• Published 22nd Jan 2012
  • 1,882 Views, 12 Comments

Ursae Majoris: Eternal Knight - Draconaes

Trixie finds herself facing a most unusual problem, and a most difficult choice...

  • ...

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Dras interior design is a strange beast. If a human, by some chance, found themselves aboard the Myopic, for example, they would see nothing. If they had a source of illumination, they would see unadorned, pitch-black surfaces everywhere, excepting the gardens. If they could listen the way dras do, however, they would "see" one of the greatest works of art in dras history. The walls, floor,s and ceilings of the ship were shaped just so, the composition of each square foot calibrated to just the right density, to create a chorus of sound and echoes. The ship was decorated with the music of activity.

Unfortunately, Syn couldn't hear it over her own fuming at the moment. She loped through the corridors toward Nyx's chamber. 'First she continues the campaign against the Empire despite my sabotage! Then she recalls all High Instructors to the flagship! Then she changes course without telling any of us! So why did she tell me now!?'

Near Nyx's chamber, she found Aether curled up against a wall, bleeding profusely. She drew to a stop and stared down at him. "You can't even cover yourself up? Embarrassing. I don't even know why you're a High Instructor. Nyx's other toys don't get such prestigious positions, at least not without cause."

Aether snarled. "Talk... while you... can... Nyx is... waiting." 'Fool.'

Syn grinned. "Don't worry. I know we won't have many more opportunities to converse." Snickering, she entered Nyx's chamber. 'Fool.'

Nyx was seated behind her personal terminal. Her disability at least did not impair her ability to operate most devices. "Yes?"

"High Instructor Syn."

Nyx smiled. "Thank you for coming, Syn. What is the problem, then?"

"You called me."

"I did, because you were going to take issue with my message. I decided to expedite the process."

"Where are we going?"

"I told you before. We go to recover a lost agent."


Nyx laughed. "You know where. I have a question for you. What kind of planet did you find?"

Syn shifted. "I've found many planets."

Nyx growled. "You know what I am talking about. What. Kind. Of. Planet."

Syn shifted and flapped her wings. "Rogue."


Syn snapped her teeth. "Is this relevant?"

"Thanatos was very informative."

Syn's blood ran cold. "What?"

"Apparently, he was quite upset that you stole away his little experiment. He ranted at length about how Tyr wasn't meant to be some pawn in a petty politics. He might have let slip something about "freeing the Starborn from their chains." He claimed that you betrayed his trust by using Tyr for your own ends. Of course, I was distraught to learn that two of my most trusted allies were traitors."

Syn growled. "You are trusting a proved traitor's words over mine?"

"It's quite tragic. You weren't even able to refute his claims before he took action. I received a report just before you arrived. Apparently, Thanatos killed you in a fit of rage. After realizing what he had done, he took his own life." Nyx cocked her head at the sound of the door opening. "I told you not to get blood on my floor."

Syn spun on her heels to see Aether standing behind her. She bared her teeth. "You freaks wi-" She was cut off by the blade suddenly puncturing her throat. She quickly clawed at Aether's throat, barely managing to grab him before crumpling to the ground.

"Where's your voice Syn? No cutting words anymore?"

Nyx sighed. "More blood. Aether, bring her to the medical bay for harvest. The get back here and clean this place up. And stop bleeding, it's unseemly."

Aether stood rooted the the spot, shaking. "You seem unfazed by cold-blooded murder, Nyx."

"She was already dead when she betrayed our people, Aether."

He took a deep breath, calming himself. "I know it was necessary. I don't have to enjoy it, though."

"Good. Now follow my orders."

"Yes, High Instructor."


Trixie watched the moon slowly crossing the sky. Kuthrine had slept fitfully, waking up every now and then. She had just woken up again five minute ago, and was currently sitting with her head on her knees.

"Hey.. Kuthrine."


"Why... How did you get involved in this?"

"Careful, your facade of indifference is slipping." Trixie huffed. "Tyr basically hijacked our ship. Me and Kelly came here to study this planet, with Anderson as security."

"Why are you hiding from the Empire team? Aren't you part of the Empire?"

"it's... complicated. I'm technically part of a rebel organization known as Umbra. Its a mage advocacy group that tries to subvert the Empire. Honestly, it doesn't seem much better than the Empire to me. I'll say that I joined out of necessity, and leave it at that."

"What's so bad about the Empire anyway?"

"Umbra would have you believe that it's an oppressive police state. It's not really that bad, though. Yeah, it kinda is oppressive, but it's a government in the middle of preparing for a war, so what do you expect? Umbra is mostly concerned with its treatment of mages, but to be honest it really isn't as bad as it could be, especially compared to how mages were treated before they made the Academy. Compulsory attendance and military service in exchange for protection from the anti-mage nuts on Earth. Not that it's okay that we're treated like second-class citizens, but I don't think taking down the Empire is going to accomplish much. Especially not when we're wearing these" She tapped her helmet.

"What are those, anyway?"

"Focusing helmets. We usually just call them focusers. They limit our magical power and make it easier for us to use it in the first place. They can also be used to control us, as Kelly demonstrated." Trixie lit her horn and waved it over the device. "Hey! What are you doing?"

"Hmph. Trixie expected more. The enchantment on this helmet is really quite simple. Poorly defended, too. For some reason some idiot decided to connect all these helmets in a web, too. I could break the entire network with a single spell. This is just embarrassing." Kuthrine stared at her, dumbstruck. "What?"

"...What?! You can free every single mage, just like that?!"

Trixie grinned. "Of course, I'm not incompetent! Would you like me to do it right now?"

Kuthrine blinked a few times, then slowly shook her head, sighing. "No. The threat of war with the Escape is too important to ignore. Besides, even without that looming over us, I don't know if potentially sparking a revolution is the best solution. Don't tell anyone else about it, though. Umbra would kidnap you and the Empire would probably kill you on the spot. Maybe I'll ask you later, if I'm still alive."

"I could teach you how to do it. It's pretty simple."

Kuthrine thought for a moment, then shrugged. "Sure. Why not?"


The sun finally peeked over the horizon. Unfortunately, the horizon was blocked by trees. Nevertheless, Trixie recognized that it was dawn, and that she should get moving. "I suppose this is when I take my leave."

"Right. I'd ask to come with, but I have to help Tyr."

"Hmph. Tyr." Trixie rounded on her. "Why? He obviously doesn't need help!"

"I'm sorry that you feel betrayed by him, but to be honest, he didn't exactly leave voluntarily. I mean, he said he was going to, but that unicorn teleported him against his will, I think."

"Well, that makes it all better, doesn't it!"

"I don't think he didn't care about you, for what it's worth. He told me that he expected Tiamat to guard you and bring you to him. I'm pretty sure he still wants your help."

Trixie choked back a cry of joy. 'Get a hold of yourself, Trixie!' "So? Are you trying to convince me to stay?"

Kuthrine shook her head emphatically. "No! Definitely not! This is dangerous, after all. You are better off leaving this all behind. I just thought you might want to know that you did matter to Tyr, to some extent. Considering his disposition, that's probably a decent accomplishment."

"He felt sympathy for you." They both jumped and looked up to see Tiamat leaning out a second-story window. "I think you helped him realize that there isn't so much difference between starborn and other sentient lifeforms. He's always been swayed very easily by others, especially females, for whatever reason. Of course, he made the mistake of elevating the rest of you to the same level as starborn. I realized that the starborn are no better than the rest of you. It's a key distinction."

Trixie narrowed her eyes. "Trixie doesn't appreciate mockery, Epona."

"I'm speaking the truth, and plainly at that. But go. Go and live your life, while you can. Show some real intelligence and don't sacrifice yourself in some meaningless gesture like a human would." She ducked back inside.

"Fine! The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't need to stand for this! Farewell!" Trixie turned and galloped across the bridge.

Kuthrine watched her go. "Good luck, Trixie."