• Published 7th Nov 2012
  • 12,604 Views, 108 Comments

My Dear Shy - Keeper-of-Harmony

An isolate-loving man uncovers something that'll change his discourteous life for the better.

  • ...

Aftermath - Log Seven - Epilogue

I hung my head down and thoroughly gazed at the tender bare skin of my palms and fingertips, fighting the conflict that this had to be a dream. I pinched myself as hard as I possibly could on my neck, and for a second my brain responded to actual pain. I blinked several times as another attempt to prove I wasn't delusional. Each time I did the images before me remained the same; I was idly standing in my living room with a celestial mare -- whose multicolored mane somehow flowing without any support of wind -- staring at me from my television's monitor. My anger quickly vanished as the corners of my mouth struggled perking up a smile.

There was no more denying the inevitability, and soon I begun sobbing a handful of tears of absolute joy. My vision coated by a wall of tears, I rubbed the sappiness away with an entire right forearm. I wished to release the river of tears from the dam of my eyes, but I ironed my gut and swallowed the pressure. It ached me a little, but I disregarded the internal pain as I was extremely happy.

I locked my hands together, kneeling down to Celestia and praised, "You..." I sniffed, holding the urge from wailing again. "You have no idea how happy I feel right now." I moaned.

Celestia lent me an heavenly smile, "So you've made your choice then?" she asked.

There was a time I wanted to yell to express my sheer gratitude. However, I answered calmly, "Yes. But if it is allowed, I must do something before we continue."

"Of course," Celestia nodded. "Take your spare time to gather whatever it is you need." she said, as if she read my mind.

I can't say I hadn't enjoyed my years here on Earth, yet I can say it was also a living hell. At first I thought my whole world was turning out for the worst when I remembered Fluttershy. But I had been given a second chance. Now I'll be able to fulfill my promise to her - to love her, and always be there for her. I still couldn't believe this was truly happening.

I darted from the living room into my bedroom like a kid going to a candy store and started packing up anything necessary that could fit in a large suitcase. Such as my clothes and my diary. I briefly stopped and took a gander around my bedroom. The years I lived here; everything I earned, bought and worked for. All of it no longer mattered to me, not anymore.

There was something on my mind concerning of Tina. If it weren't for her I wouldn't have had a job as a journalist, and if it weren't for that job I wouldn't have had this house. Having this thought, I made a call to her after I finished packing.

Sitting down on my bed, I waited while the phone was ringing.

In a matter of minutes Tina decided to pick up as she answered, "Rick?" she yawned, as if she had just woken up.

"Tina," I started. "Do you think you could tell the boss that I'm quitting."

Immediately Tina replied, yelling in shock, "What?! What for?!"

I held my breath for a moment. Much as she was a friend, my only friend, I couldn't be straight with her. If I really told her the reason I'm leaving, I think there would be no further discussion. She'd probably hang up the phone in a heartbeat.

"Let's just say that I'm going away, is all." I said to her bluntly.

"Going away? Like, moving?"

"You could say that." I closed my eyes, nodding.

"Where to?" Tina asked.

I separated the black smartphone from my ear, pondering on how I should answer her question.

Hugging the phone back to my ear I replied, "I think it's best if you didn't know. Today before I leave-"

"Wait, you're leaving today?!" Tina interrupted.

"Yes, and I will say I won't be coming back. But before I leave, I want to say... I'm sorry. I'm sorry I've kind of been a jerk most of the time, and I truly want to thank you on how much you did for me."

"Rick..." Tina depressingly uttered.

She sounded hurt, like she was crying.

"Tina, are you... crying?" I questioned

There was no doubt about it. Tina was in fact sobbing, loud enough even I heard it through the smartphone's speaker. I can't imagine why she was sullen.

"Yes," she admitted. "I'm just sad to hear that you have to leave. But may I ask why you're leaving?"


I paused there for a while. Was Tina crying because she cared about me; as if she was affectionately in love... with me? Why else would she go out of her way by giving me her phone number, vouch for me at Marker Co., asking me out for dinner? I was so thick I hadn't realized it until now. It made absolute sense.

"Tina," I murmured staring down at the white rug beneath my black Nike's. "I'm sorry how badly hurt you must feel," I said in a sympathetic tone. "Things like this just happen for a reason. But," I continued. "I want to let you know that you've been such a great friend."

I probably shouldn't had said something like that, it only seemed to hurt Tina even worse.

"So that's how you view me as? A friend?" Tina remarked.

I irritably sighed, "Look. I really can't take the time to discuss about us," I pointed myself. "However, I'll let you know that whatever you've done for me was kind and thoughtful. If you hadn't helped me get a job, I wouldn't be where I am today. For that, I will always remember you as a friend."

Tina was silent for several seconds, until she spoke.

"W-w-will I..." Tina stuttered a little. "Will I still be able to talk to you?" she asked.

There was no guarantee I'll be able to talk to her again, not where I'm going. I'm pretty sure signals from cellphones can't be reached when you're in a different universe.

With my final words I replied, "I'm afraid not.... Goodbye, Tina."

Just like that, I pulled the phone away from my ear and pressed the red button ending the call. I slightly frowned, and the core of my heart felt cold and shallow. Guilt invaded my conscience, convincing me going to Equestria was the wrong thing to do. Regardless, I already made my decision. I want nothing more than to be with my dear Shy.

I threw the smartphone onto my bed and headed out to the living room where the celestial mare on my television screen was waiting in.

Once I approached Celestia she asked, "Are you ready now, Rick?"

Raising an index finger I motioned the mare to hold on for another minute. Celestia nodded. I looked over past my shoulder, surveying my belongings around the house one last time. The television, oh how it provided me some joyful entertainment throughout many of my oppressive years. I always fancied myself living in a cartoon world and frankly that dream was becoming a reality, although I hadn't known it would be this out of them all. There was the antique grandfather clock next to the hallway. How I'll miss the darned thing. It always served a great purpose singing its chimes to indicate me what time it was. And there was Fluttershy's olive-colored blanket, laying across the brown couch. I had to thank myself that I stopped to look around, otherwise I would have forgotten to bring it with me. I snatched the cherished fabric and hung it on the left of my shoulder and without delay glanced back at Celestia.

Inhaling an excessive amount of air and exhaling it, I muttered, "Okay, I'm ready this time...."

Suddenly, the black background behind Celestia was slowly turning white and kept turning brighter and brighter up to a point where it was blinding. I closed my eyes to avoid getting blinded. My body then was tingling with an unusual sensation I found hard to describe. If I had to, I would say it was nothing alike the spell that sent me back in time. It was farfetched. My mind filled with serene as a sudden wave of warmth coursed through my muscles and veins. Such a warming embrace, like sitting inside a cozy cabin in front of a fireplace. When the warmth faded I finally opened my eyes, and I noticed I was no longer standing in the midst of my humble living room or my house even

I stood in an enormous room with numerous stain glass windows depicting ponies across the grey, concrete walls. A couple of them had Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and lastly... Fluttershy. One window had each of them wearing trinkets and they were zapping a strange, slender-like creature possessing varieties of animal parts, a creature that I'm not intrigued to know or remember. The sun, though, was profoundly angled as its rays brim past the window, casting a plethora of colorful beams onto the ground below it.

Afterwards, I turned and observed a rather comfy-looking throne fitted for a king or queen far ahead of me. It was skillfully sculpted out of solid gold, with a plushy red square pillow as its seat comforter. I wondered how it would feel sitting in one of those. It must be quite comfortable. Once I caught a good glimpse of the environment around me I turned to face the celestial mare who stood beside me.

"Here we are. My throne room," said Celestia.

Itching the bottom of my chin, I envied in thought, 'The throne room, huh? I must say this beats my house, that's for sure.'

However, it came to my shocking surprise when a female voice other than Celestia's chimed, "Hello there."

I recognized that voice from anywhere. Turning and tilting my head down I saw a lavender unicorn perking up at me with a friendly smile.

"Hmph, fancy meeting you here," I said with a snarky grin, seeing it was Twilight Sparkle.

"It's great to see you too," Twilight giggled.

Gazing every inch of my surroundings, I highly expected I'd see Fluttershy here. Yet she wasn't anywhere in plain view.

"So," I said, cocking a confused brow. "Where is she?"

Twilight was the first to answer, "She's plucking flowers for her basket. I'd say this is the perfect time." she advised.

Celestia trotted beside her student, locking my eyes with hers.

"Are you up to it?" Celestia asked.

I lowered my head and narrowed my brows entering a deep trance of pondering. The question the celestial mare asked; the feeling to see my dear Shy made the butterflies in my stomach flutter about. But that wasn't really the case why I was feeling this way. I had fearful thoughts of what Twilight explained long ago before I got sent back in time.

"I must know one or two things before we move on forward. What is to become of Fluttershy?"

"Once we return to Ponyville I'll cast a spell that'll replace her memories here with our adventures and bonding friendship. It's guaranteed to erase every trace of this world."

Recalling that, I feared to consider the possibility that if Fluttershy even saw me she might not remember me. Yet, I knew for certain that'll unlikely happen. Because if I was able to remember her by a simple feather, surely she'll remember me too, so I don't know why I was worrying why she wouldn't.

I firmly bit my bottom lip, and tightened my grip on the leathery handle of my suitcase while I peered down at the floor for some time. Honestly, I was afraid, but I didn't let nervousness or the question alone be the reason I shouldn't go through with it. Shifting my eyes back to meet Celestia's, I spoke with a puffed out chest, "I can't back out now, not while I made it this far. I'll see this until the very end."

"Very well," Celestia replied, giving me a confident smile. She looked down and bobbled a single nod to her honorable student.

Twilight nodded back as her horn glowed with a purplish aura which brimmed brighter and stronger in each second. She then conjured a large, transparent sphere which enveloped us. Once more my whole vision was re-introduced to nothing but momentary blindness.

The imagery of white blinding me partially faded away, and I had a hard time seeing where I was standing in now. However, my ears picked up the sounds of birds elegantly chirping, the bare skin of both my arms and face felt the soothing waves of cool winds stroking them, and the aroma of flowers was appealing to my nostrils.

After a while, the whiteness blocking my vision fully dissipated, and I found myself clear out in an open and endless field of waving, white petaled daisies. Well, to me they looked like daisies, and it explained the sweet aroma. I held a hand over my eyes to shade myself from the blazing sun as I gazed up at the cloudless sky above me. Never had I seen a sky so very clear, especially by Earth's standards. The sight of it awed me immensely.

However, I noticed the princess and her student were nowhere to be seen, which made me believe they sent me out here alone. I wouldn't say I was completely alone, though. I still had my hand shading over my eyes as I kept a lookout for anybody. I managed to spot a familiar... someone, several yards ahead of me. Squinting, I pointed out that it was definitely my dear Shy, sitting around gathering flowers and putting them in a basket. Just as how Twilight had said.

I mildly jogged, then walked, then crept as I got closer and closer until I was ten feet away from her. She still hadn't sensed my presence as she had her back turned against me. I felt the oil oozing from my sideburns, something made far worse by the sun's rays bathing me above. My stomach growled with anticipation as I took one quiet step at a time - foot by foot.

I glanced at the butter-colored pegasus picking flower by flower with her mouth as she dropped each one into a hay-woven basket next to her.

At six feet away I stopped, and stood silent and still like a british guard guarding his queen's castle. I took a nervous deep breath and whispered loudly, "F-Fluttershy?" I stuttered.

Her head lifted as her soft, pointy ears pricked up. Bouncing in several directions.

"Fluttershy...?" I muttered.

Her ears moved toward me, and she rotated her whole body around facing me.

How I dreamt the day I'd see that gorgeous face of her. Not by television but in total person. Her long, pinkish mane drooping almost near to the ground, her glistening blue eyes reflecting from the sunlight. She was exactly like the last time I remembered her, and for that my own eyes were beginning to water. The moment Fluttershy saw me, however, she slightly frowned, and curtained her face with her mane.

"H-hello? D-do I k-know you?" Fluttershy inquired shyly, her tail curling between her hind legs.

I stared at her, hurt and confused, "Fluttershy..." I said. "Don't you recognize me?"

Fluttershy took a step backward, shaking her head, "I-I-I'm afraid I don't know who you are," she replied. "Or whatever it is you are..."

"Surely," my lips quivered. "Surely you haven't forgotten me completely, have you?" I asked in a sullen tone.

I watched as the timid pegasus quietly stood there without uttering another word. There was no mistaking it, she had no idea who I was. Not even my appearance triggered anything inside her mind. No. No, this wasn't what I imagined. I thought when Fluttershy saw me I'd hoped she would become the adoring daughter I came to know and love. But, that was only a mere thought. A silly fantasy....

My pupils recoiled, and the affliction inside my broken heart cringed me. "Have I..." I whispered through gritted teeth while a tear from my right eye slowly trickled its way down to the bottom of my chin. "Have I really lost her," and from that point I was reluctant finishing what I feared to be true. "...forever?"

I wasn't going to give up so I dropped the blanket and suitcase and knelt down to one knee, wailing, "Please, Fluttershy," I pleaded sorrowfully. "Remember!"

It was meaningless getting her to remember. She would let out a whimper and kept herself at a fair distance. Seeing her acting that way only brought more pain to my already shattered soul.

I brushed my runny nose with a clean sleeve, "So that's it," I rose to my feet, sniffling. "There's no way for me to change you back..."

Depressed, I turned and slowly dragged myself away from her leaving both the olive-colored blanket and silver suitcase lying on the ground without a care. Looking back, I was creating a pathway of ruined daisies as I walked. Some tears fell along the way and stained the fabric of my red t-shirt, they'd then shrivel instantly by the sun's scorching heat. I stopped, since I had no clue where I'm supposed to go now. I wondered if it wasn't too late for Celestia to take me back home. But then again, I already had told Tina I wasn't coming back, and I had her tell my boss that I was quitting.

I closed my eyelids deeply shut and re-opened them. "Still not a dream..." I depressingly sighed.

Then, a muffled voice behind me rung my ears.

I rotated around and saw Fluttershy holding a corner of the olive-colored blanket with her mouth. She had her eyes fixed to mine, staring like she was contemplating or in a long process of thinking. I wasn't sure what was happening but one thing was certain that something sparked within those sparkling orbs of hers. Her pupils dilated, and the fabric took a fall and flattened softly onto the ground when she lowered her jaw. She stretched her neck an inch out with a hint of disbelief crossed on her expression. Almost as if she had seen a ghost... or, maybe she....

"D-... Daddy?" she uttered, taking one step closer.

That word. Could it be?

"...Fluttershy?" I muttered with eyes slightly widened.

"Daddy!" she cried.

Everything inside my mind went blank. Everything except Fluttershy, because all I saw was her and only her. It was this moment, this exact moment I realized this was... my dear Shy, my one and only true daughter I loved and raised.

She began galloping towards me. Her swollen eyes, glossed with substances of longing, left a sparkling trail of tears behind her as she galloped in haste. I spread my arms far and wide and readied myself for a reuniting celebration. She leaped and wrapped her hooves around me, clutching herself to my body so tightly she'd never want to let go. She buried her sobs into my left shoulder in the meanwhile soaking it.

How I had longed for this moment; how I longed wanting to see, to hear, to feel her. I brushed my face against her silk-like mane, swaying left and right as I fought the urge to cry uncontrollably. But I failed. The dam was filled to the brim, and I had no other choice but to let the waters overflow from the corners of my eyes.

"I thought," Fluttershy muffled out a wailing moan as she continued nuzzling my shoulder with her perky nose. "I thought I'd never see you again!"

I slithered my hand to the back of her head, gently caressing it, "Sshhh. It's okay," I whispered in her ear. "I'm here now, and I won't be going anywhere this time. I promise."

We pushed ourselves away for a breathing second but came back hugging each other as we connected our foreheads together.

Fluttershy managed to tuck away her sobbing, while nuzzling her nose to mine affectionately, "I love you, Daddy." she said to me with a brightened smile.

I had been waiting to hear those cherishing words. Words that'd send my heart aflutter. This was the everlasting happiness I gave up everything for, and I couldn't had been any happier making that decision.

"And," I smiled back. "I love you too, my dear Shy."

The End

Author's Note:

Oops, forgot to add in some notes after the publishing. Anyways, I'd like to thank on behalf of SuperMarioDemon for pre-reading this to check for errors and such. He has been very helpful throughout the making of this series and I'd like to gather an applause for his astounding cooperation! Thank you, SuperMarioDemon. And thank you, my readers.

Yours truly,