• Published 6th Jan 2012
  • 1,926 Views, 17 Comments

Bed Time Stories - Krass McWriter

Bed time stories based off the MLP:FiM Universe.

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The Lost Ball

Once upon a time in a small little village, there lived a young filly and her family.

The young filly loved her mom an dad, and spent hours playing with her younger brother.

One fateful day while she was playing with her favorite ball near the forest, she hit it too hard. It flew high up into the sky and then a gust of wind took it and the ball vanished into the forest.

She dare not enter the forest because it was much too scary for a young filly. She walked home hanging her head. She got that ball on her two birthday’s ago.

When she got home Her father saw that she had been crying and asked, “What’s wrong, why are you sad?” She told him how she lost her favorite ball in the forest and was tto afraid to go get it.

“Is that all?” Her father asked with a slight chuckle, “I shall go get your ball.”

Her dad packed some supplies, enough for a day or two, and headed off into the forest.

Her father did not return that night, nor the next night, and when the third night passed the filly grew worried, he’d never stay out longer than needed.

The mother Then proclaimed, “Kids I am going to look for your father, foods ready and the neighbors will come over if needed.” She packed enough supplies for two weeks and headed into the forest.

A whole week came and went, and the young foals had not heard from their parents. Now both of their parents had disappeared.

The Filly decided it was high time to do something. She didn’t know what had happened to her parents but she intended to find out. She gathered what was left, took her little brother, and headed to the forest.

She arrived at the edge of the forest. The forest was dark and frightening. But she had to find her parents, for her, for her brother. Gathering her self they headed into the forest.

She walked on the dusty old trail until it seemed as if she walked to the edge of time itself. She began to wonder what they were doing here. She shook such thoughts out, she had to save her parents.

The foals walked and walked until they saw a fork in the road. They could just make out what seemed like two ponies standing there in the distance.

Growing excited at the possible end of their weary journey the galloped towards the two ponies. As they drew nearer they saw it was not two separate ponies but a pony with two heads.

“Hello younglings,” the head on the left spoke “Is there something you need?” continued the right head?

The foals were taken aback by the sight of a two headed pony.

“Didn’t your mother ever tell you its rude to stare?” Queried the right head.

After a moment of hesitation the young filly spoke “I’m sorry, but we are looking for our parents have you seen them?”

“Why we did indeed see a Colt pass by almost 2 weeks past and a mare followed soon after.” Spoke the left head.

The young colt, ecstatic to hear news about his parents spoke up, “Could you tell us which way they went? It’s be mighty helpful.”

“Only too happy to help... If you solve your puzzle” Spoke the right head.

“What kind of puzzle?” responded the younger foal, a concerned look spreading across her face.

“From now on, one of us may only tell the truth, and one of us may only lie.” Spoke the left head. “Which, is which? Answer correctly and pass.”

The young ponies thought and thought … How to tell the truth sayer from the sower of discord? After several minutes, the filly got an idea, they had seen her parents, and already ttold her they went the same way.

With a smirk the filly asked the left head,” what did my Colt look like?” to the read she asked, “What did the mare look like?”

The two headed pony knew they had been beat. “Very good. They went down the left path. You’re parents are in great danger and we were but the first of 3 trials you will have to pass to save them.” spoke the left head.

The young foals trotted down the path and before long they reached a clearing. There they saw a young dragon. “Halt! I know why you are here. To pass me, you must make my fire smaller, without adding or taking anything away from it.”

The filly almost felt like crying. The task was impossible. But then the youngest got an idea. If he could make a bigger fire, that the dragons fire would be smaller. He collected all the branches twigs and various other flammable items until the stack was bigger than he was. He set a stick ablaze in the dragons fire and lit his own stake. It lit up shooting ten feet in the air.

“There,” spoke the young colt with a sense of pride. “Your fire’s smaller.”

The dragon chuckled, “You may pass ponies. You have but one more trial ahead.”

The ponies stormed off upon the path.

After running for what seemed like hours, The ponies came into a clearing. There was a roaring fire in a pit bigger than their house. On the other side were their parents, caged and in a sleeping spell.

Out of the woods a hooded unicorn stepped out.

“Hello, Are you here for those two?”

The figure was intimidating. “W-we just want our mommy and daddy back.” Stuttered the younger foal.

“Very well, but first you must answer my riddle. “Clearing his throat he continued, “If a pegasus falls from a higher space, and the unicorn falls from grace, and the earth pony falls back in pace, from where does Celestia fall?”

They thought, perplexed at the riddle. They pondered it for almost an hour, the older pony KNEW she had heard it before, from when she was a little foal. But how did it go...

Then it came to her. Standing up she stated, “She leads the fall of the whole pony race.”

Clapping the hooded unicorn said, “Well done, It seems I owe you two parents. Now let me put you back home.” stated the unicorn charging up its magic.

“Wait!” shouted the filly, “Why did you go through all this trouble?”

She could see a tear roll off the bittersweet smirk underneath the hood. “Because, it just gets so dreadfully lonely at night.”

“It doesn’t have to be lonely. I coul-” But before she finished, she was in her backyard. She looked towards the forest, from whence she came, and she could of swore she saw a hooded pegasus fly from where the unicorn just was. The filly shook it off as a coincidence. She just wished she could’ve finished her offer of friendship.

She looked around and smiled.

She was back home. With her family.

She even had her ball.