• Published 28th Oct 2012
  • 3,183 Views, 108 Comments

What The Night Remembers - TCSNxs

After a successful festival for Nightmare Night, Luna comes to terms with a pony she feels a longing for, both in the past and in the present. What happens when she realizes she isn't just waxing nostalgia?

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3. As The Night Turns

What The Night Remembers
By: TCSNxs

Chapter Three
As The Night Turns

So I shall grant that the melodramatic nature of serial
plays add nothing to the advancement of the mechanics
of Theater. Nothing is added to the advance of acting
or the tremendous revelations like those of Neighspeare.
But it does serve to draw a continued interest
of an audience, due to its character development
and the simple "What happens next?" maxim.
In that ideal, the advancement of Theater
is served as a whole because of the interest it engenders.
~ Excerpt from Eggbert's "Treatise For The Screenwriter"

Applejack and Luna left Sugarcube Corner not long after a rush arrived. The sun was just past its high point and the temperature was pleasant for autumn. Though they picked the most direct route back to Sweet Apple Acres, the two weren't in too much of a hurry. Luna was still in the midst of her glamor spell, complete with the large, pink round rimmed sunglasses.

"Applejack, I was curious as to something," Luna queried.

"The answer's yes," Applejack remarked offhoofedly while lazily looking over a few merchant stalls they were passing.

"To what?"

"You're a pain in my haunch."

"Besides that, and it's such a lovely haunch," Luna smiled, finding herself doing that a lot lately, "but if I may be serious for a moment."

"Are ya ever?"

"You wound me," Luna spoke with a dramatic sigh.

"Wouldn't be a first," Applejack replied dryly. She canted her head to the disguised Lunar Regent as she continued, "What's on your brain?"

"I need an honest opinion. I find myself partial to these sunglasses," Luna explained as she paused. She raised a hoof to the large pink glasses, pulling them off her face a bit, "Tell me, do you think they'd go well with my royal regalia?"

"Sugarcube, you wear a chest plate, slippers, and a crown," Applejack quipped, "Are ya hoping to next Lady BaaBaa?"

"Not quite. But my normal colors are so...dark."

"Ya could brighten up your wardrobe, but Ah don't think those goggles y'all call 'sunglasses' will work."

"Maybe I could get a hat then," Luna said as she glanced to her friend, "May I try yours on?"

"Give me your horn and we'll talk about it," Applejack replied as she met Luna's gaze.

"I'm afraid I'm rather attached to it, fair Applejack."

"Mah point exactly." Applejack smiled softly. Luna let it go as she and the farmer both chuckled.

They drew to the edge of Ponyville. Both ponies were surprisingly quiet though they were enjoying the company of the other. Applejack seemed to be working something over in her mind as well, but Luna decided to let her be. She was due back in Canterlot prior to dusk to resume her Night Court. In short, tedium would become her life yet again.

As the two approached Sweet Apple Acres, Silverhawk approached the Princess, bowing both to Luna and Applejack, "Your Highness, Lady Applejack," he said as he rose before turning his gaze to Luna, "The town appears normal and most of the guards have returned home."

"Very good," Luna spoke, "Did our guests return home safely?" Luna knew it was rhetorical, but she felt it important to ask.

"Yes, Your Highness. As well, there was a note left with those that seemed less than awake, explaining what happened. It seemed prudent so there would be no misunderstandings."

Luna nodded with his reasoning. "Thank you, Silverhawk. Return to Canterlot at your discretion. I shall see you tonight."

"Your Highness," Silverhawk nodded. He spread his leathery wings and took to the air.

"Seems a likeable sort," Applejack remarked.

"Perhaps, though I fear the wings are a bit gaudy."

"Ya ain't looked in the mirror lately, have ya?"


Luna felt betrayed. The box said "Doubly quick, easy, and fun!" Instead, she ran through three of the four boxes of hay fries, burned all the contents of them, and spent a better part of an hour trying to make a simple dish. Applejack was thoroughly amused by the situation while black smoke filled the kitchen.

"Are ya done yet?" Applejack teased.

"I should launch an investigation into these claims," Luna stomped a hoof, "Surely they are false. The fun has not been..."

"Sugarcube, let me do it," the farmer cut her off as she strode into the kitchen. Luna stepped away from the scene of her failure. Applejack picked up a hot pad, than the pan with her teeth and took it over to the sink.

"This is why I have others do the cooking," Luna admitted sheepishly.

"Your special talent's raisin' the moon, not makin' lunch," Applejack offered as she worked to clean the burned pan.

"Perhaps, but I have lived for thousands of years, have seen the rise and fall of empires long since turned to dust, and I control celestial bodies in the vast emptiness of space," Luna was gradually rising to a crescendo as she spoke, "You'd think I could make a simple appetizer!"

"Well, if ya raise the moon as well as ya cook, it's a wonder we ain't been killed yet." Applejack set the pan back on the stove top and poured some oil into it. Letting it heat for a bit, she turned to Luna, "Don't fret none."

"I'm not," Luna parked herself on the floor with a look of exasperation, "It's just there are still things I've yet to master that I should."

"Darlin', ya got all the time ya need. No reason to rush such things when there isn't a need."

"Are you saying I'm slow? That I can't adapt?" spoke the Luna Regent, as if challenging the farmer.

"Ah'm saying Ah'm afraid when the rabbit at the controls in your head starts pushin' buttons," Applejack absently remarked as she turned back to the stove. Judging the oil to be hot enough, she emptied the last remaining box of hay fries into the pan. The oil spattered in protest as the farmer hoofed a spatula through the fries to ensure an even coating while the fries sizzled in the hot oil.

Luna strode next to the Applejack, watching the deep frying with some fascination. The two stood for a moment before a bubble of oil grew out of proportion to its structural integrity. It popped, sending some of the hot oil flying onto Luna's snout. The Lunar Regent hopped back in protest.

"Vile machination of Discord!" Luna's horn began glowing in an ominous light. Applejack just ignored her as she set a colander in the sink. Returning to the store, she grabbed a hot pad in her mouth and then grabbed the pan. Luna looked set on the verge of an explosion as Applejack emptied the fries into the colander and set the pan to one side.

"Rabbit. Buttons. Bad." Applejack said, shaking her head a bit while chuckling.

"Dear Applejack," Luna's eyes took on something of a silver glow themselves, "Be afraid. Be very afraid."

"Ah don't think so."

The farmer worked the fries back and forth while applying an ample amount of salt to them. Luna let her magic die away. She and began to pout, "Why not? All I crave is your fearful devotion."

The farmer moved the hay fries into a basket and set them on the table, "It's just hard to take a pony seriously when they envy Prench Maids, are obsessed with bananas, and fear cookin' oil."

"Fair Applejack, you wound me again."

"Bleed for me, sugarcube."

The two ponies sat at the table and worked over the fries in their own way; Applejack with her hoof and Luna with her magic. The Princess was a little surprised by the harsh taste of the salt, but once her taste buds worked past it, she found the texture and plainness of the hay a pleasant back drop to the vigor of the salty exterior. Luna fluttered her eyes again.

"Maybe I should have these added as part of the menu in the castle," Luna spoke in her tasty daze.

"Good, aren't they?" Applejack smiled a bit, swallowing some of the fries she's been working on.

"That is an understatement. The fun has been restored to its previous levels."

"Not doubled?"

"I fear not. The oil did leave a scar that I fear may never heal."

Applejack looked over the Princess, "Ya look fine to me."

"Emotional scar, my friend," Luna said absently as she seemed to be analyzing the fry, as if trying to determine what chemical composition made it just that good.

"Ya'll be fine.'

"If you would be kind enough to wear the maid outfit again, I may perhaps heal," Luna spoke with a mock sadness, "Maybe."

"Ah got more oil," Applejack warned as snapped the end off another fry.


The castle's throne room was empty for the most part. The high arched windows let in an ample amount of moonlight into the marbled hall. Sculptures and tapestries lined the walls in a few spots. High on a raised dais, Luna tried not look bored of it all from her throne. An empty one for her sister was next to her's while Silverhawk and Storm Wind were on either side of the thrones.

"As you can see, Princess, we must be wary," spoke a unicorn with a poofy mane. His squinty eyes darting about as his voice grated on Luna's nerves, "Unless this infestation of Humans is controlled, Equestria will fall!"

"Indeed. A very compelling argument Mr. Trotkalos," Luna replied, forcing herself to sound interested, "Though I was led to believe that Humans were an old mare's tale?"

"They aren't! I can prove it!"

"No need. I shall have the Royal Librarian try to corroborate your findings. Until then, my guards will keep a wary eye. Will this be satisfactory?"

"Quite, Your Highness," the unicorn said as he broke into a bow with a big smile, "Thank you again!"

Luna just nodded as the petitioner was escorted from the hall, more for the unicorn's safety than anything else.

"Your Highness, that was the last of the petitioners," spoke Luna's majordomo. The wizened looking unicorn looked up from his scroll, "I do believe that concludes the matters for the evening."

Luna sighed despite herself. She had kept one night per week open to any who sought a royal audience and quickly learned to regret that decision. Regardless, Applejack thought it would be good for public relations to have royalty accessible should anypony find the need, and Luna found it hard to disagree with her logic.

"Good then. If there is nothing else, the court is set for the evening," Luna said. She intensely disliked the proclamation, but protocol was as eternal as alicorns.

The guards and majordomo bowed before taking their leave. Luna took her leave as well, trotting down off the dais and through a large set of double doors. Canterlot Castle had many winding halls, making it seem like a maze. It took Luna a while to learn the layout well enough to find her way without an escort. Eventually, she found her way to her private abode. A few of her Lunar Guard bowed and opened the way for the princess.

Luna found herself completely bored of it all. Prior to Luna's banishment, she and Celestia took on direct responsibility for the running of the country. After Luna's exile, Celestia designated authority to an increasing number of ponies as Equestria grew in population and geographical size. Otherwise, the day to day minutiae of governing the country would bury even an alicorn. Of course, the princesses always had the final say, but most times they deferred to the various ministers and magistrates. As such, her title and station seemed merely ceremonial for the most part. She could still pass decrees, make laws and such, but the government mostly ran itself. This left the Princess with a sense of ennui.

Luna looked about her circular abode. A large four post bed with a crescent moon stitched into the center of the bed set dominated the room. A roll top desk, various bookshelves and nicknacks took up most of the available space along the wall. A large fireplace was placed opposite of a doorway to her bathroom while a balcony, to which Luna strode, was opposite the bed. The chill autumn air nipped on her face, but she didn't mind.

"Rut it all," she called under her breath. Luna felt frustrated. It had been a week since she left the company of Applejack and Ponyville and she felt out of sorts. A part of her wanted to leave everything behind, but she knew she had a commitment to keep to her sister and to Equestria.

"Problem, sister?" Luna heard a familiar voice speak behind her.

"Tis nothing, Tia," Luna addressed Celestia as the Solar Regent walked up next to her, settling her wings to her side, "Just humans getting to me."

Celestia gave her sister a quizzical look, "I'm sorry, but did you say humans?"

"Forget it," Luna sighed again, "I just feel off balance is all."

Celestia remained silent, staring off to the west towards Ponyville in her own stoic way.

"I find myself at odds with my station," Luna remarked finally. Celestia nodded, apparently understanding the feeling while Luna continued, "How does one find time to be themselves when they are stuck in the proverbial tower?"

Celestia looked to her sister with a compassionate gaze, "You just have to make due and find the time when you can, such as this past Nightmare Night."

Luna nodded, somehow taking comfort and fearing the answer at the same time. Logic had that effect, "I just miss our friends in Ponyville."

"You need to find balance between the needs of our little ponies and of ourselves, though such a fulcrum is difficult to find," Celestia offerred

"'The needs of 'our little ponies'," Luna couldn't help but chuckle as she went on, "Tia, the place practically runs itself. I believe we could disappear for years and the government will still run on rails."

"You'd think. But between Blueblood, Typhoon, and Stone, they'd find a way to run Canterlot into the ground within three days, if not start a civil war," Celestia spoke, referring to the heads of the Royal Houses of the Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth Ponies respectively.

"Perhaps you are right," Luna remarked, "Still though, the mind does need a break. How do you manage it all nowadays?''

"I've found personal time to spend with Twilight helps a great deal," Celestia spoke at length, figuring that since Luna was opening herself up, it would be prudent to do the same, "She tended to help drown away the tedium of watching over Equestria while you were...away. Lately, I've missed her a great deal. As such, I've learned to simply enjoy the time we have. It's enough to help keep perspective."

"Is it?" Luna remarked as she looked out west, "It seems that so much has changed and yet I haven't." Silence remained between the sisters for a while. Celestia believed she knew the source of the sister's dour mood.

"You miss Applejack, don't you?" Celestia said, driving the point home.


"Brother, ain't no use in hidin' it," Applejack spoke with as much sternness as she could muster. Mac had kept himself on the farm for a solid week without saying a word to anypony. The harvest was finished at least, so Applejack finally had a chance to confront her older sibling. She caught him in the barn while the rest of the family way was away in town.

"Nope. She's a friend and that's it," Mac said as shook his head emphatically.

"Mac, ya know Ah can tell when your lying, right?"

"Eeyup," Big Mac answered and sighed. If it wasn't because she was the Element of Honesty, it'd be because she was his sister. After Nightmare Night, he just wanted to go about his life. His pest of a little sister had other plans though.

"Then ya need to ask her out and get outta your funk," Applejack offered, "Ain't no harm in askin' her on one date."

Mac thought about it. He felt so unlike himself as of late. He was a stallion bred of a practical wisdom, but sometimes an outside prospective helped things along.

"Ain't ya gonna say anything?"

"Sorry sis, Ah just was afraid Ah'd taken advantage of Miss Fluttershy is all," Mac confessed. He smiled a little bit, glad to get it off his massive, but gentle shoulders.

Applejack nearly laughed despite the levity she meant to bring to the situations, "Mac, ya ought to see her when the girls get together for 'Mares Night Out'. She ain't prim and shy all the time. But she deserves a good stallion in her life though and Ah know she's sweet on you."

Mac resumed his blank gaze, but there was a sparkle in his eye that Applejack was used to.

"Look, all Ah'm saying is there ain't no harm in havin' dinner with a friend at least," Applejack said, "If it were to go somewhere, than fine. If not, no harm done. Either way, ya know for sure."

It didn't take Mac to know her logic was sound. He wrapped a forehoof around his sister. Applejack leaned into the hug for a moment. Mac let it go and took a deep breath, "Maybe Ah should go talk with her."

"Probably a good idea. Would ya remind her of dinner at Twi's tomorrow?"

"Eeyup," Mac cantered out of the barn, leaving Applejack by herself. What she said was the truth, Fluttershy had a crush on her brother for a while. She even saw a pair of yellow wings shoot out of a bush a time or two during Applebuck Season when her brother was working the trees nearest to the Fluttershy's cottage.

Applejack sauntered out of barn and found herself looking to the moon. It was still early, though she felt tired. The last week seemed no different than any other. Still, she found that she missed the company of Lunar Regent. Such thoughts left an ache she couldn't quite place.


"Of course I miss her," Luna balked at the question, "She is a dear friend."

Celestia broke her stoic smile into a full smirk, "Is she now, Luna?"

"What are you getting at?" Luna said as she turned a suspicious eye to her elder sister.

"All I'm saying is that you depend on her far more than you realize."

"Tia, I don't have time..."

"Of course you do," Celestia blurted as she moved, blocking her sister's exit into the bedroom, "Look, your campaign to ingratiate yourself to Equestria via 'fun' was largely her idea, right?

"Yes, but..."

"And I know that think the world of her," Celestia was gathering steam now, "Before you started finding more time to spend in Ponyville, and Applejack in particular, you were morose, distant and melancholy. Now look at you. Always staring fondly out west and you've even grown to like apple juice."


"You used to think apple juice was a 'vile machination of Discord', remember?"

"I admit I've grown to like it," Luna spoke with a defiant pose, "But what are you saying?"

"All I'm saying is that she is more than 'a friend' to you."

Luna moved to speak, but found her words died in her throat. Everything Celestia said was true. She didn't realize how much she'd come to depend on the farmer, even just simple company in what downtime she had. She liked the other Elements well enough. They were indeed her friends, but she found a completeness of mind with Applejack.

"Is that...Is that wrong?" Luna squeaked. She felt herself in a vulnerable situation. Indeed, for the Lunar Regent, it was a peculiar sensation.

"Hardly," Celestia nuzzled her sister as she went on, "It is simply something to acknowledge and work with. She is special to you. Perhaps as a best friend, like another sister, or something else? That's for you to decide."

Luna looked over to the moon at that moment, "Now it becomes awkward. Thanks Tia."