• Published 2nd Dec 2012
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Xenophilia: Further tales. - TheQuietMan

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4: The fool on the hill - Part Two.

The fool on the hill - Part Two.
(And nothing else matters)
Chapter published 16th June 2013


Suddenly intrigued by the contents of Applejack’s oversized saddlebags, Rainbow Dash rolled herself off of her back and flipped herself ‘right way up’ before unfurling the wings she’d previously been laying on and taking to the air. Hovering a few feet off of the ground for a few moments to let her feathers shake out any loose bits of dirt and grass that they’d collected she then lazily drifted over to where her earth pony friend was busily unpacking.

“So what’cha up to?” she asked, trying to get a better view of whatever AJ was pulling out of her packs and carefully leaning against the log next to her. The late evening sun may have been getting ready to check out for the day but there was still plenty enough light to see by. The campfire still happily burning away on the other side of the log added an extra source of light that they’d be thankful of soon enough.

“Nothin’” Applejack said evasively, her muzzle scrunching up slightly even as the words left her lips. Rainbow couldn’t help but grin. Element of honesty or not, AJ had always been a lousy liar.

“Uh huh” Rainbow watched her friend lay out her banjo next to her fiddle case and what looked like one of Lyra’s smaller harps in a case. Or is it a lyre? Mare’s got so darn many of them now I can never tell what’s what. Several lanterns and a case that the pegasus didn't recognize were all placed by what looked like a rather old - and very large - six string guitar.

“Handy asked me ta bring y’all up some stuff from th’ farmhouse” After all these months Applejack still insisted on using her old nickname for Lero. Mainly, Rainbow was starting to believe, because the palomino pony knew that it still mildly annoyed her flighty cyan friend.

Once Rainbow’s relationship with the human had become common knowledge the earth pony had taken great delight in teasing her about it - often aided and abetted by Rarity - on a semi regular basis. She’d even started teasing Lero himself about it, which everypony within their circle of friends had taken as a good sign.

AJ was first to admit that she still didn’t really “get” Lero, but she’d always been upfront about it and while they still weren’t ‘bestest friends’ or anything, they’d developed their own strange kind of respectful working friendship anyway.

By now Lero had extracted himself from the pile of bodies a little away from them up the hill and headed over to join them, shaking himself off as he walked. Some rather over-exuberant ‘horse play’ - a strange human expression that Rainbow had to admit had been pretty accurate - had previously left Lero, Lyra and Twilight in a tangled heap in the grass. Lero may have wandered off but the two unicorns he’d left behind seemed happy to just carry on lounging about in the sun where they lay.

“AJ, your timing’s perfect.” He bent down to grab a flask of water from Twilight’s bag sitting at the end of the log. Taking a big swig he gave a deeply satisfied sigh. They’d found out long ago that Lero went through fluids far faster than the average pony so an emergency water flask had become a common addition to most of their friends saddle bags, just in case. “I really can’t thank you enough for doing this.”

“Shucks, Handy” Applejack gave that slightly embarrassed look that generally came about whenever other ponies praised her. Of all of their friends, AJ was definitely the most free with her facial expressions, something Lero had come to appreciate. “Ain’t no big thing. Reckon yer’d do th’ same fer me.”

Lero’s voice dropped down into a uncannily good imitation of the earth pony’s own Appleachian accent. “An’ Ah reckon Ah would, Miss Applejack. Cos’ that’s what we folks do.“

Applejack couldn’t help but laugh and gave him a gentle swipe on the arm with her forehoof before turning her attention back to her bag. Rainbow was glad to see them getting on so well though something occurred to her.

“So, big guy, what’s this favour you’re so grateful for?” She waved her hoof towards Lyra’s harp laid out next to AJ’s banjo. “This something to do with why you and Lyra have been hiding yourselves away the last couple of weeks?” She was very careful not to let her tone imply that he and Lyra had been engaging in anything… frisky, as that would just make him nervous and he’d go all red, which was cute and all but…

Aaah, he’s going red anyway, that’s sooo cute. Buck it, I know I said I was gunna let them work it out themselves but I just can’t resist it.

She leant forward and brought her fore-hoof up to her mouth so she could stage whisper at her lover. “Dude, you know if you wanted to bring another unicorn home you only had to say so. I mean, I may not be into mares myself but just look at those haunches.“

A snort from Applejack had Lero looking back and forth between the two of them before the farmpony picked up her fiddlecase and banjo as she made to move away.

“Sorry, Handy. Yer on yer own fer this one.“

Watching AJ trot off to the other side of the seating area, laughing to herself the whole way, Lero turned back to Rainbow.

“Err, well, you see.” The human stammered.

He was getting so red at this point that Rainbow had to take pity on him. Hilarious, he’s gunna melt in a big puddle any minute now. “Relax, Big guy. It’s cool.”

“Really?” Lero’s head turned to look at back at pair of unicorns sitting on the grass behind him. As Lyra noticed him looking and started to get up Rainbow leant forward and put her forehoof on Lero’s chin, turning his head back to look at her.

“Yeah, really.” She leant forward and laid a gentle kiss on his lips, allowing herself to enjoy the smell of his sweat. She so loved his smell, especially after he’d been exercising, and today had certainly been a day for it. Mmmm. No other stallion could ever smell as good as this. She moved forward slightly, pushing her muzzle along his cheek and towards his ear, rubbing herself against him so his sweat would get onto the short fur around her eyes.

Ponies had a much more sensitive sense of smell than humans and Rainbow had to admit she loved to get his scent onto her fur whenever she could. For her it was at least a hundred times better than those high-class perfumes snobby Canterlot ponies were always wearing. She especially loved to get it on her before she had to report for weather patrol duties, that way it was like he was with her even when they were apart all day.

Plus, if it meant that other ponies could smell his scent on her like some kind of territorial markings then all the better. She had to be careful though, Twilight had been covered in it last time Rainbow had stopped off at the Library and the urge to rub herself all over her herdmate when nopony was looking had been almost irresistible. But sooooo crazy hot.

Pulling away she rested her forehead against that of her lover’s and looked deep into his eyes. “Just, think about it.”

“Think about what?” Lyra asked as she came up beside the pair.

“Nothing.“ Rainbow said quickly, taking the unicorn’s attention upon herself before she could see the state of the human’s delightfully flushed face. “So what’s going’ on anyway? That’s a whole lot’a stuff AJ’s carted all the way up here.”

Waving her hoof at the pile of goodies AJ had left on the ground, the pegasus added. “We having a sing along or something?”

Lyra just smiled, gracing the pegasus with that enigmatic (infuriating more like it) look that always promised to speak volumes while saying nothing at all.

Glancing to the still blushing human and back again the mint green unicorn just gave a small “Maybe” before using her magic to levitate all of the cases, lanterns and other assorted goods - except for the guitar - and then wandered off with them towards the middle of the seating area.

Still watching the unicorn amble away, swaying her hips as she went, Rainbow poked her mate with a forehoof. “Come on big guy, what gives?“ She asked.

Looking away as he sat on the log behind him, Lero just grabbed the guitar from where it lay and pulled in onto his lap, his long fingers fiddling with the tuning pegs. Human body language may not have been exactly the same as it was for ponies but Rainbow knew an attack of nerves when she saw it.

“Well, you remember that night last month when I came home a bit...err, worse for wear.” Lero asked, momentarily glancing up from his instrument, nervousness evident on his face.

While her stallion’s expression was concerning, the memory of Lero’s drunken night made her laugh out loud before she could stop herself.

“Yeah, do I ever.” She put a forehoof over her mouth so Lero wouldn’t think she was laughing at him... though she was. “You were totally passed out on Big Mac’s back and about as responsive as Twi the morning after one of her allnighters of ‘crazy’ studying. It took both me and Mac to get your clothes off and wrestle you into bed.”

Lero paled at the news. “Really? Mac hadn't mention that bit.”

“Yeah. You were soooo wasted. No wonder you’ve been avoiding cider ever since.”

“Yeah, I guess I was. Sorry about that” Lero rubbed at the back of his neck in a manner that his mares by now took to be a gesture of guilty embarrassment. “Anyway, I woke up next morning feeling pretty good about everything, well everything except ever having any more cider I mean, but hardly any hangover either which surprised the life outta me.”

He'd also had the taste of his mom’s coffee in his mouth as well which he still thought was odd. He hadn’t missed human coffee much before that morning but he found that he really missed it now.

“Anyway.” He continued. “You remember how the day before I’d been all mopey about not being able to hear the music of harmony and all that?”

“Yeah, though I keep telling ya, big guy, it’s not a big deal.” Rainbow gently poked him in the arm with a forehoof. “You’re not missing that much anyway. The last time I got a solo it was just one line about jousting. I mean... jousting? It’s cool an’ all but just one line? At least AJ got something to eat out’a her line.”

“True, true.” Lero laughed which Rainbow was glad to hear. “Well anyway, when I got up that morning I had this thought that I just couldn't get out of my head. The night before might have been a bit hazy but I remembered that the Apples have a whole bunch of instruments in storage out in one of their old barns that they aren’t using. So I went to see Mac and when he said I could use any of them I picked this.”

Lero held out the old guitar so Rainbow could better see it. It was obviously ancient, maybe even as old as Ponyville itself. Years of heavy use and loving care had left its wood a deep but pitted red, the area around the sound hole especially showing years of both wear and wood polish in equal measure.

“This was Pa Apple’s. “Lero explained. “Before that it belonged to Ma Apple’s father, his mother before him and her father before her. Now it’s Big Mac’s.” The human let his fingers run along the guitar’s ‘well loved’ surface. “It was real nice of him to let me look after it, must be a whole lot of family history tied up in it.”

More than any other Equestrian race, earth ponies were generally the most adept with music. While their magic wasn’t as flashy as pegasus flight or weather magic, or as outwardly visible as unicorn magic, earth pony magic tended to manifest itself in more subtle ways. Often it was through the toil of farming, the skill of tending animals, the art of cooking and baking or the act of making music. It was no coincidence that most of Equestria’s professional musicians were earth ponies as it was rare to find an earth pony that couldn't at least get something passable out of an instrument if they tried. Even without the nimble dexterity of the pegasi’s wingtips or the delicate control of the unicorn’s telekinesis, they had the other races beat hooves down.

Letting his fingers gently strum across the strings, Lero had the old guitar let loose a pleasing sound - even to Rainbow’s untrained ears - the rumble a lot deeper and bassier than she'd expected.

“I think back home this would have been called a ‘Guitarrón Mexicano’.” Lero commented as his fingers continued to work the strings. “I learnt a bit of guitar in highschool. Like most teenage boys I figured it would help me get girls. Not that it did much good.”

Picking a few more notes, his left hand moved to the fret board as he worked though a the strings.

“I wasn't that good at it, never had the confidence to perform in public anyway, certainly not like my sister could. So not exactly the honey magnet I was hoping for.”

Moving his fingers deftly along the frets, the human played out a few chords. As he did so Rainbow moved around to his side and pushed herself up against him.

“Well it’s certainly working on me.” She laughed as she rubbed her muzzle against his shoulder.

“Thanks, honey.” Lero kissed her forehead.

“So, you still haven't said what your big idea was.” A gentle prod on the ribs told the human that she wasn’t letting him prevaricate much longer.

“Ah, yes. So after I got Mac to lend me his dad’s guitar, I asked Lyra to help me learn to play again. She’s a really good tutor you know, she seems to know just what to say to make it all seem so easy. I couldn't believe how quickly it all came back to me.”

A few more notes, a quick sequence that quickly turned into a full melody that Rainbow really felt sounded familiar. Without the magic of harmony to prompt her it took a few moments for her to recognise the tune but once she had it she found herself compelled to sing along.

When I was young I was too busy to make any friends.

Such silliness did not seem worth the effort it expends.

The words flowed from her lips, the lyrics coming surprisingly easily even though she wasn't being magically assisted as she normally would be.

But my little ponies, you opened up my eyes

And now the truth is crystal clear, as splendid summer skies.

And it's such a wonderful surprise

Rainbow remembered that little number quite well. Not long before Lero first arrived in their lives Twilight had been gifted with that song totally out of the blue. Usually it took a major event or rather special happening for the music of harmony to make itself known but in this case all Twilight had been doing was standing in the middle of the library, surrounded by her friends, as Spike finished up sending one of her friendship reports off to Princess Celestia.

“Twi taught me that one when she was explaining about how the music of harmony worked and why it won’t react with me.” Lero let the instrument fall silent as he pulled his fingers away from the strings. “She said she’d been totally overcome by the need to tell you all about the happiness you've all brought into her life and how of all the songs she’s ever been given that’s the one she likes best.”

A few more notes but no discernible tune this time.

“Ya know, big guy, you're doing a really good job of not telling me what this big idea was.” Another poke in the ribs. Maybe not quite as gentle as the last one but still not enough to hurt. “Come on, spit it out.”

“Okay, you got me. Well, the truth is.“ Lero looked away, a distinct shade of red creeping up his neck. “I want to sing you a song like Twilight did.”

Rainbow just stared, she wasn’t sure what to say to that one. He... really? Oh, wow.

Turning to find his mare’s... odd expression Lero thought he’d better clarify a few things.

“I mean, okay, I know it’s not the music of harmony or anything but where I come from a lot of songs are written to tell other people how we feel about something. We have love songs and protest songs, songs we write to make people happy or sad, others we use to tell stories. Humans have been singing to each other probably as long as we’ve been able to bang two rocks together and I... I dunno, it kinda sounds silly now.”

“No, no, it doesn't sound silly at all, not one little bit.” Rainbow quickly reassured, worried that her stallion might change his mind and give up on whatever it was he had spent all this time working on. “I’d, err, I’d love to hear you sing for me.” She’d never had a stallion go to all this effort to serenade her before so she was a little flustered herself.

Lero laughed. “Well that’s good. I’d hate to have to tell Applejack the whole thing’s off. It took ages for Mac to talk her into playing her mom’s violin for me. You should have heard her, she was all like ‘Ain’t no pony got time for that’” Lero was surprisingly good at mimicking the farmpony’s accent. “But he talked her round eventually, seems he can be quite the negotiator when he wants to be. She’s a really good player too though she keeps denying it.”

“Ah’m better when ah ain’t gotta play all fancy like.” AJ called over from where she was sitting, an old and well cared for violin held under her chin with a forehoof, a bow tucked into the crook of her other ankle. “‘Least with mah own fiddle ah can jus’ use mah teeth.” She complained.

Realising that everypony had been listening in, both human and pegasus stiffened in their seats, Rainbow’s blush quickly matching that of her lover’s.

“I think we’re about all set up here” Lyra added, as much to save the pair any more embarrassment as anything else. Motioning around her with a forehoof she indicated the lanterns which had been set equally around the outer perimeter of campfire as well her own carefully laid out instruments. “And it’ll soon be getting dark so we really should get started quickly if we can.”

Twilight had made herself at home leant against one of the logs, her saddle bags propped up within arm’s length. Looking to her pegasus herdmate while patting the ground next to her with a forehoof she indicated that this was to be the audience’s area.

After giving her stallion a quick kiss on the cheek, Rainbow got up and wandered around to where the lavender unicorn was sitting. As she sat herself down next to her herdmate she eyed up Lyra’s pair of instruments. “So is that a harp or a lyre?” She asked as she got comfortable.

“It’s a clàrsach. So yes, technically it’s a harp.” The unicorn musician answered, offering no more information than she had to, which always seemed to be the way with the enigmatic mare.

“So what’s with the drum?” Rainbow added, raising a forehoof to her forehead to block part of the light from the setting sun streaming into her face from behind the ‘performers area’.

“It’s a Bodhrán.”

“Bodwhat?” Enigmatic my plothole, she’s doing it on purpose now.

“Bodhrán.” Lyra added as her eyes followed the human picking his way carefully around her. “Believe me, you'll know it when you hear it.”

Lyra and AJ had taken up positions on either end of a long log at the very end of the semicircle of logs around the campfire, their instruments laying in the grass next to them. Lero took a seat between them as the two mares checked over their equipment.

Making himself at home, Lero settled his guitar in his lap and checked the tuning pegs, Applejack doing the same with her violin before wiggling her flank on the log, settling herself in all comfortable like. Lyra also finished up checked over her instruments before using her magic to allow just her harp to hover a scant hoofwidth or so in front of her chest.

Satisfied with their preparations, Lero checked his wristwatch before letting his arms fall around his instrument, his hands clasped between his knees in front of it as he started to speak.

“A lot of guys back home have a really hard time talking about how they feel... in here.” He lifted a hand to pat his own chest just above his heart... or at least where Rainbow thought it was. Humans probably kept theirs in a funny place. I really oughta pay more attention to Twi's lectures... They can be just so boring though.

“They’re so worried that by opening up and talking about their feelings they’ll leave themselves vulnerable to ridicule or scorn. You see, it’s not considered very manly to open yourself up like that, to leave yourself bare for other people to see the person inside the man. Every now and then though you’ll get one of these big scary beer-swillin’ hard-talkin’ lady-chasin’ manly men writing something like a song or a poem or even just a few words that just throws that whole idea out of the window and says ‘Hey, here I am and this is how I feel inside’. This is one of those songs and I hope it tells you how I feel right now.”

At that, Lero lifted his instrument into position and readied his fingers over the strings before nodding over to Lyra and then over to Applejack, both of whom nodded back and readied their own instruments.

Looking down, at the ground at his feet, at the fire, at the grass around them even, Lero looked anywhere but at his audience as he began to play, his first few notes bassy, slow and steady.

Closing her eyes. Lyra extended her arms, her forehooves just barely touching her harp. Manipulating the strings with her magic she began to play, the first few notes seemed to chase each other as they made their way across the air in front of her, join the deeper notes from Lero’s guitar.

Slowly drawing back her elbow, Applejack committed herself to the melody, her violin’s longer drawn-out notes underlying the others, working with Lero’s guitar in supporting the quickly fluctuating notes from Lyra’s harp.

For a few moments they just played together like this, Lyra’s part of the melody dancing from her instrument like a child at play, Applejack’s more methodical notes soaring with the grace of a bird’s wings. As the farm pony lifted her bow from the strings, letting her notes float away on the breeze, Lyra’s harp chased Lero’s guitar until he lifted his strumming hand, letting Lyra carry on without him. After a scant few seconds he raised his head, for the first time since the start of the performance catching Rainbow directly in the eyes. As deftly his fingers once again worked the strings he began to sing.

So close no matter how far

Couldn't be much more from the heart

Forever trusting who we are

And nothing else matters

Applejack resumed her playing, closing her own eyes as she did so. As before her violin soared, the notes rolling from her strings, weaving their way around the campfire before making their way to the enraptured audience..

Never opened myself this way

Life is ours, we live it our way

All these words I don't just say

And nothing else matters

Any nervousness Lero may have felt before had obviously long past; the strong fingers of his left hand moving with intent and purpose upon the frets, the long fingers of his right hand nimbly plucking and strumming as he sang.

Wow, this song’s cool. Rainbow found herself pondering the lyrics as Lero continued to play. It did seem like the words applied well to their life together. We do live our lives our own way, no other herd in the whole of Equestria’s like us. And we are staying true to ourselves, no matter what other dumb-ass ponies have to say about it.

Trust I seek and I find in you

Every day for us something new

Open mind for a different view

And nothing else matters

Rainbow had not thought it possible for Applejack to put any more into her playing but now her notes didn’t just soar; they banked and swooped, they dove and they weaved like a bird of prey on the hunt, each one played with strength and conviction.

Never cared for what they do

Never cared for what they know

But I know

I've never trusted any pony the way I trust Lero... or Twilight for that matter. And everyday is so different from everypony else’s. So forget those old fuddy duddy stuck-in-the-muds who can’t be happy for us. It’s their loss if they can't see how great our lives together really are.

Out of the corner of her eye Rainbow could see Lyra’s bodhr... bodre.. drum thing lift from the ground, the unicorn not even opening her eyes as her telekinesis gently moved the cumbersome instrument towards her. As her harp moved away from her chest, her delicate magic still plucking the strings as it floated in front of her, the drum settled under her left elbow. As it tucked itself against her ribs, a small... stick thing.. floated to her right forehoof.

As Lero took a breath ready to impart his next line, Lyra’s beater dealt the drum a glancing blow as her left forehoof moved inside the back of the drum to manipulate the sound. A rich deep sound rolled its way across the campfire, soon followed by many of its brothers and sisters.

So close no matter how far

Couldn't be much more from the heart

Forever trusting who we are

And nothing else matters

Guitar, violin, drum and harp all came together in a wonderful symphony, lifting Lero’s heartfelt singing to new levels.

As Rainbow’s brain swam with the music, her third epiphany of the day hit her like flying into an anvil that had been hiding inside the second barn inside of the first one.

Music is like life and life is like music! Why did I not see that before? We all have our parts to play but in the end we’re all just parts of something bigger than us. Okay, sure the guitar or the violin might still be awesome on their own but without other instruments around them they’re just not as awesome as they could be.

We all have our different parts to play; some of us are fast and darty and attention grabbing like the harp, some of us are slow and steady and happy just being support for others like the drum. But we need to be different and to use our differences to work together to make a good tune.

Family and friends, we’re just the same as the instruments in band. You couldn’t get two mares more different than me and Fluttershy but we’re just as important as each other...

At this point Rainbow’s brain went through what what Twilight would later call a ‘paradigm shift’... probably one of the most earth-shattering outlook-changing moments Rainbow would ever have in her life.

Ponies like Fluttershy.

That might be nothing at all like me.

Are just.

As important.

And special.

And wonderful.

As I am.


While the pegasus’ brain was still recovering a female voice suddenly joined the fray, harmonising beautifully with Lero’s deeper timbre, bringing Rainbow back to the here and now once more. It was all the more impressive (and surprising) in that it wasn't the musically accomplished Lyra who was now singing back-up, but the usually song-shy Applejack who had lent her voice to the performance.

Never cared for what they do

Never cared for what they know

But I know

What other ponies think just doesn’t matter, it’s the love and support from our friends and family that really counts, that makes things like this possible.

Leaning back into his seat, Lero concentrated on his playing, adding variations to the music as he went. As his fingers moved deftly over the strings, he poked the very tip of his tongue out of the side of his mouth. Oh that is soo adorable.

What he must have gone through to get this all set up, the hours he’d must have spent to make sure that, even without the music of harmony to carry him, everything worked out just right.

Looking to Lyra and Applejack, both mares playing their instruments with their eyes closed, bodies rhythmically swaying in time with the music, Rainbow was amazed by that fact they could be so synchronised without magical assistance. A level of synchronisation that a group such as the Wonderbolts would have to practice over and over again to equal.

What must it have been like to have to ask for help from others just to do what comes naturally to the rest of us? To open himself up to them day after day until their actions gelled together in such harmony.

Rainbow was vaguely aware that Twilight had leant away from her by this point and was rummaging in her saddlebags but thought nothing of it, so captivated was she by the performance laid out before her. When a fifth instrument joined the music, the surprised pegasus’ head turned to see Twilight holding a unicorn flute to her lips as she added a few short notes to the mix. The lavender unicorn’s addition wasn’t long, just a dozen notes or so, but it spoke volumes.

Twilight levitated her flute back into her saddle bags from whence it had came before leaning over and planting a gentle kiss on the cheek of her stunned herdmate. After a good few more bars of just the four instruments, Lero began to sing again, smiling at his two herdmates pushed up together on the log opposite him as he did so.

Never opened myself this way

Life is ours, we live it our way

All these words I don't just say

And nothing else matters

As Applejack once again supported Lero’s vocals, Twilight now added her voice, both mares careful to support and not to overpower. This was very much Lero’s song and they were there to compliment his singing, not take attention away from it. Lero’s vocals took on a more emotional edge, more energy and passion being added to his words, words that very much came from the heart.

Trust I seek and I find in you

Every day for us something new

Open mind for a different view

And nothing else matters

As Lero moved into what would be his final verse - his voice cracking and wavering with the amount of emotion he was channeling - Lyra added her voice to the mix, the last few moments of the glorious sunset at their backs crafting a lightshow of impressive proportions. The power of three supporting vocalists, four instruments and the one true love of her life rang in Rainbow’s ears, forcing their way into her head and her heart in a way that the music of harmony had never managed.

It’s the support of friends like Applejack, family like Twilight and those like Lyra - strangers who became friends and maybe still could become even more - that make life so special. My life with Lero has them to help us, and us to help them in return. That’s the magic of friendship, that’s the true music of harmony.

Never cared for what they say

Never cared for games they play

Never cared for what they do

Never cared for what they know

And I know

As Lero’s voice finally gave out with the sheer emotion he was pushing into his last few words, Applejack suddenly stood up on her hind legs, a mighty swing of her head causing her ever present stetson to fall to the floor behind her as she launched into an impromptu do-or-die violin solo. Lero stared up at her, a look of surprise flitting across his features which was soon replaced with a wide smile.

As the notes surged and powered from the farmpony’s strings Lero and Lyra swiftly altered their playing to support her, Lyra’s drum beats buoying the violin’s every peak and crescendo while her harp and Lero’s guitar kept to the background. While they played the sunset behind them let loose it’s final rays of the day before sliding the last little way over the horizon, almost as if the entire thing had been timed out that way right from the start.

How quickly the supporter can become the main player, how swiftly the others change their playing to back her up. Our roles can change but our place in other’s hearts doesn’t falter because of it.

And just as quickly as she had began her solo, it was over and the farm pony lifted her bow from her violin’s strings, allowing her offering to the music to fade away, her instrument hanging at her side as she carefully (and with a measure of embarrassment) re-took her seat.

Letting her drum gently drift to the floor, its part in the performance now over, Lyra’s harp returned to the same gently repeating melody she had started her performance with just a few short minutes before. As the unicorn kept the striking sounds continuing to roll from her instrument, Lero let his guitar sound out its last few notes, each ringing clear before fading away on the breeze.

Gently laying the instrument on the ground next to him, the human made to rise from his seat, intent on making his way over to his lead mare’s side, tears by now streaming down her face as she sat in stunned silence.

But before he was even upright he found himself forced backwards, Rainbow pushing him over the log and onto the soft grass behind it as she rushed to throw herself around him.

As they they both lay in the grass, Rainbow held Lero tightly, wrapping her forehooves around his body as she pushed her muzzle up into his neck. Trite though it was to say it. she’d never felt as close to her stallion as she did at this moment.

“I love you too.” She cried, not caring that the others would be able to see her tears. “I love you and that’s all that matters.”

And she was right, what else really mattered?


Applejack and Lyra looked down at the two lovebirds from where they still sat perched on their log. As the minty musician let her final notes ring out Twilight came over to join them, standing in silence as they watched the usually ‘outward displays of affection’ shy pegasus kiss her man’s face all over, again and again and again.

Applejack finally broke the silence.

“So, Ah think that went well.”

As Twilight snorted behind her, Lyra couldn't resist teasing the farmpony.

“Yes, Miss ‘ain’t no pony got time for that’. Quite the... exuberant performance you gave there. And here I thought you were so dead set against the violin solo ending.”

AJ just opened and closed her mouth a few times while she struggled to come up with a good retort, finally setting on a simple “Oh, shuddup you.”

With that the three mares turned their attention back to the floor show which by now was getting quite... passionate..

“So, yeah, ya’know, we gots ah family reunion coming up soon.” Applejack added, trying to tear her eyes away from what Rainbow was doing to her stallion’s chest. “Ah think Ah might actually enjoy singin’ this time.”

Twilight patted her on the shoulder, twisting her own head to one side in order to to get a better view.

“I’m sure it'll go great, you’ll see, nothing to worry about.” She assured her friend. “I’ll bet you’ll bring the house down.”

Author's Note:

Disclaimer: I didn't write "Nothing Else Matters" (that'd be Lars Ulrich and James Hetfield) and I certainly don't own it. Maybe Metallica... could be Elektra... I just don't know.

I do know that Pepsico own both Doritos and Lays though.

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