• Published 12th Dec 2012
  • 2,669 Views, 94 Comments

Rainbows on Ice and Fire in the Sky - ed2481

Rainbow Dash gets sent to Skyrim and helps the Dragonborn

  • ...

Chapter 3

Edited by TacoTown

Chapter 3

“Wow, that’s not nearly as big as Canterlot.” Dash observed from where she hovered next to Arria’s shoulder.

“It is a good city that has lasted hundreds of years.” Lydia said, swiftly coming to her home’s defense.

“I agree with Rainbow on this one Lydia, I too expected it to be bigger the first time.” Arria said.

“You’re an Imperial my Thane, to you Solitude is small.” Lydia said with a slightly disparaging tone to her voice.

They’d spent what felt to Dash like close to a month traveling to the city called Whiterun. Of course Dash knew that it had only taken a day, but for some reason it just felt like they’d been traveling forever. Maybe it was because they’d left a little before dawn when the light was bad. Dash hadn’t been able to see more than a few feet in front of her during the first hour of their trek back to the main road.

On the bright side, in that time Arria had calmed down significantly, and the two humans had begun to banter back and forth again. Dash was too busy looking at the city as they slowly neared it. Of course, the city had been within sight for several hours now, but Dash hadn’t been able to see many details from that distance. It certainly had walls, and a few dozen houses along with what looked like a keep at the top of a hill, but it really wasn’t very big by pony standards.

“I’m going to take a closer look from above.” Dash told her companions and prepared to shoot away, but before she got the chance Arria’s hand shot out and grabbed her by the tail.

“No you won’t. The guards are already nervous enough with the dragons about, they’re liable to shoot you if you go flying around randomly.” Arria said firmly.

“Aww, come on. I can dodge their slow arrows.” Dash complained as they neared the gates.

“I’m sure you can, but I’m also sure that the guards wouldn’t appreciate the waste of ammo.” Lydia told her.

“It’s that dragon!” one of the gate guards shouted as he drew his sword.

“Yes, it’s a furry, blue, talking, dragon.” Arria said rolling her eyes.

“I didn’t know that those existed!” The guard said in shock. Arria took a moment to visibly regain control of her face, which had become something like a cross between an angry teacher and an extremely tired parent.

“I was being sarcastic Jon, by the nine.” Arria said slowly with a facepalm.

“Oh, then what is it?” Jon the guard asked in confusion.

“I’m a pegasus.” Dash told the guard.

“A what?” Jon asked.

“A flying pony.” Dash answered slowly; her voice was becoming a bit strained.

“Is he yours?” Jon asked Arria, who facepalmed again.

“I’M A MARE DAMMIT!” Dash shouted as she charged the guard; the only thing that kept her from assaulting Jon was Arria’s hand firmly around her tail. Even with that Arria was almost pulled off her feet as she attempted to restrain the angry pegasus, and Lydia was forced to grab her shoulder to keep the mage from being pulled along behind. “COME HERE AND SAY THAT I’M A STALLION AGAIN YOU PRICK!” Dash shouted louder than before.

“I need backup!” Jon shouted wildly.


Several more guards came rushing through the gate to find Jon cowering behind his shield. They drew their swords and advanced on Dash, who struggled against Arria’s grip. It was only thanks to hours of holding her mace while her master endlessly tested her abilities that Arria was able to hold on. The mage mentally thanked her master for those hours of training.

“She’s harmless, really she is; she’s just not very smart is all.” Lydia said loud enough to make Dash turn in midair to face her.

“Hey, I’m smart!” The pegasus protested.

“Says the pony who is trying to charge into a group of heavily armed guards.” Arria said dryly.

“Arria, what delightful thing have you brought us today?” A slightly sarcastic female voice called from the wall above. Arria looked up to see a dark elf in leather armor looking down at her with a raised eyebrow.

“Umm, hi Irileth, I, um…” Arria said, trailing off. She respected the dark elf who’d proven immensely useful against the first dragon that Arria had fought, but she was still slightly unsettling and Arria didn’t know why. She’d lived with plenty of dark elves, but something about Irileth seemed to say ‘I’ll gut you like a fish if I need to’ to Arria.

“I see, I suppose that she’s not a danger to the city or the guards?” Irileth asked.

“Of course not Irileth; I’d never bring something dangerous to the city.” Arria said.

“That’s good.” Irileth said before jumping off of the wall and landing lightly on her feet. “Stand down boys, I’ll take it from here.” She told the guards.

“Aye Ma’am.” They replied before walking back through the gate except for Jon, who remained by the door looking extremely embarrassed.

“So who are you?” Irileth asked Dash.

“My name is Rainbow Dash, I’m a pegasus, mare.” Dash said as levely as she could.

“Mhm.” Irileth replied before turning to Arria. “I take it that she isn’t a daedra.”

“That’s right, we found her under rather odd circumstances while killing the dragon of Autumnwatch Tower on the Jarl’s request.” Arria answered.

“Odd, I don’t remember the Jarl informing me of this task…” Irileth said with a confused note to her voice.

“He came to my house in the middle of the night to tell us about it.” Lydia said.

“What?” Irileth asked in shock.

“Yeah, you have no idea how embarrassing it was; I wasn’t wearing much more then my undergarments.” Arria said while uncomfortably, scratching the back of her head.

“That- that is most bizarre… The Jarl does not ordinarily leave the keep without me, let alone after midnight.” Irileth said. “I think you three should come up to Dragonsreach. You aren’t in trouble, but I would like some clarification on this matter.” Irileth told them firmly. Arria and Lydia exchanged a glance before shrugging. Dash looked uncertainly at the dark elf and then back to her companions.

“You’re not going to try and kill me, are you?” Dash asked Irileth, who chuckled.

“Not unless you give me a reason to Rainbow. Of course, if you do I’ll skin you alive and wear your feathers around my neck.” Irileth told her with a deadly smile on her green lips.

“You think you can take me?” Dash asked cockily.

“More than certain, now come along. We need to go see the Jarl.” Irileth said before turning her back on the three and calmly walking through the front gate. Arria and Lydia walked after her, while Dash hovered close to Arria’s right shoulder.

“Are you sure we can trust her?” Dash asked Arria quietly.

“If we can’t trust her then we can’t trust anyone. Besides Dash, I’ve been here for a week and the people seem nice enough. There’s no reason to distrust anyone.” Arria reassured the suddenly nervous pegasus.

“Yeah, sure, you’re right.” Dash replied a little uncertainly as they walked into the hold.

“Something wrong Rainbow?” Lydia asked before she nodded to Adrianne as the woman gave her a friendly wave, before she caught sight of Dash and her eyes widened.

“Nothing, I’m fine!” Dash snapped.

“Right; and I’m an argonian.” Arria said with a hint of sarcasm entering her voice.

“I don’t even know what that is!” Dash said in frustration while they walked through the market. At least a dozen people stopped what they were doing just to watch as the odd pony fly by. “I- they’re all watching me.” She whispered.

“Of course they are; you’re new and interesting.” Arria told Dash with a shrug. “I can shout and they’ll stare at me, watch. FUS!” Arria shouted into the air; immediately everyone’s attention turned to Arria who quickly hid her face beneath her cloak’s hood. Irileth shot her a slightly annoyed look but said nothing, and they continued on in relative silence until they reached Dragonsreach. The guards at the doors to the keep looked at Dash skeptically, but opened the doors without question thanks to a hard look from Irileth.

The great hall stretched out before them, two long elevated tables took up the majority of Dash’s view at first as the group walked up the stairs. Then she saw it, hanging right above a small throne. It was a dragon skull, and a large one at that! It was easily five times as big as Dash was, and her gaze was drawn almost hypnotically towards it. She was only stopped from flying towards it by Arria’s hand, which had once again reached out to grab her by the tail.

“Sorry.” Dash mumbled sheepishly.

“It’s fine, I had close to the same reaction my first time.” Arria whispered back as she took her hood off, letting her blonde hair loose.

“So this is the little horse who seems to have been causing so much commotion among my guards.” An amused voice said from the throne. Dash’s eyes were drawn to an old man with blonde hair who was sitting casually on his throne.

“Yes, her name is Rainbow Dash.” Arria said, stepping forward.

“Ah, Arria. I was wondering where you’d gone, normally you tell me beforehand when you’re going to leave the city.” The man said turning his head to give the woman a slightly annoyed glance.

“About that, my Jarl…” Arria said trailing off.

“It can wait.” The Jarl said with a swish of his hand. “At the moment I’m far more interested in this horse then as to the reason why you weren’t here.” He continued.

“As you wish.” Arria said with a tilt of her head.

“So Rainbow Dash what are you?” Jarl Balgruuf asked, turning back to Dash.

“I am a pegasus mare from the land of Equestria.” Dash replied.

“Well Rainbow Dash I my name is Balgruuf the Greater, the Jarl of Whiterun.” Jarl Balgruuf explained.

“Umm, it’s nice to meet you?” Dash said uncertainly as she floated in midair without flapping her wings.

“Well I’d hope so.” Jarl Balgruuf said with a small grin. “So, Rainbow Dash from the land of Equestria, how did you come to Skyrim?”

“How does she do that?” Arria asked herself quietly as she looked at Dash's un-moving wings.

“Well, like I was saying…”


Spitfire, Captain of the Wonderbolts, stood before Princess Celestia, who was sitting on her golden throne.

“Thank you for coming so swiftly Spitfire.” Celestia said with a kind smile. Spitfire smirked slightly before replying.

“Of course Princess, I’ll come for you whenever you ask.” The flame maned pegasus mare replied. Her voice was firm and serious, but her eyes were laughing.

“I don’t ask for people to come, I command them to.” Celestia said, continuing the innuendo. They were old friends.

“Well, I’ve always liked following orders.” Spitfire replied with a wink. Soarin, who was standing next to Spitfire and hadn’t been present at past meetings between the two was giving his Co-Captain, and marefriend, an odd look.

“Relax Soarin, your marefriend and I were simply enjoying an old joke.” Celestia said, putting the stallion’s mood at ease.

“So Princess, what’s up?” Spitfire asked Celestia.

“You know Rainbow Dash, correct?” Celestia asked Spitfire, who chuckled.

“Do you mean the Rainbow Dash, the pegasus who squees every time I talk?” Spitfire asked. “Or do you mean the Rainbow Dash who saved my life and somehow managed to pull off Tornado Duty short hoofed who also managed to claim several dozen records at Wonderbolt Academy?” She added with a smirk.

“Both.” Celestia told her with an amused shake of her head.

“Yeah, I might know her.” Spitfire replied.

“Good, because I need the Wonderbolts to find her.” Celestia told the two.

“What’s happened to her?” Soarin asked.

“She was teleported by a malicious outside source while attempting to make a dragon leave his den.” Celestia explained. “We have no idea where she could’ve gone, but I’m confident that if any ponies can find her then it is the Wonderbolts.” She continued. “Do you feel that your team is up to this Spitfire?” The white alicorn asked.

“YES MA’AM!” Spitfire and Soarin barked with matching salutes.

“Very well then, you’re dismissed.” Celestia said with a smile.

“Why didn’t you tell me that you and the Princess were old friends?” Soarin whispered as they walked out of the room.

“It never came up.” Spitfire replied quietly with a smirk.

“So do you think that you and the Princess could give me some flying lessons?” Soarin asked with a cheeky grin.

“Get your mind out of the gutter Soarin, we’ve got a mare to find.” Spitfire told him while she gave him a dope slap. “Maybe once we get Rainbow Dash back Celestia and I can show you some of our moves.” She added with a chuckle.


“An odd tale, almost unbelievable in fact.” Jarl Balgruuf said with a frown.

“Surly you don’t believe this nonsense!” Proventus, the Imperial had been standing off to the side during the story exclaimed.

“Are you calling me a liar?” Dash asked.

“Yes.” Proventus said simply. “I’m calling you a liar, and a twit.” He added.

“Why you!” Dash shouted before she leapt forward in the air at the Imperial.

“STOP!” Jarl Balgruuf bellowed. Dash froze in midair once more, frozen in place a hoof away from Proventus’s face. “Proventus, find somewhere else to be, the rest of you are also dismissed. I wish to speak with Rainbow Dash alone.” The Jarl said. “That includes you Arria.” He added, giving the Dragonborn a hard look.

“But My Jarl, we still need to discuss why I left the city without-” Arria began.

“We will discuss it when I am done talking to Rainbow Dash, you may wait her for my return.” Jarl Balgruuf said, his voice was hard as stone and brooked no argument.

“I-yes My Jarl.” Arria said with a bow.

“Good. Follow me Rainbow Dash, we have things to discuss.” Jarl Balgruuf told Rainbow Dash as he rose to his feet and began to walk towards the back of the room.

Dash shot an uncertain look to Arria, who shrugged and nodded for her to continue. The pegasus followed Jarl Balgruuf at shoulder height as he walked up a set of stairs and out a door. She found herself in an impressive open air room with two large walkways running up the left and right sides of the room. What took Dash’s breath away however, was the sheer size of the room, it was bigger than Celestia’s throne room.

“Ah, the place where Dragonsreach gets its name.” Jarl Balgruuf said with a smile on his face. “This was where old Olaf One-Eye kept the dragon Numinex prisoner until he died of old age.” The Jarl continued with a shake of his head.

“It’s big.” Dash said softly.

“Indeed it is. Now why don’t you tell me what is troubling you, little pony?” Jarl Balgruuf asked.

“N-nothing, I’m Rainbow Dash; I’m not scared of anything!” Dash replied fiercely.

“I never said anything about being afraid.” The Jarl said smoothly.

“How did you know?” Dash asked in a quiet voice.

“I’m a Jarl; a Jarl who can’t read people is a Jarl soon to be reading his own execution order.” Jarl Balgruuf replied with a slight chuckle. “So what seems to be troubling you?”

“It’s just that- that- before I came here, I’d never seen someone killed before. And then Arria almost gets raped by a bandit, and then she goes crazy and there’s lightning everywhere and he’s screaming, and then Lydia, and the bodies, and, and, and…” Dash broke down sputtering on the ground as tears ran from her eyes in small rivers.

Jarl Balgruuf sighed sadly to himself and lowered himself down to sit beside the pegasus and pat her back. It took several minutes for Dash’s tears to dry and when they did she still couldn’t stop sniffling.

“I am a proud nord. That means that I revel in the joys of war and battle. However, that does not mean that I enjoy the feeling of my blade sinking into another man, watching as their hopes and dreams wash over the ground along with their blood.” Jarl Balgruuf told Dash quietly. “However, I will gladly kill those who would threaten my people or friends so if I am forced to act, then so be it.”

“But in Equestria we don’t-we don’t kill ponies; it’s the opposite of awesome!” Dash exclaimed.

“Then your Equestria is a very lucky place.” The Jarl told her. “Unfortunately, Tamriel, and Skyrim in particular, are not as lucky so we have to make do with what we have to defend ourselves from the dangers which plague us. Even when that means we must kill another. The problem troubling you is the same problem that many others face once the take their first life, something that you have yet to do. I suggest that you seek comfort from Arria and Lydia, both are good women and they should be able to help you come to terms with the reality of this land.” Jarl Balgruuf told her. “Now we should go back inside. Irileth gets antsy when I’m not around, and I would hate to have her burst in on us like this.” The Jarl said. “And sitting on the ground like this is not good for my back.” He added with a chuckle.

“Yeah-yeah I guess you’re right.” Dash said as she rose into the air again. They walked back into the main hall to find Arria, Lydia, and Irileth talking loudly.

“That’s it Arria, if you are going to be off slaying dragons and fighting bandits then you are getting a real suit of armor!” Irileth said sternly.

“But my robes are enchant-” Arria began before the dark elf cut her off.

“You were almost violated. You are getting a suit of armor if I have to drag you down to Warmaiden's by your short ear myself!” Irileth said cutting her off.

“I-Fine.” Arria said with a pout.

“Good. Your blue friend is going to need some armor and a knife, at the least, if she’s going to be traveling with you.” Irileth added.

“I do have enough gold saved up for that.” Arria said. “Although I was hoping to use it to buy more potions.” She added in a slightly resigned tone of voice.

“Are we interrupting something?” Jarl Balgruuf asked, causing all three women to jump slightly.

“No My Jarl, we were simply discussing the need of obtaining a suit of armor for both Arria and Rainbow Dash.” Lydia supplied before either of the other two women could answer.

“Good, now Arria we can get around to the reason behind you leaving the city without telling me.” Jarl Balgruuf said turning to Arria.

“Well you see My Jarl; two nights ago you appeared at my door a little after midnight. You told me that there was a dragon that you wanted me to slay, and that I should hurry to it before my feet ran away.” Arria answered. Jarl Balgruuf stared at her. “You then offered me a cheese wheel.” Arria added.

“…”Jarl Balgruuf continued to stare at her.

“Then you told me that if I didn’t that you’d pull out my intestines and strangle me with them. After that you left while saying something about seeing if ‘that drunk’ was still hanging around.” Arria finished with a frown.

“Lydia, is this true?” Jarl Balgruuf asked the housecarl, who nodded emphatically.

“Yes My Jarl, it was… quite strange, to say the least.” The housecarl said.

“I never went to your house that night.” Jarl Balgruuf said.

“Then who did?” Arria asked in confusion.

“I don’t know, but I think it is time that you sought your master once more Arria. He may be able to illuminate some answers that I cannot.” The Jarl said.

“Yes My Jarl.” Arria said with a slight bow.

“Good, now go get some armor and watch over your blue friend here, she isn’t nearly as tough as she thinks she is.” Jarl Balgruuf commanded.

Author's Note:

AN:Before anyone misinterprets Jarl Balgruuf, when he tells Arria that he’d like her to talk to him before she leaves a Whiterun he means that he would like her to tell him that she will be gone. Not that she has to ask his permission, it’s there because I don’t understand why the Dragonborn is allowed to just walk off after being declared Thane of Whiterun, a position of political power and responsibility that can apparently be held in every hold by one man/woman…

Oh and sorry for the delay my Editor has been busy

Please comment!

Comments ( 30 )

Not enough cheese, in my opinion. Other than that good chapter. Can't wait to see what the Mad god has in store. Especially if "that drunk" gets involved.

Love it!
You're very good at these stories. :twilightsmile:
One of my favourite things about you is that you include Equestria in them, rather than completely ignoring it in favour of whatever land the pony has been tossed into.
I'm sure you know all this from my comments on Light Wanderings though. :rainbowwild:
In any case, keep up the good work.

i am thinking maybe a deadra is behind all of this

Shegorath and Sanguine? Yeah, this is gonna be fun.

Ah, Proventus. The only member of Balgruufs court I actually hate, his stuck-up wizard included. At least the Jarl and Irileth are sensible. Yeah, if she ever had to fight, Dashie's always struck us as the lightly armoured, fast type with short weapons. Should be interesting, has been thus far.

The threat also makes me think of Sheogorath. Love the Mad god.

Good to see this is still going mate.


It's been done for a while but my editor was busy

I can't help but wonder who might just be the mysterious duo who sent the heroes on their errands. Ahem.


Oh no you're completely wrong, it's actually all Azura's fault

2082155 Is it bad my brain just went: "BY AZURA! BY AZURA! IT'S THE GRAND CHAMPION!"?


No, i have that problem too, it's scary

2082249 I know, right? I hereby dub this problem "Random ass Bethesda game quote syndrome (RABQS)"! Insert SCP Foundation joke here!

do short! *rage* anywaaaaaaaaaaay...... she should have to get a light armor. Leather, or something like that. not heavy armor. since it would impede flight.


That's the plan

2084984 *Prays to cellestia that you mean the armor thing since I somehow pressed the D instead of the T and meant ot pu "TO Short!"*

Hello Sheogorath!

I was guessing it may have been Sheo after the dragon coughed Rainbow up.... Seems like it would been something he would have liked to do.


Sheogorath, you cheecky dick waffle

2268667 That can be jus as much of a celebration!

pbbbt. i saw the title and thought it was game of thrones not skyrim

I loved both Light and Dark Wanderings. Please continue this! :pinkiehappy:

lol looks like Sheogorath is up to some mischief again.

maybe discord too at some point.

and if by 'that drunk' is Sanguine then let there by chaos

3406159 CONTINUE THIS GLORIOUS PIECE OF WORDS! Or I'll bring Sheo to your house to play with your intestines!!! Although, now that i think about it.. THAT'D BE FUN! No, I take back my threat. You won't deserve that kind of fun..

this is amazing to bad i assume it is dead

hey does anyone know of this one fic similar to this, but it's the dovakiin sent to equestria as a dragon? if you do can you include a link? please. this a great fic, by the way. all of this guys stuff is awesome

Four of your books are some of the best books I have ever read.
I greatly enjoy all of them.
You're a busy person, with all the stories that you write and all of them are good in there own way.
I just simply ask that you place some of your free time to finishing this book, I know it will be extra effort, but this is too good to be canceled.
Plz continue this story:fluttershysad:

Oh, please update this very great fic!

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