• Published 7th Nov 2012
  • 12,603 Views, 108 Comments

My Dear Shy - Keeper-of-Harmony

An isolate-loving man uncovers something that'll change his discourteous life for the better.

  • ...

My Dear Shy

The jarring siren of the alarm clock startled me from a sound sleep, blaring annoyingly like it usually does each and every one of my mornings, and I brutally smash my fist down onto it repeatedly until the noise was silenced.

I initiated by kicking the comforter off of me and sat up against the bed's headboard, cupping a hand over my mouth as a stifling yawn escaped me. As per tradition to the morning routine, I stretched both arms, swung my legs to the side and stepped on the cloudy-white soft carpet. I then groggily made my way toward the mirror closet, meanwhile passing by a short white dresser my now abused alarm clock stands on.

After having a self-reflective stand-off with my mirrored counterpart, I slid the closet doors open, where inside I first noticed a coal-black suit-jacket and pants hanging on a hanger amongst the many other clothes. Exiting the bedroom, with the jacket and pants folded in arms, I hobbled along the narrow hallway towards my humble kitchenette. Laying the clothes on a kitchen chair, I opened a nearby cupboard where there's a myriad of mugs from which to choose: some of red, blue, white, or ones that have "Good Morning" scribbled on the side.

I closed my eyes as another dry yawn escaped my lips. I decided a plain white mug and closed the cabinet.

While waiting patiently for the brewing coffee, I took a momentary glance through the kitchen window to admire the seemingly endless flowery slopes, watching the brisk morning sun rising from the mountainous horizon as it painted the cloudless yonder a brilliant hue of orange. Off to the side there were plentiful towering maple trees in need of desperate trimming partially blocking the view.

Once the coffee was done, I grabbed the full pot by the handle, poured the mild stuff into the chosen mug and chugged down the black bitterness. Without delay, and ready for the day, I slipped on the suit and pants and headed out the front door. I fished out a pair of jingly keys from my left pocket and locked the door behind. I proceeded into my black BMW, ignited the roaring engine with a twist of a key, and drove the ten mile commute to work.

Prior to my journey, I dove a hand under my car seat and pulled out a compact disc album: 'Disturbed - Asylum'. I inserted the CD into the stereo's disc drive. I sat waiting as the stereo read the disc. Suddenly, the speakers boomed loud up to the point where my seat was vibrating.

"Yeah, this is my jam!" I shouted to no one in particular as I bopped to the rhythm.

The big city where I'm heading, really a metropolis, that I once declared invigorating and prosperous, has lately been feeling like a daily struggle of survival. Crime is everywhere on a regular basis and escalating. Many former businesses that used to run our economic culture are in run-down conditions with the streets lined by homeless beggars roaming about with trash-filled grocery carts.

Such a pitiful state this town has become. It fits with the melancholic (yet true) lyrics of 'Another Way to Die' currently playing.

While mouthing to the lyrics, a fellow driver's loud horn from behind abruptly snapped me back to attention. I stomped on the brake pedal and made a screeching halt right before a red light signal. A good thing, too, because if it weren't for that honk I probably would have gotten a ticket. Showing the honker my deepest gratitude, I rolled down the window and flipped him the bird.

The driver behind honked several more times. I just kept on smiling.

As I waited for the signal, while drumming my fingers against the steering wheel to the song's beat, a withering, bearded man in putrid rags for clothing stood on the paved sidewalk to the right of me. He just stood there, staring at me intently, and I wasn't sure what I should do or what he expected me to do.

The poor man staggered a foot closer, holding both his smudged palms out so flat that one can stand a wine glass on. "Can you spare some change?" he begged in a raspy voice.

Without thinking it over, I obliged by dropping a handful of metal coins into his dirty hands. Soon as the light has turned green, I quickly drive off, snickering hysterically knowing I've given the poor fool outdated arcade tokens.

Work isn't much different. Being a journalist means a person has to write factual events that are then printed in the local newspaper. I, on the other hand, scribble gossip just for the amusement of ruining other people's lives. Cruel, sure, but it certainly reels the money in. Luckily my boss favors me, otherwise I would have been fired several years ago

At home I often pretend to have a second career as an author - sitting down writing countless pages of fictional tales in my home's office; pages that mostly end up scrapped or shredded, anyway. My office surroundings are simple at best: a cheap computer desk, a banker's lantern and an old laptop used for billing payments. I sometimes read my old "Gamer's" magazines there too, but I abandoned the habit of gaming many years ago. Which was why I had those tokens (recalling the homeless man earlier from today). Still, reading magazines certainly is better than reading the newspapers. To me at least.

Whenever frustration would hit me, so would a writing block, causing me to lounge on the brown couch in the living room and watch cartoon shows to ease my tension. I have adored cartoons ever since I was little, and they've been a part of my life even now that I'm fully grown. Growing older, though, I realized they're practically another useless habit like my dreams of becoming a writer. Regardless, they seem to help drive my frustrations away.

The grandfather clock residing in the living room sang its musical chimes at nine in the afternoon, notifying me that it was time for bed. On cue I turned everything off as I walked to my bedroom. Preparing for the nightly ritual, I brushed my teeth, donned on a pair of old-worn flannel pajamas and slide under my cozy sheets. Just like that, I drifted into deep slumber.


The morning sun ascended from one end of earth's unreachable edge and glared me with its scorching gaze.

Groaning, I kicked the comforters off and started the diurnal course by taking a warm shower. After getting dressed, I sat at the kitchen table eating a bowl of Apple Jacks and a cup full of orange juice for breakfast. Later, about an hour before it was time for work, I clattered the empty bowl into the sink and peered out the window. There, I saw ominous-looking storm clouds a couple miles beyond approaching my house. It's strange, since the weather channel's forecast on TV yesterday said today was going to be clear and sunny. I wondered why I even check the weather forecast, they mostly never get it right.

My smartphone in my suit's pen pocket spontaneously chimed the Super Mario theme.

Answering it, I greeted with an instinctive "Hello, sir," knowing the digits on my smartphone's screen was my boss' number.

Turned out that my boss knows about the upcoming storm and strongly suggested I'd remain indoors until it subsides. He then hung up afterward. That being said, and with nothing better to do, I slouched on the living room couch watching more cartoons to my heart's content. Whenever my phone rings it's usually a surprise, because the way how I treat others so poorly I have no friends with which to talk to. There are random moments when my foster mother calls with the typical parental wonderment of how I'm doing. Other than that there's nobody else. I don't find being anti-social problematic -- it's one of the sole reasons I live miles away from civilization.

Throughout more than half of the day, I'm still lying on the sofa watching a rerun episode of Spongebob Squarepants.

Surely there's something else interesting to watch. I've already seen the popular shows of Cartoon Network, Disney, and now Nickelodeon, I spoke in thought.

Sitting upright with a remote in hand, I surfed channel after channel, looking for anything of interest. After a few clicks, I stumbled on an unfamiliar network called 'The Hub'. In my years I've heard of their board games, but never did I know they have their own public network. Pondering on the subject, I settled in for what this newly found host has to offer.

I didn't care what HUB pitched at me, just so as long as I'm entertained nothing else mattered.

Time escaped me as I found few of their features entertaining. Although I have seen better. During the boring commercials, my stomach protested loudly for food. I rushed into the kitchen with a developed craving for a ham sandwich. Paying astute attention to assembling the ingredients (much like you would when creating a masterpiece), I heard The Hub's announcement of its premier program from the kitchen, so I hasted completing my edible work of art and returned to the scheduled programming for which I was curious.

To my wicked surprise, the show -- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- popped up on screen and started playing its intro. I immediately cringed from the sight of it.

"Yeah..." I said, cringing at the girly display. "Not happening.

I reached an arm out for the remote control to change the channel, but for some inexplicable reason an unknown force refrained me from grabbing it. I fought to bring myself back up, but found that I was unable to budge a single muscle. What twisted paranormal activity has succumbed me to this abominable program? I just couldn't put my finger on it.

Something even stranger occurred. A timid, buttery-yellow pony character on the flat screen immediately caught my attention. Her piercing blue eyes, her pink mane, and her shy voice altogether somehow hypnotized me into a trance. I watched as the show went on, learning that the yellow pegasus pony's name was Fluttershy. I had lost myself blankly staring at her, and I couldn't take my eyes away from her even if I tried.

That was until the loud booming thunder outside snapped me out of my stupor. Regaining self-control, I swiped the remote and killed the television quickly as possible.

I haven't the slightest idea of what transpired. It was quite the mystery to untangle. I suddenly remembered the sandwich creation being prepared just before the show, therefore I made a mental note: I ought to be careful how much I use of my "special" secret sauce. It sufficed as a reasonable explanation of my programming choices.

Time ticked away as the relentless storm continued pelting my house with its devastating downpour. As if things couldn't get any worse, a lightning bolt struck nearby, and my whole house fainted to a total power outage. Without electricity or television, I had to resort to using the wifi-hotspot on my smartphone and fully charged laptop to sign-in online as another means of getting through the night.

Browsing YouTube, I bothered listening to some Dead Island Trailer music with the rain and thunder raging outside. They complimented each other so perfectly. Makes the mood even more somber.

But the same can't be said of the comments section. Turns out that 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' somehow burrows itself being related to this video. 'My Little Dashie'? 'Save Derpy'? 'Brony Community'?. This absurdity had me scoffing at every bit of it.

The lightning's flash outside startled me that I jumped so abruptly I almost fell off my swivel chair. Then, the mighty storm instantaneously lifted as the house's power sparks back to life when a lightbulb above me flickered on. Finally with returned power, I left the office and attended the living room with the intention of watching more cartoons, but I stopped in the middle of the hallway when a viable thought occurred.

'When was the last time I did any chores?'

Responsibility and laziness initiated a war within my brain; fighting as to whether I'd do chores or do nothing. The mental war soon was declared over by responsibility's ultimate triumph. That being resolved I noted down a small checklist, having the garage as the first to-do chore. In the brightened hallway, I stood in front of the garage's door and twisted the brass knob clockwise. Cracking it open, a repulsive stench coming from inside flowed out. An odor so foul that I gagged by barely sniffing it. I masked my nose with my shirt's collar and proceeded inwards.

"Goddamn it's dark in here!" I yelled. The pitch darkness shrouded my field of vision, so I slithered a hand on the wall to my left for a light switch. I flicked the light switch and to my dismay the bulb flickered before it gave out. "Piece of junk..."

It was fortunate I carry a pocket-sized flashlight for occasions such as this. I crept as I could barely see, finding myself squinting with pure adrenaline driven to concentration. Coming upon a furniture amidst the shadows, I discovered it to be an old oak table with an assortment of cardboard boxes stacked on top of it. Looking into them, there were all sorts of miscellaneous items not worthy remembering or attaching a name to. Exploring through the useless junk I did happen to find a 'Linkin Park' album. Man it's been ages since I last listened to them. I don't know if they still make music anymore. Regardless, I tossed it back into the rubbish and resumed scavenging with less vigor.

Having no absolute luck finding anything else, I sighed in discouragement.

Not much else to do, I tapped my white adidas against the furniture's leg several times. All of a sudden the leg snaps, breaking in two, then all the boxes and table horribly came crashing down creating a huge ruckus.

"Son of a..." I muttered angrily. "Now I gotta pick this junk up."

Then, I heard a squeaking sounds coming from the darkest corner of the garage. I presumed it was mice. Yet despite the case I delved deeper towards the noise's whereabouts. The more I ventured, the thicker the horrid stench became. I dared to think something might have died in here. I continued my advance until my foot bumped into something. I shone a light down and saw it was a sealed cardboard box. It was peculiar that this box was liberated from the rest, but it didn't matter since the infernal squeaking I've been listening for was coming from inside.

I still clinged on to the presumption that it might be a nest of mice. My curiosity however got the best of me, making me assume there's something else. As I prepared to open the flaps, I heard the grandfather clock's chimes go off from the living room. Because I wanted to stay perfectly on my schedules, I stood up and walked away, leaving the cardboard cuboid unopened. I figured I'd clean up the mess tomorrow. It's not going anywhere, far as I knew.


Hours later, at midnight precise, I was tossing and turning underneath my sheets. I awoke with a yawn, and looked to the alarm clock, only to growl that the numbers were scrambled. I groaned, knowing I have to go out and buy another damn alarm clock.

Since I was up, with a dry tongue to boot, I decided I'd get a cool refreshment. I slid out of bed and went into the kitchen to drink an icy-cold glass of water. I smacked my lips in satisfaction after I had gulped down the whole glass in seconds, and with that being settled I headed straight back to bed. But before I've gotten the chance to sleep, the confounded cardboard box was on my mind, and no matter how I thought it was nothing out of the ordinary, my curiosity was nagging me to check it out.

After several failed attempts resisting, I got up marching out of the bedroom with a flashlight in hand. As I entered the garage, tracking back where I previously found the box, I was perplexed as to why I dragged myself out here just to see what this box contained. For all I knew, there could be a variety of things that aren't worth value.

Regardless, whatever's inside, opening it was the only way I can have some closure so I can get back to bed.

I knelt down and leaned closer while clenching the flashlight between my teeth, opening flap by flap with my free hands. By removing two already can I see something... furry and small, like a puppy almost. As I removed the third flap, that's when my heart skipped a beat when I recognized the buttery-yellow colored fur reflecting from the light. I grew hesitant lifting the final lid, but when I did, I was baffled beyond belief. Left in absolute shock, eyes widened, I wanted to believe it was some sort of hallucination so I can say I'm not going crazy.

What I saw before my own eyes was an actual... filly. A cartoon filly to be exact. You can even see the outlines those cartoon characters have. This was scientifically impossible! A fictional cartoon character, here, sleeping inside a cardboard box in my garage! And coincidentally it happened to be that Fluttershy character...

Normally I know very well things like this can only happen in a dream which I must I must be having. If this was a dream I'm claiming it to be, then why can't I shake off the ominous feeling that this was pure reality?

I brought myself together from my stupor as a question came to mind. 'Could the storm not too long ago have anything to do with this?'

Exposed to the cold atmosphere, Fluttershy awoke with a shiver. First her eyelids slowly opened to reveal those abnormally-big orbs of hers, then she perked her head up to me. Our eyes met, and for a while we just stared at each other - with me gazing down at her as she quietly trembled, probably due to my intimidating size, that or maybe she thinks I'll eat her.

I broke the awkward silence by being the first to speak, "Uh... hi?"

The filly yelped and buried her face to a corner of the box, refusing to turn back around or make another glance. To show I meant no harm, I brought an index finger and brushed her mane which caused her to whimper. I retracted my hand and sighed.

"Well, much as I'd like to stay but uh..." I said, scratching the back of my head. "I'll be on my merry way. Hopefully by tomorrow you'll be gone and I can gladly say that this was all just a nightmare."

I stood up, and slowly walked toward the exit without giving the box another glance. Before I got to the door, I heard a faint thud behind. I spun around to point the flashlight back at the source of the sound to find that the box was tipped over and the filly that used to be inside wasn't anywhere to be traced. I started when something clamped itself to my leg. I peered down to discover the missing filly, trembling, with all four of her hooves wrapped around my leg, squeezing them as she possibly can like her life depended on it.

"That's cuuute," I spoke in a sarcastic tone. "But seriously, you can let go now." I lightly shook my leg, but she maintained her firm grip. "Okay, I mean it. You better let go or else," I growled.

I then violently shook my leg one last time before she decided to look up at me. The minute I gazed into those tearful eyes of hers, I cringed.

"Don't you look at me like that..." I said.

Just when I thought she couldn't do any more, she lets out a pouty whimper meanwhile giving me a puppy-dog stare. I'll say this: if faces could give heart attacks, hers could have easily given me several...

"...Fine, you win," I groaned in defeat.

The corners of Fluttershy's lips lifted to a bright smile, and she hugged my leg tighter than ever before. And here not too long ago she was scared that she hid from me, although now she's all friendly and stuff? Whatever. I still am holding on to the belief this has to be a dream. I'll just play along.

I resumed walking back into the house with Fluttershy happily attached to my leg, and the moment we entered the house she would then let go. Praying she entirely understands english, I settled some ground rules.

"Alright. In this house you are not allowed to touch anything. That includes the television. You are not allowed in the office whatsoever," before speaking any further, my nostrils suddenly picked up a foul smell radiating from her fur and mane. I pinched my nose to block the stank. "And you could really use a bath!"

I'm not sure if the little thing understood anything I just said, but it has occurred to me that she appears very much younger than the last time I saw her on the television because from what I've seen on the show, she's definitely supposed to be bigger. Not to mention the butterflies tattooed on her flank were missing. If that's the case, she might be too young to talk either.

Perfect... Just... perfect.

Taking the smelly pegasus into my bathroom, I carefully lowered her in the empty bathtub and twisted both the faucet's levers. The spontaneous burst of water gushing out startled Fluttershy that she literally jumped and hooked herself onto my face.

"Come on," I grumbled as I peeled her off me. "It's just water."

Up to a respectable degree, I turned the faucet off and hoisted the timid filly over the steaming pool of water. She cautiously dipped a hoof in and, to her discovery, found the warmth pleasant. She promptly jumped into the water, relaxing in the comforting heat of the bath.

After some lathering, rinsing, and drying, the putrid odor could no longer be whiffed in the air.

Losing the track of time, I took a split-second glance at my digital wrist-watch and saw the time was an hour past midnight.

"Crap..." I mouthed, ensuring the filly didn't hear my swearing.

Although I knew I wasn't done with Fluttershy yet. When her stomach growled in protest I already guessed what she needed next. I'm not some zoologist or an animal person but, she seems big enough to have developed some teeth. Just to be safe on my speculation, I had her gape her mouth open and sure enough, there was teeth. All white and healthy as they should. In the kitchen, with the filly right beside me, I rummaged through the refrigerator in hopes to find whatever it was she'll likely eat.

I dangled out a slice of ham to her. "You like?" I asked. She closed in to sniff it, then made a disgusted expression. "Oh, right...." I said. I put the ham away and presented her a slice of cheese. "How about this then?"

She sniffed it, but shook her head this time.

I stroked the bottom of my chin, pondering what she can likely munch on. I then presented her the only fruit I have currently available: an apple. Purely coincidental. I very much like apples.

And you know what they say: "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." Because screw doctors.

Fluttershy eyed me the juicy red fruit in my hand, staring at it hungrily. She didn't need to smell to know what it was.

"Ahhh, you like this, hm?"

I could tell just how hungry she was just by hovering the apple over her head. Her abnormally-large eyes gleamed with anticipation. Without further teasing, I sat it down in front of her. She devoured the apple vigorously until what was left were plain apple seeds. I didn't know how long she's been in that garage but damn, she must have been really starving to scarf it down that quick.

"Quite an appetite you have there," I quipped.

Smiling, Fluttershy let out a small, hearty burp. With her fur washed and her hunger sated, I think this was the promising moment where I can finally get some shut-eye.

"You can sleep on the couch or the floor if you like. Whichever you prefer. I don't have any spare blankets for you though, so I'll just turn up the furnace."

Readying for the nightly ritual, I shut off the living room, the kitchen, and the hallway lights. As I prepared for a visit to dreamland in pajamas, Fluttershy helped herself to my bed.

"No, no, no!" I clicked my tongue. "You sleep on the COUCH, not on my bed."

I grabbed the filly by the armpits and placed her out of my bedroom. I closed the door before she could spring back in. Sighing out a relief, I slid into the sheets and got comfortable afterward. What felt like not even five minutes do I hear Fluttershy knocking on my bedroom door.

"Stay calm. Eventually she'll stop."

Telling myself that, and before I knew, Fluttershy persistently knocked on the door while I ignored her audible whimpers. Ten minutes later... knocking. Thirty minutes later... some more knocking. It's gotten to the point where I couldn't stand it anymore, so I begrudgingly rose up and allowed Fluttershy into my bedroom. Seeing how she had trouble getting up there I helped her out, yet I recently noticed she was terrified of something.

"What now?!" I groaned. Fluttershy responded by jerking her face towards my open closet. I rolled my eyes from the foolishness. "Really?" I deadpanned. I walked over, slid the closet shut, and back and observed the apprehension from her faded away. "There, can I please go to sleep now?"

She briefly scanned the room, reassuring herself there's nothing else to frighten or scare her, and then looked back to me smiling. Figuring that's an expression for 'yes', I gladly turned off the lights and slipped underneath the covers for a well-earned rest.

After catching several hours of sleep, I woke up to the feeling Fluttershy's gentle breath stroking the left side of my face. Hardly jerking to my left a little, I saw the filly's gentle smile plastered on her muzzle, her soft tail curled around my neck.

I refrained the urge to itch, but after catching a glimpse of that, I think I just got diabetes.


The next morning arrived and I lied asleep practically at my bed's edge. Shifting slightly, I rolled off landing face first down hard onto the floor, roughly waking up rubbing my aching forehead.

"Damn it!" I grumbled.

Bitterly rising from the ground and realizing, Fluttershy was no longer on the bed where she slept. Flummoxed, I wandered every part of my house searching, from top to bottom and bottom to top; the kitchen, the living room, bathroom. Everywhere. And the filly wasn't anywhere to be found. I sighed in huge relief.

"Whew... it was just a dream. For a minute I thought it was all real! Welp, better start the day then."

Never was I so glad knowing she was gone as I stridden towards my bathroom, a big smile etched on my face. After taking a warm and relaxing shower and getting dressed, I made an egress to the front door and drove out to work as per usual. Returning home from yet another dull day of earning minimum wage, I hung my coat and hat on the front door hanger. As I turned around ready to cater myself in the kitchen... I stopped cold upon noticing Fluttershy sitting there in front of me joyfully wagging her tail.

"What the-" my jaw dropped. "Alright, get a hold of yourself, you're just being delusional," I said to myself, agitated. "By the time I cover and open my eyes she'll disappear."

I covered both eyes with my hands I said I would, then rotated around just for good measure. I took my palms away and Fluttershy was still there having her head tilted. Okay... That didn't work. Stepping it up, I frantically slapped across my face trying to ensure if it'll do the trick. Much to my dismay, she was still sitting there, giggling this time. Not only do I have a cartoon character in my house but now I have a damn sore on my face.

"That does it, I think it's time for you to leave," I growled with a stomp.

I swung the front door open and carried Fluttershy a few feet away from my house. Mildly freezing outside, due to the fact it's fall, I shivered as I breathed out hot air. At a fair distance, I sat her down and rushed back into my sanctuary and slammed the door behind. I leaned back against the door, brushing my shoulders to get the friction going. I relaxed as soon as warmth seeped into my body.

"Much better..." Just as I was about to go make something to eat, I heard a weak knock on the door. I groaned. "Ugh. Now what?!"

I reopened the door wide and saw the pitiful filly rattling like a skeleton from the freezing weather. She even had her tail wrapped around her legs. Aww... That's-

Don't give into it, Rick. You know better than that, my brain admonished.

Agreeing, I put on a mean face and stared down at the shaky filly.

"No! Go home! I already let you spend a night! What more could you possibly want!?"

She balanced on two hind legs and gave me that heart-melting pout she used from last night.

"Oohhh no, that's not going to work on me this time," I remained steadfast, with arms crossed and stern eyes gazing down at her. "Go on. Go back where you belong Go on! Shoo, get out of here!"

Crestfallen, her ears fallen back, the sad pegasus hung her head low and began walking away toward the open fields at a sluggish pace. She turned her head after a couple of steps, looking at me hopefully if I have changed my mind, but I retained my glare and pointed with a stomp. She hung her head again and continued trotting forward slowly. Happy as I was she's leaving for good, an unanticipated pang of pain prickled my heart.

I knew this affliction wasn't natural. I felt as though there's something changing inside me, yet I couldn't describe it. Guilt filled my mind as it prevented me from closing the door, a right hand clenching where the heart aches.

Why are you feeling this way, Rick? Surely you don't feel sorry for this pony, do you? my brain queried in disbelief.

'I... I don't know...' I replied.

Tentatively, I made a step forward. And another. Then another. I didn't know what was happening to me, but I kept going and going until I've caught up to her. Again there was that foreign feeling.

'I know I'm going to regret this...' I attempt speaking properly without acting stubborn between my sentences, "Ugh. Look," I said, pinching the bridge of my nose, "I know I've been pretty harsh lately. But if it really means alot to you, I guess you can stay here until-"

I got cut off when the pegasus spun around and lunged herself into my arms, smothering the side of my face as though I've made her world.

"Alright, alright. Don't get all lovey-dovey on me. You're lucky that I had a change of heart, is all."

I brought her back into my beloved home and throughout the day kept her warm, fed and cared of. Made me feel like I have a pet of my very own, only in this case it's a pony from a cartoon show. Yet, I'm flummoxed as to how she got here. I mean, I only watched an episode halfway, so I'm clueless beyond that point. Well, I could care less what travesty led to this cause because needless to say it's none of my concern. Although with Fluttershy here as a filly, who probably doesn't know anything about the show or herself, I'm left nurturing her until the cosmos fixes itself.

Why couldn't she have landed in a brony's house instead? At least they'd believe it'd be a dream come true. I'd call a brony right away if I knew one. Let him deal with this crap. Despite that, her existence here has had me wondering if there are other worlds we humans don't know about out there? I shrugged and dismissed the hypothesis, for right now I'm a bit frisky since I haven't had a smoke for a while. Due to some medical condition, I'm forced to use an electronic cigarette "Nicotine-free!" the dumb box it came with exclaims. Not that I give a damn. While not an ideal replacement, the act of inhaling and puffing out vapor effectively calms my nerves.


An exhaustive week has passed and Fluttershy was still inside my house. Normally each day during that week I would be welcomed by Fluttershy's smile as I'd come home from work. Prior leaving I'd leave a small glass of milk and an apple out so she wouldn't starve. Of course when I'd return home I'd find a milky mess all over the kitchen floor. I'm not knowledgeable to this stuff, especially since I forgot she doesn't have hands. I myself am to blame for being stupid though.

Because I refuse to watch the show, I'd sign on my computer seeking infinite wisdom the internet provides. What luck that they have profound details of her and some... "other" things I will most gladly overlook.

I researched every vital info necessarily needed, comprehending she's an extremely timid pegasus who adoringly cares for animals. Regardless, it doesn't explain much else except that her kindness knows no boundaries.

Back when I used to be a kid, I was a lot like Fluttershy in personality believe it or not; sweet, kind, thoughtful. But my foster father's negative influence changed me to become the man I am today. Not that I'm complaining. Speaking about parents, bluntly saying why I never mention my real parents is that I was abandoned on a doorstep when I was just a baby, from what I've been told numerous times by my foster parents. I presumed my real parents gave me up because it may have been money issues or the fact they didn't love me. It no longer matters since I'm living a stabilized life. If they're out there somewhere, I hope they rot under a bridge sulking for what they did.

Getting off track. The internet yielded no knowledge of Fluttershy's birth-date so, after thinking long and hard, I declared her birthday should be October tenth; the day I found her. How ironic considering it's the date 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' first premiered. Knowing that, I fearfully speculate on how I sound almost like a part of the brony community.


Well, November is just a day away and there's no hope knowing when Fluttershy will return to her home world. I have an unnerving thought that she could be stuck here longer than I'd imagine. What if she's stuck here forever?

This won't bode well for me at all...

Early morning in the beginning of November I began my usual routine: waking up, showering, eating breakfast, go to work and return home. Even with Fluttershy around my lifestyle hasn't changed much, although there were days more unique than others like this one day she would mimic what the characters would do on the television screen. Her representation of how a child would act caused me to tug a smile, much to my chagrin. I must somewhat admit that I am enjoying the company, even if it's a pony from a fictional show.

Even then, I much preferred to have things normal as they once were. You know, before she came into the picture.

Around those repetitious days before November I had to measure Fluttershy's height and weight, and the estimations together rounded her to be an age of three, or four perhaps. In human years, of course. Not sure how long I'm keeping her, but I suppose for the time being I'll help teach her how to talk and read. Luckily I can memorize my lessons from homeschooling, yet it's something I don't take joy doing. You see, my foster mother employed herself as a teacher and let me be honest she wasn't dandy comparing to her husband either. Still, I shouldn't let that stop me from teaching Fluttershy despite my resentment.


A whole year has looped since that eventful night. Felt as if that year went very slow, and it kills me not knowing when Fluttershy will have to leave. Whatever her friends are doing on their world better have a reasonable excuse why they're tardy.

Through those dull months, Fluttershy has been taught well by my teachings, then again I did remember something on the internet about her fast learning abilities, though she hasn't quite perfected the 'r' as how I've had trouble pronouncing when I was her age. The times she'd ask for a carrot she would say "cawwot". Her concern about my health did create a discussion that she comprehends why I smoke an electronic cigarette. I appreciate her worries, yet I'd say it's none of her business.


Disputing with my other half, my parental ego, I wanted to let the small pegasus frolic through the wondrous, grassy hills expanded far beyond vision. After all, I can't keep her confined in this house doing nothing but watching television. Everyone needs a break every now and then. Well that, and it's unhealthy. So what if I'm doing the same thing? This is about her.

As we start heading outside, Fluttershy initially became anxious, but due time she grows accustomed to the natural environment. I walked as she trotted alongside as we moved towards my favorite point of view; a spectacularly large maple tree centered on a rounded slope apart from many others - the only tree closest from the house. Plus it's bulk branches and leaves act as a canopy. You could stand beneath and stay dry, long as it's not heavy rain.

Fluttershy gaily canters around the beautiful tree as I lay down cloud gazing. Meanwhile at it, I infinitely ponder the peculiar night where I lost control of my willpower to the show. Is it under this hollow soul there is still a flame flickering within? Can Fluttershy's kindness truly be an answer for this lonely, depressing life? Nah, I highly doubt it. I guess it's the tacos I've eaten recently, once again making a mental note: I really NEED to lay off the special sauce.

Afterwards, the cheerful pegasus joins me as well. We play a game naming the clouds corresponding to their patterns and shapes while laying next to each other.

She points a hoof at the flock of geese flying south, "What are those?" she quizzes.

"Why, they're geese." I reply.

"They're pretty..."

"You could say that," I shrug, "but you know what else is pretty?"

"Hm?" she hums.

I quickly grab and hold her above me, "You!" I softly holler, nuzzling my nose's tip to hers. Fluttershy then joyfully giggles, returning the affection. Her child-like laughter sounds so sweet and delicate. You can presume that I might have been heavily influenced by the secret sauce, but I'm afraid to say that there may have been something else involved.

As we stay under the tree, the winds slowly begin to pick up as tiny raindrops pour down from the misty yonder.
Fluttershy and I scurry back into the house to avoid catching a cold. Perhaps tomorrow we'll go outside and glance at the clouds again, though this time we'll camp out under the tree. If the weather would grant us the courtesy, of course.

Later a storm reigns over the night, and I wore my pajamas readying for a nocturnal rest. On the brown couch I tucked Fluttershy in with an olive-colored blanket - a small soft fabric I found underneath the tumbled junk in the garage. I did wash it beforehand. But the roaring thunder outside startles her that she can't fall asleep.

"Afraid of thunder, huh?"

"Y-y-yes." she stutters.

"You don't have to worry. Thunder only makes sound, and sound can't hurt you," I lightly pat her head, "Well, sleep tight."

As I stand up, Fluttershy desperately yells "No! Don't leave, please!"

Sighing internally, I sit back down next to her, "But Fluttershy, we already established this; you're old enough to sleep by yourself."

"Can you at least stay until I fall asleep...?" she whimper.

There's that look again... the same heart-shattering expression she hasn't used for many months. How am I supposed to get enough sleep if I sit around until she'd go to sleep? For all I know it could take hours for the storm to settle.

"Hmph. Alright, I'll tell you what: if you help clean around the house each week, you can sleep on my bed whenever you want; you won't have to sleep on this crummy couch anymore."

"Weally?! Oh, thank you- thank you- thank you!" Fluttershy cheers.

With the predicament diverted, I bring Fluttershy into my bedroom where we both lie comfortably under the bed's sheets. As I slowly drift to slumber, I'd been given a peck on my face's left cheek.

Her eyes close as she audibly whispers, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, I guess." I murmur, closing my eyes.

"I love you, daddy."

My eyelids flip open as my whole body freezes up. Is what I heard cannot be mistaken? Did... Did she actually call me her... Daddy? Me... a father? Of all the things I've been told by several people: creep, scumbag, jackhole, etc. etc., the last thing I never imagined would happen is being called a dad. Not only that, but those three words -- "I love you" -- have rendered me momentarily speechless. My mind repeats those words again, and again, and again. There is no mistaking it. She... actually loves me. From when I used to believe I was raising a pet is now a whole different meaning. I have been raising Fluttershy like... a daughter I never had.

Having to reply was difficult, because this will be a first time words such as these have ever been spoken out of my mouth, "I... love you, too. Sleep well."


Here comes another year as Fluttershy hits the age of six, at least according to my estimation. It's unbelievable that after two whole years I'm caring something people would call me crazy over. An actual Fluttershy is here sleeping on my lap while I sit watching cartoons. I normally watched cartoons as a meager escape to happiness from the torturous reality I called life, but it was a hopeless struggle. Another way I expressed happiness was being distasteful towards others. It worked since then, however that's when I found this little equine, and I honestly wasn't pleased where life would take me there. But after experiencing what it's like to be loved -- an ancient feeling I thought long forgotten -- I feel her existence here is possibly just more than a coincidence.

That is until I realized her time here may not last forever...

I think to myself on endless possibilities: what if when Fluttershy gets too old and a mystical portal of their realm rips open in front of us, and there, her friends are on the other end awaiting her return. Or what if she isn't real? I might be petting a overgrown mutant rat for all I know. Proving she is real I would ask her to do the simplest thing.

"Fluttershy," I nervously spoke.

"Yes?" Fluttershy softly replied.

"Do you think you're able to flutter down there and change the channel using the remote?"

She obediently nods and hops on down trotting to the remote laying on the coffee table a few feet ahead. Instead of using her hooves she profoundly punches a button with her nose thus the channel on the television changed. Observing the entire thing relieves me of my troubled worries. Then the pegasus jumps back onto my lap preening her feathers.

"Did I do good?" she asks, staring at me.

I stretched a wide smirk as I thoroughly comb my fingertips through the strands of her elegant mane. Fluttershy happily returns a smile and rests her head over my forearm. It's official: she's not an overgrown rat.


Fluttershy has grown to the age of seven, and keeping her promise, she cleans the house each and every week while I'm absent. In a funny way she enjoys it as a hobby now. Compensating for her work I would purchase movies suited to her interest: The Lion King, 101 Dalmations, Aristocats, and such. I can't tell how many times Fluttershy loves Lion King, it is her all-time favorite movie, but whenever it came to the Mufasa's death scene, Fluttershy would cry out a river of tears.

Caring Fluttershy's needs is not as tough as one might expect. I mean, her main diet consists of fruits and vegetables which are really cheap to buy. On rare occasions do I allow her to have ice cream, though I myself am partially blamed for introducing the icy treat on her third birthday. Besides, she never asks for much anyway.

Little what I know about animals, I've taken recent notice Fluttershy is becoming more fond of them.

A particular day where I went grocery shopping (due to our supply of apple juice running low), I stumbled upon animal crackers I thought, 'Animal crackers? Fluttershy sure would love these!'. Boy was I terribly wrong. When I showed them to her she chastised me and wouldn't say a single word for the whole day. I merely assumed she'd love animal shaped edibles. Then again... eating miniature animals doesn't sound appealing when you put it that way. She couldn't stay mad at me forever since it wasn't intentional, but on one condition we both agreed upon that we'll never eat gummy bears, animal crackers or any animal-themed snacks ever again.


Fluttershy has aged a bit, and considering her wings have nicely developed, I think this is the promising day she'll learn how to fly. Again, because what I not know much about animals, or birds even, I resort to using the internet for studying aerodynamics while writing down notes on a notepad. Shame I can't draw step by step sketches - normally those are easier to understand. You know the saying: "A picture can tell a thousand words just by looking at it". I suppose writing can still suffice.

It's almost time... and greatly am I excited that now as I gander outside the sky is crystal clear and subtle. How most fortunate the weather is barren of storm clouds. This'll be an open opportunity we'll ever get.

The bright, fiery star showers it's rays past the office's window down unto my being, but rather than irritation I favorably welcome it's huggable warmth. This is a first I'm appreciative of the sun. That doesn't stop there either, evidently Fluttershy's influence encouraged me to be kind toward others; giving the poor and homeless some nickels and dimes they begged for. Scribbling truth and facts on events that redeem my respect from the other employees down at work. I believe I'm slowly turning into a better person than I was before, and in a way does it make me feel satisfied. I even began quitting smoking.

Spending extra time researching for precocious reasons, I finally finished up and closed the laptop. As I stood up getting ready for her momentous day, I could hear Fluttershy tossing and turning in my bedroom. I guess she's having some sort of terrible dream. I exit the office and quietly approached the blissful pegasus sleeping on my bed.

I lean down gently shaking Fluttershy from her beauty sleep, greeting her cheerily, "Good morning."

"Mmmm. Morning." she stretches her tired limbs while yawning.

"Be polished, for after breakfast we're doing something special today."

"Like what?"

"Because for your birthday today, I'll be teaching you how to fly."

"Oh..." she reluctantly answers.

The sheer nervousness I saw through her wasn't what I've expected. Well, now that I recall, I forgot the internet says she has acrophobia. I wouldn't blame her. I too get panicky from escalating heights. Whether or not she must learn how to, I mean, what point of a pegasus if they're too scared to fly?

Back to tasks at hand, Fluttershy's face composed tenseful anxiety; acting as if she's unwilling to partake this special event.

I pulled Fluttershy closer and stared deep into her glistening eyes.

"There's no need to be afraid. Just remember that I'll be there rooting for you."

Though nervous, Fluttershy was willing to give it a try. Finishing breakfast, we mark our path out of the house towards the nearest tilted slant.

Taking a gander over the broad horizon; the flowery outcropping of waving petunias, the comforting aroma from the sturdy maple trees. I inhale and exhale a batch of fresh air saying to Fluttershy, "Aren't these hills just glamorous? It never ceases to amaze me how beautiful life surely can be."

Fluttershy agreeably nods in gesture. Based on limited knowledge I instructed the timid pegasus every little warm up to build adrenaline. At a go her wings began flapping weakly. Every second of practice they flap faster and faster - to the moment where Fluttershy is hovering a few feet off the ground.

"Don't look down." I heeded her.

She of course peeked below and gasped in shock, thus her wings froze in mid-air, Fluttershy mildly plummets back down onto the ground. Tending to her aid, I saw the pegasus sulking miserably. Being thorough, I examine for any injuries or marks. There, on her left wing, is a small scrape, yet it was nothing serious, however I regret not bringing a first aid kit. Tears come trickling down across her cheeks with a grimacing expression that sank my heart tremendously, so I lean in to an affectionate hug in order to soften her painful sorrows.

"Shhh. It's alright," I whispered, "there's no need to cry. Not everyone can get it on their first try."

Fluttershy perks her eyes meeting at mine, listening to my words of sympathy.

"You know. Back in the years when I was probably your age, I would attempt at things I never done before. Now my father wasn't the supportive type, but when he spoke to me he said "As long as you strongly believe in yourself, there is nothing you can't do". He was right."

My inspiring words come through as her frown slowly fades.

"From what I've seen, you have the potential. You just need to set your fears aside and focus on the main goal. Don't ever think you're alone, because I will always be there for you, no matter what. I believe in you, my dear shy."

My motivational speech has taken effect. The determination in her zealous eyes. A strong will made of iron. She wanted another attempt, and for that I couldn't have been more proud. Impoverished her first effort was, I could tell the second time shall be the 'moment of truth'. Standing completely still, Fluttershy congregates enough energy to hover at the same altitude she previously gained before. Soon she flew higher and higher, at a point where she is gracefully soaring through the sky like an eagle.

Jumping in sheer joy, I cheered loudly, "YOU DID IT!"

Even with my lack of coaching, Fluttershy has managed to fly without many failed attempts. This was a true feat to be praised upon; an achievement that should be celebrated. Though the weather stirs up an upcoming storm as few drops of rain begin dropping down. I holler at Fluttershy it's time to go, and then she steadily flutters down and follows me home. To celebrate her success we baked cupcakes which turned out exquisite. Cupcakes lathered with thick vanilla icing. Funnily enough, vanilla happens to be her favorite flavor as well. For the rest of the day we ate the delicious treats while watching television. Afterwards we went to bed having stomach aches, but today was still an exciting adventure and I hope there'll be a day like that again.


Several more years later...

Fluttershy turns ten years old tomorrow. Time definitely flies by, it feels like it's only been just yesterday. I'm particularly aware she's at the size of her ideal self from the show, yet nothing shown they're alike. Although while Fluttershy does acknowledge the fact that I'm not her real father, she doesn't care. She loves me with all her heart just how a daughter would.

Can the same be said for me? Don't get me wrong, my love for Fluttershy is genuine but... only will letting her go make it so severely painful that I can't bear living without her. It's a matter of time when it'll happen, I only wish I knew though.

Getting off track. I contemplate on a present to give her for her birthday, then I raised a finger as an idea sprung. Since Fluttershy has been so helpful around the house I considered she deserves a very, very special gift. So as the day elapses, while Fluttershy rests, I wrote a sticky note in ink and stuck it on the refrigerator door saying, "Be right back. Going to the shoe store for a new pair of shoes. ~Sincerely, your Father." The "shoe store" was a cover-up to ensure it'd be a surprise. I drove out to the city's pet store and returned in an hour later. When I lied saying I was going to the shoe store, it turns out on the way back I bought a new pair of sneakers.

Returning home, I wore the new sneakers as I hid Fluttershy's gift inside the shoe box to make it more the merrier of a bigger surprise. As I walked in expecting a warm welcome greeting, it was instead troubled worries.

"Where did you go?" Fluttershy asked, with a worried tone.

"Didn't you read the note I left on the fridge?"

She raised a brow, "A note?"

I palmed my forehead with an open hand, then her pointy ears fall back.

She winced from my gesture. "Oh, did I do something wrong? Are you mad? I'm so sorry!"

"There's no need to be sorry. Rather, I should be the one who's sorry. I should have at least spoken to you in person before I left. Here, let me make it up to you."

The box behind my back, Fluttershy was pretty eager what I was hiding. In a second that I present the box to her her curiousness diminishes in utter confusion mixed with disappointment.

"You got me... shoes?"

I figured Fluttershy would be discouraged after having been hyped, so I placed the box down in front of her.

"I wouldn't be sure about that." I winked.

She wondered what it meant. But soon as I lifted the lid, her pupils sparkly widen.

"A bunny!" she delightfully screamed. Well, not so much a scream. It's kinda more of a soft shout. A graceful one, at that.

Inside the box is a lively rabbit with a flourishing, bleachy-white, fur-coat. White like the snow itself.

"I heard you wanted a pet of your very own. Well, here it is. Happy birthday."

Fluttershy pounced and locked me into a bone-crushing hug.

"Thank you so much, Daddy!"

"You are certainly most welcome.", I place her down onto the ground, "It's a big responsibility, but I'm confident you're more than capable of handling it."

Fluttershy comes in to hug me once more, nodding, then she takes her newfound friend into my bedroom to play with. My room is the only accessible area she's allowed in. I remain strict about her going into my office, or touching the TV even. But it's for her and my sake she never uncovers her origin, and the internet for that matter. There are things I've seen on there I shudder from, and surely it'll mentally scar her forever. However, there shall come a time when I will have to explain her of her origin - where she came from. For now though, until she becomes older, I'll focus on what's at hand.

Hours later, Fluttershy still succumbs herself in my bedroom while I watch TV in the living room. Seeing as it's getting late, I decide to check up on her. I crack the bedroom door an inch, overhearing the pegasus talking to her new rabbit.

"You know, I'm not sure where I came from or know who I really am. But that day Dad found me was the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'll love him no matter what happens." Afterwards, she begins singing a lullaby to the critter, "Hush now quiet now it's time to lay your sleepy head. Hush now quiet now it's time to go to bed~."

The moment I personally heard her enchanting lullabies, my heart melted. Witnessing that miraculous experience touched my soul nobody would've had, and I can also say I have touched hers. Although I don't actually recall singing that song to her at all. She supposedly might have gotten it for just being 'Fluttershy'. Listen to me, I say this as if she's the one from the show. Well she is, but, the only difference is she is my dear shy, and that's something that I hope will never change.

Though her soothing voice places a spell on me; my mind sapped and body worn out, I'm practically drifting to sleep. I go walking towards my living room couch where I collapsed onto, laying down as my head completely shuts down, and later I fall to a peaceful slumber.


As a year has passed, Fluttershy reaches age eleven. During the first two months of the year Fluttershy had gotten her cutie mark -- located on her flank -- and she inquired me of what it meant. I explained to her the whole purpose she earned it. She has always wondered how I know these things, and I respond with every answer: "parent's instincts". Learning her talent was discovered by tending her pet bunny, she couldn't have been more happier.

Hours later upon that same day 'til nightfall, Fluttershy and I were watching television. Whenever those zoo commercials pop up she would go rambling on and on how we should go there and bring her pet along.

"Dad, do you think we can go there someday?" Fluttershy tugs my jeans.

"I'm sorry, but... we simply can't," I reply.

She tilts her head. "But how come?"

Should I even dare answer? Would I say that she's a fictional character from a cartoon show? Even if I did allow her to be trotting around in public, I fear they'd go nuts; they probably would rave crazily and take her away for either experimenting, or do unspeakable horrors to her I can't bring myself to imagine.

"We just can't," I bluntly say.

It hurts every part of my soul seeing Fluttershy with that depressing look in her eyes, but she wouldn't object nor argue.

"What is your pet's name, anyway?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Angel. His name is Angel."

Getting late, Fluttershy heads off to bed while I stay awake watching nightly programs. You all are thinking why I'm not readying myself for bed either, well, my boss called earlier today informing all employees to take a day off due to attending a funeral tomorrow. I sit on the couch eating a granola bar, the name "Angel" still lingering in my mind. Why does it sound vaguely familiar?

Then it struck me as I spew chunks of granola over myself, realizing the shocking fact that Fluttershy also owns a rabbit named Angel from the show. Not that I watch it, I just happen to know from reading the "MLP: FiM Wikipedia". I'm anxiously wondering if she's slowly converting back to her normal self. If that happens, will the Fluttershy I love and raised forget everything? Including me? No, I mustn't think such nonsense. She even said it herself she'll love me no matter what happens.


Next year has skipped and Fluttershy turns twelve years old. Those careful years have been nice and prospering, yet not everything goes out how you hoped. This is that time when I wish I had a bullet in my head right now.

It was October the second and I arrived home from work. After exiting the vehicle I unlocked both the door knob and deadbolt and entered inside normally expecting Fluttershy to greet me, however she wasn't.

It was queer. Fluttershy always welcomed me whenever I come home from work. Then I heard a faint sniffle from the living room, so I rushed over to investigate. As I did I glanced down at Fluttershy nudging Angel of whom is seemingly sleeping.

She senses my presence and looked at me slightly sullen, "He's been like this for hours."

Something was indeed amiss about this, though I feared what the answer may be. I ordered Fluttershy to stay put while I took Angel to the vet for a diagnosis. Swift I went into the car and out towards the city I go. At the animal hospital, I've sat what felt like hours in those tedious waiting rooms. Surveying the people with different types of animals, I see a parrot, a cat, a dog, and others sorts. A female vet walks out and called my name, then I got up following her into the room where they diagnosed Angel.

In a room I was led in I saw x-ray posters depicting Angel's skeleton planted on a wall. None of which seem broken. Alongside are some contraptions. Their repetitive beeping sound alone makes me want to bash my head against a wall. There lying across the counter is Angel, with wires from the annoying machines attached to his body. I'm not knowledgeable about hospitals, but that 'flat line' on a display monitor has me praying it's a good thing.

"The doctor will be right with you." says the nurse leaving the room.

Minutes after, a bald-headed man comes in deeply staring at his clipboard.

He speaks an old, british accent, "Ahem, greetings, Mr. Gartners. We performed various types of operations and I have returned with the concluding results."

"Just get to the point, old man, is Angel going to be alright?"

"Well," he examines his clipboard again, "depends your definition of "alright". You see, your rabbit here carried an uncommon disease known as 'Appendix Cancer'. I do humbly apologize, but if you brought him here sooner we could've prevented this travesty."

"P-prevented what... if I may ask?" I nervously said, both palms and forehead sweating.

The doctor clears his throat apprehensively, "There is no other way to tell you this, but Angel couldn't make it. I'm terribly sorry."

My intestines recoil and wrap themselves up into a knot just by hearing that, "How can this possibly happen?! Angel was under total tender care!" I shook my head.

"Again, this is an uncommon illness. Regardless if one's healthy or not, you can still obtain it."

It might be easy for him saying it straight to my face. But it's unimaginable how Fluttershy will react, and I'm the one who's gotta break it to her...

Driving nervously back home with Angel's corpse, thoughts were racing through my mind as I go. I don't know what to do. Should I say what they told me? Or lie for her and my own sake? No, one way or another she'll figure it out, so I must tell her of this tragedy. Yet I predict this shall be a terrible affair...

At home, I remain parked on the driveway with Angel lying across my lap as my tense heart repeatedly hammers my chest. I gathered what confidence I had and marched into the house while carrying the rabbit in arms.

Fluttershy has been waiting at the front door, worrying about the poor rabbit's health, "I'm glad you're home! Please tell me Angel is going to be fine?"

I couldn't answer right away, neither did I have the courage to, rather I knelt down placing her pet in front of her. She closely observes him and perks back up at me.

"He's not breathing..." she said.

"F-Fluttershy..." I started, "they told me of Angel's illness. And... well. You know that one scene on your favorite movie, Lion King, where Mufasa wouldn't wake up?"

Fluttershy gravely frowned from the question, "You...- what are you saying...?"

Silence once again pulls me under. I was afraid, very, very afraid as I embrace a whole world of regret. But I gut up and upright told her, "I'm saying that Angel could not make it. I'm regrettably sorry, Fluttershy."

Heart-broken, Fluttershy's eyes begun to swell and leak a waterfall of mourning tears. Angel was one of her only friends of the outside world; a birthday present she had sentimental value for- a special present gifted from me, her considered father. Her sobs and wails were heart-wrenching, and the only thing I could do was embrace her in a tight hug, "Shh-sh, my dear shy, I know how he meant so much to you. Let it all out until the pain stops."

As time went on, ten to fifteen minutes after, Fluttershy falls asleep due the exhaustion from crying. I carried her into my bedroom and tucked her in sheets, and even in sleep she still cries. It makes me regret for what I've done, but what's done cannot be undone.

Leaving the bedroom, I began thinking on other serious matters; imagine the inexplicable horror it could have been if she found out her origins before I would tell her. She would be devastatingly struck and probably hate me forever.

I took the rabbit's body and brought it outside. Using the shovel from the garage, I dug a hole out in the backyard whereas Angel's body shall be buried in. The hole filled back up with dirt, I took a stake, a plank, some nails and a hammer, and created a sign as means of a gravestone. Only this case it's made of wood.

In and back out of the house I held a pin and wrote on the plank - "Here lies Angel. May you watch over us from the heavens above."

I made my way back inside avoiding catching a cold. Resided in my bedroom, I tried going to sleep, but the haunting nightmares of Fluttershy leaving me wake me up every now and then. Wishing it shall never happen, I'm sure enough it will. Holding Fluttershy dearly, I whisper to her ear, "At least you still have me, my dear shy. I won't be leaving you anytime soon. That, I promise."


A couple of weeks passed and it may be safe to assume Fluttershy had gotten over that dreadful day. However I believe deep within her heart she still mourns for Angel.

It has been an awfully long while since we've done an activity together. I can't take her to a zoo, but I decided to tell her about an idea of going out hiking in the woods. As usual Fluttershy would express uncertainty. Once I told her there's plenty of interesting critters to find she immediately begs for our departure.

We packed the car's trunk with food and water and made our way towards the city. Ensuring Fluttershy has a safe journey without being noticeable I have her covered using my coat as we drive through the metropolis. As I halted at a red light, I survey my surroundings noticing this city has less beggars than the last time I drove through here. To my appalling surprise I see that same "homeless man" from many years ago. His tattered rags are filthier as he has grown a fluffy, yet rugged, beard. He walks on over towards me on my left, gently knocking on my window, "Can you spare change for this poor soul?" he says dryly.

Thinking back on my foul deed, I figured a five dollar bill should suffice. I roll down my window handing him the valuable piece of paper, "Here," then I drive off when the street light turned green. A small glimpse before I stepped on the pedal, the beggar widely smirked, giving his appreciation to my generosity with a wave. Earlier when I wasn't happy and bright, I had no remorse for what I've done to him. But now I'm a changed man, a changed man for the better.

Thankfully he doesn't remember that day, otherwise things would've gotten messy if he did. Fluttershy peeks her head out smiling, witnessing the generous act, "That was awfully nice of you," she praised.

"All thanks to you, my dear shy."

As we've passed the outskirts, we have taken a thirty-mile excursion towards our mountainous destination. The meanwhile, Fluttershy was allowed to glance past the car windows, admiring every beautiful scenery she can collect in her mind; farms extent with unfathomable yards of fertilized lands. Plus there were some large cows mooing and chewing grass as we drove along. After our long drive, we finally have reached the mountain plains.

Exiting the vehicle, we traverse and plentifully discover a variety of animals such as deer, squirrels, and different-colored birds chiming their unique, wondrous chirps.

However during the time I wasn't paying any attention I noticed she headed off all by herself. My head rushed into a state of panic and I desperately call out her name whilst blindly pacing in several directions. My ears then caught sound what seems to be singing from a distance. Obviously stating it had to be Fluttershy, I followed her enchanting voice and came across an open circular land with bulky, moss-infested trees surrounding the environment. There in front of me was Fluttershy, sitting on a huge stump, lullabying to the animals that inhabit the forest.

I shout out to her, and the animals frightfully scurry off fast as they could upon hearing my voice. Struck by a breeze of relief, I hurried and hugged Fluttershy dearly tight. "You had me worried sick." I said to her.

After that, Fluttershy and I return home safe and sound. She enjoyed hiking outdoors and hoped if we're able to do something like that again. We could, yet I made sure the next time we go she'll stay by my side.


Fluttershy is fourteen years old, and no longer does she need my help on many things. I speculate this should be the time... The time I reveal her of who she really is. It ails me that it has come down to this... I mean, part of me has realized that keeping this from her may have been a mistake. But I pray that now that she's aged, she should understand.

In the late evening after work, I return home and park on my house's driveway with heavy concerns clouding my mind. Will she take it well? I'm afraid she'll likely won't. Supposedly what if I don't say anything at all? What with their show's popularity growing, she'll find out eventually and maybe ask why I kept it from her like I don't trust her. That would break her heart to the core. This secret cannot remain hidden; it's time I step up and tell her the truth. The affair shall be most unpleasing, however. But I must do what I believe is right...

Entering the house, Fluttershy sits there before me as usual, greeting me with a heart-warming smile.

"Welcome home, Father," Fluttershy says warmingly.

I look down with a ghost of a smile before greeting her back, "And hello to you, my dear Shy."

I don't know how she does it, but somehow she saw past my smile and sensed something troubling me. "Was work okay, Father? Did those meanies tease you again?"

Figuring she saw right through me, my smile droops to a nervous frown. "Fluttershy..." I begin a tad anxiously, "there's something I have to tell you. Meet me at the living room couch."

Confused yet understanding, Fluttershy trots towards the couch while I hang my jacket on the door hanger. I then join her in the room where I sit beside her, feeling agitated.

"Is everything alright?" Fluttershy worriedly asks.

I idly glance around the living room, collecting fortitude for the upcoming dilemma. "My dear Shy... You see... you-," my heart thumps heavily. "Fluttershy, there's a secret I've been keeping from you ever since you were a filly. Now that you're older, I feel you're ready to take on the truth."

Fluttershy lightly giggles. "Oh, Father, I know that you're not my biological father. But I'll love you like one, always." She hugs me affectionately.

I bring out a smirk for a short while, but it quickly reverts to a deep frown as I remind myself what I intend to do.

"That's not what I'm trying to tell you," I gently shake her off. "The truth is more than you highly expect. I wish I could straight-away tell you but... I think I can't." Fluttershy frowns by this. "Instead this is why I have to do this..."

Turning on the television with the remote, I switch to 'The Hub' channel where 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' is currently playing.

The show catches her immediate attention once she sees herself and hears her name on the screen. An episode named 'Dragonshy' could not have been more convenient and inconvenient. The longer she watches, I could see the mass confusion within her expression. She remains observantly silent throughout the show until it rolls the credits. When I finally turn off the television, I look to her to see she still retains her confused look, and I can tell she's building up questions inside her mind.

"Dad..." Fluttershy utters, fazed. "What's the meaning of this?"

My heart thumps harder with each beat. I can't believe I did such a terrible thing, but I did what was necessary.

"You are Fluttershy: a pegasus from a TV show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic that teaches the remarkable values of friendship. I wanted to tell you years ago, but I just couldn't because I was afraid you wouldn't understand. I'm sincerely sorry my dear Shy."

"So what are you saying? Am I... not real?" Fluttershy says as tears leak from the corners of her eyes.

"Of course not!" I object.

"Then what?!" Fluttershy retorts, thicker stream of tears streaking down her cheeks. It's as if her whole entire world shattered. "Look at the evidence! I'm just an imaginary character that doesn't exist!"

I firmly hug Fluttershy. "No! You mustn't say such irrational words! You are very real! Everything you've done here is real!"

Fluttershy pushes me away, she doesn't even want to look at me. She jumps off the couch and hurries into my bedroom and slams it shut. I could only let her do so while in tears. Why must it be so darn painful? Why couldn't I let it go? Because... I care about her. It is because I love her that I had to do what seemed right, even if it meant she hates me.

About an hour gone by and I could no longer hear Fluttershy's weeping. I want to make sure if she's all right by checking up on her.

I rap an index finger on the door. "My dear Shy? You okay, honey?" No answer. I knock twice in case she might've fallen asleep. Nothing.

I grab the knob and twist it, opening the door slowly inch by inch until the bed could be seen. Alas, I discover she isn't on the bed. I swing the door open and begin searching around the room only in vain. She isn't in the closet. Under the bed. Not even the master bathroom.

A strong stroke of wind kisses my skin and I turn towards the whereabouts, fearing the worst. The window was widely opened, leaving me to assume Fluttershy had ran away. I don't blame her. I've been holding this truth since I found her and I would understand her being upset.

Although it was irrelevant for me to regret, I'm going to go out searching for her no matter the cost. I rush out the front door thoroughly looking for Fluttershy, everywhere within a mile radius. At day's end, I return home with no hope of finding her. On my bed I cry endlessly until I've completely fallen asleep from exhaustion.


The next day I've gone out in search again, except I hadn't called my boss. This was more important than anything else I valued. Being that it's raining outside, I figured the tree we both always sat under is where she would be hiding at. Afterwards, I come back inside having no absolute luck on my search.


Tomorrow I tried searching again without eating breakfast, lunch or dinner. I was exhausted and my legs were aching, but thoughts of Fluttershy kept my spirit strong, despite my weariness.


It's been a total of five days and there's still no trace of her. I've lost the sense and willpower since the fourth day, for without Fluttershy I fear my old habits are slowly returning. Yet I refuse to subject to them. I'd prefer blasting my brains out using my foster father's revolver rather than revert back to my old self.

I sat on the living room couch and grieved, plummeting down to an abyss of regret as I croak my mind of how I ultimately feel, "My dear Shy... I'm sorry for what's happened. I am so sorry for everything. You may be from a cartoon, and think you might be nothing. But to me, you were everything. To me you were my dear shy. There was not a single thought that crossed my mind that you were unreal. You're probably, by now, at the point of no return. I will pray on your travels, and I hope deep inside my heart that you'll forgive me..."

Then there came a knock on my front door. Ideas spun around as I believed it could have been Fluttershy. I jumped off the couch racing over, opening the door to welcome my beloved daughter, however a moment that I saw who it was my smile disappeared on the spot.

"Oh, happy receiving some mail, are we?" asked a cheerful postman. However his demeanor became one of concern. He probably may have noticed my teary eyes. "There something wrong, mister Gartners?"

I became angry. More like outraged. I had anticipated the knocker to be my beloved daughter, not some stupid postman. I swiped the mail from his hands and slammed the door on him.

I caught his voice before hearing his footsteps fade in the distance, "You're welcome asshole."

I leaned forward against the door, shoulders slumped as I dropped the mail on the floor and wept. Several minutes later, there came another knock.

I didn't want to disappoint myself again with another false hope, so I cried out in frustration. "For the love of god, just leave me alone!"

It happened again. Though it sounded weaker this time.

I answered the persistent knocker by pulling the door open and there sitting on her haunches on the doormat was a doleful pegasus, completely drenched both by the rain and tears.

"F-Fluttershy...?" I inaudibly spoke.

She silently stood there, with strands of her mane draping down all soaked and ruined and hooves masked in filthy mud. Fluttershy was an absolute train wreck. Although I could say the same for me; I haven't ate food or showered for three days straight.

"I... I-I'm very sorry running off like that..." she apologetically whimpered.

I immediately knelt down and pulled her into a tight hug while choking in sobs. "You don't have to be sorry! Ever since you left, I had been lost without you. I was so scared I'd lose you forever! Please don't ever leave me again!" I moaned.

"B-but that day..."

"Forget it! All that matters is you're back, and a dispute like that won't break the bond between us. You'll forever be my dear Shy, and I love you!" I cried.

Fluttershy couldn't hold back any longer, as she started sobbing and burrowed herself into my chest, wailing, "I love you too!"

We bawled for ten minutes as we exchanged one apology to another. I carried Fluttershy inside where I've given her a nice, warm bath cleansing the mud from her hooves and fur. Never do I feel so much better now that the 'weight of guilt' has been lifted off my shoulders. Although, the thoughts of her leaving still haunt me. Because I know for certain her friends are probably searching for her. "When though?" is the only question slinging around my mind. Thinking about it, I seriously pray that won't happen anytime soon.

Right now, all we did was cuddle up on the couch as I showered her with kisses and hugs.


With Fluttershy at seventeen years old, it has been officially counted fourteen years since she was the timid bundle of joy I raised as. There were numerous times of fun and happiness. However, there were also those unforgettable times of agony and sadness. I used to be a heartless creep who enjoyed his malevolent past life, but after these precious years with Fluttershy, I can proudly say that she made me become a better man; a man who knows kindness, love, and compassion.

Though like life - all good things must come to an end.

Around the stormy afternoon, 3:15PM to be specific, Fluttershy and I resided in the living room putting together some pieces of an elephant puzzle to pass the time as the cable on the television had been fidgety from the weather. Surprisingly we heard someone knocking on the front door. Finding it queerly unexpected, I never received any notice of a visit, and more of a surprise that anybody would be out in the heavy rain. Determining it'd be anyone I may or may not know, I ordered Fluttershy to go into my room until I signified the prompted clearance. Fluttershy cantered down the hallway and into the bedroom as told.

Hearing the door closed shut, I stood up walking away from the coffee table and proceeded answering the person continually knocking.

I hollered, "Coming!" while rushing over.

Cautiously approaching the door I asked aloud of who it was. Hearing it closely she sounded so majestically wonderful; a female whose voice suchlike speaks alluringly in an ideal manner.

"May we come in?"

A split moment to ponder, I swore her voice sounded vaguely familiar to me. Then again, I could be imagining it. After all, it's definitely been a couple of months since I last spoke to anyone. Including my foster mother.

Realizing the door was still shut, I opened the wooden gate, to then gape my mouth open becoming genuinely awestruck. The anonymous female at the front of my doorstep had hooves instead of feet; a groomed mane gracefully flowing without support of wind- standing remotely tall as I am. Taller if you count her long, divine horn that could pierce the heavens. It's been so long since I can remember who the characters were from the wikipedia but as memory refreshes I found out this was Princess Celestia - Equestria's benevolent ruler.

The mare stared at me weirdly, an umbrella-shaped aura of magic keeping her dry from the rain. "Excuse me but are we permitted to enter?"

I immediately snapped out of the paralyzing state. "Oh- oh! Of course, please make yourself fit right at home here." I bowed respectively.

The celestial mare laid her gentle smile down upon me and trotted inward slowly. During the time she came in I thought to myself 'We?'.

Indeed she wasn't alone. Following pursuit was a smaller mare; the Princess' dependant protege, Twilight Sparkle. I closed the door and stood before the Princess, "I would've expected a shock, let alone resistance from you." Celestia said, mildly surprised.

"Would you even be more surprised that I know who you two are?" I quizzed.

The alicorn and unicorn, for a split second, exchanged me with wide-eyed glances.

"Well, yes," Celestia answered. "Then I presume you know the meaning of our presence here?"

My heart sunk, therefore I sighed dejectedly. "I do..."

"So you know who it is we come here for, as well?" I subtly nodded.

"Although is there anything I can get you two while you're here? Drinks, perhaps?" I offered.

"Actually yes, I'm quite parched," said the student.

I shifted my sight toward Celestia, inclining a gesture if she too wanted a beverage. She shook her head but again smiled toward my hospitality anyway. I motioned them to the brown couch. While they attended themselves sitting on the brown couch of the living room, I headed into the kitchen rummaging the refrigerator in order to whip up a small glass of carrot juice. We have a large supply of the stuff considering it is Fluttershy's favorite drink. In no time I took the small glass to the living room, and a purple glow synced that of Twilight's horn enveloped around the dishware and levitated in front of her.

"Thank you," Twilight said gratefully.

She lightly tipped the glass upward, letting the cool, refreshing liquid down her throat as I could hear her audible gulps.

"Any chance I ask where your other friends are? Surely they must have been worried sick as you would have." I inquired.

Twilight's eyes widened, then she spontaneously did a spit take, getting juice all over the carpet, staining it orange, "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" Twilight cried.

I'm not sure why she did that. Perhaps my question could have been the reason? Regardless, for right now my concern was what's happening in front of me.

"I can clean that up for you," Twilight earnestly offered.

"No worries," I protested with a waving hand. "I'll clean that up later,"

"So how long has she been here?" Princess Celestia asked knowingly.

I responded, trying to restrain my nerve-wracking anxiety, "About fourteen years."

The celestial mare hardly acted surprised from the answer. "In that case, how old was she when you found her? A filly, I presume?"

I was kinda shocked hearing her say that. "How on earth could you possibly know anything about it? But yes, you're right- she used to be a filly."

"My this is troublesome." Celestia said grimly, a frown almost threatening to break her stoic demeanor.

"Why do you say that?" I asked, curiously worried.

"Well," Celestia began, "you see, we've encountered this kind of predicament before, and I'd hate to go into details about it as I simply imagined this would go all very smoothly, but I'm afraid this'll be quite unappealing."

They've gone through this before?! I guess someone else other than me has had this experience before. I merely believed I was the only one. Supposedly they must've went through an ordeal locating where Fluttershy plunged into. Although as Princess Celestia quoted on "sparing the details", I'll refrain myself from asking and get to the point.

"I'll assume you're both here for not just a visit then?"

"You guess correctly, human. Although your calm behavior somewhat baffles me. You act as if you were expecting our arrival."

"True, quaint it is I'm not freaking out because I'm interacting with a couple of cartoon horses," I spoke bitterly.

Celestia smile faded from my sudden negative attitude. "Be careful, I'm not particularly in a mood for a dispute," she warned, that stoic look of hers preserved.

I kept my stature as I continued, "That so? Considering you both enter my house, with the intent to take Fluttershy away from me, refusing to tell me why she was sent here as a filly, I wouldn't have a right to raise my tone under my own house? I think it's fair that I demand an explanation. Otherwise, I think we'll have an issue here."

I noticed the lavender unicorn sitting beside her benevolent teacher resented my warning. She didn't fare well with my irrational response. "You can't talk to her like that!" Twilight splurred out angrily.

I knew for certain they were hiding something, however without confirmation about how this situation started I had to act stern and rude to convince them. The alicorn sighed.

"He's right, my pupil," said Celestia, calming her student. "Perhaps it is fair that he should know. However since you are aware of who we are, and before I carry on, might I ask what your name is?"

"Rick," I replied simply.

"You see, Rick, there's been strange things happening in our world, and-"

Celestia then got cut off when Fluttershy suddenly called out for me from my bedroom, "Is everything okay out there, Father?"

My entire body froze for seconds while Celestia and Twilight cocked a brow at me. The moment Fluttershy called me 'Father' had created an awkward silence in the household. Minute later, I was able to get a hold of myself and tended to my daughter's call whereas I kindly asked the alicorn and unicorn for their patience. They nodded, thus I proceeded into my bedroom.

As I entered the room, Fluttershy fluttered off my bed inquiring what was going on.

"You were out there for quite a quiet while, Father? Who's here?" she asked.

"F-Fluttershy..." my lips quivered, "the visitors who are here, well, you won't believe it but they're Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle. You know, the ones from the show I showed you..."

Fluttershy would then giggle, taking it as a joke. "Oh, Father. Surely you're just kidding... Right?"

I stayed silent momentarily. How I wish it were a joke, oh how I wish it weren't true. But by golly after Fluttershy had seen the stern look on my face, she became anxious.

"Father..." she spoke timorously, "please tell me they're over for just a visit."

A similar question I wanted to believe that be the case, but I couldn't deny their sole purpose coming here. I thought I could help myself slamming the door shut on them, yet I couldn't, things would turn out for the worst if I did.

Kneeling down to her, I calmly stroked her mane. "Don't worry, Fluttershy. Leave everything to me."

Without prolonging the inevitable, Fluttershy and I anxiously headed back out passing through the corridor slowly. As we entered the living room, Twilight looked over her shoulder, turned around standing on the couch, and upright cheered to her friend. "Fluttershy! Thank goodness you're okay!"

The pegasus quietly cowered behind me, whimpering.

"It's okay. They don't mean any harm," I assured her.

It was evident that Twilight's heart was afflicted seeing that her timid friend showed no remembrance of her.

I needed to verify the entire story between Fluttershy and I; the story of how I found her and raised her throughout the years, and the bizarre storm that might be related. Celestia understood and nodded to every speck of detail.

Then, silence ensued.

As I idly stood around with Fluttershy still behind me, I mused a few questions aloud that were on my mind. Questions I dreaded most.

"I must know one or two things before we move on forward. What is to become of Fluttershy?"

Twilight quickly answers, "Once we return to Ponyville, I'll cast a spell that'll replace her reminiscing memories with that of our perilous adventures and bonding friendship. It's guaranteed to erase every trace of this world."

When I looked down to Fluttershy, she stared back at me completely confused with ears drooped, yet I lowered a hand and shushed her before she had a chance to say anything. I looked back to Twilight.

"And what are to become of my memories?"

Twilight firmly bit her bottom lip, answering only with pure silence.

"I see... Then would you by chance know a spell that can rewind time?"

"The Princess here does. But I don't know what good that'll...-" Twilight dropped her sentence as she finally caught onto it.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this? Once it's been made there is no, in any, possible way to undo it." heeded Celestia.

"I heard what Twilight said earlier. I raised Fluttershy under this house for fourteen years; I cleaned her, fed her, loved her. All of which I've done until up to this point. Last thing I want is for her to be happy, and I consider this as the only viable option..."

Princess Celestia did not fare well with my final decision, but she nonetheless accepted my request.

Fluttershy butted in, exclaiming. "W-wait a minute! Don't I have a say in this?!"

I turned and knelt down on one knee, right hand resting on her left shoulder. "I'm sorry, Fluttershy. For everyone's sake, this has to be done," I said gravely as I hung my head; the betrayed look in her eyes pained me that I couldn't stare straight in her eyes anymore...

"But- b-but-, you promised everything would be alright! You're not going to let me go just like that are you?!"

Fluttershy contradicted what I said, even though it's hurting Twilight more than me, and I know that I can't keep her here. Fluttershy had to go, much as it ached my heart severely so. I ignored Fluttershy's sorrowful pleas whilst staring down at the hardware floor. She kept snagging my pants with her mouth as sullen tears endlessly trickled down her cheeks.

I begrudgingly continued to stay silent, trying so hard to keep myself from shedding a tear. I got a glimpse of her teary eyes without so much lifting my face.

Again the pegasus constantly snagged my pants- crying so desperately, "You can't let them take me away! I want to stay! Why aren't you answering me?!"

Such saddening tears poured out from her swollen eyes like a faucet, and I couldn't bear looking at them as I lowered my gaze back down to the floor. How it absolutely ailed my soul that I neglected Fluttershy's pitiful cries, but I chose to so the pain would seem less heart-tearing. Yet, I believe all I've been doing was hurting Fluttershy.

"I don't want to go!" Fluttershy wailed. "You promised you'd always be at my side! You promised!"

By this point, she believed her feeble cries and pleas weren't getting through as she hung her head.

"Please..." she mewled. "Answer me, Daddy. Please..."

That'd been one or the couple of times she's called me that. I can still remember that eventful night when she first spoke those words, 'I love you, Daddy'. Afterwards, my mind mentally projects the times we shared; her first bath, her first pet, her first view of the world. These precious memories... these unforgettable memories that we spent together kept breaking through, no matter how many times I pushed them back.

My bottled emotions got up to a point where tears finally broke free as I picked up the sullen pegasus, embracing her in a heartwarming hug. Never wanting to let go. She held me very tight as I swayed left and right easing her sorrow, "Shhh... please don't cry anymore," I softly whispered in her ear, holding back a sob. "I know how awful you must feel. To me even. But you must understand that these two are here to bring you back home where you truly belong. All this was a mistake to begin with."

Fluttershy violently shook her head. "How can it be a mistake?! This is my real home! You took me in and nurtured me! Please tell me that I don't have to go!"

I connected my forehead to hers as I hugged her tighter. "My dear Shy... in this world you have boundaries; you are limited here. Whereas in their world you are free to fly around and cater animals as you please. You're better off there than here."

My eyes brimmed in bigger tears as I continued, lips trembling, "From the moment I found you, I knew it had to have been fate. When nobody, even my foster parents, have given me love, you- and only you- have given me so much love; love of which I never thought I could receive and return. Yet, I knew this day would come, and I can't muster the thought of losing you, but you can't live in a world you're not meant for. I am terribly sorry..."

"C-can... you at least come with me...?"

I figured Fluttershy would ask of that, however I had to shake my head knowing I can't abandon my life here on Earth.

"I'm sorry... but remember even when both our minds are erased, know that our hearts are linked. Worlds we may be apart, and memories we may forget, but in our hearts, our love can never be broken, and that I will forever cherish. Remember that I'll always love you, from the bottom of my heart! Goodbye, my dear Shy."

Fluttershy fought the urge to sob as she whispered, "And I'll always love you too, Daddy..." With one last nuzzle, she added sorrowfully, "I'll miss you..."

I knelt down and released Fluttershy from my embrace, letting her trot next to the sniffling unicorn whose eyes were too brimming with tears.

"I'm gravely sorry, Fluttershy, I just wish there was another way to resolve this..." Twilight grieved.

Celestia moved around and stood before me as I wept.

"Rick..., much painful it is that you have to give up somepony you love, I am truly grateful of how much tender care and compassion you've given to her." Princess Celestia then levitated the tattered diary off the coffee table with her magic; poring through my life's history in writing. "And all these times you spent together," she continued, flipping page after page, "the history you two shared. This was all out of compassionate love.

I didn't respond. I tried to hold back the sobs and listened to Celestia's sympathetic speech.

"Finding out Fluttershy landed here I feared this depraved world would tarnish her. But I am most thankful that you, out of all of them, have been chosen to care for one of my little ponies. I speak for all of us that we owe our most heartfelt gratitude for your kindness."

The alicorn, having given her gratefulness, joined back between Fluttershy and Twilight. I saw a pulsating orb of light at the tip of the alicorn's horn, eventually becoming brighter by the second. I glanced at Fluttershy's face as this was the last time I'll see it again. The pegasus wiped away her tears with a foreleg and stared back at me with one last smile.

I hid my sniffles so I could return the favor, knowing I've done my job. My job... of being a father.

And just like that the horn peaked with magical power and casted a blinding flash which engulfed the entire room, blinding me in the process. As I regained my vision, the three mares where they stood upon were no longer there. What moment did my mind still hold of the memories, I headed into my room as I lied on my bed, waiting for the magic to take it's course.

Looking to my left, I saw some sort of rolled-up piece of paper atop of my white drawer. Has it been there this entire time? Could it a be farewell note? Tempting it were, I strained myself from reaching out to it. Sadly, to sate my curiosity, I grabbed and unfolded it and thoroughly read:

Hello, Father. I'm writing this letter to you on behalf of the Princess' permission before they take my memories away. I never have gotten a chance to say thank you on how much you've done for me through all those years. Watching TV. Playing together. Hiking through the woods. You cared and loved me, and would always be there for me. No matter what. But I suppose now this is our last farewell... yet before I go I have to say thank you again for everything. You'll always be in a special place inside my heart.

With much love and regards,

~Your dear Shy.

Tears began forming and fall onto the note as I wept. Fluttershy sent me a letter before she'd forgotten me completely.

I wished it didn't have to be this way, but things must go back where they once was. I turned over on the bed, sulking, then noticed the olive-colored blanket I'd given Fluttershy to sleep with. I snatched and smothered the fabric like as if it were Fluttershy, whispering to myself, "You'll always be in my heart too, my dear Shy."

Then, my body became almost light as a feather and, before realizing, I'm gradually turning transparent... until seconds later... my whole being was almost gone. Prior to the effects, I write on the first page of my diary for all those willing to read:

"My name is Rick Gärtners, and I write this diary to whomever comes across it. I am a thirty-eight year-old male with no spouse, but that's irrelevant right now. If you do happen to come across this, note for what you're about to read is a record of my life's history; day by day, month by month, and year by year. But never will you expect what's written in this forgotten journal. So sit a while, my readers, as you'll see how being shown to "kindness" can change my malevolent life... forever."

The End

Author's Note:

Feel free to message me anytime about this story. Any errors you spot be sure to mention that if you do PM me. Thanks to those who have been super helpful; 501st Party Brigade, SuperMarioDemon (Because the music he linked gave me such inspiration). Thank you all, and I hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I had when I was writing it.