• Published 30th Dec 2012
  • 2,487 Views, 28 Comments

Scootaloo's (Not so Cool) Cutie Mark - Secret_Shadows

Scootaloo gets a Cutie Mark, but its not quite what she expected.

  • ...

Chapter 2: In Keeping Secrets

Scootaloo’s Not So Cool Cutie Mark

Chapter 2:
In Keeping Secrets

Written By: Secret_Shadows
Proof Read By: Thunder_Chaser22
Edited By: Avorin

Scootaloo lay in her bed with a thermometer in her mouth that she conveniently held over a candle when Rainbow Dash turned around popping it back in her mouth the moment Dash turned to face her.

Rainbow took the thermometer out of Scootaloo’s mouth and looked at it for a moment before putting her hoof to Scootaloo’s forehead. “Well you don’t feel warm Scoots... but this thermometer says you’re burning up... I’ll have to get Fluttershy to come look at you and make sure you are ok.”

Scootaloo was horrified that she was going to have to face another pony who would undoubtedly see her cutie mark, and then she remembered that Fluttershy probably already knew. “Ok... I’ll just lay in bed then... do you think you can have Fluttershy bring Aero over?”

“Scootaloo, if you’re as sick as the Thermometer says you are... I don’t think its such a good-”

“Awww, Pleeeeeeeease Rainbow Dash! I really wanna see Aero!” Scootaloo pouted.

Rainbow Dash stood there for a moment. “Well... I guess, just, don’t let him get too close to you, I don’t want him ending up sick to.”

“Ok Dash!” Scootaloo said smiling.

“Now get some rest Scootaloo, you’ll want to be all rested for when Aero and Fluttershy get here, I bet you’re still all excited about your cutie mark after all, you’ll want to save your energy.” Rainbow said smiling as she exited the room.

Scootaloo let out a sigh in relief as she lay back in bed. ‘I guess I’ll just lay here, who knows, maybe a nap in the middle of the day can be fun...’ She thought before quickly drifting off to sleep.


As Aero walked up the steps to Scootaloo’s bedroom he could her Rainbow and Fluttershy’s conversation echo through the hallway.

“I don’t know Fluttershy, she just got her Cutie Mark... why would she be faking being sick?”

“Maybe she’s embarrassed that her cutie mark is in dance? Ballet is something she thinks is particularly frilly.”

The words started to fade as Aero opened the door to Scootaloo’s room finding Scootaloo sound asleep in her bed. A devilish grin appeared on his face as he tip-hoofed over to the bed and got onto it, he started to jump up and down.

“Wake Up! Wake Up! Scootaloo! Wake Up!” He cheered.

Scootaloo groaned and opened her eyes. “I don’t have school for another hour Dash, let me sleep a bit longer.” She said as she rolled over.

Aero stopped bouncing on her bed and pounced onto her. “Wake up Sleepy Head!”

Scootaloo nearly jumped out of bed when he jumped onto her. “A-aero?, sweet Celestia you scared me, don’t do that to me!”

“Aww, I just wanted to wake you up, I can’t spend time with my filly friend if she is asleep after all.” He said nuzzling her.

Scootaloo returned the nuzzle. “Aw, you’re so sweet Aero... but I’m suppose to be sick... if Dash comes up her and finds us nuzzling... she might think something is up...”

“Fluttershy already knows you are faking it... she’s telling Dash that right now...” Aero said getting off of her and jumping onto the floor.

Scootaloo lay in her bed silently for a moment. “Aero... if I decided to run away, would you go with me?”

“Why would you want to run away, She’s your sister, I’m sure she’ll underst-”

“Would you go with me?” Scootaloo said cutting Aero off. “Yes or no.”

“Scootaloo, think rationally here, if you run away...”

“Yes. or. No.”

Aero sighed. “Yes...”

“Alright, let me just..” She trailed off as she opened her journal and wrote in it before tearing out the page and putting it on her nightstand. She then took a blanket, a pillow, and a picture of her and Dash putting them into a saddle bag, and then proceeded to jump out of the window, gliding away from the sky home, Aero close behind.

“I still think this is stupid.” Aero said over the roar of the wind.

“Yes, but you still came with me.”


“Scootaloo, can I talk to you?” Rainbow asked as she pushed the door open to Scootaloo’s bedroom. She then spotted the window was open, and there was a note on her nightstand.

Rainbow Dash,

You were always there for me when I needed you, you were the best big sister I could ever hope to have, but, I am leaving now. Don’t bother looking for me, you won’t find me. I wish you all the best in becoming a Wonderbolt... I hope you don’t feel too upset. I don’t know where I am going, but its to someplace where nopony knows me and I won’t have to be embarrassed by my cutie mark, and I won’t ruin your coolness by being your sister with a lame cutie mark. I hope you can understand. I love you Rainbow Dash.

Your Little Sister,


Rainbow dropped the note onto the floor as a tear rolled off of her face, hitting the floor before the paper gently landed next to it.

Fluttershy stepped closer to Dash, she reached a hoof out onto Rainbow’s shoulder. “Dash? Are you okay?”

She left, just like that over something so stupid and trivial, she knows I’d NEVER think of her as uncool, she knows...’ Rainbow stood silent for a moment, staring down at the note that lay on the floor. “Y-yeah I’m just...” She paused and looked up at the empty bed and open window, the curtains fluttering in the breeze. ‘After all we have been through, I gave her a home! I gave her the love she had always wanted! And she just left... without a care for how it would make me feel!

“You don’t seem like it, are you sure? Y-you should probably give Scootaloo some space, Aero is with her and he’ll probably bring her back... y-you know... i-if you w-want t-to give her space...”

“No, I’m going to find her right now.” Rainbow said, her expression changing from sadness, to anger, anger that Scootaloo would just leave her without even a goodbye, without even explaining why she felt this way to her, her only sister. As fast as she said it, Rainbow’s wings flew open and she lept out the window flying as fast as she could, tears streaming out of her eyes as she flew.


“This is where you lived for all that time Aero? It’s... nice?” Scootaloo said as she walked around the small makeshift shelter placed under a bridge near the outskirts of ponyville. It was small, the bridge was used as a roof and the sides were closed by boards leaned up against the opening.

Aero sighed. “It’s the best I could do, I wasn’t as lucky as you, I couldn’t find a treehouse.” He paused and laid down on a pile of hay. “Scootaloo...”

“Hmm?” Scootaloo asked as she gathered up some loose hay and made it into a pile so she could lay down.

“Are you sure you want to do this? I mean... really... you are running away from Rainbow Dash, your only sister! All of this over something so stupid as an embarrassing cutie mark!”

Scootaloo glared at Aero. “I don’t need you telling me what to do!” She snapped. “Just because you have a regular cutie mark, one that is not stupid and embarrassing doesn’t mean you can just say that!” She collapsed down into the pile of hay and tears started to stream down her face. “You don’t know what its like... to be an embarrassment to your family.”

Aero’s ear fell back level as Scootaloo yelled at him, “Scootaloo... I-”

“Don’t even say anything, I don’t want to hear it.” Scootaloo said as she turned her head away from Aero, tears dripping off of her face onto the dirt below.

Aero close his mouth and stood up, he took a few steps closer to Scootaloo and laid down next to her extending his wing over her. “I know...”

Scootaloo turned her head to him as he laid down next to her. “I’m sorry, I-”

Aero extended one of his forehooves up and touched it to Scootaloo’s mouth silencing her. “I know... you were upset... just let it out. It’s okay...” He said nuzzling the side of her head.

Scootaloo closed her eyes and accepted his nuzzle and continued to tear up, letting out her emotions.


“But what if he is hurt!? Or worse!?” Fluttershy said, breathing heavily into a paper bag. She was laying down on a daybed similar to Rarities ‘fainting bed’ in the middle of a field, Discord was sitting in a large chair next to her wearing a pair of glasses and holding a clipboard scribbling down notes as she spoke.

“Mhmm, and how does this make you feel?” He asked pointing the end of the pencil at her.

“How does it make me feel!? How Does It Make Me Feel!?” She shouted. “Uhm, I... worried.” Fluttershy said softly.

“Yes, indeed.” He said bringing his claw up to his chin rubbing his goatee. “I see, Fluttershy you need to learn to relax.” He said snapping his claws turning his chair into a cloud and his glasses into a pair of shades and he floated around fluttershy.

“But its Aero! He’s like a son to me!” Fluttershy protested.

Discord sighed and snapped his claws again turning the pencil into a straw and the clipboard into a drink. “Well fine then my dear Fluttershy... you really do know how to be a party pooper.” He said snapping his claws once more and in a bright light Fluttershy vanished.

Fluttershy found herself confronted with a bridge on the outskirts of Ponyville, it seemed to have been converted into a makeshift shelter. She stepped closer and peered through a hole finding Scootaloo and Aero inside, unsure of what to do Fluttershy flew off, quickly locating Rainbow Dash in the sky as she searched for Aero and Scootaloo. “Rainbow Dash, I’ve found them...”

Author's Note:

I know its been a while and this is a short chapter, bear with me, I am working on like, a bunch of stories right now, trying to balance them all out.

Comments ( 4 )

Yay this updated! And it has feels! MOAR! :flutterrage:

Someone gonna have to slap a filly? :twilightangry2:

Discord - even as a 'friend', he's very rarely anything but trouble. Of course, the God of Chaos probably knows exactly what's going on and where the two missing youths are. He wouldn't just come out and tell Fluttershy, of course; where's the fun in that? :flutterrage:

I also suspect that Discord may have led Fluttershy to the right place for the sake of his own amusement.

Now, I wonder how Rainbow and Fluttershy will react to the two of them snuggled up together? Grounded for life or longer?

They've been in that situation already... and yes, that sounds about right.

I would not condone such behavior.

In time.

Should I be concerned? lol...

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