• Published 10th Jan 2012
  • 6,376 Views, 116 Comments

Surprise - Cyber V

A boy founds himself in equestria what will happen to him. please Read and Review I need it.

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Chapter 8: Shares, Scares, and Scares

To everyponies comments I decided to once again to post this way earlier then it is suppose to well enjoy.

Chapter Eight

After I meet up with Pinkie at the Sugarcube Corner, and her teaching and sharing her secrets to me about what she calls PSE (Positive Super Energy, it's like ESP but way different), unfortunately I can't tell you anymore since I Pinkie Swear to Pinkie.

After a couple of odd moments (like founding myself in a barrel of quills, which I won't or can't explain, let's just say I nearly gave the store owner a heart attack, and found myself in somepony's tub, which I still don't know how I go out of that one) I got the hang of it, but I keep getting the feeling of being watch, but Pinkie tells me that is "normal" for her.

After walking around feeling bored I decided to go to the park, when I got there, there were a few ponies around playing some kind of game that I don't know.

I sat down on the nearest park bench I found and closed my thinking about my little brother and mom, wondering if they are worrying about me. I opened my eyes to find a mare unicorn pony with a turquoise colored coat, light grayish cyan mane and tail with a white highlight in them, and with a cutie mark of a lyre on her flank, staring at me with moderate orange eyes, after what seems like a few minutes, she said, "see I told you there are more beings like me that can sit like that, Bon Bon "she said to a light yellow coated mare Earth pony, with moderate cyan eyes, her mane is moderate greenish blue with very light fuchsia highlights in it, her cutie mark was three wrapped candies, whom was rolling her eyes when the unicorn said this.

The turquoise unicorn sat right next to me, but in the sitting position I'm in, she stuck out her hoof and said, "Hi I'm Heartstrings, but everypony calls me Lyra, "she said with a smile.

I took her hoof and shook it saying, as I smiled back, "I'm Jace Coden, but my friends call me J.C. "

"Oh and this is Bon Bon, "Lyra said, pointing to her friend.

"Nice to meet you too, Bon Bon, "holding out my hand.

"Same here, "she said as put her hoof in my and shaking it, "well we need to get going Lyra, we have some things to do. "

"Ok, bye J.C., ""bye, "I said waving at them as they left.

I swear if I didn't know better, I think she wants to be a human, but that's impossible, is it?

"There you are J.C., "I looked around and saw Rarity and Applejack galloping towards me.

"Hi, "then I noticed their faces, and they were worried "what's wrong? "I asked them.

"Have you seen Apple Bloom and Scootaloo? "Asked Applejack, "and Sweetie Belle?"Rarity added.

"No I haven't, are they missing? "

"Well Apple Bloom should've been home right now, and Rarity said that her sis should be home too, "they looked worried for their sisters.

"I will help you find them."

"Thanks, we will look for them in the market place,""ok, I'll look here in the park."

They galloped to the market. I sat up and looked around the park looking for the CMC but couldn't find them. I looked for anypony that was around, but none were close to me. I closed my eyes (what I am about to do might confuse some of you) and concentrated on the CMC and took a step forward, and opened them, and found myself in a forest.

Please don't tell me that those fillies are in Everfree Forest, again, then I heard voices coming somewhere in front of me. I followed the voices until I found them there sitting arguing.

"Great we are lost, again, "said the frustrated Scootaloo.

"Well don't look at me, I wasn't the one who forgot to bring the trail markers, "said Sweetie Bell glaring at Apple Bloom.

"I thought you packed them Scoots."

"When you girls are done, let's go home shall we,"I said as I walked out of the foliage. The CMC scream at once when they heard me.

They stopped when they saw me. They ran up to me and hugged my legs crying about how they were doing map making and got lost.

"Its ok girls, everypony is worried about you, let's just go home ok,"

I said calming them down, "now let's get to Fluttershy's cottage."

"Do you know where it is?" Scootaloo asked, scared.

I paused and looked around, I then felt the need to go west, "it's in that direction, "I said pointing west.

"How do know? "Apple bloom asked.

"I don't really know, I just have a feeling it is in that direction, "I explained.

"You just sounded like Pinkie there, "Sweetie Bell said.

"I did, didn't I. hum I think all of these techniques that Pinkie taught me is making me starting to think like Pinkie, "I said quietly.

"What was that? "The CMC asked.

"Nothing, "I quickly said.

Then we heard a screech behind us, and I recognized that sound. I turned around and froze when I saw a snake-like tail slithering underneath the bushes.

"Crap, GIRLS RUN,"I yelled. We started running as fast as we can, but I heard the screeching gaining on us, and I know what to do to get these three to safety, "girls, I want you to three to get home safely ok, "I huffed out as I was running alone them. The nodded in understanding, "alright then, whatever you do don't look back, "they looked at me, understanding what I was about to do, "just keep running, "I yelled at them, and then I stopped and turned around to the creature that was chasing us.

It was a cockatrice, if it is the one from the show I can't tell, but doesn't matter, the only thing that matters right now is those three makes it to safety. I ran towards the cockatrice. It was stunned that I was running towards it, but quickly recovered and started towards me.

It jumps at me and hit me in the chest, and knocks me to the ground, pinning me down. I closed my eyes when it tried to stare into my eyes.

The cockatrice growled in frustration, when it couldn't get me to open my eyes, I felt it about to get off of me to chase the girls. I don't know if this is from fear for the young ones, or adrenaline, I rolled with it still on my chest, until I was on top of it, pinning it down, "I will not let you hurt those three little fillies, "I said as I stared into its eyes.

I felt myself being turned to stone, (it felt like when a part of your body falls asleep, but all over) a thought came to mind, I hope those three made it to safety, as the world faded to black.

Fluttershy's POV

As I was feeding the animals at home, I heard screaming coming from the Everfree Forest, I looked and was startled with the CMC came out o the forest crying, "Fluttershy, Fluttershy."

"What is girls?" I asked worried that something bad has happen.

The three fillies came up to me and explained what happened, "and then he turned around and run towards the cockatrice, we don't know what happened afterwards, "they finished crying.

I ran into the forest looking for J.C., after a few minutes of looking and about to give up I heard a cry of frustration coming from my left. I followed the sound and came upon something that nopony has seen forever. There on a trail was the cockatrice, pinned down by a petrified J.C., struggling to get of underneath him. I was upset of what happened to J.C. and couldn't hold unto my anger.

"HOW DARE YOU, "I yelled at the cockatrice.

The cockatrice froze and slowly turned its head towards me, when it saw me, it immediately started to panic, "IT'S YOU AGAIN, "my anger raising, "what did I say about turning creatures to stone, "I said in a stern voice, walking up to it.

The cockatrice froze from fear as my stare pierce into its gaze, "this is your second warning, if I catch you doing this one more time, I will tell your mother, got it, "the cockatrice nodded, "good, now turn my friend back to normal, and never ever do this again."

The cockatrice nodded at turned its stare into J.C.'s eyes, seconds after that, his body turned back to normal, and fell over onto his side. After the stone hold on it disappeared, the cockatrice ran deeper into forest to get away from the yellow pegasus stare.

"Oh no, J.C., "I said as I realized J.C. isn't getting up, I knelt down next to him to make sure he was ok.

He is, he is just unconscious. I quickly and carefully put him on my back and using my wings to help keep him on my back, and made it back to my home.


When I came to, I suddenly remember about the cockatrice, I sat up and yell, "GIRLS RUN."

"He's awake."

I quickly realized that I wasn't in the forest, but was in a house, and was surrounded by Fluttershy and the CMC. The young ones cried with joy and started to hug me. I felt relieved to see that the young ones safe, and embraced them too, "I am glad to see you three safe, ""we're glad that your safe," they said togather and there we were hugging, glad that everypony was safe.

Hi everypony, let me tell you this, this chapter was fun to write, but I feel that there is something wrong with this chapter, but hey it just might be me, but never the less read and review please