• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 13,583 Views, 1,565 Comments

Tanks for the Memories - BillyMays

The crew of the Retribution II is accidently sent into another dimension, with Ponies?!

  • ...

Old and New Wounds

"Nice place isn't it, sir?"

Alex averted his eyes from the path and turned to David.

"Seems nice enough." He said.

With the forest now well behind them, the crewmen had set their sights to the small town known as Ponyville. The convoy of vehicles roared and bounced down the path spewing up clouds of dust behind them.

"Sir? What's the plan?" David asked.

"Plan." Alex repeated.

"Yes, sir. Plan. These ponies are probably going to be scared shitless when they see a column of tanks coming towards their town."

"Too true, Private. Alright, if everything goes peacefully we'll drop off Fluttershy, try to get in contact with any other US forces and high tail our asses out of there."

"Well if all goes to plan we could spend some time here." David tried to say subtly.

"You can not be serious, Private." Alex said mockingly.

"You really need the R&R, sir."

Alex grunted and moved his eyes back to the path.

"The chances of that happening are about 1000 to 1, Private."

"Just a suggestion, sir."

The Retribution II bounced as it hit a pothole and the suspension squeaked. A soft yelp emanated from the turret and Alex smiled. The timberwolf pup was running around on the inside of the turret much to the displeasure of Roger.

"Sir, could you calm this thing down?" Roger asked.

"If it's excited, it's not going to calm down any time soon, Sergeant. You'll have to wait until we reach Ponyville." Alex said smugly.

"Very well, sir." Roger said sadly.

Alex's headset crackled.

"This is Old Tom, the German tank is overtaking us, sir."

"It's what?"

He spun around and sure enough the Leopard had pulled off the path and was overtaking the other vehicles in a cloud of dust.

Alex's headset cracked again.

"Sir, this is the Kangaroo. Do you want me to do something about that Leopard?"

"Hold your fire. I'll deal with this." Alex replied.

He watched as the Leopard passed the Australian tank and slowly gained upon his.

"Sergeant, target the Leopard but hold your fire."

The turret whirred and spun around to lock on to the German tank as it sped closer. As it came along side the Retribution II the cupola opened and Ironluck poked out.

"This is cool!" She yelled.

"What are you doing?!" He yelled back.

"I want to see how fast Box can go." Ironluck giddily said.

The Leopard pulled forward, overtook the Retribution II and took her place at the head of the convoy.

"Sir, are these ponies challenging us to race?" Sam asked over the headset.

"Dammit, Corporal. This is no time to be thinking about racing." Alex hastily replied.

"But in all seriousness, what do you want to do about them, sir?"

"Thinking about blowing them to hell right now." Alex said angrily.

"How about we cut them off, sir?"

"Corporal. Bring us along side of them."

"Yes, sir."

The Retribution II swung off the road and pulled up along side of the Leopard. Ironluck’s mane was billowing in the wind as they sped closer towards the town.

“Slow down!” Alex yelled.

“What?!” Ironluck yelled back.

“Oh for fucks sake... Slow down and get back into formation!”


’That’s a good question. These ponies aren’t even part of the Army, but they do have a tank so...’

"How about you find your top speed later, we don't want you crashing into a building!" He motioned with his hand to the rapidly approaching town.

"Huh, I guess you're right. But you shouldn't be telling me this, Pathfinder is the one who's driving."

"Can't you use the radio?!"

"What's a radio?"

"Son of a bitch!" Alex yelled as he slammed his fist on the turret.

Ironluck smiled awkwardly and Alex scowled.

"Corporal, cut that tank off!"

The Retribution II sped up and slowly pulled in past the Leopard. They hit a bump, caught a bit of air and landed heavily in front of the Leopard. There was another yelp from inside the turret and some swearing.

"All units, move off of the path. I'm bringing that Leopard to a stop." Alex ordered.

Alex watched as the Australian tank and the LAV pulled off the path.

"Hit the breaks, Corporal." Alex ordered.

The tracks came to a complete stop and the Retribution II skidded to a halt. Alex quickly turned around just in time to see the Leopard roaring towards them.

"They’re not going to stop in time! Brace!" He yelled.

The Leopard pulled the brakes too late and slammed violently into the Retribution II. The two tanks skidded forwards and the crewmen inside were flung about like toys. Alex watched as the .50 cal approached his face in slow motion. He tried to raise his hands but it was too late.



A road.

Alex stood in the middle of a small two lane road that was lined with houses. The road was perfectly smooth with white stripes painted smartly down the middle. The houses that lined the road were all identical. They were all an average two story house with an inbuilt garage to the side and with a small perfectly kept garden at the front. There were no light posts or mailboxes lining the side of the road. A low rumble caught his attention and Alex looked up. The sky was completely grey with rain clouds and the smell of rain filled the air. Alex looked down at his watch and found it was 5:31 in the afternoon. It wasn't quite night yet, there was just enough light to see everything clearly but that would change soon. He turned his attention back to the road he stood on and began to walk forwards. The sound of his footsteps was the only thing he could hear, apart from the occasional rumble of thunder.

He walked for ages but the road lined with identical houses never seemed to end, it stretched forever. He sat sat down on the road for a short rest and looked at his watch again. 5:31. The time hadn’t changed. He pushed the watch against his ear to see if it was working.



It worked. He looked at the watch and frowned.

Pushing himself off the road he heard something coming from behind. He moved off the road when he recognized it as the sound of an engine. He peered into the horizon and an Abrams tank rolled into his vision followed by another and another. Soon a whole convoy of tanks was roaring towards him. He stepped back and watched in awe as the convoy rumbled past. As the last tank rolled over the horizon another sound caught his attention, the sound of a car engine. He turned around to see a black Land Rover Discovery come over the horizon.

That was his Land Rover.

It whizzed past him and he bolted after it; waving his hands in the air like a maniac. It rounded a corner that practically came out of nowhere and pulled over in front the only unique house.

That was his house.

Alex watched as the drivers door opened and a man in a suit hopped out.

’That's me! ...This seems oddly familiar...’

The front door of his house opened and a woman stepped outside with a large grin on her face.


She had long brown hair that reached her shoulders and deep brown eyes. They stood staring at one another for a split second before they ran up to embrace each other. They clung to one another tightly. They let go of each other and began to talk.

"She missed you so much, Alex." Jasmine said.

"Not as much as I missed you." He replied.

Alex cringed at how corny that sounded and shook his head.

’Stupid younger me.’

Jasmine laughed and hugged him again. This time Alex broke the hug and asked her something.

"Where's Summer?" The past Alex asked.

'Oh no! No, no, no... anything but this.'

"She's inside. She'll be so happy to see you again-"


The past Alex and Jasmine looked towards the house and the Alex watching fell to his knees.

’Oh god, no.’

There was a loud rumble of thunder and the past Alex quickly rushed inside the house. There was a cry of pain and anguish and the past Alex found something that would change him forever. There were footsteps behind him and Alex craned his neck around to see who was there. To his utter amazement there stood a dark blue horse with a mane that looked like the night sky. He rubbed his misty eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things; it wouldn't be the first time. But to his surprise the horse still stood there, he rose and slowly walked towards the horse. He fell backwards in surprise as a large pair of wings folded out from the sides of the horse.

"Wh-what?" He said shakily.

The horse leaned its head closer to him and Alex also noticed it had a long horn on its head.

"We are Princess Luna. What are you?" It said in a loud majestic voice.

Alex was about to reply when he heard someone call his name from afar.

"Captain? Are you alright?"

"Sir? Can you hear me?"




Alex woke up to a numb and upside down feeling that surrounded him, his body ached all over and he felt like he'd been hit with a truck. He opened his eyes and everything was red, blood was pouring out of a deep gash from his forehead and his helmet was missing from his head. It was then Alex realized he was hanging upside down on the turret; his vest had caught the edge of one on the solar panels. His legs were limp and sitting uselessly above him. He tried pulling himself up but ended up losing his grip on the solar panel and began to slide. His bloodied hands reached for purchase but found none. As he slid down the turret he heard the sound of a jet flying overhead.


He smiled weakly at the familiar and more than welcome sound. His body hit the ground and he landed in an uncomfortable heap right next to the tracks.


He craned his blood soaked face around to the voice. Sam was stumbling towards him, cradling his left arm.

"Sir? Are you alright?" He asked again.

Alex tried to speak but gagged on blood that had gotten into his mouth. He rolled over onto his side and spat what blood he could.

"I... I'll live, Corporal." Alex managed.

"That's good to hear, sir." Sam said. He then stumbled, fell forwards and cried out as he landed on his left arm.

"I've got you, Corporal." Said an Australian voice.

Sgt. Adam ran up to Sam and slowly help him to his feet. Sam nodded his thanks as he dusted himself off with his right hand. Sgt. Adam then turned to Alex and rushed towards him.

"I've got you, sir." The Sergeant assured him.

Sgt. Adam hooked his arm under the Captains and hefted him up. Alex pushed his blood soaked hair out of his eyes as the Sergeant did so.

"W-what happened, Sergeant?" Alex unsteadily said.

"The German tank rammed right into the ass of your tank, sir."

Alex looked at his tank to see the Leopard leaning on the back of the Retribution II’s hull.

"How..?" Alex asked.

"If you'll recall, sir, the Leopard had overtaken you and you had tried to stop it by cutting them off." Sgt. Adam explained.

"I remember." Alex grunted.

"And as you can probably see, it didn't go as plan."

"Nothing ever goes according to plan, Sergeant." Alex said with a weak smile.

"Very true, sir." Sgt. Adam agreed.

Alex wiped a hand across his face in hopes of removing some of the blood, all he succeeded in doing was smearing the blood across more of his face. He grunted in frustration and spat more blood.

"Could I get this bloody gash patched up?!" Alex said.

"Of course, sir. Dash! Grab me a med-kit!" The Sergeant yelled to an Australian counterpart.

"Aye, sir."

The Aussie gunner climbed atop the tank and pulled a med-kit from the bustle rack. He jumped down and jogged over to Alex's position.

"Here you go, sir."

"Thanks, Dash. Patch up the Captain will you?"

"Yes, sir."

The gunner opened the med-kit and pulled out a bundle of tangled bandages.

"Damned things" The Australian said under his breath.

He successfully untangled the bandages and wrapped them around Alex's head. Alex grabbed some of the spare bandages and wiped some of the blood off his face.

"Thank you, Corporal." Alex said as he slumped down on the grass.

"Sir?" Dash asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, Corporal, just a bit shaky."

The gunner nodded and then looked away. Alex followed the gunners gaze and saw two Marines pull Pathfinder out of the drivers seat and drop her heavily on the ground. Pathfinder whimpered and curled up into a ball. Another two Marines were pulling an unconscious Ironluck out of the cupola. Alex shook his head at the sight. The Marines then passed Ironluck to two Australians waiting next to the Leopard. The Aussies then placed Ironluck next to the whimpering green ball known as Pathfinder. Alex once again shook his head.

'Stupid ponies. Should've taken that tank right off of them when I had the chance

Alex pulled himself up and straightened his vest. He walked over to the Marines guarding the ponies, they saluted as Alex approached and he half heartedly saluted back.

"Don't worry about them, they're not going anywhere. Get back to your vehicles."

The two Marines looked at each other, shrugged, saluted and then walked away. Another jet whizzed by and Alex looked to the sky. There wasn't a single sign of any jets or aircraft for that matter, only a small white cloud that was slowly drifting towards them. He strained his eyes and saw something... Rainbow? Sticking over the side. The glare from the sun made it difficult to tell what it was.

"Captain!" A voice called

Alex looked over his shoulder to see David walking towards him.

"Private." He said back.

"Cloud watching are we?" David asked.

Alex pointed to the rainbow object hanging off the cloud.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

David narrowed his eyes and looked at the cloud.

"If it’s a rainbow tail, then yes, sir."

Alex crossed his arms and looked back up to the cloud.

"A tail, eh?"

"Looks like it, sir. Oh and here," David lifted up a helmet and placed it in Alex's hands. "Your helmet, sir."

Alex smiled and placed the helmet gently back onto his head.

"Thank you Pri-"

His thoughts about the rainbow tail were thrown from his mind as the headset crackled.

"This is Gunnery Sergeant Utah of the USMC to any US personnel in the area, do you read me? Over."

Alex blinked a few times and shook his head.

"What is it, sir?" David asked.

"I’m getting something." Alex replied.

"What do you mean, sir?" David asked with confusion.

Alex leaned forward and adjusted the Privates frequency. The message repeated.

"I repeat, This is Gunnery Sergeant Utah of the USMC to any US personnel in the area, do you read me? Over."

"You get that, Private?" Alex asked smugly.

"I did, sir." David nodded.

Alex held up a hand to hush the Private and spoke into the headset.

"This is Captain Noah of the USMC. I read you Gunnery Sergeant, what is your current position? Over." Alex replied.

There was a moment of silence.

"My current position is, uh, on a farm just on the outskirts of the town Ponyville. Over." The Gunnery Sergeant replied.

“You’re in Ponyville? Over.” Alex asked, surprised.

“Yes, sir. Where are you? Over.”

“We’re about...a kilometre from the town now. Over.” Alex guessed.

“Sir I recommend you stay where you are. Also all persons, uh ponies are friendly. I repeat, all ponies inside that town are friendly. Over.”

“I read you, Gunnery Sergeant.” Alex said.

He covered the boom with his hand and looked at David.

“We’re staying put.” He quickly said.

“What about these two, sir?” David said. He motioned with his hand to the two ponies on the ground.

“I’ll deal with them in a second.” He hastily replied.

David nodded and crossed his arms.

“Gunnery Sergeant we’ll stay where we are. Do you have transport? Over.”

“I have my Humvee, sir. Over.”

“Very well, Gunnery Sergeant. I hope you know what you’re doing. Over.” Alex unwillingly said.

“I do, sir. I do. Utah out.” GySgt. Utah assured him.

The line went dead and Alex sighed.

"Go spread the word, Private, while I deal with these ponies."

David saluted and walked off. As David turned his back Alex put a hand to his forehead and looked at the ponies. Pathfinder was still curled into ball and Ironluck was still unconscious. Alex took a step forward and watched as Pathfinders ears flicked at the sound. He took another step and she curled up tighter.

"Pathfinder." Alex said.

She whimpered.

"Pathfinder?" He repeated.

"Y-yes?" She whispered.

"What were you thinking?" Alex asked angrily.

"I-" Pathfinder tried to say.

"Look." He removed his helmet and pointed the his blood soaked bandages. "This is what happens when you go over the top."

"I-" Pathfinder tried to say again.

"You're lucky this didn't happen while we were in the town." Alex continued.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." She said weakly.

"Think next time." Alex said a little too harshly than intended.

Pathfinder nodded and sniffled.

"Alright, that's a start. Are you alright?" Alex asked.

She rose shakily to her hoofs and nodded again. Alex looked her over a found a small trickle of blood running down her right hind leg.

"What's that?" He asked as he pointed to it.

"A scratch." She said flatly.

Alex looked her over again and found a small picture of compass on her thigh.

"This a tattoo?" He asked.

"A what?" Pathfinder tilted her head.

"You've got a compass on your ass." Alex bluntly stated.

"That's my cutie mark." She stated.

"A what?" Alex disbelievingly said.

“Cutie mark.” Pathfinder said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“And what's the point of it...?”

She sighed and sat down.

"A cutie mark represents a ponies special talent."

"So being a compass is your talent? I don't see how that works." Alex thoughtfully said.

Pathfinder shook her head and face hoofed.

"No. I know my way around and I never get lost." She said.

"Never get lost." He repeated.

"Yeah. Funny how I discovered that."

Alex raised his hand to silence the pony.

"I don't need your life story."

Pathfinder laughed sheepishly and rubbed the back of her head.

"Ha. Yeah."

"Sit here, don't move." Alex ordered.

"Why?" She said innocently.

"Oh, you know why." Alex said angrily.

She shrunk back and whimpered once again. Alex turned to Ironluck who was still laying in a heap on the grass. As he crouched down he looked at his watch. It was now 1000 hours.

’Time flies when you're having fun’

He chuckled to himself and checked Ironluck for any injuries. Another mark was on the thigh of her this time a spanner overlapping an oil drop. Alex shook his head at how stupid it looked.

"Well your friend is probably going to be alright but she might have a minor concision. I can't be sure."

Pathfinder grunted in reply.

"I'll be posting a guard, so don't try anything, you're in enough shit as it is." Alex stated.

He began to walk away but stopped. He peered over his shoulder and watched Pathfinder sadly lay her head on the ground. Frowning, he continued walking back to his tank. The other Marines and Australians were standing around it, chatting loudly.

"Gentlemen." Alex said as became within earshot.

The group turned to face the Captain and saluted.

"At ease. You all know the current situation."

The men nodded.

"Well I've just been in contact with another Marine who just so happens to be inside the town we're approaching. Now he's urged us to sit here and wait for him to come to us. So that's what we'll do."

More nodding and a few raised eyebrows.

“Damage report?” Alex asked.

“Everything looks fine, sir. Just a few scrapes where the Leopard bumped into the Retribution II.” Sgt. Adam stated.

"Excellent. Staff Sergeant Daseal please step forward."

The Staff Sergeant stepped forward.

"Sir?" He asked.

"You stated the men were running low on ammo."

"Yes, sir."

"Do you remember the task I gave you back in the forest?"

"Distribute the German rifles and ammo?"

"That's the one. Get to it now. Take whatever men you need to help."

The Staff Sergeant nodded and then turned away.

"Kat, Gadeas, you're with me." He said.

The crewmen then walked off to the LAV.

"Sergeant Adams?" Alex called out.


"Pull that Leopard off my tank."

"Yes, sir." The Sergeant said.

Sgt. Adam then turned around.

"Come on you lot, we've got a tank to move." He yelled.

The Aussies then rushed away to prep their vehicle. Alex was now left with his faithful crew.

"Alright you guys, how's our passengers?" He asked.

"Fluttershy, luckily, wasn't hurt in the collision but her previous wounds are still killing her, sir."

David reported.

"Anything else?"

"The pup finally stopped being a fucking pain, sir." Roger said happily.

"Thank you Sergeant." Alex said with a faint smile. "Nothing else to report? Very well."

Alex turned to Sam who was still clutching his arm.

"Are you fit to drive, Corporal?" He asked.

"Yes, sir. Just a sprain." Sam said quickly.

"Very good."

"What about you, sir?" Roger said, pointing to the gash on the Captains head.

"Just a gash." Alex said.

"You sure, sir?"

"I'm fine, Sergeant." Alex assured him.

"Very good, sir."

"I'm glad you think so. Now you guys can help out the Staff Sergeant distributing ammo. Corporal

you can stay behind."

David and Roger nodded their goodbyes and headed off.

"Corporal, I’m assigning you to Sergeant Adam."

"Got it, sir."

"When he tells you to, move the Retribution II away."

“Yes, sir.”

Sam saluted and walked off.

’Looks like I'm guarding the ponies’

He briskly walked over to Pathfinder who was still sulking on the ground and heavily plopped down next to her.

"What do you want?" Pathfinder said harshly.

"I'm going to be the one guarding you." Alex said with a false cheeriness.

Pathfinder groaned and let her face fall into the grass.

"Great." She mumbled.

He pulled out his M1911 and began to idly polish it.

“It'll get better.” Alex muttered as he looked at the sky. “This day never stops getting better and better...”

Author's Note:

Here's the next chapter guys, sorry for the wait. School has been keeping me very busy.
As always if you feel something isn't right about this chapter, just let me know in the comments down below.