna's cross stare.

"Tis not you, fair Applejack," Luna said as she softened her expression.



"Well, it's good its getting back to ya," Applejack said absently before sipping her Quad Shot.

"Applejack," Luna began, seeing a chance for discourse, "I'm sorry if..."

"It's alright," the farmer said in a tone of finality. The farmer stared at her food, but seemingly lost her appetite. She rose and excused herself from the small table in the Lunar Regent's abode. She snapped her trademark hat in place before moving to the doors

"Applejack?" Luna asked, almost pleading.

"Ah need to be alone," the farmer said as a bit of anger crept into her voice. The farmer pushed passed the doors and into the hallway. The Royal Guard that just came on duty snapped a salute as the Element of Honesty departed down the hallway. Luna watched Applejack depart as her thoughts raced between dread and fascination.


For Applejack, it was hard to focus on the day's meeting. As Luna managed to guide the discussions enough via a mixture of thoughtful looks and measured bluff, the farmer remained quiet. While the various self-important ponies discussed subjects that pertained directly to her, the farmer wasn't focused on the discussion. Applejack left the meeting after a few hours without a word. Luna tried to press on in the farmer's absence, though she had her own difficulties. Between the subject matter and, even more so, the crisis with Applejack she caused, it was hard to continue on.

Luna called meeting not long after Applejack left. Much to her chagrin, she found the Apple was no where within the confines of the castle. She made a few inquires about the farmer's location with the Royal Guards, but none gave any information. The Lunar Regent, not for the first time in her life, felt unease growing in her heart.

After an hour of futility, Luna retreated to the observatory. Each step up the narrow stairwell felt like a trial. When she reached the top of the stairs and finally moved into the room, she seized her quill and ink with her magic and moved to the table to write. The Lunar Regent opened to her last incomplete entry and dipped the feather in the inkwell. She set the quill on the paper and tried to organized her thoughts.

Luna wasn't exactly sure how long she stared at the parchment or even how to begin. The alicorn couldn't shake the regret that clouded her thoughts, the same as it did those years ago. Why were Apples so difficult! She snapped the journal closed in frustration and moved to the couch. She needed space to think and the sofa, rather large by anypony's standards, seemed as good a place as any.

The alicorn set her vast mental faculties to work in three different directions as she laid back. In one direction, she set about cursing her foolishness. In another direction, she set about trying to figure a way to apologize to Applejack for her error and perhaps destroying the friendship between them. The final path she set on was wondering why her subconscious felt the need to reveal everything to the farmer. Luna, for her part, never quite grasped why she loved the farmer. But she knew that she trusted Applejack perhaps more then anypony else. Even Celestia, her sister in eternity, never understood the depths of her heart. Was that it then? Was it she didn't want to withhold anything from the farmer?

Luna rolled on the couch trying to find a comfortable spot. It didn't help that the moon still giggled at her Though It didn't often need to send her pictures, it gave her a mental image of an orange earth pony and dark purple alicorn touching hoofs while sitting in the bough of a tree. Both of their eyes were eyes closed while they leaned in close enough that their lips were nearly touching. The Lunar Regent was being mocked and there was little she could do about it.


It wasn't that Applejack was melancholy or even sad. Between the hangover (of which those induced by wine tends to be the worst) and the nature of the revelations she heard, she needed her own space to think. The farmer found herself milling about the gardens outside. She wanted to find an island of seriousness amidst the sea of frivolity that was her existence and Luna, as much as she cared for the alicorn, wouldn't give her that.

The moon's connection was weak enough that she let her barriers go down to almost nothing. Of course, the lunar body fed her images of a rabbit hugging itself with a goofy smile splayed across its face. The farmer shook her head as she moved among the hedgerows. Applejack found the center of the garden easily enough and moved to the gazebo. She parked herself and simply stared out into nothing as her mind raced.

It wasn't the first time the farmer was without an immediate answer, but never did the stakes feel so dramatic. Against Nightmare Moon, the decision to make her stand as her friends needed her was simple enough. She stood beside the then unknown Twilight Sparkle, even saving her life during a rock slide, because it was what was needed. Discord proved no different when he was let loose in Equestria. However, something the impish God of Chaos said played itself over and over in her mind in her confusion back then.

"When all the truth does is make your heart ache, sometimes a lie is easier to take."

Of course, Discord had employed powerful magic to overcome the Element of Honesty's spirit, to mask her nature from the very Element she embodied. However, after her spirit had finally reasserted itself with aid from Twilight, she let that thought play over in her mind as a safeguard and a lesson in life. When in doubt, be honest about yourself. With that in mind, she allowed herself to look back over her recent history.

Applejack supposed she should have saw it. Between the Lunar Regent's hyperactive innuendos and simple frivolity, the farmer had assumed the Lunar Regent was simply relaxed and being who she was. After all, alicorns were still ponies and everypony needed release in order to be themselves. But as Applejack looked back at everything in that different light, she came to a conclusion. Had she known, it would have changed nothing between them.

"Wouldn't change a thing," Applejack said to herself, some how startled but understanding of it all. The moon still gave her images a rabbit smiling stupidly, but she paid it no heed.

Why though? She understood that she loved her friends and family dearly, but she didn't have that same relationship with them. She would only put up with so much crap from them, but why then did she take by the shovelful from Luna? Applejack pulled the sides of her brim down in frustration. What was the answer? In reality, what did she feel?

It wasn't that she weren't attracted to mares. In truth, she never really cared for which set of pride organs the pony possessed and she even allowed herself the occasional fantasy along those lines. Also, there was the experience a few summers ago with Rainbow when they found an old and untapped barrel of cider. The farmer cleared her throat as she returned her easily distracted mind to its original course.

It was also that she didn't care for the Lunar Regent. For everything Luna had done to her and for all their little adventures, she found herself enjoying the experiences more often then regretting them. So what was it then? Why was she angry? Applejack kicked a bit of snow in front of her. Even Rarity never drew that level of frustration from her. Why now? The line replayed itself in the impish deity's voice as clear as when he uttered it to her.

"When all the truth does is make your heart ache, sometimes a lie is easier to take."

A lot of ponies misunderstood the Element of Harmony she embodied. Most felt that she could never lie and that, no matter what, she could speak only the truth. But it never worked like that. She bluffed and joked and told as many whoppers as the next farmer. However, as she came to understand it, she was the Element of Honesty for single reason. She knew, heart and soul, who she was and would never be anything but that. The fact she was a living lie detector was only an ancillary benefit. Given all that then, what was the point of her bluster? Was she lying to herself about the nature of their relationship? Oddly, that thought didn't disturb her.

The farmer attempted to simplify the complex equation. Luna, intentionally or otherwise, threw the gauntlet down and she needed to respond. What was the response though? She queried the weakened connection to the moon, trying to find some semblance of an answer. For its part, the moon still fed her images of a rabbit hugging itself with a blissful smile. The farmer shook head again and shut it out. Again the line played itself out for her.

"When all the truth does is make your heart ache, sometimes a lie is easier to take."

At length, three choices presented themselves to the farmer. She could tell Luna to jump in the lake, but what purpose would that serve? Sure, she could play out her bluster, but it wouldn't solve the situation. Eventually, the farmer realized that it, in and of itself, would be a lie. She could never do that to Luna and forgive herself.

Applejack considered the second option of simply playing it off as if nothing happened. The farmer shook her head immediately. Whatever life, in its infinite jocularity, threw at her, she kept going. All problems had some resolution and all questions had an answer, but leaving something unaddressed let it become a bigger problem. There would be no way she could leave this hanging between them.

The third option scared her and, perhaps more so, fascinated her. Unintentionally lowering her barriers, the moon fed her the same image of a purple alicorn and orange earth pony touching hoofs and nearly kissing in the bough of a tree. That didn't disturb the farmer either. As the reality of the situation set in, the farmer nodded to herself. Indeed, the third option was the right course. It was the truth. It wasn't simple, but it was what it was, and she would press on.

Applejack took a deep breath and gained her hoofs, fearing and accepting what she now understood all at once. For right or wrong, she would face it. While a lie might mask the situation to keep it simple and allow her to continue as if nothing happened, it wouldn't be the truth; it wouldn't be who she was and it wasn't what her and Luna's relationship was. She wasn't absolutely sure what would happen. But she found the decision, the realization, a bit easier with each step back towards the castle. Of course, she would make Luna pay dearly for doing this to her.


Applejack found Luna a short while later in the observatory. The alicorn's face was a blank slate as she stared at the ceiling. The farmer placed her hat down on the table and moved towards the couch. Luna looked to the farmer and quickly rose.

"Applejack," the Lunar Regent began, "I need to apologize to you."

"For what?" Applejack said while moving to the alicorn.

"I...," Luna said while closing her eyes, finding the words, "I have compromised our friendship and I must..."

"Shut up," Applejack said as she moved towards Luna, gazing into the alicorn's cyan eyes. Luna was trapped again by the terrible, beautiful gaze. The farmer deliberately stalked the Lunar Regent, "Ah'm going to talk and your gonna listen."

"Of...of course," Luna managed to stutter.

On her way to find Luna, the farmer had prepared a grand speech, even planning to extract an oath of silence from the Lunar Regent. However, in gazing into the Lunar Regent's eyes, she forgot all about it. She carried no pretense anymore. The farmer paused a few inches from the Lunar Regent's lips and just looked into her cyan orbs.

Luna wanted nothing more then some utterance of a word from the farmer to break the horrible silence. Where Applejack had told her to remain silent, it was perhaps the only time she ever directly followed an order she was given. Her nerves felt as if somepony had lit a current in her as she took several deep breathes. The Lunar Regent wondered if perhaps Applejack were about to tear her a new plot hole. Not that she would dare to defy the farmer.

The air hung tensely while the Lunar Regent while the butterflies in her stomach fluttered in a riot. The farmer continued to glare at her, as if she were parsing her words for either a furious tirade or, worse, to let her down gently. Where the alicorn had lived for centuries and had experienced the uncertain distress of everything from magical imprisonment to war to decisions that affected the lives of all the ponies that lived under her guidance, she never felt this particular sensation. Somewhere in her mind, she promised to document it for later examination. The one thing she could never do was break that gaze. Even if the world exploded around her, for the millenia of her existence, she could not break that tortuous moment.

Of course the farmer counted on that. Applejack sought every second to extract that much more revenge on the alicorn. Given how everything replayed in her mind, she understood the nature of the relationship and, more importantly, the reasons for Luna's fits of staring.

After torturing the Lunar Regent as much as she dared, Applejack finally pressed the last few inches to Luna's lips, connecting solidly and solidifying the fact she now understood implicitly.

Applejack did love the Lunar Regent.

Luna kept her eyes open as if in shock. She felt as if she were struck by lightning. It took a moment before she closed her eyes and sunk into it. Of course, it only happened after she realized the farmer was not, in fact, going to kill her. The two held the pose for as long moment. As the sunlight continued to stream through the windows of the observatory, Applejack put a hoof to the Lunar Regent's neck, giving it a gentle stroke. Luna, as much as she was stunned, took a deep breath, trying to steady her mind that was ignited by the touch. The farmer finally withdrew after a few minutes. Her eyes retained their uncompromising gaze to the Lunar Regent.

"Mmm....apples," Luna spoke a second after opening her eyes.

Applejack gave Luna a soft smile before moving to the table, seeking to put her hat back on. Luna looked on dumbfounded as she watched the farmer's muscled haunch. In the minds of both the Lunar Regent and the farmer, images of an audience of ponies stared on shocked while stomping and vocalizing their approval.

"Fair Applejack, I shall pay you back for that," Luna finally managed to say.

"For what?" the farmer said as she reseated her prized Stetson.

"For making me wait!" Luna said as she stomped in a fit.

"What ya gonna do?" Applejack said, turning to face her.

"To start with, I shall get an ax," the Lunar Regent threatened.

"Violence begets violence, sugarcube."

"Promises, promises," Luna vowed.

As if to emphasize the point, the Lunar Regent's horn flared to life as she immediately seized the quill set down earlier on the table. For added effect, she willed her eyes to take on the same silver glow as her horn. Giving a powerful flap of her wings, Luna easily closed the distance between them. To her credit, Applejack immediately moved to the opposite side of the table from the "enraged" Lunar Regent.

"You cannot run," Luna's voice took on an electronic tone as she spoke, grinning maniacally.

"Oh, Ah sure as hay can try!" Applejack said.

"I could banish you to the moon, my fair Applejack," Luna teased.

"Uh huh, you do that," the farmer defiantly spoke against the hollow threat.

"Don't think I won't!" the alicorn said. She dropped her fearsome display before continuing in her normal tone, "But I have a question before that comes to pass, if you would indulge me?"

"When don't Ah?" the farmer said as she moved slowly around the table.

"Where does this leave us?" Luna said as she cocked her head to the side inquisitively.

"How about 'day by day'," the farmer said. She closed the last of the gap between them and put a hoof to the alicorn's cheek, "We'll figure the rest out later."

"Fair enough," Luna said softly, leaning into the farmers surprisingly gentle touch as she closed her eyes. Applejack's heart warmed at the scene. A serene smile creased Luna's face, simply enjoying the feeling of everything being right with the world.

The farmer held the hoof there, gently stroking the Lunar Regent's face and taking the bait. Luna quickly willed her horn and eyes to glow again as she pounced the off guard farmer. The earth pony was proud and strong. Indeed, she was the living embodiment of all the traits the earth ponies cherished. But for all her strength, of the body and spirit, she couldn't hold against the might of the alicorn. Not with the forehoofs digging at her ticklish, exposed ribs and the feathered end of the quill brushing lightly across her face.


The train ride back to Canterlot was a calculated move worked out months in advance of the plebiscite in the remnants of the old Crystal Empire. Regardless of the outcome of the vote, the train itself, while slower than a chariot flight back to the seat of Equestria's power, was calculated. Celestia and Luna wanted more than anything to show the ponies in the frozen north that the Diarches were not totally above them. Despite the pomp and circumstance due their station, the sisters were still ponies after all.

In truth, thanks in part to Twilight and Spike's presence, along with some gentle governance from Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, the plebiscite easily passed and a full day shorter then they all anticipated. The train ride had a second benefit as it turned out. Celestia and Twilight spent a fair amount of time simply talking. The Solar Regent, who valued her "faithful student" more than all the trinkets and gold in the Royal Vaults, cherished the time she had.

Indeed, so valued was Twilight that, though she was unaware, she was Celestia's Designate. The alicorn hadn't worked out all the details of when, but Twilight had already proven herself beyond measure. She had mastered every situation thrown at her and brightened Celestia's life by simply being there and being herself.

In many ways, the alicorn mused, Twilight was the embodiment was everything Celestia wanted in a partner. She was caring and unabashed with herself. She was as powerful as Star Swirl and Sombre were all those years ago and, thanks to her friends, more well rounded. Celestia often found herself confiding in her student in ways she never could with Luna. Sure, she was sometimes awkward and had a few bats in her belfry, but that was part of her charm. The only thing Twilight ever wanted was the approval of her mentor and the unicorn, knowingly or not, had it in spades.

Celestia shook her head of the line of thought as Twilight turned another page in her "Chronicles of Star Swirl". Indeed, the unicorn was remarkable, but there would be time for that later. After a brief dinner with Cadence and Shining, the two departed amidst much fanfare. The Diarches long ago accepted that the two would be needed up north, but Celestia planned to remedy the "alicorn" shortage later and another Captain of the Guard could be promoted.

The train had been rolling for hours, with the scenery changing from the ivory rocky landscape of the frozen north to the usual snow lined forests and rolling hills of Equestria proper. In that time, Celestia and Twilight simply gabbed for no purpose other then their own amusement. Spike interjected once in a while, but when it became apparent that the "mare talk" was becoming a bit to much, he excused himself to the sleeping car for some well earned rest.

Though Spike was laid out snoring in the luxurious sleeping car and Twilight was contentedly reading, Celestia wore her placid smile genuinely. It was rare she could bask in the company of, perhaps, her dearest friend and let herself think. Though the conversation died down perhaps an hour ago, Celestia simply basked in the moment. Indeed, it had gone well. Life was good. Yup, nothing was wrong. The previous delays with setting the moon were simply happenstance. Celestia sipped her tea slowly, forcing the questions in the back of her mind.

As the train rolled to a stop in Canterlot, the usual fanfare and pomp played out as the three exited the train. Twilight agreed to stay a few days in the castle before returning to Ponyville and resuming her studies of Friendship. As the escort, led by a Lieutenant named Eager, moved through the winding streets of the capital and approached Canterlot Castle, Celestia was relieved to see it weren't smoldering, let alone having any significant portion blown off.

After escorting Twilight and Spike to their rooms and promising a late lunch with them, the Solar Regent made a few inquires among the Royal Guards about the state of things between Luna and Applejack. Though little information was forthcoming. she was quietly relieved that neither her sister or the Element of Honesty had killed the other. However, being unsatisfied with the lack of information, Celestia moved towards the barracks of the Lunar Guard. In particular, she moved towards the appointed quarters of Silverhawk and Storm Wind, the leaders of the unit.

Before the Solar Regent could knock on the door, a burst of laughter erupted from within. A moment after rapping on the wooden portal, the door opened slowly. Storm Wind, who's eyes and form were that of a normal pegasus outside the enchantment of his armor, gave sharp inhale as she realized who the inquirer was and snapped a salute.

"Fly fatarse, fly!" erupted from the speakers on the projector, causing a belly laugh from the mirthful Silverhawk. Celestia cleared her throat.

"This had better be important, Zealous," the leader of the Lunar Guard snapped without bothering to look at the door, "You know we don't have a rank of Sub Private, but I can invent it."

"Not so important really, but I do have a question," Celestia remarked as she peered at the leader of the Lunar Guard. Silverhawk didn't even bother to breath as he set the popcorn aside before rising to attention. The Solar Regent kept a bemused smile on her face as the Lunar Guard's leader snapped ridged. His face went pale, but he held his composure.

"My apologies, Your Highness," Silverhawk said, never turning his amber eyes from the Solar Regent, "I was not expecting...I should have..."

"It's alright. I do not wish to intrude and what in the name of Tartarus are you watching?" Celestia said as her mind deviated from its course. A rotund earth pony, decked in a costume worthy of a comic book, streaked across the screen.

"It's called 'Malltrots', Your Highness."

"I see," Celestia said slowly, hoping Spike would never become a fan of it. She returned to her previous line of thought, "Have you seen my sister and Applejack these past few days?"

"Of course, Your Highness," Silverhawk said, his wings resolutely still at his side, "All is well."

"Have they..." Celestia said, picking her words carefully, "hurt each other or done anything odd I should be aware of?"

Silverhawk remained at attention. Storm Wind, to his credit, never broke his forward facing glare, despite feeling very naked without his armor and helmet. Silverhawk was deciding his course. Of course, he wrote the memo not log after witnessing the two interact. His first duty was Equestria, but his first devotion was to the Lunar Regent. As such, when his memo made the rounds, he was rather stern in its wording in protecting her and Lady Applejack's privacy. But with the Solar Regent began dressing him down with that tranquil stare, he grew conflicted.

"No, Your Highness," the veteran said at length after deciding that the term "odd" had relative meaning, "There was nothing out of the ordinary."

"I see," Celestia smiled placidly, understanding the truth was just bent. But she'd try not to hold it against him, "Carry on then."

"Thank you, Your Highness," Silverhawk said as the alicorn shut the door. As the rotund earth pony apparently missed his target and spectacularly crashed for his efforts, the two pegasi looked at each other before shrugging. Celestia as moved through the halls easy enough, shaking her head and wondering if she should personally review the selection of Moollywood flicks available from the Royal Library.

The Solar Regent made due course for Luna's abode. It was nearly time to raise the moon and she would see it done on time. As the Royal Guards snapped a salute when Celestia approached, she smiled and nodded deference to the guardsponies. As she approached the door, she willed her magic into being, summoning a spell of magical silence around herself. Whatever her sister was up do, she wanted to see it firsthoof.

Slowly opening the door, Celestia peaked about inside the abode. Where the silence prevented any sound from escaping the perimeter she maintained, sounds could creep in. Like many of the spells the sisters used, this one had its uses. As she shut the door behind her, Celestia noticed Luna's bed covers flinging about wildly. Luna yelped once as her horn picked up the sheets, forming an odd fabric point. She giggled before diving back down into the morass of tumbling bedding.

Celestia, if she bothered to look, would have recognized Applejack's hat on the far side of the abode next to Luna's slippers. However, she was so focused on catching her sister doing...whatever, she missed it. Quickly dropping the magical silence, she willed her telekinetic grip to seize the covers. In a great flourish, she ripped them aside and let them go. Where she expected perhaps a line of half snorted white powder or disheveled stallion of the night, she wasn't expecting what she saw.

Luna, aside from her wearing of Applejack's Stetson, was without any of her usual regalia. Instead, those were strewn about the laid out farmer. The two were in an suggestive (and compromising) position, with Luna apparently holding down Applejack, to which the farmer wasn't apparently putting up much resistance. Spots of moist fur were all about the two as if they were licked or kissed or whatever else an imagination prone to hyperbole could drum up. Both the ponies turned a startled look to the equally startled Solar Regent.

"Tia! This isn't...." Luna began to say to her dumbfounded sister. After a moment, she shook her head and corrected herself with a click of her tongue, "You know, yes, this is what it looks like."

"Don't ya knock?" Applejack said a bit harsher than she intended. Luna's crown sat leaning to one side of her head added to the ridiculous scene

"I am...sorry?" the Solar Regent slowly said. Whether from the sheer absurdity of the scene, Luna's blunt admission, or Applejack's accusatory tone, she was left without words. The three stared at each other for a few moments while Celestia apparently forgot about the raising of the moon on time.

"Sister, if you would be so kind?" Luna said, adding some emphasis by motioning her head towards the door.

"Right," Celestia said, carrying the same expression as she moved out the door, "....carry on then."

Luna grinned. She seized the covers with her magic as the doors closed, allowing the earth pony versus alicorn war to continue in all its glory. Applejack was more than a willing participant as the battle resumed, quite determined to seize back her hat. For her part, the Lunar Regent didn't fault the farmer's logic one bit.