• Published 1st Dec 2012
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The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King - TalonMach5

Book two of four, in the Great Slave King saga. An anthology of Equestria's history

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Chapter 7: A Requiem of Sorrow, a Forlorn Lover's Lament

The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King

A Story by TalonMach5

Chapter 7: A Requiem of Sorrow, a Forlorn Lover's Lament

The children are crying. I don’t know where they are but I can feel it in my ancient bones, the children are crying. We were great once, all feared to tread where our shadows touched, but that was long ago. Now the children are crying, but I cannot find them. I am all alone now. I see my nest, and it is empty. I have brought them many gems to sate their hunger, but I cannot find the children. I hear their cries of hunger, but they are missing. The children are crying, and must be hungry. I look to the west, but Celestia’s children bar the way. So I return home with gems in claw, and weep for them, my missing children. I look to the east for recourse, for aid, but am cruelly turned away by the great one. The sun is setting, I am alone in my cave, and the children are crying. I try singing to the children, but my songs cannot reach them. It is dark inside my cave. I close my eyes, but I still hear their cries. I am alone, and the children are crying.

-Mirenella Silverwing, dragon poetess, A Mother’s Lament

Far above him, the stars in the night sky were sparkling like diamonds against black velvet. The moon tonight was especially bright, making it possible for him to read the parchment in front of him unaided by his lantern, containing this year’s almanac. Studying the stars above him, he could tell they were somehow different tonight. Unlike previous nights, the heavens seemed almost radiant with their brilliance. Consulting the almanac in front of him, he was almost certain it was either due to Princess Luna having had sex recently, falling in love, or having had a remarkable day. Regardless of the princess’s personal activities, he assumed she had had a wonderful time.

But regardless of her good moods, all the work he planned for tonight would have to be postponed. With such a wide variation in the skies luminance, reading the constellations reliably tonight would be next to impossible. Cast it all to the Pit, he bitterly thought. The Grand Celestial Conjunction is less than a week away, and I can’t do a thing about it.

The Grand Celestial Conjunction was a momentous yearly occurrence for his people, this one especially. It would be the first in nearly five hundred years that the southern constellation would fully align with Luna’s moon, the Pole Star signifying Celestia, and the constellation of the Hammer signifying the Lawgiver. For the first time since the passing of Lord Darkpaw, the tyrant in the South would finally be under the full dominion of the pantheon in its entirety.

Though it was a waste to do so, he decided that he would attempt reading the stars anyway. Staring up into the sky with his milky blue eyes, and aided by his stone observatory, he noted that several of the other constellations and heavenly bodies appeared to be within the influence of the southern constellation. The Hunter signifying Lady Zephyr, the Lovely Flower signifying Lady Suzaku, and a barely visible star known only as the Dark One, within the week, would have great influence on this year’s conjunction. However occurring simultaneously, in opposition to the southern constellation, there was the spear signifying Lord Cerynitis, the Hidden Knife signifying conspiracy, and the Twins signifying kin, possibly a brother. On top of so many other signs, there was also the issue that this year’s conjunction would occur between the Lover’s signifying an unlikely romance and the Soldier signifying war.

Not in his nearly sixty years as a sage, had he ever seen such a convoluted mess of signs and portents. Oh how he wished that the night sky would follow a normal and predictable pattern, instead of changing on a whim like it was wont to do. But such was the domain of the pantheon, and it wasn’t his place to criticize.

“Can I get you more tea, Sage Zhange?” a diminutive yellow fluttering creature asked.

Looking up from his almanac, the ancient sage nodded once and smiled appreciatively. “That would be wonderful Glitterwing,” he said to her. “My disciple, sometimes these nights can get so cold for these old bones.”

“One cup of piping hot tea coming right up master!” Glitterwing replied, her gossamer wings sparkling in the moonlight while humming a happy little tune. “Would you prefer green tea or black, master?”

“Glitterwing, green tea would be fine,” he said to his tiny companion. Though he was an aged and renowned kirin sage of over one hundred thirty years old, having a disciple like Glitterwing attending to his sundry needs had made his life so much easier. Though her race was small in stature, they possessed considerable arcane might. He could still remember the day that the tiny flutterpony had arrived at his doorstep, begging him to teach her how to read the heavens, so she could help her reclusive people.

At over a century old, with a faded grey coat and horns warped with age, he was in no condition to take on a disciple, especially one as excitable as she seemed to be. Much like a hummingbird, she could scarcely stop moving in her excitement, as she pleaded her case to him. For nearly two years he’d sent her on arduous quests, mind numbingly repetitious tasks, and even dangerous missions, hoping to dissuade her from pursuing him as her master. But time and again, she proved herself more than capable and patient. Eventually, he begrudgingly accepted her as his disciple, notwithstanding his advanced age. Now after having served him faithfully for nearly decade, he wouldn’t know what he would do without her as his disciple.

“Master Zhange,” she said, levitating a cup of tea into his own telekinetic grasp and looking up at the heavens tentatively with her large pink eyes. “You should get some rest. You’ll get no work done tonight. Princess Luna has been inconsiderate this evening, to those of us who study the heavens!”

“Is that all you see, my disciple?” the aged kirin asked, slowly draining the tea from his cup.

“Well, beyond the obvious fact that Princess Luna felt the need to share with all creation that she has a new paramour,” Glitterwing murmured, flittering back and forth and changing her orientation as she studied the stars while referring to the almanac. “Hmm… this seems odd.”

“What does?” he asked, gazing at his disciple’s pale blue mane that blended almost perfectly with the night sky.

“I believe the Slave King will be getting married soon and then kill his wife, or vice versa,” she remarked, tapping her hoof against her muzzle. “The stars don’t really seem too clear about that.”

“Well that seems rather unlikely, my disciple,” he said, giving her a gentle smile. “What does your true sight tell you?”

When Glitterwing heard her master ask her to see with her true sight, she suddenly felt nervous. Seeing without seeing was something she always struggled with. Though she had been Sage Zhange’s disciple for nearly a decade, she hadn’t yet learned to reliably use sight beyond sight. Closing her eyes, she meditated, allowing her chakras to open in hopes that her mind’s eye would open.

As she meditated, time seemed to slow down as she caught brief glimpses of the stars true intent. She saw the heartless one on his stone throne looking to the South, while the North, Center, and East encircled him, hoping to imprison him. She saw the East retreating, spiriting away his most precious treasure. While the heartless one’s left hand and finger crushed the crystal of the north, winter raged all around him. All the while, she saw Equestria’s rivers slowly turn to blood, and a pair of terrible burning eyes peering into her soul.

When she saw the eyes, those terrifying burning eyes, she opened hers and screamed. “Ahhh!” she cried out, shivering with fear and trying desperately to calm her racing heart. “Master it was terrible.”

“Be at peace, my disciple,” Sage Zhange said, enveloping her in his magic and placing her on his back.

Glitterwing burrowed beneath his long greying coat. Shivering with fright, she was grateful for an opportunity to hide from the evil she had seen. She sniffed once, hoping to banish the tears threatening to escape. “Forgive my weakness master…” she quietly said, ashamed that she had been unable to withstand the dark vision she had seen.

“Fear not, my disciple, the visions you saw though bleak, are but things that might occur,” he gently chided her. “Tell me what you saw with your true sight.”

“Master,” Glitterwing said, poking her head out from beneath his flowing white beard. “I saw a great calamity in the south. The North, Center, and East all seek to imprison it. The East shall steal the South’s most precious treasure, while his left hand and finger shall crush the crystal of the north. Winter shall rage, and the rivers turn to blood. And the eyes master, the burning eyes. The burning eyes seek his destruction.”

“Good, my disciple, you have read the portents correctly,” he said to her, while revealing no emotion.

“Shall we warn Lord Raiden, Master Zhange?” she asked, leaving his beard and preparing to write a message.

The aged kirin thought for a moment before shaking his head. “No, Lord Raiden would simply say, what is to be, will be,” he replied. “It’s no secret that he thinks that the tyrant is of little consequence.”

“Then what shall we do master?” she worriedly asked. “Surely we should do something.”

Sage Zhange’s bones ached in the cold. He was much too old to leave his tower to go adventuring. And his disciple was much too inexperienced to go traipsing all across Equestria by herself. Besides, if she left who would make him his tea? After all, the tyrant in the South was not their problem.

“Glitterwing, my disciple, I shall meditate on this,” he said, finishing the remainder of his cold tea. “We must be patient, and not act prematurely.”

“But I think my vision was warning me something bad might happen! We need to…” she objected, before being silenced by a stern look from him. “Excuse me for speaking out of turn master.”

“You’re exuberance in this matter is forgiven, my disciple,” Sage Zhange said, heading towards the stairs to leave his observatory. “Come, Glitterwing, we shall speak no more tonight of this matter.”

Nodding once solemnly at her master’s command, she hastily gathered all the scrolls, charts, and other assorted papers he had left behind, before following after him into the tower’s much warmer interior. Before entering it, she looked back up at the constellation of the dagger looming to the north, and shivered.


“So can anyone tell me what happened?” the Slave King asked, thrumming his fingers methodically against his stone throne’s armrest under the pale light of the full moon.

“Losing the changeling saboteur was my fault, these two were only along for the ride,” Melody volunteered, stepping forward to accept the blame.

Dawson had been about to speak up, when she willingly took responsibility for what had happened. He couldn’t believe it. She was taking the heat for them without a second thought. Looking at Melody, he noticed a change had come over her. Gone was the cheerful grin she always wore, in its place was the face of a calm and composed warrior, somefeather who stood unflinching beneath the Slave King’s burning gaze. In this moment he was proud to have fought beside her, and to claim her as kin.

Looking at the petty tyrant wearing his iron crown, Dame Squall tired her best to be unaffected by his presence, but found she was having trouble ignoring his frightening appearance. Looking at the harper, she had no idea how she was able to do it. Had she disappointed Lord Triton in this way, she would have bowed her head in shame. Instead, Melody looked the Slave King in the eyes without fear of reproach. Though she was nothing but a mudslinger, and the offspring of a wanderer at that, she decided that she would need to get to know her better. She was obviously somepony of quality, and somepony worth knowing.

The Slave King gave his harper a curious look when he heard her taking sole responsibility for losing the changeling. In truth, he wasn’t all that surprised that it managed to give them the slip. Changelings were remarkably tough to pin down, and according to what he’d been told, they’d nearly managed to stop it all together. He was actually more impressed by how well the three of them had worked together. He still remembered the things Dame Squall had shouted at Dustin when she had lost their fight, and yet here she was, willingly fighting alongside a former rival. He thought back to what Princess Celestia had told him earlier, There’s no need to antagonize somepony who would be your friend and ally.

“Melody, I’m displeased with what transpired tonight,” he said, as she looked away from him. “You were reckless, and almost died. You should have sought out Scourge first.”

“Yes, Slave King,” she said, crestfallen that she had disappointed him. “I’m sorry for failing you.”

“You didn’t fail me, Melody,” he softly replied. “We can always track the changeling’s trail, but losing you to an assassin’s knife would be most distressing. Please be more careful in the future.”

“Yes Slave King,” she said, bowing before his stone throne.

“So, young chevaleresse,” the Slave King said giving Dame Squall a thoughtful look, “how did you end up mixed up in all this?”

“When Melody, the Yellow announced that she’d discovered the assassin, I knew I had to avenge Sir Hurricane’s slayer!” she boldly said, looking the Slave King directly in the eyes. “My only regret is that the devil escaped, before I could deliver the Lawgiver’s divine justice to it!”

“Chevaleresse, Sir Hurricane has no need of being avenged by you,” he said, looking down at the city lying on the plain below.

“How dare you!” Dame Squall shouted, incensed that this black hearted devil thought that she was incapable of avenging Sir Hurricane’s murder. “Scoundrel, I don’t care if you are the Lord of Earth. I will avenge Sir Hurricane, the Gallant’s murder if it the last thing I do. I so swear it on the Western Sea, and by my honor, he will be avenged!”

When he heard her audacious claim, he released a low chuckle. Looking at the indignant seapony mare, he was reminded of another of Lord Triton’s knights that had also stood up to him. Though the encounter had cost him an arm, he still thought warmly of the memory, and smiled at her.

Looking into his burning eyes, she prepared herself to face his wrath for having stood up to him. When she heard his laughter, her cheeks burned crimson with anger. Did the monster think so little of her prowess in battle, to mock her before he crushed her? Narrowing her eyes defiantly, she looked the smiling beast in the eye. “I don’t care if you smite me,” she hotly replied. “I will avenge him, and neither you nor any other member of the pantheon will stop me!”

“I do so enjoy Lord Triton’s followers,” he said, giving her an appreciative nod. “But fear not, chevaleresse, you shall not be smitten tonight. I only meant to say that Sir Hurricane, the Gallant yet lives. Lord Triton saw to that.”

When she heard that Sir Hurricane was still among the living, she nearly wept with relief. “Slave King, thank you for telling me,” she said, looking towards Lord Triton’s camp on the beach.

Seeing that she wished to consult with Lord Triton, he gestured towards the Lawgiver’s camp. “Chevaleresse, you are dismissed. And tell the Lawgiver, I look forward to tomorrow’s meeting.”

Dame Squall curtly bowed, before heading to the beach. She was surprised by how laid back he seemed to be, she had half expected him to rage and threaten Melody for their failure in stopping the changeling. Instead he’d acted almost relieved that she had safely returned to him.


Once Dame Squall had left them, the Slave King gave Dawson a curious look. “Dustin of the feathered folk tribe,” he said. “I was told you were a scout on the lookout for dragon gem raiders on my eastern border. I find that curious, considering that we’ve never bothered with sending scouts out that way. Who are you really?”

Melody attempted to open her mouth to say something, before she was silenced with a stern look from the Slave King. “Melody, allow him to answer,” he said.

Dawson looked around hoping that his mother wasn’t nearby. When he failed to see her, he removed the shemagh revealing his face to the Slave King. “My name isn’t Dustin, Your Majesty. I am Dawson, the griffin-half, of the Golden Eyrie.”

When he learned Dustin’s true identity, he wanted to laugh. In retrospect, it should have been so obvious. However, hindsight was always twenty-twenty. A small part of him felt immense pride at how well Lady Zephyr’s son had done in the tournament. However, he still had the small problem of him entering the tournament under a false identity. Then there was the issue of the boy’s mother. How he dreaded having that conversation with her.

Struggling with trying to decide how he should respond, he thought back to his brother, Snowe, the griffin. He always had the answer for everything. Whenever Little Bleu came to him with a problem he had no answer for, he always turned to the mottled griffin for guidance. Sadly, the centuries hadn’t seemed to make him any wiser regarding this particular quandary. The law demanded the boy be punished for what he did, but seeing how he wasn’t under his jurisdiction he was unable to. Additionally, his every instinct was screaming at him to take the boy under his wing. Someone so skilled would be a valuable asset. However, he knew exactly why the boy was so keen on serving him, and he had no room for someone who wished to take her place.

It was so aggravating. Snowe, I long for your council. How I wish that you were here, he thought to himself.

He could still hear the stern but kindly tone of his sworn brother’s voice. Hey you hairless monkey. What seems to be the problem? Snowe asked him while wearing a wry smile.

I don’t know how to deal with this boy, King replied. I just wish I knew what to do.

Yes, you do, Snowe said, rolling his eyes at the hapless human. Remember back when Lasher was being rough with Little Bleu?

Yes, he said. I remember. But this seems to be a different situation.

Fledglings are the same the world over, Snowe replied, placing a talon on his brother’s shoulder.

I can’t do it, he said, refusing to look the griffin in the eye.

Can’t or won’t? Snowe responded, turning to leave.

I won’t do that her, he answered, stubbornly refusing to yield to his brother’s wisdom.

Brother, she would understand, Snowe said. She would never want you to live like this.

King looked down at the ground, refusing to answer.

Remember brother, he said, touching a talon to his brother’s scarred chest. I’m always here when you need me, as is she.

Thank you brother, King said, wishing that he didn’t have to leave.

Just don’t go making a mess of things with Dawson, like you did Aria, Snowe said, before fading into the darkness that surrounded them.

Finding himself alone once more, the Slave King looked up at the anxiously waiting griffin-half. Knowing he wasn’t ready to face what he represented, he decided to dismiss him. “Dawson of the Golden Eyrie,” he said. “Because of the aid you rendered Melody in attempting to subdue the changeling, I’ll overlook that fact that you entered the contest while impersonating one of my soldiers. You’re free to go to your mother.”

When he heard the Slave King’s words, Dawson felt the anger from earlier, creep back into his heart. He was so certain his father would have looked favorably upon him this time. Feeling the sting of rejection once more, he looked to his half-sister and took comfort in the small smile she offered him. “Slave King, my apologies,” he said in a flat and emotionless tone. Bowing curtly, he turned heel and quickly left the Slave King’s presence.

Looking to Melody, he could see Dawson’s look of hurt and disappointment reflected in her eyes. Nodding once, he gestured towards Dawson. “See that he safely returns to his mother’s side.”

“Of course king daddy,” she said, lightly placing her hand atop his, before taking after her brother.

Once she had left his side, and the Slave King was sitting alone in the dark of the night, and sadly lowered his head. “I’m so sorry brother, if only I was as strong as you,” he dejectedly said.


Lady Zephyr was flying high above the wide expanse beneath her. Though it was dark, the full moon along with her superior vision was more than enough for her to see clearly. Even after several hours of searching, she still hadn’t found him. The first place she tried looking was the field hospital tent. However, only an empty cot awaited her. Spying an empty bottle near the cot, she picked it up and smelled the remnants of the green liquid the bottle had once held. Closing her eyes, she could smell her estranged love’s and son’s scents. Placing the bottle down, she smiled when she realized that he did love his son in his own way. Exiting the tent, she took to the air and resumed her search.

Gliding on the warm thermals high above the plain below, she continued her search for her wayward son. Casting her gaze towards the Slave King’s throne, she felt a pang of sorrow pierce her heart when she saw Princess Luna sitting beside him. By the brilliance of the heavens above her, she knew that Luna hoped to entrance him with her grace, beauty, and elegance. While the Lady of Air was considered a beauty in her own right, hers paled in comparison to the Lady of Night’s. Hers was a fierce beauty, one that threatened to consume you with passion if you weren’t careful. However Luna’s was like the full moon reflected in a still pool, gentle, seductive, and carried the promise of things to come. How can I compete against her? Even Zuzu pales in comparison to her majesty, she lamented.

Releasing a mournful cry of despair that he would never love her like she so desperately desired, she closed her eyes and banked to the east away from the two as their courtship commenced. Her only consolation was that in all the centuries she had known him, he was never one to be swayed by emotion or give into passion. She was sure that once he had rebuffed her enough times, Princess Luna would seek out greener pastures in search of a new more affable paramour. Even though his rejection of her affection still caused her heart to ache, she took solace that he was just as vulnerable as herself to the natural attraction she felt for him. She only had to be patient, and he would eventually seek her of his own accord. Like the mountains reaching to the sky, he would be compelled to pursue her in vain until she finally allowed herself to be caught in his snares.

Making another pass over the grassy plain surrounding Bone’s Landing, she was shocked when she saw what the Slave King was doing. He had willingly removed his crown and cloak for her! He never did that for her. Seething with rage, she wanted to fly down and scream at him with all her fury for betraying the love she held for him to that interloper. Reigning in her territorial instincts, she released a screech of fury as she remembered his last rebuff to her…


“Become my husband, love,” she said, running a talon lightly against her lover’s broad and scarred chest. Though some might consider his heavily scarred and pale flesh grotesque, she found it beautiful. Each scar told a story of how he’d overcome foes both great and small, each was a mark of his worthiness to be her mate. “Together, we will make the pantheon in its entirety, bow to our might. None can hope to stand against the combined power of the Sky and Earth.”

“What of Celestia, the Radiant and Luna, the Beautiful?” he replied, looking up from their shared bed. “You are at the mercy of the sun’s light, and I at the moon’s shadow.”

She smiled warmly at him, closed her eyes, and laid her head against his branded shoulder. His gentle reproach was one of the many reason’s she loved him so. He was always at least three steps ahead of everyfeather. It was the reason why his domain had gone from a broken city and scattered warrens scratching out a meager living in the unforgiving southern badlands, into a rich, powerful, and well organized trade empire in the space of only four centuries. His strength, cunning, and indomitable will had served him well, and made her desire him all the more.

“Combined, our power will be unassailable,” she said, climbing atop him and gazing into his green eyes that smoldered like glowing embers. Framing his face was a mane and beard of long hair, black as pitch and greying in places. A sign of his previous mortal frailty, but she thought it made him appear wise and distinguished, her cunning and great king. Grabbing his shoulders, she lowered her head against his. Pressing her beak close to his face, she whispered, “Become my mate and together we’ll create a dynasty. Come to me, love, let me give you many sons and daughters. Our children will be mighty, none shall surpass their strength.”

She looked down at him radiating love, lust, and desire with her entire being. Placing a gentle kiss on his brow, she only asked that he reciprocate her great love for him. Reaching out to him with her divinity, she beckoned for him to join her as she enveloped him with her power and essence. When he didn’t respond to her desires, she looked down at him crossly with her plumage and wings flared with unfulfilled passion. “Why do you deny me, love?” she implored, moving off him and returning to her own side of the bed. When he didn’t answer, she sighed with frustration at his obstinacy. The very essence of her being longed to become one with his, and she wouldn’t be denied.

“What have you come to teach me this year, Lady Zephyr?” he demanded, waiting impatiently for her to answer him. “I have kept my side of our little agreement. Now it’s time to honor your end of our pact.”

Rolling her eyes in annoyance at his continual insistence at keeping their arrangement purely business, she narrowed her eyes as she thought of the perfect thing to share with her reluctant consort. “Love, mingle your power with mine, and I will share this year’s knowledge with you,” she replied, enveloping his physical form with her divine power.

He looked at her curiously. “Do not think to temp me with carnal trivialities,” he warned, thinking back to centuries earlier when she had easily bent him to her will, by tempting him with the song of creation. “I’m no longer an easily swayed and ignorant child.”

“Of course not, love. There will be time enough for that after I share my knowledge with you,” she said, affectionately nibbling on his ear. She smiled with anticipation as she thought about how happy he would finally be, when she gave him this piece of herself. After today he would finally love her, and he would finally know happiness as her husband. “Come join with me, my love. Together, we’ll sing a song of great power that’s not been uttered since the first age.”

When he heard the promise of ancient knowledge, he smiled and immediately issued forth his power to meet hers. She could scarcely contain her excitement, not since the first age had she had the opportunity to sing this song with somefeather. She sighed in blissful contentment as their divinity became one. It wasn’t often she had the chance to know her dark lover so intimately. Physical pleasure was one thing, but the divine were meant to enjoy their union in a more primeval and elemental fashion. Ready to show him how much she loved and desired him, she sang the song of creation as she waited for him to join her.

There was no going back now. He was completely at her mercy. Once joined like this, neither could leave the other unless they both willed it. And until the song was finished, her only desire was to possess him. Sensing his reluctance to join her in song, she held him tight. Finally, his resistance to join her in the song of creation crumbled like sand and he acquiesced to her desire. Victoriously, she smiled when she heard and felt his rich voice join with hers. She had known that the desire and temptation would be too great for him to resist, and rejoiced that he was finally hers.

Together they sang for what seemed an eternity. She showed him how to form and weave their song properly, while basking in their shared pleasure. As each verse passed, and they neared the crescendo of their song’s penultimate end, she was rewarded with the spark of life entering inside her. Her entire being sang with joy, she had finally won his heart. At the climax of their duet, she showered him with all her love to show her mate that her heart would always be his. With the song of creation finally complete, she reluctantly stopped singing and released him from her divinity’s hold. When her lover sensed he was freed from her grasp, he released her from his and they each returned to their physical forms.

“That was a rather interesting experience,” he said, staring up at the ceiling.

“Is that all you can say?” she teased, grasping his hand with her talon. “Surely you felt joy when our creation came to be?”

“Our creation?” he asked, sitting up in the bed and giving her a hard look.

"Feel the fruit of our union,” she invited, moving his hand towards her stomach.

“Fruit of our union…” he echoed, not quite understanding the implication, but he felt a sliver of their combined divinity growing inside her.

“Yes our child!” she excitedly said, kissing his cheek. When he didn’t respond, she knew he must be overwhelmed with joy at the prospect of finally being a father. “The first of many, love.”

“Leave me…” he whispered, getting up from the bed.

“What, my love?” she asked, basking in the afterglow of their song.

“I said leave me,” he coldly replied, refusing to show his face to her.

Confused by his churlishness, she reached out her talon to his shoulder. “Tell me what’s wrong, my love?” she asked, confused by his erratic behavior.

“Don’t touch me!” he hissed, drawing away from her as if her touch was poison.

“Love, tell me what’s wrong,” she begged, afraid she had somehow unknowingly offended him. She didn’t understand his hostility towards her. An act of creation should have filled him with overwhelming joy and desire for more. Even the Unmentionable One coveted the experience.

“What right did you have?” he demanded, shaking with fury as his eyes burned with rage.

“Slave King, I love you, and wanted you to finally know happiness. I only wished to make you whole,” she said, offering her myriad of reason for singing the song of creation with him.

“Be gone from my sight, woman,” he said, rebuffing her with a cold whisper and pointing towards the broken lava dome viewable from his bedrooms balcony. “Lady Zephyr, get out and never return!”

“Please, don’t send me away!” she whimpered, afraid she’d forever earned his enmity. Looking up into his eyes, she silently begged for him to reconsider while she cried in sorrow.

Angrily, he forcibly carried her out to the balcony. Unceremoniously dropping her to the ground, he pointed once more to the broken lava dome. “What part of be gone from my sight do you not understand,” he demanded.

Dejectedly hanging her head, she looked back at her former lover once, reluctantly took flight, and released a shrill cry of sorrow before leaving the Domain of Earth behind her.


Thinking back to what should have been a time of celebration, her eyes watered as she relived the hurt and sorrow she had yet to recover from. Even now, she still didn’t understand his great anger towards her. They were deities. The act of creation was their entire reason for being. Perhaps had she hidden the fact like Zuzu had, he would have reacted more favorably to the news of the creation of their son.

As she searched unsuccessfully for him, she wondered how he was handling having met his father for the first time. By the first egg, that man could be stubborn when he chose. She just hoped Dawson hadn’t placed too great a hope on being accepted by him. Casting her gaze back towards the Slave King’s throne, she was surprised when she saw Dustin, Dame Squall, and Melody having a conversation with the Slave King. Wheeling South, she hoped to catch Melody before she left, to see if she knew where her son was, and to satisfy her suspicions regarding Dustin’s true identity.

Though she couldn’t hear them speak, judging by how the Slave King and Melody were speaking with each other, she could tell there was some tension between them. Looking at the Slave King’s eyes, she could see them softening as he said something to her. Lady Zephyr’s sharp eyes caught Melody’s shoulders and posture relaxing, and knew that whatever business they were discussing had been peaceably resolved. He then turned his attention to the seapony. Dame Squall and the Slave King exchanged a few heated words. She could tell the seapony felt apprehensive about whatever they were discussing, but she too relaxed and then headed towards Lord Triton’s beach side camp.

The Slave King then turned his attention towards Dustin. She held her breath in anticipation, as he removed the shemagh covering his face. Even though his back was to her, her heart called out to him when she saw his shoulders and wings slump. She could tell by his posture, that he was upset by something the Slave King had said to him. Watching him from above as he walked away, she managed to finally catch a glimpse of his face. It was him! Her maternal instincts had been right all along. As she watched her son storm off, she wanted to swoop down and comfort him. But when she saw Melody chasing after him, she remembered what she had managed to do for him earlier that day, and decided to allow them their space. Looking angrily towards the Slave King’s throne, she decided she would have words with him.

Landing softly on the ground behind his throne, she silently stalked him as he rested in it while gazing up at the night sky. Before she could move more than a single length towards him, she heard his raspy voice. “I take it you found your son?” he asked, with a sort of weariness that she’d never heard from him before.

“Yes, I did,” she replied, not even bothering to hide the hurt and anger she was feeling. “Why must you treat him so cruelly?”

“Cruel?” he asked, in a tone that suggested offense. “How by any stretch of the imagination have I treated your son with the least amount of cruelty?”

“You toy with his heart,” she accused, pointing a talon angrily at him.

“Don’t plead the victim to me now,” he said, countering her accusation. “When both you and Lady Suzaku attempted to use trickery to get what you desired.”

“I can understand if you want nothing more to do with me, but by the first egg, he’s your son!” she shouted, wishing that somehow she could reach his stony heart. “Don’t punish him for my mistakes.”

“I have no children,” he coldly replied to her.

Hearing his stubborn refusal to listen to reason, Lady Zephyr did the only thing she could think of. Narrowing her eyes, she lunged. Argh!” she screeched at him, with both of her talons extended, wings flared, and her beak open to attack.

The Slave King, unprepared for her sneak attack, was caught unawares as she flew towards him. With little warning to defend himself, he leapt out of his throne onto the ground as she landed on it, barely missing him with her talons. Seeing that he’d managed to elude her, she looked down at him with hunter’s eyes hungrily. Twitching with excitement for the hunt, her tail moved back and forth as she licked her beak.

Looking at his evenly matched opponent, he said nothing. Narrowing his burning eyes at her, he clenched his metal hand into fist, which squealed horribly as metal rubbed against metal. Seeing her grimace in pain from the horrible noise, he smiled, taking a low guard stance readying himself for her next attack. Neither spoke, as they glared at each other. Both of the evenly matched deities waited for the other to make their move.

Impatient to continue the hunt, she tightened the muscles in her hind legs and leapt forward at him like the raging wind. Seeing her bold frontal attack, he reached into the Earth to find his footing and stood firm like the unflinching mountain. When she collided with him, her talons found purchase in his flesh as he grabbed hold of her and wrestled her to the ground. Like quicksilver, she slipped from his grasp and tried to find enough leverage to knock him off his feet. However, she found no matter how hard she knocked him he refused to be moved, easily countering each of her attacks.

Feeling frustrated at his resilience to her assault, she tapped her into her divine power as she readied to attack him once more. He released a dark chuckle as he tapped his own divine reserves in response, and motioned to her with his metal hand to come to him if she dared. Shrieking at him in rage, she leapt at him with all the fury of a raging whirlwind. Raising his clenched metal fist, he drew back his false arm and prepared to strike her with the full weight of his power. When they collided with each other, the force of their divine power reverberated, knocking them both into the spirit realm.

The spirit realm, also known as the dreamtime, limbo, the world between worlds, and numerous other names, is where the elements go to revert to their most primeval forms. Before Equestria had taken physical form, it existed only as a conglomeration of elemental forces, each vying for supremacy over the other. Eventually, harmony took root by the power of the Well of Eternity, and chaos gave way to order. Though Equestria is now separated from the spirit realm, the connection between them still exists and the elemental forces of Equestria can still travel freely between the two.

Seeing that she was no longer bound to her physical form, Lady Zephyr released a mighty screech of challenge with all the force of a tornado from her beak. Fierce and beautiful, the golden elemental circled him as she planned her next attack.

The giant of stone and iron looked down at her, and then looked at his massive stone hands. He was not a native to this place, and felt ill at ease anytime he visited it, almost as if he worried that creation considered him an invader rather than as integral part of the whole. Knowing that he was at a disadvantage here due to his disorientation, he felt a decisive first strike was of paramount importance.

Without giving her an opportunity to gain an aerial advantage over him, he leapt at her with his hands outstretched. Shrieking with surprise at his out of character behavior, she flexed her wings once as she tried taking to the air to escape him. However she was too late, before her golden form could fly away, he’d managed to grasp onto her hind leg and tail. Shrieking in protest, she tried escaping his vise like grip as his stony bulk fell on top of her.

She slipped between the stone and iron composing his form like a hot knife cutting through butter, but found she was still caught fast by her hind leg and tail. Flapping her wings in frustration, she formed a mighty vortex from her body that seemingly stretched up forever, scattering the remnants of his form inside its funnel. As the whirling vortex continued to break him to pieces, he drew up more matter from the infinite earth beneath them. As the limitless vortex consumed the endless earth, both deities glared at each other from inside the chaotic upheaval.

Time seemed to slow down as the two titans fought a battle of wills, each trying to see which of them would yield first. As they fought each other, the spirit realm groaned in complaint at being abused by their quarrel and began sapping their power in retaliation. He felt himself being cut off from the source of his power and sighed deeply as exhaustion began overtaking him. Seeing him tire, she let out a shriek of victory before she too felt herself losing steam as her vortex slowed to a standstill. Slowly his great mass rejoined the earth below, lying prone and panting with exhaustion. She looked down on his weakened body and wanted to shriek in triumph, but found that she was feeling rather lightheaded and lethargic.

Slowly her form congealed next to his, as she laid there looking into his eyes wishing they could return to simpler and happier times. But those times were past. Struggling to get up, she crawled towards him. Recovering from his fatigue, he opened his eyes and tried standing, but discovered he lacked the strength to do so. Finding himself vulnerable and weakened, he tried crawling away but found her lighter form was quickly overtaking him. When he felt her talons grab his stone and iron leg, he tried kicking her away but found her grip was like steel. Knowing he had no other alternative, he turned on his back and waited for her to crawl on top of him.

Breathing deeply, he felt her warmth encompassing him as she covered him completely. Looking up at her, he could see a mixture of anger, hurt, and desire reflected back at him. Neither of them spoke, only the pulse of their heartbeats broke the silence of the two worn and beaten deities. Patiently, he waited for her to strike him in his weakened state. Instead, she ran a golden talon against his stone cheek as he felt her hot tears wetting his iron face.

“Why do you hesitate?” he rumbled, gathering his strength. “Here I am at your mercy, and yet you do nothing.”

“I can’t,” she whispered, with a voice that sounded like a gentle breeze. “I want to, but I just can’t.”

“Strike me down, or let me go!” he demanded, making his voice rumble like the rending earth.

“No!” she shrieked, gaining strength, from the spirit realm once more.

This time he was prepared. Drawing down into his reserves, he grabbed hold of her divinity and dropped any connection he still had to a physical form and overpowered her. Caught unawares by his trap, she struggled in vain to free herself, but found she was unable to. Stopping her struggle, she smiled and became the pure essence of her element. Realizing his mistake too late, he found himself bound to her, unable to escape until she willed it.

Struggling against her embrace, he found himself once again the unwilling participant of her song. As he found himself carried away by the meter of her hymn, he found it increasingly difficult to resist the rhythm of its cadence. The pulse of the beat of her heart reverberated through his being, and he finally relented. Begrudgingly, he added his baritone to her alto as they joined in song. Singing together, the original dirge of her lament was bolstered by his voice, transitioning into a song of healing. As the chords of their song washed over them, their anger gave way to tranquility and mutual understanding. He finally felt the depths of the love she held for him, and now knew the great pain he’d caused her. And she finally understood why he felt so betrayed by her deception, and knew she needed to be patient.

Releasing each others divinity, the two estranged lovers broke their embrace and returned to their elemental forms. Looking at each other, neither of them wanted to speak. They were afraid that doing so would resume the hostilities they had previously felt. Hoping to break the ice, he tried speaking only to be silenced by a gentle kiss.

“Don’t speak,” she said, her golden eyes reflecting the sorrow she felt. “I was wrong to try forcing you to love me by deceptive means. I don’t regret it though, because I managed to keep a piece of you.”

He listened to her words, and grieved that he didn’t dare reciprocate. “I forgive you,” he said, reaching out to touch her, before reluctantly drawing his hand back. “I only wish I could give you what you desire.”

She reached out and drew him to her breast, embracing him tenderly. “When you’re ready, I’ll be waiting,” she whispered, before letting him go. “Shall we return to Equestria?”

“I think we should,” he agreed, joining her side. “There’s no telling what the rest of the pantheon must be thinking.”

No longer quarreling, the two deities, one of stone and iron, the other of sky and gale, stood by each other. When their divinity left the spirit realm, his body collapsed into a mountain. While hers formed a shroud of clouds around it, embracing its peak and ensuring that it would never be alone.

Far away from the site of their great battle, in a tiny corner of the spirit realm near the gentle sounds of a laughing brook, a grey eyed watcher smiled at their reconciliation before slithering off to parts unknown.


Bixie crept silently in the high grass, silently stalking her prey. Though it was dark, she knew exactly where her mark was. She could smell his intoxicating scent from even this far, and knew he would provide her with at least a fortnight’s worth of nourishment. She wanted to buzz with excitement, but was worried about scaring him off. Sampling his emotions aroma, she detected his susceptibility to lust and cooed with excitement. Slowly, her black chitinous body began sprouting white fur as soft as silk and twice as luxurious. Her fangs thickened, while her snout shortened into a delicate muzzle. Her flat hooves, reformed themselves into paws, and her large multifaceted eyes narrowed and shrank, leaving behind two irises as blue as sapphires.

Batting her eyes once, and shaking her tail suggestively, she knew no diamond dog, especially one as hungry for the tender embrace of a fertile bitch as this one, would be able to resist her charms. Adjusting her ornate collar, she sauntered off towards him, eager to feed. Finding the diamond dog alone, she studied him intently. He was busily tending to a small fire by a large cage on wheels. She supposed that he was a lone slaver, who must have recently sold his stock on the lonely road.

She pitied those poor ponies, many of who ended up as the property of the Slave King. Most of which would work tirelessly on his many projects for a decade, before being released from servitude. What a waste, she thought. So many ponies that would be better off serving as food for her hive’s great hunger. Though it was true many of those freed from their decade long enslavement often ended up in her hive’s larder, most of those captured provided little in the way of nourishment. Years of hard labor sapped the majority of the captured ponies’ capacity for love, and most had to be released after only a few months, being completely worthless as a food source. Often times, they spent more time and love cultivating their captives by providing them with faux families and lovers then they ever got in return.

However with diamond dogs it was much different, most of them would happily rut with any willing bitch, providing ample nourishment. However, the Slave King hated her race with a passion, and mandated that they be driven out of his territory whenever possible. This made harvesting from diamond dogs doubly difficult. While they usually provided abundant nourishment, they were dangerous to harvest from. They usually roamed in groups of at least three, and their noses usually weren’t fooled by changeling magic. Finding one alone, of a willing disposition, and even having a cage on hoof was a remarkable find.

Oh my tasty morsel, I shall make you deliriously happy, she thought, salivating as she imagined all the potent love she would extract from him. And then when your love is ready to be harvested, I shall gobble you up!

Checking to make sure her current form was in heat, she gave herself one last onceover, ensuring her success and exited the grass concealing her. Once she had revealed herself, she smiled seductively at the diamond dog that was cautiously looking at her. “Might I share your fire tonight?” she asked, licking her lips and swishing her tail suggestively.

“If you wish,” he replied, adding more firewood to the blaze.

Bixie sat down beside him, feigning cold and shivering beside the warmth of the fire. “It certainly is chilly tonight, isn’t it?” she asked, trying to start up a conversation with her mark.

“Hmm…” he grunted, looking up at her briefly before returning to tending the fire. “Yes, it’s cold enough to warrant a fire at least.”

Seeing him reach for another piece of firewood, she smiled as she got up and walked past him. Bending down and exposing herself to his nose, she began picking up a few pieces of wood to add to the fire. "Let me help you,” she said, winking suggestively and ensuring that he was fully inundated with her heat’s scent.

“Be careful with the fire, you might get burned,” he warned her.

“Maybe I like playing with fire,” she teased, placing a paw on his leg. “What do you like playing with?”

“Naughty bitches that need to be taught a lesson,” he growled, pulling her roughly to him

“Oh, there’s no need to be rough,” she said, inches from his muzzle. “Maybe we can do something together by the fire to help keep us warm.”

Not needing anymore prompting, the large diamond dog grabbed her haunches and helped himself to her offered bounty. Bixie sighed with pleasure when she received the copious amounts of love he was giving her. She squealed as she felt his teeth nipping her neck. Oh yes, this one will be all mine, she thought, feeling his hot breath against her ear.

“It’z a real shamez youse won’tz be ablez to harvestz allz thiz lovez backz at ze hivez, izn’t itz?” he said with a grunt.

“Oh yes,” she sighed, with her eyes tightly closed and lost in the moment. “Wait… what!”

Opening her eyes wide in shock she looked behind her and saw that the diamond dog that had been giving her such potent love was in reality another changeling. Such occurrences weren’t unheard of, just extremely rare. Though changelings could share love in such a manner, doing so was considered a faux pas among polite changeling society. Even though it was considered taboo, some changelings enjoyed the harvesting process and often times would allow themselves to be targeted and preyed upon. Others preferred the more carnal acts many changelings used to feed, and would allow themselves to be fed on so they could pursue their vice. Apparently, this changeling was one of the later kinds.

“Get off me!” Bixie demanded, feeling steamed that she had been fooled by a fellow changeling.

“Andz ifz Iz sayz no?” he replied, placing all his weight on top of her, to prevent her escape.

“I’ll make you sorry,” she warned.

“Iz thinkz notz,” he angrily buzzed, before biting her hard with his fangs and releasing an anesthetic in her wound. “Shh sweetiez, justz enjoyz ze ridez.”

Bixie felt drowsy as the anesthetic worked its way through her pulmonary system. “No…” she whimpered, before succumbing to the effects of the poison.

After several more minutes, he finished up and dragged the stunned female changeling into the waiting cage. “Sweetz dreamz,” he said with a cruel laugh, before locking the cage door and changing back into a diamond dog.

“Why…” she said, struggling to stay awake.

“Because my client requires a live changeling, and you just happen to fit the bill,” he said with a wicked smile, while attaching himself to the cage’s harness. “Besides, I’m sure the Slave King won’t hurt you too much before killing you.

When she heard his plan, she struggled to escape her prison, but could scarcely move her limbs. The last thing she heard before drifting off to sleep was him saying, “You will make me a very wealthy changeling.”


Sensing that it was nearly time, she opened up her lavender eyes. Allowing a few moments for them to adjust to the low light inside the tent, she smiled at her peaceably sleeping sister snoring lightly beside her. Slowly standing up so as not to wake her, she exited out of the tent to raise the sun and speak with the Slave King about his upcoming inauguration and her concerns regarding Shadow Knight Sombra. Trotting over towards his throne, she fully expected to find him brooding in silent contemplation over some serpentine plot. However, she was perplexed when all she found was his crown and cloak abandoned on the hard packed earth nearby.

Concerned about his whereabouts, she reached out with her magic to replay the last few minutes while he was still wearing his crown and cloak. She frowned as the fight between the Slave King and Lady Zephyr replayed before her. If left unchecked, her anger and his grim determination could threaten to spark another interdomain conflict among the Prime Elements, almost before the ink had managed to dry on the previous day’s agreement. Concerned for the safety of Equestria, she was considering calling a moot to force them to come to terms or at least agree to a pact of nonaggression. The last thing she needed now was heightened tensions, before she could enact her plan for the Slave King.

Before she could rouse her sister, she felt the veil separating the spirit realm from Equestria dissipating. Looking towards the disturbance, she was pleased to see that both the Slave King and Lady Zephyr reappear in front of his throne. She watched as he and Lady Zephyr exchanged a few words before embracing once and going their separate ways. Once he was alone, she trotted to his side and watched as he returned his crown and cloak to their proper place.

“Celestia, the Radiant, I take it you found my hospitality to your liking,” he asked, passing her to return to his stone throne.

“Yes, Slave King,” she said, bowing her head slightly. “I must admit I was concerned when I discovered your crown and cloak abandoned.”

“I had some unexpected business crop up,” he said, tilting his head towards her.

“Are you and Lady Zephyr…” she said, hoping to probe the extent of their relationship.

“No,” he said, brusquely cutting her off. “There is nothing between us. Why do you ask?”

“I’m only looking out for my sister’s well being,” she hastily replied, as she waited for his response. She generally found his responses regarding her inquiries to the other members of the pantheon telling. While many of his actions were unpredictable, his opinions regarding their fellow deities made him an open book. She didn’t know if it was due to his inexperience, relative youth, or if he didn’t care in the slightest if his feelings on the matter were known. She dreaded the day when he became like the rest, choosing to more closely guard his secrets. But until then, she would gladly glean any information he willingly offered.

“Your sister appears to be her own woman,” he said, hoping to provoke a response. “Though your concern for her seems rather ironic.”

“Why do you say that?” she asked, both curious and annoyed by his presumption.

“It’s ironic that the mistress of shadows is cursed to ignominiously suffer, forever forgotten in your great shadow,” he said with a slight smile.

“And just what’s that supposed to mean?” she said, feeling a bit annoyed with him. Of course she couldn’t discount the ring of truth his words contained. But it pained her greatly, to think Luna might believe that she had so little regard for her feelings.

“Only that the sin of omission will often lead to resentment, and resentment to bitterness,” he said, waxing philosophical. “See to securing your own interests, before aiding others.”

“I’ve found that by aiding others, I often aid myself,” she countered, refusing to allow him to cloud the issue.

“That sounds like a load of tripe and nonsense,” he said, gesturing to Bone’s Landing and his assembled army before him. “All I have achieved was done without regard for others. In the space of a few centuries, I have amassed more wealth and power then you could possibly imagine.”

“But are you happy?” she asked, giving him a pitying look, before turning to the east. “Please excuse me, Slave King. I must raise the sun now.”

When he heard her final retort, he thought on his life and pondered her inquiry, was he happy. Reflecting on her words, they cut him deep. All he was working for, his entire reason for being, was for that singular goal that drove him ever forward. While granted he had been forced to do some rather unsavory things in the past, you couldn’t make an omelet without breaking a few dozen eggs. But the end reward would be worth it, wouldn’t it? He thought of her, and wondered what she might say if she could see what he had become. Would she recoil in terror, or weep in shame. Alas, he didn’t have the answer.

“Come, watch me as I raise the sun,” she invited, with a gentle smile.

He nodded once and looked to the east. Closing her eyes, she drew her latent power and charged her horn. Rearing up, the sun willingly followed her motions. Fully extending her wings, she took to the air, eclipsing the fiery globe behind her. As the warm light of day break bathed them in its golden light, he felt the benevolence and compassion she felt towards him, and probably all living things he surmised. Her mane and tail moved freely as she hovered above him, wearing a gentle smile she slowly descended to the ground below.

“I know I’m not as flashy as my sister Luna,” she said, approaching him. “But I like to think that the rising sun has a wonder all its own.”

“Truly, you’re no less magnificent then your sister,” he replied, taken with the power and majesty she’d used to control the sun’s assent.

When she heard his compliment, she lightly blushed. “It’s been a while since any of the pantheon has complimented me,” she replied, giving him a thoughtful look.

“I think when you’re surrounded by wonder, it’s easy to forget the marvels all around you,” he said, picking up a handful of loose dirt. Staring intently at the earth in his hands, his eyes burned with power. Moments later a small ivory flower emerged from the dirt he held. As the petals opened, they spread out in the shape of her cutie mark, that of the rising sun. “I think I shall call it a Celestial Bloom.”

Offering her the flower, she levitated it and placed it in her mane. “Thank you, Slave King,” she said, greatly touched by the gift. “But why did you make it for me?”

Thinking to himself, he wasn’t quite sure why he had. Perhaps the night he spent with Lady Zephyr, combined with his approaching renewal, had somehow made him more amorous than usual. Deciding to mask the hunger he was feeling towards her, he decided to offer a weak platitude instead. “So you might never forget the wonder life offers,” he said, returning to his throne.

However watching them unseen was Princess Luna, who was grinding her hooves into the earth angrily. How dare he? she fumed, upset that he had made a flower for her sister and not her. It’s not fair. Celestia always gets all the attention, while we must forever be in her shadow.

Ah, poor little princess, the voice taunted her. Are you feeling sad that Celestia is winning his heart without any effort at all?

We command thee to be silent, she shouted, displeased she could do nothing to silence her tormentor.

Oh what’s wrong, afraid she’ll keep the Slave King all to herself? the voice said, with a hint of cruelty. Don’t worry, Luna. I’m sure she’ll happily share him with you when she’s done using him. After all you always did enjoy her cast offs.

Nay, we shall prevail against her, Luna vowed, determined that she wouldn’t be bested once again. We shall defeat our sister and all others that conspire to steal him for themselves, making him ours and ours alone.

How do you propose to do that, Luna? the voice asked, challenging her to make good on her promise.

We… we knowest not, she admitted, bowing her head in defeat.

When the voice didn’t respond, she angrily flared her nostrils. Well, she demanded, fully expecting it to offer a solution to her problem. When no answer was forthcoming, she stomped her hooves in frustration.

Her tantrum was caught short, when she remembered the small chest in the corner of the tent. Searching the tent, she soon discovered it. Like before, it seemed to call out to her, Luna, open me!

This time, ensuring she was truly alone, she grabbed hold of the chest and opened it with her magic. Looking inside, she was disappointed to find it was nothing more than a large sapphire. Using her magic to pick it up and examine it more closely, she found that it seemed to radiate both shadow and light magic.

We wonder what secrets this gem possesses, she said to herself, as she slowly rotated the gem so she could examine its every facet.

Perhaps were you to discover its secrets, you might impress the Slave King, the voice suggested to her. Discover its purpose and he will be yours.

“An excellent plan,” she muttered, gently probing the gem with her magic. When her magic probe made contact with the interior of the sapphire, she nearly dropped it in shock. She found herself looking into the underworld, where hundreds of lost souls were wandering aimlessly through the shadows and mist of the featureless landscape composing it.

“Neighcromancy!” she gasped in revulsion.

When they heard her, they reached out with their ghostly hooves and stared at her with their empty grey eyes. “Help us!” they wailed.

Immediately, she severed her connection to that ghastly place, returned the gem to the chest, closed it, and returned it back to its hiding place.

See, the voice triumphantly said, he encroaches on your domain.

Nay, tis a perverse thing he seeks, she replied, trying to rid herself of the memory of the dozens of sightless grey eyes that had stared back at her.

He seeks something in your domain, the voice said. Use that to your advantage. You possess knowledge he requires, you could easily make him yours in exchange for it.

We dost not think it wise to seek after the dead, she replied, laying her ears back with concern. No good has ever come from dabbling in the forbidden arts.

Forbidden to mortals perhaps, the voice said, but to a god, never.

We shall have no part in such diabolical wickedness, she said, rebuffing the voice’s temptations.

Her inner struggle was interrupted when she heard her sister speak. “I hope you had a restful sleep, Luna,” she said, walking towards her.

“We are unaccustomed to sleeping in such crude conditions,” she said. Spying the flower in her sister’s mane, she narrowed her eyes. “Pray tell, Celestia, where didst thou comest upon yonder blossom.”

Using her magic, Princess Celestia levitated the flower for her to see. “The Slave King made it for me,” she replied, with a slight smile. “He called it a Celestial Bloom.”

When she heard her sister mention the gift, she frowned. It was just like her, as soon as she found something she desired to try outshining her. “Why dost thou always seeketh to usurp our desires?” she demanded, pushing roughly past her sister.

“I’m sorry, Luna, I don’t understand what you mean,” she said, moving towards her sister with concern.

“Thou knowest full well what thou hast done!” she huffed, stepping out of the tent right into the Slave King.

“Is there a problem?” he asked, looking into her distraught azure eyes.

“We knowest not!” she raged, looking resentfully back towards her sister, before stepping past him. “Dost thou have one?”

“Humph,” he grunted, walking past the surly alicorn.

When she saw that he was ignoring her, she stomped her hoof down indignantly, flying off, and only leaving an indignant humph behind.

Looking to her sister, he raised his eyebrow questioningly. “Celestia, the Radiant, It appears that someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” he said to her.

“Please forgive my sister, Slave King,” she replied, “Luna’s sleep cycle is off, and full moons have always made her more emotional.”

“The time to meet with Lord Triton has come,” he said, gesturing towards the stone table outside.

“Very well Slave King,” she replied, casting her gaze towards her retreating sister.

Author's Note:

Thank you gentlereader for reading chapter seven of The Book of Water: The Marriage of the Slave King, as always comments are appreciated. My apologies if you found the content on the cloppy side of things. In truth I struggled greatly with this chapter due to the content, and was concerned that it might be alienating. But after several rewrites decided that this is what the story and plot demanded.

Finally we see the root of Lady Zephyr and the Slave King's estrangement. She thought to entangle him in matrimony and in the end lost everything. But there's hope that with time, now that they've settled their differences that they might be reconciled with each other. What that means for Lady Suzaku is a story for another day. And why is the Slave king so hesitant to reciprocate, I wonder. What skeleton in his closet holds him back from her?

And poor little Bixie, once the predator now turned prey. I wonder what horrors lie in wait for her now that she's going to be framed for the attempted assassination of Sir Hurricane. Will the Slave King believe her word over Second's? And if so what will he do with her?

Naughty Luna, don;t you know it's considered rude to snoop? But what's a little neighcromancy between friends? And why so jealous Luna? Sure the Slave King made a flower especially for Celestia and not you. I'm sure the gift of looking at his horribly scared body is just as nice. Well okay maybe you should be worried.

Well that's all for this chapter. Gentlereader, I hope you have a safe and fun New Year's Eve. All the best wishes for a great new year in 2013. Until next time!

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