• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 4,916 Views, 85 Comments

Warrior - The-DerpSide

Spike has always felt helpless....but with the Sangheili as ancestors....maybe he can change....

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Chapter 4: Peace talks and scars

Cadence stood with Shining Armor next to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, with an irritated look on her face. She had been called from her honeymoon-much to her annoyance-to deal with the peace talks with the Earth Dragons. "I mean, it's not like they are going to be here today, right? We could have gotten another day on our honeymoon." She said, while Shining Armor nuzzled her reassuringly.

"Don't worry. It seems like we're just here to help finalize things here. A basic plan has already been set up." He said, before a loud, metallic, growl-like sound was heard. Looking up, they watched as the Spirit Drop-ship hovered down close to the ground, and the sides opened up, and six ponies with multiple dragons hopping out.

Their attention was drawn to the largest dragon, he was black with ornate silver armor and easily stood at ten hooves tall-even taller then Princess Celestia-the largest pony there. Shining Armor's eyes scanned over the group, before landing on a purple-scaled dragon at a mere four hooves. Although his armor was different, Shining Armor could recognize Spike instantly. "Spike, I need you to help the two Royal Guard soldiers outside the room in order to keep an even number of dragons to ponies inside the room." The dragon said in a deep, guttural voice.

"Yes, Grand Councilor." Spike said, standing at attention between the two ponies in gold armor in front of the doorway.

"Relax, we'll get you a few sapphires in return." The Grand Councilor said, earning a salute-a raised fist to his left chest-from Spike. The Grand Councilor chuckled slightly and said to the ponies "Sapphires are his favorite food."


When the door closed, the Grand Councilor took off his helmet and placed it on the table, revealing his emerald green eyes. "Greetings Crown Princesses of the Pony Civilizations, I am the Grand Councilor of the Earth Dragons, R'tas 'Kusovai." Now this name got Princes Celestia's attention.

"Wait. 'Kusovai? Is there any relation to Spike?" She asked, gaining a small laugh from R'tas.

"Yes. I was glad to finally meet my grandson when he came to grow and learn in our sacred ground." He admitted and Celestia's eyes widened. Luna, Shining Armor, and Cadence had their jaws touching the ground. "Before you ask, my son Thel 'Kusovai and his wife Sapphire died in an ambush by a dragon on a mission to speak to you about the alliance we will be discussing. However, you recovered Spike's egg yourself, Princess Celestia."

With that, an uneasy silence fell across the room until Pinkie Pie quickly trotted to the kitchen and came back balancing trays full of hay fries, daisy sandwiches, cakes, and gems of every variety. "So who's hungry?" She asked.


Spike stood tapping his foot on the floor as he gazed to and from the Royal Guards and the doorway where the meeting was held. He couldn't help but think of all that he learned about his species, including the hidden information that was usually kept a secret. Earth Dragons could produce viable offspring with ponies. It almost never happened, though. Maybe once every couple hundred years...if that. "I wonder how the talks are going?" Spike growled out in Sangheili. The language of his ancestors was now as natural to him as speaking Equestrian was.

Spike then rubbed his chest armor, hand over his scar. He then thought back to the day he received it, not knowing that R'tas 'Kusovai was telling the same tale.

It had been right after he had his growth spurt. He stood in the red armor of a Minor-Rank Earth Dragon with the flame sword lit, as an Honor Guard stood facing him with his flame sword active as well. It was one of Spike's first spars with the flame sword, and facing the high ranked-six hoof tall honor guard was a terrifying aspect. Still, he had to succeed, he had to....to grow strong enough to protect his friends.

Without a word, the two suddenly ran at each other and the flame swords crashed into each other. The heat from the flames was intense-as Dragon Fire was one of the only kind of fire that could go through a dragon's scales. The two dragons kept exchanging blows, neither one landing an actual blow against anything but the others sword. That's when it happened.

Spike slipped as the Honor Guard swung his sword.

The blade sliced through the armor and through Spike's scales, leaving a bad slice from his right shoulder-blade to his left hip. Spike's vision blurred as searing pain shot through his entire body. Metallic blue blood seeped from the wound and Spike collapsed face-first on the ground.

Horror shot through the Honor Guard as he realized that he just may have accidentally killed his sparring partner. "It's...not...over ....yet." Spike suddenly growled out, forcing himself onto his knees. "Never....make an....assumption....unless you....know your foe....is down!" He growled, and stabbed his flame sword at the Honor Guard.

Startled, the Honor Guard could do nothing as the flame sword sliced the top of his right arm just below the elbow, forcing him to drop his own flame sword.

"ENOUGH!" The Grand Councilor shouted, as Spike collapsed with his adrenaline no longer supporting him, "Take Spike to the infirmary to have his wound dealt with."

A few day later, when Spike was in fighting form again, he learned that he had been promoted to Major-Rank for disarming an Honor Guard in a spar.

The ponies had been quietly listening to the tale and were surprised on how the scar had actually been received. "Our ancestors, the Sangheili, crash-landed here many centuries ago. Perhaps even before the first Hearth's Warming Eve." R'tas said, "Even when draconic blood was mixed in an untold amount of time before our current meeting, we kept the beliefs of the Sangheili. However, as you look at us, you can see that none of us actually grow any wings."

It was then that Luna voiced a question that rattled in her mind. "If you're so militaristic, why ally yourself with us peaceful ponies instead of the militaristic Griffons?"

The Earth Dragons let out a soft laugh. "Finally, one of you asks the question we were waiting for. The answer is simple for us Earth Dragons, but not for anyone who does not know our ancestor's history." R'tas said, rubbing a hand on his helmet.

"The Sangheili were a part of a military group of different alien species called the Covenant. They were the backbone of the military force. But one day, the Covenant betrayed them and tried to kill all of them. So, they allied themselves with the Covenant's worst enemy. We decided that instead of joining another military and risking betrayal like our ancestors did, we would join a peaceful group and serve as guards and, if needed, soldiers."

As R'tas stood up and placed his helmet back on his head, the ponies were unnerved slightly at how tall he actually was up close. "Relax, we don't bite." He said, holding a hand up to placate them. Pinkie Pie, however, was apparently having a staring contest with a yellow-scaled Minor-Ranked dragon. Eventually, the dragon got fed up with Pinkie staring at him and decided to startle her.

"Really, I'm NOT going to kiss you in front of everyone!"

"What?!" Pinkie Pie shouted, falling onto her back. That sight caused everyone to laugh.

"I'm confused." Shining Armor said, rubbing the back of his head with a hoof. "You kept telling us different ranks, but never told us which one was which!"

"I knew I was forgetting something!" R'tas said, pacing slightly, "We have a scale of ranks and we work our way up from the lowest to the highest. In that order, the ranks are Minor, Major, Ultra, Zealot, General, Shogun-which replaced the Sangheili's Ship-master rank since our ship can no longer fly as it should, Warrior-replacing the Sangheili's Fleet-master, Honor Guard, and Grand Councilor."

The Mane 6 was very surprised at this revelation. They had thought Ultra-Rank was a very high rank, but they had just learned that it was the third lowest of the Earth's Dragon's rankings!


Spike was just about to let out a groan of boredom when the doors flew open. Spike let out a salute to the Grand Councilor and knelt down. "So, how were the talks?" Spike asked, and Rarity stared at him, thinking how much his actions right now were reminding her of a brave knight.....and of how badly he was injured in a spar.

'It's settled.' She thought, 'I'll talk to him and see if we can work something out. He may not have known that his gift was a marriage proposal in his society at the time he did it, but his sense of honor will keep him near me until I make my choice. Besides, anypony needs to go on dates before they jump into a marriage.'

"I must return to the Battlecruiser and send different dragons to different cities. We have a purpose once more" R'tas said, "However, I have an optional long-term mission for you."

"Sir?" Spike asked, tilting his head in curiosity.

"I need a representative to guard the ponies representing the 'Elements of Harmony' and since you have the most experience with them, I was thinking that you would be the best choice since they know you and would be less likely to feel threatened by you. Do you accept this mission?" R'tas asked, his voice void of emotion.

"Yes, Grand Councilor." Spike replied, saluting his grandfather.

R'tas 'Kusovai nodded to show that he understood that Spike accepted the mission, before handing Spike a handful of the promised sapphires. As the Grand Councilor of the Earth Dragons walked back to the Spirit Drop-ship, he whispered "Be safe, Spike."

Watching his grandfather until he went out of sight, Spike felt that he needed to show off slightly. Grinning widely, he turned around and saluted his six friends before saying "Spike 'Kusovai. Ultra-Ranked Sword Specialist. Reporting for duty!"

"Whoo-Hoo! This calls for a PARTY!" Pinkie Pie shouted, jumping in one spot, making everyone laugh.

Author's Note:

So, a sorter chapter, but it's getting late. I promise a longer chapter tomorrow, when I'm at a better computer