• Published 8th Dec 2012
  • 3,255 Views, 40 Comments

A Para-military Paranoid in Equestria. - The Last Renegade

A former Marine is transported into the MLPVerse. Can he find peace among ponies?

  • ...

A Well-suited Home.

I woke up with Dash's head resting on my chest. I slowly got up and took a shower and put my clothes back on before heading to Applejack's for work.

* Sweet Apple Acres *

"Howdy Jack." " Hey AJ. Need any help?" She looked worried at that. " Well yes. Big Mac's sick today. Ah hope he'll be okay." " Me too. Anyway, what do you need help with?" I asked. " Well, you can help by lookin' out for 'im." "Look after him?" She nodded. " Alright. I can do that."

I walked into the house and saw Granny Smith. " I'm looking for Big Mac?" " Up there " She pointed upstairs, half-asleep. I walked into the room. " Hey. I'm here to look after you." " Hmm? Oh. Hey Prince." " Call me Jack. Need anything? Because I'll be here all day."

" Well alright. Can ya get me a glass of water?" " Sure thing." I walked downstairs and grabbed a cup and filled it with water. I took it back upstairs and gave it to Big Mac. " Thanks. Ah think Applebloom has some questions for ya." Alright. Fire away."

We went to Applebloom's room for the Q & A session." So, where did you come from?" " Earth. Not in this universe." " How many..." "People?" She nodded " How many people are there on Earth?" I had to think. " Seven billion." He eyes lit up. " Really? There ain't even a million ponies in Equestria!" I chuckled " Yeah, well, let's say that there's alot of better people than me."

" You seem to be a fine stallion to me. " " Well, you haven't seen my old life." her head cocked to the right. " Old life?" "I killed people. All my life since I was 18. That reminds me: I have a killing machine on me right now." She backed up. " Don't worry. I won't hurt you." I told her, taking out my pistol. " It's called a Colt 1911. Fine gun it is."

" That's so cool!" "It's not cool. It's bad. I made a promise to use it only when all else fails. I've got another one too. This one's bigger." I say, taking out the hidden Bushmaster ACR I had recieved in the war. " This one holds 30 rounds. It can be built quickly on the battlefield." I tell her, assembling the weapon. " And there's a built ACR."

"ACR?" " Adaptive Combat Rifle." I tell her again, disassembling the rifle and putting it back in the pack. " You like the outfit? Rarity made it for me. Custom design for maximum carrying space. Can hold enough MREs for 14 days of food." "MRE?" I sighed. " Meal Ready to Eat. Good for the field. Shelf life of 6-11 years." I tell her, walking back into Big Macs room.

" What'd she ask?" "Well, I showed her a gun." I said, pulling out my Colt. " Made by Colt. Gun makers." after a while, Mac told me he felt better and told me to go home. " See you later." " See ya."

* Royal Castle *

10 Minutes later.

I had just arrived back at the castle. As I entered, I saw my sisters. "Where were you?" " Slept over at Dash's. Anyway, question." "What?" Luna asked. " Could I build a house, and by house, I mean underground base, in a hill?" Celestia thought for a moment. " I suppose you could." My face lit up. " Really? That's great. Thanks." She smiled. " Of course. A Prince needs a good home." I Smiled. " If you don't see me for a few weeks, I'm building the base."

* Super time skip! *

2 Months later.
I walked in to the castle for the first time in a month. " Hey. How's the house?" Luna asked. " Great. Finished it today. I actually got it done a month ago. Built an arsenal of guns for protection. I feel much safer now." My clothes were filthy, as I hadn't changed them in a few weeks. " Anyway, I asked Pinkie to set up a 'new PMC base' party." " PMC?"

"Private Military Company. A one man army always helps when you need some extra security. See you at the party. Wednesday good for you?" " Yes." They both said at the exact same time.

* Jack's Compound *

Wednesday. Noon.
Pinkie Pie of course was the first to arrive. She just couldn't stand to miss a party. Guests started arriving soon, and man, were there plenty! I had struck up a conversation with spike. " Not so scary after all am I?" " Yeah. Sorry about the freak thing." " No worries. I would have done the same if I were you." "So." He started. " You built this place in a month?" "Eeyup. my guns were the hard part. Even have a firing range. Want to see a gun in action?"

" You bet." We went down a few levels, finally reaching the range. " Soundproof walls, floor, and ceiling. Now." I pointed at the wall behind us. " You chose one of each type of gun." He went up and chose a few cool looking ones, An M4A1 Assault Rifle, A Deagle, a Kriss Super V, a M60, and a Cheytac M200. "Alright! Put these on. To protect your ears." " Why would I-" I fired down range. " Rule number one! Don't question an insane man with a gun!"

" Okay!" I took out the Deagle again and emptied a mag into a paper target. " Which one next?" He handed me the Super V, as I put a silencer on it. " What does that do?" " Makes the gun quieter. " I told him, firing a round downrange. "See? Now, the sniper rifle. Made for taking out foes from a distance." I say, aiming down the scope.

Firing a round, i hit the target dead on. " A wise saying: When you've got less ammo than the enemy, make the rounds count." I stopped firing the weapons. " What's wrong?" Spike asked me. "Nothing...it's just... these guns bring back memories. We better get back to the party." "Yeah. I wouldn't want Twilight worrying." "You've got it good Spike."

"How?" " You have somepony to care for you. Enjoy it. I still have to adapt." I told him, flying up a hole. " I made this hole for Pegasi. For fast travel." I landed on the floor after a minute of flight, an exit opened up. "There. Secrets everywhere. There's alot more to this place than you think."

We soon got back to the party as I snuck up on Dash, giving her a kiss on the cheek, making her blush slightly. " Your hair looks good." " Thanks. What about my eye?" She looked into my scared eye. " You need a nickname." "I know. Eye make me look like a grizzled old war veteran?" I asked her seriously. " Yeah. It does. How long do humans live?" She asked me. "Normal humans live about 80 years average. I am part pony so, I don't know.'

" How old are you anyways?" "Thirty five. Old I know. I've learned some things." She looked back at me as I sat down next to her. " Like what?" " Come." She followed me onto a stage Pinkie set up. " Alright everypony, Rainbow Dash is going to try and hit me." "What!?" "Come on. Please? I'm not hitting back." She looked into my eyes. " Fine" She said, attempting to hit me. I grabbed her hoof as she took off, tying to land a punch.

I grabbed her hoof everytime. She finally got tired and admitted defeat. I chuckled lightly while she trotted back to her chair. Among the crowd murmuring about how no pony in Equestria had out-fought her. " Thank you." I bowed. Applejack trotted up and asked, " How'd you do that?" " Simple! Hand-to-hand combat tricks! You have to predict where she'll hit!"

Dash flew up. " I let him win!" She stated. " Looked like you were tryin' to me." AJ Told her. "You're right. I did try to win. First time I've lost in a long time." I laughed, not taking the win as a true victory.

It was a few hours later, ponies started leaving. Before I knew it, they were all gone, except for Dash, who had fallen asleep. I just put her in bed and I slept on the concrete floor with my new hat pulled down over my head. A Stetson like AJ's, she gave it to me as a house-warming gift.

* Morning *

5:30 A.M.

I was cooking breakfast for Rainbow, who was still sleeping. I brought it over to her, as the top floor was the living room, bedroom, and bathroom. I enjoyed the fireplace I had in the bedroom. Dash started to wake up. " Morning. Food's on table." Pointing to a coffee table next to the bed.

"Thanks. What time is it?" " 5:35. I know you don't work on Thursdays so we have the entire day to ourselves." " Go into town?" I thought for a second, as my chest began hurting. " Ahh... The doc warned me about that. I'll be fine, Just give me a minute." I told her as I went into the kitchen for a pill and water. I came back in, but Rainbow was gone. Then, she scared the shit out of me.

" BOO! " She yelled from behind, causing me to spill my water. " That's not nice!" I laughed out. " Now I have to change." I changed into my war-torn outfit. She caught a glimpse of me without my shirt on and saw my scars and healed bullet wounds. " Oh my gosh! Are those-" "Scars, yes scars everywhere. Literally. " I cut her off." As well as bullet wounds that healed in the war."

" How do I look?" I said, taking a badass pose. " You should take your shirt off more often." " Does get hot under my shirt, so I think I'll go without a shirt today. Think ponies would care?" " Nah. You look awesome with those scars." I pointed to my chin. " I'm trying to grow a beard. That way I look more... Intimidating. "

We went out on the town. It was a hotter than-usual-day. " I just realized something." "Hmm?" "I've had flashbacks for a while now but, I haven't had one in two months. " I waved at the donut shop manager, he waved back. " Everypony know my name now. That's only happened once before, in the military."

"Ugh." She groaned. "What?" "It's those bullies again. They always want to fight me, and they call me a filly-fooler." " I got this." I walked over to the bullies and asked " Would you kindly stopped bullying Rainbow?" in a calm voice. They stared at me. "What are you? Rainbow Crashes useless ape? " "Insult me all you want. I heard you guys like to fight. How about trying me?"

By now, a large crowed had gathered around and were chanting "FIGHT!" " Yeah. Good idea! Got him boys!" They came at me with full force. I came at them faster, hitting one in the neck to make him pass out. A roar of 'Ooooh's washed over my ears.

I took out the second one with a punch. Unfortunately for them, there were only three of them. We both landed and stared at each other, until he threw a punch, I blocked and hit him also in the neck, causing him to pass out too. I walked away slowly back to Dash and we left. She was just looking at my nose.

"Your nose." I touched it and felt blood. " Meh. I'll take a shower later on." "That was awesome! But you didn't have to do that." I Smiled "I know. That's the point. I do what others won't. I love you, and I'll protect you. So what if I get a bloody nose? That's nothing compared to the things I've been through." I said, pointing to my damaged eye. " The nose is temporary. The eye is permanent. I can't see good. That's why i'm making a robotic eye. It'll look the same, but I'll be able to see great."

"Sounds dangerous." "It is. That's why you'll help me." She looked back at me, shocked. " If I mess up, you could go blind!" "I know. That's why I trust you."

* Jack's compound *

1 Hour later

There I was sitting on a medical chair. " Ready? " "A-are you sure?" She asked, panicking slightly. " Yeah. No reason to worry. If I yell out, and my eye starts bleeding, pull it out slowly. If I am in pain, but my eye's not bleeding, that means it's working, okay?" I asked calmly.

"Just stop worrying." She calmed down a bit. "Ready?" She asked. "Yep. Alright, just poke it in there slowly." I told her, pointing to a part of my eye. "Ooooh" "Should I stop?" "No. Keep going slowly."

" There. Stop." I pushed a button. I closed my eye. After thirty seconds, it was done. " Okay. Pull it out slow." She pulled it out slowly. "Nice. Now, I'll have to keep the eye closed the rest of the day. Come on. Let's just rest by the fireplace." "Okay."

We went to the living room, just as there was a knock at the door. " I got it." I opened the door to see Fluttershy. " Oh hey Fluttershy. What's up?" "Oh, a-are you okay?" "Yeah. Eye surgery, Dash helped. I just have to rest my eye for the day." "Oh, okay, I'll come back tomorrow." "No. Come in come in. " She came in the house and I closed the door. "So, welcome to Villa da Fifteen. Make your self at home."

I put the recliner down to rest. " Ahhh... Comfy chair." " Oh hey Fluttershy! What's up?" Dash asked. " So, are you and Jack, you know... In love?" "Yep." I kissed Dash on the cheek. After that, I fell asleep.

I was really tired when I went to sleep. When I woke up, Fluttershy was still over, and awake. Dash was up too. I groaned, and asked " Want to see the compound?" " Sure. " " I haven't seen it either." They said. "Alright. I got to test this eye too."

"Alright. System check." Systems came up. " Hmm... Test system: Vitals." My vital signs came up. " Test system: Heat senser. Dude. That's sweet." Heat sensers came up. "Systems test over. Works. Anyways, tour. This is the main house. It's disguised as a house, but under it, is a secret base.. Let's go."

After a while of touring, we reached the range. " What are these?" Fluttershy asked me. " Guns. Loud, and deadly." "Oh my..." "Wanna see one? Okay, here's the Kriss Super V, with silencer. Makes it quieter." I told them, firing a shot downrange.

"It's an SMG. Sub-Machine Gun. Sniper rifle..." I trailed off, as Dash tried to take down a tarp. " No no no no no no! That one's special. Can't show it. Still making it." The truth is, it was a highly experimental suit. Iron man suit replica.

After the tour, Fluttershy left and it was dark. " Gonna sleep over here?" " Yeah. Too dark." We climbed into bed, as I wrapped my arms around her. " Systems sleep." I whisper, turning off the eye. Making it into a regular eye. "Night Jack." "Night Dash."

* Morning *

8:30 A.M.
** Rainbow Dash POV **

As I woke up, Jack wasn't there, but he left a note.

Rainbow Dash.

I made you breakfast, It's on the table.
I'm just downstairs if you need anything.
I'm working on an unstable suit of Iron.
Just press the blue button on your way down.



** Jack POV **

"Alright. Hello!" A voice replied. " Hello master. What can I get for you today?" "You know the movie 'Iron Man'?" "Yes sir."
"So, the actual suit, I'm working on a mock up design. See if I can make it." "Very well sir. Anything you need?" Hmm... " Yes actually! Open up a 3D Render program. Okay, Color. I'm thinking Black with red streaks." The program rendered a good looking design.

"In the meantime, What's your name?" "JARVIS Sir." " So, are you right out of the movie?" "Yes sir. I can do all the things the movie can." "JARVIS Can we make two of these?" "Yes. Why?" Present... " I want one to look like this pony." I show a photo from the internet. " Okay. I can do that. And the other?" "Mmm..." I thought

"How about a stealth suit?" " Very good sir. I'll get on constructing. " " Thank you." I headed back upstairs. I saw Dash getting ready for work. " Morning. Work?" "Yeah. I'll be back by three." "Bye" She didn't reply. 'That's odd. she always says bye. I'll ask her when she gets back.'

The rest of the day was uneventful. I came by the Suit every hour.

* Later *

3 P.M.

Rainbow Dash was coming back, It's almost as if she lives here. Just then, she came through the door. " Hey. What's going on?" "I-it's my house. i couldn't afford it anymore. I was evicted." " Well you're free to stay here." She looked happier now. "Really? Thank you!" She hugged me. " I just noticed I haven't put my shirt back on yet." She giggled.

" You didn't have to take me in." " Yeah I did. Anyway, come here. I have a... surprise." I told her, blindfolding her.
I took her to a massage chair and took the blindfold off. " What's this for?" she asked. " You're stressed out. I can tell." I tell her. She got comfy and closed her eyes. " I'll show you how hands are better." I began gently massaging her neck, going lower to her wings.

She trusted me. I could tell as she relaxed. " Your hands are wonderful. You're like a gentle giant." "I can also be a killer one." I chuckled out " Only when needed though. " "Right." I said. A few minutes later, the massage was done.

" I love your hands." "Thanks. Now, sit around the fireplace?" "Sure." We walked down to the fireplace and sat by it. " Could this life be better? I've got somepony who loves me, a nice house, family. And a suit of armor. Watch this. JARVIS!" "Yes sir?"

"Meet Rainbow Dash, my special somepony. Are the suits done?" " Yes sir." I got up and grabbed Dash and started flying.
"You have to see this." We got to the suits. " Ones painted like you, and the other is a stealth suit. Cool huh? Thanks JARVIS." "You're welcome sir."

" Ugh. You tired?" "Yeah. Just sleep here?" "Hmm. Sure." I said, laying down and wrapping my wings around her. "Better?"
"Mmhmm" She mumbled, falling asleep.

Author's Note:

5 Hours of work.
Feels so little!