• Published 16th Dec 2012
  • 4,191 Views, 118 Comments

Thirty-Minute Pony Stories - Silvernis

Stuff I wrote for Thirty-Minute Pony Stories.

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295: P.S.C.D.

295: P. S. C. D.

“Rainbow Dash?”

The pegasus under the tree didn’t respond. She simply sat there, her magenta eyes unfocused as she stared at something only she could see.

Twilight waved a hoof in front of the other mare’s face. “Hello? Dashie?”

Rainbow started with a yelp, looking around wildly. She smiled when she noticed Twilight. “Hey, Twi.”

The unicorn smiled back. “Hey yourself.” She bent down and planted a soft kiss on the other pony’s nose, then sat down beside her.

Rainbow leaned over and returned the kiss, but it was quick and mechanical; when she was done, she sighed and went back to gazing out at the park.

Twilight looked at her, curiosity and concern plain on her face. She waited a moment, then quietly said, “A bit for your thoughts?”

The pegasus started again. “Huh?”

“Is everything all right, Dashie? You look like you’re far away.”

“Oh. Yeah, I’m okay, Twi. Just thinking.”

“What about?”

Rainbow shifted a bit and picked up the book that had been lying next to her.

Twilight’s face lit up. “Daring Do and the King’s Gambit! Wow, that’s the last one in the series. I didn’t know you’d gotten that far already! Did you finish it yet?”

“Yeah, I just did a little while ago.”

Twilight giggled and clopped her hooves excitedly. “Wasn’t it great?”

“Yeah, it’s just . . . ”

“Just what?”

“It’s over.”


“I finished it. I finished the whole series. It’s over, Twi. There aren’t any more Daring Do books. I just . . . I don’t know.” Rainbow sighed and shook her head, slumping back against the tree.

“Ohhhhh,” said Twilight suddenly. “P.S.C.D.”

Rainbow arched an eyebrow at her. “P. S. what now?”

“P.S.C.D. Post series conclusion depression. I’m positive that that’s what you’re suffering from.”


Twilight chuckled. “Meaning you just finished reading a long story that you really, really liked, and you don’t want it to be over.”

“Well . . . yeah, pretty much,” said Rainbow. “It was like I was on this crazy awesome adventure with Daring Do for weeks and weeks, and now it’s just . . . done. That’s the end. There isn’t any more. I feel so . . . ”

“Lost?” supplied Twilight. “Like you don’t know what to do with yourself?”

Rainbow nodded gloomily.

Twilight scooted closer to the pegasus and leaned against her. “Every story has to end eventually, Dash,” she said at length. “All you can do is enjoy them for as long as they last.”

Rainbow nodded again.

“Also,” said Twilight, “there is a cure for P.S.C.D.”

Rainbow instantly perked up. “Really? What?”

Twilight grinned. “Another good story to get lost in.” She jumped to her hooves. “Come on, Dashie. Let’s head to the library. There’s this new series I think you’ll like.”

Rainbow looked at the Daring novel once more, then stuffed it into her saddlebag and grinned back at Twilight. “You’re on, egghead. Let’s go.”

Without warning, Rainbow scooped up Twilight and zoomed off towards the library. Ignoring the unicorn’s squeals of protest, the pegasus called down, “Hey, Twi?”


“That post conclusion whateveryacallit. You totally made that up, didn’t you?”


Rainbow chuckled and shook her head. “I love you, Twi.”

Author's Note:

Look at me, trying to be meta.

Also, that Daring Do title is all mines. I'm using it for a long fic I'm working on.

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