• Published 25th May 2013
  • 5,357 Views, 172 Comments

Out of the Blue - LightSpectrum

Rainbow Dash hangs out with Soarin when he invites her to, she ends up really confused about her feelings. She goes around trying to figure out what the hay is going on. Rarity knows what to tell her, but Rainbow isn't willing to accept the trut

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Chapter 2

Out of the Blue

Chapter 2

She could not stop thinking about it. Rainbow Dash was quick, athletic, awesome, radical, and above all, cool! She was pretty sure that she was 20% cooler than every other non-celebrity pony. Her friends were cool though, but they were technically celebrities. The six of them had saved the whole of Equestria about two or maybe even three times. But with all that coolness, Dash did not want to lower herself by being all mushy and lovey-dovey. Personally, she thought it was gross. But then, why was she so happy that she got to spend the day with Soarin? Where and when did all these strange thoughts and feelings come out of the blue and smack her in the nose?

At the very thought of him, she perked up. Her mind drifted, thinking about him and his appearance and his personality. Then she caught herself.

Whatevr you do, self, don't think mushy thoughts. Do. Not. Think. Mushy. Thoughts. EVER.

Her brain betrayed her and wanted to keep thinking about the well-muscled, green-eyed Wonderbolt. She facehoofed.

Ugh... BAD BRAIN! She scolded herself.

It worked, because one thing that could distract her from... That... Right now was the questions. She thought over them but had no answers. Then she had a somewhat brilliant idea.

I only know of one pony who always has all the answers... If Twilight Sparkle doesn't, then nopony will.

Rainbow Dash stepped outside and into a pouring rain. She sighed and sped towards the library. Moments later, she arrived there, wet and shivering. She rapped with a hoof on the door, waiting for her purple friend to answer.

"Hello, Rainbow, what brings you here? Is it... Daring Do? Are you already ready for the next one? Or um... Is it because its raining? Do you need to come inside and dry off and warm up? Or-"

Rainbow stuck a hoof in her friend's mouth.

"Actually, it's none of the above. Although I wouldn't mind drying off and warming up."

The unicorn inviting her inside and gave her a cup of hot cocoa and a blanket.

"So what's wrong? If anything is wrong."

Rainbow brought the offered beverage to her muzzle and drank deeply, savoring the chocolaty taste.

"Well, you see, yesterday morning..."

"...And then he extended his wing over my back and now I'm really confused."

Twilight, who had listened to Rainbow's story, tilted her head to the side.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I've never had any romantic experience before. I wish I knew what to tell you, but I've just never had those feelings before. I'm sorry that I can't help."

Rainbow drooped visibly, then pretended to perk up a bit.

"Well... Do you know anypony who has? I might try asking them."

Twilight put on a pondering face, and shrugged.

"You might try asking any other friend. But I am not sure, we are far too busy saving Equestria to talk about stallions and our love lives!"

Rainbow smiled faintly at her lavender friend's attempt at a joke. She thanked Twilight for her time and flew out the door.

She looked around the misty rain that had replaced the streaming torrents and wondered who to ask next. Perhaps Fluttershy would. She was such a sweet mare. Somepony had to have tried to be with her. She sped to her fillyhood friend's cottage, hoping that she might be able to offer some advice. When she arrived at Fluttershy's cottage, she knocked and waited. A few seconds later, the door opened and a timid yellow head popped out.

"Oh, um, hello Dashie! What brings you out to my cottage? Please, come inside!"

The cyan pegasus stepped inside and told Fluttershy about her issues. Fluttershy mulled it over and finally offered her own personal opinion.

"Well, Dashie, I'm no expert, but I think that maybe you should open up to the possibility of love."

The blue pegasus snorted. "Love, schmove! I don't want love!"

Fluttershy smiled sadly at her friend.

"I think that you like him. Um, that is, um, if you, uh, don't mind me, um, saying so."

She had struck out again! She walked out of her friend's cottage, wondering who to go to now.

Pinkie and Applejack didn't know either. That left only one friend- Rarity. At this thought, Rainbow Dash facehoofed, feeling supremely stupid.

Of course, Rarity. She is practically a love expert! She has to be since she can never shut up about it. She thought.

With renewed hope, the pegasus headed to her friend's lovely boutique. With a flounce of her perfect violet curls, Rarity opened the door with her magic. When Rainbow entered, the alabaster unicorn's back was toward her as she absentmindedly said what she always said to her customers.

"Welcome to Carousel Boutique! Where everything is chic, unique, and mangifique! Oh, hello Rainbow Dash. May I help you?"

Rainbow scuffed a hoof on the ground.

"Well... Um, yesterday, this weird thing happened..."

She told the story like she had told all of hear friends, only she clarified the confusion.

"...And then he draped his wing across my back and now I'm really really confused. Like, what did he mean by that? And what about the sunset? Does he like me? Do I like him back? Every time I think about it my heart races and I feel happy! What is that supposed to mean? What am I supposed to do with all these sudden feelings? It's like, I was having a normal life, and then Soarin appears out of the blue and now... I don't know what to do!"

Rainbow finished miserably, slumping on the velvet couch. She waited for Rarity's response. It came in the form of a soft chuckle.

"Oh, Rainbow! Didn't you know? You are in love."

Her ears perked up straight and her wings flared out in surprise. She came up with the most intelligent response ever.


She smiled, levitating a pair of polished scissors to her side as she sliced fabric.

"In love, darling. Oh, by the by, would you pretty please come over here and hold this still for me?"

Rainbow reluctantly obliged, and helped while her friend explained the situation further.

"You say that when you think about him, your heart races? And that he draped his wing around you? That, I believe, is the sign of affection between pegasi. I can explain what love is in a basic sense but the only way to truly sort this out is to summon some courage, sort out your feelings, and go talk to him. Tell him how you really feel. Only then will your problem truly be solved. Good luck, I must be going now!"

The unicorn trotted out of the room, leaving a flustered and only slightly less confused pegasus.

She flew through the window, trying to figure out what to do next.

Come on, featherbrain! Think! Rarity said you should go talk to him. Go talk to him! Don't be such a cowardly load of horseapples and ponyfeathers!

After giving herself a small pep talk, she flew to her cloud house and collapsed on the couch. She was exhausted from shuttling around Ponyville all day long, trying to get help. She had just gotten comfy when the doorbell rang.

"Of course it's right when I get comfy, damnit." She swore.

She got up anyways, though, and answered it. A golden eyed, grey pegasus was there! The odd-eyed mailmare gave her a clumsy hug.

"Rainbow Dash! I have your mail!" She handed Dash a pristine white letter sealed with none other than... Soarin's cutie mark. It had to have been sent from the Wonderbolts Center where they all lived and worked mostly. Her eyes lit up, and she hugged Derpy happily.

"Thanks SOOO much!"

As the mailmare flew off, Rainbow Dash gleefully tore apart the envelope. The letter read as follows:

Dear Rainbow Dash,

Or should I call you Dashie? Well, anyways, I'll be back in town tomorrow night. Want to grab some dinner together?


Rainbow Dash squealed happily. He had signed it, love. Not from or sincerely or kindest regards, but LOVE. She grabbed a quill and some paper and proceeded to reply a multitude of YESSES. She flew it down to the post office and came back. She settled in her cloud bed, excited but exhausted. As she sank peacefully into sleep, she decided that she would submit to a Rarity-style makeover. She wanted to look her very best. She almost scolded herself for the mushy thoughts, but decided that it was okay.

I can worry about my bucking reputation later. I'm in love. I can do whatever the buck I want. With a satisfied smile, the cyan pony fell deep asleep.

Author's Note:

I hope that this is going well. :scootangel: