• Published 15th Nov 2012
  • 1,898 Views, 29 Comments

Consequences - Antisocial Ind.

Dartanian Strongwing lost both of his parents because of Rainbow Dash. He intends to repay the favor

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Chapter 1

"Dammit, dad. I told you not to work in the mine! I told you you weren't strong enough! But did you freaking listen to me!? NO!" The poor black-coated pegasus cried over his dads fresh grave. He cried for a good few minutes before resuming his dialogue to his deceased father.

"No, I know it wasn't your fault. With mother gone, you had to do it in order to provide. It isn't your fault. It's.... IT'S....
IT'S HER FAULT!" He banged his hooves on the ground as he began to sob. He sat there, crying, thinking, hating. He thought of his parents, both separated from him. He thought of all the great times he'd had with his parents, only to push him farther into depression.

He raised his head, his eyes squinted in anger, his mouth revealing a fierce snarl. His eyes spoke volumes as his depression was instantaneously transmuted into pure rage. He spread his wings and took off at an impossible speed. He was not nearly as fast as Rainbow Dash, but he would leave all others in his wake. His wings ached within moments of being used, but he didn't care. He felt nothing that was as strong as his feelings at that moment.

He felt the frigid night's air tear at his skin, piercing his coat effortlessly. He felt a slight emotional relief as the pain took over his senses. As with those who cut themselves, the physical pain overwhelmed his senses, blocking out the emotional pain to a degree. He flew for what felt like hours to his wings, but in reality it was mere minutes. He arrived at his destination: Scootaloo's house. He was suddenly grateful for being in the Colt Scouts, otherwise he's have no idea where Scootaloo lived; it turns out going door-to-door trying to raise money was worth the time he put into it.

He flew straight to the only window with light coming out of it, looking in. He had no idea what he hoped to achieve here, but he knew it would end poorly for Scootaloo. He also knew that, with his black coat, he wouldn't be seen; a ninja waiting for the right time to attack. He saw Scootaloo, that smug bitch, smiling, messing with some paper and glue. She looked liked she finished whatever she had made, and called for her mother. Within a few moments, she -Rainbow Dash? Yes, Rainbow Dash- entered into the room. Scootaloo held her paper up for her mother to see, and her mothers face lit up with joy. I will kill you both!

He was angered at how happy they were, when he was feeling so miserable! He watched as Rainbow Dash put the creation up on the wall opposite the window where Dartanian was looking into. When she moved out of the way, Dartanian could see that it read "I Love You, Mommy!" on it. Dartanian didn't care what the occasion was, nor did he care to try and figure it out.

Rainbow Dash turned to her daughter, and rushed her, scooping her up in a hug, squeezing Scootaloo tightly. As Dartanian witnessed this, his mind simply stopped. The hug lasted moments, but Dartanian watched it for hours. It burned into his eyes, enveloping his conscious. He saw the pure love, the joy of being together as a family; he saw him, as a colt, while his mother embraced him just like what was happening right then and there; he saw something he wouldn't experience again for ten years.

As he watched, he felt an insatiable longing to be held by his parents again, to be told how much he was loved. He felt jealous, angry, alone. To watch this was simple emotional agony, yet he could not peel his eyes away from it. They released each other, and walked up a flight of steps. He saw a light turn on to his left and up about seven feet, and he darted to the source of it. He peered through the window from which the light was pouring out. He peered in, careful not to be seen.

Rainbow Dash was tucking Scootaloo in -another pang of desire and depression- and she kissed Scootaloo on the forehead. It was too much; Dartanian could feel his jealous tears coming down his cheeks. He flew back to the kitchen window in time to see Rainbow enter the room and start to clean up. He watched her work, watched her clean, just as his mom used to. With one final surge of negative emotion, Dartanian flew away. He didn't know where he was headed, he just knew it was dark.

He could see the two still hugging, and he shut his eyes tightly to blot out the horrifying, emotion-inducing images coursing through his head. All he could think about was his mother, how he wanted her back so bad; she was all that would go through his mind. All he could see when he thought of it was his own mother hugging him, the way Rainbow Dash held her child; it was the same! He opened his eyes for a moment, and then everything went black.

Hehe, that girl and her messes. Rainbow had just started to clean up when she heard something unusual. It was a loud thud, followed by a bunch of cracks. At first she thought nothing of it, but after a few minutes something told her to check it out. The stupid feeling wouldn't go away, so eventually Rainbow just gave in.

"Freaking fine, I'll check already! Sheesh...." She opened her front door, and stepped out into the chilly night. She closed the door most of the way, save for a tiny crack, and lept into the air. She looked around, trying to figure out where the loud noises had come from. She figured she had better check near the kitchen windows, as that was where she heard the sound come from. She looked around, finding nothing out of the ordinary. She flew past a few trees, seeing nothing worth noting. At least, she didn't see anything worth noting.

As she passed a rather tall pine tree, she heard something. She stopped listening for the sound again, her anticipation building. After a few moments she heard it again. It sounded like pained grunting. She heard it from somewhere below, but she couldn't see anything. Even in the dark, she should have been able to make out something. Deciding it was worth a look, Rainbow descended to the ground and began listening for the grunts.

She heard one, off to her right. She turned and walked forward, weaving between trees. She walked for about six seconds when another grunt almost gave her a heart attack. She stopped, as the sound was coming from her immediate left. She turned, only to see another tree.

"OK, now you're going crazy, Rainbow Dash." She spread her wings and was about to take off, when she hear, not a grunt, but a voice.

"No, don't go mommy, please..." Rainbow's eyes went wide as she realized that that was a pony, probably a boy. She took off, darting to the other side of the tree. She saw a dark lump covered in branched, which moved up and down as it breathed. She quickly moved all the debris and branches off of the poor pony. Judging by his build, he was obviously a colt, probably about Scootaloo's age, and he was a pegasus. He had a matte black coat, and a dark gray mane, both of which has areas with tree sap covering them.

Rainbow Dash picked up the poor colt and slung him over her back, and prepared for takeoff. "Alright, little guy, let's get you home so we can fix you up."

Scootaloo opened her eyes groggily as her alarm drew her back from the realm of the unconscious. She lazily reached out a hoof and silenced her alarm, then removed her covers. The typical morning routine, stretch, shower, go downstairs for breakfast. She walked down into the kitchen, expecting to see her mom and two bowls of cereal on the counter, however, this was not the case. Scootaloo made her own breakfast, not really wondering about her mothers absence.

She grabbed her bowl in her mouth and made her way into the living room to eat, as she always did. She walked around the couch, whose back faced the kitchen, and plopped her bowl down on the coffee table that was in front of it. She moved to sit on the couch when she noticed her mother sitting on the chair, which had been pulled up next to the couch. She cocked her head to the right in confusion, before walking over to her mom. She poked her mom a few times on the shoulder to wake her up, as she'd need to be in order to clear the sky on time.

"Mom." She didn't wake. "MOM." Still nothing. She then prodded Rainbow in the shoulder, with a fair amount of force. "Time to get up!" Her mom awoke with a start, looking around at Scootaloo, then the couch.

"Thanks for getting me up, but try to be quiet okay?" Scootaloo cocked her head again.

"Huh? Why?"

"You'll wake him." Him? There's a stallion in the house? Scootaloo turned to the couch, and there was a black pony, presumably a pegasus, underneath a blue quilt. Scootaloo grimaced.

"Ew, mom! Couldn't you have at least taken it to your room? That's where I sit!" Rainbow was confused for a moment, until she realized what her daughter was implying; she promptly facehoofed.

"Oh for the love of.... No, Scootaloo, he's not a stallion-friend. I heard a loud thump last night, and it turned out this idiot hit a tree, and he was unconscious when I found him." She paused for only a second, before her eyes narrowed. "And just why the hay would that be the first thought that crosses your mind?" Scootaloo smiled awkwardly.

"Uh, I don't....know?" Rainbow was not amused.

"You need to get your head out of the gutter, young lady. Now go get ready for school." Scootaloo didn't waste a second before grabbing her cereal and exiting the room. Rainbow watched her daughter leave, thinking to herself. 'Young lady'? Wow, I'm getting lamer every day.

Rainbow Dash stretched out her limbs, most notably her wings, and walked into the kitchen to make some breakfast for her guest. She quickly prepared the bowl, and brought it into the living room, sitting the bowl down on the coffee table. She reached over the sleeping pegasus, putting her hooves on both of his shoulders, gently shaking him.

"Wake up, sleepyhead. You have to get up now." The pegasus' eyes opened slowly, and he immediately recoiled from the pain in his head. He instinctively put his hooves over his head to prevent anypony from touching it and making the pain worse. He turned his head, which was laying on the couch horizontally, so he could look at the one who had woken him. He saw a multicolored blur, moving. He blinked a few times to clear his vision.

After a few moments his vision did clear, but he kept on blinking, unsure of what he was seeing. She stared at the mare in front of him, disbelief coursing through his mind.

No. It's not possible! She's supposed to be away! He lept at her, catching her off guard. He embraced her as hard as he could. Rainbow wasn't sure what was happening, but let it happen anyway. After a few moments Rainbow realized he was heaving, no - sobbing?

"I'm so glad to have you back...mom."