• Published 14th Dec 2012
  • 3,004 Views, 105 Comments

Big Siblings - Learn for Life

Rarity and Thunderlane engage their younger siblings in various games

  • ...

Game Over; Time for Bed

Would they find them? Would they even be looking for them?

These were the questions that ran through the foals’ mind as they sobbed in the little hole in the rock, while the timberwolves clawed at the entrance and snapped their jaws. Sweetie Belle’s leg hurt from the bite.

There appeared to be no hope.

“Rumble?” Sweetie Belle piped up.

The colt wiped his tears away, sniffling as he looked to where Sweetie Belle would be; they couldn’t see each other in the dark. “Yeah?”

She snuggled up next to him. “I wanna go home.”

He nodded. “Me too.” They nuzzled closer to each other, Rumble placing his head over hers in an embrace. “I miss Thunderlane.”

She sniffled. “I miss Rarity.” They moved themselves further back into the cave, avoiding the long leg of the largest timberwolf. Their rumps touched the back of the hole. “I wanna see her again. I don’t care if I get in trouble. I just wanna go home.”

Rumble sighed. “I’m sorry I got you into all of this.”

Water began to pool at their undersides; the rain had been falling down a tiny hole in the back, which was now blocked by the foals. The thunder and lightning didn’t stop.

“It’s okay.” She stroked his ear with her hoof. “If anypony’s to blame, it’s Thunderlane.”

“Well, yeah, but…” Rumble sighed. “I can’t be angry at him. We were just having fun, and now, we’re stuck in a hole. I should’ve been more careful.” He curled into himself .

“Hey, let’s not think about that.” She pushed her head towards him until his chin was resting on her nape. “Let’s just wait here, and hope they find us.”

He nodded. “Yeah. They won’t give up. They’ll find us!”

They looked outside, wondering if what they were saying was true.

Would this be one time where the recklessness of younger ponies would lead to their demise? Would their rambunctiousness make them fall prey to the dangers of the world?

This is what Rarity and Thunderlane wondered as they pressed onward, towards where the crying was coming from. The rain beat at them mercilessly, and the wind continued to push them, but they remained steadfast and continued onward. Thunder and Lightning could do nothing to frighten them; no threat in the Everfree would dissuade them from continuing.

It was a do-or-die mission.

“Do you hear it anymore, Rarity?” Thunderlane asked from above, his breath catching up to him.

Rarity looked around. “No, I don’t.” She stopped and strained her ears, hearing only barking and clawing. “Sweetie Belle?”

Almost immediately, they heard a voice. “Rarity?”

She smiled. “Sweetie Belle! Oh, thank goodness! Where are you?”

“We’re in a hole!” They were distant, but they could hear them.

“Are you hurt?”

“I got bitten by a timberwolf!”

Rarity gasped, almost losing her balance. “Are you bleeding?”

There was silence for a moment. “No, but it hurts!”

Then another voice piped up. “Thunderlane?”

The stallion smiled and began to shake. “Rumble! Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” he yelled. “I didn’t get bit!”

"But we can't get out!" Sweetie Belle yelled. "There are timberwolves right outside, and we're trapped in here! They can't get us, but we're trapped!"

Something moved in the bushes near them, and the two ponies nodded to each other. “Look, just stay where you’re at. We’ll find you.”


Thunderlane flew forward, with Rarity galloping under him. They were able to avoid many obstacles, as the branches, bushes and other nuisances were sparse, and where was here was open space and rocks gathered under a dark canopy. The rain was less constant here, but it still came down. The light from Rarity’s horn traveled farther, illuminating more.

What they came across were a gathering of large boulders. They lay scattered around in a large row, some full-grown, some broken in half, others crumbled into mere rocks and pebbles. That wasn’t what had caught their attention, though. What caught their attention were a gathering of green eyes along the boulders, all staring right at them.

“Timberwolves!” Thunderlane yelled. He dropped to the ground and positioned himself in front of Rarity. “Listen: you search for them. I’ll distract them.”

The timberwolves slowly stepped down from the boulders, slowly crawling towards them. Thunderlane pushed Rarity behind a large rock, and flew towards them. “Hey, you!” he yelled, bucking a timberwolf in the face and sending it into a boulder. “Come and get me!” He flew right, along the line of rocks, and the wolves, on instinct, chased after him.

Rarity peeked out from behind the rock; there were no timberwolves there. With a sigh of relief, she emerged and began her search. “Sweetie Belle? Rumble?”

“Rarity!” It was close; not right next to her, but very close.

“Sweetie Belle, Rumble! hang on! I’ll find you, and we’ll go home!”

“Rarity,” Sweetie Belle began, her voice trembling. “I’m sorry for running off again. We meant to get to the Boutique, honest! We just passed it and—“

“Don’t worry about that right now, dear.” Rarity hopped onto a boulder and began looking over it, finding nothing but a steep patch of earth that ascended past her vision. “We must be near a mountain.” Shaking that thought from her mind, she began her search again. “Keep talking to me, dears. Let me know where you are.”

She heard Rumble. “Are we in trouble?”

She ran forward and hopped onto another boulder, looking around the sea of broken rock. “We’ll talk about that later. For now, let’s just get you out of here and back to Ponyville.”

“Are you mad at us?”

She peered down a crevice, but saw nothing. “Well, yes, I’m mad that you made us run around after you, but I still don’t want you to get hurt!” There was silence. “Keep talking!”

Sweetie Belle’s voice was calm. “I love you, Rarity.”

Rarity sighed and smiled. “And I love you, Sweetie Belle. We’ll talk about your punishment later, but know that I will always love you, little sister.” She heard more clawing and barking, and hopped to another boulder. There was excited gasping.

“Rarity! We-we see your light!”

The mare moved frantically around, looking for any sign of them. She couldn’t see anything. “Where are you?”

“Over here!” The shouting was coming from the left, but she couldn’t see anything.

“I can’t see you!” Rarity strained her eyes, and saw something. “Wait, is that—“

It was. A timberwolf was sprinting right at her.

“Aaaah!” Rarity scrambled and began to run away from the timberwolf, trying to figure out what to do. Its footing was steadier than her hooves, and soon it caught up to her.

“Rarity! The light’s fading!”

Hearing that gave her a boost of strength. What am I doing? I’m running from my sister! I can’t let that happen!” With a swift movement she raised her hindlegs and bucked as hard as she could at the timberwolf. It made contact, and it was sent flying away from her, falling into a crevice and disappearing from sight.

“Sweetie Belle?” She called, hopping back. “Can you see it? Can you see the light?”

“A little.”

Rarity took a deep breath and, looking around herself, began to trot around, trying to see them.

The light kept fluttering, once peering at one side, and then at the other, and then disappearing. “Rumble, she can’t see us!” Sweetie Belle stomped her hoof as hard as she could. “What’re we gonna do?”

“We’ll think of something,” he said. He watched the light come around, listened as Rarity called out again, and Sweetie Belle answered again. The progress was slow. “How’s she supposed to see us when we’re down here?”

“Let’s see” she began mumbling. “We’re in a hole just below the top of the rocks, a distance away from the other boulders. Rarity isn’t able to see the timberwolves’ eyes, because they’re looking at us and not out at her. There’s no light inside, so Rarity wouldn’t be able to see us—

Sweetie Belle’s eyes suddenly went wide. “That’s it!”

He stopped mumbling to look at him. “What?”

“My horn!” She felt him reach up to touch it, brushing against her mane, and then finding it. “I’ll use my horn to shine some light so she can find us!” Her exuberance then died down. “But… No, that’s stupid. Never mind.”

“What?” Rumble raised himself up, hitting his head against the ceiling. “Why?”

There was a sound of a scuffing hoof. “I can’t use magic yet. I don’t think I’d be able to get my horn to light up.”

Rumble reached out and pulled her into a hug. “Look, I really really need you to do this. If you don’t then we’re done for! Do it for me, for us, for Rarity!”

Sweetie Belle perked up, and turned her head outside. “… You know what? I’ll do it!” She pushed herself up. “Or, at least I’ll try.”

He rubbed her wither. “I know you can do it.”

Sweetie Belle tentatively crawled forward, getting within inches of the timberwolves’ reach. With a deep breath, she began to focus. At first there was nothing, and then a spark flew out. A few more sparks flew out.

“Yeah, Sweetie Belle!” Rumble cheered on. “You can do it!”

She pushed herself more, until her head was dizzy. Her horn began to glow, casting a white light in the eyes of the timberwolves outside. Then, after a few seconds of concentration...

She collapsed, the light going out.

“I-I can’t, Rumble.” Sweetie Belle began to cry. “I just can’t do it!”

“Don’t give up,” he said, crawling up and nuzzling her. “I know you can make a light.”

“No I can’t,” she sobbed. “I just can’t.”

Then they both heard a distant voice. “Sweetie Belle?”

She lifted her head. “Rarity, we’re over here—“

“Sweetie Belle, can you give me some light?”

She sighed. “I tried, Rarity, but I can’t do it.” She almost returned to sobbing, but Rarity spoke again.

“I know you can do it, dear. You just have to concentrate.”


“I really need your help, Sweetie Belle. I know you can do it, dear. Just concentrate. Please.”


“Please, Sweetie Belle! I need to get you out of here, away from these timberwolves!” They heard her scream, and there was a scuffle between the mare and a stray timberwolf.

“Rarity!” She heard her sister whinny and the timberwolf whine, and that did it for her. She wiped her eyes, raised herself, and began to concentrate again.

“You can do it,” Rumble said quietly.

At first, there was nothing. Sweetie Belle grunted, but nothing happened. Then, just as Rumble was ready to say it wouldn’t work, a spark flew out. A few more flew out, and the tip of her horn began to glow.

“It’s working!” he yelled. “Keep going!”

She kept at it. “We’ll get out, Rarity. I’ll do this for you.” She pushed herself harder, and more of her horn glowed. The timberwolves looked at it and began to retreat from the hole. With a cry of pain, she pushed herself harder, and the entire hole lit up with a brilliant white.

“Rarity!” Rumble yelled. “Can you see it?”

A brilliant white light shone from a hole near the trees. Rarity bucked the timberwolf off and began to cry. “Yes, yes I see it! Fantastic, Sweetie Belle!”

With the timberwolf off of her, she leapt from boulder to boulder, determined to reach the light and the foals. The timberwolves turned to stare at the approaching threat, but they had no time to react. She lifted one and threw it off of the boulder, and the other tried to charge, but was trampled by the mare. With a buck, it was sent careening off the boulder.

“Rarity!” Rumble flew out of the whole and latched onto her neck for a hug. “I knew you’d come and save us!” He looked around. “But where’s Thunderlane?”

“Rumble!” The two turned to see Thunderlane galloping towards them, limping on an unbandaged leg.

“Thunderlane!” The colt launched himself and latched himself around his neck. “I knew you’d come and save us.”

“Of course, little bro,” the stallion said. “What kind of a brother would I be if I didn’t make sure you were safe?”

While all of this was going on, Rarity walked to the hole and peered in. “Sweetie Belle? Are you in there?”

“Y-yeah,” the filly wheezed, staggering out of the hole. “J-just let me catch my breath and I’ll be good to go.”

Rarity shook her head and lifted her little sister onto her back. “Sorry, Sweetie Belle, but you’ve done enough for now.” She looked at her sister’s leg; there was a mark, but no blood. “Just lay back there and I’ll take care of the rest.”

“Yeah, about that,” Thunderlane began as he lifted Rumble onto his back. “I managed to lose the timberwolves, but they’ll be back here any second.”

“Then I guess we better get a move on back to Ponyville.” Rarity nuzzled Sweetie Belle. “Don’t worry, dear. We’ll handle it from here.” In the distance, they could hear howling, and it was getting closer. The timberwolves there were beginning to regain consciousness as well. “Let’s go.”

With the two foals safely on their backs, Thunderlane and Rarity began to gallop off back down their path. Their hoofprints were still fresh, so following it back was easy with Rarity’s light. They went as fast as their legs could carry them, as the timberwolf pack had found them and began to give chase.

“Stay back!” Rarity yelled, using her magic to roll a small boulder in their way. It gave them a few seconds to gain ground.

They passed the open field, and continued to follow the hoofsteps. The adults’ breathing became heavy, but they showed no signs of slowing down. Sweetie Belle hung on to her sister as best she could, while Rumble hung on to his brother, urging him onward.

They jumped over the burnt branch, and raced through the field where the bushed and trees had been decimated. The foals’ hoofprints came into view again. “We’re almost out of here!” Rarity yelled. Thunderlane nodded with a grin, and they both pushed themselves onward.

It wouldn’t be that easy, though, as the timberwolves had caught up to the exhausted ponies. Rarity was heaving while she ran, the rain almost blinding her. She continued to follow the prints, but the mud made her lose her balance, allowing the timberwolves to gain a few inches each time. Soon, they were snapping at her tail.

The mare looked behind her, and saw one pounce at her. She screamed, managing to buck it away just in time. More came and pounced, and for a moment, Rarity feared that would be the end of her and her sister.

Suddenly, she felt herself being lifted into the air, and taken away from the timberwolves. They fell far behind, and no matter how much quicker they ran, they couldn’t catch up to them. Rarity looked up and saw Thunderlane carrying them.

“Hang on!” he grunted, flying forward with great speed. The few branches that were in his way were broken down when he rammed into them; Rarity and Sweetie Belle were low enough to avoid them.

A few seconds later, they broke out of the forest and saw buildings. Sweetie Belle and Rumble began to cheer on their sibling’s backs, and Rarity sighed as she was put back on the ground.

“We’ve made it!” she cried. “We’re back in Ponyville! Oh, Thunderlane, I don’t know how you did it, but—“

She didn’t finish, as an utterly exhausted Thunderlane collapsed on the ground.

They were inside the boutique, and the first thing they saw was Opalescence coming down the stairs to greet them. The cat saw how wet and rough they looked, so she just settled on meowing loudly for her dinner. Rarity shot her a look that shut her up immediately.

With that settled. Rarity quickly and deftly relit the candles around the room, and also did so in the kitchen. Sweetie Belle ran upstairs, and came back down with towels. Rarity set the limp body of the stallion on a couch in the corner of the room. Sweetie Belle soon came back with the towels, and soon the three conscious ponies set to drying themselves. Rumble and Rarity worked together to dry Thunderlane’s body.

With their bodies now dry, Rarity trotted into the kitchen and, quickly dealing with Opal’s dinner, began to rummage through her refrigerator. She pulled out a large pot and set it on the stove. With a few clicks, there were flames, and the pot was set over it.

While it was warming up, Rarity grabbed the towels and placed them in the washroom. Having that done, she pointed upwards. “Bath.”

The two foals didn’t argue. They ran upstairs and to their left. Rarity listened, and soon heard water running. Satisfied, she dimmed the fire under the pot and trotted upstairs. There was the issue of the broken window, but Rarity paid it no mind at that point; it would take some money to have it repaired, but right now, she needed to get into her own room.

Once inside, she went straight to her bathroom and turned the faucet on. She didn’t have time for a full-length bath, and stepped into the steaming shower. The initial jolt of heat made her gasp, but then she relaxed and went under the running water. It warmed her to the bone, and for a moment she stood there and let the heat wash over her.

But she knew that dinner was cooking, and she couldn’t relax just yet. The muck and sweat washed off of her body, but that left her mane and tail. They had been exposed to the rain and wind far too much for her liking, and it was time to fix that. With her magic, she squeezed a sizable amount of shampoo on both her mane and tail, and then proceeded to scrub them as hard as could.

“Oh my,” she said, feeling her hooves along her scalp. “I definitely need a hooficure.”

Meanwhile, in the other bathroom, Sweetie Belle and Rumble were in the bathtub with just water—no bubbles or bath toys as was normal for the filly—and they were eager to get the cold rain and dirt off of them. Their coats were the first to be washed, and they were quick enough.

Then their manes were next. Sweetie Belle grabbed the blueberry-scented shampoo and dabbed a blob directly onto her mane, and then passed the bottle to Rumble. He squeezed a large blob onto his hoof, and then slammed in into his mane. They both scrubbed hard, and then they both went underwater to wash the soap out.

When they emerged from the water, they were touching noses.

They blinked, stared at each other for a moment. And then Rumble moved forward and embraced Sweetie Belle. She hugged him back. The only sounds heard were the humming of the pipes running water through them to Rarity’s private shower.

“Rumble,” Sweetie Belle said. “We still need to clean our tails.”

He broke the hug, but before they began to work on their tails, he moved in and smooched her on the lips. It was quick, but it left both of them blushing.

Soon the pipes stopped humming, and they knew the bath had to end. With a quick pull of the plug and drying themselves off, they emerged from the bathroom, ready for their punishments.

At the same time, Rarity emerged from her room, her mane and tail wrapped around in a towel. She looked them over, sniffed both of them, nodded, and beckoned them to come into her room. On the bed was a roll of bandaging. She levitated it and began to wrap it around Sweetie Belle’s hindleg. Once it was snug, she nuzzled it. Sweetie Belle didn’t flinch, and actually smiled. With that done, Rarity trotted downstairs, the two foals in tow.

Just as they reached the bottom of the stairs, Thunderlane groaned and rose from the couch. He looked around. “What the? Where am I?”

“Oh, good, you’re awake.” Rarity came into view with her towels, and Thunderlane stared at her in disbelief. “Come on, it’s time for dinner.”

He babbled. “Wait, what happened? Did we make it out? Was it all just a dream?” He rubbed his head, and winced. “Was I knocked unconscious or something?”

Rarity turned and stared at him. “No, it wasn’t a dream. You weren’t knocked unconscious, you fainted from exhaustion. And yes, we made it out.” She trotted over to him and nuzzled him. “We made it out, thanks to you.”

He giggled. “Well, I had to, y’know?”

She shook her head, and her expression immediately became stern. “But we are going to talk about this whole thing.” She turned to the kitchen. “Right after dinner.”

Thunderlane’s stomach growled, and he stood upright. “Yeah, dinner sounds good.”

Rumble and Sweetie Belle giggled, but stopped as Rarity passed. They followed her into the kitchen, and Thunderlane followed after them.

Opalescence had finished with her dinner and headed off to her bed, and the pot was steaming, the lid quivering. Rarity shut the stove off, and lifted the lid, allowing the steam to waft around them. Thunderlane, not having taken a shower, shook with delight as his body warmed with it.

The ponies took their seats at the table, and Rarity placed four bowls in front of them. She took her own place, but just before she could lift the pot off the table, there was a knock at the door. She stood and trotted to it. Opening it, she saw Aloe, covered with an umbrella and holding a basket. She recognized it as the picnic basket from earlier, and took it inside.

“Thank you, dear,” she said. Aloe nodded and trotted off merrily to her own home.

Rarity brought the basket into the kitchen—once Sweetie Belle saw it, she gasped—and set it down next to her. She inspected the contents, and took out what dozen remained of the sandwiches and set them in the middle of the table. Sweetie Belle craned her head and looked at the basket, and Rarity took out the kite. It was undamaged.

With that matter taken care of, Rarity took the pot from the stove and set it next to the sandwiches. A ladle was procured, and soon the four bowls were each filled with soup. The four ponies each took two sandwiches and set them next to their bowls.

At that moment, with the aroma of potatoes and carrots and other vegetables wafting up, with the sandwiches right next to them, with their stomachs rumbling, Rarity realized that she hadn’t brought out the silverware. She didn’t get a chance to, either. Rumble’s muzzle dove into the soup, and the others could see the soup-level lowering around the swiftly moving jaws. Thunderlane looked up at Rarity, who watched with wide eyes.

Then, unable to resist anymore, she dove her own muzzle in and began to suck up the soup. Sweetie Belle and Thunderlane looked at each other, and with a simultaneous rumbling of their stomachs, they too dove their muzzles in and devoured it. Any etiquette was thrown out the window; as ponies who had been expending energy all day and who just went through peril in the Everfree Forest, they had neither need nor time nor patience to use them.

In mere seconds, they had all devoured their servings. Without hesitation, Rarity poured another hearty helping in each one, and they were at it again, at a slightly slower pace. Sweetie Belle had the control to use a sandwich to scoop up vegetables before she devoured it in a few bites, while Thunderlane had the decency to lick every wallop of soup in the bowl before going for a third serving. Their stomachs began to stick out, but that didn’t matter.

They ate and ate, the soup warming them from the inside, the sandwiches a nice snack along with it. This went on for five minutes, and then they stopped. There was no more soup in the pot, nor were there any sandwiches on the table. They had all devoured four servings, and when it was all done, they all gave a collective sigh of contentment.

“Right then,” Rarity said, levitating the utensils to the sink. “Now, we can have a talk.”

All three of the other ponies looked at her with worry, and at her urging they all began to walk upstairs. “In my room.” Sweetie Belle opened the door to her sister’s room, and soon all four of them were inside. Rarity closed the door and motioned for the foals to get on the bed. They did so, and sat side-by-side, awaiting what she had to say. Thunderlane walked next to her.

“Now,” Rarity began. “You both know you’re in a lot of trouble.” They nodded, shrinking away from her. “You both sent us on a wild chase, and then you both went into the Everfree Forest, and almost got yourselves killed.”


“Sh!” They stopped. “Sweetie Belle, not only did you run around when I told you it was time to go home, but you also jumped out of a carriage into a lake. Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?” Sweetie Belle nodded.

“And you, Rumble.” The colt shrunk further. “You foalnapped my little sister! Do you realize how angry I am at that?” Rumble looked to his brother for help, but Rarity brought his attention back on her. “And don’t think Thunderlane’s getting out of this!” She turned on him. “We’ll be having our own little conversation.”

Instead of backing away or shrinking, he simply nodded.

She turned her attention back to the foals. “You both have done some bad things today.” They both looked down in shame.


They both looked up, confusion etched on their face.

“However, Sweetie Belle, when you were in danger, you used your wits to light your horn, making it much easier to find you guys.”

Sweetie Belle tilted her head. “But… but I couldn’t have done that without your help.”

Surprisingly, Rarity placed a hoof on her head. “True, you needed some encouragement, but I wouldn’t have thought of it. And you did manage to produce light.” She pulled her baby sister into a hug. “I’m proud of you.”

Sweetie Belle had no idea how to respond. “Really?”

“Of course!” Rarity stared at her with a smile. “You did do some bad things, and you are going to be punished, but I’m very glad that you’re safe, and you helped us get you here safely.”

Tears began to form in the filly’s eyes, and soon they were both embracing in a hug. “Thank you, big sister. But I would’ve been eaten if it weren’t for Rumble!”

The colt had up to this point remained silent, but now he piped up. “Huh?”

“Oh?” Rarity looked at him. “Really?”

“Yeah!” Sweetie Belle scooted herself closer to him and wrapped a hoof around him. “I tripped and fell, and just when they were gonna eat me, he came and carried me away to safety! Twice!”

Rumble fiddled with his hooves, looking away. Before he could look back, he was being embraced by the mare.

“Thank you, Rumble,” she whispered, planting a kiss on his cheek. “If it weren’t for you, my sister wouldn’t be here. I don’t think you realize how big that is for me.”

Rumble was blushing. “Well, I had to. I couldn’t leave her there, right? She’s my friend!”

Instead of answering, Rarity hugged him again. “Thank you.” She ended the embrace and stepped back, looking at the two. “You both did very good things today, and I’m proud of both of you.”

“I’m proud of you too,” Thunderlane added, looking at the two foals. “You both did some pretty awesome things today. Sweetie Belle, that was smart, using your magic like that!” The filly blushed, and bashfully high-hoofed him. “That must’ve been hard.” He turned to Rumble. “And you, champ! You actually saved her? That-man, I’m so proud of you right now!” Rumble didn’t hesitate to high-hoof him.

“And,” Rarity added, “even though we did run around everywhere trying to catch you miscreants… we did have fun doing it, at times.” She looked at Thunderlane. “We did have a nice game of hide-n’-seek, and I did get to fly around Ponyville. That was nice.”

She noticed a faint blush appear in Thunderlane’s cheeks; she took a deep breath, hoping the blush in her face wouldn’t be visible. She turned her attention back to the now-beaming foals. “Now, to decide your punishment.”

Immediately, the smiles disappeared.

“I say… three months of being grounded will suffice.” She looked at Sweetie Belle. “Mom and Dad will know about this.” She opened the door. “Now there will be no more playing tonight. Sweetie Belle, get ready for bed. Rumble, please follow her. I need to have a word with Thunderlane.”

The foals looked at each other, but instead of slinking away in shame, they ran up and hugged their respective siblings. “Thank you, Rarity, for spending the day with me.”

Rarity hugged her back. “You’re not getting out of your punishment.”

“I know. I just want to tell you I love you.”

Rarity kissed her on the cheek. “I love you, too.”

Rumble hugged his brother to the point of choking him. “Thanks for playing with me all day, big brother. You’re the best.”
Thunderlane didn’t try and get him to hug looser. “Hey, it’s good to hang out with my little brother every once in a while.”

“Love you, bro.”

“I love you too, Rumble.”

With that, the two yawned at the same time, and began walking out of the room. Once they had went inside Sweetie Belle’s room, Rarity shut the door.

“They’re good kids,” Thunderlane said.

“Yes, they are.” Rarity turned to Thunderlane. “Now, you have some explaining to do.”

Thunderlane didn’t flinch or shrink, or even avert his gaze. “I’ll explain everything.”

“Firstly,” Rarity began, pacing around him. “What did you tell Rumble at the spa?”

Thunderlane shook his legs, and began. “I told him I was having fun.”


“And that I wanted him to find a way to make the game go on. That’s it, nothing more.”

“Even with your leg being hurt?”

Thunderlane scuffed his bandaged leg against the carpet, but not with a shy air about him. “Yes, even with my leg being bandaged. I didn’t mind; I was having too much fun with him.”

“You do realize that your fun is what caused them to almost be killed, right?”

There was a minute movement in his face that suggested a rebuttal, but it died down. “Yes, I realize that.”

“Tell me, was it your idea that they play hide-n’-seek in the first place?”

“No.” Rarity scrutinized his face, but couldn’t find a twitch of the mouth or of the eyes to suggest a lie. “That was entirely them that decided it.”

Rarity nodded. “And when we were flying? You could’ve caught them, right?”

“Yes, I could’ve.” Thunderlane shifted, and stifled a yawn. “But not as easily as you may think. Rumble may be small, but he has a pair of wings on him. He wouldn’t have been able to handle that hurricane otherwise. I also could’ve ended it at the bar.”

“And at Twilight’s?”

“You mean at the library?” Thunderlane sighed. “No, that stallion had me beat pretty good.”

She nodded. “Did you tell him specifically to foalnap Sweetie Belle?”

“No. I just told him to find a way to continue playing.”

“But did you enjoy his dragging her around and her getting hurt?”

At this, Thunderlane betrayed a sign of anger. “I’d never want to see a pony hurt, and I’m sorry that Sweetie Belle was punched in the face—“

“And bitten.”

“…and bitten. I’m sorry about that. As for enjoying it… yes, I liked seeing him try and woo her.”

Rarity huffed. “Is that so?”

“It is.”

Rarity stopped pacing. “Here’s what I have gathered: you, ultimately, are the reason this whole thing continued, and you enjoyed that my sister was dragged around in all of this? You, ultimately, are responsible for her being hurt twice? And almost a third time, when she jumped out of the carriage?”

Thunderlane didn’t hesitate to answer. “Yes.”

Rarity sighed. “Very well, then. One more question.” She stepped towards him. “Why did you do it?”

At this question, he sighed and slumped. “Listen: me and Rumble, we don’t hang out that much. I’m usually off working while he’s in school or playing, and I’m usually too tired to play with him. Don’t take this as a sob story, but he looks up to me, and I’m usually asleep when we hang out together. Still, he looks up to me, thinks I’m a great pony. So when this opportunity came, I decided to go along with it, have fun with my brother, y’know? Hang out with him while I could, before I have to go to work again.” He straightened up again. “That’s why.”

Rarity’s expression didn’t change, but she began to pace again. He watched her walk back and forth, her brow furrowed. He remained straight; whatever punishment was coming, he was ready for it.

“I endangered the foals, I accept that.” He bowed his head. “I’ll take responsibility for it all.”

“Three months.”

Thunderlane looked up. “What?”

“Three months,” Rarity repeated, stepping towards him. “Three months, you are to be in my service. You will do my bidding, from carrying gems from the mountains to carrying me around in a carriage. You will engage in grueling work to pay for what you’ve done.”

He nodded. “I can accept that—“

“That’s not all,” she added sternly. “Apart from that, you will be helping Rumble with his schoolwork, and I will be checking.”

He raised a brow. “I don’t see how that’s a punishment—“

“Uup, uup, uup! Don’t argue with me.”

“But I wasn’t—“

“Zip it!” She waved a hoof in his face. “Is this understood?”

Thunderlane’s brow was still raised, but he nodded regardless.

“Good.” She trotted to the door and opened it. “Now let’s get some sleeping arrangements set up for you and your brother.”
Thunderlane did a double-take. “Wait, what?”

Rarity looked back, a smirk on her face. “Do you honestly believe that I’m going to let you and your brother do any more flying in this dreadful weather? Certainly not! Little Rumble’s been through enough tonight.” She trotted to the door on the left. “Rumble, dear, come on out—“

She gasped. Hearing this, Thunderlane sped over to her. “What, what is it?”

What he saw was Rumble, on the bed, under the blanket, cuddling with Sweetie Belle. Both the foals were asleep. Sweetie Belle had her legs wrapped around Rumble, who had his hooves hugging the blanket close to him. His neck had her pulled into its own embrace.

Thunderlane slowly walked into the room, followed by Rarity. He stopped next to Rumble while Rarity went around the bed to Sweetie Belle. He couldn’t help the grin that appeared on his face.

“Well, isn’t this cute?” he said, looking up to the mare. She was smiling.

“This is precious,” she said. She used her magic to put the blanket over her sister’s shoulder, leaving only her head above the blanket. “They look so adorable.”

“Yeah, they do.” Thunderlane moved to nudge his brother.

“No, stop,” Rarity hissed. “What are you doing?”

He looked up, confused. “I’m waking him up, of course. We need to discuss sleeping arrangements, right?”

Rarity blinked, and then shook her head. “No, let’s leave them. They look so peaceful.” She yawned. “And we’ve all had a long day. I’ll be treating myself to a trip at the spa tomorrow for sure.” She giggled, and lifted the covers. When they went down again, Rarity was lying next to her sister, the towels having been placed on a chest in the corner of the room, and scooted over until Sweetie Belle was nestled against her side. Sweetie Belle opened her eyes and looked over at her. Rarity smiled and nuzzled her, and Sweetie Belle tiredly nuzzled her back.

“Hey, Rarity,” she yawned. “Are you sleeping with us?” Rarity nodded. “Okay, then.”

Thunderlane chuckled. “So, where do I sleep?”

Rarity looked up at him as if that was a really dumb question. “Well, there’s the couch downstairs. Or…” she patted the space next to Rumble.

Thunderlane got the hint, and, closing the door behind him, went under the covers and lay next to Rumble. The colt opened his eyes and turned his head.

“Hey, buddy,” Thunderlane whispered. “It’s time to sleep.”

Rumble nodded. “Yeah, yeah, I know,” he yawned, nuzzling Thunderlane’s barrel. The stallion hugged him back. Then Rumble turned to Sweetie Belle and resumed his position of hugging her with his neck. “Good night, Thunderlane.”

Thunderlane kissed him on the forehead. “Good night, Rumble.”

Sweetie Belle nudged Rarity’s barrel. “Good night, Rarity.”

Rarity kissed her on the cheek. “Good night, Sweetie Belle.”

Sweetie Belle turned her head. “Good night, Thunderlane.”

He ruffled her mane. “Good night, Sweetie Belle.”

Rumble looked up at Rarity. “Good night, Rarity.”

She leaned down and kissed him on the cheek as well. “Good night, Rumble.”

Sweetie Belle wrapped her legs around him once more, and Rumble hugged his neck around her. “Good night, Sweetie Belle.”

Sweetie Belle sighed. “Good night, Rumble.”

There was one last good-night that needed to be exchanged. Thunderlane looked at Rarity, who looked up at him. He nodded his head. “Good night, Rarity.”

Rarity leaned across the pillows. Thunderlane did the same, and they rubbed noses. “Good night, Thunderlane,” she whispered, kissing him softly on the lips.

With that, the older ponies lay their heads on their younger siblings, and closed their eyes. They were battered, they were bruised, and they were exhausted, but at this moment, they were at peace. The rain continued to pour down, the wind continued to howl, and the thunder and lightning didn’t cease, but in this room, at this moment, they were all content, and soon they all drifted off to sleep, the young ponies in the comfort of their big siblings.

Author's Note:

And there it is: the end of this story.

So what did you think of the ending? Was the punishment not severe enough? Did the ending let you down? Is it good enough? I did my very best with it, and I'm willing to hear what could've been better.

And what do you think about it overall? Did it entertain you? Did you have problems with it? Please let me know.

In any case, I thank you deeply for taking the time to read this story all the way through.

Comments ( 21 )

Rarity should have bucked Thunderlane in the face.

:twilightsmile: :heart:a perfect ending to a perfect story:heart: :twilightsmile:
:ajsmug: its very rare to have a story this good i am putting it on my top 5 :ajsmug:
:rainbowhuh: maybe a sequel? :rainbowhuh:

2599454 I knew when writing this that the punishments were either going to be perfect, or much too soft. I couldn't get around that, and that was the biggest difficulty with writing it.

Thank you for commenting all the way through, but I'l like to try and pull out at least one more comment from you. If you would not mind, how did you find the overall story?

2599456I have a smidgen of an idea for a possible sequel, but I don't think it would be soon that I'd write it. Thank you for commenting on the story, and I'm honored that it earned a spot in your top 5. :twilightsmile:

One of the best endings I have read in a fic in a while. And a great story overall.

Also love the fact this fic is something other than the overused RumbleLoo. I love Scootaloo the most out of the CMC, but its either her or Cloud Chaser and Flitter I ever see Rumble shipped with. So this was a breath of fresh air.

2599674>>2599700 I'm very glad you enjoyed it, and I'm happy it was a breath of fresh air for you! I see him shipped with Scootaloo, Flitter & Chloudchaser, and Cheerilee quite a bit, but it wasn't the overuse that drove me to write Sweetie Belle and Rumble together. It—and this story overall—was inspired by a fleeting picture of Rarity and Thunderlane tucking Sweetie Belle and Rumble into bed.:eeyup:

I think it was a light hearted ending to a light hearted story. Well done. Though, I didn't think Rarity might get violent at the end with Thunderlane after he admitted to extending the chase.

But I can understand a misguided attempt to spend more playtime with his sibling.

2599887 The ending was the hardest part about this for me to write. The punishment would either be perfect or too soft; I couldn't find the balance, I don't think.

But I'm glad you enjoyed it throughout! :pinkiehappy:

I enjoyed this story immensely overall, the ending being a nice finishing touch. The shipping in it was sweet (with the main focus being Rumble and Sweetie Bell) and I enjoyed how Rarity and Thunderlane acted especially in this chapter, with Rarity's firm yet fair(well, fair-ish) approach to punishments and Thunderlane taking responsibility (I really enjoyed seeing that for some reason).
I would love to see a sequel to this story, maybe focused more on Thunderlane's and Rarity's relationship but whatever works. Look forward to more works like this in the future.

You've already had a suggestion from me to turn this into a series, so I'll leave that alone. I'd say that the punishments are about fair enough. I think we all knew that the end would pretty much look something like this, so things are going well enough. I'm pretty sure RumBelle could be given more detail in the next story, perhaps with another adventure, though with more danger and drama. It would be great to see the CMC's reactions to Sweetie Belle's affections for Rumble, as well.

Perhaps you've been able to gain some insight from my statements, perhaps not; that's up to you. I'd love to see your next fic idea blossom like the last couple did, but with more emphasis on descriptive character relationship development, even if it's brief like that of Tennyson's Time. Hope to see more from you soon!

2600586 Thank you very much, I'm very glad you enjoyed the story! I'm mulling over a sequel, and since three people have asked for one so far, it may happen some time in the future.

2600747 I have two one-shots I'm planning to write in the near future, one dealing with Rumble. Whether I get to it or not, I thank you for reading up to this point, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!


There's really nothing to thank me for. You're the one who wrote the cute little romance snippets, not me.

Okay, not going to lie, that ending was sweet. No, down right adorable. :rainbowkiss: The punishment was good and the whole, cuddling and telling each other goodnight was just so CUTE!

The action was suspenseful and Sweetie Belle finally doing magic, again, was brilliant.

Overall, superior fic. :pinkiehappy:

2603599 :yay: Thank you very much for following it all this time! I'm glad the ending was good enough for you. :twilightsmile:

2630513 The ending wasn't just good. IT WAS PERFECT! :pinkiehappy:Very few stories have such a good conclusion and have left me with such a good feeling. I'm actually a little jealous. I doubt in my own stories I could evoke such. (I'll try though.)

Keep up the good work.

Beautiful. A masterpiece.

I love the Rarity and Thunderlane paring! Amazing story! :raritystarry:

PLEASE MAKE A SEQUEL !!!!!!!!! :raritycry: RARITY WANTS A SEQUEL !!!!!!

While it's very well detailed, fun and realistic, it seems like a sequel needs to be made, Sweetie Belle and Rumble being together I could see but Thunderlane and Rarity was just to quick and felt forced, plus they are grown so there is not real reason for them to just hook up like that, Still enjoyed it nonetheless.

Liked this story, hope it gets a sequel.

Sweet story :rainbowkiss:

But oh boy i would have been more pissed on my little brother if he had done something like this 😅

But I actually think I would have been more pissed at the people who helped them run away, mostly because the stress of situation :rainbowderp:

Rarity and Thunderlane, are gonna be both mentally and physically beaten in the morning 🤣

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