• Published 30th Dec 2012
  • 2,486 Views, 28 Comments

Scootaloo's (Not so Cool) Cutie Mark - Secret_Shadows

Scootaloo gets a Cutie Mark, but its not quite what she expected.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Excitement and Fear

Scootaloo’s Not So Cool Cutie Mark

Chapter I:
Excitement and Fear

Written By: Secret_Shadows
(Yet to be edited)

Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash were soaring through the sky, Scootaloo of course holding onto Rainbow as she sprained her wing when she fell during her dance lesson.

“I can’t believe I finally got my cutie mark!” Scootaloo cheered.

“Yeah, its pretty awesome Scoots, mom woulda been proud of you, getting a cutie mark in ballet and all.” Rainbow said turning her head to Scootaloo and smiling before returning to concentrating on flying.

Scootaloo smiled back.

“I bet you can’t wait to show all of your friends huh? Well you’re going to have to wait until your wing gets better.” Rainbow said.

Scootaloo didn’t respond. Her face went from happy to fearful.

Everypony’s going to think I’m not tough anymore! Or worse! They won’t want to be friends with somepony who has a lame cutie mark like mine!’ Scootaloo thought to herself as she was cut out of her daze by Rainbow landing at their cloud home.

Scootaloo climbed off of Rainbow’s back before trotting inside.

“Up to bed Scootaloo, I want you to lay down and rest until your wing gets better, at least for today...” Rainbow paused. “I’ll see about maybe having Fluttershy bring Aero over to see you, how’s that sound?” She asked as she followed Scootaloo through the door into her house.

Scootaloo hesitated before responding. “Y-yeah, s-sounds good.” She stammered before giving a weak, obviously fake smile and walking up the stairs to her bedroom.

She proceeded to her bed and climbed into it moving a few times before she found a comfortable position to lay in that didn’t cause her wing pain.

Rainbow soon appeared at the door. “I’m going to see about having Aero come over, you just rest now alright? I don’t want your wing to get any worse.”

“Alright Rainbow, I’ll just lay here...” Scootaloo said nervously.

Rainbow was unsure of what to say for a moment before she opened her mouth. “Are you alright Scoots? You seem nervous... “ Rainbow asked.

“I’m fine, nothing’s wrong at all, I’m perfectly normal!” Scootaloo rambled.

“Mhmm” Rainbow paused. “Well alright then.” She said as she walked out of the room.

Scootaloo let out a sigh of relief before she rested her head on her pillow. Before she knew it she had fallen asleep.


Scootaloo opened her eyes to the sound of giggling. She looked up and saw Aero standing at the end of her bed.

“Aero!?” Scootaloo yelled before trying to reach for a blanket to cover her flank, not finding any.

“Scootaloo, you have a cutie mark in, ballet?” Aero giggled to himself. “That’s so not cool.”

“Aero I...”

“I dunno why I thought a filly like you was ever cool, I don’t think I want to be your colt friend anymore.” He said.

Scootaloo just started at him as tears started to form in her eyes. “Y-you, th-this is a joke... It has to be.”

“It’s not a joke, he’s completely serious Scootaloo, and I agree with him, I think you should just go.” Rainbow said seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

“B-but...” Was all Scootaloo managed to verbalize.


“Wh-what?” She asked.

‘Scootaloo wake up.’


Scootaloo nearly jumped when she opened her eyes to see Aero standing at the end of her bed. She quickly reached for her covers and pulled them up over her exposed flank.

“Hi Aero! How long have you been standing there!?” She asked panicked.

“Just a moment, I came to check on you, Rainbow said you hurt your wing, I wanted to make sure my favorite filly was feeling alright.” Aero said as he sat on the edge of the bed.

“Yeah I’m fine... Is that all Rainbow said?” Scootaloo asked seeming rather troubled.

“Yeah, she said not to wake you, but you were tossing and turning and I thought you were having a nightmare... You seem troubled, I didn’t bother you did I?” Aero asked as he made his way closer to Scootaloo so he was now sitting directly next to her.

“No, Aero no you never bother me, I’m just...” She paused to think of an excuse. “I’m just tired is all.”

“Well you ran off in such hurry earlier, I didn’t have time to talk to you at all... Are you sure you’re ok?” He asked again.

“Aero I’m fine, if I wasn’t I’d tell you.” Scootaloo lied not quite keeping her face from giving away her lie.

“Alright, well you seem a bit tense... how about a back rub? Maybe that’ll make your wing feel better?” Aero suggested.

Scootaloo, not thinking agreed. “Yeah, that actually sounds nice, since when did you offer back rubs Aero?” She asked.

“Only for you, and today, I can’t have my favorite filly walking around in pain now can I?” He said as Scootaloo moved so she was laying on her belly, now outside of the covers.

“Aha! She was right! You did get a cutie mark today!” Aero exclaimed.

“Wha- No!” Scootaloo yelled as she quickly dove under the covers again.

“It’s no use Scootaloo, I saw it while you were asleep... Why are you so afraid of other ponies seeing your cutie mark?” He asked.

Scootaloo poked herself back out from under the covers. “Oh, well, I guess you know then, It’s ok if you don’t want to be my colt friend anymore, Just don’t tell anypony else.” Scootaloo said as her ears fell to the sides of her head.

Aero put a hoof on Scootaloo’s shoulder. “Hey now, don’t go beating yourself up over a cutie mark, its a cool cutie mark, what in Equestria gave you the idea that I wouldn’t want to be your colt friend anymore?” He asked.

“Well...” She paused and stood up exposing her flank. On it was a tutu and two dance horseshoes. “Its a cutie mark in ballet... It’s... It’s kinda uncool...” She said.

“Scootaloo...” He paused and nuzzled her. “You need to relax, it’s a cutie mark, something you’ve wanted your entire life as far back as you can remember right?”

She nodded.

“Then why are you beating yourself up over it? Having a cutie mark, regardless of what it is, is a really cool thing. You have nothing to be afraid of, everypony will want to celebrate your cutie mark.” He said giving her a smile.

“B-but what if they don’t? I could try to cover it up... I thought about painting over it... but then I thought what if somepony see’s me? I could always just stay here for the rest of my life... No wait, that’s perfect Aero! I could just never leave the house again! Isn’t it just a great idea!?” She cheered.

“I don’t think that’s-” Aero managed to speak before being cut off.

“No Aero, don’t you see, if I never leave the house again, nopony will ever know I got my cutie mark, and then nopony will ever be able to make fun of me!” She said enthusiastically.

Aero simply brought a hoof to his face. ‘This is going to be a very, very long weekend.’ He thought to himself.

Author's Note:

I know its a short chapter, I promise you all the next chapters will be longer. In the 3,000-5,000 word Range.