• Published 20th Nov 2012
  • 3,002 Views, 11 Comments

Taste Of Your Own Medicine. - Erac

A prank gone wrong ends up causing trouble.

  • ...

Prank Gone Wrong.

“Heh heh,” Rainbow chuckled darkly to herself, creeping through the room as Rarity talked to the convert. ‘This is going to be great!’ She thought to herself. This wasn’t exactly the most elaborate prank she had thought of, but it had the best chance of working, ‘Rarity keeps a close eye on this room ever since Pinkie played that prank with the snapping turtle and the oboe. She’d never see a prank like her’s coming,’ Rainbow snickered to herself, as she tread lightly on the floor, she shushed the human who was looking at her with a blush as she crept along.

Rainbow smiled and made the motion to button his lip, the man happily obliged as Rarity kept on with her talk of various froo-froo restaurants he ‘simply must’ try. Dash did her best not to gag, as did the human. She slowly opened the door and slid in silently, with a grin she looked at the rows of vials that filled the small room as she had cleared out a small section just for this moment. She floated up slowly, stiff and steady wing beats made little noise, as they carried her up, and into her hiding spot.

“Now to play the waiting game,” She chortled at her ingenious plan to jump out and scare rarity.

* * *

“This isn’t going to hurt is it?” Asked the nude man, lying down on the modified dentistry chair.

“Of course not darling,” Rarity cooed, as she slid over the cup containing 3Oz of the purple fluid that would considerably change the man's life. “Oh, I’m sorry just a moment,” Rarity smiled towards the nervous man, “I’m going to get some more potion, this cup doesn’t look exactly 3 ounces,” She said, her expert eye for detail told her so. ‘2.763 ounces, this will never do!’ She thought.

“Something wrong?” Asked the man, keeping his shame covered at all times with at least one hand.

“Oh, I just want to get the measurements correct, she sighed. “I’ll be back in one moment, now don’t go anywhere,” She chuckled as the man frowned, a bit more nervous than before.

Rarity’s eyes scanned the room diligently, she had checked the room eight times in the last hour for any surprises from Pinkie Pie, ‘Oh it took forever to wash out that Mayonnaise and peanut butter,’ She sighed at the thought.

Rainbow rubbed her hooves together with mischievous glee as she heard the telltale sign of clip clopping hooves come down the hallway. The door opened with a soft click, before she was wrapped in blue magic.

“GOT YOU!” Rarity yelled grabbing Rainbow before she had any hope of leaping down on her.

“AH!” Dash yelled in shock flailing her hooves about, Rarity frowned as the rainbow manned pegasus as she simply grinned sheepishly at her.

“What, pray tell did you hope to accomplish?” Rarity said sternly.

“U’m. . . I was going to. . . surprise you, YEAH I wanted to give you some help by learning to be a technician,” Rainbow smiled slyly. ‘There's no way she couldn’t believe that, how awesome am I?’

“Oh good,” Rarity grinned wickedly, “I could use some help today, they’re bussing over some others from a nearby hospital, and I’ll need all the help I can get. . . why it’ll probably take all day, with us discussing various fabrics and all the other frilly things you love,” Rarity smiled as Rainbow saw the loophole in her plans.

“. . .Umm. . . Alright?” Dash kicked herself mentally.

“Now, pull those vials back to the front, we have work to do. . . assistant,” Rarity grinned devilishly.

“Yeah yeah, whatever you say,” Dash groaned, as she pulled the flasks forward, each one a diffrent swirling color with flickers of bright sparks.

“Rainbow be careful,” Rarity cautioned.

“Um, what’s taking so long?” The prospective convert said, banging on the door to get their attention.

“Ah!” Rainbow yelled. Seeing a nude human standing naked in the doorway startled her somewhat, and she dropped to the ground. . . followed by several vials. The man yelped as his legs were splattered with purple goop.

“AHH!” He yelped before sliding down, back against the wall.

“So very sorry dear, but don’t worry there's more than enough sedative in the cup,” Rarity quickly said, as the man stared down as his feet began to turn to hooves, as the transformative potion worked its way from the ground up. The man didn’t seem to be staring at his legs any longer, instead pointing to Rainbow, “Rainbow, be careful you’ll get your muzzle stuck if you stick it in the flasks like that.

“Meah, meah” Dash mumbled, using two forelegs to pry at the vial. with a plop it came off and smashed bounced off the ground, a small miracle that it didn’t break. “Yeah, I’m not too worried,” Dash said, her beak clicking together.

“D-dash, your muzzle,” Rarity said pointing a clawed digit at rainbows new beak, She screamed as she observed her hoof crack and split into separate clawed digits. As one, they all screamed, before unconsciousness took them into the bliss of its embrace.


The field was wide open, not horses, but the concept. . . the idea of them galloped through the field in front of the three.

“I. . . wait, I don’t understand,” Rarity said as the projector screen in front of them, the quality went down considerably as the herd galloped to the castle in the distance, a black line flickering on it.

“Wow, is this what the conversion dream looks like?” Dash asked, sitting next to her. “It doesn’t really look that great,” She said, watching the screen with only mild interest as the new stallion walked up to the princess, before she spoke the screen burned away, and the lights clicked on. Both ponies jumped as the shadowy figures rushed past them with a fire extinguisher, working quickly to extinguish the flames as another behind them seemed to shed a tear over the ruined projector.

“Who, wha-what are you things?” Rarity asked shakily, as several sets of glowing eyes of multiple hues and color, each varying in intensity stared at her with mild interest.

“Yeah, where are we?” Dash yelled at them hoping to her hooves with Rarity. One stepped forward and spoke.

Well Hello There New Ones!” one of the shadowy figures cheerfully said, Rarity and Dash both fell to their knees as the words seemed to hammer into the very core of there being.

“AHHH~!” Dash Screamed, tears streaming down her face.

“IT’D HURT LESS IF YOU JUST HAMMERED NAILS INTO MY EARS!” Rarity screeched, burying her head into her hooves. The figures huddled close and whispered in a near sainty shredding hushed tone that tore at the two ponies minds, as well as their souls.

“Wha-?!” Rainbow said near silently as they all seemed to step into one another, there forums melding together with a sickening crunch of bone. There stood before them a tall humanoid figure.

Perhaps this form is a bit better?” Offered up the figure, slowly, trying to gauge their reaction. They both cringed and huddled together as the ‘thing that should not be’ spoke, with a sigh he altered himself one more time.

“Wait,” Dash spoke slowly, allowing herself a peak. “Aren’t you. . . Nicolas Cage?”
“Well, it would appear I’ve taken that form, intriguing!” The Nicolas Cage look alike said with a happy look. While the look was very similar, there were more than several things wrong with it. He lacked ear lob, his eyes looked empty almost, but an almost fiery fury of intense energy buzzed behind them, nearly hurting just to look at them, and his flesh was white as snow.

“Wh-where are we?” Rarity spoke slowly, the terror draining from her only minorly, as she walked about the odd theatre.

“Heh- well my little ponies,” He said grinning much too wide, as Rarity and Rainbow Dash shivered uncontrollably. “This is where dreams are made. . . in a way.”

“That’s not possible, that just sounds insane!” Rarity said, “Pinkie, if this is your idea of another joke you best drop it, right this instance!”

“Yeah Pinkie, asides, it’s not even half as good as that monster prank you pulled, they’re still scraping pudding off the cafeteria ceiling,” Rainbow said, now hovering above the old folding chairs.

“Um, I’m not Pinkie, and let me rephrase what I said. This is where dreams meet! It’s where they intersect, and conversion happens to be a big one,” The figure said, tapping a much too long finger against his lip.

“Um, then why are we here?” Rarity said, recoiling slightly from the strange man in front of them.

“Well, you're being converted. . . but there isn’t a dream for you, it got frazzled a bit.”

“Ok, but what does that mean?” Rainbow shot, daring to hover in front of the things face. She regretted it quickly as he smiled at her, and she was lost as she gazed into the infinity that was his mouth.

“Well. . .” The figure grinned, motioning both the ponies closer together, “You’re being converted, but the dream part is messed up.”

“Pfft, ain’t that a lie if I ever heard one. Well then hot shot, why are WE still ponies?” Rainbow said, crossing her forelegs with a smug look on her face, hovering in front of the eldritch creature. She floated down to the ground next to Rarity slowly as he grinned again, and snapped his fingers.

“Um, nothing happened,” Rarity said confusedly.

“Hmm. . . that’s supposed to have worked. . . BAH,” He chewed on his lower lip as he thought. “Would you two mind closing your eyes for a bit?” He smiled, with genuine niceness.

“. . .” Rainbow sat down hard, looking dumbfounded at the odd creature.

“. . . yes, yes we would as a matter of fact,” Rarity said, recovering from the idea.

“Bah, oh well. . . like it matters now anyways,” He sighed, hanging his head low, before grinning hugely as a thought occurred to him. “Before you wake up, the way to cure your self is t-. . .”

* * * * * * * * * *

“I feel. . . funny,” Rarity croaked, voice hoarse from her nightmare. ‘Did, I faint?’ She looked to her side, tilting her head confusedly at the Griffin laying next to her, the tip of her tail was rainbow colored, and the first few feathers above her eyes were colored oddly as well. Rarity turned an eye to just outside the door, a stallion lay with his eyes shut, every once in awhile kicking his hind legs. “This is rather confusing,” Rarity stopped as her tongue flicked against the edge of something sharp, it slowly began to dawn on her that it was her teeth. To give her credit she kept surprisingly calm as she lifted a lip with her new clawed hands.

“Mmmph,” The griffin groaned, eyes snapping open. Rarity’s eyes opened with wonder as the griffin did a perfect imitation of Rainbow Dash. “What happened, and. . . what’s a dirty Diamond Dog doing here?”

“Whatever do you mean?” Rarity said, looking around for the dog.

“You know what I mean, and where’s Rarity!” the griffin asked, pointing an accusing claw at her, she froze as her arm fully extended. Rainbow sat in mild shock, just examining the limb.

“Ya know, I think I can shed a little light on this,” Offered the stallion, currently trying with all his might to stand on four shaky legs. “You guys got hit with potion,” He said with a chuckle. “Guess that means we’re all newfoals. . . or. . . actually I don’t know what that makes you.”

“Oh no,” Rarity said slowly, she trembled as she raised her arms in front of her, her eyes tightly shut for the moment. ‘This all has to be a dream, a bad dream,’ she thought, slowly opening her heavy lids. “Oh dear, this isn’t too good,” she said near silently, flexing her new fingers.

Comments ( 11 )

I'll admit it, I laughed while reading it.

I vaguely remember this one.

Oneshot or not, it's a good'un. Usual criticisms about grammar do drag it down a bit, though. Get it tidied, and it's a upboat from me.


Holy Carp, hadn't seen somethin' like THIS before. Well, I like it! Take my upthumb, and Fav, and watch! :D

Lolololool, good for you TCB Rarity and Rainbow Dash!

Haaaa! Getting some TWWRD vibe up ins! I like it!

Good story but the grammar isn't doing it any justice, still a good story never the less.

I like the idea, let's see where this will take us.
:rainbowdetermined2:: I stll have wings, it's not so bad.
:raritydespair:: *faints*


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