• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 7,044 Views, 118 Comments

Night Apples - RangerBeef

Big Mac and Luna become romantically involved after finding they have more in common than they think

  • ...

Chapter 2

Big Mac awoke the next day a little later than usual. Normally, he was the first one up but today he could hear the family downstairs. He rolled out of bed and headed downstairs, moving with surprising quickness for a stallion of his size. No one seemed to notice or even mention that he was late to breakfast. He sat at his usual place and ate silently as was the norm for him.

Big Mac ate his breakfast a little slower than usual. He was lost in his thoughts. He wondered how the usiku trees were doing. He hoped even one made it to fruition so he could surprise the family. Thinking of the trees invariably led to thinking of his visit from Luna. He replayed that painfully awkward moment again and shook his head shamefully at himself.

After they had all finished breakfast, Applejack and Big Mac headed out to tend the fields. AJ discussed everything that need done and Mac nodded along throwing out an "Eeyup" whenever was necessary. When finally Applejack paused she looked at Mac and noticed him not really listening.

"Something bothering you, big brother?"


"Come on now. I don't have to be the Element of Honesty to know that's a lie. What's eatin' you?"

Big Mac sometimes resented her upfront attitude but her intentions were always placed among love and he could not dislike her for that.

"You met Princess Luna, right?"

"I sure have."

"What's she like?"

"Well, from what I remember, she was trying to make everyone not scared of her on Nightmare Night. She's pretty nice nowadays but some ponies don't know how to act around her. Why do you ask?"

Mac fumbled with his words, not wanting to reveal he'd seen her at his secret plot of land. "Uhh.. I was just wondering. I had a strange dream last night and she was in it and.. I was just wondering."

Applejack eyed him with suspicions before her eyes shot wide. "Now I know why you're askin'!"

"What!? Why?"

"You like her, don't you?" Applejack dissolved into giggles at his expense.

Big Mac blushed and appreciated that it was hard to tell that from his red coat. "No! Well, I mean, yes, she's pretty but that's not why I asked. Ugh. Can we get to work?"

Applejack stifled her laughter and nodded. "Why're you in such a rush? Got a hot date tonight?"

Big Mac rolled his eyes and walked past his sister, who was losing herself in another fit of laughter, and headed to the barn for the start of his long day of hard work.


Luna watched as her sister began to lower the sun on the horizon just as she was raising the moon. Old feelings if resentment flared as she notices several ponies staring at the beautiful colors of the sunset. Her anger teetered out as she looked over the land and noticed a red speck standing in the middle of the farm she had visited the night before. He seemed to be stopped and watching the moon rise. She appreciated that, and him.

Mac stared as the moon rose slowly. Ponies sometimes said they could see Luna raising it but he never had. He had a hard time distinguishing her from the other stars that came with the night. He was happy to see the moon tonight though because he knew he'd soon be able to check on his secret trees. He found himself reveling in having a secret and even a time to look forward to. Farm work could be a bit unrewarding at times. He smiled to himself. He would have a good time with his new hobby.

He returned to the barn to make sure all was in order before sitting down to dinner with the family. Apple Bloom hadn't earned her cutie mark but she had earned a few new bruises and she regaled them with the tale. They chuckled and ate mostly in silence. Big Mac enjoyed his meal and relaxed a bit before he would go back to work.

When everyone had gone to bed, Big Mac made his way outside and to the barn. He wouldn't need the plow but he wanted to make sure the trees were watered and had the best chance at growing big and strong.

As he approached his secret garden he noticed a dark colored pony standing at the edge of it. He hoped it wasn't someone who had stumbled across the ground and now would spread the word.

Princess Luna stood at the edge of the garden and eyed the glowing plots. She couldn't place where she had seen them before, but her memory told her it was something rare that led to a great feast. No, not a feast. It had been an intimate affair she had shared with only her family. Something special.

Big Mac moved slowly hoping to not startle her and then he noticed something familiar. Her tail shined like all the stars in the sky. He swallowed hard. Now he very much hoped he didn't startle her. When he was as close as he dared to get and she hadn't heard him he set down the watering can and cleared his throat gently.

Luna nearly jumped out of her skin, which, in turn, caused Big Mac to nearly jump out of his skin. A yelp from Luna as she turned around elicited a yelp from Mac as he backed up quickly. When Luna recognized him her panic subsided and she sighed heavily.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you it's not polite to sneak up on ponies?"

Big Mac bowed instinctively. "I'm sorry, Princess Luna. Please don't be mad at me."

Princess Luna rolled her eyes at him. How could such a large and muscular stallion be such a pushover? She walked over to him and put a hoof on his shoulder. "Arise. You do not need to fear me. It's my fault I was startled since I am the one trespassing on your land."

Big Mac looked up at her, still very aware that she was a princess, but he relaxed slightly as he stood up straight. "You're not trespassing, Princess. You can go wherever you like. I'm just surprised you would choose to come here."

"Why is that? This is Sweet Apple Orchards, is it not? Your farms reputation reaches far and wide. Why wouldn't I want to come here?" Luna smiled at him. Happy that he had finally spoken and that her research of this farm from earlier today had paid off.

"I guess, but, if you wanted to see the farm, why not come during the day?"

"Because unlike most ponies I work only at night and therefore sleep during the day. Also, I am only interested in these particular trees. They spark a memory but I cannot recall it clearly. What can you tell me about these glowing plots of land?" Luna turned and pointed to the dim circles that dotted the garden.

Big Mac grabbed the watering can and worked as he talked. "Well, Princess, I don't rightly know much about them. All I know is that they only grow with moonlight and that they're supposed to be delicious."

"Hmm," Luna stared intently at one of the plots, "Where did you get the seeds? And what do you call them?"

"From Zecora, Princess. They're called usiku trees. Supposedly very rare."

Luna's eyes widened as she heard the name. "These are usiku trees!?" Her sudden outburst caused Big Mac to freeze and nod at her slowly. "These are the rarest fruit in all of Equestria! They do not always grow into delicious fruits though. They have to be greatly cared for or the fruit will be poisonous to anyone who eats it."

"Well, that shouldn't be a problem, Princess. I know a thing or two about caring for apple trees; these can't be too much harder. I'll just show 'em a little more attention and they should be right as rain."

Luna wanted to accept that. Clearly, he did know what he was talking about. She couldn't take that chance though. "I'll need to research this. Promise me that you will take the utmost care of these trees and make sure no one accidentally ventures here."

"I promise, Princess. I chose this spot because it's pretty out of the way, so no one should find it back here."

Luna nodded and turned to take off but stopped herself and turned back to him. "Please, what is your name?"

"Macintosh, Princess."

"Very well, Macintosh. I will return in a few days’ time when I have fully researched these plants." In a flash, she was gone.

Big Mac watched her go then his mind replayed the tail end of their conversation. "Consarnit.. Why did I tell her Macintosh? I hate that name." He sighed as he picked up his watering can and finished watering the trees.

As he reached the last plot he noticed something in the dirt. Brushing it gently with his hoof he realized it was a sprout. "What the... They shouldn't be sprouting that fast. Maybe I should do a little research too."

Big Mac returned to the farm, returning the watering can to the barn and as he approached the house he gave the night sky one last look.

"She sure is a lot prettier than I remember."