• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 6,462 Views, 191 Comments

Waking Up in Black and White - _Kenzu_

My name is Jace Banner, and I didn�t really ask for this, but now I'm in the body of

  • ...

To Think, To Clear, Questions and Fear


To Think, To Clear, Questions and Fear

(side note, nice reading music for chapter)

“Ladies and gentlemen, we’ll be arriving at the Montgomery, Alabama terminal in a few minutes.” My ears twitched slightly to the crackling of Roger’s voice over the bus intercom.

I slowly cracked open my eyes and noticed the clearing I had been in moments ago had vanished, replaced again by the warm cushioned seats of the bus interior, just as I had expected it would. What I didn't expect was an odd sensation in my mouth like when I had gotten out of bed this morning. It didn't taste quite like the pillow from earlier, it was much too sweet. It took me moment to realize I was idly chewing on one of the zebra cakes I had been snacking on before I fell asleep. I shook my head and gulped the rest of it down. “So now I awake to chewing on a cake?” I mumbled to myself in disbelief, “This act needs to withhold... it’s getting very old...”

“At this time, please make sure all your luggage is in order before departing the bus.” the intercom continued on.

Idly glancing out of the window, I was greeted by large shimmering towers of glass and stone. I gawked and stared for a moment unsure if I was really awake, and what I was looking at was indeed real. Outside, the rain began letting up revealing large structures that seemed to spiral into the clouds. There were dozens of the huge towers, each by far much larger and more impressive than anything I had seen in my hometown. Perhaps the only thing I could possibly compare them to were the massive spires of Canterlot Castle. I could only guess at that though. I had never seen them closer than the distance of Ponyville.

Along the streets we passed dozens upon dozens of town cars who were competing for space in the late morning rush,each trying to get from here or there as quickly as they could. The sidewalks were completely congested with humans of all shapes and sizes, and for only a moment I thought I could have even seen a pony or two as well.

My sight seeing was cut short as the bus entered the terminal, its large cement roof and walls cut off the view to the bustling city, replacing it with the dark bus terminal station. It wasn't long after that the bus came to a complete stop and the loud humming of its engine ceased.

“Before you leave I’d like to thank you all again for riding with Greyhound Buses.” Roger spoke in a scripted tone over the intercom, “We do hope that you choose to ride with us again.”

I glanced back to my Ipad which was still sitting securely on the seat beside me and checked the time.

‘9:30 AM’

I groaned and laid my head back against the seat. I thought I had been asleep for only a couple of minutes, but according to the time I had been out for a little over an hour. I lost track of time again. It was true what they would say; in a dream, time is always relative. What must have only been a few moments to me, must have taken almost half an hour easily.

The doors hissed as they opened, signalling for everypo- everyone to get up and make their way out of the bus. That was, everyone except for the lone zebra in the back. I made no effort to move; instead I sat patiently as the crowd around me started filing for the exit. I wanted to be sure the two bronies were off long before I even tried making a move for the door. Soon enough all the humans had thankfully left, leaving me the soul passenger left to disembark.

Carefully I packed up my Ipad and the rest of my belongings and left the seat. Upon reaching the front I soon stopped in frustrated confusion. As before, the obstacle known as steps confounded me as if to mock my new mode of transportation. Cautiously I put a hoof on the first step. The first idea was going down normally, face forward, but I was still a bit uneasy from my initial experience of trying to get out of bed (the face-plant from that morning still hurt).

The only other option was going backwards, by far much safer. The problem with that though would be not seeing where I’d end up. Before I had a chance to come up with a satisfying solution not involving pain, a hand grabbed my shoulder.

I quickly looked back in surprise at the sudden physical contact. The hand belonged to none other than Roger. He looked down at me with a grin “You know that whole scene you caused a few hours ago almost made me stop to get those two off your back.”

“Oh, I see...” I trailed off before looking away from hi. “I’m so sorry,” I mentally slapped myself as I looked back at how I had reacted to the fans. What on earth was I thinking, causing such a large scene like that?

“I noticed you had them handled, so I let you take care of it,” Roger said as he sat back down in the driver’s seat. “Though I have to ask, are you feeling alright? There was a lot of emotion back there.”

My eye twitched at that remark. “Well, I...” I paused and glanced back to the driver. “It... was only a minor squall,” I lied flatly. “They just got on my nerves was all. Perhaps it would have been a better choice, to have tried harder to lower my voice” That much was honest. In hindsight the whole ordeal still bothered me. It wasn't like me at all to yell at anypony no matter how much they needed it.

I looked back up to the driver who was giving a hard look. It was obvious he wasn't convinced at all by my words. A wave of guilt erupted from the back of my mind. I felt absolutely horrid to lie to someone who had been so kind to me up to now. I opened my mouth again to speak, but quickly closed it and turned away as I fought the feelings back down to the pits.

“Well alright,” Roger said, his voice seething dissatisfaction. “It's not any of my business to know about my passengers personal lives though you know; your next stop should be Gadsden, Alabama right?”

I idly glanced back to my bag where I had left my bus ticket. “Why yes, that is the next stop to go. But why do you want to know?” I asked as I glanced back to the driver. His gaze was locked on me, like he was trying to dissect my smallest reactions. The guilt threatened to return as I looked at him, but I quickly snuffed it out again. I didn't want to tell him, or anyone else about my life as of late, no matter how friendly they were to me.

At best, moping on about having a PAPA parent or losing most of my connections to friends because of my new body would only get me pitied by most humans. At worse, it would only lead to more people hating me, maybe even making it harder to ever reach New York. But even then it was no excuse for my reactions with the bronies. I closed my eyes and tried to come up with an answer for my attitude.

It was so very unlike me to become that confrontational in front of anypony else. I had a reputation for not having a single mean bone in my body, but those two bronies would likely disagree with that statement now. I could almost see it now, “the evil enchantress strikes again!” There was just something different about it all, about me. I wasn't sure, but something had changed, and not just in body but in my head. I felt an icy twinge go down my spine at that thought. Something didn't seem right about it at all, and it was starting to scare me.

“Well this is the same bus making that trip,” Roger answered, breaking my thoughts from my daydream. “We’ll be fueling up in a couple minutes.”

“Wha?” It took me a second to register what he had just told me. “Oh, alright,” I said as I turned back to look down to the stairs again and started to make an attempt at going down backwards first. I didn’t make it far before I noticed something else. I glanced back out to the open doorway and into the busy bus terminal. My heart skipped a beat when I noticed it was also a crowded bus terminal.

The terminal was packed with people, humans. It seemed like organized chaos as they went here or there trying to find a bus, or enter the lobby. I gulped before I turned back to Roger, “Actually... Is...” I began. “Would I be asking too much to state, if I could just stay in here and wait?” I asked with pleading eyes.

Roger looked back down to me with an uncomfortable glance, “Well technically its against procedure to have any passengers in the vehicle during refuel...” he said as if lecturing me on the safety manual, “but I guess I don’t see any trouble in it this one time.” He spoke as he rubbed the back of his head.

“Thank you for being so kind.” I sighed in relief of being spared going out into the sea of people. “I’ll be no trouble, don't you mind.” I reassured as I made my way back up the steps. I wasted no time returning to the safety of my bus seat.

I couldn't believe the luck I had as I unpacked my things and tried to make myself comfortable again. I knew Roger didn’t have to do that, and by all means, he probably shouldn’t have. For all I knew he could have gotten written up for leaving a passenger on the bus, or worst case, fired. But he did. It was a small gesture of kindness that I didn't realize how little I had received since I had become a zebra.

It was all still surprising, having a human who was actually being nice to me. There was no distress or vertigo when I talked with him that I seemed to have with other humans, just a calm and warming safe feeling. So far other humans appeared to have only wanted to scream at me, or hound me for my so called popularity.

I laid back into my seat, but it didn't really help much. The back felt as if it was made of more metal than foam. I quickly gave up trying to futilely sit on my flank and returned to simply lying down on the cushion. But just as it always seemed to happen when I tried to relax in idle comfort, it was dashed away as my mind began to go into another flurry of questions.

I just couldn’t get the pressing question of how I reacted to the bronies out of my head. Neither could I come up with an answer to how the humans seemed so frightening now. Well aside from the ones I had met so far being almost heartless. But another question pressed itself for attention as well. It was something about what my twin was talking about.

‘J@*^, I understand your glower, at your lack of control with this sort of power. You must look inside, to where your strength resides’

Just what on earth did that zebra mean by that? Another riddle just like the dream before, but what it meant was still as clear to me as mud. And why did she call me by that... strange name? What was it again? J… something. “Ja….” I spoke out loud to try to repeat it. “Ja…. Ja... Gah” I grumbled as I set my head against the window. It was on the tip of my tongue. I knew the name, but every time I tried to think of it, there was just nothing there.

I closed my eyes and took a couple deep breaths. Something was wrong everything, I was certain of it. No, that wasn't right, it wasn’t something, it was a lot things. But that was all I could tell. This strange name, my twin’s riddles, everything just seemed so confusing since I had woken up. I couldn't make heads or tales of anything. Then again, the more I thought about it, I wasn't sure what was supposed to be right either. It seemed everything around me was turning upside down, inside out, and falling apart at the seams all at once.

Roger’s footsteps returned, but I didn't bother to look up to see him. “Hey hunn, are you ok?” his voice seemed to be filled with concern.

I turned away from the window and looked back up in his direction noticing the blurry shape of a human staring at me. “Oh, yes, I’m fine.” I lied quickly, trying to wipe away the water from my eyes without him noticing. “It’s… it’s nothing.”

“So you don't always rhyme,” Roger spoke slightly amused “Well, anyway I thought you’d like to know we’re about to start letting passengers back on soon,” He said. I didn’t turn back to look, but I could hear his footsteps turn and walk away.

It was true; at least I wanted it to be true. Nothing was wrong at all. But nothing was right either.


After another half hour’s time refueling, the rest of the passengers had boarded and the bus was underway once more. Soon enough we were already leaving the shimmering city that reminded me so much of Canterlot behind. I took a deep breath and watched as the road quickly returned to the tranquil countryside scenery again.

Many of the humans aboard gave me the uncomfortable stares so familiar from before, but it didn't take long before the ride had settled back into its peaceful boring routine. If there was any consolation prize for me however, it was that I didn’t see a single brony in the crowd on this leg of the trip.

I quickly went back to using my tablet to surf the net, always keeping a tab open to Facebook. Anxiously I sat and waited for some sort of response to my new account. Of course the internet being the internet, I didn't have to wait long for them to arrive. At first I was surprised by the amount of hits that the page had gotten. Within two hours time there were dozens of friend requests from people all over the world. Many had a clever rhyme of one sort or another. Others.... gave a good try.

It was surprising, the amount of diversity of people who had responded. I was aware of how large a group the brony fandom encompassed, but even this seemed a bit much. I had gotten everything from the preteens to what could probably be best described as basement creatures. I was still dissatisfied by the lack of one particular group from the fandom yet to answer me. I couldn’t tell if a single response had come from any other ponies. I turned chrome back off and returned to my music once again.

As time passed, and the waiting grew ever more tiring, I began to rotate my time between listening to music and just watching scenery. Most of the dark cloud cover had begun to break into a relatively clear afternoon sky. The scenery began to change the further north we progressed as well. Once rolling hills had started to grow into larger ones with tree covered mountains popping up on either side of the road.

I watched it all with fascination. Even though I loved traveling, I had only been this far north once or twice in my entire life when my family had visited my grandparents in the mountains of Tennessee. This would be the first time I had ever gone by myself however.

At some point an audible ping from Facebook brought my attention back to my Ipad. There were two new e-mails for me. Curiously, I opened the mail finding a link to Youtube. I was appalled when the video had finally buffered.

“Greetings, fellow YouTubers,we are on the bus to Montgomery, Alabama, just leaving Pensacola and you will never believe who I ran into!” An all too familiar voice said eagerly. “Say hello to YouTube, Zecora!”

I grumbled and I closed the YouTube tab as quickly as I could. It was indeed the bronies on the bus from earlier who had linked the video to me, despite my effort to shut them up from before. I guess it wasn't enough to discourage them from actually uploading what they had gotten though.

Oddly enough there was a second link to it as well. Part of me wished I had never opened it though when I saw the picture link. A familiar looking zebra sat in the bus seat, her face pressed against the glass, a zebra cake locked ever so firmly in her mouth’s grasp. The frustration that had long cooled threatened to boil over again as I saw it. Not only had they gone and linked the video, but they actually had the audacity to take a picture as well.

It wasn’t long afterwards before the first of what I would have suspected was the start of a new internet meme begin to pop up here and there on my Facebook page. Things like “Zebra cakes, What Zecora runs on.” Or “This is what happens when you have one to many zebra cakes!”

But it was the comment that had popped up onto the video that stung the worst. They were the same words that had always haunted me when I had arrived in Ponyville. Funny how horrible just two simple words could make one feel. “The horror, the horror!”

I turned off the Ipad and almost threw it into the adjacent seat in frustration. The video was humiliating alone, never mind the picture. Now I had become some sort of laughing stock of the internet.

I sat like that for the next half hour staring out the window, refusing to give another glance to the Ipad. Eventually I found myself glancing back to the Ipad. Of course after time went on I finally began to sneak glances back to the tablet.

‘Why has all this anger and sadness been evoked?’ A thought came to mind as I tried to push away the Ipad from my mind again, ‘It was merely a harmless and innocent joke.’ The thought was right. When I really thought about it, the picture wasn't anything to truly be embarrassed by. There were certainly pictures of worse things out there. Perhaps I had just let this all go to my head?

‘Wait, wait, what am I thinking? Of course this is a big deal’ I snapped back to myself. Bad brain, bad! It didn't matter whether the joke was funny or not. If it had gotten around like I feared it had then perhaps nopony would want to be associated with me.

‘Even then there is no reason to be ashamed of how I act for all to see.’ I countered myself with a huff. I found myself finally picking the tablet back up in my hooves as I gave it a hard stare. Would it honestly be the end of the world if somepony did happen by it? Probably not, they could even think it was something... funny?

‘But still, I have to maintain a respectable image of myself.’ I urged on while I turned chrome back on. It didn't take me long at all to navigate to the Facebook page where the link to the picture still was. ‘Otherwise no one will want to be associated with a laughing stalk.’

I stared at the embarrassing image intently before I finally felt my face relax a little. A new thought emerged from the back of my mind as I stared at it. ‘Sometimes it's better to stop and laugh, on one’s own behalf’. I sighed as I finally thought over the bit of self argument I had and looked back out to the window. I had to at least try to relax. No one would suddenly hate me for one simple picture. Or at least I think no one would.

‘Well... at least they got my good side...’ I thought as I finally felt a grin form on my face. I looked at the picture again. Why was I so mad about it in the first place? The picture itself was actually kind of funny once I got past the fact the zebra in it was me. I looked at it again imagining it as if it had been some other pony. A smile forming on my face before I finally caved in and laughed at it.

My eyes dilated as I quickly cut off the laugh, earning a couple of confused glances my way from the other passengers. I grinned sheepishly to them and turned back to look back down to my Ipad between my hooves. The strangeness of the situation had not escaped me. My laugh sounded actually a bit odd, if not a little funny, maybe a little cute even? I didn't think I had really ever heard it before. It was the first time I had actually laughed, or probably shown any happy emotion, since I had become a zebra, and honestly, it felt good.

I returned to my Facebook account and ignored the few questioning stares that remained on me. So far my page seemed pretty bare aside from the profile picture and status. That was soon to change. I quickly saved the picture and added it to my Facebook’s wall, along with the video. If I had to laugh at myself after all, I suppose it wouldn't have been so bad to allow others to do the same.

With my work complete I began to direct my attention back to the window outside. Or at least I would have if Facebook did not give a ping demanding my attention once more. It was another message, however it didn't look like it was from the bronies. Idly I took a quick look at it.

“Wow. Talk about being bothersome. Lol.” The reply to the video said simply. I was right when I saw a completely new username beside it. “Gage”, certainly no one I knew... or at least I didn't think I knew anyone by that name. Maybe I knew somepony by the name of SoundGage once... but that was a bit of a stretch.

I looked at the comment warily, and began to debate whether to actually respond to it. ‘Well, I suppose it would be good advice, to at least try to be nice.’ I thought to myself.

I turned back to the Ipad’s electronic keyboard with my stylus and carefully typed a simple reply to the mystery person. Yes, they were quite the frustration, but had left at the last station." I typed out before pressing the enter button.

I didn't wait long at all for the response to come back. “So, on the bus headed to Montgomery? I’m guessing you’re headed to New York as well?” My eyebrows perked at that comment. Whoever Gage was, he or she seemed to be going to New York as well? That was truly interesting.

I took a moment to consider my next words carefully. Just why would they want to go to New York. I quickly started taping the screen as fast as my mouth would allow before stopping myself. “Are you a pony?” was what was in the chat box. I quickly deleted that though. Perhaps it was a little too desperate to just go out and ask someone out of the blue like that. “Yes, with little time to waste, I've been trying to make great haste."

My attention was completely on the screen as I saw the little typing icon return under Gage’s window. ‘Just who is this person?’ I thought to myself. Part of me fought the urge of asking again.

After a seemingly longer time than before the message finally posted itself. “We’ve all been trying to get to New York.” I paused for a moment as I stopped on those words, ‘We? as in, more than one?’ I thought to myself.

“Though, luckily I’ll be able to find out soon what exactly is there to see in New York, since I have a contact whose living up there. So, if you want, I can message you some cool heads ups when I find out.”

I sighed in relief as I stared at those words. This gage was offering me help, right out of the blue with no questions asked. It seemed my luck was finally turning for the better. But there was one thing that was still bothering me. I quickly returned to typing,You’re trying to get there too? May I ask who are you?”

There was a long pause before the typing icon returned to the corner of Gage’s window. Was he trying to hold something back? Finally the response came through however. “Well, as you can tell, my name is Gage Ray LeBoeuf, though ever since earlier today, I haven’t gone by that name once. Although I know who I am on the inside, on the outside, everyone else sees me as a particularly famous disc jockey known as Vinyl Scratch, or DJ Pon-3. I’m currently in Mississippi right now, getting some more funds for my trip.”

I lsat back in my seat as I stared at the message in amazement. This “Gage” was a pony after all. Vinyl Scratch, I knew that name... I think. I pondered that for a bit. I was sure I knew of a Vinyl Scratch somehow, but I didn't know why.

Was it something to do with Ponyville? Yes... well... maybe? I was pretty sure at least. Was she one of my friends from town? No... I don't think so... I knew a couple of the residents; Cheerilee and I were only a single day in age apart. There were others as well, Ms Lyra, and Bon-bon. The two twins Lotus and Aloe quickly warmed up to me after I taught them a few new special concoctions for their baths.

But I still knew there were some lingering doubts about me. While many ponies had become more complacent around me ever since Twilight and her friends had that run in with poison joke, there was still a number who were still leery around me. The one called Lily was notorious for starting rumors.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Roger’s voice came over the intercom once again. “We’ll be arriving shortly in Gadsden, Alabama in a few minutes.” I looked back up to the speaker in surprise.

‘Gadsden already?’ I thought to myself before I looked back out the window. Indeed the small countryside had given way to buildings again. I had not even noticed that we were in the heart of another town though the buildings were hardly as big as Birmingham’s towering skyscrapers. Everything in this town seemed quainter, more relaxed, just like my hometown in Ponyville...

I shook my head out of my nostalgia and minimized the chrome window to look at the clock. Before I had known it an hour had already gone by. Oh, well, I guess between my tantrum and Facebook... time flew by.

I opened the Facebook window back up. There were still so many things I wanted to ask this Vinyl Scratch. But it wasn't long before I noticed the noise of the engine stopping again. It meant only one thing, time to get moving again.

I sighed before I typed again. I still wanted to know more about Vinyl, and there was only one way to do that. “Thank You Vinyl, for now I'll have to bring this conversation to an end, but before I go may I request to have a friend?”

I sat there and waited for the reply, ignoring the commotion of everyon - pony, everypony around me. I was glad to see the typing on the other end of the chat window quickly come back to life.

“Hell yeah you can friend request me! :D Well, it was nice meeting you. Talk to you later... Zeccy.”

‘Zeccy...?’ I thought to myself as I stared at the words, ‘I know I’ve never been called that before.’ It didn't matter though. I finally grinned in relief. I had a friend now, a pony friend. Sure it was online, and sure it was unlikely I’d ever get to see them, but it was something by the very least.

I turned off the Ipad and stared at the reflection of the zebra on the tablet’s glass screen. She was smiling, and it wasn't a fake one this time. It was a real sincere smile. Honestly, it felt good to see her like that, to see me like that.

“Perhaps things are not quite so bad.” I mused to myself as I began to pack my things back carefully. “A zebra’s life isn’t so sad... In the end, I have a friend.” Perhaps I could get used to this.

I glanced back to the crowd of humans that had already filed off of the bus. Once again I found myself all alone. However I didn't feel so alone this time. I tried to keep that happy thought in my mind as I trotted briskly back to the front of the bus.

“We’ll just be taking a pit stop here,” Roger’s voice erupted from the driver’s seat as I walked up to it. I was beginning to wonder if the driver ever left his bus at these stops. “You going off the bus for a minute?” He asked with a grin.

“It's fine; I just need a breath of air.” I assured before cautiously taking a step, down, Backwards this time. “I’ll be back with time to spare.”

“Don't take too long.” Roger warned, “The bus starts back up in half an hour. I still got a schedule to keep.”

“I won't be long” I said as I slowly backpedaled down the steps, only losing my balance on the steep inclines once. The motion was much easier than I expected it to be.

The moment my hooves touched the cement I found myself looking into a crowd of people. I froze as I met the stare of one or two that tried to sneak glances of me as they walked by, not even noticing the bus doors hiss as they closed. A child from across the platform made no effort to hide his gaze as his jaw hung wide open. I guess ponies were still a rare site in the south.

A creeping calm came over me again. Before I knew it I was walking through the crowd with a cool smile. There did not seem to be a reason to be afraid of these humans. ‘I have nothing from them to fret. they are hardly of any threat.’ I thought to myself.

Soon enough I found myself hurriedly walking through the large glass doors of the station and into the small human town. As soon as the automatic doors closed however I began gasping for air.

‘What on earth was I thinking?’ I thought to myself as I noticed what I had done. I was half panicked one moment, then suddenly calm for no reason the next. All those humans out there, I should have gone back on that bus in terror. But again for the second time today I found myself reacting completely beyond myself.

Alright, get a hold of yourself Zecora,’ I tried to calm myself, ‘Just try to calm down and think about this.’ I thought to myself reassuringly. It didn't take long at all before I found a park bench only a couple yards away from the station.

‘What is wrong with me?’ I thought worriedly to myself. The thought repeated itself over and over till it threatened to paralyze me in fear. I was becoming something else, not in body, but in mind, something that was not at all me. But how? why?

I sat there for some time as I contemplated the questions further. ‘If only I could see what was going on in me...’

The sudden realization hit me like a freight train. ‘Of course!’ I thought triumphantly. I could look into myself, just as my other self had shown me. Granted what she had shown me was merely for that so called... magic, but anything was better than nothing. I just had to meditate. Slowly I closed my eyes and brought my hooves back together as I sat on the bench. I just had to find a calm meditative state.

‘Take your twin’s advice. Don’t worry about the how or the why. Just let your senses take control, make you fly.’ My mind repeated to itself, ‘Feel the life around you, let if flow. Yourself, you must let go.’

It seemed easier said than done. I must have sat there listening to the sounds of the street corner go by. I still couldn't understand what she meant by this whole listening to your center thing. I was still unsure of how I was supposed to “clear my head”.

‘’Do I think of nothing? Like a stone? But then how do I stop thinking? Was it possible to do that? Wait... what's that?’ I thought to myself. There was something there before me. But that didn't make sense, I had my eyes closed, how could I see anything. It almost looked like a-



The sound of a car going by shook me away from my thoughts, almost making me jump from the bench in fright. I grumbled in frustration before I closed my eyes again and tried to focus in on the words my twin had told me again.


‘Let your mind slow. All the thoughts, fears, and worries, let them all go’ I let the words fill my mind, pushing all other thoughts away from myself. Perhaps I was merely thinking too much. Maybe all that was needed was to stop asking so many questions.

I began to settle on the sounds of the street instead of trying to answer question after question. The simple start up of an engine, or a bird chirping as it flew overhead. All the little things that made more sense to me. As I listened however the sounds began to slowly fade away from my ears.

There was nothing left to see, nothing left to hear, just myself in darkness, at least a first. Finally I noticed an object, almost at the corner of my vision. ‘Wait... an object? But I have my eyes closed, I shouldn't see anyth-... right right, no more questions’ I scolded myself. I let it slowly fade into view at the center of my vision

It was a large mirror that sat a few pony lengths away, stark and undecorated in the black shadowy world of my closed eyes. I looked further into the reflection inside, only seeing confused and lonely looking Zebra sulking in a dark clearing of grass.

“Is this what I see,” I asked myself as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. “All that there is of me?” The zebra really in the reflection was a pitiful site. But she wasn't looking back to me at all. In fact, she was facing the other direction, merely staring down to the ground before her. “Something is amiss. Reflections don't do this...”

I stepped towards the mirror, but the so called “reflection” stayed still. I flinched for a moment before I examined the reflection more closely. This one seemed... off. She wasn't like myself, or... for that matter my twin. It was then that I realized the zebra wasn't a mare at all, it was... a colt? My brow furrowed when I looked at him through the glass.

Idly I put a hoof on the mirror’s glass, only to have my hoof fall through it. I quickly drew it back again. It was odd. I didn't feel any glass between the frame at all. Curiously I tried throwing my hoof through the frame again, and again met no resistance.

As soon as I was on the other side I noticed how familiar the scenery was. It was the same clearing from my dream. But it seemed night had long since settled in as a large full moon loomed overhead. I paid it no mention as I heard a small weak voice come from the colt’s direction.

“Please... don't take me away.... I only wish to stay...” the strange zebra colt said quietly. He didn't bother to move his head to meet my eyes, only to continue staring at the grass before him.

I looked down at the zebra, unsure of what to say. There was something about the little colt that seemed familiar to me. Those words he used were so much like my own. I tried my best to put on a comforting smile before placing a hoof on his shoulder. “There there, everything will be ok, why would you wish to go away?” I tried to say steadily, just like my twin would have, “That is such a harsh claim, when I don't know your name.”

He finally looked at me with large watery green eyes. “It's... J@*^.” he spoke softly before his head sunk back down to face the ground. The name sparked something in my head. I knew it.

“J@*^... that is a strange name I must deplore...” I said in a slight bout of amusement. It was certainly a strange name for a zebra. I wasn't sure I had known one by that name. Perhaps a human though... YES! There was a human I knew by that name! But... who? “Though I must ask, have we’ve met before?”

If the zebra’s head could have hung any further without making himself fall over he somehow managed it. “It won't matter after I disappear. Nothing of me is going to stay here. There's nothing left of me but humiliation, even this body is mere imitation... ”

I felt my eyes shrink again as I studied the colt once again. Everything began to click. The apprehension and fear that was in his face, the way his body sulked at every word. “You’re me, aren’t you?” I spoke in disbelief. This was indeed me, or, perhaps he was a part of me, like my twin. He had all my fears, all the pain I’d been through. It was almost eerie to watch him.

‘Was this what I was trying to find?’ I asked myself. When I had meant to look for my inner self I thought I was being metaphorical. I wasn't expecting to find a whole other zebra here.

I shook myself as I tried to put on a reassuring grin like so many my twin had given me before. “Umm... I know things look bleak, troubling and sad.” I suggested. “But... perhaps everything is not as bad.” I whispered softly as I sat beside him. I tried to think of my conversation with Vinyl Scratch for some words of encouragement. “It... will not matter what your form is to betide, only that you remain true to yourself on the inside.”

“But how can you trust that to remain true?” My colt self said as he finally looked up to me. “That this change won't affect deep inside you?” He said as he finally looked back to me, his face was littered with doubt. I took a deep breath of air as I felt myself falter at those eyes. I honestly didn't know what to tell him.

A half hearted grunt came from J@*^’s mouth as he lied down on the grass and closed his eyes, “I thought so...” he whispered quietly. Suddenly his form started to blur, as if the wind suddenly was blowing him away like a column of sand. I got up in alarm, trying to make sense of what was happening to him. Before I knew it though, the zebra known as J@*^ had disappeared completely.

“J@*^? Where are you?” I called out nervously.

A voice suddenly boomed around me as if to answer.

"You will pass away from this place, as another takes your place. Nothing left for you but to give up, even a zebra cannot refill this cup.”


“What?” My eyes sprung open at that voice. It sounded strange. It was my voice, but, it was odd. The tone sounded more malevolent, less friendly. Like it had meant some ill harm to someone.

I shoved the thoughts away about it and quickly went about checking myself, finding myself on the quiet street side bench again. There was no one around me it seemed. Just myself, and a few passing humans. I shook my head out of my thoughts and tried to organize myself. ‘Just a dream,’ I assured myself, ‘it was all nothing more than a dream.... wait...’

Great, I must have dozed off again. That only could mean one thing, I lost more time.

I quickly pulled my tablet out of my pack and glanced to the time. Twenty minutes had gone by. I sighed in relief as I picked myself up off the bus seat. The fear of having lost myself in another hour in my own head fell away. I still had plenty of time to get back to the bus.


I hesitated for a moment before I stepped in front of the doors. The small station was not as bad as it seemed before. It didn't matter for now; I was more focused on getting back onto the bus and back on task.

The greeter waved me down as I made my way to the gate. He was a burly man, probably worked part time as security in the station if I had to guess. “Ticket ma’am?” he asked politely as he stared me down. I was probably the first pony here, by the very least the first zebra. I looked back at him as confidently as I could.

“Oh... do not fret my dear, I have it right here.” I said as I idly searched my pocket for the ticket. My I felt nothing inside it with my hoof. The shock began to return as I dug deeper into the pocket, but still found nothing. There was no ticket at all, the pocket was completely empty. “It.. it... was right here...” I said out loud as I felt my anxiety build.

The greeter merely sighed as he looked down to his clipboard, “Well ma'am I don't know what to tell you if you don't have it.”

“But you must have seen me get off the bus,” I asked hesitantly. With the crowd I had drawn only a few minutes ago I would have been amazed if anyone hadn't noticed me go by. “Can't you let me through with no muss or a fuss?”

“If it were up to me, I’d have no problems with it.” He mediated, “But the rules still apply, I can't let you back on without a ticket.”

“But, but to miss that bus I can't afford!” I said in slight panic “Just ask Roger if I was aboard.”

“Umm, who now?” he responded as he rubbed his head in confusion.

“Ugh, the driver of the bus. He’ll tell you without a fuss.”

The greeter put his hand on the metal bar to the gate, as if to secure it as if by some miracle I’d break it in a mad dash for the platform. “I’m sorry; even if he was here I’d still have to see your ticket.”

“What... should I do?” At this point, I was close to hyperventilating, as my only chance to get to New York quickly was about to be taken from me.

“Well, the bus is due to depart in a little over ten minutes. If you can find it before then we can let you through.”

That was the only words I needed to hear before I barreled out of the doors at high speed. I didn't even bother looking at the humans as I barreled by them causing a commotion.

All I had to do was find a ticket.... in less than ten minutes. Yeah, what could possibly go wrong there?

Author's Note:

Here we have the much anticipated chapter 8. Chapter 9 will be out within the week! :D
Also forgive me if this chapter is a bit far out from left feild. A lot is going on for poor Jace at the moment and had to cover it in a single long chapter xD