• Published 10th Jan 2012
  • 6,376 Views, 116 Comments

Surprise - Cyber V

A boy founds himself in equestria what will happen to him. please Read and Review I need it.

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Chapter 13: Question, Chaos, and Answer

Hello everypony, thank you for all those that stayed with this story, now that I said that let's enjoy the story shall we.

Chapter 13

After breakfast, we all said good-bye and thanks to everypony there, we all boarded the carriage and left for Ponyville. We got there around lunch time, so we all agreed to eat at Sugarcube Corner. We ate a good meal and enjoyed everyponies presence, unaware what will happen in the future.

After a full day of helping Twilight and her friends, and other ponies around town, I should exhaust but I'm not, because tonight I am meeting Luna again. As the moon raised and the sun set, I feel excited as I walked to Luna's and mine's meeting place. As I walked up to the tree that we first meet, I saw Luna there already waiting for me, smiling as she saw me coming.

"How are you Luna? And was your birthday excellent? "I asked as I neared her.

"I'm fine how about you, and the party was the best I had for a long time, thank you, "Luna replied

"I'm doing really fine, and I'm glad to hear that,"I said as sat down next to her.

As we sat there for about a half an hour, I was working up the courage to ask her the question that I was thinking of after we left the palace.

"J.C., can I ask you something?"She said with a bit of nervousness in my voice, but I wasn't sure if it was her, or if it was just me.

"Sure as I long I can ask you something then, "I asked.

"W-w-well I was w-w-wondering if you…," she trailed of mumbling.


"Well I was wondering if you love me, "she said boldly, and started looking down ashamed.

I was surprised that she asked me that right now, but she misunderstood my silence, and started saying, "I am sorry that I said that, but I thought that you-, "she was interrupted by my kissing.

After I pulled away from the kiss and looked at Luna and saw her looking at me with wide eyes.

"Do you love me?"I asked.

She was about to answer me when a mocking voice behind us said, "bleah, I always dislike love. "

We turned around, and we were shocked to see Discord there standing behind us with his arms crossed.

"How did you escape your stone prison? Discord, "I demanded to know as I put myself between Luna and Discord.

"Why, I had a little help for the great and powerful Trixie of course, "said Discord, with a smug, "that mare was filled with so many disharmonies it was that free me, not the spell she tried to cast to control me, but you can't control chaos, "he laughed at that and continued.

"I was really interested why that pony, Trixie, wanted to control me. I easily found out, imagine my surprise to learn that there was a human here again, after the last human created me, so I want you to help spread chaos across Equestria, will you do it?"

I looked at him for a few seconds then I said, "I know you hear this a lot from other ponies, but are you crazy, I will not join you to spread chaos across this world."

The look that Discord gave was the look of disbelief, then anger, then he said, "fine be that way, I'll just spread chaos myself, and with that he disappeared, then the sun rose quickly into the air and stayed there.

"Wow he is quick, "I said, Luna looked at me and said in a panic, "this is serious."

"Your right, this is serious, "I said as I back at her, "you get your sister and I'll Twilight and the others."

We agreed, and then Luna disappeared in a moonlit glow as I ran to Twilight's home.

As I arrived at Twilight's front door, I quickly pounded on the front door, and was immediately opened by Spike who said, "J.C. do you know what time it is?"

"I don't think time will matter, because Discord escape. Now please get Twilight, and quickly."

Spike's eyes went wide when I mentioned Discord, and quickly went inside to get Twilight. After a few minutes Twilight came out with the tiara that holds the Element of Magic and said, "Let's go get the others and let's be quick about it."

We gathered the others and their Elements as quickly as possible. We all meet back at Twilight's home, and after a quick explanation of what happened, and Discord escaped.

"Hum, how do we find Discord? "Applejack asked.

At that moment we all heard a belch coming from upstairs, a few seconds later, Spike came downstairs holding a letter.

"It's from the Princesses, here you go Twilight,"and with that Twilight grasp the letter in her magic and brought it near her, there she started reading it.

Her eyes widen at what was in the letter, after she finished she told us what was in the letter, "Discord is at the palace and he captured the both of Princess, they need our help right away."

My heart skip a beat when I heard that Luna and Celestia is captured by Discord, "well let's go and rescue them and defeat Discord,"I said, filled with worry for Luna.

Twilight nodded in agreement and said, "alright everypony, gather around. What I am about to do is very risky, so I want everypony to be in contact, ok?"

We all nodded, and gathered around Twilight and made contact with her. Her horn started to glow, we were all enveloped in the glow of the spell, and then in a flash we disappeared.

We appeared in a flash in the throne room, I fell to the floor, feeling sick.

"Oh, you don't look so good human, and you don't have to bow down to me "said a laughing voice I recognized anywhere.

I looked up from the ground and saw Discord there sitting on Princess Celestia throne but it was warped and misshapen. I looked around and saw the whole throne room in the same condition as the throne, and six cages hanging in the air.

Discord saw me looking at the throne room condition and said, "Do you like my décor?"

"I say that you need a serious lesson in décor Discord, "said Rarity, as she looked at the decoration with disgust.

"Discord, we are here to stop you and to free our princesses, "said Twilight with determination in her eyes, "fellow Elements let's gather together to defeat Discord."

As every other pony gather around Twilight, Discord one the other hand, had different ideas, "oh, not quite my little ponies, "when he said that waved his hand, and Twilight and her friends disappeared and appeared in each separate cage, with their Elements appearing right next to him, "and if you're wondering about the cages now you know, and show that I'm not a bad guy, I'll invite two more special guests, "he clicked his fingers and there appeared Luna and Celestia each in their own sphere prison of magic.

I felt my heart stopped when I saw them there floating there.

"HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO LUNA AND MY FRIENDS, "I yelled as I rushed at Discord to hit him. Discord just mearly teleported away making my swing go wild, making me fall down to the floor. Discord appeared behind me and said, "now, now, let not physical human, "then he grabbed my shirt and fling me, making me slide across the floor until I hit the wall.

"Now human I have a proposition for you, "he said as I got up to my feet, "you can join me to spread chaos all over to Equestria and save your friends, or not and join them and be imprison while I'll rule this world."

"Why do you want me to help you spread choas in this world? "I asked him.

"Because I know about humans, they love to spread choas and misery across in your world, but there havn't been a human here for such along time, but now there is one, so I'll take oppertunity to make this world, a bit more fun for me live here. So what do you say?"

"Don't do it, please don't do it, "everypony in the room was saying.

"QUIET, "Discord yelled, he clapped his hands, and everyponies mouth in the room was immediately covered and tied with a piece of rope, "let the human decide."

I started laughing, shocking everypony and Discord. Unnoticed to everything in the throne room the Element of Laughter started glowing.

After I gained controlled I said, "Sorry, sorry, it's that what you proposed is not really fair to me, and plus your madness is a bit hilarious."

"But I can't because I can't do that to my friends, and I care about them too, so no thanks."

The Element of Loyalty and Kindness started glowing.

"So I will give anything to make sure my friends are safe."

The Element of Generosity started glowing.

"And to tell you the truth, I find those proposals to be unfair, so I won't choose either of them."

The Element of Honesty started glowing.

"So I will never let you hurt my friends, or my love ones, got it, "I said getting upset.

The Element of Magic started to shine, at this every attention in the room turned to the Elements floating there.

"That's impossible, the Elements are reacting to you, "said Discord, scared.

"It's possible, but I have the same traits as my friends do, so I can use them also, "I said as concentrated on the Elements, the Elements reacted immediately and send their magic to me. I looked at Discord, who has a frightened expression on his face, as the magic of the Elements swirl in my hand and said, "So now Discord I will put you back into that prison again, and my name is J.C. Discord."

I released the magic at Discord, who tried to get away but wasn't fast enough, as the magic as turning him to stone he said, "No, I won't let it end it like this again, so this time I will leave a parting gifts, "with that he lifted both of his arms, and pointed both of them at me, "NO,"I yelled, but I was too late.

Discord released his magic and hitting me, and it felt really painful, I think I was screaming, but I wasn't sure.

Discord started laughing and as my spell came up to his head he said, "Now J.C. you will never get back home, "and then he was fully encased in stone, as I slipped into unconscious and fell to the floor.

Everything Discord caused returned to normal, but J.C. is still asleep. As soon as her prison disappeared Luna ran up to him, and tried to wake him up, but nothing she did could wake him.

Everypony gathered around them, saying nothing.

"Please get up J.C., please get up,"she said, as she put her head on his chest and started crying.

Celestia walked up to J.C. and her sister, and said, "Please Luna let me see if there is anything I can do."

Luna got off of J.C. and let her sister try to wake him. She casted a spell on J.C., after a few moments, she released the spell and said, "there is nothing I can do sister, I'm sorry, "and with that she left the room lifting the stone encased Discord out of the room, Twilight and her friends also followed Celestia out of the so the only beings there in the room was Luna and J.C. , after a few moments she said, "I don't know if you could hear me or not, but remember when you asked me if I love you, well I do, "and with that she kissed him.

After she broke the kiss, she sat there next to him and cried, after a few seconds, she was startled to hear him speaking.

"Ow, why does it feels like I been hit by a runaway rainbow maned pegasus, and why are you crying Luna? "he asked as he propped himself on his elbows.

"You're ok, "Luna cried out and hugged him.

Everypony rushed in, and found J.C. awake and fine, and rushed in to embrace them also.

"Can't breathe, "J.C. said as he tried to get air into his lungs, everypony said sorry and took a step back, giving him air so he can breathe, after a few minutes of seeing that he was fully ok, he looked at Celestia and said, "how was I able to do that with the Elements?"

Celestia answered him by saying, "as you said, you have a bit of every trait in you, but you have one thing to bring all the Elements together, and that was love, also there is a legend about the Elements, saying that they can be united by a being with love in their heart, but I thought it was only a legend."

"Well, I guess some legends are true then, "J.C. said.

"So, was it my love that made J.C. ok? "Luna asked, slightly blushing.

"Apparently yes it was, because I am fine, "J.C. replied to Luna.

Luna hugged J.C. and started kissing him. Everypony was getting teary at the moment, until Pinkie burst out crying, then immediately stopping and said, "Do you what this calls for?"

"A party, "they all said at the same time.

"Oo, you are good, "she said, and they all started laughing at that, except Pinkie who said, "What?"

Causing all of them to laugh some more, with J.C. and Luna embracing each other, kissing,

Well what do you think? Please read and review, so if I need to make any changes, and be nice about it please.