• Published 19th Nov 2012
  • 4,777 Views, 575 Comments

Trapped - Gylden Glor

Without that precious program in this simuation, I find myself trapped.

  • ...

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Journal Entries

Day One

My name is Scootaloo. I'm an eleven-year-old filly, and I'm currently stuck in a bunker in the Changeling capital after there was a breach of virals. Queen Chrysalis said that we should all keep journals, in case we don't make it through this, so that historians have something to study. But Peter said that we'll make it through this. And I believe him: I saw what he did back in the tunnel, with that weird energy blast. He can keep us safe, I know he can. But he said I should still keep a journal, to keep myself occupied while we're stuck down here. His iPad and everything are still stuck up in Chrysalis' throne room, so I don't have any games to watch him play.
Anyway, earlier today, Peter sorta...snapped. He thought he had a psychosis when I told him what happened, but I don't know what that means. The Changelings are kind of freaked out by how he was shouting at the ceiling, and he admits that it's a logical response to doing what I told him he did. He's really embarrassed, and he doesn't want to come out of our little room in the bunker.
I don't know much of what's going on. All I know is that Ethan's not dead, but...something else. But there were so many Changelings killed...
To any historian reading this in the future, I'm sorry that I'm not being very specific. It took me five hours just to write this entry, I just...I just can't do this right now.

Day Two

They took a census today, and assigned rooms. Peter and I are in the same room as Princess Metamorpha and Queen Chrysalis, because of why we're here in the first place.
Only forty two Changelings survived. Which means that over one thousand Changelings died in the attack, or were..."taken up."
I can't do this.
I'm too afraid.

Day Seven

Celestia is sending some ponies to help us out. But I don't think we're going to need that.
Peter did magic the other day. The electric heaters went out, and I was really cold. They had a bonfire, but I was told to stay in the room with Peter Chrysalis and Metamorpha. Peter could tell that I was cold because I couldn't stop shivering, so he slept with me, holding me close to keep me warm. It was nice.
But that's not the point. The point is that I was still cold while we were sleeping. So he had me sit up, and he made a fireball in the palm of his hand. I don't know how to explain it: he just held out his hand, and it was there, warming me up. He made me promise not to tell anyone that he can do magic, but he said I could write it in my journal.
I think, if it comes down to it, Peter can protect us.

Day Eight

A viral got in today. Peter killed it with magic.
I only wrote this because I felt like I had to. I don't want to have to think about anything going on right now. Too much death.

Day Nine

Peter said that we're going to leave soon. I asked him what would happen to the Changelings, and he said they would be fine. He said he's going to bring me home, and then come back to protect them.
I don't want him to come back here. I love him. I want him to stay with me, and to be safe.
I don't want him to leave like my father did.

Day Twelve

Peter got his stuff back. He had to kill a lot of virals.

Day Thirteen

I'm scared and I want my mommy and I'm crying and I don't know what to do and I'm only writing this because Peter said I should so long ago
I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die

Day Fourteen

Peter saved me. You have no idea how grateful I was...
The other day, I decided to see if I could find Ethan. I knew he was still alive. So, I went out of the bunker when a sentry was going out to see if there were any virals left. I snuck out, and made it all the way to the dungeons before I found myself at a dead end.
There was a viral stalking me the whole time. I ran into one of the dungeons near me and slammed the door shut and it was the for hours and I was scared and crying and
Peter saved me. That's all that matters now.

Day Sixteen

I'm finally leaving.
I can't wait until I'm back home.
Peter got me out of the Changeling capital today. We're camping in the woods, and he's keeping up a constant watch.
I'm not as scared anymore.
I'm going home.

Day Seventeen

It turns out that Peter can fly.
He's really bad at it, though. He had to go pretty slow to avoid crashing.
We made it pretty far, but we're still miles away from Canterlot. I can see its glow at night now.
I hope the Changelings are okay.

Day Twenty

This is the last entry I'm making.
I'm home now.
I looked back at my earlier journal entries. Compared to how I actually felt the majority of the time, they were pretty docile. I was super freaked out, especially by all the new powers that Peter suddenly developed. Like flying without wings. I didn't even know that was possible!
But in all seriousness, I was scared. I was scared beyond belief, and I can't help but laugh as I see how calm my journal entries seemed. Anyway, I'm glad I can put this behind me.
But I'm still worried about the Changelings.
Peter made me promise not to tell anyone about his powers, and to keep my journal safe and secret. I will.

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