• Published 16th Dec 2012
  • 4,192 Views, 118 Comments

Thirty-Minute Pony Stories - Silvernis

Stuff I wrote for Thirty-Minute Pony Stories.

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200: The End

200: THE END

I always knew that Twilight Sparkle would be the last of the Elements to go, and she hasn’t disappointed, clocking in at a very respectable 247 years. I blame magic. By the time disgustingly powerful unicorns like her are old enough to die like normal ponies, their bodies are so thoroughly juiced with magic that they just . . . don’t. It’s like extreme magical pickling or something. They usually end up wizened and wrinkly and crotchety as hell, but very much alive. After nearly two and a half centuries, though . . . I know it’s time for Twilight to say goodbye.

I find her in the old palace tower she moved into after Spike got too big for Canterlot and flew off to find a place of his own. At the time, I hoped the dragon’s departure might get her depressed enough to finally kick the bucket, but no such luck—the crazy egghead just kept on reading, researching, and organizing.

As I quietly materialize from the shadows, she looks up from the book she’s reading, not at all surprised to see me.

“Hello again,” she says, smiling. “It’s certainly been a while.”

I nod slowly. It’s been a very long while. The last time I saw her was when Rarity died. After collecting the other unicorn’s spirit, I brought her to see Twilight one last time, just as I’d brought the other Elements over the years. Strictly speaking, that sort of thing violates a few hundred soul-reaping rules, but back when the first one beg, beg, begged me to let her see her friends once last time, well . . . I couldn’t say no. I guess I’m just a big softy.

Twilight slowly eases herself out of her seat, magicking the book back onto a shelf. As she walks towards me, I can see that she’s ready. Physically, she’s in surprisingly good shape—her greying mane, lined face, and creaky steps are the only really obvious signs of her age—but her violet eyes are incredibly tired. They’re the eyes of a pony who’s seen and done a hell of a lot, not all of it pleasant. They’re the eyes of a pony who’s seen her friends grow old and leave her, who’s seen her beloved Equestria become a strange and lonely new place. They’re the eyes of a pony who’s reached the last page of the last chapter.

I ask her if she’s ready. She looks around, considering, then nods. I hesitate, then ask her if she wants to see Spike one more time.

“No,” she says after a moment. “We . . . we already said our goodbyes before he went to sleep. There’s no need to wake him.” She sniffs a little, but doesn’t back down.

I nod, then hold out a hoof. She takes it, and we walk out of the world and into the light. Five voices suddenly cheer, and Twilight laughs. She looks at me, smiling radiantly, then lets go and rushes off to meet them as if she were a little filly again.

She’s home.

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