• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 4,916 Views, 85 Comments

Warrior - The-DerpSide

Spike has always felt helpless....but with the Sangheili as ancestors....maybe he can change....

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Chapter 2: The path of my ancestors

Please note that Spike’s “Last Name” is an actual name used by an Elite according to Halopedia. Also, the suffux “-ai” added to the end of Spike’s last name is used to denote swordsmanship.

“This is talking”

‘This is thinking’

Princess Celestia stood up after hearing Spike’s last declaration. Inwardly wondering the differences between the Dragons Spike had originally tried migrating away with, and the “Earth Dragons” of which Spike actually was, she filed the information away for later review in her head.

“Well My Little Ponies, I don’t know about you, but this has been a very eventful day.” Princess Celestia said, causing Spike to smirk slightly. He had fought his way through all of Canterlot to reach the Palace, yet it was to be expected that the non-combat trained ponies would think running across an enemy-infested castle would be difficult…he would have too before the migration.

“And Twilight, I was wrong to doubt you when you came to me with your suspicions.” Now this was news to Spike, Celestia doubting Twilight Sparkle? Even the other five bearers of the Elements of Harmony were saying similar things!
‘What did I miss?’ Spike thought to himself.

Placing his helmet back onto his head, he thought of the pros and cons of his current mission. It had allowed him to return to Ponyville, only to learn that the girls were at Canterlot for the wedding between Twilight’s brother-Shining Armor, and Princess Cadence. On the other hand, he would have to return to the Covenant Battlecruiser his ancestors crash-landed on to deliver the news to the Grand Councilor when he was finished. A journey he would have to take alone again…unless….


Dropping to his knee in front of Princess Celestia, Spike spoke in front of everypony. “Ruling Princess of the Pony civilizations, I come on a mission from the Grand Councilor of the Earth Dragons. I am Spike ‘Kusovai, Major Rank.”

This earned more than a few raised eyebrows from the ponies that were slowly making their way back into the castle. Except from Derpy Hooves, who was waving happily at him, causing Doctor Whooves to shake his head in amusement and disbelief. Even Princess Celestia tilted her head slightly. “And what is this mission.”

“The Grand Councilor would like to meet with you with a few representatives-some Earth Dragons on his side and ponies on your side-to discuss an alliance.” Spike said, causing whispers among the audience.

“An…alliance? Between dragons and ponies?” Celestia asked, going through her mind wondering if an alliance like what he was suggesting already existed.

“No. Between Earth Dragons and Ponies. We Earth Dragons have militaristic strength, but without something to guard it is useless and letting our skills rot is shaming our ancestors.” Spike explained slowly, Rarity and the others hanging onto every word and…was Twilight taking notes? He was glad to see some things never changed.

“And besides” Spike continued, “with everything that happened to Ponyville alone after your student Twilight Sparkle arrived, it can ensure the towns and cities are protected without straining the numbers of the Royal Guard.” Shining Armor, who had opened his mouth to speak, shut it immediately after Spike said this.

“Anyways, we can discuss this…after the wedding” Celestia said, turning her head to Cadence and Shining Armor. At this, Spike’s eyes widened dramatically.

“And I don’t have anything to wear besides this armor!” He said, running to the window. He was about to leap out of it until a lilac and blue aura surrounded him, holding him in place.

“And where do you think YOU’RE going?!” Twilight Sparkle and Rarity said at the same time, not wanting Spike to run away…again.

“To a tux rental.” Spike said flatly, pointing out a window to a shop down the road.


Spike, now out of his armor and in a tuxedo his size-which had not been easy to find- stood watching the carriage containing the newly wedded couple move out into the distance. He glanced at the Castle-where his armor and weapons were now stored temporarily in Celestia’s room. He was broken out of his thoughts by a soft-familiar voice that echoed through his dreams.

“Um..Spike…well…I was wondering…um…if…” Rarity stuttered slightly as Spike turned around and his emerald green eyes shone in amusement.

“Relax, Rarity. I don’t bite. Now take a deep breath and tell me what you want. You’re sounding like Fluttershy right now.” Spike said, brushing a claw through her stylized mane trying to soothe her.

“I was wondering if you wanted to dance…you know…with...me.” She finally said, causing him to give a wide grin.
“Gladly. Mi Lady.” He said with a bow, right before a photographer snapped a picture.


“So tell me about this…alliance.” Princess Celestia said, casually munching on an apple. Normally, she would be formal, but it was Spike she was talking to-someone she had known since he was hatched. Princess Luna, on the other hoof, was listening with formal attention, as were most of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Twilight was slightly less formal, since she was taking notes left and right while levitating a drink to take a sip of occasionally. Pinkie Pie was……Pinkie Pie.

“As I mentioned earlier, We Earth Dragons have military strength, but our code doesn’t allow us to go to battle unless we are insulted or are given a command from our Grand Councilor.” Spike explained.

“Keep Prince Blueblood out of the meeting then” Celestia stage-whispered to Luna, earning a smirk from Rarity-as she had not forgotten the awful time at the Grand Galloping Gala she had with him.

“Now, letting our skills rot seems like a waste, especially after adapting our weapons to be recharged from our flames instead of plasma. Now” Spike said but was interrupted yet again when Twilight spat out her drink and shouted:


“Our vehicles run off plasma.” Spike said, “Our weapons had to change to dragon-flame based weapons due to the inability to recharge those weapons and no access to newly produced ones. We basically supply tools and military while asking only for the ability to the opportunity to fight on the front-lines if the time comes.”

“And the fighters won’t harm the ponies, not even threaten them with their weapons?” Princess Luna asked, since this alliance seemed awfully one-sided…in the ponies benefit.

“No. In our society when a weapon is drawn it must ‘demand blood’ so to speak, so it can’t be drawn for show. The only time you’ll see an Earth Dragon draw a weapon is in battle, sparring, or when their honor is insulted. One piece of advice: do not insult our ancestors and family.” Spike explained, nervously tapping a claw in what he had to say next.
“Well, I would like to meet this ‘Grand Councilor’ very much then!” Princess Celestia said, unfurling and stretching her wings before stretching her legs. “Just send the message right away”

“About that. For some reason my flame messages only go to you or are received by you, meaning I have to go back myself…and I’m not allowed to take others.” Spike said, receiving shouts of protest from Twilight and her friends. It nearly brought a tear to his eyes seeing how much the others were worried about him.

“Unless…” Spike said, causing all of them to quiet immediately. “The Grand Councilor was very interested in meeting the six ponies representing the ‘Elements of Harmony’ that defended the pony’s lands. He has allowed me to bring the six ponies of those elements to meet with him directly when I report in. Now, I must remind you that this is the Earth Dragon’s most sacred land…hidden deep in the Everfree Forest.”

As Fluttershy was about to quietly voice her inability to go, Rarity of all ponies stuffed a hoof in Flutttershy’s mouth to quiet her and spoke up “When can we start.” This caused everyone to look at her, and she blushed slightly in embarrassment, “I mean, a lady must never be kept waiting after all.”

“We must arrive back to Ponyville tonight. It will be easier to reach the lands from there.” Spike said, standing up and clicking his jaws together. “Now Twilight, if you can teleport us to the library…”

He never got a chance to finish as a lilac aura surrounded him and the six ponies before a blinding light entered his vision.


In a blinding light, everypony appeared in the middle of the library, startling Peewee the Phoenix and Owlicious the owl. “Hey Peewee!” Twilight greeted, and the phoenix just spat out some flames into her face. “Still got personal space issues, I see…” Twilight muttered, coughing out smoke.

At this sight, Spike let out a loud laugh, which got Peewee’s attention. With a loud trill, the couple month old phoenix glided over to Spike and perched on his right shoulder. Spike walked to his room and pulled out his old basket which he slept in with his “infant form”. Pulling out his pillow, he set the pillow on the ground and put Peewee’s perch in the basket. Nodding to himself as Peewee flew off and roosted on his perch, he got to work peeling off his armor.

Now the “Mane Six” had been used to Spike as an infant, so they had expected to know what he looked like underneath the armor. They, were not, however, expecting the large, slightly discolored portion of scales on his chest going from his right shoulder to his left hip in a single slash mark. Or the fact that there were so many slash marks on his left shoulder that even Twilight doubted that the scales would regain their original color.

“What did he go through?” Rarity whispered as Spike settled on the ground of all places-head propped up on the pillow-and drifted to sleep. She quietly made her way to the door and snuck her way out.

As she walked back home, she thought back to the experiences she and the others shared with Spike. The small, cutesy dragon with (as she put it) “chubby-wubby wittle cheeks” had grown into what had appeared to be a futuristic knight with a strong sense of honor and family. It reminded her of the Samurai of…neighpan was it? She was broken from her thoughts as she literally walked into the door.

“My…how ungraceful of me.” She said quietly, moving her head around to see if anyone spotted her doing such an embarrassing thing. Pulling her hidden key out of its hiding spot and re-hiding the key after unlocking the door, she entered her home/boutique and shut and locked the door. Staring at a curtain in the room, she used her magic to pull back the curtain revealing her latest work.

On a ponyquin was a purple knight-like tunic with green highlights. She had ended up accidentally designing it when trying to relax after Spike ran off on his migration. Her mind had been so wrought with worry that she had not noticed her design until halfway through, when Sweetie Bell pointed it out.

Gazing at it, she realized that there was no way Spike would fit in it now. Suddenly, her eyes widened and a huge grin appeared on her face.

Idea!” She said in an almost signing voice as she used her magic to pull out purple, gold, and green fabrics.


Now Spike awoke the next morning after everyone else arrived. ‘After sleeping on the floor of the Battlecruiser, the wooden floor feels like a luxury bed’ Spike thought to himself before opening his eyes…

And staring directly into Pinkie Pie’s party cannon. His eyes widened as he let out a shout of surprise and rolled to the right just in time to avoid being hit with the confetti it spat out. It was then Spike decided to voice his displeasure.

"Ghis Rhan Ju Uon Puch! Fyur Udonk’han Su!"

Now this got confused looks from all six ponies in the room. It was then Spike realized what he said.

“Sorry. I kind of learned my ancestor’s language during my migration. I said ‘Don't aim that at me. I could’ve attacked.’ Sorry about the confusion.” Spike said, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment before putting on his armor. Spike checked the triangular weapon, which he described was known as a gem needle rifle and saw that its ammo was low. He pulled out a glowing pink gem and sliced it with his claws, shaping the sliced gem into needles and putting them in the canister he pulled out. Placing it back into the weapon, he pumped the loading slide and 18 shards stuck out of the weapon around the canister-nine on each side. He also breathed fire into the handle of the two–bladed, one handed sword he used, which Spike explained to them was known as the Flame Sword, until three lights came on indicating a full charge.

Without warning, Spike pulled of the armor of his left shoulder and slashed his own left shoulder and jammed the pointed needles of the Gem Needle Rifle into it, earning cries of surprise and protest. Stifling back a grunt of pain, Spike once again explained “Once drawn, the weapon demands blood.” Placing the handle of the sword, which he shut off, on his right leg armor-the handle stuck to the armor and Spike placed the Gem Needle Rifle on his lower back armor, where it also stuck to the armor.

Returning his shoulder armor where it belonged, he turned to the door and asked “I trust Pinkie Pie and Applejack have our food?” Gaining nods from the two ponies in question. “You don’t have ta worry ‘bout a thing sugarcube.” Applejack said, and Spike nodded at his six friends.

“We must go. We are already behind schedule.” Spike said, and Twilight’s eyes widened in alarm.



As the group winded through the Everfree Forest, Fluttershy was literally leaping behind and pony close to her at the slightest movement in the forest.

“So…Spike, you said the Earth Dragon’s sacred land was where your ancestors-what you call Sangheili-arrived…what are Sangheili?” Twilight Sparkle asked the dragon who took not only the role of her number one assistant, but her adopted younger brother…perhaps even…son.

“To say it bluntly: aliens.” Spike said in a quiet voice.

“Don’t joke with us, Spike.” Rainbow Dash said; hovering in the air with her front legs crossed.

Spike turned around and they could see the bored expression on his face even with his helmet on. “Does it look like I’m joking? To prove my point, near our sacred ground-a Sangheili scout encountered a cockatrice and was turned to stone. I will take you there.” With that, Spike suddenly veered to the right and the other ponies scrambled to keep up with their guide.

After what seemed like days through the winding forest, Spike suddenly stopped and moved some bushes away. In front of the ponies behind those bushes was a stone statue of a weird…..creature.

It had a diamond-shaped helmet that had side coverings that had armor plating that covered the sides of its four open mandibles that revealed dog-like teeth. It had a bulky chest plate and rounded shoulder guards, and no covering on its arms. It held a black, rusted, triangular object and its knees bent forwards. It appeared to have been crouching-and if what Spike had said was true-investigating a Cockatrice. Its beady eyes were at the sides of its head, staring in front of it at their spot a little above the mandibles. It had two toes in the front of its feet and one in the back-in what looked like an alien hoof. As the ponies stared at it-with Twilight taking notes Spike put the bushes back and shook his head.

“We’re close now. We must go, before any manticore locks onto our scent.”


After a few more minutes of walking, Spike suddenly stopped and turned to his friends. “Make sure your jaw doesn’t dislocate when you see our ancestor’s Battlecruiser…how they arrived on this planet.” Before walking through the foliage out of sight. The girls followed him, and their jaws nearly touched the ground.

A gigantic, purple spaceship that had started to rust in some places that seemed to stretch out for miles laid on the ground in front of them-some spots embedded into the thick mud. There were a couple of holes in the sides scattered across the ship, and the entire ship was leaning with the front of it upwards-like an airplane in descending position, revealing the large metal bars under the front. The engines were buried in the ground. Spike walked to one of the holes and placed a hand on the side of the ship.

“This entire ship is 1,782 meters long: or 5,850 feet long. It is also 862 meters wide: or 2,830 feet wide.” Spike said, running his scaled hand across the metal of the ship.

Another dragon, with grey scales and clad in gold armor walked forward and said something in that growling language that Spike had shouted at Pinkie Pie earlier, and Spike responded in that same language. The dragon nodded at him and walked through the large hole and into the ship.

“You six now have permission to come inside the ship with me. He has gone ahead to inform the Grand Councilor of our arrival.” Spike said, as Twilight turned to her fellow ponies and said:

“Okay girls; let’s be on our best behavior here. We are representing all of Equestria in this initial meeting. Pinkie Pie, that means NO PARTY CANNON! We don’t want to accidentally start a war.”

At this Pinkie Pie let out a loud sigh of disappointment and put away her party cannon…somewhere. It even baffled Spike to where it disappeared to.

“Well, here goes nothing.” Spike said, as the group turned and headed into the Battlecruiser, his claws echoing on the metal floor.

Author's Note:

To make up for the slow update, I revamped me second chapter-greatly changing it from the original-and doubled its size for all of you!

Here are some pictures to help explain things:

Covenant Battlecruiser > http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/CCS-class_battlecruiser

Sangheli Minor (scout described) > http://www.halopedia.org/Sangheili_Minor

A video of a Sangheili pre-battle speech (where I got the idea of Spike's outburst)> http://www.youtube.com
