• Published 29th Nov 2012
  • 1,373 Views, 24 Comments

Igniting Hope - Theta

Running is just half my problem.... Not being found is the other half.

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Step 2:Thoughts and Dreams

(Writing in first person. Again only constructive criticism only! Nothing negative. Anywho, I wrote a good part of this chapter without Divide, as we did not get this far. Stay good dude, and you're in my prayers!)

The train slowed down, indicating the approach to the station, and my new home. Buck me, where will I even live? I don’t have any money, and everyone will expect me to be in school. How did I forget about school? How am I going to enroll, they would be expecting my parents to do that, and if anything, they'll do a background check on me. I wonder if they have uniforms? Oh, Celestia, I only have the clothes on my back, within a week I’ll stink like a bum! Taking out my wallet, I saw a single note, marked 50 bits on it; barely enough for two meals. Hmm, should I cut a meal and buy a change of clothes? Getting a hotel room is out of the question, wonder if there are any trees near by... The thought in my head made me face-hoof faster than one could say duh! I’m a pegasus, I can just find a cloud. Gah, I really am useless, should have spent more time in school like she told me too...

The train eventually came to a complete standstill, and I simply walked off of it. No questions, no answers, no nothing...just the way I like it. Looking up, I immediately searched for a cloud above this small town. No sense to try to wander around, not after dark. If it’s anything like Coltcinnati, then it’s already gotten too dangerous to walk the streets. Might as well fly up to that cloud and lay down for the night. I started flying toward the cloud, the moon illuminating the fluff, and had made it visible in the black of the night. By the time I arrived at the cloud, I started to notice how small the town really was. Only a little bigger than a village, probably a very low crime rate, if any at all. This cloud is so damn comfortable, wonder why I didn’t do this back home! I found myself unable to sleep, my thoughts had drifted towards who I lost, who I left, and who I am. I was always told I was a tough son of a mare, but is that really true? I mean, I’m running away, something that even the weakest of people wouldn’t do. Oh well, at least no one here knows me, in any way, shape or form.[/i] The stars tonight are simply amazing, each one glistening like diamonds.

I came to the realization that I had lost track of time, the sunrise met my eyes with it's warm rays, which indicated the start to my new life. No one knew the name Torque Ignitor, and most importantly; no one knows my past, and I aim to keep it that way. First things first, gotta get a job. I guess this counts me as a drop out, heh if only I could see the look on her face when she realizes that too. Wonder what kind of job I can get, I mean my cutie mark was just a flame with two crossed lacrosse sticks, not many jobs that require either of those things. *grumble* man am I hungry, wonder what they got in this small town, I thought, making my way towards the towns market. I approached an empty market, must still be too early for anyone to be out here. Might as well look around town.

Such beauty in this town, each building had it’s own personality, this Sugar Cube Corner was completely built to liken gingerbread and other sweets! And Carousel Boutique is so....so amazing to say the least, I mean look at it! It has high class written all over it, no doubt that place is expensive. This town seems perfect, right down to the smallest detail, the clouds drift lazily, the grass green, and the ponies so nice.