• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 6,462 Views, 191 Comments

Waking Up in Black and White - _Kenzu_

My name is Jace Banner, and I didn�t really ask for this, but now I'm in the body of

  • ...

Dealing with Fame, and Time to Train

Chapter 7
Dealing with Fame, and Time to Train
(side note, nice listening music for chapter here )


It had been some time since the bus left my home town. We had driven for miles along the old interstate road, not that there was really anything interesting to look at through the rain that still came down outside. Other than the neon green signs announcing city names and miles left to go, the scenery didn’t change much. Most of the landscape was little different from my home in the Florida panhandle. With rolling hills, winding country roads, and countless pine trees as far as the eye could see. I’d have sworn I was still there if we hadn't been driving all morning.

With nothing fascinating going on outside, I absentmindedly directed my attention to the other passengers on the bus. Most had long since settled in for the dull drive. Some had even fallen asleep while others were distracted by their portable devices. The initial attention on me had seemingly evaporated for the majority much to my relief. But I could feel the eyes of one particular passenger staring holes into the back of my head when I wasn’t looking.

I could tell he was a younger man, sitting across from me and one seat back just watching. I could hear his excited whispering as he spoke to who I assumed was his friend in the seat beside him. He was the thin lanky type, probably only in his early- to mid-twenties. I didn't look long, but was sure he was wearing a shirt with a certain pink pony on it. In large bold letters was the word “Party!” One word popped in my head when I saw it, ‘Brony’.

Every time I turned back to glance at him he’d quickly return to texting on his phone or looking out the window, conveniently just past me. It was discomforting, but at the same time I guess he had a right to be curious, though that didn't make me feel any better about it.

I tried to place my thoughts elsewhere and away from the “adoring” fan. I shifted in my seat continually to find a comfortable position, but it felt an almost impossible effort just sitting on my flank. I just couldn't see how a certain mint-green unicorn from town found this position so comfortable. I had resorted to curling up onto the chair which to my relief I found much more pleasant.

After another half hour went by, even people-watching got old. I decided to turn on my Ipad and looked to the time out of idle curiosity.

7:45 AM

I’d only been on the bus for a little over an hour, one very long hour. It felt like an entire day could have past during the same time and I wouldn't have even noticed. A thought struck me when I looked back to the clock. A whole day had passed, though, not quite in that way. It was officially over twenty four hours since I had found myself in a new body.

Jeez, only twenty four hours...’ It seemed like more happened in one day than in the entire past year of my life. Yesterday I was only getting ready for another average college day, and today I was on a bus bound for New York. It was sort of mind boggling really. I was headed to the Big Apple, and so were the mane six. But, they weren't the only ones. Apparently others were headed there to. Maybe a hoof full, maybe thousands, and they all had one thing in common. They were like me, at least in some ways.

I began to wonder about the future. What were the mane six supposed to do that was so important? More importantly what would I do? I sighed as I looked back to the rain streaked window again. I stopped bothering to mentally ask the questions before I became distracted by them. There did not seem to be any more point without answers to satisfy them.

‘Perhaps I could find some news to help me stay amused.’ I thought to myself as I turned on Chrome. The Ipad’s sky card had always been lovely, even if it did cause me to become easily distracted. I hadn’t kept up with anything since waking up the morning before, so catching up on news sounded like as good of a place as any to start. Fortunately, the bus ride would give me plenty of time to get back to speed.

I decided to first inspect the Facebook accounts of the few ponies I knew. Almost immediately I found myself on Fluttershy’s account. Nothing much had seemed to change other than a picture posted on her wall. It was a portrait of her and Pinkie Pie together at last. Pinkie's smile practically covered her face as it always did. I grinned slightly as I stared at the image.

Every time I stopped by in town that smile was always there to greet me. I wondered how it seemed she always knew when I would decide to drop by, sometimes even before I knew myself. Though the pink mare always simply told me that, “her pinkie sense had told her.” I never bothered to look into it further. It was just nice to always have a friend there to greet me with a smile and make me feel like I was actually welcomed.

The feeling of a presence overhead shook me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see the brony from before, watching me with a large grin, almost as wide as Pinkie’s. “...and you will never believe who I ran into,” he continued on like he had been carrying on a conversation with someone else. It was then noticed the smart phone in his hand, the camera pointed straight at me. “Say hello to YouTube Zecora.”

“What?” I was taken aback by the sudden intrusion. My eyes suddenly shrank to pinpricks as I flinched into the seat. I froze for a moment with my mouth unhinged. What did he think he was doing? I had little time to think about it before a surge of calm confidence erupted in great force through my mind. “… Hi?” I responded flatly as I settled back down into my seat and returned my attention back to the Ipad.

“Wow, she even sounds like her,” his friend commented approvingly from across the aisle. I mentally grumbled at the comment.

The brony leaned further in overhead like that, despite my efforts to ignore him. What exactly did his friend mean by me sounding like her? “So Zecora, where are you headed to? Are you going to New York like the others?” he asked, though the question seemed more directed to his phone then at me.

I gave a quiet moan as I realized the cold shoulder trick wasn't going to work on him. “If you're so eager for an explanation, New York is indeed my destination.” I answered managing a polite smile as I glanced back to him. ‘Just... Be polite. Maybe if I just answer his questions he’ll go away...’ I thought to myself

“She even rhymes!” Another peanut gallery comment from his friend. His attention was fixated on me, like I was some sort of lab subject. “Dude, this is going to get so many views.” He gave the brony a high five as he moved into the aisle seat.
‘Or perhaps answering their questions will make things worse.’ my mind snipped.

“Sorry for that,” The brony said as he turned back to me with a smile from ear to ear. “But man, I bet you’ve been having a blast.”

I rose my eyebrow at that comment “If I could intervene, what exactly do you mean?” I guess if I was paying more attention I would have noticed the slight bit of scorn in my voice. “Having a blast” was not exactly what I would have called the last day.

“Well, this is Zecora guys,” he said as he turned his camera back to him to show his enthusiasm. “I mean how much luckier can you get? You're probably one of the most popular supporting characters out there.”

“I don't know about that...” I mumbled as I looked back down to the reflection in the Ipad. I wasn't popular; it was the zebra I was now who was popular. I was only along for the ride.

“If I were in your hooves I think I would have called everyone I know to tell them about it by now,” he mused nonchalantly. I knew this time the brony wasn’t talking to me as he glanced over to his friend. He quickly turned his attention back down to the zebra he had his camera pointed to. “So have any family at home you’d like to say hi to?” I winced at that question.

This was quickly getting out of hoof. The last thing I wanted to do was talk about my family to anyone, never mind in front of a camera for the whole online world to see. “‘I’d... rather decline—” I muttered.

“Oh come on,” his friend goaded, cutting off my words, “do it for the people watching, they want to know everything going on.”

“No.” My ears folded back. I felt my patience slipping. I intentionally avoided looking back up to the camera. I was done with their little interview. Why couldn't they just leave me be?

“But people would like to hear it, please? It’s not a big deal or anything,” the brony assured, trying to move the camera back into my field of view for a better shot.

I kept my head away, trying as hard as I could not to look in their direction, but the sound of my pack being moved made me glance at the human. He had moved my gourd to the floor and sat right beside me, his camera straight in my face. That was where I drew the line. "How dare you!" I snapped back at him. “What gives the right, to ask of my life’s blight?”

The grin on the brony’s face suddenly fell flat, replaced by an anxious frown as if he had just been bitten by a puppy he was holding. “What? Look, it’s not like I’m asking you out on a date or anything. I was just asking if you wanted to say hi...”

“Did you even consider what happened to me?” I declared as I got to my hooves, taking a step towards the intruder, “The pain and pressure of becoming a pony?” It was only then that I noticed I was right in his face.

“But isn't it supposed to be awesome?” he stepped out of the seat, pushing his equally baffled friend back to his own, “I mean... well... I’d jump at the chance—”

“Do you think that this is some sort of game? That this is innocent and without blame?” I scolded him, sitting back down after reestablishing my personal bubble. “Do you think I am only a mere object to idol? Did you think about me before this body’s arrival?

“Well, no, but I thought that it wouldn't hurt to make a video.” His voice was quickly lowering in level, just beyond a squeak. The brony lowered his phone slightly. “People out there have been dying to know what's going on.”

“You should have asked permission, before carelessly showing my condition.” I raised my voice and waved a fore hoof inches from his face. “Being a pony, simple it is not. In this foreign body,” I rhymed as I gestured back to myself apprehensively, “I’m plagued with a basic thought: will I be normal again? Or will I be like this until the end? Is that something you'd want? Something for others to flaunt?”

Reluctantly he finally turned off the camera. “Oh... well... I mean but,” he stuttered as I gave him a hard gaze. Finally he slumped back down into his chair, lost for words. “I guess I hadn't really thought about it like that... Sorry.” He began to look back out the window; the embarrassment in his face at the mistake seemed to be obvious.

“Oh come on dude, at least upload it,” his friend hoarsely whispered. It earned him a hit on the head from an old candy wrapper I tossed at him.

I went back to giving them a cold shoulder. I had enough of their antics for one road trip. I happily put my headphones back on blocking out the rest of the world in music as I pulled the Ipad up from the floorboard. Thankfully it hadn’t been harmed in any way when the brony had moved it off the seat. I went back to staring at the page I had left open curiously. It was the Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie Facebook pages. A thought began to nag the back of my mind as I looked at the pictures of those two together.

They weren't worried at all about what others had thought of them. Heck, it looked like they had even embraced it. Yet here I was, half afraid of my own shadow. I glanced back at the bronies as I thought about it. Even the slightest bit of human attention was making me jump.

The only thing that had kept me going during this trip was the idea of acting more like Zecora would somehow make everything alright. I didn't have any friends to talk to, none of my immediate family seemed safe to confide in. When I looked at the hard facts, I was practically on my own in every sense of the word. But Pinkie and Fluttershy...

They had managed to find each other through the internet, and probably gained hundreds of friends in the process. Even Shining armor had joined them somewhere along the way. They could talk to each other and support one another. People had recognized them and helped them. Humans understood what they were going through. And now they were headed to New York, together.

I glanced back over to the side where the brony and his friend sat. The mane six weren’t the only ones getting attention. These two recognized me, or at least, they recognized who I was supposed to be. If they did, I was almost sure others would eventually. I wasn't sure if that was going to be a good or bad thing.

I put my hoof to my chin, and pondered my next step. Maybe there were others I could go for help as well, but how would I reach anyone? Or for that matter how could I be sure they’d be safe to talk to? I looked at the Facebook accounts again and returned to the Facebook home page. There was only one way I could think of finding anyone else. I wasn't completely sure about the idea, but it was probably the best option I had for the moment.

‘You can always delete it after, if things become a disaster’ I assured myself.

I looked back to the screen to the top right at the Login/Register button and tapped register with a hoof. The first question I found a bit confusing: “First Name”.

Hurriedly, I began to type down lines of information. I paused for a moment before I typed out a name, but then looked at it with a bit of bafflement. It was a name, but, it just seemed a bit odd.

“Jace Banner.”

It wasn't my name; at least, I didn't think it was my name. The more I thought about it the less sure I was. There was something that was familiar to it, just on the tip of my tongue. It was like a forgotten memory, but at the same time foreign. I disregarded it and deleted the name before writing a new name down


That seemed to fit better, especially when I looked at the reflection of the zebra in the screen again.

I wrote down a simple message in my profile. “Hello everyone, Zecora is my name, or that’s who I became. I am on my way to New York, though I may be in need of support. Do not be afraid or shy, if you would like to say hi.”

I turned on Ipad’s the camera and faced it towards myself. With the best grin I could muster, I closed my eyes and snapped a profile picture. I poked around my page, making sure there was nothing I had left out. Age, gender all seemed tricky at first, but I quickly managed to fill them in correctly. I was twenty one after all, and of course I was female. And with that I felt there wasn't anything more that could be done. I hoped that would be enough to get someone’s attention.

With that out of the way, I opened my pack to look for something to snack on. My spirits rose a bit as I took out a zebra cake and savored the sweet cream filling. I continued searching through the net as began to idly munch on one or two more. Eventually net-surfing got old and I layed back down and tried to relax as much as I could for the rest of the trip. I turned down my music and closed my eyes. I didn't notice how tired I had been since the morning until that little outburst. It wasn’t long after that I felt myself falling asleep.


The first thing I noticed was the sound of the bus had disappeared. Everything was quiet as I opened my eyes, finding myself in a dimly lit room once again. I looked around my surroundings; things becoming familiar to me almost instantly. There were shelves stockpiled with mysterious potions and herbs, tribal masks from my... a... home far away, and the air seemed to be filled with the smell of spices. It didn't take me long to put the two together. I was right back in Zecora’s hut. But it was a different feeling this time. This wasn't the real thing, just another illusion. I was in a lucid dream just like the night before.

Steadily, I got to my hooves and scanned the interior of the room. I walked around the small hut in idle curiosity. There was a lot to take in from the small space around me. Potions and herbs littered the shelves and hung on strings from the ceiling. Some seemed almost familiar, while others looked completely alien. From what I could guess, they all were probably filled with some form of magical concoctions. What they could or would do completely mystified me. I kept my distance from them, unsure what would happen to me if I so much as looked at one the wrong way.

I directed my curiosity elsewhere, bringing it to some of the tribal masks that had adorned the walls. Just like the potions there were plenty to choose from. Each looked unique in its own way from the others; some had happy faces, while others seemed too angry or filled with sorrow.

There was one that stood out amongst the rest. I walked closer to inspect the strange mask before I noticed that it wasn't really a mask at all. I had to shake my head for a moment to realize it was actually a helmet. To be more precise, it was Boba Fett’s helmet. Strangely enough it didn't seem too out of place amongst all the other items in the small shack. I shook my head as I tried to comprehend how such an object that shouldn't have belonged ended up here.

“Ah, I see you have gone and fallen off into a doze,” a voice commented behind me. I glanced back, noticing Zecora sedately walking up next to me. “But I’m glad for we still have much to discuss and disclose.”

I looked back to the helmet with mild bafflement “Beskar'gam?” I asked as I idly pointed a hoof to it. I was somewhat of a Star Wars nerd and absolutely ecstatic over anything that had to do with Fett or Mandalorians in general. I sometimes even pondered the idea of buying some of his prop armor, better known as “Beskar'gam” by some of the more avid fans, but the extreme costs kept me far away from ever actually acting on that desire. But still, none of that explained what this thing was doing here in Zecora’s hut.

She walked over and readjusted the helmet to the wall “I took some time to look through your mind... and thought it wouldn't hurt to redesign,” Zecora said as she took a step back to judge her work. “Our minds are still merging as you know, but the pace has started to slow.” She turned to look at me; the expression on her face had changed.

Whenever I saw Zecora before, in the show or in my dreams she almost always had the same undying calm, confident demeanor. But now, Instead of the bright smile she usually wore, she looked at me with genuine concern.

I arched an eyebrow at her as I tried to understand. “But how on earth can that be true?” I asked with a subtle frown. “I’ve been taking time to think more like you. I’m on my way to New York and—” I was cut off as Zecora placed her hoof on my mouth.

“I’m very proud of all that you’ve earned.” The zebra paused for a moment, seemingly to choose her words carefully. “But there is still much you need to learn.” Zecora moved away, to the hut’s only door. She paused for a moment as she donned her thatch saddle bags and looked back to me, as if waiting for me to follow. “My form may now be yours to show, but my skills you still do not know.”

“Do not know?” I echoed back to her, quite literally. I had a feeling I was going to find out soon enough.

The first thing I noticed when I walked out of the hut was how sun shone brightly through the thick canopy of the everfree forest. It gave the jungle a slightly less foreboding feel to it, but only slightly. I didn't let the calming appearance of the jungle throw me off though. I stuck to Zecora’s side once more, making sure that she would always be in my sight. The certainty of the jungle being only in my mind was momentarily forgotten.

We moved along the small goat trail that lead away from the hut through the poison joke garden. Beyond, the forest seemed quiet enough. Only the sounds of an occasional bird chirp or snap of a twig could be overheard by our hoof steps. The trail looked very different during the day compared to the darkness I had stumbled through during the night.

Roots and vines criss-crossed the trail in a vast unorganized network of foliage. I began to wonder how I could have made it as far as I did during the night without tripping up in it, but then again it was still a dream, which was to say it was there at all.

Eventually as we walked the trees of the everfree began to break up, giving way to a clearing. Just beyond was a modest hill overlooking the flat landscape beyond. I strained my eyes to see as far as I could. In the distance there was something, a town, Ponyville? Try as I might though, the object in the distance wouldn't come into focus. It was like a dense fog shrouded it from my sight.

“Here is a good place to explain, how you and I are both in twain.” Zecora called to me. I glanced back in her direction, “Come over towards me, there is something you must see.”

I tilted my head as I turned to face the zebra again, “Explain just what? Zecora, I don't mean any offence... but you're not making much sense.” I tried to decipher the meaning to my twin’s cryptic behavior.

“Your memories failed to detect, the magic you’ve managed to project.” Zecora spoke in a sage like manner. “Did you think much on the potion that did erupt, or of the tea that found its way into your cup?”

“Hmm...” I sat down and closed my eyes as I recalled the events back in the family kitchen. The memory of the potion came back immediately. It was still embarrassing as I thought about the slight overconfidence I had. Though, the reason why it had quite literally exploded never really crossed my mind. As I thought more in hindsight I began to ponder why it decided to erupt so violently. The ingredients seemed innocent enough, nothing that appeared to be combustible.

The memory of tea from only a few hours ago was different. There didn't seem to be anything unusual at first thought of the memory. I spilled tea across the floor when my father had surprised me. It wasn’t the nicest way to earn my attention, but I refilled the cup and set it back onto the table. No harm was really done in the long run.
At least, I thought I refilled the cup. I began to wonder about the question. No, I didn't remember getting the pot and refilling the cup, but I was sure the tea had been replaced. I opened my eyes in fright as I began to realize what had happened. During the entire morning I had only prepared one cup of tea, and only one. There was no way to replace it because there simply was no pot of tea to refill it with. “How...I...but...” I asked out loud earning a slight grunt of amusement from my doppelganger.

“The explanation is not so drastic,” Zecora assured, waving a hoof at me. “You simply performed zebra magic.”

I cocked my head to the side once more to that explanation. “Zebra magic?” I didn't think I had ever heard of such a thing from television show. Zecora had never done any sort of magic in the series, aside from fixing Applebloom’s teeth, but even that was merely a potion. The only possible hint was how she disappeared without a trace at the end of the cutie pox episode. It was not much to go on, by all intents and purposes Zecora looked to be just like any normal earth pony...plus stripes.

“It is indeed what I use, on my magical brews.” Zecora dug through her cloak for something. “If not for a few magical tweaks, most properties would be simple and weak.”

But I feel that I have to ask,” I began to question, “Aren’t unicorns the magical class?” From what I knew of the show, unicorns were certainly the only magic users other than alicorns of course. Then there were pegasi, but they just moved clouds. I wasn't sure if that would have counted as magic.

“Yes indeed amongst the pony kind, unicorns are the magically inclined.” Zecora closed her saddle bag’s flap, apparently finding whatever she had been looking for; it seemed to be a bit of green glitter like sand. “Though zebras have their own skill. To wield it right, one needs the will.” I almost face hoofed when I saw it. It was the same dust that she used in the nightmare night episode.

She blew the dust into the wind creating a small cloud. Slowly the dust made an outline, and then a form. Before long a ghostly form of Twilight Sparkle stood before us. She was not the same as the real Twilight though, instead of the brilliant purple that the scholar unicorn had, this one’s coat was a bright shimmering green, its cutie mark non-existent. But still, the confident face of Twilight Sparkle was all the convincing I needed to assure me what I was supposed to be looking at.

“Unicorns draw their energy from deep inside,” Zecora monologged nonchalantly. ”It is from this energy that their magic dose reside.” Zecora blew another pile of dust into the air which began to take shape of a simple square box. ‘Smoke Twilight’ looked straight at it with a hard stare. She closed her eyes, seemingly concentrating as hard as she could as her horn began to glow a similarly eerie green. The box quickly complied as it began to lift from the ground, much to ‘Smoke Twilight’s’ satisfied approval before her form began to diminish back into smoke.

“But Zebra magic is not the same. It is much more wild, less tame.” A smokey shape of Zecora appeared through the haze. The green zebra did not seem to really do much of anything as she sat on the ground in front of the real Zecora and I. Instead her eyes seemed closed and nonresponsive, as if she had been in a trance. “Ours does not come from the body within, but flows through nature. A delicate touch to control it is needed for sure.”

‘Smoke Zecora’s’ eyes suddenly flashed open as she got up from her meditation. There were no pupils to them though as they seemed to glow brightly in the same hue as ‘Smoke Twilight’s’ horn. I closed my eyes for a moment as a bright flash seemed to erupt from them.

It was only for a second, but when I opened them again my mouth fell unhinged. The spot where ‘Smoke Zecora’ had been was empty, without even a trace of the green zebra having been there. I looked back to the real Zecora for reassurance as to what I had just seen, but when I looked at her all she had was a smug grin.

I turned back to the direction that ‘Smoke Zecora’ had just been in and almost jumped when I saw my green doppelganger staring me only inches away from my face. Her eyes still glowed brightly before her outline suddenly diffused back into smoke.

A small amused chuckle came from the real Zecora’s direction. “Sorry Jace, but I could not resist. The powers of teleportation can sometimes be entertaining.”

I looked back to the green smoke where the green zebra once stood. There was nothing left of her as the smoke finally began to dissipate and disperse. “I can most certainly say, I haven’t seen magic used that way.” I said astonished.

“Zebra magic is unique in its own way.” Zecora explained as she returned to my side. “Our magic is not our own, but comes from the world around us each day. We do not channel this energy from inside; instead we are merely its humble guide.”

“So that’s the same magic that you infuse, into most of your potions and brews?” I pondered out loud.

Zecora pondered this for a moment before she shook her head. “Those are similar but not in the same. It requires a bit more detail to explain. Potion making is a skill not anypony can master,” she rhymed whimsically. “You do remember Applebloom’s attempts were quite the disaster? Zebra’s have natural talents for this sort of skill, but its something anypony can learn with will”

I began to ponder that question. It only took a moment to remember the cutie pox incident, or the accident with the love potion. They were small accidents, things I was sure I had done when I was only a small filly her age. Though never with quite drastic consequences to the local population. Each time the townspeople always began asking questions about how safe my potions were, But I could never stay frustrated at the small filly for being curious.

“I suppose that is probably true, but my potion was a disaster to.” I lamented, “Is there any way to learn this skill, so I can use it at my own free will?”

“With magic you’ve already shown some ability, but to use it well, you need your mind’s agility.”

“What do you want me to do? I really wish to learn, that is true.” I asked with a bit of interest.

Zecora said nothing to me before merely turned away and began to walk towards the top of the hill.

“Umm, What?” I tilted my head “Oh, err... Hey! wait up!” I called as I began to follow. Just where did she think she was going?

Once she reached the top, she sat down contently on an exposed outcrop of stone. She said nothing as she closed her eyes, ignoring my presence completely.

I breathed as I finally caught up to her, “So what is it I must do to understand this veiw?” I asked again as I finally caught up to her. My words yielded no response as the zebra sat there quietly. “Umm...Zecora, are you listening to what I’ve said, or am I to be ignored instead?”

“Jace, to understand the first of the lessons, you must stop asking so many questions.” Zecora spoke vaguely without opening her eyes

“What?” I asked in a confused tone.

Zecora kept her eyes closed as she continued on, “Look at the stones, trees, and grass. The mouse, bird, or bass. None of it questions its existence here or far, they simply just are.”

“But... Those are just simple things, they don’t know of the questions knowledge brings.” I countered.

Zecora merely nodded before she spoke again, “You must listen close. These facts are not known by most. Magic surrounds us here and there, in the water, earth and air. It takes root in the life that grows, deep inside everything its enclosed.”

“I’m not sure I understand,” I said, and shook my head. “On these points, could you expand?”

“Lie down on the stones here, and what I show will become clear.” Zecora offered gesturing to the flat slab of rock.

I sat down carefully on my haunches beside Zecora and mimicked her pose. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to be looking for as I shut my eyes. I began to ponder the question deeper. What exactly was I doing? Did I just have to focus on the earth? Or was there some deeper meaning to it?

“You worry too much about what you think you must do. For now take this lesson through-and-through. Don’t worry about the how or the why. Just let your senses take control, make you fly. Feel the life around you, let if flow. Yourself, you must let go.”

I began to concentrate as hard as I could, but still felt nothing “The only thing that I sense... is just my hunger’s dispense .” I sighed in frustration and got back to my hooves.

Zecora opened her eyes and looked at me with concern. “Jace, I understand your glower, at your lack of control with this sort of power. You must look inside, to where your strength resides.”

I turned away and began to walk away. I tried my best to ignore the disapproving look I was sure I was getting from Zecora. I just didn't understand. Sitting in the grass seemed almost pointless to me. Though I didn’t get far before I felt a wave of exhaustion come over me, followed quickly be a familiar wave of darkness.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, sorry for the long wait on this chapter. Things got out of hand for a little while, but the honest truth is I got to procrastination after a block or two. (waits for people to start yelling)
Anyway, here we are. If you see anything that needs to be fixed I'm all ears ^^;

Now onto chapter 8!~