• Published 8th Dec 2012
  • 3,255 Views, 40 Comments

A Para-military Paranoid in Equestria. - The Last Renegade

A former Marine is transported into the MLPVerse. Can he find peace among ponies?

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"Ugh. Wh-where am i?" I say looking up at the tree. "Well, that Somewhat answers that. Alright, How to get down...how to get down..." I Think out loud. I Feel around in my Pockets, as I Have many. I Grin. "Combat Knife!" I Reach into one of my Shirt Pockets and grab my knife. " Good. I Never thought I'd use this again." As I begin cutting branches, I Remember the Knife that I had used kill many people. Then, the flashbacks came.


"GET THE FUCK DOWN! MORTAR SHELL INCOMING!" I Screamed at my Recruits. They did get down, Because if they didn't... They'd be missing limbs. " ALRIGHT! SCOTTY, TAKE YOUR MEN AND FLANK RIGHT!" I Yelled to my Second in command. "YES SIR!" Scot replied as bullet ripped through a new guy. "Shit!" I Thought as I ran to him. Kyle Johnson was his name.

"Kyle! Stay with me son! You WILL Make it!" I Told him as I Dragged him into Saftey, Bullets flying past my head as i did.
"Alright, You with me bud?" I Ask him calmly. " Ye-yeah..." Kyle says as blood drips from his mouth." Okay lad, your gonna be alright, ya know that?" I Asked again, Trying to locate his wound.

"Okay, This'll sting a bit, 'Kay?" I Lie "A Bit?" 'Shut up kyle' I Think to myself. " Okay... Alot.You trust me?" " Yeah...I trust you. You are a Captain right? Th...They don't let ya be a 'Cap for nothing right?" He asks me, coughing up Blood as he talks.
"Damn right bud. I Was a medic back when i was your rank."

I Was a medic as a private, seeing too many friends die back then. I Was scared for life by that. "I-I'm sorry Captain. For being hit that is." C'mon Kyle, Really? "No. Wasn't your fault. Your just a Private. Ya didn't know you'd be shot." I Told him reassuringly, Hoping he'd feel a bit better. "Yer right. I Didn't kn-ooOOOOOOOOH!" He was in pain. I Could tell, In alot of pain. " Sorry lad. Didn't know it'd hurt that much."

Dammit. 'Sorry Kyle, I'm a bit tougher than you' I Said in my head, as a medic burst in. "Alright Captain, where'd he get hit?" The medic asked me. " Chest, 'Bout there-ish" I Said, pointing to the Wound in his chest.

"Okay, I Got this." Then Kyle told me something. "'Cap, Get back out there and kill the Bastard who shot me eh?" I Thought for a moment. " I'll kill each soldier in that General area 'Kay?" "Thanks bro. Come visit me sometime right?" He asked me, Coughing less and less, I Chuckle. " That, I can do. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've some Revenge to deal out." I Told Kyle and the Medic.

"Thanks man."Kyle says. " I Got this. You do what you gotta do okay?" Says the medic. Heh. Count on me. As I walk out of cover, I See Scot and his group moving and firing. " Oy, Scot! Wait up!" I Yell to him as I sprint towards him. "Yeah? How's the Recruit?" " He's with a Medic. Anyway, I'm gonna tell my guys to Regroup on you Okay?" I Tell him. "Okay, but... Why?" Scot, You don't know very me well do you?

"I've got a promise to keep." Truth runs Strong there. "Promise? What promise?" " To Kyle. Told 'im I'd kill everyone in that General area." I Said, Running to my Group. " Alright guys! Listen up!" That got their attention. " Okay! Regroup with Scot, He'll Lead you from there!" A Wave of "SIR YES SIR"s Came over my ears. I Had a promise to keep. I Wasn't going to break it for my life.

*Present time*

"AH!" I yell as I fall from the tree, Maybe Twenty feet. "OOF! Ahhh.... Damn that hurt!" I Say as i hit the ground.
"Okay, Goals... goals...

1. Bearings, Gotta get find where I Am.
2. Shelter, I'm going to need to hide from bears. Ugh i Hate Bears.
3. Weapons, I'm going to need some weapons if i want to eat.
4.Food, Preferably deer, But, i suppose anything will do. I Can also use my Knife to skin the animal for shelter.
5. Water, Cant go long without that.
6. Fire. I Can make a fire for a Flare and warmth.
7. Civilization, Gotta find people.
Right, Hop to it."

*2 Hours later*

"Ah! Perfect stick. Perfect length, thickness, This'll do nicely." I Say " I Should be able to make a Spear out of this. Use it for fishing." I Go on the hunt for food, And a pond of fish.
" Good. pond, Fish? Fish. I Think i can get some fish with this spear." Fish. Fish everywhere. After 15 minutes of fishing, I Decided to find, or build, Shelter.


"Okay, so, I Got fish, water, shelter, weapons, fire. I Got everything I need for the night. Should be safe." I Say to myself, Laying down on the rock for a pillow. The "Bed"


I Am sound asleep, not that that was easy, this bed is like a rock. Oh, it is. Anyway, i hear a sound. "Oh...This could be bad..." I Say, climbing out of the shelter. "Oh no, is that a bear? Dammit." I Think to myself. Then I hear a voice...

(Lemme know if there's Spelling mistakes. See ya!)