• Published 12th Dec 2012
  • 3,575 Views, 82 Comments

Dinner with the Folks - RK_Striker_JK_5

Bonbon and Lyra set up a dinner with their parents. Hijinks ensue.

  • ...

Chapter Five

Two days later

Lyra sat with her fathers in their second-story apartment, eating lunch. A sudden rapping at the window caught their attention. All three looked over and spotted a mint-green pegasus floating right outside.

Tin let out a shout and waved his forelegs in the air. He hopped off his chair and opened the window, letting Skyla, Lyra's surrogate mother, into the kitchen. She kicked the air a bit before settling onto the floor as Davenport and Lyra walked over. “Dang, it's great to see you three again!” She extended her wings and pulled the other three into a hug.

Tin, Davenport and Lyra all wrapped their forelegs around Skyla's neck and squeezed tightly. “Great to see you, too,” Tin said, grinning.

Davenport chuckled. “Been too long since you've been around, Skyla. Way too long. What's up?”

Skyla rolled her eyes. “Ha, ha. That joke's older than the Three Tribes, Davey.” She folded her wings back against her body as the others let go. She stepped back and looked Lyra over. “So what have you been eating? You've sprouted about half a foot since I've seen you last!”

Lyra rolled her eyes. “It hasn't been that long since you've seen me and I haven't grown that much. Still, thanks. And thanks for coming.”

Skyla's smile fell away. “No way I wouldn't. From the letter I got, sounds like things are getting a bit more serious between you and Bonbon. Thinking about taking that long walk to the altar and making it notarized?”

Lyra swallowed. “W-well... closer to that, at least. We figure the families might wanna get to know one another a little better, and it turns out our parents don't know each other as well as they should.” She glanced to Davenport, then to Tin, tilting her head with an exaggerated motion.

Skyla arched an eyebrow. “Wait, how? Ponyville's tiny. Wouldn't you run into each other going down the street?”

“They actually live two streets down from us,” Davenport responded. “Although, yeah. We maybe could've taken a side-alley to go to Curry's store instead of Roseluck's. But the discounts Roseluck gives us is a powerful incentive to keep going there.”

Skyla snorted. “Yes, great incentive. Might wanna consider helping out future family. In-laws can be a bit... prickly on that. I mean you two shop at Bonbon's shop and not Sugarcube Corner, right?”

“Right,” Davenport admitted. “Curry's a nice guy, from what I remember. A little laid back. Almost too laid back, considering his wife.”

Tin waved him off. “Oh, Honeydew's not that bad. We've all got our little quirks and foibles, right?”

Lyra stared at him. “Wow, Pop. It really has been a while since you talked with Bonbon's parents. We gotta get you four together soon as possible!” She thrust a foreleg into the air. “To the restaurant!”

Skyla, Tin and Davenport all exchanged glances. “We will, eventually,” Skyla said, smiling lightly. She motioned to a clock on the wall with a wing. “Now, unless I miss my guess, Tinny and Davey's lunch is almost over. Am I right?” At their nods she looked to Lyra. “Care to take me on a walk about Ponyville?”

Lyra stepped back and tilted her head towards the door. “Sure thing. I've still got some music in my heart and bits to make!” She hugged Tin and Davenport before leading Skyla out of the upstairs apartment, down to the first floor, out the back door and through the alley. They emerged into Ponyville proper and walked down the street, no real destination in mind.

Skyla looked around at the various ponies and buildings. “That one's new,” she said, pointing to a two-story building down the street. “Did Tinny's company build that one?”

Lyra nodded. “Yeah, that and two more. There's been a small boom of business lately. Even Windowpane's gotten in on the act. Although less the buildings and more one building in particular.” At Skyla's confused look, Lyra shrugged. “The Residency attracts a lot of heavy, blunt objects that just happen to crash through the main window.” She leaned in close to Skyla and held a hoof up to her mouth. “Between you and me, I think she's about ready to put up solid-steel bars and armored shutters over the danged thing.”

Skyla bit back a laugh, but her wings flapped a bit, drawing a bit of attentions from passersby. She let out a quiet nicker and sigh. “Things have changed a bit since I was here last. New buildings, new relationships, new heroes, even.” She brought a wing over Lyra's neck in a hug. “I read all about you and the others kicking Corona's flank during the Longest Night Celebration. My surrogate daughter, graduate of Luna's School for Gifted Unicorns and the Element of Loyalty!”

Lyra snorted. “Raindrops did the majority of flank-kicking then. It was an epic journey, worthy of song and story... that someday I hope to write up properly.”

Skyla unwrapped her wing from Lyra and pointed her primaries at her. “And you battled those sirens in an epic battle of music. Oh, to have been there and seen something like that!”

“Most of us were under their spell at the time, but the aftermath of the battle told the tale quite well.”

Both Lyra and Skyla turned around. Lyra swept a foreleg out to Trixie as she approached. “Skyla, I believe you briefly glanced at Trixie a few times when you visited me at Luna’s School for Magic. So allow me to introduce to you the Representative of Ponyville, the Element of Magic and a friend of mine, Trixie – “

Trixie held up a hoof and waved it in front of Lyra's muzzle. “And a wonderful introduction, Lyra! Short and to the point.” She swept a foreleg out and bowed to Skyla. “A pleasure to formally meet Lyra's surrogate mother.” She looked her over and arched an eyebrow. “Take away the wings, add a horn...”

Skyla and Lyra exchanged a glance. “Not sure I see it,” Skyla commented. “Maybe the eyes?”

Lyra shrugged. “I always felt I took after Pop more.” She waved a hoof around the tip of her horn.

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Ah, but of course! How foalish of me when you're both mint-green mares with identical manes, tails and even cutie marks.” She tilted her head to the side and her eyes shifted down. “Seriously, how did you manage to pull that off?”

Skyla and Lyra looked each other over. “Still don't know what you're talking about,” Skyla commented, shrugging. She paused and bit her lower lip, but the corners of her mouth quavered and muffled chuckles were audible.

Lyra shrugged at Trixie. “Don't worry, we see it. Sometimes for Nightmare Night I'd strap some wings to my withers and wear a hat while Skyla would put on a horn hat and wear a coat. We went as younger and older versions of each other.”

“I'm sure you did.” Trixie glanced up at the sun really quickly, making sure her hat was tugged down close to her forehead. “Hmm, time to head back to the Residency. Pokey's been on my case to get several incident reports filed correctly.” She rolled her eyes. “Serious Audit is on my flank about getting these filed properly, just in case we ever need emergency funds or something and there's a problem with getting it.” A whinny and snort escaped her. “Considering what we've gone through, getting the bill hoofed would be the least of our problems.”

Skyla arched an eyebrow. “I don't know, Trixie. Considering what Lyra's told me about problems with the Night Court? Be best to straighten that out for a smooth flight and steady sailing.”

Trixie chuckled, but it quickly died. “Hmm, perhaps, but with I still think Serious is overreacting a bit. We do have Princess Luna on our side.” She suddenly backed up and bowed to the pair. “Have a good time with... whatever it is you're doing.” She suddenly turned and galloped off, cape fluttering in her wake.

Skyla opened her mouth, but leaned forward and narrowed her eyes at the receding Trixie. “Okay, she's... different.”

Lyra shrugged. “You get used to her.” She furrowed her eyebrows. “I think.”

The pair walked down the street, turning a few times. Lyra played her lyre as they walked along and floated a hat about, collecting tips as they went. They eventually ended up in front of Curry's store.

Skyla patted her stomach as it rumbled. “Dang, forgot to eat back with Tinny and Davey.” She looked into the storefront window and spotted Curry at the register. “Sweet Luna, he hasn't changed a bit.”

Lyra nodded. “Gotta be a rock when married to Honeydew. Or she'll sweep you away.” She suddenly gasped and floated out a quill and sheet of paper from her saddlebags. “I think I've just got the greatest idea for a new song!”

Skyla rolled her eyes as she entered. She strode up to the counter as Curry rang out his latest customer and put a hoof on the counter. “Hey, Curry!”

Curry glanced up at her and his mustache bristled. “Hi, Skyla.” He looked down at the till, but his head rose once more. “Skyla?” He arched an eyebrow. “What are you doing back in Ponyville?”

Skyla shrugged and leaned against the counter as Lyra walked in. “Oh, nothing big. Corona's out of her cage. The bearers of the Elements of Harmony have been found. Things are moving forward, but most importantly, my surrogate daughter's getting really serious with your daughter. So I got a letter from her fathers and here I am.” She leaned to her left and looked past Curry. “So, where's Honeydew? Is she – “ The store suddenly shook and a bit of plaster fell from the ceiling. “Ah, right where we left her last!”

The door leading to the basement opened and Honeydew stumbled out, smoke wafting up. Her mane stood on end and her goggles were covered in soot. “Drat and darnation! I thought I had the balance right between taffy and cauliflower!”

Skyla dropped down to all fours and walked over to the stumbling Honeydew. She extended a wing and helped to steady her. “Whoa, whoa! Keep vertical, Honeydew. If you fall back, something you created might get you!”

Honeydew's head tilted to the side. She reached up and slid her goggles off of her eyes and squinted at Skyla. “Eh, what the hay?” She gasped. “Did my pea pod pairs open up prematurely?” She looked to Curry. “Did you know about this? Why doesn't anyone tell me anything?”

Skyla's eyes narrowed. “Oh, so amusing, Honeydew. Not like the dozen or so times you used that same joke on me.”

Honeydew spread her forelegs out. “So glad to bring a smile to your face, Skyla. So what brings you down from the clouds? Beating the rush before my taffy towers take over the heavens?”

Skyla's mouth opened slightly. “No...” she finally said. “Okay, I got a letter from Davey and Tinny about that dinner you were all planning to have to get to know each other better, so here I am.” She glanced away. “'Taffy towers'?”

Honeydew rubbed her chin. “I believe we agreed on Sunday, correct? Yes, Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY!” She tossed her forelegs into the air and cackled.

Skyla cantered back slightly. “Yes. Sunday. Glad we're agreed, then.” She looked to Curry, who simply stood behind the counter. She waved a hoof in front of his muzzle. “You awake?”

Lyra's head shot up. “Skyla!”

Skyla let out a sigh. “Okay, sorry, sorry. That was rude of me.” She dropped to all fours and turned for the door. “We'll see you Sunday, then. Have a nice day... and try not to flood the town with caramel, Honeydew. It clashes with my mane.”

Honeydew leaned forward as the pair left. “Bah, what does she know of caramel color? My caramel shall cover all the lands in darkness, and everyone shall eat from it and have a balanced breakfast!” She suddenly looked around at the customers staring at her. “What, you don't want a balanced breakfast? Bah, fine!” She turned and marched back down into the basement, nose held high.

Curry looked up as he rang out a pair of ponies. “Come back soon, folks. Shows every hour, on the hour.”

Lyra sighed as she and Skyla trotted away from Curry's Comestibles. “Okay, I know Bonbon's parents can be a bit... weird.”

Skyla stopped in mid-stride and looked to Lyra. “Actually, Honeydew's calmed down a bit since I saw her last.” She held up a hoof. “And no, I'm not joking.”

Lyra blinked. “Well, last I knew she's on medication. I think I missed that bit with her. I'm glad I missed that.” She sighed as they resumed walking along. “So, chances of my fathers getting along with them for any appreciable amount of time?”

Skyla tilted her head back and forth. “I have no idea. It's like mixing water and... something else. Any possible metaphor is lost on me. And the dinner might follow right along with it.”

Lyra shook her head. “I don't think it'll be that bad. Dad and pop can get along with almost anyone.” She stomped the ground. “We'll make it work!”

Skyla grinned and patted Lyra on the back with the tip of her wing. “That's a good attitude to have, Lyra. Keep your chin up and we'll all get through this. Probably. Maybe. Hopefully. Maybe.”

Lyra arched an eyebrow, but remained silent. She glanced down at the dirt and furrowed her eyebrows as they walked on. I faced down Corona. I helped save Jackelope Valley. If I got through those and other horse apples, Bonbon and I can get through this little dinner, no sweat! She thrust a hoof into the air. “Our love will shine through!”

Skyla glanced to her and arched an eyebrow. “I thought you grew out of that.” She grinned slightly. “Glad to see I was wrong.”

Sunday evening

Alan Cart, maitre'd of A'la Cart, the most prestigious restaurant in Ponyville, stood at the lectern right outside the main entrance. On it was a list of the night's reservations and available staff. His mustached muzzle twitched slightly as he read one particular group's listing. “Must remember to have the wait staff not recommend the salad.” He glanced up as four ponies walked over. “May I help you?” he asked, four menus floating up.

The Heartstrings family approached the entrance of A'la Cart, all four wearing semi-formal clothes. The two mares had on identical forest-green dresses, the only real difference being a flower slid into Skyla's mane. Both Davenport and Tin wore ties, dress shirts and jackets.

Lyra walked right up to the lectern and flashed a wide grin at Alan. “Heartstrings, party of seven.” She looked around, the grin quickly fading. “I... guess we're a bit early. Hmm, would've expected Bonbon to be here by now.” Her head suddenly stopped and the grin returned.

Bonbon, Honeydew and Curry approached A'la Cart from the opposite direction of the Heartstring's. Bonbon, clad in a yellow dress a shade darker than her coat, suddenly galloped forward, right into Lyra's outstretched forelegs. Honeydew wore a dress and glasses in place of her lab coat and goggles, while Curry wore a sports jacket and matching pants. The pair hugged and kissed briefly before separating. “Sorry we're a bit late,” Bonbon said, blushing slightly,” but it took a little doing to convince Mom that her lab coat and goggles weren't appropriate attire for dinner.”

Honeydew thrust her muzzle into the air. “Bah! How can I unlock the secrets of this restaurant's food without protection from those who would stop me? Even now, I hear the cries of the salad and dressing, as they want me to unlock their true potential and combine them with chocolate and caramel!” She shook a hoof in the air, her eyes gleaming behind her glasses.

Alan stared at her before levitating three more menus up. He spun about and motioned to the front door. “If you'll follow me, your table should be ready.” He led them inside A'la Cart and up to a square table. He placed a menu in front of each chair and backed off. “Your server will be along shortly.”

Tin slid out a chair for Davenport next to him on one side, and one for Skyla at the head of the table, while Lyra seated Bonbon at the opposite end. Curry pulled one a chair for Honeydew and sat down.

Skyla took a sip of water, then spoke up. “Well, it's nice to see us all finally meeting like this. It's been a long time coming. Too long, probably.”

Curry nodded, then looked to Tin. “So... how's the construction business? I hear you've had a lot of... growth in it.” He leaned back, chuckling slightly.

Tin snorted. “Yeah, put up a number of new buildings and a lot of renovations on older ones. Thanks for noticing, Curry.” He rubbed his chin. “Say... you wouldn't happen to be in the market for some improvements to your own shop, would you? I could probably get you a family discount in a few months.”

Curry's muzzle twitched. “I don't think so, Tin.”

Tin's ears flattened slightly and he leaned forward. “You sure?”

Curry sat up straight and locked eyes with Tin. “Quite sure.” His eyes shone behind his glasses, narrowing slightly.

Tin held up his fore hooves in a placating gesture. “Okay, okay, just checking.”

A pegasus mare in a uniform walked up. “Hi, I'm Hot Plate and I'll be your server tonight.” She readied a small notepad. “Can I get you folks something to drink? An appetizer, perhaps?”

Honeydew looked the menu over. “Hmm, your salads seem a bit plain.”

Curry's ears suddenly straightened. He placed a hoof on Honeydew's foreleg. “Now, now, dear. You can work on that later, okay?”

Honeydew's eyes narrowed. “Very well.” She tossed the menu onto the table. “I shall have... the onion rings!”

Hot Plate slowly looked up as she wrote down Honeydew's order. “All right. Any dipping – “

“NO!” Curry and Bonbon cried out, startling several nearby ponies. Curry swallowed. “What we mean is, you've never liked dipping sauces, dear. Remember?”

Honeydew groaned. “Oh, very well.” She rubbed her hooves together. “I can make my own dipping sauce, anyway!” Her eyes shone as she chuckled.

Hot Plate let out a breath as she took drink orders. “Right, sure thing. I'll be back with your drinks in a moment and appetizers after.”

Bonbon chuckled nervously. “Y-yeah, sure thing, Mom.” She looked around the table, finally locking eyes with Davenport. She waved her right foreleg at him, jerked her head in Honeydew's direction.

Davenport slowly nodded. “Yes... so, Curry, how's business going for you? My own shop's hopping like a foal on a princess-size.” He leaned back and chuckled slightly.

Curry shifted in his chair. “Oh, you know, same old. Well, you'd know if you or Tin shopped there instead of Roseluck's store.” He paused. “Maybe her histrionics provide a great free show?”

Davenport's and Tin's jaws opened and their eyes widened. Skyla rubbed her temple and leaned heavily on the table. Bonbon and Lyra exchanged a look before both downed their drinks and slammed their glasses on the table.

Tin grunted. “I did some work for her and she gave us a discount on her stock. That's why we go there. It wasn't meant as some... some insult to you, honest.”

Davenport extended a foreleg across the table. “Okay, as a fellow small-business owner, I get that every bit and jangle counts. I get being a bit miffed about lost business. But it wasn't anything intentionally malicious on our part, Curry.”

Honeydew shifted in her seat. “I'll bet. You don't want us to have the proper funds for my research, do you!” She jabbed a hoof at the pair. “You're in on it. I can tell!”

Skyla rolled her eyes. She leaned forward and extended a wing between Honeydew and Lyra's parents. “Okay, let's simmer down a bit. This isn't the time or place for any sort of – ”

“It's always the same with me!” Honeydew continued, “and those who don't see the proper applications of what I'm trying to do with my work! They think I'm mad for trying to combine peanut brittle and plants, to create soybeans infused with sugar! They don't ask why I do it, they simply call me mad!” She thumped a hoof on the table, clattering the glasses.

Lyra's jaw worked for a bit as Hot Plate approached with the appetizers. “I think we'll need a bit more time,” She said, holding up a hoof.

Tin let out a sigh. “Okay, Honeydew, what's your plan with whatever it is you're trying to do?”

Honeydew spread her forelegs out and grinned. “Ah, finally! I'm glad you asked, Tin. By combining sweets with plants, I shall be able to gain a modicum of control over flora. With this hoof in the door, I can expand and gain even more ground. Soon, the secrets of the universe itself will be at my beck and call! The old order of magic will be brought down, and the new order of SCIENCE and MAGIC will reign supreme!” She tossed her head back and cackled, drawing the attention of other patrons.

Skyla slowly nodded. “I... right...”

Bonbon shrank down in her chair and covered her eyes with a foreleg. Lyra kneaded her forehead and groaned softly.

Tin stared at her for a moment. His eyes eyes darted back and forth before he slowly raised a glass and downed the liquor in it in one shot.

Silence permeated the table before Davenport finally spoke up. “And how much progress have you made in... conquering Equestria with candy?” He bit his lower lip, but a snort of laughter still came through, puffing out his cheeks.

Honeydew scoffed and waved him off. “Bah, you simpleminded foals have no concept of what my plans will entail! Do you really think I won't have contingencies in place? Besides, Luna will probably welcome a vacation from having to deal with the Night Court.”

Lyra hesitated for a moment. “Okay... that's actually not all that bad a point.” She shrugged as Davenport and Tin glanced her way. “What? It is!”

Honeydew chuckled. “Ah, yes! Lyra gets it. She knows. But you two don't know. No, all safe and snug in your little store. There are things in Equestria that go bump in the night, and it's not Luna! There are secrets, dark secrets of dark darkness. Someone must uncover them!”

Davenport snorted. “And you're the one to do that?”

Honeydew's eyes glittered behind her glasses. “Oh, but I already have, dear Davenport! Admittedly the applications of my knowledge have proven to be a bit more elusive than I thought they'd be. But I shall persevere!” She suddenly turned as Hot Plate walked back up. “I'll have barley soup, extra hot!” She suddenly leaned forward, her muzzle a few inches from Hot Plate. “And I mean EXTRA hot!”

Hot Plate blinked and slowly took down her order, followed by everyone else's. She backed away, keeping an eye on Honeydew before spinning and trotting for the back.

Lyra floated a purse up and opened it. “Extra-large tip for Hot Plate?”

Bonbon groaned. “Extra-large tip for Hot Plate, right.”

Davenport shook his head and rolled his eyes. “Honeydew, I'm sure you believe everything you're saying, but come on, really? That's crazy talk.”

Curry ground his teeth together and thumped the table. “'Crazy talk'? That's big, coming from someone who sells stationery and furniture together! At least I have a consistent theme!”

Bonbon waved at Curry. “Dad, Dad, calm down a bit!”

Skyla held up her forelegs. “Okay, maybe we should take a step back and – ”

“And it's overpriced as Tartarus!” Tin said. “You wonder why we don't shop there? Even with a discount Roseluck's got the better prices and selection!”

Honeydew shook and her horn lit up. “You do NOT insult Curry's shop, or him!” She floated up a roll and tossed it at Tin. “Take that!”

The roll sailed overhead, seemingly in slow-motion. It arced over, impaling itself on the tip of Tin's horn.

Tin stared cross-eyed at the roll. He then looked back at Honeydew and whinnied. “Okay, it's on!”

Skyla spread her wings out. “Wait a minute, Tinny!”

Tin scrunched his face in concentration. Several pats of butter suddenly shot up and smacked against Honeydew's thick glasses.

Honeydew screamed and pitched back out of her chair. She stood up on her hind legs and waved her forelegs in the air. “Get them off get them off GET THEM OFF!” She dropped down and suddenly galloped about the restaurant, knocking over several tables and sending food and ponies flying into the air.

Curry dove across the table and into Tin. The two rolled around on the floor, upending chairs. Skyla flew over and attempted to separate the two, but debris flying about kept her from getting too close. Tin, meanwhile, tried to run Honeydew down with the assistance of several members of the staff, but she kept on slipping away from them while vegetables flew at their heads and legs.

Lyra and Bonbon sat in their chairs, watching the ensuing carnage. Lyra started to get off of the chair, but stopped and slumped back down. She and Bonbon slowly raised a foreleg and waved Hot Plate over. “Check, please!”

Author's Note:

Thanks to Talon and Thorn for editing help