• Published 10th Dec 2012
  • 4,862 Views, 116 Comments

Equestria Noir Case 16 "Among Alicorns" - Jacoboby1

A murder mystery taking place during an Alicorn Royal Summit

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Chapter 6 "Playing with Fire"

Chapter 6

“Playing with Fire”

“King Onyx!” I growled, as I climbed slowly to my hooves. The fire king himself was standing before me, separated from us by a ring of fire. He was flanked by two of his Vulkyria.

“Father!” Prince Ember called from inside the lantern. “How could you? Do what you will with me, but do not harm him!”

“Silence, Ember!” Onyx roared, causing the prince to back away from the glass in his lantern. “I knew you couldn't perform the simple task I gave to you.”

“Task?” I asked, looking at Onyx. “What are you talking about?”

“Prince Ember was supposed to gain Princess Luna’s affections. Sadly, he couldn't even manage that,” the king said, shaking his head in disappointment.

“Ember?” I looked at the young prince.

Ember stared down at his hooves with a guilty expression and admitted, “I did fancy Luna, but I didn’t want my affections to be used for this.”

“You tried to use your son’s feelings for Luna!” I shouted at Onyx. “What purpose could you have for this?”

“Simple,” Onyx said, “vengeance.”

“Celestia,” I said, in slow realization. “You’re after her kingdom!”

“Not just her kingdom,” Onyx snarled. “I plan on taking her as well.”

“She’ll never love you!” I retorted. “She’s in love with Voidera!”

“Don’t spout that beast’s name in my presence!” he roared, as his horn glowed and he shot a fireball. I threw myself sideways, narrowly escaping a hit to the chest. “That monster ruined my life, and I’m going to make sure everypony sees him for what he really is.”

“This whole plan,” I said, realization dawning, “It was to frame Voidera. Your accusations, the threat, all conjured up so that Voidera would be regarded with hate and suspicion.”

“Aren't you a clever little insect?” Onyx smirked. “It’s true; originally I was simply going to have Ember turn up missing. Then I could prove Celestia incapable of properly managing her kingdom."

“Voidera showed up however, and you had your scapegoat,” I replied. “Celestia trusts Voidera deeply, and you're planning to use that against her."

“Voidera robbed me of everything fifteen hundred years ago,” Onyx growled. “He murdered my father, and stole away my bride! My kingdom! Everything was lost to me because of that dragon bastard child, and now I am going to make him and Celestia pay.”

“He didn’t kill your father,” I retorted. “Lunard killed him!”

“You place your faith in that dragon spawn?” Onyx mocked. “You are truly a fool.”

“Who should I trust then?” I fired back. “Some spoiled brat who didn’t like the fact Celestia is willing to say no to him?”

His mane started blazing even more. I was getting a kick out of this.

“You were going to get everything weren’t you?” I smirked. “All you had to do was play lapdog; let daddy pet you enough and you expected to get everything. Then here comes Celestia and Voidera, two beings that decided they’d rather follow their hearts. You couldn’t stand it; so, you created this whole plan to get what you wanted. You think you can destroy her reputation, and convince the ponies of Equestria that she needs somepony like you. You think you're some grand mastermind, but you're really just a coward, hiding in the shadows.”

“You'll pay for that!” Onyx shouted, shooting another fireball at me. This time it hit and I fell on my side, clutching my scorched chest.

Ember looked up at his father and cried out, “Father, please, stop this!”

“Ember, you’re speaking out of turn again,” Onyx said venomously.

“I cannot stand by and let you hurt him!” Ember said, pushing ineffectively against the glass of his lantern.

“Worthless, as always,” Onyx mocked.

“How can you say that to your own son?” I said, attempting to climb to my hooves.

“My son?” Onyx laughed, evilly. “You think this worthless piece of spark is my son?”

“What are you saying?” Ember cried, staring at his father in shock.

“You're no son of mine,” Onyx said, in mocking tone that made me want to strangle him. “I simply persuaded your mother to hand over her colt when you were young. You were to be insurance if my advances on Celestia failed.”

“No mother would agree to something as insane as this!” I shouted.

“I didn’t give her a choice,” Onyx said smugly.

I looked at the Vulkyria, they still hadn't moved since they entered with their king. I was staring at them, wondering why, when I noticed the black necklaces around their necks. They had interesting markings on them. They looked like…

“Magic runes,” I exclaimed, “you’re controlling them with those necklaces!”

“Correct again, donkey,” Onyx replied, with a smirk. He picked up of the Vulkyria’s necklaces. She didn’t move or flinch when he did so. “These runes completely erase all thought and emotion, until I tell them what to think and feel that is.”

“You’re enslaving them!” I retorted. “The reason why you’re so popular is because they don’t have a choice in the matter!”

“Why should I give them a choice?” Onyx asked. “It doesn’t help me run my kingdom if my servants question me. I even considered doing the same to dear Ember, but I thought he'd make better bait for you instead.”

“You really are a spoiled brat,” I said in disgust. “Celestia will never marry you.”

“She won’t have a choice,” he said nastily. His horn glowed and I felt a tug on my trench coat as Onyx levitated it off of me with his magic. “Thank you for the evidence, detective” he smirked, before turning to his Vulkyria and commanding, “As soon as the fire ring disperses, kill them both.”

The Vulkyria drew their swords and I watched helplessly as Onyx escaped.

Nopony else could hear us, this was a trap.

It had been since the very beginning, and all of Equestria was going to pay the price for it.


Perspective: Twilight

Private had been gone a long time, as had Voidera for that matter. I'd escorted him to his room to make sure he didn’t make any sudden detours towards Princess Celestia’s room. I knew that she loved him, but that didn’t mean I had to trust him.

The Alicorns in attendance were all gathered around a map of the world. Several nobles and other important figures sat in as the great beings talked important matters of state. I think most of them are hoping to get brownie points for attendance.

The talks seemed to be going well, so far. Everypony was maintaining diplomatic procedures. Oberon was trying to persuade Thor to lay off the rain in his forests for a while; Celestia and Titania were discussing possible magical tomes that could be traded. All in all, it was rather dull. Spike was lucky that I sent him to look for Private.

The question was though, where were Onyx and Voidera?

That question was answered when the door burst open and Voidera was forced into the room by six Vulkyria, all pointing spears at him. Onyx entered behind them, looking just a little too pleased with all of this.

Celestia stood from her spot at the diplomatic table and asked, “What is the meaning of this Onyx?”

“Princess,” Onyx replied, glaring at Voidera, “I found this beast inside the room where my son’s body was.”

“I was investigating,” Voidera said defensively. “I was just trying to find the killer!”

“More like trying to cover up your murder,” Onyx retorted. “I caught you using your magic on my son’s body. Did you plan to defile it even more?”

“That was a scanning spell!” Voidera cried. “I was simply trying to gather evidence!”

“Enough!” Celestia shouted. “This matter has already been discussed. Private is handling the investigation.”

“Your detective has sadly become a victim as well,” a Vulkyria announced tonelessly, coming forward with a very familiar looking trench coat. It had several holes in it, clearly made by magic. No, Private! It couldn't be!

“Where did you get that?” Celestia asked suspiciously.

“One of my servants found it in Voidera’s room,” Onyx explained, shaking his head sadly. “His body was not there however, I can only assume that Voidera disposed of it by sending it down into the caverns below.”

“You lie!” Voidera growled. “I would never hurt Private!”

“Oh and why not? After all, you hurt the captain of the guard,” Onyx said. Then he turned to me and asked, “Isn't it true that your brother was harmed by a fireball spell?”

I was taken aback at being addressed by the king. Much as I didn't trust Voidera, I trusted Onyx even less. I nodded reluctantly and replied, “Yes, but we don’t know how it happened.”

“Voidera has an affinity with fire,” Onyx explained. “Being half dragon, fire comes naturally to him.” He looked at a Vulkyria and nodded his head, causing the armored mare to stab Voidera in the flank with the spear.

Voidera roared in pain. As his mouth opened, a blast of fire erupted from it, hitting the stone ceiling above us. Voidera snarled at Onyx.

“Truly a beast like you should be kept on a leash,” Onyx said mockingly.

“That’s enough, Onyx!” Celestia ordered. “I demand you cease this interrogation at once. I will not have you hurt Voidera in my presence!”

“Your trust is misplaced, Celestia,” Onyx replied, with a smirk. “Just as it was at the Royal Canterlot Wedding.”

Several of the nobles in the audience murmured in remembrance of that event. It was over six months ago but the memory of Chrysalis’ infiltration and the changeling invasion still rang fresh in everypony’s mind, mine included.

Onyx went on “You couldn't even tell an impostor from a member of your own family, and yet you expect your people to continue following your judgment?”

“You’re going too far, lad!” Thor retorted. “Nopony could have known the changelings were back!”

“It is admirable of you to defend your friend, Thor,” Oberon replied, “but Onyx does bring up a fair point. Celestia has trusted the wrong ponies in the past.”

Princess Celestia stared at Onyx, rage apparent in her eyes and the tightness of her mouth. I'd never seen her this furious, not even at the event everypony keeps bringing up. “What do you propose?” she asked icily.

“Allow me to perform judgment on this beast!” he cried, pointing at Voidera. “Judgment for the murders of my father, my son and your detective.”

Private can’t be dead, I don’t believe it!

He promised he wouldn’t leave me!

He can’t be dead…

Can he?

I felt tears filling my eyes and wiped them away quickly. This was far too important a time for me to lose it. I had to keep a clear head for my mentor. I looked up as Voidera continued to snarl at Onyx, “You spout lies! You mock Tia! Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t shred you to pieces right here?”

His eyes flashed red like they did the last time they pointed weapons at him. Voidera’s fury was rising to a very dangerous point. This was bad!

“Celestia, you need ponies you can trust. Ponies that will not lie, threaten children, harm your soldiers, and kill your loyal subjects,” Onyx said firmly. “This is why I wish to invoke the promise your father made to mine.”

Promise? What promise did Celestia’s father make? Who was her father anyway? Is he even alive?

“If you think I will give my hoof to you in marriage, you are sadly mistaken,” Celestia fired back, her expression darkening.

“You are not thinking rationally,” Onyx said condescendingly. “You need to do what is best for your people. I will be a fair and just ruler. You needn't worry about me lashing out in a blind jealous rage, nor committing crimes and using deceit to cover them up.”

The nobles were openly whispering amongst themselves now, this was not good…


Perspective: Private

I looked at the two advancing Vulkyria, their swords held aloft in their magic as they approached. The blades were made of some kind of thin black stone. I didn’t doubt the sword's sharpness, nor the Vulkyria's proficiency wielding them.

“They will not hesitate to kill us both!” Ember cried, from inside his lantern. “Father took away any bit of mercy they might have had.”

If we didn’t get out of here, all of Equestria was going to be turned into Vulkyria. Everypony would be little more than mindless slaves to this spoiled brat of a tyrant. My thoughts were plagued with images Ponyville becoming a slave town. Twilight being forced to work for this bastard… If he thinks he can touch her!

I shook my head, what was that all about?

I looked up just as the ring of fire finally died. Now there was nothing left separating us from the Vulkyria. Fortunately, Onyx was stupid enough to leave Blackbird in its holster. He must have been so focused on his rant that he didn’t even notice. Typical…

One of the Vulkyria raised her sword and swung it at me. I managed to dodge and delivered a swift buck to her face. Normally I was against hitting mares, but once they started trying to kill me, I was willing to make an exception. She fell backward, breaking her concentration, and causing her to drop her sword.

I tried to aim Blackbird, but the other Vulkyria rushed at me, knocking it away with her blade. She swung at me twice, narrowly missing both times. I tried to levitate away the other one's fallen blade, but it was quickly recovered by its master.

I backed away from both warriors; man, these two were tough. Prince Ember was no help, being just a soul fire and all. I couldn't take on both of them with Blackbird so far away. I took another step back as one tried to hit me.

I was still trying to figure out how we were going to get out of this, when one of the Vulkyria got hit in the back by a large fireball. It caused minimal damage to her armor but it certainly got her attention. She spun around and saw Spike and Shining Armor standing there. The captain of the guard was levitating a spear in his magic.

“Private, are you all right?” Shining asked, before clashing his spear with the Vulkyria’s blade

“I’m fine,” I said, my eyes fixed on the Vulkyria still coming after me. She charged at me sword raised high. As she swung at me, I rolled to the side, and snatched up Blackbird. I aimed it at her necklace and fired. I hit it square in the center, shattering it. She stopped mid-swing, and blinked her eyes.

While he looked around confused Shining continued clashing with the other Vulkyria. I shouted at Spike, “The necklace! Break it!”

Spike nodded and pulled out the rock from earlier. He blew a small gust of flame on it setting the whole thing aflame. He yelled at Shining, “Batter up!”

Shining shoved the Vulkyria away and shifted his spear, holding it like a baseball bat. Spike threw a fastball at Shining and the captain swung his spear. There was loud Thunk as the spear connected solidly with the flaming rock. The fireball flew, hitting the Vulkyria in the chest, and causing the necklace to break.

Shining was about to stab her when I stopped him, “Wait! The necklaces were what was controlling them!”

The first Vulkyria looked and then her eyes softened at the sight of Ember’s lantern. “Ember? Is that you? Thank the eternal flame you are all right!” she sobbed, running to hug the lantern containing a very confused Prince Ember.

“I’m sorry, but who are you?” Ember asked.

“I suppose you would not recognize me,” the former Vulkyria said. “I am Kindling, your sister. After Onyx took you, I came to rescue you, but Onyx captured and enslaved me. Oh, my dear baby brother…”

The other Vulkyria was still knocked unconscious from the force of the blast. I walked to the rock and examined it. Now it just looked like a black stone. I turned to Spike and asked, “What is this?”

“It's the rock that you found,” Spike explained. “I did some research and found out its Moltanium. It was used in ancient times to create a weapon quickly. All you have to do is take a little spark to it and poof, instant fireball. It can only be found in the Firelands, and it's very rare.”

“That’s the same thing that I was attacked with,” Shining said, gesturing to where he got burned. “Spike came to see if the size of the rock matched my wound, and as it turns out it did. Only Voidera never threw a rock during our fight.”

“So Onyx must have had a servant or somepony else use it,” I concluded.

Kindling looked up apologetically and admitted, “It was me, I was the one who attacked you." She looked to Shining Armor pleadingly and begged, “Please forgive my actions, for they were not my own.”

Shining shook his head and smiled. “You were being controlled, and I know what that’s like. Now that you’re free, though, you can help us stop Onyx.”

Ember spoke up from inside his lantern, “I can aid as well. Allow me to help you stop him from enslaving your kingdom.”

“Let’s get you back to your body first,” I said firmly. “Then we’ll stop Onyx before he blames Voidera for what happened.”

“Actually,” Shining spoke gravely, “I saw Onyx taking Voidera away before we arrived here.”

“Then we'll have to hurry.”


Perspective: Twilight

“You cannot seriously expect me to do that!” Celestia said, flying over the table and landing directly in front of Onyx.

“Celestia,” Onyx said soothingly, “fury is most unbecoming of you, that's why you need me.”

“I will not marry for political convenience, Onyx!” Celestia retorted.

I didn’t know what to do, I wanted to side with her, but Private…


Everypony looked over at Voidera; a strange aura came over him, and his eyes glowed blood red. He bared his rather sharp looking teeth at Onyx. “Since you walked into this building you've done nothing but lie! You slandered Celestia! You disrespected her! You treated her like a pawn on a chess board! You disgust me!”

“Voidera,” Celestia said soothingly. “Please calm down.”

“I’m tired of remaining calm!” Voidera snarled, and I felt a twinge of fear run up my spine. “Onyx is a filthy liar! You know I wouldn’t do those things!”

“I know that, Voidera,” Celestia said pleadingly, “it's everypony else that needs convincing.”

"This world is no better than the one we left behind! I stand here innocent, yet everypony here thinks me a murderer! I would never hurt anypony! Why can’t anypony believe me?!"

“Everypony get down!” Celestia yelled suddenly.

Instinctively, I conjured a magic barrier around myself and everypony around me. Voidera roared and fired a shockwave of red magic that hit my barrier like a wrecking ball. I was barely able to hold it as the nobles inside it shuddered in sheer horror.

When it was all over, there stood Voidera, staring at his hooves as though in shock. Everypony slowly dispelled their barriers and began surveying the damages. Luckily, nopony was hurt from the blast, thanks to the quick timing of the spells, but the room had suffered a great amount of damage. Such powerful magic, I’d never seen anypony perform magic like that.

What would take me years to learn to do, he did by pure primal fury.

Voidera looked up at Celestia, tears filling his eyes, and sobbed, “Tia, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to…” He buried his face in his hooves in shame.

Celestia walked to him, I could tell she desperately wanted to comfort him, but Onyx’s point had been made. Voidera was capable of performing such horrific magic when he was set off. Who's to say it wouldn't happen again, only next time ponies could get hurt?

Private trusted Voidera, was he right?

“As everypony can clearly see,” Onyx said slowly, “Voidera is not a pony to be trusted; for when his character is called into question,” he continued, gesturing to the ruined room around him, “this is the result.”

Everypony was silent; there were no words for this situation.

“Now,” Onyx stated, “I will take the matter to a vote, all those in favor of me marrying Celestia, and keeping Equestria safe from monsters like Voidera, raise your hoof.”

I looked out at the nobles; one by one they raised their hooves. I couldn’t believe my eyes! They were all so quick to backstab Celestia!

I looked at my mentor, who was holding Voidera in her hooves. She was more concerned about him than she was about her kingdom. My admiration for her grew, along with my anxiety over the situation.

“All those opposed?” Onyx asked smugly, sure of his complete victory.

Nopony raised their hooves.

“Then, if there are no further objections-“

“We have an objection, you bastard!”

I looked up, there standing in the doorway, was Private!

He was accompanied by Shining, Spike and… Prince Ember?