• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 2,193 Views, 101 Comments

Storm Of Secrets - Beware The Carpenter

Set one year after an alternate ending to season 2; Cadance and Shining Armor never got married.

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18 - Zebra Tales

For all their failings, the Wonderbolts were able to understand that they needed to get into the forest secretly, or else other ponies wouldn't learn about the troubled princess, and organize competing rescue teams. After collecting their share of the supplies, they provided a brief but fantastic farewell to the ponies still gathered outside the library and then took off at a considerable pace and altitude towards Los Pegasus. After putting a few miles and a large hill between them and Ponyville, they dropped almost to ground level and slid into the forest; skirting along the edge just inside the tree line, until they met the others.

In truth, Dash wasn’t that interested in helping find Cadance or Shining Armor’s body. Those things were important, and a few days earlier she would have been racing off for their sakes alone, but they were shadowed by much more important questions that was bighting at her mind; ‘Was Storm OK and did he feel about her the same what she did about him?’ She'd find him and ask. The fact that there were hundreds of miles of monster infested terrain between them didn't deter her in the least; it just made things a bit more interesting.

After regrouping with the others, the company set out into the forest. The path was just wide enough for two ponies to comfortably trot abreast. The two unicorns led the way, deep in conversation and giving the clear feeling that they did not want to be disturbed. Leaving the Wonderbolts to take up the rear and carry on with their own pointless discussions, Rainbow walked beside Applejack and couldn't have asked for a better companion.

Applejack did most of the talking, telling her all about the comings and goings of Ponyville this last year: the blind cockatrice that Fluttershy adopted, Twilight doing substitute teaching for Cheerilee, the apple harvest and a dozen other minor, everyday occurrences that Rainbow had missed. Rainbow would have been content to listen to Applejack for hours but it wasn't long before Zecora's hut came into view and both mares came to understand the empty room in their packs for ‘medical supplies’. From the window drifted the smell of bubbling concoctions and the laughter of two ponies. Was one of the Rangers visiting Zecora? No the other voice sounded more like a filly. Rainbow jumped towards the window to get a better look but only made it a few feet before she was seized mid air and dragged back to the ground. Rainbow shot a dirty look over her shoulder just in time to see Shining Armor's horn stop glowing. “Wait here with the Wonderbolts and Applejack.” he commanded, and then turning to Twilight he more cheerfully invited “You coming?”


Twilight opened the door and entered into to a warm room lined with pots of exotic herbs and spices. In the middle of the room sat Zecora next to her large cauldron along with Apple Bloom who must be on one of her semi-regular visits.

“Twilight!” exclaimed Apple Bloom when she saw her come in, “It’s a good thing you’re here; tell Zecora that that she should give me somethin’ to make me stronger so I can beat Scootaloo in a contest.”

“To defeat your friend in ways not legit; heed my words, no good will come of it.” warned Zecora as she scoped spice from a drum into the cauldron.

“But Zecora” whined Apple Bloom, “She's got her wings which give her an unfair advantage, I'm not looking to cheat, ah just want things to be even. Are you sure you couldn't fix me up a little something?”

“Indeed I could, but that does not mean, I should.”

Twilight only half understood Apple Bloom’s desire for a muscle stimulant. She knew that Diamond Tiara had boasted endlessly about her planned graduation party at the palace with the Wonderbolts performing a private show, and how Silver Spoon was the only other foal from the class she invited. Diamond Tiara and Silver spoon had rubbed the other foal’s mussels in it till they were sick to death of it, and so as compensation Mrs. Cheerilee had put on the best party she could afford for the rest of the class.

Word spread from student to parent and from parent everypony else. Soon, half the town was involved in creating a counter party that was probably far more fun, but at a fraction of the cost. Fluttershy established a petting zoo, Pinkie and the Cakes made sweets, Twilight arranged a fireworks display and preformed magic tricks, Cranky Doodle Donkey played the bagpipes (which he did remarkably well), but the real star of the show had been Cheerilee's new coltfriend, Jell Gibson, who brought a two-hundred gallon tub of jelly for the foals to play in. The foals took to having wrestling contests in the jelly with Scootaloo claiming first prize and Apple Bloom coming second. “I thought the contest was already over Apple Bloom. Why would you need help winning something that's already happened?”

“Cause the fight wasn't fair!” Insisted Apple Bloom “I was gonna just challenge her to rematch in the pond, but Snips and Snails heard about it and suggested we hold our own iron pony competition to decide who’s the most athletic pony in the school. We start next week but if Zecora doesn’t help me, Scootaloo's gonna use her wings to cheat, just like Rainbow Dash did against mah sister.”

Twilight thought for a minute, “Doesn’t the fact that Snips and Snails suggested it; tell you that an iron pony competition is a bad idea?”
Before Apple Bloom could answer her eyes looked behind Twilight and blinked. “Well howdy do Mr., I'm Apple Bloom.”

Twilight turned to see Shining Armor in the doorway, looking impatient to get a move on. “Apple Bloom I'd like you to meet-” Shining Armor's clearing his throat cut her off.

“Well Apple Bloom,” he said quickly, “I'll bet you'll never guess what's happened. Apparently the Wonderbolts got lost on their way to Los Pegasus and are right outside. I just gave them directions out of here but they've decided to rest for a few minutes before heading off. Why don't you go say hi?”

“Do you mean it?” asked Apple Bloom, her eyes growing wide as saucers.

“I do, but they're won't be there for very long so you'll have to hurry up if you want to see them.”

“Oh boy, oh boy,” shouted Apple Bloom jumping up and down with excitement. “Bye Zecora, bye Twilight, bye... whoever you are” and with that she was bolted out the door with her with her mane and tail billowing behind her.

“Salutations Silent Storm” smiled Zecora after Apple Bloom had left, “Your return is sooner then you warned. Yet never fear my long held friend, your armor's buffs I was quick to mend.”

“Madam Zecora-” began Shining Armor with a bow but he was but was almost instantly cut off by Zecora who had risen to her hooves, catching him in her intense stare.

“Perhaps just now I spoke in haste and my words of greeting were but a waste. I sense not the stench of a changeling veneer, but yet it seems you are not whom you appear.”

“Age has not dulled your sight” said Shining Armor; head still slightly inclined “It’s me, Shining Armor. Storm and I engaged in a body swapping spell and-”

“Shining Armor!” bellowed Zecora, drawing herself to full height, suddenly appearing menacing as though the cauldron next to her was boiling due to her rage instead of the fire beneath it. “To dare come here you show great nerve, or care not for your life preserve!”

“Zecora, please listen to me” started Shining Armor as he backed away before Zecora's advance, ears flat and mohawk bristling.

“No! For your offense it was most grave, your shameful acts prove you a knave! To become a friend and one so dear, then leave and then visit not, in donkey's years!?” Quick as lightning Zecora threw one hoof around Shining Armor's neck and drew him in for a brief but fierce hug, ruffling his mane with her other hoof before releasing him with a cheerful laugh. “Come and be welcome my prodigal friend. Tell me what aid that I might lend. Tell of your travels, while you were away, and tell why Storm's face you have today.”

Breathing a heavy sigh of relief, Shining Armor sat down with Twilight and as quickly as possible, described his keeping up the shield, his body swap with Storm, and the disappearance of Storm and Cadance through Storm's port gem. Zecora listened patiently, waiting for Shining Armor's tale to finish before speaking, “The path you have taken, it was not wise. Great shame on you, for misleading your bride; yet what's done is done and those lost must be saved, I will provide what help you need that I might speed you on your way.”

“Thank you Zecora. We have enough food and blankets to last the journey, but we don't have any medical supplies, or anything to reveal the illusions of the forest. The rescue party is myself, Twilight, thirteen pegasi, one earth pony and one phoenix.”

“All that I have and indeed much more, you have come at an opportune time to drain my store. Flares to reveal what lurk in the night, potions to heal and restore your might.”

“Thank you again” affirmed Shining Armor, “But tell me, did I hear you correctly when I came in? Do you have Storm's armor here?”

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