• Published 6th Jan 2012
  • 1,926 Views, 17 Comments

Bed Time Stories - Krass McWriter

Bed time stories based off the MLP:FiM Universe.

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The Spoiled Filly

This is the story of a very spoiled little filly who always got everything she wanted. If her parents ever refused to give her something she desired, she threw a tantrum until she got it.

One day, just like any other day, The Spoiled Filly and her desperate parents were in the market.

Now, today the market was only slightly different than any other day at the market. It was this slight difference that made all the difference in the world and shaked the spoiled fillies life to the core.

But, it started like any other day at the market.

"MOOOOOoooOOOOM, I want that toooOOOoooy!" The Spoiled Filly whined.

"But little one, its awfully expensive, and you have several at home like it." The mother calmly explained with a tinge of worry in her voice. She had grown weary of The Spoiled Filly’s behaviour.

"BUT I DON'T HAVE THIS COLOR AND I WANT IT!" The Spoiled Filly screeched.

"But darling-" The father started, only to be cut off by The Spoiled Filly. "I WANT IT, I WANT IT, I WANT IT, I WAAAAAAANT IIIIIIIIIT!" She screamed while falling on her back and thrashing about.

"Please, sweetie buns you'll get your new dress all dirty, and your causing a scene." The mother spoke nervously. She notice some of the newer ponies in town were starting to stare.

"MY MOMMY AND DADDY DON' LOVE ME ANY MOOOORE!!!!! I WANNA DIIIIIIIIEEEE!!!" The Spoiled Filly now had garnered the full attention of the market. While the ponies who had been around for some time and were used to The Spoiled Filly's tantrums, today’s episode was particularly bad.

Now, today was different because the stall The Spoiled Filly was causing a scene at belonged to a traveling Salesmare. "Excuse me, but may I say, never Have I seen such an uproar before today." The Salesmare spoke from underneath her cloak. "I am dreadfully sorry, but its just that we can't control her." Apologized the colt.

Then The Spoiled Filly's tantrum knock over the travellings Salesmare's stand, breaking or damaging all the goods on it.


"We're dreadfully sorry ma'am, we can pa-"

"REGARDLESS OF BITS, THAT SPOILED FILLY MUST STOP HER FITS!" Screamed the Salesmare growing angrier and angrier.

"W-we've tried-" Started The Spoiled Filly's mom, only to be cut off.

"I swear that by the end of three days, that spoiled filly will learn the err of her ways." The Hooded Salesmare spoke in low voice, leaning into The Spoiled FIlly and with that she gathered what remained of her goods, and left.

After finishing some business in the market, The Spoiled Filly and her parents walked back home. "What the HAY was that? I only got a THREE cupcakes! AND NO TOYS!" Griped The Spoiled Filly. "Well honey, you destroyed the Salesmare's entire stock." The mother stated. "So? Did you SEE how see talked to ME? dose she not know who you are?" said The Spoiled Filly. Her mother just shook her head. "Well, she's a travelling Salesmare, so I doubt very much that she even cares about position. You see, she has to work very hard to eat everyday." The Spoiled Filly's dad explained. "Bah. The NERVE of that mare..." pouted The Spoiled Filly.

The Spoiled Filly's parents greatly enjoyed her silence for the remainder of the trip home.

The Spoiled Filly ate dinner and went to bed.

When she woke up, she noticed something was terribly wrong. She wasn't in her room, she wasn't even the same house. She was in a very plain room, the most colorful thing was the sky blue blanket.

She ran to the window and looked out. She was on an Orange farm. Then her mother came in, but she wasn't her mother, the mare was wearing working clothes. "Up and at 'em sugar, todays the first day of harvest and now that your old enough to buck, you can finally help out your mother!"

"But-" Started The Spoiled Filly.

"Ah, Ah, no buts. Now get your little flank downstairs and chow up, we've got a LONG day in front of us."


"Now get!" said the mother, pushing into the dinning room. "And when your done, come to the West Field!" Called the mother, trotting off. “Whats going on here?” thought The Spoiled Filly.

The Spoiled Filly was alone in the dining room. She'd never been alone before. Was this all some elaborate prank? She went to go look for the servants, but to her dismay, she couldn't move her body on her own. She started eating, when she finished she took it to the sink and washed it off. "Washing dishes? Like a commoner?" She screamed in her mind. The she headed outside to the west field.

The Spoiled Filly arrived at west fields. And there was here mother buckin' an orange tree. "there ya are, I was startin' to wonder if you were even coming." Said the mother stopping buckin’ the tree to talk to the spoiled little filly. “I’m NOT doing this” Thought The Spoiled FIlly.

"Now your a might bit young to start buckin', but that cart needs pulled." The mare said motioning towards a train of empty carts. "Oh, I’m so glad your here to help, we'll be able to fill our quota in time for supper!" Exclaimed her mother, giving her a hug.

The Spoiled Filly looked at the train. It was five carts long, it wasn't heavy now, but it would be. The Spoiled Filly started to panic. She wanted to scream and shout and ask what was going on but instead out of her mouth came "Sweet! It's been forever since you made a home cooked dinner ma!"

Much to The Spoiled Filly's dismay, she latched on the train. The Spoiled Fillys mother dumped the first load of oranges into the last cart. "One down, 99 more to go." Tree by tree, the cart grew heavier and heavier, and Tree by tree the spoiled little filly grew more and more tired. Just as the sun was no more than an hour from the horizon, Her mother loaded the last tree of oranges.

"Good work sugar, ya made me darn proud." Stated the mother tussling The Spoiled Filly's mane. "Now drop those off in the barn and come inside sugar."

The Spoiled Filly walked into the barn unlatched herself and collapsed. She'd never been so exhausted in her life. She missed her old house. "I'm pooped." She stated to nopony in particular. "Better get inside and wash up." Another thing The Spoiled Filly couldn't stand was the complete lack of control she had over herself. It was driving her insane.

After washing up The Spoiled Filly walked into the house. "Ah, there ya are sugar! Here ya go! Orange Pancakes with chocolate syrup, your favorite!" The Spoiled Filly eyed the commoner food suspiciously, reluctantly, she took a bite.

"This... IS DELICIOUS!" Exclaimed The Spoiled Filly. It was quite actually some of the best food she ever had. She happily ate gulped down the rest of the stack.

"well, it off to bed with ya sugar, got alot more to do tomorrow!" With that The Spoiled Filly went back to the bland room and laid down. “Well, it can’t get much worse.” she thought to herself, as he fell asleep.

The Spoiled Filly woke up in a sleeping bag. "Where am I now?" she Thought. She felt a gentle nudging. "C'mon sweetie, market opens in three hours and we need to be there." her father called.

Crawling out of her sleeping bag the spoiled little filly saw she was on a trading route not too far from her town. "Now we should be able to get there with ample time to set up in a good location." With that her father started pulling a cart.

A hour later they were in the market, The Spoiled Filly had never seen the market so dark or so empty. Her father Stopped the cart in front of the fountain in the center of the market. "Now this is a prime spot! Help me set up." The Spoiled Filly's body started moving on its own. They opened up the cart and inside it was a stand full of various oddities and toys. It was quite a wondrous setup.

A few hours later The Spoiled Filly's father simply stated "market should pick up soon." Slowly Stallions and Mare and their foals started trickling into the market.

The Spoiled Filly's father nudged her and wishpered "What ya waiting for, get pitchin" With that The Spoiled Filly started shoutin' sales pitch after sales pitch. Sometimes she managed to pull in a customer, sometimes she didn't. After a while they took a lunch break and ate a few sandwiches. “Alright honey, take a break, but be back at the stall in an hour.” Said her father, wiping his mouth.

So The Spoiled Filly trotted around market. She saw various stands and performers. Then she saw the Salesmare. She remembered the words the Salesmare spoke “SHE did this!” thought the filly. She trotted over to the Salesmare.

“Do my eyes deceive? This is the same filly I believe. You may speak free, So that you may see.” Rhymed the hooded Salesmare.

The Spoiled Filly regained control of her speech. “You did this to me! Fix It!”

The Salesmare smiled, “I can not undo, only thing is to let it run through.”


“No more words to be shared, your curse is now repaired.”

The Spoiled filly trotted back to the cart. At the end of the day she was exhausted. Her voice was sore and scratchy from screaming so much. "Good job today kiddo, get some rest. We have market again tomorrow." Said her dad. She pulled out her sleeping bag crawled in, “Well NOW it cant get any worse.” she thought and was out in 10 seconds flat.

The Spoiled Filly woke up. She was in a sewer. It smelled terribly. She felt horrendously hungry. She looked around. Neither her mom nor dad was anywhere to be seen. She was totally and completely alone. all the sudden she said mournfully, "Lets see if we can get some food today mr. belly." the stomach grumbled in reply. "I know, I know. I'm trying but its so hard." The Spoiled Filly grabbed walked out and trotted down to a cafe. Sitting outside on the corner she set down the box. It was cold. So dreadfully cold. she shivered.

Sat outside for hours begging, and for all of her efforts she had only 13 bits to show for it. It was enough for food and a wool blanket. She went inside the cafe and got a daisy sandwich. after finishing her food, she headed into market and got a cheap wool blanket.

The Spoiled Filly was walking back to her little hovel when some police ponies stopped her. "Where are you going miss?" Queried one of them. "I-i'm just headed home officer..."

"really now? and where would that be?"

She started looking for a way out, this was a very bad spot. She couldn't find a good escape route. "Umm, its just down this road here..."

"Miss. There's no housing for three miles. I'm sorry but we,ll have to take you in for destitution." The Police ponies got her hoofedcupped and in their cart, they even confiscated her blanket. She was put in a cell. The Spoiled Filly felt like crying. She missed having a real bed. She missed her friends. She missed her mom and dad.

She cried herself to sleep.

She woke up in her room. HER room. Not a farm, not the market, not a jail cell. The little filly had never been so grateful. She pranced down stairs, in the dining room, was her parents.

"Mom, Dad, I'm... sorry about how I've been acting." Spoke the little filly.

"Are you feeling alright?" Her mother said while checking her temperature. She looked concerned.

"Better than ever. Can we please go to the market? I think I should apologize to that Salesmare." This was the first time the parents had ever heard the formerly spoiled filly ever say please."O-Of course darling!" spoke her father.

"But first... Can we have orange pancakes for breakfast?"