• Published 19th Nov 2012
  • 4,777 Views, 575 Comments

Trapped - Gylden Glor

Without that precious program in this simuation, I find myself trapped.

  • ...

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Leaving Town

I carefully disentangle myself from Rainbow's choke-cuddle, and stand up next to the bed. Rainbow Dash stirs a bit, and starts wiggling her hooves in an attempt to find me. I push a pillow towards her, and she immediately snatches it up, wrapping a wing around it as she smiles in content. I smile at her, and pick up my clothes from their pile, immediately donning them and adjusting the sweatpants. The elastic is wearing out, and fast...

I walk out the front door, searching for some sort of mailbox that I can check for, well, mail.

And then I get bitch slapped in the face by a newspaper.

I bend over to pick it up, confused and dazed as a grey mare approaches.

"Oh, sorry," she apologizes, her eyes crossing in a different pattern as she reaches into her mail bag. "I didn't see you standing there! Oh, by the way, I have a few letters for Rainbow Dash!"

I nod, and accept the envelopes with a smile. The mail mare bids me a nice day, and I retreat into the house.

I quickly scruff up two bowls of cereal, marveling at how...god damn clean her kitchen is. It's immaculate! I guess she's more OCD than I thought...

I place the bowls on either end of the table, and leave the mail next to Rainbow's cereal. I unfold my newspaper, and start reading it, deciding that I may as well get updated in Equestrian current events.

Such as the fact that, recently, the first Equestrian plane has taken off, and flew a total of one hundred miles! Until the engine exploded, killing the ponies inside. Tragic, really. But a feat of science, I must say.

I hear Rainbow stir in her bed, and I smile as I hear a gratuitous yawn.

"You're not Peter," I hear her mumble to the pillow I gave her. A few moments later, Rainbow walks into the room, eyes barely open as she drags herself to the table.

"You made breakfast," she observes as she flops her head down on the table. "Great. Saves me the work..."

I nod, and raise an eyebrow at Rainbow Dash. "How much sleep did you get last night?"

Rainbow closes her eyes, and sighs. "A lot. But I hate waking up..."

I smile, and reach over to slap her on the side of the head.


"Awake now?" I ask with a small grin.

Rainbow Dash scowls at me, and then notices the envelopes next to her bowl.

"Mail came?"

"No, I just decided to pull some envelopes with addresses on them out of my penis. Yes, the mail came."

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes as she picks up the envelopes. She shuffles through them, and pauses as she stares down at one.

"What is it?" I ask as she guffaws at it. I stand, and join her. She mouths the words on it, and my jaw drops as well.

It's a letter from the Wonderbolts.

"I can't believe it," she breathes. "I'm getting mail from the Wonderbolts!"

She tears it open, and quickly reads the letter. I do, as well, and when we finish, we look up at each other, and scream and shout in excitement, the both of us acting like little girls.

Well, uh, that is, I'm acting like a manly little boy thing. Shut up.

"Rainbow Dash, this is fucking awesome!" I cry. She nods, and we kiss.

"Let's go have celebratory sex!" Rainbow Dash cries.

"This just got ten times better," I say with a grin.

She nods, and we retreat into the bedroom.

About two hours later, all of our friends are assembled at the library, and Rainbow Dash is reading the final few sentences of the letter aloud.

"...And for these reasons, we, the Wonderbolts, would be honored to have you join us for a tour around Equestria as a temporary Wonderbolt! The tour will be named in your honor, and you'll finish each show with a Sonic Rainboom!"

The ponies all cheer, and hug Rainbow Dash in turn, bouncing and giggling as they do so. Pinkie Pie speaks so fast that I'm not going to even bother understanding what she's saying. And Fluttershy is shouting at the top of her lungs.

And Rainbow Dash is crying tears of joy.

Pinkie Pie finally finishes her tirade, and jumps atop a table. "This calls for a party!!!!"

The ponies smile, and Pinkie Pie...


We all stare at where she once was. There was no puff of smoke, no magical flash.

She's just...


We blink, and the room turns from a library lobby into a center of festivities, with Pinkie Pie standing atop the balcony.

"I've invited everypony in Ponyville!" She declares. "They'll be here in five seconds!"

We frown, and blink again.

And, like that, we're surrounded by ponies.

"What the-"

"By God, woman, stop this madness!" An English accent shouts. "You're causing so many paradoxes, you'll wake up those bloody Angels!" A brown stallion runs from the crowd, and up the stairs. "Seriously! Do you have any idea how much wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff you're sending off right now!? You're going to be the death of us all, you crazy fool!"

Pinkie Pie simply grins. "Oh, hiya, John Smith! Uh, you're still going by that name, right?"

"John Smith"'s eyes widen, and he backs away from her. "You...you're insane! Do you have any idea what you could do to the continuum!?"

Pinkie Pie grins again. "Don't worry, I've got it all covered, Johnny! I didn't do this myself! I told my past self that this would happen, and she told everypony to be here at exactly this time! Duh!"

"John Smith" sighs. "Okay, this has gone long enough..." He turns, and a blue police box appears behind him. "I'm going to have to stop you in two times, and you'll just have to settle with having your party a few minutes later."

Pinkie pouts, and "John Smith" steps into the box, and it disappears.

"This calls for a party!" Pinkie Pie cries. I get a vague feeling of déjà vu, but I shrug it off. "I'll go invite everypony! And you guys set up the decorations!"

"Pinkie, I don't need a party," Rainbow Dash protests. "I just need...yeah, you know what? Go right ahead. I want this party."

The ponies snicker, and tell Rainbow and I to go home to wait for the party to be ready. The both of us nod, and Rainbow files me back to her home.

Once we arrive, I immediately search through her house for some kind of brush.

"What're you doing?"

"You can't go to your own party looking like that," I explain. "You've got to look nice, Rainbow. C'mon, we'll brush your mane."

Rainbow frowns. "Huh? But...what? I thought guys weren't into that."

I shrug. "I'm just one guy. Not plural." Rainbow rolls her eyes at me, and I smile. "C'mon."

She sighs, and gives me a brush after a few minutes. About an hour later, I've gotten her rainbow mane under control, as well as her tail. I give her a mirror, and she can't help but smile at her reflection.

"I look sexy," she remarks. I snicker, and it's then that there's a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," I declare.

I open the door to see a Pegasus I don't recognize.

"Party's ready," he explains, before flying off to return to the library. I nod, and run back to get Rainbow Dash.

When we arrive at the library, I jump off of her back, and open the door for her. She walks in, her elegantly straightened tail flowing behind her, and her mane parting at her neck to make a beautiful mosaic of colors. Once she enters, I close the door behind us, and the lights turn on, and several party cannons erupt in a shower of confetti.

"Congratulations, Rainbow Dash!" They all scream at once. I smile, and hug the cyan Pegasus as she begins to cry in pride again.

About three hours later, Rainbow Dash is standing on the balcony, and all the attending ponies are looking up to her in patience.

"Thank you, everypony," she declares. "I...I can't begin to express how excited I am for this. I'll be gone for about two months, starting tomorrow, and I...I'm so happy that you all cared enough to come here to celebrate this..." Her voice cracks, and she sniffs, a tear or two brimming in her eyes. "I'm going to miss you guys during those two months...you're like my family."

The ponies all release synchronized "awwwww"s, and I grin up at the cyan Pegasus. An orange filly jumps up to the balcony with several flaps of her tiny wings, and hugs Rainbow Dash.

"I'm gonna miss you, too!" She cries. Rainbow Dash returns the embrace, and I feel my heart melt at the sight.

"Well, I'd better go get packed," Rainbow Dash declares, wiping her eyes with a hoof. "C'mon, Peter. Let's go. I've got to be at the train station pretty early tomorrow..."

I nod, and about an hour later, we're finally entering her home.

"I can't believe they all wanted to hug you," I mutter.

"Yeah," Rainbow sighs. "One of the perks of being in a small town..."

I nod, and we set upon packing up her stuff. The both of us remain silent, and I gulp as we place the last thing in her luggage.

"I'm gonna miss you, Peter," she says softly as we stand.

"I'm gonna miss you, too," I whisper, my heart catching as I struggle to cope with the prospect of her absence for two whole months.

We embrace, and I sniff a few times, struggling to keep my tears inside.

"C'mon," she says, softly. "Let's go to bed, love."

I nod, and we retreat into the bedroom. We make love, calling it "one for the road," before we fall asleep in each others' embrace.

The next morning, I'm woken up by a gentle nudge. I get up, and smile at Rainbow.

"C'mon," she says, softly. "Let's get to the train now. I don't want to have to say goodbye to everypony again..."

I nod, and quickly get dressed. We collect her single thing of luggage before going down to Ponyville, and to the train station.

As we wait for the Wonderbolts to arrive, Rainbow Dash sighs. "I'm not sure if I should do this," she mutters. "I mean...I won't see you for so long, Peter..."

I smile at her. "Rainbow, it'll go by super fast," I tell her. "Trust me."


"But fuck you," I interrupt with a smirk. "I'm not letting you miss an opportunity like this."

She smiles, and we hug as a train pulls into the station.

"Heya, Dash." We turn, and see that Soarin' and Spitfire are standing by the open door of the rather bland-looking train. "You ready to go?" Spitfire asks.

"Sure," Rainbow responds. "Just...can I just kiss my boyfriend one last time? Y'know, for the road?"

Spitfire and Soarin' exchange a glance, and giggle. "Yeah, sure. Why not?"

Rainbow Dash nods in thanks, and looks to me. She presses her lips against mine, and gives me a kiss that's much more gentle than any kiss she's given me before. In fact, it's almost a reverent kiss.

"I love you," she says, softly, before turning to enter the train. I smile, and say it back, just as softly, and then stand back as she walks towards the train.

"Rainbow Dash, wait!"

We turn, and see that our six friends are running towards us: Fluttershy, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Spike.

"We've gotta say goodbye!" They declare.

Rainbow sighs. This is exactly what she was trying to avoid.

However, as she hugs all of them in turn, I swear it's what she was hoping for.

"Thanks, everypony," she says, tears in her eyes. "You're all the best of best friends..."

They simply smile at her, and I give her a final hug. "Go kick some ass," I tell her, before standing back as she enters the train. Soarin' and Spitfire follow her in, and the six friends behind me stay until the train is out of sight.

I stay for a little longer, my heart aching as I think of Rainbow Dash, looking out the window and crying softly as she's pulled farther and farther away from me...

But, as I take a few deep breaths, I realize, with shock, that I'm actually kinda-

"So, you're girl's outta town, huh?"

I turn in surprise, and see Vinyl Scratch, grinning at me.

"Looks like you're gonna have a lot of free time."

I frown at her, and she raises her hooves in defense. "Hey, I'm not trying anything. I'm not asking you on a date or anything. I just wanna be friends!"

I stare at her for a little while longer, before sighing with a nod.

"Alright," I say, walking towards her. "What d'you wanna do?"

Vinyl smiles at me. "How about you show me all the cool things on your iPod, huh? And d'you have any headphones?"

"Yeah, but they're broken."

"I can fix them!" She declares. I smile at her.


"No problem," she shrugs. "Now, you've got all your stuff with you, right?"

I smile as I pat my draw-string bag, glad to have a distraction from Rainbow's absence. "Right here."

"C'mon, let's go back to my place. We can hang there."

I nod, and follow her through Ponyville.

Today is going to be a fun day.

I hope.

Author's Note:

Yes, I know, that doctor whooves part was a bit overkill. But I did it by request from a friend named Theodorehip (that's his name in this site). So, if you wanna hate on anypony, hate on him.

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