• Member Since 4th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 47 minutes ago


Simultaneously able to type 94 wpm and still take five years to finish a story. If you're feeling generous, throw a ko-fi at me.


Ever the romantic idealist, Luna had always dreamed of a dark alicorn (gag...) to take her away so they could enjoy the night together.
When he suddenly appears, however, she soon learns truths--about herself, about him, about her sister, and about the alicorns themselves--that she would much rather have left hidden.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 8 )

bt, y dat charakter tag blu?
bt, did u jus post a story usin the aful combinashun of OC tag and Romance tag?
wat r u doin

1) I got up to here before I had to take a break to calm my stomach. Remind me again why I chose this plot device?
2) 'Not to mention she had the most wondrous curves and tightest flank he had ever seen, well-worked from a thousand years of training for revenge while on the moon.' I'm sorry (I'm not), but I have to get some liveliness in here. This romantic crap feels like regurgitated mush and I'm pretty sure it's draining my soul just writing this.
3) Is it obvious that I know nothing about stars? I love nights, but that's only because I work a graveyard shift and earn an extra quarter an hour because of it. I can find the Big Dipper, and that's about as astronomically savvy as I get.
4) I write by setting up the characters in my head, and letting them “run the simulation” with my imagination, and then writing what I see. For some reason, though, every time I try to set up Pinkie Pie with foals, my imagination crashes. Yeah, crashes. It's basically a brain BSOD (and, ironically, it feels somewhat like a brain freeze). So no Pinkie offspring in this story.
5) Not that she had any anniversaries to celebrate, mind you. What had happened was, she remembered her parents' anniversary, and made sure to congratulate them both. But, as luck would have it, both her parents had forgotten; so her mom was angry with her dad for forgetting, and her dad was angry with Twilight for reminding her mom. But it all ended well.

When I first typed that the alicorn was black, I was tempted to put a note, asking how many people closed the tab at that discovery (because black alicorn OCs are pretty much universally hated.) Then I realized that they would have just closed the tab and would not have read it. Then I decided to say “blackened”, instead of black, so he wouldn't have to be black (even though he was for outlines versions 1-3). I finally decided on blue, because blue is my second favorite color after red, and I didn't want him to be red or black. Besides, if he is to be a night alicorn as well, he needs a darker color scheme, and blue seemed like the right color.

1) I was slightly sick when I wrote this scene. No, it wasn't from the nauseatingly saccharine events (though that certainly didn't help); I really woke up with the flu and I couldn't focus on my homework, so I wrote pony instead. It's funny what happens when you're sick. Once I was sick, took some nyquil, and watched Toy Story 3. To this day, I'm still not sure if it's just that great of a movie, or if I was too out of it to notice any problems.
2) Props if you read this line in Captain Jack Sparrow's voice.
3) Do you ever look back and think, man, I was a dumb little kid? When I was young, I thought ICU stood for “I see you, but you can't see me, 'cause you're really hurt.” Made perfect sense to me.
4) I have written many snarky lines for G, the female guard; but this one is probably my favorite so far.

A while ago, Golden something or other posted a TWE drinking game thread. It since got purged, but I calculated that for this chapter that you would need to take one shot for there being an OC alicorn, another for a dark color scheme (at least I didn't make his mane red. That combination would have required two shots), another shot for being a Gary Stu (only male alicorn in existence? Really, that's the best you could do?) and another for his name having a form of the word “darkness” in it. Oh, and another two shots pending the romantic part for OC alicorn/mane six or princess (hey, it could be worse—OC alicorn/Twilight merits three). Drink up, me hearties.

1619146 this amuses me, continue.

imma read the shit out of it. tomorrow.

:twilightsheepish:This was an AMAZING chapter. And I think I got a good amount of the references:pinkiecrazy:

Thank you!
Oh, good. I like it when people get my references. Hope I got a laugh, or at least an eye-roll. :twilightsmile:

Yo got a good amount of laughs, and a few eye rolls. Keep the good work up:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:
Too bad I had ALL my finals today, or you would have gotten more:)

You must continue this! :) This story is very good. I'm so curious about Midnight... I have dozens of theories bouncing around in my head.

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