• Published 7th Jan 2012
  • 12,367 Views, 111 Comments

Ponies in the Human World: Rarity and I - Ponyman14

Rarity suddenly finds herself lost and alone in the human world! Can she find her way back home?

  • ...

Chapter 1

Rarity and I


"Put your arm around me, like so... Now follow my lead. Left. Forward. Right. Back. Follow the tempo of the music. Good."

I followed The pony's directions. She was swaying back and forth on her hind legs, her forelegs were around my waist. Shostakovich's "Second Waltz" played in the background.

"Now you've got it! You're a natural," she told me, "This is a typical ballroom dance in Equestria. That is to say, a proper dance. And this human music fits it quite well!"

"I can hardly believe a pony is teaching me to dance," I smiled, looking down into her soft blue eyes.

To this the pony said nothing. She merely smiled back and continued swaying to the waltz music. Her hooves felt strange, yet familiar. She felt so real. Her eyes and purple mane sparkled in the lighted room, creating a sharp contrast with the darkness outside the windows. It almost seemed like a dream. Hold on a second, this is a dream!

Consciousness flooded back into my mind, and I woke up. The memory had been so clear, it seemed like it happened just yesterday. It had actually happened three months ago. let me tell you the story of a friend of mine. A friend who, in only two weeks, changed my whole life around. Her name was Rarity, and she was a pony from Equestria. Here is the story of Rarity and I.

It was 9:30 on a Thursday night, and it was cold. The sun had set, turning everything to darkness, and I was driving home in my truck. My mind started wandering and I thought about my direction in life, or rather the lack of it. I wasn't in school, I didn't have a job, and I needed to get some exercise. But laziness and lack of motivation usually got the better of me. I had graduated from college last year, and had only made half-hearted efforts to get a job. Also, I still lived at home (My mom died of cancer a few years ago so I was living with my dad). I kept myself busy with video games, and thinking of ways to waste time, and feeling sorry for myself. My friends and I had been drifting apart and our reunions seemed to dwindle every year. Very few of my friends worked in town. I always had a feeling of loneliness when they left and I remained behind. I had this feeling now.

I turned off the freeway, drove the road alongside the creek, and arrived at the little community of houses. The roads outside the community were dark and deserted, but the ones inside seemed even more so. Trees and hedges shot up alongside the broad and empty road, and long driveways veered off into the darkness of the trees. I drove slowly, taking my time. There was an occasional light from a house or the glint of my headlights off darkened windows. The stars shone brightly overhead through the cold winter night. It didn't snow here, but the Winters were still cold.

As I looked up at the sky, I was startled by a sudden bright flash. I slammed on the brakes and looked forward, squinting my eyes. I didn't know what had just happened. As my eyes readjusted, I saw something in the beam of my headlights. It's bright white coat gleamed in the light. My immediate thought was of a large white dog, but something was different. The creature, which seemed horrified, quickly dashed off the road into thick trees and bushes. I guess I didn't get a close enough look at it. Brushing of the encounter, I cautiously turned into my driveway, which was the next one on the left.

"What was that thing?"

I parked in front of the house and entered via the unlocked front door. I had always had a habit of not locking doors -you never needed to in this community- it was sleepy, quiet, and full of good-hearted people. Shaking the cold off, I threw my jacket over a nearby chair, felt my way through the darkness to my room, and slipped into bed.


Day One:

The soft light of the day woke me. I had woken up early, which I do sometimes do. I turned on my computer first thing, as usual, even before using my bathroom. My bathroom was a mess as usual. I made my way out of my room, and down the hallway to the kitchen to get some water. With a bottle of cold water in hand I closed the refrigerator and turned around with the intent of heading back to my room, but the image of an open front door, which I could see through the living room, caught my attention. It was open just a sliver.

"What the..." I quietly said aloud, "I swear I closed it."

I walked through the living room and hit it with the palm of my hand, which closed it. With the loud sound, something stirred to the left of me. I turned and froze in shock at what was sitting on the living room couch. The creature from last night opened its eyes suddenly, saw me, and screamed, "Wahahaaaaha!"The creature jumped backwards over the couch. I jumped back as well, startled by its sudden movement. The creature tripped backwards over the couch, which stifled it's scream, and landed with a thud on the hardwood floor behind it. My adrenaline was going now. I quickly grabbed one of my dad's golf irons resting next to the door and steadily made my way to where I could see the creature again. I didn't know what this thing was, but I would fend it off, or even kill it if necessary. I cursed my habit of not locking doors. I could see the white-furred creature now, but I lowered the golf club as I heard it let out a surprisingly human groan. This was followed by an even more surprising "Owwww." I set the club down and slowly approached the creature. It turned towards me, it's massive eyes startling me and making me jump a second time. What the heck was this thing? It looked like a pony, just a bit smaller. Although, the anatomy was still strange. The creature seemed to have hit the side of its head on the floor, right next to its horn... It's horn?! Now I was even more confused than before. What happened next was even worse. It spoke!

"I'm so sorry! Please, please don't hurt me. I was freezing outside and... and I had to find someplace warm."

"What.... What are you?" I said, still not believing what I saw before me.

"I am a Pony," she quickly responded. "A unicorn pony to be exact. And you are a human, are you not?"

My body relaxed a little. Someone was playing a prank on me, a very expensive and well planned one, surely a television prank show or something. I glanced at the windows and the corners of the room looking for the hidden cameras. I approached the "unicorn pony," looking for signs that it was a well disguised robot. Surely I would see a control panel on her underside. She looked at me strangely, and then backed away.

"What are you doing?" She said, uncertainty in her voice. Her coat was ruffled and dirty. Her eyes were bloodshot, yet very moist. What appeared to be her mane had sticks and leaves in it, and was torn in places.

I looked at the floor, closed me eyes, and then looked back to her.

"You're real, aren't you?"

"Hmmph! ... You humans are a tad slow, aren't you?" She retorted.

I ignored her comment, still bewildered by her sudden appearance in my house.

"I just... I've never seen anything like you before," I said.

"... Likewise, I suppose... Oh my! What's the matter with me? I enter your home, the dirty mess that I am, and go about being rude. I'm terribly sorry, I've had a long night and I'm not myself at the moment. I will show myself out. Again, I sincerely apologize for my..."

I cut her off there. "Hold on a second. How is it that you can talk? And how did you get here?"

"Oh..." her ears drooped down and she lowered her head. I could see tears appearing in her eyes.

I walked up to her and leaned down. She cautiously raised her head and stared at me, her mouth hanging open. She seemed both confused and deeply upset.

"Come on. Let's get you cleaned up," I said calmly.

A smiled appeared on her face, "Oh, thank you. Thank you..."

What now? How do you clean a pony? I couldn't think straight. "Bathtub" was the first thought that came to mind. My dad had the only bathtub, and his room was on the far side of the house. I walked along, glancing back at the pony a few times. She followed me along, looking a bit anxious.

"Do you have a name?" I asked her.

"I am Rarity," She said, her face brightening up a little. A red lump was now visible on her temple, when she had hit the floor.

"Here we are," I said, entering my dad's bathroom. "... I'm not sure what to do now."

Rarity chuckled. "What is there to do?" The pony walked past me and stood up, putting her forelegs on the bathroom counter. She gasped in horror as she saw herself in the mirror. "Oh sweet Celestia!"

"What? What's wrong?" I asked.

She seemed to ignore my question, "And where did this lump on my head come from? That is why my head was throbbing!"

"I think that happened when you fell over the couch," I replied simply.

"I think you are right," she said. Suddenly her head turned and she shot a piercing glance at me. I opened my eyes wide in surprise and returned her stare.

"I am hideous, I must not be seen like this!" She moved her foreleg in front of her face so I couldn't see her. "You must not see me like this! Please... if you wouldn't mind, let me do my work and I will be ready in a jiffy."

"Ok..." I said. She went back to muttering to herself as she explored her face in the mirror, poking her hair from time to time. I walked back down the hallway to my room. What was going on? Was this really happening? I still hadn't given up the idea that this was an elaborate prank of some sort. I was a practical person. I thought I understood the workings of the world around me. So how was there a talking pony my house at this very moment? Maybe there wasn't. I blinked and shook my head. I seemed to be awake. I splashed cold water on my face. Had I imagined it? I walked out of my room. There were a couple leaves in the hallway that Rarity had dragged into the house... I walked back into my room and turned off my computer. What was I to do now? Whatever this pony was doing in my home, it was my guest, and I needed to look presentable. I had bed-hair, and to be quite honest I hadn't bathed in four days since my father left on his business trip. I had just been sitting here, "letting myself go", as they say. I could risk taking a quick shower, I suspected that the pony would take a long time to clean herself up anyways. I jumped into the hot shower, and stepped out clean a few minutes later. I grabbed the towel from the nearby rack, turned around and closed the shower door.

"Pardon me."

I was startled. I turned around quickly to see the pony standing beside my bathroom door, which, out of habit, I hadn't even closed. I covered my lower regions with the towel.

"Yes, of course. What is it?" I said. Her hair was now mostly void of twigs and leaves, and the lump on her temple had gone down a bit. Her fur was still dirty.

"I hope I did not startle you... I would just like to inquire if you have a brush."

"A brush," I thought, "I don't have a brush."

"Is something wrong?" asked the pony, looking at the towel I held over my lower region.

"No... I'm sorry, but I don't have a brush."

"Oh," She said, looking sad again, "That is alright, I will manage. Thank you."

She turned around and walked out. There was now no doubt in my mind that she was real. I dried off quickly and started putting my clothes on. I stopped. Theses were the clothes I had on yesterday... The clothes I had on these last four days for that matter. I walked across my room to my closet. I thought I should wear something that would make me seem less strange to the pony. Something simple. I have two closets in my room. Half of the clothes are dress pants, suits, and dress shirts, upon my dad's insistence. I don't know where many of them came from. The other closet (which I open nine out of ten times) contains my old T-shirts and jeans which I wore constantly throughout college. I quickly slipped on some clothes from this closet. I sat on my bed for a minute thinking about the situation. The pony wanted a brush... Nope, I had never seen a brush in this house. I suddenly felt like I should clean my room, I did have a guest after-all. It wasn't a long process, and I cleaned up my bathroom a bit too. What should I do now? Maybe I should go check up on my guest. I walked into the hallway. I could hear the pony's distant voice. But something didn't sound right. I walked into my dad's room, and clearly heard the sound of crying. My dad's bathroom and closet are open to the bedroom; I slowly walked across the threshold. The pony was sitting in the bathtub! What's more, she was lying on her back with her head out of the water, like a human would! She seemed to have just cleaned her mane, and the bathwater had a grayish tint from all the dirt. Three bottles of shampoo or something lay open on the bathroom floor, their contents collecting in thick pools. I felt it wasn't a good time to question the pony about this.

"I couldn't help but hear you. Is something the matter?"

Her crying subsided. "Oh," she sniffed, "That's alright, thank you. There's nothing that can be done about it."

"Please tell me, I'd... I'd like to help you."

"Oh you are a dear, aren't you? ... Well, where to begin? I suppose you could say I've lost my friends."

"Are there others like you?" I asked as I sat on the step beside the tub.

"Oh yes. I come from a world of ponies. I didn't know there was any other world until yesterday."

"What happened yesterday?"

"Well a couple weeks ago there was an accident. My friend, Twilight Sparkle, somehow managed to send my other friend, Rainbow dash into your world. It was a magical mishap; she was working on a new spell. We went to Princess Celestia immediately and..."

"Are these other ponies, like yourself?"

"Yes, now please don't interrupt... The princess didn't even know what to do at first. It took her two weeks to figure out where Rainbow Dash had been sent to, and to figure out a spell to get there and bring her back. So yesterday she teleported my four friends and I, and herself, to this world. She used another spell to find Rainbow Dash. We didn't know what to expect from this world, and stuck close to the princess. Anyways, we found Rainbow Dash, but she didn't remember us! From what Rainbow Dash... and her um, human friend said, time seemed to pass differently here. It had only been fifteen days in Equestria, yet Rainbow Dash had been in this world for fifteen years! I didn't quite understand it!"

The pony's voice suddenly became harsh, and her eyes took on an angry look, "One thing's for certain! Magic hardly works in this filthy world!" She blushed and her voice became apologetic, "Not to say that the inhabitants of this world are filthy, I mean..."

"That's alright, I understand you," I said, "Please go on."

"My magic doesn't work, and I think Celestia made a terrible mistake bringing us all here to find Rainbow Dash. Celestia instructed Twilight to teleport us back to Equestria right then and there. We went through the same procedure we had gone through to get here. There was a flash of light, like before, but this time I was merely teleported to elsewhere in this same world. I was so surprised, I... I panicked. That was last night. And then I couldn't find my friends..."

The pony's eyes started to tear up again. I didn't have much experience giving emotional support before. Probably because I'd never been in a relationship before, and now my stomach tightened up. I felt like I needed to do something to comfort the pony, but I didn't know what to do.

"There there," I said, scooting closer to her. Should I pat her on the head or something? No. What should I do? The pony then put her hoof up to her face to wipe her teary eyes. I gently took hold of her hoof. She looked at me with the saddest eye's I've ever seen.

"If your princess was able to find your friend, I'm sure she won't have any trouble finding you."

"But I don't know what happened to the princess. Did she make it back to our world, or is she still here? Or... or did something else happen to her? Magic isn't the same here, that's probably why Twilight's spell failed. Maybe if Celestia had casted the spell instead... Oh, I'm so scared!"

"It's alright, it's alright," I tried to comfort her. "This world is a very safe place, this part of it anyways... You're perfectly safe here um..." I then realized I had forgotten the pony's name. It started with an R... Rare something?

"Rarity," She said, sensing that I had forgotten.

"Rarity," I said.

She sniffed again, "Oh thank you. You are truly a kind creature." Her ears still drooped down and she still seemed very sad. she peered over the side of the tub at the bottles on the floor.

"I must apologize once again. I... As I said, my magic doesn't seem to work. I couldn't levitate the bottles, and they slipped from my hooves when I tried that method."

"Levitate?" I asked.

"Yes, it's one of the basic spells. Normally I would be able to move things about hooves-free, as it were! But here, even the simplest spells I cannot perform!"

"But you managed to clean you hair, right?"

"My mane? No, I merely got it wet."

Her mane looked silky, I could hardly believe she had only gotten it wet.

"I could help you, if you like?" I said.

Rarity looked at me with some uncertainty, but after a moment tipped her nose up and said, "Very well."

The only thing I could relate to about her behavior, was how she seemed like royalty. Her demeanor, her proper gestures, and her way of speaking, made me wonder if perhaps she was a princess herself in this Equestria she came from. There was one shampoo bottle left; I grabbed it. Rarity had adjusted her position in the tub. She was now standing upright in it, the water nearly touching her underside.

"I think this should make it easier for you," she said. "By the way, what is your name? I'm sorry not to have asked yet."

I told her.

"Well thank you. I doubt any stranger has done something so nice for me before... Oh! Watch it there, be careful. I could not brush it, so you must run your fingers through it ever so gently."

I now got a first hand taste of her perfectionist and demanding demeanor. It was cute though, and I smiled.

"Yes, that's very good, just like that. Ouch! Careful please, you must untangle the knots oh so gently! Oh how dreadful, I abhor knots!"

She was so cute! She was the most lady-like pony I had ever met. Well, the most lady-like creature I had ever met. Why was her mane purple anyways? My thoughts were cut off.

"Well done, deary! I believe we may now apply the shampoo..."

It turned out to be a relatively quick process. Apparently I had done everything to her liking. I stood back as the pony maneuvered herself out of the tub. She brought a great quantity of water out of the tub with her, and more poured from her drenched mane and fur. I blinked, and stood gaping at her. She was... She was beautiful. Her wet hair flowed down her neck and back, and her long eyelashes blinked up and down on top of her huge, shining blue eyes. I noticed she was staring back at me. I looked away awkwardly. She glanced at the towel on the nearby rack, and a small spark emanated from her horn! She frowned and glared at the towel, still hanging on the rack. Her ears drooped down again. Perhaps she had wanted to levitate the towel and dry herself off with it. I took the towel and splashed over to her through the puddle she had made.

She sighed and said, "Thank you. Oh, do be gentle with my mane, will you? Just pat it down I suppose, otherwise you will ruffle it!"

When she was mostly dry, she said, "I don't suppose you have a curling iron?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't," I said, trying to sound slightly disappointed in my voice.

To this she didn't respond. She smelled like a wet animal. I'm sure it was entirely normal where she came from.

She walked to the counter and reared up to look in the mirror. She nearly slipped when she did so. I walked over to the mirror. I thought I might be able to detach it and set it on the floor leaning against he wall for her, but it was strongly connected by something.

"Oh I promise I will clean this mess up... I never make a mess at home because I have magic, but I..."

I cut her off, "That's OK, I'll take care of it. I have these handy erm... hands." I smiled awkwardly at her. She looked uncertainly at me.

"If you insist," she said.

"I can detach the mirror in my bathroom and set it at your height, if you like," I said.

"Oh aren't you sweet! That would be lovely!"

We journeyed to my bathroom. I left her there and went back to my dad's bathroom to clean up. I didn't have much cleaning experience; we've always had a weekly house-cleaner. I wasn't even sure if we had a mop, but I ended up finding one in a hallway closet. The cleaning took longer than I thought. I was probably not very efficient, but it was done eventually. I hoped my dad wouldn't notice the missing bottles of shampoo when he came home in a few weeks. There were also long, purple hairs in the bathtub after I drained it. I was not too happy about that. Maybe I should have washed Rarity off with a hose outside? Would she have found that insulting, she did seem to have a human brain and human personality after all? I looked at a clock on the wall, it was only 10:05am!

I returned to my bathroom.

"You're bathroom is very clean and organized!" She stated happily.

That was probably because the only things I ever touched were my toothbrush, toothpaste, and razor, but I didn't tell her that.

The rest of that first day was very eventful. I had been in the kitchen watching TV, when Rarity came out of my bathroom. Her hair had changed, it seemed to have some natural curl to it. Rarity was upset about it, but I thought it looked fine. By this point, Rarity had spent the entire morning making herself "presentable." Between the bath and the drying and the hair and everything else, she had been beautifying herself for several hours, and I felt somewhat annoyed at her over-the-top grooming needs. It reminded me of my mom. Thankfully that was just the first day; once she had recovered from her first night in this world, her grooming habits have been much more toned-down, and it only took her half an hour to get ready in the morning in preceding days. I turned off the TV when she came in, I thought it might confuse or startle her. She asked if I had been talking to someone and came to stand next to me. I supposed I might as well show her the TV. She found the humans on TV much more interesting than the TV itself.

"Do I look strange to you?" I asked her.

"Well... I suppose so... Yes, yes you do look strange to me."

"I thought so. Well you look strange to me too."

In a couple minutes, Rarity asked me if it was too late for breakfast. I hadn't thought about feeding this pony, and now I had no solution. What did ponies eat besides hay? I told her I usually didn't eat breakfast.

"Why, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! One must have energy for the day ahead!" she exclaimed.

"I just don't like cooking," I stated plainly.

Rarity looked surprised.

"Oh surely you don't need to cook breakfast every morning, you have a whole lawn full of grass right outside." She looked at the lawn curiously and asked a moment later, "What do humans eat?"

"We are omnivores," I said.

Rarity seemed to understand the term, because after a moment she tensed up and shot me a very serious glance. She backed away from me a couple steps.

"What meat do humans eat?" She said cautiously. She now looked threatened.

"Please Rarity, take it easy. Calm down."

"What meat do humans eat?!" She said in a harsher tone.

Her meaning then occurred to me.

"Rarity, you don't think... you don't think we eat horses, do you?"

Rarity said nothing. I opened my mouth to list off animals we generally eat, but stopped. If there were talking ponies in her world, could there not also be talking cows, or sheep, or pigs? I couldn't go back now, I had told her that humans eat meat.

"We eat fish, Rarity. We eat fish. Also, grass isn't our favorite."

I crossed my fingers. I seemed to have said the right thing because Rarity relaxed, breathed a sigh of relief, and returned to my side.

The rest of the day was quite relaxed. Rarity asked about the giant rectangle on the other side of the patio. It was a pool cover, I told her, as I flipped the switch to retract it.

"Oh a pool!" She said excitedly, "We don't have many of these in Equestria. And none with pool covers that I can think of. We only have small, warm pools, which we call hot-tubs."

"I have one of those too!" I pointed to the hot tub and it's cover on the other side of the pool.

"And what is over there?" Rarity pointed across the pool and lawn to the other part of the house.

"My dad's office and the guest rooms," I said.

"Your father? So you don't live here alone?" Asked the pony.

"No, my dad's on business in England for a month. He comes back in three weeks," I said.

"So there are different lands in this world? What is this land called that we are in now?" She asked.

"The United States," I replied.

"Hmm. That's an odd name." Said the pony, and left it at that.

Later we sat outside, in front of the pool, and talked about her ordeal and how she wound up here. She had a feeling that Princess Celestia had managed to return to Equestria; if she had managed to take any of Rarity's friends along with her, she could not tell. By the end we had managed to put some things in perspective. Now that Princess Celestia knew how to enter this world, she could do the spell with only a few minutes of preparation. If the princess had made it back to Rarity's home world, therefore, Rarity expected that she would return for her immediately. That whole thing about the altered time lost me, but, by Rarity's figuring, one day in Equestria was like one year in this world. This meant that if Celestia was able to return to this world again after one hour in Equestria, that would be like two weeks here. Celestia might return in ten minutes (two days our time), or it might take her a whole day (one year our time). Anyways, we figured Rarity might as well settle in for now. I didn't tell Rarity, but I really hoped it wouldn't be longer than three weeks, when my dad would return.

Rarity felt much better after we talked. She was happy, trotting, even prancing around the yard and house. She was absolutely positive that this Princess of hers would return to get her. I let her wander the property as she pleased, I didn't worry about her being seen. There were either stone walls or thick hedges on all sides. Besides, there were few people around; our neighbors might not even be in town. I accompanied Rarity for an hour as she trotted around the property, showing her flowers that she found interesting, and picking fruits from our trees to feed her. We had no apple trees unfortunately, which she said were the favorite fruit of ponies. At one point, I looked out the kitchen window to see Rarity in the far corner of the property. She had stopped by a young fruit tree, but she was looking at something.

"Oh no..." I said and hurried out the door and towards her.

Our neighbors had a small stable and ponies, two Shetland Ponies to be exact. They were sometimes there and sometimes not there. Today, one of them at least, was there. It had meandered its way through the trees and bushes between the properties and now stretched it's head over our fence, a clump of flowers in its mouth. Rarity saw me approaching and gazed back at the Shetland Pony.

I now stood next to her.

"What... What's wrong with him?" She said in a very concerned voice.

"That's what ponies in this world look like, Rarity." I walked over to the Shetland pony and stroked its mane. The pony looked at me, then back at Rarity, who was still keeping her distance.

"There is something wrong with his eyes! They are so small! I... I feel very uncomfortable. He won't respond to me, does he have a... mental problem?" she asked with a sickened look on her face.

Explaining everything to Rarity took a while! The Shetland Pony incident had wiped away Rarity's happy attitude of mid-day. Now it was nearly evening, and I had not eaten all day. What was I supposed to eat again? Fruits or vegetables? There was a problem, I didn't like salad or vegetables. I supposed I could eat fruit, although eating nothing but fruit seemed like it might get old after a while. I ate fruit anyways. I ate some oranges that Rarity and I had picked earlier in the day. The pony had been eating grass and fruit all day and wasn't very hungry.

"Ice cream?!" Said the pony excitedly, as she stuck her head into the freezer.

"I didn't realize ponies ate ice cream," I responded

We both sat at the kitchen counter and had a bowl of chocolate ice cream. Well, I lifted her up onto the counter and she sat on that, rather. We had grape and orange juice in the refrigerator, but Rarity just wanted water. I wasn't sure how she would drink it. She said she usually used a glass and levitated it to her mouth. I offered to do this for her, but she declined respectfully.

"I will not have you lift another finger for me today. I have been such a burden!" She said in that same tone that made my smile again.

She put her hooves up on the sink, turned on the faucet, placed her mouth under it, and drank.

An unpleasant thought suddenly occurred to me... surely Equestria ponies had bodily functions as ponies in this world do. Do they use toilets, or do they just "do their duty" wherever they happen to be at the time? Was this clean, proper-mannered pony was more civil than that? I let that question go for now, and asked Rarity something else.

I asked her where she would sleep that night. I offered the guest rooms to the pony. Did this pony sleep on the floor, or in a bed? Rarity looked through the window across the dark lawn to the even darker windows of the guest rooms. She did not seem to like the idea. The poor thing was still scared! It seemed to me that she was scared of this still-alien world. What sort of predators lurked outside at night?

"Um. Would this be an acceptable place for me to sleep?" asked the pony and pointed to the living room.

"That's great. The rug is very comfortable. I'll help you get settled in."

Worries went through my mind as I thought about the pony sleeping. Would she nibble at the threads of the rug, or pee on it? Ponies from this world would do it, why wouldn't Rarity? I was relieved when Rarity daintily jumped up onto the couch. She certainly seemed more human than pony. I brought blankets for her. She seemed content for the time being. She smiled and blinked her big eyes at me.

"Goodnight," She said.

"Goodnight, Rarity," I said.

It took me a while to fall asleep. My mind was racing from what had happened that day. What would tomorrow have in store for me and my new friend? I couldn't tell. I did fall asleep eventually, but was woken up not long after by the distant howling of coyotes. I had grown up knowing their familiar howls. Ever since I was a child, their voices woke me, or soothed me to sleep at night. Their packs were always hunting late at night. Engulfed in nostalgia, I allowed the howls to sooth me to sleep again, and they soon became part of my dreams. In my sleep, I suddenly remembered the pony in my living room. The screams and howls have probably terrified her half to death! I woke up suddenly but as I rolled over, something stirred at my feet. Diffused moonlight lit up my bed. At my feet, I clearly made out Rarity, who was nestled in a ball. She breathed in deeply and adjusted her shoulder slightly. Now I felt her body warmth against my feet. I relaxed. This was no ordinary pony, she was human if anything. I closed my eyes and dosed off with a smile my face.