• Published 6th Jan 2012
  • 2,086 Views, 38 Comments

My Dearest Students - BubuJones

Immortality can at times be a double edged sword. Celestia recalls past memories of dear students.

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My Dearest Students

By: BubuJones

Chapter 1: Starlight

The princess of the night strolled languidly down one of the castle’s many elaborate hallways. The walls and arches, intricately magnificent in both stature and design, towered around her. Luna would often pause to awe and admire the fine pony work done on the stained glass windows that depicted tales of history and ponykind. The castle which she once called home, forgotten deep within the Everfree Forest, would pale in comparison to what she and her sister now resided in. Since returning from her celestial imprisonment and being freed from the clutches of Nightmare Moon, she would frequently explore the maze-like hallways, peer into every doorway, and even try to have some fun within the castle. Everything was so new and brilliant to her, perhaps even perfect; now back together with her sister, everything was perfect.

Luna had just returned from the successful deed of lowering Celestia’s sun to give way to her impressive array of celestial bodies that would brighten up the night. She had decided with her sister to divide the work: her raising both the sun and moon one day, and her sister on the next, and so on from there. Or if one just simply felt like not performing the task one day, the other would carry it for whatever reason.

Today was one such day where Celestia had asked her to bring the day she had started to an end. Luna would happily oblige as she had witnessed the stresses and pressures that being atop a hierarchy would bring on Celestia. Ever since she had returned she had done little to aid her sister in the matter of public politics, perhaps due to her still frightening image, but she tried to make up for it with every given opportunity. Luna would try her hoof with some of Celestia’s paperwork, organize her meetings, or other behind-the-scenes affairs. She never fancied those sorts of things, but if it helped relieve some of her sister’s work load, then it was worth it.

Deeper into the castle, Luna ventured down the complex hallways, searching around every corner and room. Her calls of, “Tia! Where are you?” echoed down the empty halls. She was beginning to make turns around corners she had never encountered before. The walls and ceilings began to close in on her and take a more simple architectural design. The quantity of royal guards dwindled until nopony was seen in any direction. Luna was alone, and she didn’t like it.

“Celestia, you’d better not be hiding again! I’m getting tired of these tricks!” she called only to be answered by her own voice in return. She stomped a hoof in slight irritation and continued on. After a few more misguided turns with no general sense of direction, she stumbled upon an even smaller pathway, dark and eerie; her curiosity got the better of her as she entered.

The dreary gray walls were lined with magically lit lanterns that dimly illuminated the thin corridor Luna continued to explore. Her nervousness began to escalate the deeper she ventured, and the ceiling seemingly fell upon her. She looked back towards where she had entered, far off the lighted archway was still visible but at a much smaller size. She turned around trying to focus her eyes in an attempt to spot anything in the dark distance. She began to have second thoughts.

Perhaps there’s nothing. Maybe it is none of my business to be down here? There is no reason not to at least figure out where this leads, she thought decisively.

It will just be another portion of the Castle to add to my mental map! She pushed away her worried second thoughts and cantered on.

She soon came upon the reason as to why she saw nothing at the end of the hall as the corridor made a sharp left turn. Peering slowly around the corner, she spotted an old wooden door, slightly ajar, allowing a stream of weak light to escape. She approached cautiously and fully alert. There could be anything behind that door, she thought.

Well, not really, but I have to be ready for anything. Upon the foot of the door, her ears perked up to a sound she hadn’t expected; the sounds of weeping accompanied by a soft sniffle. She swung the door open with deliberate caution; it gave a painful creak upon reaching the full extent of the hinges. Celestia twisted her head around quickly; tears sparkled upon her lower lashes.

“Luna!” Celestia feebly uttered in shock at the sight of her sister standing at the doorway. She hastily recovered from her slouched posture back to her royal elegant stature, wiping away the tears with a foreleg. “I-I mean, Luna, what are you doing here?” Her voice, still not fully recovered from its previous condition, she forced to sound as regal as if speaking in public, with little success.

Luna was taken aback at the sight of her sister in such a dire, unusual state. Celestia had always been able to keep her composure through most almost any situation she would be up against, be it Discord or her once tragic persona of Nightmare Moon. To see her like this now made Luna’s heart sink.

“Tia… what’s wrong? Are you alright?” Luna asked softly with clear concern as she approached Celestia. She sat close by her sister’s side, looking up with shimmering, almost frightened eyes, which Celestia tried to avoid by looking away. Luna waited for her sister’s reply silently, not wanting to rush the already tense situation.

She didn’t respond at first; Celestia scavenged her mind for any sort of excuse to present to Luna, but there was no use. The only thing that could satisfy her sister would be the one and only truth, the truth Celestia had kept hidden to herself for so long. She gave a deep sigh of submission before returning her sisters incisive gaze. Luna gave a pleading frown in return. She couldn’t lie to that face, even if she had tried.

“I should have told you before about this place. I’ve come here once every year for nearly a thousand years now… ever since I lost you all that time ago,” Celestia explained with calm assurance, her voice now fully returned to its natural soothing kindness. Celesta broke the eye contact as she looked about the room, as did Luna, examining the room with growing, uncertain curiosity.

The room was small in comparison to most rooms found in the castle, but still comfortably fit the two large alicorn princesses, and the ceiling was notably higher than the exiting corridor. The room was a uniform, dull gray color, void of the intricate designs and architecture that adorned the rest of the castle. But perhaps the most conspicuous aspect of the room would have had to be the back wall both sisters now gazed upon. There were nine pictures hung to the wall: paintings, both simple and elaborate, together with more modern photographs of both black and white and color. They were organized neatly in what seemed to be a timeline like fashion, with a painting to the far left and a picture to the far right. Each image was that of a pony in its prime. They all struck elegant poses of refinement and class. There was a candle lit beneath each picture; the only light source of the room.

“Who… who are these ponies?” Luna asked, still not quite comprehending the situation. She looked back to her sister, the soft lighting cast flickering shadows that dance around her frame.

“You’ve met my dear student, Twilight Sparkle,” she replied calmly.

“Indeed, one of the Elements of Harmony. She was very generous to me during that whole Nightmare Night trouble I faced not so long ago.” Luna recalled that night that held a few revelations to her own self.

“She is not the first student I have taken under my wing. That I have allowed close to my heart.” A hint of sorrow touched her voice at the end. “When I… I banished you…” She strained herself to say that and before she continued, Luna cut her off.

“It was not your fault. You shouldn’t continue to blame yourself like this, Tia…” Her emotions began to build inside her. She just wanted to make her sister feel better, her foremost priority since she had returned. “It was my fault. Nightmare Moon would not have been if I hadn’t felt what I did all those years ago. And I apologized to you for it, and you accepted my apology. My past sins are behind me now, all that matters are that we are together again.” She nuzzled her sister’s neck in affectionate care.

“Thank you…” Celestia exhaled again, this time in a more relieved manner. They huddled close to each other, bringing much wanted tranquility into the atmosphere. They stayed quiet, pushing the moment to its fullest extent. But it could not last forever as Celestia broke the moment and carried on with her explanation.

“When I sent you away, I also sent away a large portion of my heart by doing so. An empty void was left in its place which caused me great pain and sorrow each and every day afterwards.” Luna listened intently, wearing the same compassionate loving face. “I was in mourning for years, and my own condition would reflect upon that of Equestria. That is when I came upon my first student, or more so, she came to me.” Celestia raised a hoof at the first painting on the far left.

A very pretty, young unicorn filly resided within the portrait. She wore august clothing that covered her cutie mark, reminiscent of the type during the time Luna ruled at the side of Celestia more than one thousand years ago. Her coat was pearl white and her light blue mane was made high. She wore a happy, almost embarrassed smile on her face. The portrait was excellently done in the way it was able to portray such raw emotion.

“She was very beautiful,” Luna remarked, getting closer to the painting to examine it further.

“Yes, and she had a personality and the magical prowess to match. Her name was Starlight. She was one of the castles many servants at the time, and one of the few that was actually able to see through my facade. She was the first pony who took concern in my personal feelings rather than just my royal position. I was able to expose my true self to her, she reminded me so much of you.” Celestia allowed her eyes to close briefly as she recalled the memories of her first student; a modest smile touched her lips.


Celestia walked down the castle hallways with a listless pace, her head hung low. She had just returned from lowering the moon to allow her sun to shine above Equestria. It had been a few years since Luna’s banishment, but the act of doing what her sister once aided her in was still painful. She had done what she did with great reluctance, she had done it for the greater good of Equestria, she knew it was for the best. But that realization would do her aching heart no good. She wanted her sister back, but there was no way.

Heading directly into her chambers, she ignored the pestering advisers that would constantly hassle her over simple matters she had no patience for. She had little patience for many things now. The grand double doors were loudly shut, silencing the insufferable chatter that made her mind ache. She laid her entire self upon the bed and exhaled loudly and unceremoniously. Celestia thrived in seclusion, absence of noise and the lack of forced formality was much needed tranquility for her. She just wanted to be alone; she preferred to be alone.

A startling rapping came from her chamber door that made Celestia jump and stagger to regain some sort of elegant posture. She wasn’t in the mood for anypony, but she could not ignore the persistent knocks. She cleared her throat before she spoke.

“You may enter,” she said regally with a hint of exaggeration. The door slowly inched open just enough to allow a telekinetically held food tray to slip past, then closely followed by a unicorn pony that entered cautiously. Her coat was a shimmering white and her mane was of a blue that reminded Celestia of a clear blue sky. Her cutie mark was an array of violet stars ranging from small to large in an upward pattern.

“I beg your pardon, Princess, your breakfast is ready,” she spoke clearly with poise and held her head low in respect. “Where would you like it?”

“We thank thee for thy services. Set it upon our mantel if thou please. We shall tend to it in due time.” Celestia tried to speak loudly, but did not bother. She never liked to address her ponies in such a manner, but it was customary.

“As you wish, Princess.”She set the tray down and began to retrace her steps backwards in the customary and respectful manner. She did not once look up at Celestia. “Enjoy,” she said happily before stepping out.

“Halt! Pray thee, come hither,” Celestia called before the door came to a close. The unicorn entered into the room a bit hesitantly.

“I-Is something the matter, Princess?” she said with a hint of nervousness, still facing directly at the floor.

“We bid thee to enlighten us; what has transpired of our last attendant, Alphonse? He had served us thusly for years.” Celestia had gotten quite good at knowing which servants did what, but she had never seen this particular unicorn before.

“I am sorry, Princess, but, Alphonse has retired and returned to his family. I shall be your new serving maid from now on. Forgive me for not stating this when I came in. My name is Starlight.” She bowed lower.

“Starlight,” Celestia repeated to herself languidly. “We thank thee once again. Prithee, thou mayest gaze upon us within our quarters. We care little for such formalities at present,” Celestia said softly. Starlight hesitantly raised her head to face Celestia. Her dark blue eyes shimmered with confidence, yet Celestia could still spot a hint of nervousness within them.

“Thank you, Princess,” she said, giving a polite smile as well. She looked upon Celestia, but instead of seeing the princess in her usual grand and regal state, she seemed to bear a trace of distress. Her astonishing flowing mane now lay limply on the bed; her soft smile was now impassive and shared with half lidded eyes. Starlight had never seen the princess in such a state.

“What an interesting accent you possess,” Celestia said tenderly, startling Starlight from her thoughts.

“O-oh, you see, I’m from the country, Princess. Many ponies don’t speak the way they do in Canterlot anymore.”

“It is even so? How intriguing. Perhaps we should leave the castle more often... you make take your leave now, Ms. Starlight,” Celestia replied glumly.

“As you wish, princess.” But Starlight hesitated; she couldn’t leave Celestia when she was so obviously troubled. “Excuse me, Princess, but may I ask, is everything all right? Is something troubling you?” she asked bravely. Very few dared question the princess.

Celestia was a little taken aback; none of the servants had ever questioned her personal feelings, she thought none of them cared. She had no idea why, but she felt compelled to speak to this unicorn. This was somepony who actually cared to listen; to concern herself in the feelings of a princess rather than that of royal affairs. She wanted somepony to talk too, to help heal her injured heart. She gave a modest smile

“Indeed something is on our mind. It would be pleasant if you should decide to accompany us. Would you kindly?” she asked.

“Of course, Princess!” Starlight beamed happily, a broad smile on her face.


“We held such great conversations each day following that fateful encounter. We talked so much that she even drove me away from speaking in that silly manner that afflicted you not so long ago,” Celestia teased. Luna scoffed at the thought of how she had embarrassed herself by ignoring her sister’s warnings of how the times had changed.

“It wasn’t long before she was promoted to become my personal assistant, and an even shorter time for me to actually make her my first student. She was a remarkable learner in both magic and general studies. She wanted to become a teacher at Canterlot’s most prestigious academy…”


“Are you sure I’m ready, Princess? What if I mess up and they all laugh at me! Then I’d have to go back to magic kindergarten! Oh-no, oh-no, that would be terrible!” Starlight jittered in terrible nervousness. Celestia just giggled in delight at her student’s exaggeration. They continued down the broad empty halls of Canterlot’s Academy for Advanced Magical Studies.

“Oh, Starlight, how you worry! Everything will be all right,” Celestia reassured her. “You rehearsed it splendidly many times in front of me. This time is no different.”

“But that’s precisely it! I’m not doing it in front of you this time, but for a crowd of ponies!” Celestia stopped and turned to face Starlight directly.

“You are one of the greatest mages I have ever set my eyes on. Your abilities exceed that of any unicorn I have met before. That is why you are my student. There is no need to worry.” Celestia smiled as she gave a gentle tap to the door at her side. It was swung open immediately by the professor pony at the other end.

“Princess, Ms. Starlight, please, please come in. Everypony is ready for your presentation, Ms. Starlight,” the unicorn pony with an amazingly chaotic dark-brown mane and tan coat said. Starlight just gave a nervous smile in return. Looking about the room, she estimated nearly fifty other unicorn ponies sat, waiting quietly and patiently for her to begin. She hastily reached the podium and gave a bright, welcoming grin, and then turned to Celestia, watching happily at the sidelines and giving her student a warm smile. She looked back towards her audience, and then cleared her throat louder than she had wanted to.

“Hello, everypony. My name is Starlight and I am your guest speaker today. I will be covering the subject of teleportation and the theory of teleportation,” she spoke collectively, devoid of any nervousness that was once there. Starlight watched as the students pulled out their respective quills and parchment, eager to learn. A broad smile adorned her face at the sight. This was what she wanted to do; this was where she belonged.

“All right, everypony, let’s see some hooves up. How many here have attempted any form of teleportation?” Nearly three dozen hooves when up. “Good, good, now how many of those attempts were successful?” Only about ten hooves remained. “And this is the reason why I am here today. There are many factors to be taken into account before even considering a teleportation. You need to be focused; you need concentration and attentiveness.” A single hoof was raised.

“Umm aren’t those three things kind of the same?” asked a student in the back row.

“Please hold all questions until the end of the presentation,” Starlight replied swiftly before she continued. “One must know exactly where point A and point B are during a teleportation.” She suddenly disappeared in a flash then reappeared at the back of the room. Everypony quickly turned to follow as she continued. “It is easiest when the desired destination point can be seen, but it is completely possible for one to teleport into another room per se’, but with a clear image of where this is in their head.” With another flash she was back at the podium.

“But this magic doesn’t come without its dangers. One may fuse matter with another object, or lose matter in the process, or completely disappear.” Most of the class gasped in disbelief as their writing quills suddenly came to a halt. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to scare anypony. The chances of any of this occurring are astronomical. I doubt that any of this has even happened in the past thousand years.” The class exhaled in unison.

Starlight looked back at Celestia; huge grins on both their faces. Celestia gestured with a hoof for her to continue. Starlight nodded, bringing her attention back to her audience. “Now we shall discuss the extremes of teleportation.”

...The halls echoed with the sound of clopping hooves, which were promptly silenced as the door to the classroom closed. Celestia walked down the hallway as Starlight practically hopped at her side.

“That was great! I cannot believe I did that!” Starlight said merrily.

“And you did it superbly. I knew you could do it.”

“Thank you, Princess, for giving me this chance. And thank you for sticking by me, and for reassuring me, and for…”

“Starlight, it was my pleasure. It makes me happy to do all this for you, my dear student.”

“Thank you, Princess…”


“She was well on her way to becoming the teacher she had always wanted to become. But her studies in magic got the best of her.”


“Where are we going, Princess?” ask Starlight, trotting happily at Celestia’s side. They had been walking together through the castle for some time now. They ascended countless sets of stairs, reaching ever closer to the tallest point of the castle.

“Be patient. We are almost there. There’s something I’ve been wanted to show you as of late,” Celestia replied, a quaint smile reached her lips. “And I’ve told you before; you don’t have to address me as ‘princess’ all the time. We’ve grown too close for such formalities… call me… Tia…” Celestia had hesitated in making such a request. The only other pony that had called her by that name was Luna. But to grow so close to another pony had undoubtedly helped to heal.

“Wha-wha-what? Are you sure, Princess?” Starlight had stopped in her tracks. Celestia shot her a glance. “I mean, Tia,” she replied quickly, giving Celestia an enormous grin and trotted to catch up. They continued to walk up a thin spiral staircase, the clopping of hooves echoed throughout the tower. Dim rays of light beamed through small open windows that gave glimpses of their true staggering elevation. They reached the top, a single archway before a grand balcony was all that was present. They walked out into the fresh open breeze. The sight was breathtaking, something truly to behold. The sights would expand past the Everfree Forest and to the edges of Equestria itself. Multifarious lands of vast green fields, lonely barren deserts, lush forests, and mountains.

“This… this is amazing!” Starlight gasped. “I feel like a pegasus, like… like I’m flying!” she laughed as she took in the sights. Celestia smiled gleefully.

“This is one of the many balconies made for me to raise and lower the sun and moon. This is my personal favorite as you could most certainly see why. The vista is absolutely astounding.”

“It most definitely is...”

“Now watch.” Celestia walked up to the rail, right at Starlight’s side. She held her head up high, closing her eyes in composed concentration. A shimmering golden glow surrounded her horn and began to intensify. Starlight watched intently, and then turned back to witness the sunset to the west and twilight glisten on the east. The sky was perfectly divided, light and darkness together in beautiful harmony. The moon quickly followed as the last rays of light dissipated behind the horizon, the sky now filled to the brim with glimmering stars and the mysterious full moon.

The deed was done. Celestia’s horn settled as she lowered her head and beamed at Starlight.

“W-wow… it is all so… so beautiful!” Starlight stammered with a dumbfounded look. She looked back and forth between her mentor and the sky, unsure at which she was more amazed.

“I’m delighted that you enjoyed that. It’s become an all too common sight for me. I’m glad I can share it with somepony else.” Celestia replied calmly.

“Princess, I mean, Tia… Do you think I’ll ever become powerful enough to be able to do this?”

“I wouldn’t doubt it. Your magical abilities truly astound me sometimes. But I wouldn’t recommend it. This requires a great amount of magic that was once performed by multiple unicorns, long ago. It would bring great harm upon a unicorn not well versed, such as you.”

“I see…” Starlight mused.

“Now don’t go considering doing such a thing. I will not allow it,” Celestia insisted.

“Don’t worry, I won’t,” she snickered. Celestia gave her a questioning glance then turned back to the staircase.

“I trust you. I’m going to bed now. I’ve had such a long day, I’m completely exhausted. You may stay here as long as you’d like. Just be sure not to be up here too late. Goodnight, my dear student.”

“Goodnight… Tia.” They exchanged smiles. Celestia disappeared into the darkness below. Starlight sat on her haunches looking up, entranced by the night.

A hard knock jolted Celestia from her slumber. Her eyes flew open just to wince at the early daylight that came through a window. She quickly stood fully erect and without bothering with her royal wear, she swung the doors fully to meet two guards. They back stepped, clear concerned agitation expressed on their faces.

“Princess, the sun has been raised prematurely!” one of the guards stammered to say. “We came for you as soon as…” He failed to finish as Celestia had already taken off.

“No, no, no, please don’t let it be so,” she muttered to herself as she hurried up the stairs of the tallest tower. Her heart pounded, her feelings swirled, her thoughts in chaos. She reached the top and stopped just for a second at the sight of Starlight laid on her side. Celestia hurried to her aid; to her relief she was still breathing, her eyes fluttered open.

“I-I did it Ti…” She winced in pain.

“Shhhh, shhhh, don’t speak. It’s going to be all right,” Celestia cooed. She inspected the body of her student, and to her anguish saw what had caused the pain. Starlight’s once gleaming white horn was now black from the tip to its midpoint. Celestia’s heart fell; tears began to stream down her cheeks. A gentle golden glow surrounded Starlight as she was carefully lifted and hurriedly taken to the infirmary.

Celestia left the sun where it was; partially hidden on the fringe of the horizon, the dim moon still held high in the sky.


“You recall the malignant affliction of Horn Rot? How it would befall a unicorn that over exerted or abused magic.”

“Yes, there was no known cure at the time if I remember correctly,” Luna replied grimly.

“In this day and age, a cure for Horn Rot has already been discovered, it exists and is proven effective, albeit difficult to acquire. But then, Horn Rot predestined an inevitable death. When Starlight was afflicted, I was utterly overwhelmed with hopelessness. The best I could offer her were a few sparse moments of life and the assurance of a friend at her side… I was at her side until the end; she went silently, peacefully.” Celestia’s voice held a slight tremble as she recalled memories she had not wanted to. Her chest began to twist inside as she held back the heartbreaking feelings.

“I vowed never to allow that to befall another pony under my care again,” she muttered shakily.

Luna turned to face her sister directly and then pulled her into a close embrace. Pure silence filled the room again, neither of them wanted the hug to end. Minutes crawled by without a word between them.

“Tia, are you all right?” Luna said softly, breaking the silence but still held in the embrace. Celestia did not reply at first. She stayed silent, allowing her feelings to settle.

“Y-yes, I’m fine,” she choked out, sniffling a bit. The hug continued to hold strong.

“Would you like to go back up to your bed chambers? Take a rest?” she asked with a hint of concern.


“Perhaps you would like some tea, something to calm your nerves? I could go get you anything…”

“No, don’t go. Just stay here with me a bit longer.”

“As long as you’d like, Tia.”