• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 2,192 Views, 101 Comments

Storm Of Secrets - Beware The Carpenter

Set one year after an alternate ending to season 2; Cadance and Shining Armor never got married.

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3 - The Charlatan

“Rainbow Dash!” It was Soarin.

She sighed, “What’s up?”

“It’s about to begin; you’ll be late.”

Dash’s wings snapped, she searched frantically for the sun and then relaxed a moment later when it came out from behind the clouds; it was barely two in the afternoon, Diamond Tiara’s party wasn’t for another three hours, “…What is?”

“The surprise from Spitfire.” A memory hit Dash in the back of the head, knocking a curse out her mouth. Two weeks ago it had been the anniversary of Dash joining the Wonderbolts, and Spitfire had told her she’d gotten her a present… that would be ready in two weeks. Dash had put it on her calendar, and then promptly forgot about it. Soarin smiled, “You coming?”

Rainbow shrugged and faked a smile, “Sure thing.” If visiting Rarity had been to forget about the Wonderbolts, maybe Spitfire’s mystery gift would help her forget about Rarity. The two pegasi took off, with Soarin humming to himself in that annoying fashion like he was trying hard to keep a secret. “So I’m guessing you know what Spitfire’s big ‘surprise’ is, huh?”

“It’s a magic show!” blurted out Soarin, “Spitfire says it's someone you know and that she's one of the best mages ever. She’s got an act at The Canterlot Theater and Spitfire reserved a box for the Wonderbolts for her opening show.”

Dash stopped cold, old friend? Best mage ever? Twilight was doing magic shows? Spitfire’s surprise was opening tickets!? A heartbeat later, Dash was racing; overtaking Soarin and zipping over rows lining up outside the theatre and through the VIP entrance without even pausing to dare the bouncer to try and stop her.

Only the front few rows were filled; the show wouldn’t begin for a while yet meaning she still had time, to sneak back and surprise Twilight before the show started. Rainbow wove through a plywood maze that honeycombed the concrete exterior of the theater from the cherished memory of doing the Hearth's Warming Eve pageant with her friends. Turning a bend and galloping through an open door she saw the light blue rump with a white tail of a unicorn who was fidgeting through some box of tricks, Not Trixie! Rainbow hadn’t made a sound but the blue pony suddenly turned around casting a menacing glare at... hold on; that wasn't Trixie.

“What are you doing here!?” The not-Trixie snarled. “No ponies allowed backstage except staff! Go back and wait in the theater, you impatient mule!”

Rainbow didn't know whether to retort, ask if she was Trixie's sister or just walk away when suddenly two pegasi landed behind her, both with identical pale blue coats and white manes making the room about twenty percent weirder than before.

“You think you could just sneak back and see how all the magic is done?” one pegasi accused, “Get out, or we'll drag you out and you won't even see the performance!”

Rainbow didn’t know what was happening and she wasn't sure she wanted to. She turned to leave, and then a sweetly arrogant laughter rang through the dressing room curtain. “Let her stay girls. That's right. Are you too dull to see that the leader of the mighty Wonderbolts has come so seek an audience with the Great and Powerful Trixie?”

The curtain glowed and pulled itself back to reveal the real Trixie, holding herself up with an unbearably overbearing demeanor as the other blue and white ponies shrank away from her in submission. “Welcome Rainbow Dash. To what does Trixie owe the honor of this visit?”
Dash sighed, “If I knew it was you performing, I wouldn't have come.”

Trixie either took no notice of Rainbow's offense, or else she hadn’t listened, “Well now that you're here is there anything Trixie can do for you? It will have to be fast as Trixie is on stage in ten minutes and couldn't stand to keep her adoring fans waiting, but if you come back after the show she will give you as much time as you desire.”

Trixie kept smiling as though Rainbow was an old friend. Half of Rainbow wanted to wipe that smirk off her face with a hoof; but she listened to the other half, and asked what was really on her mind. “Why are there four ponies in one room with the same colors?”

“There are six of them actually,” corrected Trixie. “Two unicorns and four pegasi. These are Trixie's disciples, who have chosen to follow The Great and Powerful Trixie and assist in her performances, in exchange for the honor of being able to continually witness Trixie's miraculous powers and skills in showmareship. While they remain here they take her colors as a sign of their loyalty.”

“That’s retarded.”

“Come now Rainbow Dash, you’re hurting Trixie's feelings. If you worked with Trixie it would be a huge help to both our careers. Perhaps you could do a joint show with Trixie someday. Trixie would like that wouldn't you?”


“Well then Trixie could still give you her secrets of showmareship; garnered from a lifetime of experience. If you could just get Trixie one chance to perform in the palace, she could-”

“The Wonderbolts have topped the charts for eight years. We don’t need your help.”

“But Trixie could still help you with promotion. Look at the crowd out there, Trixie could put in a recommendation for my audience to see you perform if you would do the same for her. Trixie will advertise you at every one of my shows this week for just one recommendation, even in private if you like, to Princess Celestia.”

“There's nothing you could tell your audience about me that they wouldn't already know, and I'm not going to recommend ponies to see a show that's not worth watching; least of all Celestia.”

Trixie took her eyes off Rainbow and looked around at her assistant show mares. “The show will begin in eight minutes girls, get out there and make sure every \thing's ready, if Trixie is not there in time, start the introductions without her. If she still has not arrived, go with routine five, Number Two can take Trixie's place”.

When they were alone Trixie shut the door and turned back to Dash who was suddenly feeling extremely nervous. “Really Rainbow Dash there's no reason's we can't be friends if you want to be. If you help Trixie, she's willing to help you in any way you desire.” Her voice was softer now, almost compassionate and a spark from her horn pulled her cape a few inches down revealing more of her neck.

“Trixie has heard about you and the Wonder-stallions, how you don't pay any attention to them. You don't have to be shy with Trixie; she helped Fancy Pants, and he got her this performance at the theater tonight.” Trixie took a few steps towards Rainbow, the lights dimmed and a row of candles mysteriously lit themselves. Trixie’s next words were slow and full of suggestion, as she spoke she wiggled her flank and fluttered her fake eyelashes. “Funny name for somepony who doesn’t wear any pants.”

“Oh you have GOT TO BE JOKING!” Screamed Rainbow Dash, “Get this in your head; I. Will. Not. Help. you!”

Trixie's seductive smile faded; but if she was disappointed she didn't show it. If anything it seemed like she had been playing with her. “Well I suppose we have nothing further to discuss. Watch out Rainbow Dash, pretty soon The Great and Powerful Trixie will be drawing larger crowds then the Wonderbolts. Trixie will see you humiliated and finished; but don't worry. When you’re out of work, perhaps Trixie will let you become one of her showmares and you can do your little tricks at her shows. You'll have to dye your mane and tail though.”

That was it! Dash braced herself and launched towards Trixie bringing her hind hoofs to bear. She had this brilliant idea about Trixie's head smashing into the concrete wall behind her in a colorful crescendo of white, blue and red; but before she could cross the room, Trixie's horn let off a powerful blast sending Dash flying head over hoof backwards.

Rainbow collided with a table filled with little bits and pieces with a painful thud and looked up to see an upside down Trixie leaving an upside down room to a chorus of applause. By the time she was on her hooves and seeing straight, Dash could already hear Trixie's voice ringing out over her hapless audience.

Dash just wanted to get out of there. She tried the back door but it was locked, the only other ways out were through the stage, or the side passages which led past the viewing boxes. She took the only feasible option, hoping that everypony would be too busy watching Trixie to notice her; she snuck into the hallway and was on her home break when one of Trixie’s look-alike-pegasi burst into the hall, blocking her path. Dash barred her teeth and got ready to – oh come on!!!

That thing was Fleetfoot wearing a Trixie imitation cape and hat she’d gotten from the souvenir shop! “Rainbow Dash; you're missing it! Did you meet Trixie? Wait, never mind! Tell me later; Trixie is amazing! Come and watch!” Rainbow tried desperately to think of an excuse, but nothing came up. Leaving now would cause questions later, but the Wonderbolts had the attention span of bumblebees, so if she left ten minutes in no one would notice. Two minutes in, the show was infuriating. Five minutes in, she was unbearable... for her at least.

Everyone else, particularly the Wonderbolts, loved it. They cheered at the tricks, laughed at the jokes, stomped in time with the pegasi dancers, and encouraged Trixie's hubris. What if Trixie did get popular and Rainbow had to see her on a regular basis? What if the other Wonderbolts suggested they do a show together with Trixie? She had to do something.

“This stinks.” It was best she could come up with.

“Stinking awesome!” Contended Lightning Streak and was echoed by several other Wonderbolts.

“Seriously; how can you guys fall for her lameness?”

“She's not lame, she's a hero” insisted Silver Lining, “I even heard that she once saved a town from a rampaging Ursa Major!”

Rainbow Dash flapped her wings in frustration; causing something small and metallic that had gotten lodged when she’d been thrown into the table fell to the ground; hijacking the Wonderbolt’s attention. High Winds gave it a tentative nudge and the thing broke out with Trixie’s voice, causing Blaze to break out into a wide grin; “You swiped an earpiece from one of the stagehoofs so we can hear Trixie better; awesome!”

The Wonderbolts crowded around the infernal device. Wasn't it enough that there Trixie had to be in seven places on stage at once? Did she now have to be in the Wonderbolt's 'private' viewing box as well?

Trixie's voice rang clearly through the microphone as she told some bogus story about how the great dragon migration had really been a war gathering to plot the destruction of Equestria. Then how Trixie had found a magic bracelet, which turned her into a blue dragon, enabling her to infiltrate their secret meetings and prevent their maniacal plans from being carried out. Obviously the bracelet was lost forever at the end of the story so she couldn't demonstrate turning into a dragon, but the audience seemed to swallow it none the less.

“Incredible” gasped Fire Streak in a reverent voice, “She actually saved all of Equestria.”

“Come on, you can't actually believe that; she's making it up!”

Fire Streak looked at Rainbow as if she were stupid, “Look around you Dash. We're in the most appraised theater in Canterlot. You don't think they'd let her come out here and say this stuff if they didn't check out all her stories to see if they were true or not, do you? I mean, how else do you think she got her performance here tonight?”

Dash grunted, “Yeah, it’s a mystery.”

Trixie paced the stage, reveling in the applause, casting frequent and unnerving glances at the Wonderbolt’s private box. “And now the Great and Powerful Trixie will invite a pegasi from the audience to assist her in her next act.” Half the audience and all of the Wonderbolts, except Dash, put their hooves high in the air. Trixie paced the stage several times to build suspense, and then looked straight up at Rainbow Dash. “You!”

Dash wasn't about to go down there, she didn't care that all of the Wonderbolts were looking at her expectantly; she tried to pretend she didn't notice. “Go on Rainbow Dash.” Spitfire smiled playfully, “She's talking to you.”

Unfortunately for her, Trixie had forgotten to point; or name it's target. Of course it was obvious to most of the crowd who she meant, but most did not include one small gray pegasus with a blond mane and slightly crossed eyes who fluttered up to the stage, thinking Trixie was talking to her. Trixie was so focused on Rainbow Dash that she didn’t notice the pegasus until she was standing beside her. Trixie jolted, then swung around to face the innocently smiling pegasus.

“What!?...What is your name, friend of Trixie's?”



“My name is Derpy Hooves!”

Dash leaned back amused. She knew Derpy from Ponyville, or at least knew that if Dash was at the top of the cool pyramid; Derpy was sort of like a block that got lost on the way and ended up falling in a ditch. Somehow she always had a way of showing up at the worst possible times, try to help and end up making the situation even worse.

She would be perfect to assist Trixie making a fool of herself.

Trixie waved her hoof dramatically, “Well then Derpy, prepare yourself to make magic history!” then much quieter Dash heard over the microphone, “Abort, abort; get that phosphorous out of there and go to stunt four, and hurry!”

“What did you say Trixie?” Derpy asked quizzically, loud enough to be heard.

“Trixie didn't say anything.”

Trixie had said something… something about phosphorous. Since becoming a Wonderbolt, Rainbow Dash had accumulated enough basic knowledge of fireworks to know that phosphorous went boom. Derpy probably shouldn’t be doing anything involving high explosives… but Trixie didn’t know that; and had changed her act the moment she realized her assistant wouldn’t be Rainbow Dash.

Derpy looked perturbed; “Did you say something?”

“Trixie just said she didn't!”

“Aren’t you Trixie.”

“Of course Trixie is Trixie!”

Derpy looked hopelessly confused, glancing between the various Trixie look a-likes, “Then… who are you?”

Trixie face hoofed amiably and held it there for several seconds making Dash if Derpy might have actually succeeded in breaking Trixie’s mind; a low chuckle from Trixie’s throat told her otherwise, “I am Trixie; but I do not blame you for the confusion, you would not be the first to be blinded by Trixie’s brilliance.”

“I-I don't get it.”

“Of course you don’t; but it is nothing to be ashamed of to be unable to behold Trixie’s full glory. yet even with one eye drifting in her ambiance, you shall witness more wonder than you can fathom… not that that should be anything new for you.”

The crowd laughed, including the Wonderbolts, Derpy didn’t say anything and Dash added, ‘making fun of disability of disability first method of stalling’ to her list of reasons not to like Trixie. She figured it deserved about seventh place, and then reconsidered it for fifth. Derpy didn’t deserve this… and what had Trixie been planning on doing with phosphorous?

Trixie smirked; “Derpy, are you ready to continue?”

“Umm, yea sure.” Derpy muttered.

Trixie began circling Derpy slowly; discreetly pushing her several lengths to the left; “Since sundering of the great alicorns of old by the fell beast Discord, all ponies have striven to return to the heights from which they have fallen. Thousands have tried, and a talented few have almost succeeded.”

Trixie stopped, her horn glowing powerfully for almost a minute as she gathered energy which enveloped her before two frail butterfly wings sprouted from under her cape and she rose, strenuously, a few feet off the stage. The crowd gasped in amazement, Rainbow Dash had seen Twilight do better. Trixie made a slow lap around the stage and around Derpy then burst her wings in small jets of blue flame.

“This spell was invented almost three hundred years ago, allowing unicorns a brief taste of the lives of pegasi; though it lasts only a moment and does not allow for true flight.” Lie. “Never before though have the gates turned the other way; allowing pegasi and earth ponies to draw on the depths of a unicorn’s magic… until now.”

Trixie stopped her circling, faced Derpy, and waved her hoof dramatically; “Derpy, with your permission I would like you to be the first pegasi, to publicly be transformed into an Alicorn!”

Author's Note:

If you haven't read Spitfire's Pet Unicorn yet; now would be an excellent time.

Wanted: Expendable fall-mare to undertake dangerous mission.

Moderate intelligence, manipulable ego and history of criminal activity desirable.

Promise of making your wildest dreams come true upon completion.

Pacifists need not apply.

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