• Published 1st Dec 2012
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The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King - TalonMach5

Book two of four, in the Great Slave King saga. An anthology of Equestria's history

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Chapter 3: The Agreement, a Compromise That Pleases No One

The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King

A Story by TalonMach5

Chapter 3: The Agreement, a Compromise That Pleases No One

With the introduction of the beastfolk clans, the nature of Equestrian politics has changed. With the exception of the princesses’ domain in central Equestria, most of the domains have but two great powers. Their prime element and the corresponding seasonal element that is subservient to it. Though the founding of the Beastmen’s Enclave is a relatively recent event, already a shift in the traditional power structure has occurred, with that power now mainly flowing south. As the Domain of Earth’s power increases, the rest of Equestria can only sit back and watch as the status quo slowly erodes. Traveling through this night of uncertainty we can only wonder, what will the dawn bring? Peace and prosperity, or war and chaos?

- Grandmaster Long Fei, Ink and Storms: A Treatise on the Evolving Nature of Interdomain Politics

Sitting on his great stone throne, he considered each of the owners of the four pairs of angry eyes staring back at him. Directly across from him sat a seapony stallion made of flowing water and kelp, glowering at him with deep blue eyes as unfathomable as the briny depths of the Western Sea. Lord Triton, or the Lawgiver, as he was most commonly known, had a deep rooted sense of justice. If he felt that he had been wronged, he would pursue the matter until he received a resolution that met with his satisfaction.

Standing to the Lawgiver’s left, were two powerful alicorn mares, Princess Celestia the Radiant, and her sister Luna the Beautiful. Each of them was as equally powerful as the other, and was capable of controlling the sun and moon respectively. He knew for all their power, they might threaten but would never risk going to war unless they had no other choice. While Luna wasn’t as even tempered as her sister, even she wouldn’t do any more then bluster.

However, it was the owner of a pair of furious sky blue eyes that gave him pause. Of all the creatures in Equestria, there were none more evenly matched to him than she. While he had power over the Earth, she held sway over the air. Because their Domains were in opposition to each other, they were intrinsically linked to one another. Though they had once shared a connection, of late that bond had grown threadbare. Once she had been his tentative ally, but due to a disagreement they had become estranged from each other. Looking into her eyes, he saw hurt and longing reflected back at him. While he might be able to placate the others, Lady Zephyr was another matter altogether. The true danger he now faced was allowing Celestia to learn the Lady of Air’s desires.

Studying each of the four other deities for a moment, the Slave King thoughtfully stroked his greying beard once. “Well, if a few more of us were here, this would be a moot,” he said sarcastically. “Lady Zephyr, if you would follow Harmony, we’ll see to your petition once I’ve finished with Lord Triton, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna.”

“I won’t be pushed aside, while you play politics,” Lady Zephyr said, flaring her wings and opening her beak angrily at him.

“My dear, they were here first,” he said, pointing towards the others. “It would be rude of me to see you before them.”

“Oh, it’s my dear now, is it?” Lady Zephyr bitterly replied, feeling the old wounds on her wounded heart reopening. “Last time we spoke, you said, be gone from my sight woman!”

Hearing their spat, Celestia arched her brow questioningly. Walking between the Lord of Earth and Lady of Air, she lowered her horn to intercede. “Lady Zephyr, Slave King,” she said, with a slight smile. “I’m sure Lord Triton would be in agreement with me in allowing Lady Zephyr to go first. Her business seems to be of a more urgent nature then ours.”

Lord Triton saw the look of annoyance on the Slave King’s face and chuckled. “Quite right Princess Celestia,” he said, stroking his magnificent mustache with his fin. “I’ll withdraw for now.”

“Oh thank you, Lord Triton and Princess Celestia!” Lady Zephyr said, noticeably calming down. Turning her attention to the Slave King, she tapped her talons against the ground impatiently. “Tell me where he is this instant! I swear by the Golden Eyrie, if even one feather on his head has been harmed, not even the Pit will protect you from my wrath!”

The Slave King ground his teeth, annoyed that Princess Celestia had out maneuvered him this time. “Lady Zephyr,” he said, leaning forward on his throne looking into her worry filled eyes, “I assure you he’s quite all right.”

“To whom art thou referring?” Princess Luna asked, curious why the Slave King was being so vague.

“To Dawson, of the griffin-half tribe,” the Slave King said, before whispering something into Harmony’s ear.

Harmony nodded once before taking flight towards the baggage train, leaving the deities and her sister Melody behind.

“I hadn’t realized there were any griffin-halfs,” Lord Triton said, giving Lady Zephyr an inquisitive look. “I was only aware of the feathered folk, kobolds, and dragon-half clans.”

“I’ve not socialized much since his birth,” Lady Zephyr said, giving the Slave King an icy stare. “I was planning on bringing him to the next Grand Galloping Gala, to introduce my son to the other domains.”

“Well we look forward to hosting you and your son,” Princess Celestia said, appraising the Slave King carefully. “But will his father be attending with you as well?”

“Much like the other wayfarers,” she bitterly replied, “he abandoned me and refused to help care for our child.”

“The cad,” Princess Luna said disapprovingly, “what kind of monster would abandon their own foal?”

“The human kind,” Lord Triton spat. “It’s fortunate indeed they leave as quickly as they come. I’m grateful that none of my children have yet been sullied by their caustic influence.”

“That’s why I’ve created the Beastmen’s Enclave as a place of refuge for all the beastfolk tribes,” the Slave King said.

“That’s all well and good,” Lady Zephyr said, with a voice full of resentment and betrayal, “but that’s poor compensation for the lack of a father’s love.”

“Perhaps,” the Slave King coldly replied, “but that’s all I can offer them.”


Gunhilde struggled in vain against the unyielding ropes that tightly bound her. “Tsch faen,” she cursed. “Let me go.”

“Keep yelling and I’ll gag you,” Dawson threatened, pointing a talon at his prisoner.

Suddenly Bucky felt his nose itch, while his right wing extended involuntarily. Oh, that meant somepony was in trouble with their parents, he thought, looking towards Gunhilde and Dawson. Now he was sure it wasn’t him, because he hadn’t seen either of them in over five years. Perhaps it was the battlemage? He wasn’t sure, but if her parents were anything like her, they would probably be upset she had gotten captured by the ponies guarding the provisions.

Speaking of provisions, I wonder what’s for dinner. I’d bet there’s going to be a victory feast! He thought excitedly, before his itchy nose and extended wing reminded him of why he was thinking about dinner in the first place. I wonder if it’s the Slave King, how scandalous! I wonder what he could have done to make his parents upset? But on the other hoof, maybe it’s Dawson. He didn’t seem very talkative about his folks. Maybe he ran away from home to go adventuring!

Bucky knew that unless he figured out who it was that was in trouble, he would spend all afternoon wondering who it might be. “So anypony make their parents upset recently?” he asked Gunhilde and Dawson, trying to deduce who it was that made his Bucky-sense go off.

“Go rot in the Pit, you pony mudslinger slave!” Gunhilde growled, before wincing in pain when Dawson yanked hard on her rope.

“What did I tell you harpy?” Dawson warned, Gunhilde shot him a hateful look in response, but fearful of being gagged remained quiet.

Dawson gave Bucky a conspiratorial look, “Well if my mother found out I was down here, she might be pretty steamed,” he said, right as a gale force wind rocked passed the hilltop they were standing on. Immediately, they looked towards the hill the Slave King was sitting on, and each of their eyes got wide for different reasons.

When Gunhilde saw Lord Triton standing before the Slave King, she openly wept with relief. She knew that wherever Lord Triton was, Lord Cerynitis was never far behind. Somedeer as honorable as him would never allow a maiden’s honor to be so cruelly violated by these barbarous mudslingers. Knowing that the Lawgiver would see justice done here today, she bound up her injured pride with patience, and bided her time.

When Dawson heard the angry gust of wind blow past them, he knew immediately who is was. When he saw the ball of lightning exploded in front of the Slave King, he felt dread in the pit of his stomach. She had come for him. Looking at Lady Zephyr’s face with his superior eyes, he suddenly felt the sting of homesickness in his heart. He could still remember the last thing he had told her, before leaving the Golden Eyrie. “Mother, I despise you!” he’d shouted at her in anger. Even now he longed to embrace her, to tell her he was sorry and didn’t mean what he’d said. But looking at the Slave King on his great stone throne, he knew he had to stand on his own two feet. If he didn’t, he would never be accepted. He decided then that he wouldn’t go back, not until he had won his father’s respect.

When Bucky looked up at the hill, he was surprised. Not only was the Slave King speaking with Lord Triton, he was also speaking with three other deities, namely Lady Zephyr, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna. When he saw their loveliness he could scarcely believe his eyes. Gazing up at the princesses, he suddenly felt a longing for home he hadn’t felt in years. He thought about all the ponies he hadn’t seen in ages, and wondered if the unicorn that had sold him into slavery was still alive. But mostly, he thought about how supple both of the princesses’ flanks were, and how much he wished he had some bits to buy some time with somepony’s tent mare tonight.

Before any of them could speak, their surly minotaur sergeant approached them. “Hey Dawson!” Copper Hoof said, giving them and their battlemage prisoner a curious look.

“Yes, Sergeant Copper Hoof,” Dawson said, saluting the minotaur with his spear. “What is it?”

“Stow your gear soldier, it appears you’re either blessed or cursed. “But that all depends…” Sergeant Copper Hoof said, sucking on a stalk of grass.

“Depends on what?” Dawson asked, still distracted by the thoughts of his mother speaking with the Slave King.

“Depending on whether the Slave King is in a good or foul mood,” his sergeant said with a good natured laugh. Looking down, he saw a weeping Gunhilde looking up at the Slave King’s hill. “So calves, what’s the story with this battlemage?”

“Oh, she was trying to sneak past us and flank the baggage train,” Bucky said with a wide grin. “But Dawson and I taught her the true worth of a bunch of mudslingers in battle.”

When sergeant Copper Hoof heard Bucky, he laughed. “That you did soldier!” he agreed, marking something down on a slate he kept in his satchel. “You’ve brought honor and glory to the Shadow Hooves. We might not be able to fight in the front like the ‘Order of the Shadow’, but we always have the Slave King’s back.”

When he heard his sergeant praising him, Bucky beamed with pride. “Sergeant, I was only doing my duty,” he said. “I was protecting my squad.”

“Since the both of you caught our little ice witch,” the minotaur said with hint of pride, “you’ll both present her before the Slave King, the first spoils of our hard fought victory.”

Dawson’s shoulders drooped when he thought of confronting both his mother and the Slave King simultaneously. Though he desperately wanted to prove himself, he still felt guilty for how he had last spoken with her. He wondered how she might feel, knowing he’d played a part in the conquest of one of her ally’s cities?

“Buck up soldier,” Sergeant Copper Hoof barked, when he saw Dawson’s troubled face. “I expect you to present yourself before the Slave King and extoll the tale of how you subdued his enemy. Remember, you’re a Shadow Hoof. I expect you to not embarrass us before the king.”

Dawson nodded once, and gave the rope around Gunhilde’s neck a tug. “Prisoner, get up,” he said. “If you bite me as I fly you over to be presented before the Slave King, I swear by the first egg, I will drop you!”

Saying nothing, Gunhilde nodded meekly to her captor. She didn’t care, soon these mudslinger barbarians would be the ones wearing chains when Lord Triton was through with them. Standing uneasily on her bruised and shaking legs, she followed Dawson, Bucky, and their minotaur sergeant towards a strikingly beautiful feathered folk woman. Her plumage and wings were dark like some foreboding storm cloud on the distance. On her face, her delicate features were accentuated by a pair of vivid green eyes that glowered impatiently. Seeing the Slave King’s brand engraved on the medallion she wore around her neck, Gunhilde surmised this must be Harmony the Black, the Slave King’s court mage.

Of all the deer that Gunhilde knew were among the Slave King’s forces, Harmony was among the most feared. She thought that the mage might be the one who would be tasked with breaking her. Thinking about the torments the feathered folk might inflict on her, made her shiver with fright. She’d almost prefer being a tent doe for a bunch of drunken soldiers. At least they might stop using her eventually. Afraid of giving Harmony a reason for anger, she refused to look the powerful mage in the eye.

When Harmony saw the sergeant leading the griffin-half, a pegasus, and a bound reindeer battlemage, she scowled. “Sergeant,” she said through clenched teeth. She was starting the effects of the stress from having to deal with so many demanding deities and her anger at having to deal with their nonsense beginning to take its toll on her sanity. “Why have you brought me the others?”

“Magister, protocol demands it,” Sergeant Copper Hoof replied, shaking his horns once.

“Protocol?” Harmony questioned, not liking the sergeant’s tone.

“Exactly,” Sergeant Copper Hoof said, unwilling to give her an inch.

Harmony knew exactly what was going to happen next. The minotaur would drone on about proper procedure and army regulations, and how he couldn’t release the griffin-half without insisting that the pegasus and prisoner be required to come as well. Exhausted with having to deal with an agitated Lord Triton, a tempestuous Lady Zephyr, and a demanding Princess Luna, she decided not to argue the point and agree with the sergeant’s demand. “By the Slave King’s iron crown,” she growled under her breath, “somefeathers are so difficult to deal with.”

“Very well…” Harmony groused, unhappy that she had yet another possible problem to deal with, “they can all come. But if the Slave King’s annoyed by the addition of these two, I’m sending Scourge to have a word with you.”

“Magister,” Sergeant Copper Hoof saluted, “they are members of the Shadow Hooves, and they’ll do their unit and our king proud.

“You two!” Harmony barked, snapping her fingers at Dawson and Bucky. “Carry the prisoner, and follow me. Don’t make me regret allowing this.”

“Yes, magister!” Dawson and Bucky said, grabbing the rope binding Gunhilde, and preparing to take off into the air to present themselves before the Slave King.

Stretching out her black wings, Harmony took to the sky. Looking over her shoulder, she saw the two soldiers dutifully following behind her. Sighing to herself, she could imagine twelve different ways this audience could go horribly, horribly, wrong. And if it did, not only would she have to deal with the Slave King’s displeasure, she’d also have to suffer through her sister Melody’s relentless teasing once again. It was times like this when she envied her elder sister Aria’s job as the leader of the Shadow Wings. Though being the court mage was a prestigious position, and she was considered by some a magical prodigy. Her sister, Aria the Red, never had to deal with delicate diplomatic situations like this.

“Lord Raiden, give me patience,” Harmony muttered to herself, as the small group approached the hill where the Slave King and Lady Zephyr waited for her return.


Scourge was walking through the rubble filled streets while admiring the Slave King’s newest acquisition. Looking to either side of him, he was pleased the city seemed none the worse for the wear. After several months of martial law, he was sure that the city’s valuable trade routes would reopen. And after a few years, the citizenry would finally acclimate to their new diamond dog overlords. Looking at the Western Sea thoughtfully, he was sure a response from Lord Triton would be forthcoming, most likely in the way of a visit from ‘The Most Illustrious Order of Triton the Lawgiver’.

Though Scourge felt Triton’s order of errant knights were rather full of themselves, he recognized their martial competence on the battlefield. Had they been able to respond in time, it’s quite possible that the battle might not have gone as well as it had for them. Looking out over the city’s harbor, he could see the choppy green water angrily frothing. If anything, the Lawgiver was probably well aware of the attack and on his way to confront his king. Wherever the Lawgiver treads, Rimefrost will soon follow, or so the saying goes, he mused to himself.

Before he could continue his preliminary inspection of the city’s defenses, he noticed his pupil Aria above him. “Master Scourge!” she cried, circling overhead looking for a good spot to land. “Lord Triton is confronting the Slave King as we speak.”

“My pupil, the Slave King is not some weak little pup in need of being watched over,” Scourge chided his student. “It’s expected that the Lawgiver would make an appearance sooner rather than later. We’d best prepare for his knights arrival, they are the more pressing concern.”

“Lord Triton did not come alone,” Aria said, landing softly beside her master.

“Let me guess, old Rimefrost is there giving the Slave King the evil eye?” Scourge said with a chuckle.

“No, Lord Cerynitis didn’t accompany the Lawgiver here,” Aria said with alarm in her voice.

“Then who is it?” Scourge asked with a frown, now feeling more concerned for his master’s well-being.

“Our king faces none other than Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, with only my sisters to act as a buffer!” Aria said, feeling agitated that the Slave King had little to defend himself with.

“Hmm…” Scourge mused, digging his arcanum claws into the pavement. “The Slave King has little to worry about then. Neither of the princesses would dare risk an incident with the Domain of Earth. Our armies patrol our northern border, and the gem trade is too critical to their economy for them to try a military resolution with us.”

“That’s not all,” Aria said, looking back at the hill where the Slave King’s throne sat. “They aren’t the only deities that came.”

“Who else could have possibly come?” Scourge replied, puzzled why anyhound else would bother with this. Lady Minoa detests the Lawgiver, Lord Ouroboros lies in torpor, Lord Raiden cares nothing for the wars of the others, and your mother would never ally against us.”

“Lady Zephyr is here, and she looks livid!” Aria replied, flapping her wings a few times to test them.

“If Lady Zephyr is here, then this can’t be good,” Scourge said, rolling his shoulders. “My pupil, do you have the strength to carry me to our king?”

“Of course Master Scourge,” Aria said, climbing on top of her master’s back and extending her wings. “I have strength to spare.”

“Then let us see to our king’s defense,” Scourge growled, before turning towards several minotaurs that were busy looting a house. “Hey you lot, drop what you’re doing and get to manning the city’s defenses! Spread the word. Be prepared for an assault from the sea.”

When they heard his order, the minotaurs dropped the valuables they had in their hands, “Yes, Master Scourge,” they said in unison, as they left to spread the word to the rest of the army.

“Now fly my student,” Scourge said, looking up at her. “The Slave King has need of us.”

“Yes Master Scourge,” Aria said, lifting herself into the air as she carried her master with her arms.


“You two, stay here and keep an eye on the prisoner,” Harmony ordered Dawson and Bucky, as she though about how she was going to explain this to the Slave King.

“Yes magister,” they said, while Gunhilde looked everywhere. Desperately she sought out the Lawgiver, hoping he would free her from this disgrace.

Dawson saw his mother looking directly at him. He could see a mixture of both relief and anger on her face. Though he longed to speak with her, he decided he would follow protocol and wait to be dismissed by the Slave King.

Harmony cautiously approached the Slave King’s throne, where the assembled deities were waiting for her return. “Slave King,” she said with a small bow. “I’ve brought you the griffin-half, but there’s been a complication.”

“What is it?” the Slave King asked, gripping his throne’s armrest.

“His sergeant demanded that protocol required that he and his companion be allowed to present their spoils to you,” Harmony said, gesturing towards Dawson, Bucky, and Gunhilde.

At the mention of spoils, Lord Triton noticed the bound battlemage and bristled with anger. Though the doe wasn’t a member of his order, she was still an ally and had fought to defend his city from the invaders. “Slave King, I object!” he said, pointing towards Gunhilde. “That battlemage isn’t a bag of bits you can give away piecemeal. She’s a deer, a living being that deserves to be treated with dignity. I demand the doe be released immediately.”

Gunhilde looked up at Lord Triton with gratitude. She knew her faith in the Lawgiver was well placed, he wouldn’t allow the injustice of her imprisonment to go unanswered.

“Prisoners of war have little to say in how they are treated,” the Slave King retorted, while giving the Lawgiver a look of utter disdain. “I’d suggest telling your knights that, or hope they lose no more battles. But it’s not for me to decide the prisoner’s fate. Soldiers, come forward and present yourselves.”

“Yes, Slave King,” Bucky and Dawson said, bowing respectfully before his great stone throne.

Dawson walked forward and saluted him with his spear. “Slave King, I am Dawson of the Golden Eyrie, and I come offering you the spoils of war.”

Following his companion’s example, once Dawson finished speaking Bucky trotted forward and flared his wings. “Slave King, I am Bucky, a slave, and I come offering you the spoils of war.”

“Soldiers, stand and be recognized, I accept your offering,” the Slave King said, gesturing for them to stand up. “Tell me slave Bucky, and Dawson of the Golden Eyrie, how you came by the prisoner, when you were assigned to guard the baggage train and not to participate in the battle.”

“Slave King,” Bucky said, “it all started when my right ear began twitching. Because you know when your right ear twitches, that means someone’s trying to get the drop on you.”

When the Slave King heard the pegasus explain the importance of a twitching ear, he looked at him with curiosity. “I was unaware of the significance,” he said, touching his own ear. “But please, continue.”

“Well…” Bucky said, “after feeling my ear twitch, I felt my back get a bit itchy and knew an attack was imminent. Looking up I saw something in the clouds, and I advised Dawson to watch his back.”

The Slave King looked thoughtfully at Dawson as he pulled on his beard. “Dawson of the Golden Eyrie, what happened next?”

“I looked up at what Bucky had pointed to and took to the skies to confront it,” Dawson said, recounting the events as best he could remember.

“So you abandoned your post, and left the baggage train unguarded?” the Slave King pointedly asked.”

“No,” Dawson said. “I thought it would be best to check if we were going to be ambushed.”

“Did you alert your sergeant, you were leaving?” the Slave King asked.

“No,” he said. “There wasn’t the time. I might have lost the enemy in the cloud cover if I had stopped to alert anyfeather else.”

“Yet, you thought there was the possibility of an ambush,” the Slave King pointed out. “Why didn’t you alert someone, before flying off?”

“The thought hadn’t crossed my mind,” Dawson admitted. “I just wanted a chance to prove myself, and took the opportunity when it presented itself.”

“Slave Bucky,” the Slave King said. “Where were you in all this?”

“I was a bit surprised, when I saw Dawson take off after the dark shape above us,” he said. “I was about to alert the sarge, when I felt my hooves get all pinchy and knew Dawson was about to get ambushed. So I took off after him.”

“What happened?” the Slave King asked. “Did he end up getting ambushed?”

“Not exactly,” Bucky replied, thinking back to the fight. “Dawson was moving pretty fast, and I managed to bump him, knocking him off course before the spell could hit him. Fortunately the ice shards the prisoner cast only grazed him.”

“It seems fortunate for Dawson of the Golden Eyrie, that you followed him,” the Slave King said.

“Well,” Bucky replied, “I knew I was no match for a reindeer battlemage, since I didn’t have a long reaching weapon like Dawson, so I tried grabbing the enemy’s attention in the hopes that he could get the drop on them before I got frozen.”

“Tell me Dawson of the Golden Eyrie,” the Slave King said, “what did you do when slave Bucky got the battlemage’s attention?”

“Well, I saw that the reindeer was now casting only at Bucky,” Dawson said, thinking about how he had gotten the drop on Gunhilde, “so I gained some altitude, and dived at her from the angle of the sun to conceal my attack.”

“That seems rather foolhardy,” the Slave King replied. “Reindeer battlemages are renowned for their ice shields. You could have easily been dispatched by the enemy ice shield, and slave Bucky would have been easy prey for her.”

“I was hoping to stun her with my attack,” Dawson said, defending his choice of tactics. “When I hit her, a spell she was casting misfired knocking us out of the air.”

“Didn’t the battlemage attempt using her magic against you in retaliation?” the Slave King asked.

"She did,” Dawson replied, “but I grabbed a hold of her antlers to prevent her from casting.”

“Grabbing a hold of her antlers without wearing any magical protection must have hurt like hades,” the Slave King remarked.

“The magical feedback stunned both myself and the battlemage,” Dawson admitted.

“Then why didn’t both of you fall to your deaths?” the Slave King asked.

“Well, we fell a bit before we both regained our senses,” Dawson explained. “I tried using my wings to slow our descent, but was finding it difficult.”

“Why didn’t you drop the prisoner to save yourself,” the Slave King asked. “It would have been the prudent thing to do.”

“I wasn’t about to lose my hard won prize,” Dawson said. “A battlemage would be a valuable prisoner.”

“But your prize would be worth nothing to you, if you had perished,” the Slave King pointed out. “So how did you end up surviving the encounter?”

Dawson looked sheepishly at Bucky, “Ah, Bucky grabbed a hold of me at the last moment and used his wings to help slow our descent,” he said.

“So let me recount what exactly happened,” the Slave King said. “Feel free to stop me if I miss anything. First, you abandoned your post thinking there might be an ambush against the very baggage train you were supposed to guard, without alerting anyone about your suspicions because you felt there was no time. Second, you narrowly avoided the very ambush you wanted to stop, but only because slave Bucky decided to follow after you. Third, after being rescued by slave Bucky, you allowed him to face alone the very battlemage he had just rescued you from.”

When Dawson heard the Slave King’s unflattering description of his encounter with Gunhilde, made his face flush red with embarrassment. His first meeting with the Slave King was nothing like he had hoped it might be.

“Fourth,” the Slave King continued, “in an attempt to catch the battlemage unawares, you launched an attack from the sun that while useful for ambushing others, would have left your flank vulnerable if the battlemage had any friends. Fifth, instead of successfully ambushing the battlemage, instead you end up incapacitated by grabbing a fully charged pair of antlers. Sixth, instead of dropping the enemy to recover yourself, and then trying to save the prisoner, you recklessly plummeted to your death in the vain hope of gaining renown. Did I recount things accurately, Dawson of the Golden Eyrie?”

“Yes, Slave King,” Dawson meekly said. “But we captured the battlemage, isn’t that worth something?”

“Yes,” the Slave King replied. “The fact your gamble paid off and you have the spoils to show for it, is the only reason you’re not getting a ration for your dereliction of duty.”

"Slave Bucky,” the Slave King said. “What’s your number?”

“Seven of ten, Slave King,” Bucky replied.

“Considering you saved Dawson of the Golden Eyrie’s life, and captured an enemy soldier,” the Slave King replied, “I think that’s worth two. Combined with today’s battle, makes three. Bucky you’re no longer a slave, you’re free to go.”

“Slave King, thank you,” Bucky said, happy that he was now a free pony.

“What about me?” Dawson asked.

“What about you?” the Slave King dismissively said. “You pledged yourself for today’s battle. The battle’s over now.”

“I was hoping I could pledge myself as a member of ‘The Order of the Shadow’,” Dawson replied.

“I’m afraid I have no use for you,” the Slave King said, shaking his head. “Besides, your mother has come to collect you.”

“But, I…” he tried saying before being silenced by a stern look from the Slave King.

Turning towards Lady Zephyr, the Slave King gestured towards a crestfallen and dejected looking Dawson. “I have returned your son to you, none the worse for the wear,” he said.

“Thank you Slave King,” Lady Zephyr said, looking at her son with relief. “Dawson, come to me. We’re going home.”

“No mother, I can’t yet,” he said, refusing to accept the Slave King’s rejection. Spreading his black and blue wings, he took off into the air and flew away from her.

“Dawson, come back here this instant!” Lady Zephyr shouted after her wayward child.

She was about to take flight after her son, when the Slave King placed a hand on her shoulder. “Let the boy be,” he said. “He’s disappointed and upset. Let him cool his heels for a bit. I’ll send Melody after him, to make sure he doesn’t get into any trouble.”

“Slave King, thank you,” Lady Zephyr said, embracing him tenderly, much to his embarrassment.

“Melody, make sure Lady Zephyr’s son doesn’t get into any trouble,” the Slave King instructed his harper.

“Sure thing, king da…” Melody said, before being interrupted by an angry look from Harmony. “I mean sure thing, Slave King.”

Melody placed her lute on her back, stretched out her golden wings, and took flight trailing after Dawson, making sure she kept her distance from the surly griffin-half.

Looking at the miserable looking doe behind her, Harmony turned towards the Slave King. “What about the prisoner?” she asked, approaching the Slave King’s newest acquisition.

“She’s being released, as are all the other prisoners of this cowardly attack,” Lord Triton demanded.

“The prisoner belongs to the ones who captured her,” the Slave King said. “Bucky, since your companion isn’t here, you alone will decide her fate.”

Although he was free now, Bucky was still penniless. Selling the battlemage to somepony, would surely make him a lot of bits. Looking down at Gunhilde, he remembered how pitiful she looked when she cried when she heard how she would end up mining gems. He also remembered when she bit his leg, when he tried showing her a little kindness. Looking towards Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, he saw on their muzzles looks of concern for him as he pondered his prisoner’s fate. Knowing there was only one course of action he could take, he decided to do the right thing.

“I’m letting Lord Triton have her,” Bucky said, much to the relief of the princesses who were worried that living in the Domain of Earth had corrupted the pegasus.

“I thank you pony,” Lord Triton said, relieved that he could free the doe from her bonds.

“For one thousand bits,” Bucky continued, “otherwise I’m selling her to the highest bidder in the slave market.”

“No!” wailed Gunhilde, when she realized she wasn’t going to be freed.

“This is an outrage!” Lord Triton shouted, incensed that this pony had the audacity to try selling a living being to him. “The Domain of Water will not buy what is ours by right.

“Bucky, this is not the pony way,” Princess Celestia said, saddened that one of her subjects would willingly sell another into bondage.

“Verily,” Luna agreed. “Were thou not a slave but a moment previous? Thy soul shoulds’t be filled with discomfiture for such depravity. Tis within thy power to save her from sharing a similar fate, shoulds’t thou choose.”

“Yes, I was a slave for nearly five years,” Bucky replied, filled with anger at the deities who thought to rebuke him. “My entire family was sold into slavery by a unicorn noble, to repay their debts. I suppose you consider that the pony way?”

“I’m sorry Bucky for what happened to you, I truly am,” Celestia said, remorseful that such behavior still occurred in her domain. “I try my best to prevent such things from happening, but sometimes some ponies do wicked things.”

“I don’t blame you for what happened,” Bucky said. “But if you really wanted to, you could free every slave serving in the Slave King’s army right here if you chose. Don’t demand I do something, which you yourself refuse to do.”

“Thou knowest truly, that if we should move against the Slave King the consequences wouldst be dire,” Princess Luna said, before being silenced by a look from Princess Celestia.

“I commend you Bucky,” the Slave King said. “It’s not often I see a mortal outmaneuver self-righteous deities by using their own arguments against them. So Lord Triton, do you take the pegasus’s fair offer or not?”

“I refuse to deal with fleshmongers,” Lord Triton angrily said. “To think Princess Celestia, that your ponies would act so debased, it sickens me.”

“It shames me that some of my ponies still willingly sell others,” she said with remorse.

“Bucky, I’ll buy her from you for two thousand bits,” the Slave King offered.

“Sold!” Bucky cheerfully exclaimed, happy to get so much money.

The Slave King clenched his fist, and out from the ground at Bucky’s hooves sprung a small pile of bits. Seeing them, he quickly scooped them up and placed them into his saddlebag, and flew off after Dawson to give him his cut.

“Bucky, enjoy your new found freedom,” the Slave King called after the former slave as he flew off. Turning his attention towards Lord Triton he shook his head. “Lawgiver, it was such a paltry sum. You could have swallowed your pride, and freed the frightened mortal. But now, she, like the defenders and citizens of Bone’s Landing, belong to me.”

“I could raise the sea, drowning your army. My people would survive,” Lord Triton growled, with eyes flashing with blue energy as he prepared to draw upon his domain.

“I could poison and choke your sea with the molten metals from the Earth,” the Slave King countered. “And Celestia the Radiant could turn all Equestria into a burning desert, or Luna the Beautiful could turn it into nothing but a frozen wasteland. Lord Triton, there’s no point in us threatening each other with things we aren’t actually prepared to do.”

“Bone’s Landing belongs to the Domain of Water,” Lord Triton said. “My people took a small fishing settlement and transformed it into a major trade hub.”

“Yes they did,” The Slave King agreed. “Your people took Bone’s Landing by force, a settlement lying inside the Domain of Earth, a settlement founded and built by Diamond Dogs. The city rests on the bones of their ancestors.”

“That was over eight hundred years ago!” Lord Triton protested. “Lord Darkpaw and I came to an understanding regarding the ownership of the settlement. The Domain of Earth has no legal claim over it.”

“Lord Triton,” the Slave King darkly said, “I am not Darkpaw. He might have been content to allow you to run roughshod over his domain, but I am not.”

“Then why have you not said anything?” Princess Celestia said, thinking of several of her own settlements that lied within the Domain of Earth’s territory.

“Because that would have weakened my bargaining position,” he answered. “Lord Triton, would you have returned Bone’s Landing had I asked for it?”

“Truthfully no,” he honestly replied. “Had I known you desired to regain the city, I would have increased its defenses significantly.”

“Is thy mind wood? Dost thou expecteth us to accept thy serpentine sophistry?” Princess Luna asked, her eyes burning with magical energy. “Perchance, what wilst preventeth thee from engaging in similar mischief in the future?”

“Because to my east, lies Lord Ouroboros’s domain,” the Slave King said, forming a map of Equestria on the ground with his power. “He has nothing I desire. To the west lies the Western Sea, beyond a few scattered island settlements I have no claim to anything within Lord Triton’s territory. And to the north I have no quarrel. Besides, I don’t attack family.”

When she remembered their temporary marriage alliance, her cheeks turned crimson. “Very well Slave King, we shall take thee by thy word that thou hast no further ambitions towards our dominions.”

“Princess Luna,” Lord Triton said, “while you might be willing to overlook the capture of Bone’s Landing, I most certainly am not. I demand satisfaction, which I will get one way or the other.”

“Slave King,” Celestia said, looking at him sternly, “due to your youth, the pantheon has given you much leeway in how we allow you to conduct yourself. Unless you can peacefully resolve this issue with Lord Triton, I’ll have no choice but to invoke a moot, letting the entire pantheon vote to resolve this matter.”

When the he heard her threat of invoking a moot, for the first time during this meeting he felt apprehension. With so many of his fellow deities still holding grudges against him, and Lord Triton still held in relatively high esteem despite what happened last time, any decision the pantheon would reach would most certainly not be in his favor. In fact, he was sure the pantheon might just try adding punitive measures against him. While he considered himself quite clever, he was no Jormungandr, Ananse, or even Discord.

Though Jormungandr might have been his ally previously, there was no guarantee their next encounter would go the same way. As for Discord, he might consider aiding him, but the Slave King was pretty sure Discord might side against him in hopes that he might go rogue and sow some more chaos. And as far as Ananse was concerned, though they lived on separate continents, the Soul Weaver considered the Slave King an aberration to his great weave, and any chance he had to constrain his ambitions was considered a good thing.

“Very well Celestia the Radiant,” the Slave King said, bowing his head in defeat, “I’m not unreasonable. Lord Triton, in exchange for all those my army captured, I’ll release them if you forswear any claim to Bone’s Landing.”

“But Bone’s Landing is the southern gateway to the Zebrakan trade routes,” Lord Triton protested. “If I lose the city, I also lose all the lucrative trade as well. It will be a large blow to the Marelantis economy.”

“You still control four other large ports on Equestria’s shores, including one other in my domain” the Slave King pointed out, “plus numerous islands that traders use for way stations. Your economy will eventually adapt.”

“Lord Triton,” Princess Celestia pleaded. “Don’t allow your pride to stop you from freeing your ponies. Remember what happened with the battlemage.”

Looking down at the crying doe, his heart was pricked with compassion. He would not allow this to happen to the citizens of Bone’s Landing or to his good and faithful knights. Though it would cost him dearly, he would save them from the cruelty of the Slave King.

“Though it vexes me to no end, I accept your offer,” Lord Triton said. “However, I have conditions.”

“What are they?” the Slave King asked, studying the Lawgiver carefully.

“First, that any valuables taken from the city be returned to their proper owners,” Lord Triton said, pointing towards the smoking city. “Second, the seapony citizens are allowed to remain unmolested by your soldiers. Third, a garrison of my knights will be allowed to remain in the city. Fourth, I’ll recognize the ownership of the city as belonging to the Earth, but you’ll recognize that my seaponies have built it into the trade hub that it is today. Meaning, all trade will continue to flow uninterrupted by any in your domain.”

The Slave King considered Lord Triton’s proposal. While the condition of having a garrison stationed in the city was distasteful, they would at least allow the citizenry to feel comfortable enough to resume their normal routines. Leaving the seaponies in their homes, and the uninterrupted flow of trade would actually facilitate his goals, so he was fine with that. However, no loot for his army might actually prove problematic, captured prisoners and looting was considered big perks of serving in the Slave King’s army. Perhaps giving everyone an extra credit towards their ten along with a large victory celebration, would assuage his men’s anger. Looking down at the battlemage cowering at his feet he chuckled, it looks like she would be the only spoils of this campaign.

“Alright Lord Triton,” he reluctantly said, “you drive a hard bargain. But I’ll agree to your terms, with the exception of the garrison.”

“Slave King, the garrison is to guarantee that you’ll keep your word,” Lord Triton replied, giving the Slave King a baleful look.

“I agree with you, plus having some of your knights in the garrison will provide a calming reassurance to the citizenry,” the Slave King said.

“Then what’s the problem?” Lord Triton asked, perplexed by the Slave King’s objection.

“Any of your troops garrisoned inside the city must be under the command of whoever I assign to run the city,” the Slave King said.

“That’s out of the question,” Lord Triton said, unhappy with the thought of some devious diamond dog mongrel ordering his knights to do nefarious deeds. “I won’t ask my knights, each of which has sworn sacred oaths to defend the weak, protect the innocent, and be virtuous to take orders from dishonorable blackguards.”

“Gentlestallions,” Princess Celestia said, hoping to help them reach a compromise, “perhaps I could assist you. Allow me to send some of my ponies to the cities garrison, and together we’ll choose a garrison commander to run things.”

The Slave King grimaced. Princess Celestia could never let an opportunity to interfere pass her by. He knew she would try undermining the slave trade she so detested whenever possible, having a presence in the garrison would aid her greatly in that respect. Though when he considered the added benefit of greater numbers of ponies making the city even more profitable than before, it blunted the bitter edge of having the local slave trade interfered with.

“Alright Celestia the Radiant, I’ll accept some of your ponies as members of the city’s garrison,” he said.

Princess Celestia’s ears worriedly laid back against her head, why had the Slave King so readily agreed to her suggestion? Try as she might, she couldn’t determine the hidden angle he was playing. Though she admired him for his sharp mind, good instincts, and piercing intellect, she hated having him as an opponent due to his unpredictable nature. She would be glad once his five hundredth year had arrived, then she would be able to finally use means prohibited to her previously to help smooth off some of his rougher edges. Looking towards Lord Triton, she waited to see what he would say before responding.

Lord Triton sighed once, before approaching the Slave King, “Though it greatly pains me to do so, I’ll agree to the compromise Princess Celestia offered,” he said, offering the Slave King his fin.

“I’m glad we could come to an arrangement before anymore unpleasantness could occur,” the Slave King said, taking the offered fin and shaking it once. “But Celestia, I do have a small request regarding the ponies you’ll be sending to man the garrison.”

“Oh what’s that?” Princess Celestia asked, while inwardly thinking, aha, the other horseshoe is finally dropping.

“I’d prefer none of your regular soldiers,” he said. “I’d like all of them to be members of Luna the Beautiful’s Twilight Knights.”

“For what reason?” Princess Luna asked, curious as to why anypony would prefer her Twilight Knights to Celestia’s regular soldiers.

“All my servants are attuned to shadow magic,” the Slave King explained, “because Lord Triton’s order is as well, all members of the garrison will also need to be attuned to the shadow. Otherwise they won’t be able to tread the secret paths of the Earth.”

“I see…” Princess Celestia mused. Though it made sense and was a perfectly legitimate request, she still tried deciphering the Slave King’s true purpose. After some minutes, she decided she would have to discuss her reservations with her sister later. “Alright Slave King, I see no problem with your requirements. Sister, are you agreeable to lending some of your Twilight Knights to the garrison?”

"Verily, mine sister,” Princess Luna serenely said. Even though her face appeared cool and placid, beneath her mask she was as giddy as a filly.

Finally, she could do something her sister could not. Though she didn’t like admitting it to herself, of late she’d been feeling some resentment towards the veneration her sister was constantly receiving from everypony. Even now, she was sure when the Slave King’s five hundredth inaugural celebration was held, Lord Triton would herald her sister as his people’s savior for brokering the end of the conflict. They would all say, Thank Equestria, Celestia was there, or Celestia, marvelous job keeping the peace. How do you always manage it?, and even You’re so wise, Celestia.

Though she loved her sister dearly, Luna just wished somepony would appreciate all she did for everypony. Though most ponies didn’t know it, Celestia’s negotiating skills hinged on her own brusque and passionate style of speaking. She was always the proverbial stick to her sister’s carrot, and they were so masterful by now most ponies didn’t seem to notice it. Nopony but the Slave King that is. Unlike the others, he never offered deference to her sister or to anypony else for that matter.

It must be his youthful vigor, she said to herself. Comparing the Slave King to Lord Cerynitis, she noted some similarities in their dispositions. Thinking back over the centuries, she wondered what might have happened had Celestia not requested an annulment to their marriage.

All that power he wields could have been yours… a voice whispered in the back of her mind. With somepony like the Slave King at your side, all the devotion and admiration his subjects offer him would be yours…

But we abhor all that he stands for, she vehemently protested, unsure why she was having such thoughts towards somepony as terrible as the Slave King. We desire love and devotion, not fear and terror!

When you have nothing, is it not better to be feared than forgotten? the voice tempted.

We could never live thusly, t’would be against all we strive for! she shouted. We desire harmony above all else.

Poor little Luna… the voice said with concern. It’s so easy to love harmony, when everypony loves you… Like they do Celestia…

Enough! We shall not bear such wicked thoughts any further, she declared, eschewing the voice’s temptations. We shall be satisfied with our lot.

“Lord Triton, Slave King, I’m so glad we could come to an agreement that benefits everypony,” Celestia said, drawing Luna away from her thoughts.

“Yes it was, Princess Celestia,” Lord Triton said through his tightly clenched teeth. He was clearly unhappy that he would never be able to get his city back, but on the whole it could have been worse. “Slave King, I take it that we’ll hammer out the details of our arrangement after your inaugural celebration?”

“I suppose that will be fine, Lord Triton,” he said, before turning towards Luna. “I thank you for being so agreeable to lending your Twilight Knights to this endeavor. Things would have been unmanageable otherwise.”

“We are glad our Twilight Knights were able to prevent any further bloodshed,” Luna said, with a slight blush as she thought of the images that the voice had shown her. “Slave King, we expect them to be well treated.”

Looking at Luna the Slave King was mystified, why would she be blushing? “I assure you, Luna the Beautiful,” he said, “they will be treated the same as any of my own knights.

“We look forward to attending your inaugural celebration,” Princess Celestia said wearing a gentle smile. “Your five hundredth year is quite a prestigious occasion. Have you anything planned?”

“The Earth, will be as it always has been, it shall subsist,” the Slave King replied, feeling annoyed by the loss of so many new slaves. Looking up he saw an odd sight. Turning to Harmony, he pointed up. “Is that Aria, carrying Scourge?”

“It appears so, my king,” she replied, taking flight to meet her sister. “Don’t worry Slave King, I shall discover what brings them up from the front.”

Author's Notes:

Thank you gentlereader for reading chapter three of The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King, as always comments are always appreciated. Finally we can see the plot beginning to thicken. The Slave King and Lord Triton seem to have a bit of a disagreement regarding the way things should be run. Fortunately Princess Celestia was there to help broker a compromise that no one was happy with, we can only guess how the rest of the pantheon might react. And it appears the Lady Zephyr seems to be mum regarding the Slave King's progeny, we can only wonder why. And we find it curious that Princess Luna seems to be hearing voices. Going by previous occurrences we can only surmise some sort of mischief is afoot. Perhaps she caught the same malady that Lord Cerynitis seems to be afflicted with. And poor Dawson, he only hoped to impress the Slave king and instead ended up making himself look bad. Cheer up sport, there's always next time. Speaking of time, mine's up so catch you next week!

Once again gentlereader, thanks for reading, until next time!

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