• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 7,046 Views, 118 Comments

Night Apples - RangerBeef

Big Mac and Luna become romantically involved after finding they have more in common than they think

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Chapter 6

Princess Luna hummed happily to herself as she wrote notes in a book she'd been keeping on the usiku trees. She wanted to make sure these trees could be grown for all to enjoy in the future. She sighed happily as she closed the book and leaned back in her chair.

For the second time in as many weeks, Celestia heard the noise as she passed by the library and entered to investigate. She found Luna still humming and daydreaming with her eyes closed.

"Sister, shouldn't you be just dreaming instead of day dreaming?" Celestia chuckled softly as her sister jumped.

Regaining her composure, Luna smiled. "I suppose but when I dream it is day time. So all my dreams are day dreams."

They shared a giggle. "What are you doing back in the library? Still researching the usiku trees?"

"Quite the contrary. I am chronicling them. To ensure future generations might always know how to grow them."

"That's very good! So I assume you and Big Macintosh are having success in growing the trees?"

Luna nodded happily. "Indeed, we are. Macintosh is a wonder to behold as he moves among the trees. He is a strong and intimidating stallion but his grace and poise are unseen anywhere else in Equestria. His knowledge of the trees and how he expects them to grow are unmatched, as well. He truly is a master of his craft."

Celestia nodded. "The Apple family never ceases to impress. Be mindful of your feelings though, sister."

Luna looked at her in confusion. "What about my feelings?"

"Do not become too attached to Big Macintosh. He may be a fine stallion but he will die long before you or I. Trust in me when I say that the heartache you receive is crippling." Celestia voice trailed of at the end of that statement as she recalled some memories best left forgotten.

"I thank you for the advice, sister, but I think you misunderstand my intentions."

Celestia shook her head. "I understand them perfectly. Your study of the usiku trees comes first and foremost in your mind but that is not the only reason you go there."

"You're right. I go because Macintosh is the only pony who has not run in fear or been distracted by my position of power. He offers good conversations and support for my learning endeavors. He is a friend. Nothing more." The irritation in her voice was clear.

"And yet as you describe him you sound like a school filly with a crush. I am not saying you must act upon your feelings or that you shouldn't be feeling them. I am only advising you to stay mindful of our long life and the rather short lives our subjects lead in comparison." Celestia tried to remain calm and make it clear to Luna that she only wanted to help.

Luna picked up the book she had been writing her notes in and made for the door of the library. "And I am advising you that I do not have feelings for Macintosh or any other stallion." Luna stomped out of the library.

Celestia watched her go and shook her head. She spoke to herself. "Be careful, dear sister. Deny your feelings too long and the one you hold them for will be gone before you've had time to enjoy their company."

Luna stomped into her room and tried to quell her anger. After 1,000 years away, she had learned that her anger would get her nowhere. She laid on her large bed and opened her book, rereading all of the notes she had taken. They were meticulous. Focused solely on the trees. She never once mentioned Macintosh and as she read the notes she did not think of him. She was as much a scientist as Twilight Sparkle.

However, as she set the book aside and let her mind wander, she replayed her argument with Celestia, and thought about what she had said.

"How did I describe him that would make it seem like I have feelings for him?" She closed her eyes and furrowed her brows. Sometimes she hated when Celestia pointed out things like this. She enjoyed her scientific nature, and didn't let personal relationships get in her way.

Her mind wandered to Macintosh and, for the first time, she pictured him not as a teacher but as a stallion. She thought of his gentle nature amongst the trees, his relaxed demeanor as he dealt with working night and day, of his impressive strength to do everything he did. As she thought of all of this, something in her mind clicked. She did have feelings for him.

She pulled a pillow over her face and screamed into it. Why did Celestia have to point this out? Things had been simple and uncomplicated. Now Luna was astutely aware of how she felt which would certainly make things awkward.

And how could she even deal with this? Macintosh had been too afraid to even say hello to her on their first meeting. He would probably wet himself if he knew how she felt. Luna sighed to herself. She would simply ignore the feelings. What other choice did she have? She did not want to scare off the one pony who had been able to accept her as something beyond a princess.

Content with her plan, and also upset with it, she curled up on her bed with her pillow held close to her. She daydreamed of Macintosh for several minutes before drifting off into a real dream.


Big Mac had been on auto pilot all day. He drifted from place to place on the farm, completing the work desired of him, but his mind was miles away.

He thought of what he would say to Luna if he ever confessed his feelings. He thought of the hundreds of ways that conversation could go. In his mind, most ended with him never seeing her again. This thought depressed him. Beyond his deeper feelings for her he did enjoy their time together. She had been eager to learn about the apples and it felt nice to have someone new to talk to. He found that he loved her, not just as a mare, but as a companion, as well.

An apple to the head shook him from his daze.

"Are you gonna daydream all day?" Applejack's voice rose from behind him and he turned to her.

"I reckon so." He answered sarcastically. "Are you done with the north field?"

She nodded proudly. "And in record time. I'm headed to the house for a drink. I'll be back out to help you when I'm done."

"Don't even worry about it, sis. Put your hooves up and relax. I've been out of sorts all week. No reason for you to do extra work on account of me."

Applejack smiled. "Alright, but you have this field done by supper or Granny's gonna be mad." She tipped her hat to him and left him to his work.

Big Mac surveyed what he had left of the field. He was nearly done. Barely a quarter to go. He let his mind wander again as he set back to work.

What if I tell her once the fruits ripen? Naw. Then she'll have no reason to come back anyway. Or if I gave her one as a gift and told her how I feel as she eats it. But then she'll probably spit it all over my face in shock.. He sighed and continued to test scenarios in his mind as he finished up the last of the field.

After finishing the field, he gave it a once over to be sure of the quality of his work before turning back toward the farmhouse. In the distance, he spotted a purple unicorn trotting toward him and waving.

"Hi Big Mac!"

He smiled warmly. "Howdy, Twilight! What brings you out this way?"

"Well, AJ said I could find you out here. You're not busy, are you?"

"Not at all. Just finished up." He sat under a tree and patted the ground next to him. "Pull up a tree and have a seat."

She giggled and sat down next to him.

"So what can I do you for, Twilight?"

"Well, actually, I came to tell you something important. About those trees you were asking about before."

Big Mac sat up a little bit and made sure Applejack and Apple Bloom were not around to hear. Twilight gave him a quizzical look. "I'm trying to surprise them with the trees," he explained.

"Oh. Well, about the trees. You may want to be careful with the fruit they bear."

"Why's that? And I thought you didn't have any books on them."

"Neither did I. Apparently, Spike filed it in the Rare & Magical section because the trees haven't been around in so long. But about the fruit, you have to be careful with who you give it to."

He raised an eyebrow but remained silent, allowing her to continue.

"Apparently, the fruit can be poisonous."

"You make it sound like it isn't always that way."

She shook her head. "It's not. It has something to do with emotions and feelings of the ponies involved. The negatives weren't covered very extensively but it did note that the more positive you feel about a particular pony, the better the fruit tastes. So, I imagine your family will love it, because you love them. But someone you don't like may find it bitter and if you don't like them enough or hate them, they may get very ill or even die."

Big Mac was a bit shocked to say the least but he smiled at her. "Then it's a good thing I like every pony in town."

Twilight laughed. "That's what I thought you'd say. Just be careful with the fruits. They don't respond to what you say but to what you feel deep down. Your truest emotions are literally grown into these apples."

An idea clicked into Big Mac's head and he smiled broadly. "By any chance, did your book say how long it took the fruits to grow?"

"Umm.. I think about three to four weeks. But they can only be grown once a year. They release spores into the air that prevent any more from being planted within 100 miles. These spores die off in winter."

Big Mac nodded and stood up. "Well, thank you kindly, Twilight. That's a big help."

Twilight stood with him and smiled. "You're very welcome."


Luna awoke late in the afternoon. Her mood soured when she realized the perfect world she had been living in in her dream was simply that. She sat up groggily and stared at the note book not far from her on the bed.

"Just research. Nothing more." She took a deep breath and exhaled sharply. "No matter how much I wish for more."

She placed the book gently on the nightstand beside her bed and made a mental note to credit Macintosh somewhere in the book. It was the least she could do. Leaving for the evening to raise the moon and study the trees she felt apprehensive for the first time. As she flew, she steeled her resolve and assured herself that regardless of her feelings she would still have a good time.