• Published 29th Nov 2012
  • 1,373 Views, 24 Comments

Igniting Hope - Theta

Running is just half my problem.... Not being found is the other half.

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Shimmy Shimmy Quarter Turn

"Mom, how long have you been standing there?," Ditzy demanded.

"Long enough deary, now if you will excuse us, Mr. Torque and I have some things we need to discuss. Hurry along now."

Where does she get off... She had fingered me to follow her outside the kitchen, and to sit in a lounger in the living room. "Uhh, Ms. Law, let me first say thank you for letting me crash- I mean stay here the last couple of days."

"Yes, yes, you are welcome Torque. Y'see Torque, I know it's natural for a colt your age to want to find a partner, and I know it's the same way with mares. However, I will not permit you to see my daughter. I don't mean to offend, but you just look...look homely, vagabondish, so-so low class. My daughter deserves a knight in shining armour, not a lowly peasant. Therefore, I think it'd be best if you were to take your leave, you'd hate to mess with poor Ditzy's head even more than you have, wouldn't you?," Dismal Law said, calmly and with a stiff upper lip.

I can understand if I had overstayed my welcome, but what the hay? And low class? Look who's talking...your money isn't fooling anyone. "I...I see. well then I guess I'll be leaving now. Keep the chili and food, it's a gift for letting me stay here anyhow. I'll be gone within ten minutes.," I gritted between teeth, both from anger and choking back a tear.

"Yes, you do that. I'll make sure your, ugh, chili, goes to the dogs. It has been a pleasure, now don't let the door hit you on the flank as you leave."

With that, I got up and began walking towards the stairs. That was the single most disappointing moment in my life, or would be if it were the last time I saw Ditzy. I climbed the stairs at a sluggish pace, and walked straight to the room I had woken up in. With not much to grab, I decided to stop in and tell Ditzy what was going on. Leaning in her doorway with a gloomy look on my face, "Hey, your mom don't want me here anymore...I'm leaving, don't know where I'll stay but I'll manage."

"No! No, she can't do that! Why would she make you leave? I mean you still need help caring for yourself, don't forget about your broken bones!," Ditzy stammered in defiance.

"Like I said, I'll manage. I mean it is her house after all...I'm sorry Ditzy, it's just...I don't think I'm any good for you, I mean look who your mom is! She's one of the most powerful lawyers in Equestria. Look I'll be around, don't worry I'll come to you. Anyway, I gotta head out.," and with that said and done, I left her sitting with her daughter and walked to, and out, the front door.

I walked out into the brisk fall air, the moon shone upon me as I strolled along. This is as good a time as any.. I thought as I popped a cigarette in my mouth. I quickly lit it, and continued my walk. Man, where am I going to go now? It's gettin cold out here... Shit. That Dismal Law, she's a stone cold killer. Oh well, guess there's nothing I can do now. Hopefully tomorrow will be better, I mean Rarity's gotta know by tomorrow, right? Oh the hell am I saying?!? Without a place to stay, whats the point of juggling two jobs. I had made my way to the same park bench that Rainbow and I were sitting at earlier, and I decided to pop a squat.

"Well, Torque here ya go again...," I mumbled silently, taking a drag from my cig. It wasn't but a minute later that I noticed someone next to me, an older earth pony, dark furred with obvious scars all over his body.

"Spare a cancer stick?," a gruff voice asked.

"Yeah, one sec," I fished out the pack in my bag, "Here ya go."

The figure pulled a lighter from his pocket, and prompted to light up. "So, kid what're you doing out here this late?," he asked.

"Just drifting, dude.," was all I could reply.

He noticed the lacrosse stick next to me, and pointed at it, "That yours?"

"Yeah, only thing that's kept me sane the past few days."

"I know that feeling. Hmm you're a pegasus, I'm guessing you played middie?"

I sat there with my jaw gaping, How the hay did he know about lacrosse? "Yeah, I was alright."

"Why'd you run?," He asked so surely.

This is getting weird...How'd he know I ran away? "I-I can't tell you. I can't tell anyone."

"Ah, that kind of thing. Oh well, you got a place to stay?"

"Had one, just got kicked out.," I took another drag.

"You're welcome to stay with me dude. Don't worry I ain't into colts, and I sure as hell ain't into anyone younger than me."

"Uh, sure dude. I appreciate it."

"Not a problem, come on, it's getting late." He commanded, getting up and tossing his butt.

My cigarette hung in my mouth, and I didn't discard it until we got to our destination. Theta's Lax? How the buck didn't I see this before? I'm guessing he's Theta...such a strange name that. I flicked the butt, and proceeded into the store. "Yo, dude you run this place?"

"Yup, it's a burden and a gift. No one really comes in, and sales are slow."

I walked up to one of the walls, and right there in front of me sat a picture of Theta Gait. The greatest earth pony runner in the PLL, and this dude had an original picture of him! "Woah, no way! Dude is this Theta Gait?"

"Yeah, that's him alright. He wasn't as good as people said though..."

"Are you kidding me? He's been my idle since fifth grade, I mean he was the best earth pony runner in the PLL, plus he's from my home town of Coltcinnati!"

The stallion sauntered up next to the picture, and it was then that I saw the resemblance, and he sat there with a grin on his face. "No way, no freaking way! You're Theta Gait! Dude, you're my her-" I felt my body go numb, and the world around me faded to black.

Author's Note:

So yeah, Torque's kicked out...how will his relationship with Ditzy continue? Hell if I know, it's Christmas eve, I'm sitting here sipping a Manhattan, and am thinking how Torque and Theta will get along. If you're wondering about the chapter's name, Shimmy Shimmy Quarter Turn is a song by Hellogoodbye, one of the lines being "Gotta get it back to, back to where I found you/ start acceleration, Take me back to square one", which is where Torque is reset to. Oh well, hope y'all are having a great holiday season, and hope you got what you wanted!