• Published 15th Nov 2012
  • 1,899 Views, 29 Comments

Consequences - Antisocial Ind.

Dartanian Strongwing lost both of his parents because of Rainbow Dash. He intends to repay the favor

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Chapter 2

Wait, what!? Rainbow thought. The colt that was now hugging her lovingly, crying, just called her... mom. This guy must have hit his head harder than I thought. Great, now I gotta put this poor kid down.

"Uh, yeah, look, kid, I'm not your mom." Smooth. The pegasus loosened his grip, still keeping his hooves on Rainbow's shoulders, and looked her in the eyes, which were wet. He had a smile on his face, and he laughed gently, as though she had just made a decent pun.

"Hehe, come on now, mom. That's not funny, even in an ironic sort of way, hehe!" He finally let go of her, wiping his eyes before standing and observing his surroundings. "Uh, this isn't home. Where are we?" This would not be easy.

"We're in my house, Dart." They both turned and saw a determined-looking Scootaloo staring intently at Dartanian. Upon looking at Scootaloo, Dartanian got a dark look in his eye. He didn't break eye contact.

"Mom, why are we in Scootaloo's house?" Before Rainbow got a chance to answer, Dartanian turned and talked to her directly. "Oh, I bet we're here to talk with her mom about their violence. I say we just let it go, mom. We can just-" Rainbow grabbed his face, hooves on both sides, and pulled him close to her face, staring him directly in the eyes.

"Dude. Listen to what I tell you. I. Am. NOT. Your. Mom." She let go, giving him an disapproving look. He was confused and slightly hurt, showing this in his face as he backed up. Scootaloo walked over and stood next to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow reflexively put a wing over her daughter, reinforcing her point. Dartanian looked back and forth between the two, a look of understanding passing over his face.

"Alright. I see how it is." Rainbow breathed a sigh of relief, her face softening instantly.

"Look, it's alright, kid. Now, come with me and I'll show you out, and you can go home, OK?" Dartanian's face quickly turned into that of a cheerful colt. Almost too quickly.

"Yeah sure! I bet my....dad is worried." Darts left eye twitched ever so slightly.

"Yeah, he should be! Come on." Dartanian joined Rainbow in going to the door. Throughout this entire exchange Scootaloo never took her eyes off of Dartanian, eyeing him suspiciously. When they were almost at the door, Dartanian discreetly turned his head and shot her a look of pure venom at Scootaloo, causing her to visibly recoil just a bit.

The two walked out the door, and Rainbow turned, and closed it. She began to turn, addressing Dart to apologize for the confusion. "Hey, look I'm sorry about all the co-HUUUH!" That was all she could manage before two hooves collided with the side of her head. She instantly went limp.

"I'm sorry, mom." He placed her on his back, ready to take off. She was a little heavy, but not so much that he couldn't fly. He was honestly surprised, as he was not very muscular. He heaved, going airborne. He began to fly, putting his effort into staying up. "Don't worry, I'll fix whatever they did to you."

Scootaloo wondered where her mom went, probably seeing Dartanian made his way home safely. If what Rainbow said was true, then flying home alone would be dangerous. She really didn't give it much thought, and continued to school, not expecting to see Dartanian at school that day. She was kinda sorry about what happened to his mom, but she got what she deserved. Scootaloo thought that Rainbow should have trashed the judge as well, but she chose not to question her mom about it.

Aside from a pop quiz in animal studies, it was a normal school day. Afterward, Scootaloo hung out with Applebloom and Sweetie Bell, as they did every Thursday. She got home around 5 o'clock, as usual. She noticed that there were no lights on, which indicated that nopony was home. Still, she assumed that her mom was just handling the whole situation with Dart confusing Rainbow with his mom over at Darts house. Wait, wouldn't she be back by now? I mean it doesn't take nine hours to discuss something like that.

She pondered this thought as she opened the door, it being unlocked. She stopped when she looked down and saw a few flecks of red on the cloud she was standing on. She crouched, getting a closer look at the red. Wait, is that-

"Oh no. No there's no way."

Angel tapped his foot impatiently. He was waiting, like the little DOUCHEBAG that he is, for Fluttershy to finish and bring him his dinner. When she finally arrived, he gave her crap in mime about how long she took.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I had to redo the potatoes, and they just wouldn't-" She didn't finish her sentence before Angel started eating ravenously. She sighed, wishing that Angel would be nicer. Fluttershy's attention was taken from her by urgent knocking on her door. She flew over and opened it, revealing an out-of-breath Scootaloo.

"Flutter...shy! You gotta....help me, I-"

"What's wrong? Did you find an animal that needs tending to? I can be over there right away, and-"

"No! It's not...like that. Listen...I can't find....my mom..." Even after two years, it was odd for Fluttershy to hear anypony call Rainbow Dash 'mom.' Fluttershy smiled and interrupted before Scootaloo could finish.

"Well she's probably just out and around flying somewhere, or maybe she's at work. I have the day off today, so I wouldn't be able to tell you. Perhaps she's-"

"LISTEN to me!" With her breath back in her lungs, Scootaloo had no intention of letting Fluttershy interrupt again. "This colt flew into a tree, and my mom took him in, and when he came to he started calling her mom, and seemed really shocked when mom told him she wasn't his mom. Mom showed her out, but she never came back in and when I went outside to go to school there were drops of blood on the cloud and I think she's been hurt! So I need you to help me find her in case she's injured!" Fluttershy's eyes widened at the idea of Rainbow being hurt. It actually seemed almost impossible that Rainbow Dash, hero of Ponyville, could ever be injured, even when Fluttershy had seen it happen on multiple occasions. She was also very scared.

"O-ok, I'll help you. Where should be look?" Scootaloo thought, hard, for a few moments, dropping her head and furrowing her brow in concentration. She looked back up with a determined look on her face, meeting Fluttershy's eyes intently.

"Follow me."

And there was pain. Rainbows head was splitting in half; at least, it felt like it was.

"Aaaaaargh." She reached a hoof to her forehead, trying to seek out the pain. She quickly removed her hoof upon finding it, eliciting a sharp intake of breath at the same time. Slowly, she opened her eyes. She looked around, or at least she tried to. It was slightly dark, with only a single window to allow light to come in. She paused, in action and in thought, for a moment to wonder how she got there. Then, just as if she was kicked again, a wave of anger washed over her. Her eyes widened and her brow furrowed. A slight squeak could be heard from her grinding teeth.


"Ahem." Rainbow turned to the noise, still infuriated. She looked up and saw that little shit smiling down at her through a barred window. She immediately opened her wings and flew at him. She slowed almost to a halt in front of the window and threw a punch through the bars, catching the surprised colt in the face. Her hoof connected powerfully right in his jaw. He recoiled horribly and fell to the deck below him. He immediately curled up, massaging his face gently.

"Ow oh my Celestia it hurts!" Rainbow was still livid.

"Let me out of here, NOW! Or so help me Celestia I will end you!" When Rainbow had stopped yelling at Dartanian, she heard him...crying? Oh, yeah. I guess I did punch him pretty hard in the face. The colt was still curled up on the ground below her. "OK, look, I realize I probably shouldn't have punched you in the face, that was wrong of me, I'm sorry, OK?" She didn't sounded particularly convincing, but then again, he did knock her out and basically kidnap her. Within a few seconds, Dartanians crying and pained moaning turned into a growl of anger.

In a flash of speed that Rainbow had to admit was rather impressive, he took to the air and stared Rainbow in the face. She recoiled in fear; what she saw staring at her was no longer a young colt who had knocked her out. He had a look of lividness, pain, and loss, all curled up into one constant beam of hatred that was now seeping from his eyes and boring right into Rainbows heart. His face was covered in blood and tears, and yet it practically glowed with a horrid negative energy which was nearly palpable. She continued to stare back even when it was clear that he would kill her without a seconds hesitation. She almost flinched when he spoke.

"Why did you do that, mom?" His tone was frightening. It was not just angry, it was...off. "I brought you back from Scootaloo's house. I got you away so that they couldn't brainwash you anymore. Why did you hit me? WHY DO YOU HATE ME!?" He began crying again, but his sorrow and pain did not do anything to alleviate the horrific glare he was giving to Rainbow Dash.

He shut his eyes tight in an effort to keep back the tears, but they did nothing to help. He put his head in his hooves. For a few seconds Rainbow thought that he would be ok. She decided to take the opportunity to make amends.

"Hey, look, it's alright. I mean, you probably just-" She was cut off. She heard something; something awful. Dartanian released a horrifying, bloodcurdling scream. She listened intently, scared to death. It dripped pain and torment, frustration and anger, loss and hate. Just as suddenly, he raced to the bars, and began repeatedly banging his head on them. Rainbow flew back several feet in shock; he just kept at it.

"I'M SORRY, MOM! I AM SO SO SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO DISAPPOINT YOU! SEE, I'M PUNISHING MYSELF! I WANT TO BE A GOOD SON! PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!" Rainbow was absolutely mortified. For a few moments, all she could do was watch in horror. Once she had regained herself, however, she rushed over, putting her her hooves through to push him away from the bars.

"Woah woah woah, kid. Stop it! That's not what you need to be doing right now." She glanced at his forehead, which was now bleeding in several places. She grimaced at his new head wounds. "Your mom doesn't hate you. You've made some mistakes, but literally beating yourself over it won't help." He looked at her, quivering, tears still coming down his cheek. He looked like a bloody, emotional mess. He quickly backed away from her and departed without speaking a word.

She floated there in front of the window, forehooves hanging out between the bars. She pulled them back in, and floated gently to a spot clear of debris. She landed softly, wondering what it was she had just witnessed. Rainbow shook herself mentally, realizing that this was a time for planning, for escape. She did not have time to worry about Dart, she had to find a way out. And, judging by the light outside, she only had a few hours before it got dark.

Aw man, where's twilight when you need her?