• Published 6th Jan 2012
  • 2,086 Views, 38 Comments

My Dearest Students - BubuJones

Immortality can at times be a double edged sword. Celestia recalls past memories of dear students.

  • ...

The Doctor

Chapter 4: The Doctor

Celestia was still, looking forward and stone-faced; her emotions were completely unreadable. All that was audible was a soft sniffle at Celestia’s side. She looked over to witness a completely heartrending site of Luna, struggling to keep swelling tears from escaping. She held her head low and the smile that once adorned her face had entirely altered into a miserable frown.

“That... that was so sad…” Luna managed to say through her near-sobs. Now that her feelings for Celestia had settled, her feelings for her sister’s students now held a larger impact on her. She felt for them just as much as she felt for her sister; forced to live through their loss and again to recall the memories.

“It’s alright Luna,” said Celestia, nuzzling her sister’s head back up to face hers. Luna’s tears had retreaded but her stubborn frown held strong. The sight was heartbreaking. “I have come to terms with the memories of my students. They still bring me sorrow, but that sorrow is inconsequential. I prefer to think of all the joy and happiness they had brought me, instead of the end and its cause. I cannot deny or suppress what has happened, but there is no reason to dwell on sorrow. It is difficult, but it has allowed me to move on,” she concluded with a gesture towards the row of frames.

Luna nodded as her frown began to fade and her sadness dissipated. She still could not produce a smile because somberness was closer to what she felt. She followed Celestia’s gesture towards the portraits to once again face them.

“This… this is an earth pony,” Luna said in tamed shock as she faced the picture that preceded Firefly. The major distinction between this pony and the rest, other than it being an earth pony, was the fact that it was in a photograph. With a tint of black and white, it was somewhat grainy but gave greater, more precise detail than the paintings.

“Yes, that’s the Doctor. He was such a charming pony, one of the most remarkable ones as well.”

“The Doctor; doesn’t he have a name?” Luna asked a bit perplexed.

“Not sure, but he had always preferred to be called, the Doctor. In fact he was quite adamant about anypony calling him, the Doctor. I found it quite odd myself, but there was no reason as to oppose to his liking on the matter,” Celestia mused. The pony in question was of a simple pallet of color; brown coat with a slightly darker brown main which was short and groomed back. He gave a cheery, almost exaggerated smile. His clothing seemed to have more in common with what was worn in modern day Equestria than what was in style a thousand years ago, however more rugged, as if traversed through countless journeys and uncharted lands.

Now with the marvel of photography, Luna was able to take notice of the backdrop. He stood proud at an edge of a staggering elevation. Sharp mountain tops could be seen scattered about, dotting a thick mist. Luna had never witnessed such a place, the sight was remarkable.

“This picture is fascinating! Where was it taken?” Luna asked with more excited curiosity that overpowered her once present sorrow. “I had never seen such a place in Equestria.”

“That is because it isn’t in Equestria,” Celestia replied, “But beyond the southern borders. My dear Doctor was quite the adventurous pony. He was never content in staying in one place for too long. Always on the move, ever since he was just a little foal.”

“You knew him as a foal as well?”

“Indeed. I adopted him and took him under my care when he was still an adorable little pony.” Luna stood with her mouth a bit gaped at her sister. It couldn’t possibly have been that simple for a princess, a great and all powerful being, to simply adopt a foal to take under her care. There must have been some sort of reason for this to happen. And Luna couldn’t even think of the sort of reception her sister received for such an act.

“Wha- why would you do such a thing? I- I mean, not that it’s bad, just a bit hard to believe…” She asked, still a bit flustered at the thought. Celestia let out a snicker at the expected reaction of her sister.

“You see, like I said before, he was a truly remarkable pony.”


Celestia sat at her throne before her grand majestic hall. She waited for the next pony to be escorted and presented to her. It was the one day during the week where she would hold an audience to allow anypony, from the wealthy to the underprivileged, to be at the presence of the princess to ask whatever they pleased. Celestia took pleasure in listening to the thoughts, concerns, or opinions of the ponies she watched over. To her, it was of the utmost importance to fully understand the ponies from every part of Equestria.

It was as well the best and fastest method for Celestia to keep up with the times. To learn all this information from all around Equestria straight from a pony’s mouth was usually the most accurate.

She watched as the last pony was escorted out and another to be promptly guided in by another guard. This earth pony, a rather old and shaggy looking one, was accompanied by a young foal pony of the same kind that jogged happily to keep up. The latter of the two was of an insipid brown color, he wore a much too large fitting, brown, ragged tie that did little to compliment his comedic look. But Celestia had to attest that the sight was of immense adorableness.

The two accompanied by a guard arrived near the foot of the stares and bowed respectively. The guard stood tall and intimidating to announce the new arrivals.

“Mr. Blackstone and uh… the Doctor, Princess,” spoken a bit foolishly at the second name.

“We are immensely thankful to be in your presence,” said the elder pony at a snail's pace.

“Indeed it is a great pleasure!” broke in the foal who subsequently received a harmless smack to the back of the head. “Ouch…” He rubbed the spot furiously grumbling under his breath which was halted by a sharp glare from the elder.

“I am so sorry princess, it-” He was halted by Celestia’s raised hoof.

“It is quite alright, Mr. Blackstone. Now please, continue with your subject matter. There are still many ponies in line.” She spoke as heavenly as she always did towards her subjects.

“Of course, of course,” he cleared his throat roughly, “You see, princess, I run an orphanage near Fillydelphia. It is a joy for me to watch little foals find new families and homes. However there are at times when… special cases,” he gestured to the brown foal, “Are too difficult to work with.” Celestia could only speculate as to where the old colt was heading.

“This particular foal here has perhaps been the most drastic case I have ever encountered!” The foal just smiled sheepishly at the princess. Celestia just raised an eyebrow in intrigued confusion.

“I am sorry, but I simply do not see how this should be a concern of mine,” she replied.

“But you do not understand, princess! Every couple that has taken him has been forced to return him! They would cry of the sorts of experiments he would attempt and their chaotic results. I can attest that he has already destroyed dozens of buildings with his scientific shenanigans.”

“Now I say that is a misleading and blatant accusation!”retorted the foal immediately in his shrill voice witch made it all the more amusing. “Well, most of it anyway…” Another glare was a shot his direction.

“Princess, I come to plead to you that you could perhaps aid me, and in particular this foal here. He has a sharp mind; perhaps one of the smartest ponies I have ever come across myself. He will become somepony great one day. But he cannot do that without proper guidance. I feel that no better teacher than the wisest and greatest in all of Equestria.”

The room fell in awkward silence. Celestia sat wide-eyed, unable to think of a proper response to such a haphazard request. She had been offered many things throughout the years but never before an actual foal. She was in no position and had not prepared for anything of this sort. The silence dragged on as everypony present waited for her answer.

Celestia cleared her throat elegantly before she spoke. “I am sorry, Mr. Blackstone, but I am unable to comply with your request.” The elder pony frowned as he accepted the princess’ decision. He bowed low; almost to the floor. He was about to speak his valediction before he was abruptly interrupted.

“Wait, princess, please let me prove to you that I am worthy to by your apprentice!” the foal cried out. Celestia thought for a second before she replied.

“What is your name, my little pony?”

“I- I’m, the Doctor, princess,” he replied, slightly nervous.

“A doctor I see. Now how did one as young as you come upon such a title?” she continued to question.

“Well, you see, princess, that is just who I am. I have always been, the Doctor,” he stated frankly. Celestia gave him a questioning look then turned to the elder pony for some sort of assurance on what the little pony had just said.

“It is true, princess, when he arrived at the orphanage all the information he gave was that name and nothing more,” he shrugged. Celestia returned her gaze back to the Doctor.

“Very well, ‘Doctor’,” she said, over emphasizing the name, “let us see how ‘sharp’ you mind is. I will ask of you one simple question. If you answer correctly, then I shall consider your offer.” Celestia was cheery, as if already fully confident in the young foal’s abilities.

“Oh, thank you so very much, princess!” cried the elder, “Now don’t go ruining this opportunity like you did everywhere else!” he scolded the little pony, who stood completely oblivious to the near insult. He watched the princess with confidence, awaiting the question that would decide his fate.

“You are given eight bits,” Celestia began, “There is a single odd bit in the bunch; heavier than the rest. You are also given a scale that can only be utilized two times. How would you distribute the bits such that you know exactly which bit is the odd one?” The room fell silent as everypony, including her royal guards pondered the question. Celestia noted the way everypony’s faces twisted and grimaced in baffled thought, all but the Doctor, who only gave a smirk in return. He raised his hoof to answer almost immediately then quickly brought it down to rub his chin in thought.

“Don’t go messing this one up too boy!” the old pony began anew. He was about to continue before he was halted by the Doctors hoof.

“I got it!” Everypony waited eagerly for his reply. Celestia watched intently.

“First things first, you weigh six bits on the scale, three on each side. If both sides are perfectly balanced then the odd bit must be one of the two left out. You use your second scale try to measure the last two bits and you have found your heavy bit! Now for the scenario where in your first trial the scale is unbalanced. You discard the three lighter bits so you’re left with the three where one would be the odd bit. You place two of those on the scale and you hold onto the third. If the scale doesn’t already show you the heaver bit, then it is the one held in your hoof. And that is how you find your heavy bit!”

“Wonderful!” Celestia clopped her hooves together happily. Every other pony in the room was still legitimately confused at the question, even more so on how they were all bested by a little foal wearing a ridiculous grin. “That was certainly quite impressive.”

“Thank you, princess! So… may I stay?” he asked with pleading puppy dog eyes.

“Hmmm, you are indeed a special pony, Doctor. And I have no doubt in my mind that you will become somepony great… I have decided… You shall stay here with me in the castle for the time being. Your abilities shall be asserted at a later time.”

His eyes grew even larger and swirled in conflicted emotions of disbelief, and gratitude. His smile continued to grow from ear to ear, still unable to speak. At last he gave Celestia a simple nod with the smile still affixed upon his face.

“Delightful! Mr. Blackstone, please prepare all niceties. The Doctor shall be moving into the castle for now.”


“He was perhaps the most mentally capable and imaginative pony I have ever come across. And I have met many bright ponies throughout the years.”

“Did he actually become a doctor?” Luna giggled lightly, still musing over the name.

“Of course he did, many times in fact. He would breeze through any and all classes, with the exception of magic directed courses clearly. Always telling me how entertaining yet dull schooling was. He was never too fond of being directed, always wanting to do things his own way. His way was often the superior way anyhow.”


Celestia sat on her haunches on stage before a crowd of eager ponies. All wearing a similar attire of shimmering black robes and matching square academic caps. At her side was the principle of Canterlot’s University of Medical Sciences. He recited the names of the graduates that would subsequently come on stage, bow to the princess, and receive their diploma and honorary title.

It was common for Celestia to attend graduation ceremonies such as this to honor the ponies that worked so hard to get to where they are now. She wasn’t required to do much of anything; her wave, nod, or simple presence would suffice. She watched as pony after pony walked up on stage and accepted their respected diplomas. However this graduation was most special as she waited for one pony in particular.

“And last but not least,” announced the principle, “We have a pony that has excelled and gone above and beyond. This student is graduating today with the highest honors and the utmost respect. Would the Doctor please step up and claim your diploma.” Celestia clopped her hooves happily to the less than stellar reception given by the rest of the graduating class. She watched the Doctor proudly walk up to the stage in his oversized cap and gown.

He was without a doubt the youngest pony of the class and not arguably the youngest ever to have graduated from the prestigious University. In more precise terms, he was nearly five years younger than his closest aged classmate. He refused Celestia’s offer for more tailor made robes, instead settling in the smallest size offered, which still fit him comically large. His comedic image was even more so with his ever present neck tie that slung over instead of the customarily hidden under the robes. Celestia smiled as he gave her a wild grin.

“Congratulations, Dr… uh Doctor,” said the principle levitating over the diploma.

“Just, Doctor is alright,” he replied accepting the parchment gently into his mouth and mumbling a thank you.

“That concludes today’s ceremony everypony. I would like to thank you and whish you all a bright and successful future. Congratulations to you all!” concluded the principle as the orchestra began to play and the students began to shuffle out of their aisles. The Doctor sat waiting at Celestia’s side as they watched the seats empty.

“Congratulations, Dr. Doctor,” Celestia finally said in a teasing tone. The Doctor just scoffed in playful animosity.

“That joke wasn’t funny the last four times you used it, princess.” Celestia just laughed. He joined her.

“Let’s return to the castle, the carriage is waiting. And I know how much you want to get back to that secrete project you’ve been working on.” Celestia said the latter portion a bit more hushed.

“Why… whatever are you talking about, princess? I know of no such project…” He tried to cover up his obvious lie to no avail. It was difficult for anypony to successfully lie to Celestia, especially one as bad as her student.

“You cannot possibly think that I haven’t noticed my own student sneaking around my castle to get into his workshop at night. You aren’t the most subtle of ponies.”

“Ah, well… you see… hehe, it’s a surprise!” he blurted out. Celestia only raised a brow in interest. “Yes, I didn’t want you to know about this one just yet. I know it’s going to be good.” They began to walk towards the royal carriage.

“I certainly hope so. Just as long as it doesn’t end up like the last… project you presented to me.”

“Of course not, Princess, but I’d like to apologize again for that last mishap… I wasn’t expecting it to be quite… explosive.”

“It’s alright Doctor. Nopony was harmed. Everything turned out just fine,” she said as they stepped into the carriage together. The pegasi guards flapped their wings furiously to take off. The Doctor watched their wings attentively.

“Princess, I would like to show you my project when we return to the castle. You have my word that nothing will explode,” he said seriously. Celestia laughed at her student, which still held the same solemnity.

“I can’t wait to see it.”

Celestia walked closely behind her student as they arrived at the Doctors office, he graciously opened the doors to allow her to enter. The room was an utter mess. Celestia was forced to tread carefully around the stacks of papers, folders, and books. It wasn’t often when she came into her students study. She never liked to pry into her student’s personal affairs, no matter how messy they seemed to be. It wasn’t any of her business really, but she didn’t mind that either.

She looked about the room, examining closely the scattered parchments that decorated the walls. Intricate drawings of contraptions and theories adorned them that Celestia couldn’t even begin to fathom. A countless number of them were linked to others in seemingly uncoordinated fashions and many others were crossed out to be presumable failures.

This is what his mind must be like, Celestia thought to herself.

“Would you care for an assistant Doctor, or perhaps at least a file cabinet?” Celestia asked, still scanning over the mess.

“Of course not, princess. To others this may seem like a mess. However, this is more like… organized chaos? Yes that’s a good way to put it. But I’d still like to apologize for this untidiness,” he said, rushing forward and clearing a way to his desk. At the center of said desk was an object hidden beneath a delicate veil. “I would be honored to present to you, princess, the future of mass pony transportation!”

He gently took the edge of the veil in his mouth and pulled, revealing what was hidden underneath. It was a small model of a ship, but not exactly. It was hung securely by dozens of wires to a large and elongated balloon. The ship itself had several protruding fin-like extensions on the sides and rear. Celestia inspected it curiously.

“How interesting,” she said, circling the desk. The Doctor stood back proudly, allowing her to get her fill. She stopped, giving it one last look. “What is it?”

“What? I mean, I call it an airship! Isn’t it magnificent?” he said conceitedly. “This is just a much smaller scale model of course, but I have all the blueprints and measurements ready right… somewhere…. around, here!” he rustled around another pile of papers before emerging with a mouthful and setting them down on the desk before the princess.

“You really must organize yourself,” she asserted once again before giving the papers a glance. They were extremely thorough and wildly intricate. Numbers, letters, lines, and notes filled each piece to the brim. Celestia could rightly assume that the only pony possibly of making sense of these were their creator.

“I am certain that these airships will make a great difference for all earthbound ponies. Everything is read for the project to begin. All I need is your approval of course.”

Celestia hesitated before answering. She had the upmost trust in her student, but with extreme projects such as this, she had to be at least a bit weary. “Are you sure it will be safe?” Celestia asked.

“But of course, princess! I know my safety concerns may at times be… less than stellar. But I give you my word; safety for this project will be my top priority!”

“Hmm… Very well, you have my consent. You will be supplied with anything needed.”

“Great! I’ll get all the preparations ready as soon as possible. Thank you, princess, I won’t let you down!” he excerpted quickly and giddy with excitement. Celestia gave him a warm smile.

“I trust you, but before you go, I suggest you tidy this place up a bit. I’m certain it’ll make things easier,” She implied to their disheveled surroundings.

“Oh, right, I’ll get on that right away, princess.”

The project would carry on for months on end. They would come to face many hurdles that were often dealt with swiftly and effortlessly as the Doctor would oversee every portion of the development personally. He was well committed to the project, spending sleepless nights to assert modifications, improvements, or simple adjustments. Everything had to be precise, for the Doctor, for the ponies it was intended for.

The closer to completion the project came the heavier the stresses would befall upon the Doctor. He had imposed on himself a deadline by announcing to the entirety of Canterlot of the immensity of the project and how it would change their lives and other drastic promises. A date was set for the grand reveal. Yet he had tragically miscalculated. Work was pushed nearly two fold to even be able to attempt the date. And above all else, safety was still an absolute necessity.

As their time continued to dwindle, hope grew the last few days prior to the announcement. The finishing touches were well on their way and little was left for the Doctor to ponder. He was in high spirits, yet relief was perhaps what took the largest portion of his feelings. The day before the reveal, he trembled with frivolous excitement. Everything was complete, he was satisfied, yet it would not console his nervousness.

“Welcome, fillies and gentlecolts; thank you for being here for this momentous occasion,” the Doctor announced before the crowd of eager ponies. He stood at the side of Celestia on top a slightly raised platform. At the left of the platform resided the entire crew that aided in the projected. Behind them all, a massive curtain concealed what had been under construction for so many months and behind that was the massive cliff side at the edge of the castle.

“I am proud to present to you the future of wingless transportation, today. Before you is the first of many; fillies and gentlecolts, I present to you, The Spirit of Adventure!” on cue the curtains fell in a clout onto the floor, revealing the massive airship for all to see.

Ooh’s and awes escaped from the flabbergasted audience as they took in the sight. The initial shape of the balloon and ship were nearly identical to that of the scale model. But now in its prime and completion, the machine was a sight to behold. Its length was that of nearly fifty feet from bow to stern. Two propulsion fins on each the starboard and portside with another at the rear rested motionless. Nearly half of the topside was deck with the rest being that of the main structure.

It shared many architectural cues from that of the castle, even sharing the same color scheme of gold, purples, and white. Wind flags, which adorned the Equestrian symbol, waved from every part of the ship and balloon. In swirling, elegant font was the title ‘Spirit of Adventure’ adorning the side.


“He would journey far and wide with that airship of his. How magnificent a sight it was, to watch as if flew into the sky and disappear over the horizon. But his dream of airships filling the skies never did take off as well as the Spirit of Adventure. The cost, maintenance, and time that went into each ship were too impractical for many ponies. Ultimately, his dream was diminished by another invention of his own, the much simpler and easier to manufacture hot air balloon. Even to this day, very few airships have been made.”

“What a shame. I would prefer an airship over a hot air balloon any day,” Luna replied, with a hint of disdain towards the latter. “Did you ever go on any journeys with the Doctor, Tia?” she asked. Celestia laughed softly.

“Of course not, but I would have loved to. I am committed to ruling Equestria. I could not depart on journeys that would at times last him months before he would return. But he would describe to me tales of his journeys, from wonderful to tragic. He was very fond of telling ponies his stories, even if the truth was often times stretched.” She laughed, as did Luna.

“During these long periods of time he would invent all kinds of contraptions, always returning with something new to demonstrate. It was quite entertaining to watch presentations of what he would claim, time and again, would change pony kind forever.”


“Celestia, Princess Celestia!” came the all too familiar calls from the hallways before Celestia’s throne room. The Doctor burst through the doors eager with enthusiasm. Celestia watched as he ran towards her, noting the large saddlebags that slung over his back.

“Doctor, I didn’t expecting you to be back so soon. What a pleasure,” she said happily.

“Indeed I returned as fast as I could. To show you this!” he said while he emptied the contents of his bags. A black box, decorated in lenses, knobs, and leavers was set upon a tripod with the lenses facing directly at Celestia. She watched in bewilderment as her student fumbled with the various switches. “Okay, princess, just sit still for a few minutes.”

“Umm… alright, though I still don’t understand what you’re doing…”

“All will be revealed in due time. You’ll like this one. I promise.”

Celestia began to feel a bit silly sitting still for no logical reason. They stood in silence as what was supposed to be happening happened. At last, after sever elapsing minutes the Doctor spoke.

“That should be enough. Thank you very much, princess.”

“Is that all?” she asked still wanting to know what had just occurred.

“Yes, I will return to you shortly with the results!” he said, packing up all the gear and escaping the room just as quickly as he had entered. Leaving Celestia utterly dumfounded.

Hours had passed until the Doctor had returned with a look of satisfaction on his face. He skipped down before Celestia.

“They’re finished!” he proclaimed.

“And what exactly are they?”

“These, right here,” he said, pulling out several small papers and presented them to Celestia so she could take them in her magical grasp. Her eyes widened at the sight of them.

“Wow, these certainly are quite extraordinary. However did you capture these images?” she asked about the black and white images that were presented to her.

“It’s just an assortment of light manipulation and reflections. Many other factors take part of course, but I’ll confine those gritty details in the blueprints. I call this contraption a camera, and it makes those papers I call photographs.”

Celestia looked over each of the six photographs. Three of them were of grand landscapes of mountain ranges and wilderness. Another was of the Doctor together with the entirety of the Spirit of Adventure crew and another with the Doctor besides dozens of zebras. The last image was that of her wearing the humorously lost expression she was completely oblivious of.

“You didn’t catch me in a most flattering image,” she grimaced at the image once more before returning them over to the Doctor. “But they really are amazing,” she concluded cheerily.

“I knew you would like them too! This has perhaps been my greatest invention yet!” he cheered. “Now I must get all the preparations ready for next voyage to the south. Wish me luck, princess.” He turned to take his leave before he was halted by Celestia’s sweet voice.

“Leaving so soon? But you have just returned from your last journey to the north.”

“You know me, princess. I just have to keep going. Discovering and learning new things are what I live for,” he explained.

“I know… I’ve known you for nearly all your life,” she spoke almost sadly, “But now, I’m forced to cherish these little moments we share. I will not restrain you from what you love to do. I would just like to tell you how much you mean to me.”

“I- I’m sorry… You’ve always been there for me, guiding me in the right direction. Without you I wouldn’t be where I am today, and I’m forgetting that… I’m sorry princess.”

“It’s alright Doctor. No distance could be able to come between the relationship we share. Now you should go get ready. You must be eager to take your leave. I’ll see you off when you depart.”

“There is no need to rush, princess. The more I think the more I realize I’ve been dreadfully homesick. I could push the set off date to… say, a few weeks from now.” He smiled at Celestia. She just smiled in reply.

“You know, you don’t necessarily have to keep the Spirit of Adventure grounded until you depart. I have as of late wanted to take a ride on your ship, Doctor,” she said honestly. The Doctor replied immediately.

“Of course, princess, come with me. I’ll have everything prepared for takeoff in ten seconds flat!”


“He would go on to discover all kinds of wonders, documenting them with hundreds of photographs. I have all the original copies still in an album in my room.”

“I would love to see them,” Luna said.

“Yes, so would I… I haven’t browsed those albums in who knows how many years… He took this photograph,” She gestured to the portrait, “Before his last voyage on the, Spirit of Adventure. He told me how magnificent it was and how it was his favorite place yet. He took a break from his travels after that, a few years. Then he decided to attempt his last journey. It was the last I had heard or seen of him.

“After too long a time had passed, I organized a mass search effort. Ponies were sent in every direction, but nothing was found, absolutely no trace of the Spirit of Adventure or its crew. It was a large, hurtful impact on not only me, but that of all Equestria as well. I raised him from a foal, the blow of losing him was especially hurtful to me, but I would think to myself that perhaps he had found a better place, gone to never return to our world. It might seem odd, but on occasions I see his face within crowds or within other clusters of ponies, only a glance. I would search only to find my mind playing tricks on me. To see him again would be impossible…”

A/N: I was a little conflicted with this chapter so I'm not sure how many of you liked it. Hopefully you did anyways! This one was a little less [sad] than the last two chapters. But I dunno, cant make all of em tragic directed. Thanks for reading!