• Published 22nd Jan 2012
  • 1,882 Views, 12 Comments

Ursae Majoris: Eternal Knight - Draconaes

Trixie finds herself facing a most unusual problem, and a most difficult choice...

  • ...

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

"Trixie! Wake up! It's time for breakfast!" Twilight stood at the foot of her stairs, tapping her hoof. It was technically closer to lunch, but Trixie still hadn't gotten out of bed. Twilight had half a mind to just ignore her, but she had decided that morning to be a good host, just to spite Trixie: she obviously didn't expect any kindness from Twilight, and Twilight wanted to prove her wrong. Maybe she could get through to the azure unicorn and get her to shape up in the process.

Trixie, meanwhile, wasn't asleep, but curled up under her sheets, thinking. 'Come on, Trixie. Get up. You've just been sitting here, cowering. It's a new day, time to face it. Imagine if Rapier saw you like this, hiding in bed like a filly.' She frowned. 'Hmph. What should I care what Rapier would think. I don't need his approval. I'm The Great and Powerful Trixie! I make my own decisions! SO WHY CAN'T I JUST GET UP!' She snorted and kicked her sheets off, forcing herself to her feet. 'Finally...'

She made her way downstairs to see an impatient purple unicorn waiting for her. "Trixie is awake. I suppose you've taken it upon yourself to feed her? Trying to make up for your pitiful hospitality yesterday, I assume." Twilight's face flushed with anger. Trixie seemed to turn everything into a way to attack her character. By the time Twilight could think up a reply, Trixie was already at the table, helping herself to a daisy sandwich. Twilight sighed and joined her.

"I don't suppose you could try not making this harder than it has to be, Trixie?" Trixie looked confused.

"Make what harder, Twilight?"

Twilight brought a hoof to her face. "Ugh. You know what I'm talking about. Us. Our interactions. You've made yourself my assistant, somehow, so we are going to have to deal with each other."

Trixie smirked. "Twilight doesn't have to ability to maintain a professional attitude in the face of ponies she doesn't like? My, I had figured you were more capable than this."

"Ugh, why are you even here? Don't you have a home you could go back to? You know, pick up your life somewhere other than my library?"

"Hmph. Tactless. Last I recall, my home was underneath a rather large, celestial, blue paw."

Twilight's ears fell back as she lowered her gaze. "Oh. Right. Wait, you mean that was all you had? What about your family?"

Trixie blushed. 'That's an odd reaction.' "Trixie fails to see how Trixie's family is any of your concern!"

"It's my concern when Trixie is sitting in my house, homeless and without any bits."

Trixie sputtered at this. "Wh-why you! ARGH! Fine." Trixie composed herself. "To answer your question, Trixie has no family that could assist her right now. I hope your curiosity has been sated." Trixie pushed her half eaten sandwich away. "Now, I have a welcome party to prepare for. I may as well go assist that bouncing pink pony. Good day, Twilight Sparkle." Trixie left the library, slamming the door behind her.

'I can't help but feel that that could have gone better...' Twilight sighed.


Twilight and Applejack made their way to Sugarcube Corner. It was late in the evening, and fireflies danced in the air. A cool breeze made its way through the town. The streets were mostly empty at this hour.

"I'll still don't see why we gotta go to this party."

"I told you. It would be rude to Trixie to not show up."

"Still don't see it."

"Ugh. Because it would be rude to Pinkie Pie too, okay?"

"Hmmm... well, okay then. As long as Trixie don't cause any trouble."

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on her. With any luck, Pinkie Pie will have worn her out already. She said she was gonna help her set up to party, so I doubt she has the energy to cause any trouble."

"What? Why'd she want to set up her own party? That don't make any sense."

"I don't know, alright!" Applejack took a step back. Twilight lowered her gaze. "I'm sorry for snapping at you, Applejack. I'm just having trouble understanding Trixie. You know how I get when I don't understand something."

"Aw, no big whoop, sugarcube. I don't have much patience for that mare either."

"Anyway, I think she might have just wanted to see Pinkie. She was flirting with her the other day."

"Who was flirting with me?" A pink head suddenly popped up in front of them.

"Ah! Pinkie! Don't do that!" She just giggled and started bouncing around. Twilight just shook her head. "How was Trixie, anyway? She said she was going to see you this morning."

"GASP! She did? That's funny because I haven't seen her all day. Well, not really, but I guess really since it was night time when I did see her. She just arrived at the party a little while ago, and wow is she a party animal! Last I saw she and Berry Punch were dancing!"

"Wait, she only just arrived?" Twilight glanced at Applejack. "Then what was she doing to whole day?" At this point in the narrative, the reader might be interested to learn that Trixie had in fact spent the day at the Ponyville's spa on Twilight's Tab. It would be some time before Twilight realized this.

"Maybe we should ask her, Twi. Then again, she'll probably just lie again." By now they had reached Sugarcube Corner. "Well, let's get this over with."

As Twilight entered, she was assaulted by color, sound, and smell. Streamers and balloons filled the store, music drowned out the ponies conversing left and right, and sweets and drinks were neatly arranged on several tables. Twilight searched for Trixie, wanting to make sure she didn't get into trouble. Her jaw dropped when she saw her in the corner, apparently passionately making out with Berry Punch. They both looked fairly drunk.

As Twilight made her way over to Trixie, she suddenly threw Berry to the floor and stood on her back legs. "An thas how tha Gree-ayt an Powerrrr... uh... Powwwwerful Trixie defeated tha... uh... somethin..." She looked around blearily, noticing that no one was paying her much attention. "Whateverrr, you all make me sick any-away. Oh, purpal, there you be! Ye would not believe it, us-u-ally, mares kissing gets way loads lot more attenshyon. Hey, why you got a horn, purrrpal?" Trixie giggled as Twilight dragged her towards the kitchen.

Berry sat up. "Nooo! Trixie! I -hic- love you!"

Trixie winked back at her. "I know, Ber-Ber."

Twilight was incredulous. "I can't believe Berry brought liquor to this party. And I can't believe you went and got drunk with her. What's the matter with you, Trixie?"

"Pffft, go away, MOM! I dun need an-an... uh... aneyapony like you tellin me what I canancansha... er... -hic- by Discord's seventh nipple lemme go!"


"I dun need no help from stinkin eunuch horns! You make me -hic- sick!" Twilight gasped and nearly dropped Trixie on the floor. The slur was fairly old, practically archaic. Racism between tribes was taboo in modern times. What made it really awkward was that Trixie was a unicorn herself. A few nearby ponies glared at her. Others pointedly pretended not to hear what she had said.

"Trixie! Pull yourself together! You're making a fool-"

"Shut up, Mom! Whyda you care anyway? You never payed any attention before! I'll run away again if you dun buzz off! Canch you just lemme lone?" Trixie now had tears in her eyes. Twilight had no idea what she was supposed to do in this situation. She eventually got her into the kitchen, away from everypony else. 'Where did all this come from? Did something happen with her mom?'

"Trixie! Listen, calm down. Why don't you tell me what happened with your family?"

Trixie just collapsed on the floor. "Nooooooooooooo! -hic- You'll jus laugh at meeeeeeeeeeee!" Trixie was inconsolable. "If ponies knew Ima shelfis brat they wouln respec meeeee!"

Twilight rolled her eyes and retorted without thinking. "Trixie, ponies already think you're a selfish bra-." Twilight bit her tongue, hoping she hadn't made things worse. Trixie didn't appear to have heard or cared, anyway. "Look, just tell me what happened."

Trixie had managed to get her emotions back under control a little. Twilight was somewhat impressed that she hadn't actually cried, given how distraught she seemed. Trixie smiled for a moment, apparently thinking of something amusing, then frowned and turned her head towards Twilight. "Fine, oh magnan-hic-nanimous purple eunuch horn." Twilight winced. "Trixie's parent's died when she was very young. Trixie felt guilty at first, but got over it. Satisfied, purple?"

Trixie's shift in tone and nonchalant attitude towards her parents' deaths threw Twilight off. 'I wish she wasn't so difficult to deal with.' "Not really, but I'm sorry for your loss. That still doesn't excuse your behavior. Come on, we're getting you to bed. I need you sober and rested for tomorrow." Twilight dragged Trixie out of the kitchen and made her way to the exit.

"Hey, where are you going? The party isn't over yet!" Pinkie had intercepted them at the door.

"Sorry, Pinkie, but Trixie is too drunk to party right now. I'm taking her home." Pinkie waggled her eyebrows at Twilight. "What? Ugh, no Pinkie. Just, no."

"Indee, tha GreashanPowrflu Trishy woul never let a purple like purpal have s-"

"Shut up, Trixie. You too, Pinkie. I don't have to patience for this right now. Goodbye."

"Bye, cutie! I'm busszy getting foalnapped!" Trixie winked at Pinkie, who just giggled.

"Okay, bye Twilight! Bye Trixie! Sorry you couldn't stay longer!" The two left. The party was noticeably quieter after Trixie's little outburst, but everypony seemed to be back to having fun. "I guess I'll just have to throw her another party to make up for it!"


"Ugh, my head..." Trixie was currently in Twilight's spare bed, trying very hard to be unconscious again.'Ber-Ber didn't tell me that stuff was' that strong. See if I ever even grace her with a glance ever again. Trixie rolled over on her stomach, holding a pillow over her head. 'What did I even tell Twilight last night? What was that one phrase I used? Discord's seventh nipple? That's a good one. I should remember that one. Hehehe! Ow...' Trixie heard somepony moving things downstairs. Twilight had said something about finally putting Trixie to work like she had wanted. 'Maybe I should have just gone with performing tricks on street corners. Heh, tricks, hehehe ow.' She pulled the pillow tighter. 'Maybe that Celestia-damned unicorn has an hangover curing spell. But then she'll hold that over my head. And if she doesn't, she'll still hold it over my head. Well buck her, I don't need her help!'

Trixie grumbled and climbed out of bed. A nearby clock reported a few hours until noon. Trixie made her way downstairs and saw a large amount of glass-work laying around. Apparently, Twilight was preparing for some chemistry experiments. "Twilight, ugh, where are you?"

Twilight ascended from the basement with more glass. "Oh, good morning Trixie. Since you conducted yourself so spectacularly at the party last night, I decided to give you your first assignment as my assistant. Also, in case your were too... preoccupied to remember last night, I'm sorry about the loss of your parents."

"Huh? Oh, right, of course." Trixie suddenly glared at her. "Wait, I mean no! Don't you dare pity Trixie! She has no need for it!"

Twilight seemed taken aback. "Um... okay? Anyway, I need you to go collect some plants from the Everfree forest. I have a list here, but the most important one to bring back is a flower with a large blue bulb. I need several of them for my experiments. Good luck!"

"Hmph. I didn't volunteer to be a pack mule to be sent on fetch quests. This is far beneath my talents."

"You volunteered, no, insisted on being my assistant. Unless you are comfortable with accepting your bed as charity?" Twilight smirked. If there was one thing she could understand and exploit about Trixie, it was her pride.

Trixie seethed. "Fine! I'll retrieve your Luna-forsaken plants!" Trixie stormed out of the library in a huff.

Twilight just rolled her eyes. Evidently, Trixie was of the night clan, unicorns who accept Luna as their patron. Twilight herself was of the day clan by heritage, but didn't consider herself as a strict member, despite her adoration of Princess Celestia. Still, it figured that Trixie would be in the opposite clan. Fate, if there was such a thing, seemed determined to set up Twilight and Trixie as rivals.

She went back to setting up her equipment with a smirk. 'I hope she reads the directions on that checklist. It would truly be a tragedy if she exposed herself to poison joke because of her arrogance.'