• Published 10th Dec 2012
  • 4,862 Views, 116 Comments

Equestria Noir Case 16 "Among Alicorns" - Jacoboby1

A murder mystery taking place during an Alicorn Royal Summit

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Chapter 3 "Old Friends, Old Enemies"

Chapter 3

“Old Friends, Old Enemies”

I have no idea how long we stood there and watched the two Alicorns kissing. Twilight and I just stared, trying to process the whole scene. Until our runaway Alicorn smirked up at Celestia, and spoke in a deep bass, “Don’t look now Tia, but we have an audience.”

“What!” Celestia cried, flying off him, and looking around. She blushed a deep red at our expressions, “Twilight, Private, I didn’t see you there!”

Twilight shook her head and pointed at the black Alicorn, “Princess! Who is this guy?”

The black Alicorn climbed to his hooves and smiled at us. I noticed he had rather carnivorous teeth. Twilight was staring at him, her violet eyes filled with a cold fury. He held out a hoof in greeting and introduced himself, “My name is Voidera, and Celestia is my…” he paused, and looked over at a blushing Celestia. It was weird seeing Celestia like this. I guess she wasn’t that much different from us when it came to matters of the heart.

Celestia took pity on him and smiled. “My special somepony,” she filled in.

“Your special somepony?” Twilight exclaimed, in absolute shock. “I’ve never seen him before in my life!”

“That’s because I was gone for fifteen hundred years,” Voidera explained.

Twilight maintained her frown, as she looked at Celestia. “Princess, this is the stallion that attacked Shining Armor!”

Celestia looked over at Voidera with a frown. “Is this true?”

Voidera looked at the ground apologetically, “Was he the alabaster one?”

“Yes,” Twilight shouted. “What do you have to say for yourself, attacking my brother?”

He closed his red eyes and said, “I truly am sorry, I only intended to hit him with an anesthetic spell to put him to sleep.” He reopened them and looked at Twilight directly. “Then this fireball came out of nowhere and hit your brother in the side. I tried to offer help, but I feared you would believe me the culprit if I stayed.”

“You honestly expect us to believe that?” Twilight fumed. She looked at me for support. “Private! Tell him how crazy that sounds!”

I looked up at the black Alicorn before me. For some reason, I wasn’t as willing to lash out at him. I looked over at Twilight, “It was a pretty confusing situation, he could’ve accidentally fired a fireball and not have known about it.”

“Don’t tell me you’re taking his side!” Twilight shouted, her eyes narrowing.

“I’m not taking anypony’s side,” I explained calmly, raising my hooves. “It’s just speculation.”

Celestia approached us both and spoke firmly, “I will send word to the guards to pick up Shining Armor. I suggest you both retire to your quarters, and get some sleep.”

“Princess!” Twilight protested, pointing at Voidera. “What about him?”

“Voidera and I,” she answered, walking past the black Alicorn and running her ethereal tail along his chin, “have some catching up to do.”

Voidera smiled and bowed his head politely at both of us, “I’m truly sorry about what happened, I wish your brother a swift recovery.”

He walked away with Celestia by his side. The pair was talking excitedly to one another; it seemed they truly were close. “He’s doesn't seem like a bad guy,” I observed. “Maybe it was simply an accident.”

I looked over at Twilight, her violet eyes alit with fury as she ranted, “The nerve of that guy! He attacks my brother, then comes here and puts his hooves all over the princess, and lies, saying he didn’t hit my brother with magic!”

“Twilight,” I said gently, putting my hoof on her shoulder, and pulling her against me. She took a deep calming breath. “We've a long night, let’s go and hit the hay.”

She looked over at me, “Sorry, I’m just worried about Shining is all.”

“I know,” I replied, nodding solemnly. “Let’s just get some sleep and-“

We were interrupted by loud shouting. We looked ahead and saw that the guards had Voidera cornered. As we looked on Voidera backed into the wall, away from the spears pointed at him. One of the solar guards shouted, “Stay away from the Princess, monster!”

“Wait, please!” Voidera cried, his red eyes flashed briefly. “Don’t come closer!”

“Guards, stand down.” Celestia ordered firmly. “Do not harm him.”

“Your Highness!” one guard protested, “We were told that somepony was coming to try and hurt you.”

Celestia shot a sidelong glance at Twilight, who blushed in embarrassment. She looked back at Voidera who growled as a spear almost poked him. His eyes flashed red again. Celestia walked past her guards and up to the strange Alicorn. She gently put a hoof on his cheek and spoke in a soft soothing voice, “It’s all right, Voidera, they will not hurt you. You needn't fear them.”

Voidera let out a breath and his eyes stopped flashing, “Forgive me, I simply do not like weapons pointed at me.”

The guards bowed their heads in shame, as Celestia looked at them, her violet eyes expressionless. “You are all dismissed; I do not wish to be disturbed while I am with Voidera. Anypony who raises a hoof to hurt him will have to face me.”

The guards audibly gulped and flew away. Voidera looked at Celestia with a guilty expression, “I almost lost control, I’m sorry.”

Celestia shook her head and turned to nuzzle him in comfort. Voidera nuzzled her back, smiling a little. Just what was that all about?

The two Alicorns walked away together. They certainly seemed comfortable around each other. The way Celestia was able to handle him; they really have known each other for a long time.

Just who is this guy?


“I don't trust that guy!” Twilight growled, as she paced our room.

“Uh-huh,” I said, not looking up from the book I was reading.

“I mean, he’s obviously a friend of the Princess," Twilight concluded, “but just what is he exactly? She never mentioned a special somepony to me before. We tell each other everything,” she said that last part a little sadly.

I closed my book, looked up at Twilight, and asked, “Are you really that upset over this?”

She sighed and stopped pacing, “It’s just, I’ve known Celestia for over half my life. Now that this guy comes around I realize just how little I actually know about her.” She shook her head “It’s as though somepony took the Princess I knew and replaced her with a complete stranger.”

I walked to her, wrapping my forelegs around her. She pressed her muzzle into me, as I gently ran a hoof along her back soothingly “She’s still Princess Celestia. It's just for the first time in your life, you’re not seeing her as just a mentor,” I said, comfortingly.

“What are you talking about?” she asked, looking up at me.

“I went through the same thing,” I explained. “There was this one mare that Fenlock liked a lot when he was mentoring me. I couldn’t stand the fact she was around him all the time. For the first time in my life, I had to see Fenlock as a pony. I think that’s what’s going on here.”

Twilight slowly nodded. “You’re right, it was rather arrogant of me to think that she couldn’t have a special somepony,” she said. “Out of mild curiosity, whatever happened to Fenlock's marefriend?”

“Don’t know exactly,” I said. “Fenlock told me she left him and went to medical school. I heard she became a nurse after graduating. Fenlock never saw her again.”

“That’s so sad,” Twilight said, bowing her head. “I guess I shouldn’t be so antagonistic towards Voidera.”

“Do you know what he is exactly?” I asked. “I’ve never seen an Alicorn that looked like him before.”

Twilight tapped her hoof on her chin in thought. “I remember reading about a red eyed beast back at Glimmer’s mansion, but I didn’t get much. I’ve never heard of an Alicorn having dragon wings though.”

“We’ll talk to him in the morning,” I smiled a little. “Let’s just forget about what happened for the next few hours.”

“You’re right,” she said, her eyes drooping. “We were interrupted earlier.”

She stepped out of my arms and kissed me on the cheek. As she walked by me her tail swished up and ran across where she kissed. I watched as she lied down on the bed before me. I climbed onto the bed and kissed her lovingly on the lips.

She still wasn’t ready for me, I knew that. That didn’t mean I couldn’t pour all the love I had for her just in our time together. I laid flat on my back and Twilight crawled on top of me, her body stretched out along mine. She nuzzled me lovingly on the cheek. “Private, I always love it when we’re together like this. You always know how to keep me sane.”

“It’s a two way blessing,” I said, as I wrapped my forelegs around my beloved. “Twilight, I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Twilight whispered in my ear “My Preventus…”

She closed her eyes and put her head on my chest, sleeping softly.

Being with Twilight, even just lying together in each other’s forelegs, made my whole life worthwhile. Now I just needed to figure out how to convince her parents of that.


Perspective: Voidera

“Forgive my guards and my student,” Tia said, blushing a little in embarrassment. “Perhaps I inspire a little too much loyalty in my subjects.”

“They just care about you,” I replied, with a smile. “I think it’s a good thing. A Princess should rule out of love, not of fear.”

Her eyes were a little downcast. Stupid Voidera why’d you have to remind her of that! I quickly changed the subject, “Your mane, it’s different from when I saw you last”

She smiled and ran a hoof through it, the magic in her allowing the mane to flow like water. “One year Luna thought it would be a grand idea to mix my shampoo with hers. The result was rather interesting.”

“I think she did right by you,” I said. Then I smirked and ran my white tail along her flank “Although you should lay off the cake a little, you're getting a jiggly flank.”

She fumed and bumped into me. “Must you always be such a scoundrel?”

“There’s the Tia I remember,” I said, grinning impishly at her.

“You haven’t changed a bit,” Tia said bemused.

“No, but this world has.” I replied, walking to a nearby window and looking out towards the horizon. “The air is cleaner somehow, and things seem to be brighter then they used to be.”

She walked and stood beside me as we looked out at the landscape before us “A lot has changed here, there are very few Alicorns left. The children of those we saved have come to populate this land.”

“So much has changed,” I mused. “I wonder if it will make any difference in how they treat me.” My red eyes closed as I recalled all of the shouting, screaming, and cries for my blood. All the pain I’d caused…

She looked at me, her violet eyes the same ones I used to gaze into on cold nights. “The one thing that will never change, Voidera,” she said, reaching up and putting a hoof on my cheek, “is the fact that I am your friend. You and I have fought together for so long I cannot imagine my life without you.”

I put my own hoof on her cheek, and gazed deeply into her eyes. “Tia, I’ve missed you so much.”

“I missed you too,” she said softly, tilting her head to meet my eagerly awaiting lips…

“Tia, It’s time to raise the sun,” a voice called from the stairs.

I turned, and saw Luna staring wide eyed at me. She had grown up so much. She was no longer the filly I remembered. She rubbed her teal eyes and looked at me in disbelief. Suddenly those eyes were flooded with tears as she ran to me and cried, “Voidera!”

I opened my forelegs and pulled the young princess into a tight hug. She pressed her head into my dark chest and sobbed. I smiled down at her, “Luna, its okay, no need to cry.”

“Forgive us,” she said, looking up at me with tear stained eyes. “We believed you gone, and tried to persuade Tia to move on. We are so sorry for not believing when you said you'd return.” She hugged me all the more tighter.

Celestia walked over to us and gently got pulled into the hug by Luna. The midnight blue princess kept crying as she held both of us. “Please Tia, forgive us for doubting.”

“Shh,” Celestia soothed, running a hoof down Luna’s back. “It’s all right, we’re all together again.”

“Well, isn’t this a touching scene?” I male voice interjected. I let Luna be held by her sister and turned to face the owner of that voice. It was King Onyx, now fully grown, yet somehow he still managed to get under my skin. “I believed you dead, Voidera”

I shrugged. “Hoped, you mean? I got bored of being dead,” I replied, with a frown. “What are you doing here?”

“I am attending a summit here with dear Celestia,” Onyx said, smugly. It was that tone of his that made me want to burn him alive, but that would be redundant. “I could ask the same of you, Voidera. What are you doing here?”

“I don't need to ask your permission to see Celestia and Luna,” I growled.

“That’s Princess Celestia and Luna to you, beast!” Onyx shot back, his flaming mane starting to flare a little “Know your place among us!”

Celestia stood and got between us, glaring at Onyx. “Enough! Voidera is the reason you are even breathing at this point. I suggest you show him as much respect as you would me,” Celestia ordered, her nostril's flaring.

Onyx glared at me, but then bowed his head politely, “Forgive my abrasiveness, Celestia. I merely am protecting you from unwanted company.”

Luna was about to say something, but I held a hoof to stop her. Celestia needed to handle this.

Tia opened her eyes and spoke in a firm tone “The company I keep is my business. I am no shrinking violet. I have no trouble protecting myself, my subjects, or my friends. I highly suggest you return to your room, or you may find out just how far I am willing to go to do so.”

Onyx was smart not to change his expression; he turned and walked down the hall. He was good at hiding it, but I knew his pride was destroyed at that point. I knew he was furious, and this matter was not over.

I also didn’t miss the look he gave Celestia when he walked away. The rage inside of me was starting to boil…

How dare he think he can just look at her like one would a painting, she's no object! She needs nopony to protect-

I snapped out of it when I felt Luna running a hoof along my foreleg. I looked down at her, and was reminded of the child I used to look after. Her teal eyes begging me not to lash out at Onyx.

I sighed, and smiled down, reassuring her, “I’m fine, Luna. I just didn’t like how he was treating Tia.”

Tia smiled at us, and gave Luna a gentle hug. “Rest now sister, the day is almost here,” she said.

Luna nodded and then looked back up at me, “Promise me you’ll show us how to carve again?”

I nodded; I did promise her I’d teach her when we saw each other again. I rubbed my hoof on Luna’s head and she laughed a little at my touch. “I promise, you just get your rest.”

“Good morning then,” Luna said, as she walked off, yawning widely.

Tia and I watched her leave; my red eyes following the Alicorn as she walked around the corner, “She’s grown up so much.”

“She has. I do miss the days when she was younger, though. Maybe if I had been a better sister to her,” Tia said sadly, her voice trailing off.

I gently nuzzled Celestia on the cheek and she returned it lovingly, “Tia, you don’t have to pretend to be strong in front of me. You’ve seen me at my worst and I’ve seen you at your worst. Let’s not worry about the past for now, let’s just enjoy the new day of us being together again.”

Celestia wrapped her forelegs around me and kissed my lips tenderly. I returned it with as much love as I could. I had so desperately missed her. I missed her eyes, her gentle touch, and every tiny little thing about her.

I love Celestia, and nopony is going to take her from me again.


Perspective: Private Eye

The new morning dawned and I awoke to find Twilight still on top of me. Her head was lying on my chest and her breathing was soft. I couldn’t help but smile at just how beautiful she looked. I remembered hearing her sleep back when I stayed at the library. She would always toss and turn, groaning in her sleep. Now though, she was just so peaceful.

I planted a gentle kiss on her forehead and her eyes slowly opened. She looked into my grey eyes and smiled slowly. “Mmm, you’re so warm. I could sleep on you forever.”

“You have to get up though,” I replied, smiling back. “Being Celestia’s faithful student and all.”

“Ten more minutes please,” she said, closing her eyes and teasingly rubbing her head on my chest, as if trying to find a comfortable position. Then she laughed and hopped off the bed.

I reluctantly climbed out of the bed, levitating my formal attire on. The talks were supposed to begin today. I slapped on my trademark hat and looked back at Twilight who was fixing her mane. “I’m gonna go on ahead, I gotta checkup on the security.”

“I’ll be right behind you,” Twilight said. “Oh, see if you can go wake up Spike too, will you?”

"No problem," I assured her as I walked out, making my way through the halls of Canterlot Castle. Where was Spike’s room again? Sweet Luna, this place was confusing!

I rounded a corner but then quickly ducked back behind it when I saw Onyx and Oberon speaking together. My curiosity got the better of me as I listened in.

“You’re certain it’s him?” Oberon’s voice was slow and lacking any sort of influx or emotion, reminding me of my history teacher in high school.

“I’m positive,” Onyx answered “but this changes nothing, in fact it helps.”

“You realize what will happen if this plan of yours fails,” Oberon replied.

“It won’t fail,” Onyx said smugly. “Celestia has the upmost faith in that foul beast. This will work to our advantage.”

“Somepony is here,” Oberon said, his head turning scarily fast.

I have got to work on my stealth abilities! I bolted as fast as I could away from the pair. I rounded a corner and saw a large crowd gathered outside of a room. Spike came running up to me, “Private! It’s Prince Ember!”

“What happened?” I asked.

“Somepony killed him!” Spike exclaimed, as we pushed our way through the crowd of servants and dignitaries. I looked at a pair of solar guards standing in the doorway.

“I’m Detective Private Eye; I'm here to investigate this crime scene.”

They nodded and let me pass into the crime scene. I nearly gasped at what I saw. Prince Ember was on his bed, but his body wasn’t harmed, exactly. It wasn’t bleeding, instead… it was flat. It was like a pony skin throw blanket. A large tear ran up the side, like a rip in cloth. “What is this?”

“Out of my way!” I heard a voice call, and then Onyx entered the room, his eyes filled with grief. He ran to his son’s bedside and saw the tear, “His soul fire! Somepony stole his soul fire!”

“His what?” I asked Spike, who shrugged in turn.

“Fire ponies don’t have normal physical bodies” Onyx explained, while closing his son’s eyes. “Instead we are actually made of literal flame, our soul fire. If the body is here, then somepony took my son’s very soul out of him”

I looked out at the crowd, “Did anypony see what happened?”

After two minutes I heard one of the fire pony dignitaries call out, “It was him! I saw him enter the Prince’s room last night!”

I walked out and looked to where he was pointing. There, standing before everypony, was Voidera. He looked tired. He’d obviously been up late, for how long though?

“You monster!” Onyx shouted accusingly, stomping over to Voidera. “How dare you steal my son’s soul fire!”

“I have done no such thing!” Voidera fired back defensively.

“The threat!” Onyx concluded. “Clearly the words of a jealous lover! I should’ve known your arrival was far too convenient!”

“What do you speak of, Your Highness?” one of the servants asked.

“This beast, and his evil vendetta against me!” he shouted, pointing accusingly at Voidera. “He robbed me of Celestia in the past, murdering my father to ensure our wedding would not be! Now he's murdered my son too!”