• Published 25th May 2013
  • 5,351 Views, 172 Comments

Out of the Blue - LightSpectrum

Rainbow Dash hangs out with Soarin when he invites her to, she ends up really confused about her feelings. She goes around trying to figure out what the hay is going on. Rarity knows what to tell her, but Rainbow isn't willing to accept the trut

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Chapter 7

Out of the Blue
Chapter 7

Rainbow Dash sat at her desk, a quill in her hoof and a letter with only the words "Dear Soarin" written on it.

She had been sitting for an hour and a half, trying to make it sound right.

She thought about it.

She thought about him.

She figured he probably wouldn't care if the letter wasn't poetic as long it was from her.

She put the quill to the paper and scribbled her message down.


Soarin woke up to a knock on his room's door.

He groaned.

"Ugh. The mail, the stupid annoying mail."

He opened it.

A grayish blue mare with a blonde mane and golden eyes going different directions stood there, smiling.

"Hello, Mister Soarin!"

"...hello. And you are?" He responded, slightly grumpily.

"Derpy Hooves. I'm a mailmare. They let me in at the front desk, and I have a personal delivery for you from somepony in Ponyville." She grinned and reached into her saddlebag with her wing, drawing out a pale blue envelope with a familiar cutie mark as the seal. A tricolor lightning bolt coming from a curly cloud.

He grinned back, his grumpy frown disappearing. "I- wow. Thanks so much, Ms. Hooves. I- this mare- I miss her a lot. But I didn't remember her address. Thank you!"

Her eyes switched directions by means of rolling. "Please, Derpy is fine, and it's no problem. Anything for a friend of a friend!" And she trotted away.

Soarin grinned a huge grin and gently tore the envelope open. He set the envelope aside and onto his desk, and opened the neatly folded letter.

In a scribbly but pleasant handwriting, the note said:

Dear Soarin,

I miss you. The address is on the envelope. Come visit me, you lazy ass. We need to talk.

Love, 'Dashie' :)

He blinked.

"She wants me to come visit her!" He exclaimed. He checked the clock. 7:30.

Practice wasn't until 5:00 in the evening. He could conceivably go visit her.

"I love the mail." He said.

He put on his jacket and flew out the door.

Hurricane was practicing outside. He spotted his pale blue friend, racing past at an incredibly fast speed.

He sped to catch up.

"Hey buddy! Where are ya going?"

Soarin looked over his shoulder.

"I'm going to see her! I'm going to see Rainbow Dash!"

Hurricane stopped. "Good luck!"

Hurricane heard one last thing before Soarin was out of shouting range.

"Won't need it!"

He shook his head and sighed.


Rainbow Dash was pacing back and forth. She had sent the letter two days ago, but since Cloudsdale was rather far away and you couldn't get there by train, it would take a while for the mail service to get her letter. And if he was coming, it needed to be today, because by this time tomorrow, she would be on the Friendship Express, headed to Canterlot, to support Twilight Sparkle during her exam.

What if he doesn't come today? She thought. He might think I'm standing him up! And then he'll hate me!

The cyan pegasus felt herself start to hyperventilate.

Reigning her sanity back in, she took deep breaths.

And heard a knock at her door.

She opened it.

"OH MY GODDESS!!!!" She screeched.

Soarin, who was standing at the door, felt himself be hugged with the force of the magic of friendship itself. He was knocked to the floor, with a squealing blue pegasus wrapped around him with an iron grip.

Soarin chuckled. "Missed you too, Dashie."

She let go and awkwardly cleared her throat. "Sorry."

She couldn't contain her grin. He couldn't either.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" He asked her.

She froze, her grin faltering slightly.

"I kind of wanted to talk about us. I mean, with the hug when we were watching the sunset, and the sort of date we had, and the race, and-" Her voice was cut off by a pale blue hoof at her muzzle.

"Sshhhh. I get the point. I just- I wanted to ask you, but-"

Rainbow wriggled free of his grip.

"But I wasn't worth it?"

He started. "What?! No!! You're totally worth it."

She glared. "You're just saying that. I'm the one who asked you to come over here. You could have just come by of your own accord, and visited me, but you didn't because I wasn't cool enough for you. It's been THREE WEEKS SINCE OUR DATE!"

He began to get angry. "Hey! I couldn't come by because Spitfire had me as busy as hell! I wanted to so bad but I'm the second in command to the captain! I have important duties, you know. I don't get rich by sitting and doing nothing at all. And she wouldn't let me use my free time to go see you either. She gave me extra tasks. And this is my first chunk of free time I've had, and to I use it for alone time or a trip to the spa? No, I come and visit you!"

Rainbow's wings flared out in fury, and she shook, tears running down her face and falling onto the cloud carpet. "Because I ASKED you to! Why didn't you just reject me instead of leading me on like this?"

Soarin's eye twitched. "Because-"

Rainbow cut him off. "Because you're a jerk, that's why."

He scowled. "IT'S BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!"

Rainbow had a nasty response planned, but all that came out of her mouth was "wha-HUH?"

He nodded. "Yes, I do. I can't stop thinking about you. I had so much fun that night, but I was too much of a coward to ask you to be my fillyfriend. And I didn't reject you that night, I honestly had to leave because I needed sleep. I had to wake up at stupid'o'clock in the morning the next day!"

She smiled a little.

He approached her cautiously, still afraid she might punch him in the face if he got to close.

"Rainbow- uh, what's your middle name?" He asked rather sheepishly.


"Okay. Rainbow Miriam Dash, will you be my fillyfriend?"

She smiled and hugged him. "Yes, I was waiting for you to ask."

He hugged her back, and suddenly feeling bold, pulled away.

"Hey, what was that for? I wasn't done hugging you!"

"I know." He said, and leaned forward, planting a gentle kiss on her lips. Her eyes lit up, and she nuzzled him. He dared to kiss her again, and this time held it for a long time. She finally pulled away, in order to breathe.

"That was nice, but I'm still pissed about you making me feel all angry like that, so once I get back, you owe me a legitimate date. For now, wanna stay for a while?"

He checked the clock on the wall. 11:00 AM. He was good on time.

"Why not?" He said.

The two pegasi ate lunch together, played games, raced, and just hung out. By about 4'o'clock, they were exhausted.

Rainbow yawned. "Wanna watch some TV?" He nodded affirmative.

They curled up on the couch together, Soarin sitting somewhat normally and Rainbow sitting very close, leaning her head on his shoulders. He leaned his cheek against the top of her head, and they submitted their brains to a comedy show.

The two pegasi startled awake at the doorbell ringing over and over again, as if somepony was angrily banging on it.

Rainbow got up first. "My house, I'll get it." She answered the door.

A very extremely livid Spitfire hovered in front of it. The yellow mare toned it down a bit.

"Hello, Ms. Dash, is Soarin here?" She asked somewhat pleasantly.

Rainbow gaped. "Spitfire? You remember my name?"

Rainbow Dash fell over twitching and shaking. In doing this, she revealed a groggy Soarin just getting up off the couch.

Spitfire growled.

Soarin grinned sheepishly, and checked the clock. 7:30 PM. No wonder Spitfire was pissed off.

"Hehehe, sorry Dashie. Gotta go." He leaned down to give his twitching fillyfriend a gentle kiss on the nose.

If looks could kill, Soarin would have been teleported into a basement, skinned alive, boiled, and baked into a cupcake.

Spitfire was not a happy mare. Soarin followed his captain away from Ponyville and back to Cloudsdale.

"What was that all about?" She demanded once they were far enough away.

"I just lost track of time. I'm sorry, I'm trying to get better on my time management skills." He said apologetically.

She frowned, making her angry look even more menacing.

"Okay, very well. But why were you all romantic with her?"

Soarin couldn't keep the goofy grin off of his face. It happened every time he thought of her.

"I finally asked her. I asked her to be my fillyfriend. She accpeted."

Spitfire managed to look even angrier, but Soarin didn't notice. He was completely oblivious to her obvious jealousy.

Soarin turned to look at his friend. "Now I have a question. How did you know where I was? And how did you find her house?"

Spitfire sighed dramatically. "I asked your teammates if they had seen you. Hurricane said you'd gone to see- her. Then I went to your quarters to see if you'd come back and I found this." She pulled the envelope with Dash's address on it out of her pocket. He snatched back, putting it in his own pocket.

"Ok, Spitfire, just take my shit without permission."

"I'm your damn captain. I can do whatever the fuck I want."

The rest of the flight was had in silence.


Rainbow was so happy.

I've just GOT to tell Rarity, and Pinkie, and oh hell. I'll just tell all of my friends.

Somewhat later, Rainbow had gathered four out of five of them at the library. Twilight had her nose in a book as usual, Fluttershy was meekly talking to Applejack, who was playing with her hat, and Rarity was combing her elegant purple mane and styling it, using a bejeweled hand mirror.

Rainbow was sitting on a pile of pillows, nervously poking one with her hoof. "Where's Pinkie Pie?" She inquired.

The rest of her friends shrugged. The door burst open, revealing a wildly shaking pink party pony.

"H-h-e-e-y!!!" She said, pinning herself against the floor so she could talk somewhat normally. "H-hey! M-m-my P-pinkie Sensse I-is g-going c-crazy-w-wAaazy!"

Twilight looked up from her book. "Uh oh," she said, noticing Pinkie vibrating and shaking all over the place. "That's the one that means there is going to be a doozy!"

Rainbow wasted no more time. "Well, now that we're all here, I have a little announcement to make."

Twilight's book, Rarity's beauty supplies, and Pinkie's cupcake fell to the ground in anticipation.

"I- wait a second, Pinkie. How'd you get that cupcake?"

Pinkie smiled her huge smile, and pulled a whole tray of them out of her poofy pink mane. "Duh! Anypony want one?"

Crickets. Crickets.

"No? Okay then!"

Rainbow brought her jaw back up to where it belonged in order to continue speaking. "I wanted to tell you guys that I have a coltfriend."

Rarity positively beamed. "That's wonderful, darling!"

Pinkie stopped vibrating and resumed bouncing. "Yeah, who's the lucky stallion?"

Rainbow grinned like a madmare. "Soarin."

Her friends clapped for her.

Fluttershy took a huge breath in, and "yaaay"ed very softly.

The rest of her friends were exclaiming very loudly.

Rainbow grinned even more.

Pinkie Pie gasped loudly. "OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!!! This means I get to throw... A PARTYYYY!!!!"

Rainbow only rolled her eyes slightly. "When we get back from our trip. For now, I'm tired."

She and the four other ponies who don't live at the library left to go home. They had a big day ahead.


Soarin sat in Spitfire's office, getting his ears pummeled out my Spitfire's voice.

He sat and took it. Objecting to her raging rant could leave him jobless with a black eye.

When she was finally done, Soarin had to ask.

"I don't really think you're pissed off because I missed practice. Why are you really angry?"

She snarled. "Because of that... That Rainbow Dash! She- she's stealing you away from me."

This thoroughly enraged the pale pegasus stallion.

"I'm not yours! Wait... Are you... Jealous?"

She glared at him, then looked away, attempting to set the desk on fire with her eyes.

"Spitfire... I know we had a thing back in our flight camp years, but that's over now. You had your chance, hell, you're the one that ended it!" And he walked away.

Soarin had no idea she still had a thing for him. He had a gut feeling that things were going to get awkward.

Author's Note:

SOOO... Here it is, fillies and gentlecolts! CHAPTER 7!!

This one is about twice as long as the others, please comment if you like them to be a bit longer or whatever. I tried to make this one longer since I was getting some complaints that they were too short.