• Published 8th Dec 2012
  • 13,048 Views, 500 Comments

Just One Week - englishwitch

Twilight's parents come to stay.

  • ...

Extra: How Twilight got Smarty-Pants back.

Just one week.
Fanfic by englishwitch
Disclaimer: The following is an entirely fan-created parody. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, it’s characters and all other affiliated merchandise are the intellectual property of Lauren Faust and Hasbro. Please support the official MLP: FiM show.
I make no profit, or money at all, for the production and distribution of this fanfiction.

Extra: How Twilight got Smarty-Pants back.

Twilight looked at the Gabby Gums article “Big McIntosh, What’s He Hiding?” How this article has escaped her attention was as much a mystery as it was an annoyance. The long article declaring her a Canterlot snob had probably been part of the reason.
The article had been accompanied by a large picture of the big red stallion, holding something in his hooves. The object was slightly blurred, Big Mac had been turning quickly to try and avoid the camera. Twilight still recognised the object though. It would be impossible for her not to. The toy had been in her hooves since she was a filly; Smarty-Pants the stuffed toy.

Over six week ago Twilight had suffered a, small, mental break down over the thought of being unable to send a letter to Celestia. With no problems to solve she’d come to what she thought was the only logical conclusion; make a problem and solve that. So she’d enchanted her old toy Smarty-Pants with a Want It Need It spell. Everything had gone downhill from there. The whole town had wanted the stuffed toy. The fighting had gotten worse and worse and, eventually, Celestia herself had solved all her problems.

Except one. After the whole town had stopped wanting Smarty-Pants the doll had still been missing. When no other pony had wanted Smarty-Pants, somepony had actually wanted her, not because of a spell, but an actual want. Twilight hadn’t been able to figure out who, until she saw Big Mac with her filly hood toy in the picture.

She trotted up the dirt road to Sweet Apple Acres. She wanted to get this done quickly and silently with as few ponies involved as possible. Her stuffed animal was a deeply sentimental item but, perhaps, a little embarrassing to be seen with and have to explain to a group of curious observers.

Twilight looked out to the orchards as she trotted up the road. In the distance she could see the trees moving as they were bucked. They were quite a distance away, that was good. There was less chance of being caught. Twilight didn’t like this sneaking around, going to her friends home and taking without their knowledge. It was tantamount to stealing and the only thing that eased her conscience was telling herself that it wasn’t stealing but retrieving her own property.

The house lay ahead, Granny Smith sat in a rocking chair on the porch. Asleep and snoring away. Nothing short of an earthquake would probably wake her. Still Twilight stepped lightly as she approached the house.

The front door opened and a large red stallion stepped out. Huge and muscular, with a yoke around his neck, his orange hair was flopped in front of his face but his large green eyes still caught saw her clearly. “Miss Twilight?” He bowed his head as he spoke in his deep voice and slow but steady drawl. “Uhhh, AJ is in the orchard.”

Twilight had hoped to avoid all of this but it seemed she would have to confront Big Mac after all. Her horn glowed and she levitated the newspaper cutting in front of his eyes. “I’d like my property back.”

Mac shuffled uneasily on his hooves, his head darting in all directions to avoid her gaze. “Ah’m not sure whut you mean miss Twilight.”

He was really going to play it that way? She huffed and fixed her glare on him. “I know Smarty-Pants. My brother gave her to me himself. She went everywhere with me for the better part of a decade. When her eye fell off I sewed on a new one. When she tore I patched her up. I know every stitch on her.” She held up the picture again. “I know this is her and I know you have her. I’d like her back.”

Mac continued to avoid her hard gaze. His bulk filled the doorway, stopping Twilight from entering the house. “Ummm...”

Twilight gritted her teeth. Her horn glowed brighter. With a flash of light she was gone. Another flash of light happened behind him. Big Mac turned, with some difficulty, almost jamming himself in the doorway as he tried to turn his bulk. Twilight had teleported into the house, vanishing from the porch and reappearing at the top of the stairs.

Twilight ran down the hallway before Big McIntonsh could regroup. Her magic burst open doors, Applejack’s room, Applebloom’s room, empty guest room, Big McIntosh’s room. Skidding on the smooth floor, her hooves peddling on the smooth wood, Twilight almost didn’t make the turn. When she managed to get herself into Mac’s room she slammed the door behind her. Now to grab Smarty-Pants and teleport out again.

Twilight stopped, stunned at the sight in front of her. She never would have guessed Big Mac’s room would look like this.
It was dominated by a large four poster bed, big enough for Big McIntosh, big enough for Celestia even. Smarty-Pants was sitting on the bed, on top of the pillow. The doll, however was the last thing Twilight noticed. In front of the bed was a low table made of dark wood with a full tea service set out, a small teapot, a container for loose leaf tea, two tea cups set on opposite sides of the table, sitting on mats of woven straw. By the window were three wooden planters, each growing a miniature tree of a different apple species. A peaceful, almost zen, room which she would not have expected to see anywhere in Ponyville, let alone in the bedroom of a big farm pony like McIntosh

From behind her came a deep bass voice. “Oh, darn.”

Twilight turned, Big McIntosh was in the doorway, looking at her with sadness and disappointment. Slowly he stepped inside and closed the door behind him. Twilight noticed, as though for the first time, just how large and strong Big McIntosh was, made larger in the confined room. She took a step back from him, actually afraid.

Big Mac sighed and sat down. His bulk still blocking the door. “I don’t want you to take her.” He said softly, Twilight recognised that there was no threat or anger in his voice, he was simply stating a fact.

Twilight glanced at Smarty-Pants, noticing new details now her surprise at the décor of the bedroom had passed. Some of the spots on her which had been threadbare were now darned and patched expertly, the button eye, which had been hanging loosely by a thread had been reattached, she’d been cleaned mended with great loving care. The toy didn’t look like new, but she looked better than she had in many years. Twilight sat down and turned back to Big Mac.
“I think....you’d better explain.” She said with as gentle a tone as she could manage. “Why did you take Smarty-Pants in the first place?”

Big Mac nibbled at his lip for a second, he continued to avoid Twilight’s gaze. “Well...I...” He took a deep breath and nodded his head. Words didn’t come easy to him, at times he could be as shy as Fluttershy, so Twilight showed him patience while he thought of the right way to express himself. “Nopony knows ‘bout mah hobbies.” He indicated the three bonsai trees by the window and the tea service by the bed. “Ah gets mah privacy in da house, even AJ don’t know. Applebloom knows. She keeps it a secret for me.” He managed a weak smile. “Ah likes to take care of the trees, and have tea urv’ry eve’nin. It helps me relax. An’ Smarty-Pants...” He blushed as he looked at the toy. “Reminds me of a little toy ah had when ah was a colt. A little Ursa Minor, ah called him Bucky.” His blush deepened, turning his face redder than usual. “Ah could tell Bucky anythin’. Ponies at school used to laugh at me, the way ah talked. It made me shy, so ah di’nt talk to other ponies. I talked to Bucky.”

He stepped over to the table, freeing the doorway but Twilight didn’t try and leave. She had never heard Big Mac talk like this. So sincere. She was moved to keep listening.

Mac took Smarty-Pants in his hoof, looking at her for a few seconds before placing her down on the other end of the table, her little cloth legs wrapped around the teacup. “At the end of the day, over a cup of tea, ah can talk to her ‘bout anythin’. All the things ah think ‘bout durin’ the day. Ah can talk to Smarty-Pants wi’out worryin’ ‘bout nopony pokin’ fun at whut ah say or the way ah says it.” He finally managed to summon the courage to meet Twilight’s gaze. “she’s been like a friend to me.”

Twilight didn’t know how to respond to that. She looked, slowly, around the room. The bonsai trees were expertly trimmed and shaped, which was amazing. Bonsai trees could take decades to grow and required delicate hooves to care for properly. The tea set was of a delicate china, not something you’d expect to see in the large and heavy hooves of a pony like Big McIntosh. They needed a light touch and delicate handling. Then she took another look at the sewing work on Smarty-Pants, not heavy handed or sloppy. It was done with quality and loving care.
Could it be that Big McIntosh, the largest and strongest pony in all of Ponyville, the hardest working, the stallion who could buck an orchard clear in a day and even pull a whole house off its foundations, was simply a gentle giant who enjoyed nothing more than conversation over a cup of tea?

Twilight sighed as she crossed over and sat at the table. Her hoof touched Smarty-Pants gently. “I understand Mac. I can see how much see means to you. But Smarty-Pants means just as much to me, maybe more.” She glanced at Mac but mostly kept her eyes on her old toy. “My brother bought her for me when I was a foal, out of his allowance. It was a welcome home present he gave to me when I finally left the hospital. I never let her go for months. Everywhere I went and everything I did, Smarty-Pants came with me. The inevitable happened, in less than a year she just started to fall apart. The stitching came loose, the stuffing fell out. According to my mum she finally took Smarty away from me when I almost swallowed one of the button eyes. We all thought she’d thrown her away.

“When I was a filly I didn’t have any friends. Oh, I had some acquaintances; ponies I would say hello to, maybe even attend their birthday parties and stuff. But I was too dedicated to my studies to bother with making real friends. My brother was my only friend, but as we grew up our lives started to diverge. I had my magic studies and he wanted to be a royal guard for as long as I can remember. I spent so many days alone with nopony to talk to. I missed my brother so much when I didn’t see him and I knew as we got older we’d only spend more time apart.” She picked up Smarty-Pants, looking at the silly face of the donkey.

“Then, one day, we both got letters. I was being given a chance to take the entrance exam for Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns. Shining Armour got a place in the Junior Guards Summer Activity Camp. A whole summer of outdoor activities, training and exercises to give colts an idea of what it’ll be like if they join the royal guard academy one day.” She placed the doll back down in the position Mac had put her in. “I was happy for him, but sad too. He’d be away the day I took my entrance exam.”

Twilight shook her head slowly, holding back tears as the nostalgia washed over her. “I don’t know where he found her. Some dusty box up in the attic I guess. I think he stayed up all night fixing her. Replacing the stuffing, fixing her eyes, repairing the stitching, putting that patch on her leg where one of my foal teeth had bit through and ripped the cloth.” She sighed. “But on the day he was going to leave for camp, a week before my exam, he came into my room and gave her to me.” She wiped a hoof over her eye. Her gaze was fixed on Smarty-Pants and she didn’t see Big McIntosh starting to well up too. “I was so happy I cried. He’d made her like new, just for me. So even when I was alone, I’d always have a friend.”

Mac had to wipe his eyes furiously. “Ah’m sorry Twilight. Ah didn’t know.” He picked up the plush toy and held it out to her. “Take ‘er back. Ah’m sorry for keepin’ her.”

Twilight took her fillyhood toy in her magic, smiling at Big Mac broadly. “Thank you McIntosh. You have no idea how much this means to me.” She looked at him, the tears in his eyes, the sad look on his face. Maybe he did have some understanding. He wasn’t just moved by her story, he was actually sad to let Smarty-Pants go. Twilight sighed lightly, looking at the big red stallion, her small toy and back again.
“You know,” she said finally. “I don’t need her back right away. If you wanted to borrow her for the rest of the day, give her back to me tomorrow, that would be okay.”

Levitating Smarty-Pants across the table she held the doll out for Big Mac to take. He smiled broadly, almost laughed, as he took the toy into his hooves. “Thank ya Miss Twilight. Thank ya very much.”

Twilight smiled, nodded and wandered away from the two to the door. “It’s no problem Big Mac.”

She’d just opened the bedroom door when Mac spoke again. “Twilight.”

She turned back to face him. Mac was blushing more than ever, his usually red face was bright pink. “Ummm....Ah jus’ wanted to ask....well...y’all won’t tell nopony ‘bout this will ya?”

Twilight smiled and managed to suppress a giggle. She wasn’t laughing out of any kind of mocking but out of the sheer sweetness of Big Mac to ask her. It was almost cute. A big strong stallion like him, worried about what little her might say. As if anypony would believe her if she did tell. “I won’t tell anypony about any of this Big Mac. The tea, the trees, Smarty-Pants, I’ll keep it all a scret. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” With a bow of the head she turned to leave again.

“Miss Twilight?”

She turned back yet again. Mac looked even more nervous.

“Umm....would y’all like to join me an’ miss Smarty-pants for a cup of tea?”

Twilight giggled like a filly and smiled sheepishly. “You know Big Mac, yes, I’d love to.”

Closing the door she trotted back over to the table, taking the seat opposite McIntosh. Big Mac managed a nervous grin as he started to heat the teapot.

Smarty-Pants sat between them, her button eyes watching the two ponies with the perfect innocence of an inanimate object. Watching as Mac poured the tea and the two talked, joked and laughed into the evening and, slowly, into the night.

Author's Note:

Whenever I dropped hints of Twilight doing something to get Smarty-Pants back from Big Mac, this is what I thought of.
The whole idea basically came when I saw This Picture on DeviantArt

Since there was a demand for people to know what happened I thought, Why Not, and wrote it down.

Comments ( 51 )

I'm so happy you added this part!:twilightsmile::eeyup:


More Third than first actually.
But your comments are still appreciated :pinkiehappy:

A lovely way to end the story, just two questions.

1. Did you take away two days just to help speed up the story and finish it or was it part of your plan?

2. Important: Do you plan on a sequel?

Now for something slightly similar


in answer to your questions:
1) It was just the speed up the story as I realised that other ideas I had for the rest of the week would have just been repetitive and not as entertaining. Twilight's explosion was in the place it always was meant to be. But before I had the idea of the letter from Shining I had thought to just time skip and go from the apology and reconciliation to the goodbye's in the next chapter.

2) No sequel is planned but, as the old saying goes, "never say never." I may get ideas for sequels in the future I will write down.

Awesome chapter to follow the ending of an epic story ^_^
It totally could be a MLP episode.....with a few modifications......
in matters of mattress's....0_o
'nuff said



Cool, then I wish you luck on your future endeavors and hope you continue to support TwixMac. Barely any support as it is since everyone supports MacxShy.

Nice TwiMac you got there... :twilightblush:


More TwiMac please?:fluttercry:

This was TOO adorable!

This entirely what I did not expect, and I thank you for it.

This was an amazing story. I laughed hysterically at almost every chapter.

*applauds* Well done, and excellent and fun read! :yay:

Hmm...Velvet might get her wish after all. :pinkiehappy:

Oh... so AFTER the pimp mom leaves she finally gets with someone.

Great Story! :twilightsmile:

I think you've officially written my favorite comment on this site. Although I'm pretty sure this scene takes place before the rest of the story.

My heart packed it's things and left. I don't need him to live.

. . . Not sure what to say....

Aww, Big Mac is such a Sweet stallion :twilightsmile:

Maybe Twi will go on a quest to find bucky and give him back to Big Mac? :raritystarry:

1976557 that photo.....not sure if cute or slightly creepy.

Maybe she find him a new Bucky.

God, that was adorable!

Nice bonus Chapter!

1976692 Actually, TwiMac was the first MLP ship that was popular among the fanbase (Smarty Pants' fault:pinkiehappy:). Although FlutterMac did get a strong show of support, popularity varies between the two in competition with other ships.

1977405 This happened before the entire story (it was mentioned in one of the previous chapters BTW); while there technically friends/tea-mates/etc., they're not officially dating......yet.:scootangel:



The Extra chapter is set before the main story.
That's why throug the main story I was dropping hints as to how Twilight got her beloved toy back.

All I can say is a great end to a good story. MAybe you can make a sequal TwiXMac story based off this bonus chapter. Velvet would love you for it! :twilightsmile:

Will we get a side story of Pinkie's shenanigans in Griffonia?

Great story you made. But what did you do Pinkie?

The very first ship? I highly doubt that.

Cute story but don't really see why it wasn't posted as it's own story rather than as an addendum.

The bonsai apply trees were a nice touch a little bit apple and little bit delicate.




Upcoming twimac love fic!

This whole part made me DAAAAAAAAAAAW:pinkiesad2:

*reads about Bucky*

Ha! Teddy ursa!:rainbowlaugh:

But seriously, that was a really good bonus chapter.

I'd be awesome if this does turn to a :twilightsmile:x:eeyup: story! That's just sounds awesome.

1980220 yeah im thinking appledash would have happened sooner...

If you go just by when episodes were aired, probably Dash x Fluttershy was first, followed by Twilight x Trixie, Rarity x Applejack, and then Dash x Applejack. Rarity x Blueblood would be the first canon ship, but I don't think that was ever a thing in fanfic-land.

Awww, so innocent and so cute :twilightsmile:

A reference to "hair of the dog" the action of drinking more alcohol when you have a hangover to ease the symptoms.

Well dis was a happy ending. :twilightsmile:

Strange little Twimac moment there. A Big Mac who is completely different from his reputation, a quiet stallion with gentle joys in his life. Who knows if this will go anywhere in future but a secret shared can a friendship make. :twilightsmile::eeyup:

Finally! A story that gives me closure on the whole what Big Mac did with Smarty Pants event. I like the idea of Big Mac as a gentle giant who enjoys tea and clipping bonsai trees. :eeyup:

Big Mac took Smarty Pants in Lesson Zero, how Twilight got Smarty back, I cover in the bonus chapter.

So many stories have to make it dirty or mean-spirited...this is EXACTLY the sort of thing I'd expect from the actual characters. Loved that ending!

Twi flirted with Applejack.
AJ just joked about her flirting with Apple Bloom.

Well, it was a reference to a short lived meme about how Celestia LOVED cake.
right up there with those memes of Celestia loving banana's.

I thought it funny that the one this that ever made Celestia drop her calm and pleasant demeanour was the threat of her blessed cakes being eaten .

Now that I think about it...still funny :rainbowlaugh:

1984091 Pokemon is awesome isn't it? I prefer MTG though.

Big Mac nibbled at his lip for a second, he continued to avoid Twilight’s gaze. “Well...I...” He took a deep breath and nodded his head. Words didn’t come easy to him, at times he could be as shy as Fluttershy, so Twilight showed him patience while he thought of the right way to express himself. “Nopony knows ‘bout mah hobbies.” He indicated the three bonsai trees by the window and the tea service by the bed. “Ah gets mah privacy in da house, even AJ don’t know. Applebloom knows. She keeps it a secret for me.” He managed a weak smile. “Ah likes to take care of the trees, and have tea urv’ry eve’nin. It helps me relax. An’ Smarty-Pants...” He blushed as he looked at the toy. “Reminds me of a little toy ah had when ah was a colt. A little Ursa Minor, ah called him Bucky.” His blush deepened, turning his face redder than usual. “Ah could tell Bucky anythin’. Ponies at school used to laugh at me, the way ah talked. It made me shy, so ah di’nt talk to other ponies. I talked to Bucky.”

It's OK Big Mac, I know how you feel. Sometimes your own imagination is the best person to have a conversation with.

Twilight shook her head slowly, holding back tears as the nostalgia washed over her. “I don’t know where he found her. Some dusty box up in the attic I guess. I think he stayed up all night fixing her. Replacing the stuffing, fixing her eyes, repairing the stitching, putting that patch on her leg where one of my foal teeth had bit through and ripped the cloth.” She sighed. “But on the day he was going to leave for camp, a week before my exam, he came into my room and gave her to me.” She wiped a hoof over her eye. Her gaze was fixed on Smarty-Pants and she didn’t see Big McIntosh starting to well up too. “I was so happy I cried. He’d made her like new, just for me. So even when I was alone, I’d always have a friend.”

Darnit Twi now I'm tearing up.

good story, would have been on the floor if twilight lie to her parent and has a special pony name big mac, in her life....

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