• Published 15th Jan 2012
  • 3,491 Views, 39 Comments

Horn Care - Cytotoxin

Rarity turns to Fluttershy when she needs a helping hoof...

  • ...

Wing Care

Wing Care.

"...Thread by thread, stitching it together..." - today, Rarity was in far better mood, all things considered. Of course, it had a lot to do with the fact she could finally use her magic without fear of some unfortunate mishap. So she returned to her work with gusto, reading glasses perched on her nose as she put finishing touch on the first dress she made since the accident. That one was for her, a little confirmation of her skills coming back. She intentionally made it a sleek sexy number, both a test of her capability and a possible garment to wear on a date. Date. Oh dear. Try as she might, she kept thinking of what had happened last night between her and Fluttershy.

She was very glad that things were resolved, that neither of them did anything... villainous, as it were. However, after a good night sleep, she had to admit to herself that the decision they had reached yesterday was quite a rash one. Not that she regretted it, oh no. But now, when the shock and awe of revelation were gone, she could ask herself - 'Rarity, are you ready for this relationship?' All things considered, her most honest answer was - 'Yes, but only barely so.' In her fillyhood she had some... adventures in school, so the concept of dating another mare was not that alien to her. The concept of dating Fluttershy, however? That raised the ante. Significantly so.

Rarity understood with crystal clarity that letting Fluttershy down now would be incredibly, abysmally, outrageously stupid thing to do, and that meant that she, Rarity, must put some good honest effort and thinking into making good with this. Thankfully, she was more then up to the task of taking the fabric of raw passion she`s been handed and tailoring it into exquisite art of love. At least, she hoped so. Turning around, Rarity took her glasses off and walked to the middle of boutique to admire the dress she just finished from afar. This time, she took plenty of precaution to make sure not to stumble into anything - one mishap was more then enough.

Nodding with satisfaction, unicorn put her glasses on again as she levitated a scroll of paper and a quill. Extra important situations, like this one, required some planning, and while she was not Twilight, some important plans she preferred to work out on paper. Sheet was quickly adorned with - "TO DO:" on top. Rarity paused, nibbling on the quill tip as she pondered the order. Primo, she needed to visit library and ask what Twilight knew of pegasi anatomy. Since Fluttershy took care to find out what makes her tick, Rarity felt she had more then enough reason to find out a bit of this and that about the secret spots that would make pegasus melt and moan. That was jotted down on paper quickly.

Secundo... Secundo, she needed to talk to Spike, since she`d be in the library, anyways. Rarity was quite aware little guy had a crush on her, and that needed to be addressed. Given she just got in relationship with yellow mare, the least she could do is to face Spike personally about that. She hoped he`d be reasonable about that. That was jotted down quickly as well. Tertio... Tertio, she needed to see Fluttershy in the evening. Pinkie mentioned something about the party, and Rarity had a distinct feeling she should really catch up with Fluttershy before the party. Knowing Pinkie Pie, she`d be likely less then considerate of finer points of their feelings toward each other. But that was the Pinkie they`ve grown to love - spontaneous, merry and oblivious to embarrassments and insecurities other ponies had.

List could probably use more entries, but so far, Rarity decided to do what was already on. Conversations with Twilight tended to be longwinded sometimes, and it was early afternoon already. She looked on herself into the mirror and smirked - "No time like present, Rarity, old filly. Time to get going." And so, she put her glasses away and trotted out of boutique, closing the door behind her. Luckily, Applejack didn`t buck it right off the hinges, but... she paused, then turned back and quickly levitated scroll and quill one more time to write on the very bottom - "Get a carpenter to fix the door properly." Done with that, Rarity hefted the door close and locked it with her magic, setting into light trot toward the library.

Library was quiet this time of day. Ponies tended to avoid lingering in the library, as a general rule - anypony sane preferred not to linger longer then reasonably necessary in the abode of practicing mage, really. Still, occasionally, library could be seen positively crowded, usually right after Cheerilee assigned some kind of research paper. Spike opened the door - "Who... oh. Hello, Rarity!" Habitually, she pretended to be oblivious to the lovesick stare he tended to sport whenever she`s been around. "Hello Spike, dear. I`d like to talk to Twilight, if she`s in." - she offered warmly. Still gooey-eyed, Spike merely nodded and thumbed in the direction of ladder.

"Hello, Rarity. What brings you here today?" - Twilight Sparkle felt moderately curious. She had some ideas as to why fashion mare would want to visit her, but... Best to hear it from the pony`s mouth, so to speak. So, she waited for an answer to be provided. "Well... Fluttershy did came over to ask about unicorn horns, didn`t she?" - offered Rarity, her face pensive, as she suggested - "So I think I need to learn a bit more about pegasi, myself." Thoughtfully, Twilight nodded - "Well, that`s certainly a rational idea. However, I`m not quite sure just how much of help I`ll be in this situation. Maybe you`d like to check out a book on pegasi anatomy?" Rarity shook her head - "I remember enough from school to know we`re not so different on the inside. Well, aside from having horn and wings respectively. I`m more of after... eh, you know."

Twilight merely shook her head, somewhat bemused - "Actually, no, I don`t. So, what exactly are you after?" Rarity glanced to the side, then to the other, her cheeks tinted red as she hastily murmured - "I want to know if pegasi have... special spots. Special, as in pegasi-only special kind." "Oh? Well, the obvious answer would be that wings are as special to pegasi as horn is for us unicorns. However, if you`re asking about what specifically makes them all hot and bothered, like what happens to us when horn is rubbed? That much I do not know, sorry. Haven`t ever read a book that`d detail on that." - she replied, thoughtfully. Rarity looked down, a bit downcast - "Well... thanks anyway." But Twilight wasn`t done - "One second, Rarity. I do not know about that, that`s true, but I`m most certain that Rainbow Dash will. Her being a pegasus and all."

Rarity`s face reflected an uncomfortable mix of emotions as she considered that suggestion. "My, it`s true. She would... But it would feel oh so embarrassing to ask her." - she muttered, - "Probably just about as embarrassing as it was for Fluttershy to ask you... Alright, I guess I`ll ask her about it. If anything, I can rely on her being quiet about it, at least." Twilight nodded thoughtfully - "Well, that much is to be expected from the element of loyalty, no? Speaking of which... Rarity, I wanted to talk to you about elements." "Elements? What about them, Twilight? Is there some reason to believe we`ll need to use them again soon?" - Rarity questioned, wary of possible answer.

"No, not quite. It`s not about us using elements, per ce. Rather, it`s about how are we used by elements." - offered Twilight, - "I`ve been thinking about it lately... And in fact, I`ve conferred with Celestia herself on the topic. I sort of wish I didn`t." Now, Rarity was quite worried - "Oh dear... What was it Celestia told you, then?" Looking away, Twilight sighed - "Well, the crux of the issue is this... Elements are very likely to influence our thinking and personality. Granted, they were given to us with respect to our strong traits, but still... The way Celestia put it, elements might amplify their respective focus in a bearer beyond what would normally be deemed reasonable."

Rarity stood up, walking over to Twilight - "Well, I think we were all aware of that, to an extent. What`s the worst that can happen?" Purple unicorn looked out of the window, - "Well... A lot, to be honest. Pinkie Pie`s the one at most risk, I think. She`s already... on vague terms with reality, so to speak. It`s not that hard to see her going completely insane. For that matter, same could be said for me." White unicorn blinked - "You? Come on, Twilight. You`re not crazy. Neither is Pinkie, for that matter. She`s just... uh, special." Magician chuckled softly - "That might be so right now, but you can`t deny I`ve had a couple episodes that would be appropriately labeled as mental. That debacle with Mr. Smartypants comes to mind. Anyway, that`s not exactly what I wanted to tell you. Rather, my point was that all six of us need to practice some form of element control, so to speak. Apply reason to our urges."

Tapping her chin, Rarity nodded thoughtfully - "I can see what you`re telling me, yes. But what exactly would you suggest? It`s not like we can get together for yoga session once a week to keep a lid on that, now can we?" Twilight turned around to look on Rarity again - "Actually, that might help. Well, not specifically yoga session, but conferring with other elements before committing to some major decisions. Act as sounding board for each other. I do understand that some topics are... less then comfortable to discuss, but given the alternatives, it might be still a better choice." Ever the mood-conscious, Rarity caught up to unspoken note that was contained in Twilight`s words, - "You think that what happened yesterday had something to do with my and Fluttershy`s elements?"

Twilight sat back and run a hoof over her face. Suddenly, Rarity realised how tired purple unicorn looked. Likely, she had been hitting the books all night long. "Yes. I don`t really want to think about you and Fluttershy in those terms, but the facts fit." - she offered, shaking her head, - "I imagine you have some objection to that line of thought... So let me voice my theory and then tell me what sounds off, alright?" Rarity nodded. She sat across the table from Twilight again and prepared to listen. "The way I see it, the whole thing was started by Fluttershy`s urge to be kind. When you got injured, it was quite natural of her to want to help you, and... well, that`s exactly what happened. She started helping you. Purely innocently, you understand. Then she, just as innocently, noticed how your body reacts to her help, and went to ask me about it. And I told her that reaction is an expression of pleasure. I believe you can connect the dots here - which explains why Fluttershy did... whatever she did to your horn. What did she do, by the way?"

"Twilight!" - exclaimed Rarity, scandalised, her cheeks marred by blush, - "I... You... What kind of question is that?" "What? I`m curious." - answered Twilight simply, - "You don`t have to answer if you don`t want to, but I assure you, my interest is purely academic." Shuddering, Rarity suppressed her embarrassment and awkward arousal enough to answer quietly - "...She sucked my horn." "Oh. Well, that is certainly... intimate." - opined Twilight, her own cheeks getting just a hint of blush before she quickly skipped ahead - "Anyway, what I`m getting at is that this kind of thing matches your elements quite well - Fluttershy`s kindness compelled her to make you feel pleasure, and your generosity compelled you to give yourself, as it were, to that pleasure, regardless of your personal ideas of propriety on the topic."

Rarity stared at Twilight incredulously - "You mean to tell me that element of generosity can turn me into a... slut?" Magician blenched at the crude word - "Well, not quite like that, but...Yes, I suppose that element of generosity can incline you to be more generous with your body then you`d normally want to be. No joke intended." Rarity leaned back, mulling over the new information. That was certainly disturbing, and cast some shadow on what she experienced with Fluttershy but she was certain her feelings run deeper then that. "You`re not quite right about that, Twilight." - she answered finally, - "I think... I think element DID have some influence in this, but not nearly as much as you make it out to be."

Twilight Sparkle nodded, her expression hopeful - "Well, that`s what I want to verify, Rarity. That it`s not just elemental magic pushing you together like two dolls in foal`s hooves." Heaving a sigh, Rarity stood up - "I hope so, Twilight. I really hope so. It would be just too cruel otherwise." Purple unicorn looked away - "Rarity, listen... Just in case it is just elements playing havoc with us. I can make you two forget everything. Wipe all of that from your minds, like it never happened." Rarity stomped her hoof, her anger suddenly spiking - "Sun`s glory, NO. Just no, Twilight. Whatever happens, whatever it may be, I`ll never consent to forget. Be what may, but I will cherish those memories, no matter what."

Twilight suddenly stared at her, grinning - "You have no idea how reassuring that sounded." Perplexed, her anger dissolving just as quickly as it came, white unicorn looked on purple one - "What do you mean, Twilight?" Magician tapped her ear with hoof - "Haven`t you just heard yourself? You got angry at mere suggestion of forgetting what you had with Fluttershy. I`m not an expert on love questions, Rarity, but even to me it sounds like you care profusely." Slowly, Rarity nodded - "I... see. Well, I suppose I`ll go look for Rainbow Dash. Oh, by the way, can I borrow Spike for a few, Twilight? I think I need to... ahem, talk to him. Settle some old scores." Twilight looked down and sighed - "...Yes. Yes, you should. I hope he won`t take it too hard."

Descending by the stairs slowly, Rarity looked around. Spike was sitting at the library counter. Or more precisely, napping on it. She chuckled. Little guy was so cute when napping. White mare trotted closer, tapping Spike with hoof. With a snort and flail, little dragon woke up - "I`m awake, I`m awake... Oh... Hey, Rarity. Do you need any help?" He was practically beaming with hope... and that made Rarity sad, because she knew what she had to do. "Spike, darling, would you walk with me? I`m afraid I need to talk to you." - she offered demurely. Spike was only too happy to oblige.

They walked out of the library. Rarity was not sure where to talk to him, and eventually settled on the park. Dragon, on his part, was quite unsure about what was going on, but felt content just to tag along. Quietly, they reached the destination. Rarity led them to a bench slightly off the track, where it was quiet and shady. "Spike? We need to talk." - she offered resolutely, tapping her hooves as she took a seat on the bench. "Of course. What is it, Rarity?" - he asked hopefully. That hope made Rarity`s task all the harder, but she knew she had to. "Spike. I am quite aware you had a crush on me for a while." - she offered quietly, - "And while I`m quite flattered, I just don`t feel right leading you on any longer."

Little dragon visibly deflated. He ambled toward the bench, and hopped on it, slouching, his head resting on his arms. "That`s OK, Rarity. I`ve realised long ago that it`s not something I can really pursue." - he offered glumly, - "You`re a pony, I`m a dragon. It`s just not... not feasible, as Twilight says." Rarity reached out, and put a hoof on his back - "I`m sorry about that, Spike. I really am." He shook his head, letting out a soft sigh - "To be frank, I was aware of that pretty much all the time." "Oh?... Come on, Spike, don`t be so hard on yourself. You`re a perfectly lovable dragon." - objected Rarity. To her surprise, Spike chuckled softly - "Oh, it`s not that. I mean... Eh... I`m a dragon, you know. By the time I`d be actually old enough to do something about that crush, you`ll be about as old as granny Smith."

Rarity blinked, then shoved him playfully - "You little lecher, you. Here I was worrying about wounding your feelings, and it turns out you`ve been lusting after me all that time." Spike raised his hands defensively - "Whoa, hey, I didn`t mean it like that! Well, OK, I did, but more from the point of actually being an adult more then anything." Rarity chuckled softly - "That`s alright, Spike. I`m not offended. We all have indecent urges. It`s not having them, it`s acting on them thoughtlessly that is offensive." He nodded slowly - "To be honest, I`ve been thinking about it lately. Twilight`s been reading up on all the psychology last few days and I guess some of what she read about stayed with me." Rarity sat up straighter - "Heh. So, did you came to conclusion that it`s some other feeling that urges you on?"

Spike stared at her for a second - "How`d you know?... Well, yes, anyway, I was thinking a lot about it, and, well... We dragons are naturally covetous, you know. Not for some purpose or feelings, just... covetous. Show a dragon something precious, and he`ll covet it, no questions asked. So well... that." Rarity put her hoof to her lips, as she giggled - "My, my, Spike. Am I precious, now?" Little dragon blushed, but nodded - "Well, duh. So anyway.. I hope you don`t mind if I`ll covet you and Fluttershy every once in a while. I swear it`s innocent... well, as innocent as dragons go." She gasped - "How did you know?" Spike grinned - "Twilight told me yesterday. Well, she didn`t really mean to, but I`ve overheard her muttering about it and just had to know." Recovering from shock, Rarity sighed and smiled back - "I suppose that`s fair. As long as you don`t try to add us to your hoard, that is."


Rarity looked up with a bit of trepidation. Rainbow Dash better be at home, she thought. She only had about an hour left before she`d have to abandon everything and go fetch Fluttershy so they could attend Pinkie Pie`s party. So if Rainbow Dash were to choose this exact moment to be scarce, it would mean she`d have to locate blue pegasus some other day instead. "Rainbow Dash?! Are you at home?" - she inquired loudly enough to be heard in the cloud home Dash lived in. Apparently, she was. Some kind of noise was heard from the cloud, increasing in volume with every second, until it suddenly reached its peak as rainbow-haired mare literally fell off the cloud. She flapped her wings, missing Rarity by mere inches, and landed after a graceful backflip. Apparently, Rainbow Dash had been napping.

"...Yawn. What`s up, Rarity?" - she muttered, still groggy, - "And what just happened?" Rarity straightened up and offered - "Well, you just fell off your cloud, Rainbow Dash." Pegasus looked up and shrugged - "So I did. That`s what I get for sleeping in the open. Is it time for Pinkie`s party yet?" White mare shook her head, as she answered - "No, it`s still a while till it starts. I just wanted to talk to you." Dash treated her to a scrutinising glare. "It`s not about styling my mane, is it?" - she asked warily. Rarity shook her head a little - "No, no, nothing of a sort. Although, you could use a bit of a trim, come to think of it. And maybe just a little curling for the ends..." "Rarity..." - apparently, Dash had little patience for fashion.

"Oh.. Pardon me, please. Getting carried away, here. I actually wanted to ask you some questions about pegasi." - Rarity offered cautiously, looking down as she could feel the embarrassment creeping up again. Rainbow Dash fluttered up a bit, looking puzzled - "Me? Why me, Rarity? Ask Twilight, she`s got all those smart books and stuff." Rarity heaved a sigh - "I tried. It was her who suggested I`d ask you, to be honest." Dash landed again, this time without any tricks. She`s been intrigued - "Huh. Well, alright. If Twilight herself thinks I`m the best pony to ask, I must be just that awesome, ne? So spill. What can the wise and all-knowing Rainbow Dash tell you about pegasi?"

Fashion mare looked up in irritation. Dash was just as bad as Pinkie were when talking about anything serious. No, scratch that, much worse. Always clowning about and tooting her own horn. She was almost about to turn away and leave... but... but... but Fluttershy. So, Rarity took a hold of her embarrassment and bit down on it. "Not here. Can we go to my boutique, Dash? I don`t feel comfortable talking right on the street." - she offered. Blue pegasus looked up at her cloudhome. It was pretty obvious she contemplated the merits of nap vs the merits of visiting Rarity. Finally, loyalty won out, and she nodded - "Alright, but if you try to use me as mannequin again, I`m leaving."

Trip to the boutique was brisk and quiet - Rainbow Dash was still in process of waking up, and Rarity simply didn`t feel like talking at the moment. Walking into boutique, she cast her magic around, bringing together a pot of tea, cups and some snacks, levitating them on the table. Dash perked up significantly. "Ooh, cookies?" - she squealed, flopping down next to the table. Rarity took a seat across, treating both of them to a cup of tea. "Well... what did you want to ask me about, Rarity?" - offered pegasus, now much more alert and attentive.

"Well... Here goes." - Rarity muttered, setting her cup down, - "But first of all, Dash? Promise me to keep out conversation to yourself." Dash raised her brow, offering dubiously - "Ookay. It`s gonna be THAT kind of talk?" Unicorn took a deep breath, and plunged in with question - "I`ll just ask straight, Dash. I want to know about special spots pegasi have." That was not what pegasus expected to hear - "Special... spots? What do you mean?" Blush spreading across her cheeks, Rarity explained - "I mean, do pegasi have any places that... make them hot and bothered?"

Dash leaned back - "Uh, Rarity? Didn`t they cover that kind of thing in sex-ed lesson?" White mare was turning pink with embarrassment by now, but nonetheless pressed on, knowing full well she had already burned all bridges - "I know that. I`m asking about spots only pegasi have. Like horn for unicorns." Rainbow Dash leaned back further, her hoof across her mouth as she snickered - "Oh Celestia... So THAT`S what yesterday was all about!?" Rarity snapped. "YES!" - she screeched, looking on Dash crossly - "Yesterday, Fluttershy sucked my horn and it felt wonderful! So how do I make her feel wonderful too!?" As soon as she was done with outburst, unicorn realised what she just blurted out, and pressed both hooves to her mouth, eyes downcast as she experienced the worst kind of mortification in her life.

Dash did nothing to help the situation, of course. In fact, she was on her back, hooves flailing in the air as she laughed her guts out. Rarity sighed, her head falling on the table with soft bump. Why, oh why she thought it would be a good idea to ask Dash about that? Not like she`d ever understand, anyways. Well, buck it. Rarity stood up, intent on asking Dash to leave - and ended up face to face with surprisingly serious Rainbow Dash. Who just as seriously asked - "So you want to know how to make Fluttershy feel good?... Fine, I can roll with that." Which, of course, left Rarity blinking incredulously. Blue pegasus pulled back, surprisingly coherent after her laughing fit - "So sit down. This is going to need a little show and tell."

"...What was that about, Rainbow Dash?" - she finally asked, looking on pegasus in confusion and irritation - "One second you`re laughing your head off, then..." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes - "That`s how my element rolls. Don`t get me wrong, you and Fluttershy are hilarious. In a good friendly way. And I`m pretty sure you two will make me laugh more then a few times. But my bucking element just loves to apply a hoof to my flank as soon as I remember how anypony can take the laughter the wrong way. So, yeah... Let`s get down with your questions so I could stop feeling guilty about laughing, OK?"

Still miffed, but figuring that`s as close to an apology as she would get out of cocky pegasus without some serious guilt-tripping, Rarity asked - "Twilight suggested that wings are likely to be sensitive. Is that true?" Dash nodded thoughtfully, as she extended her wing. "Ok, look here. First thing to remember - don`t rub a wing across the feathers. That feels awful and you might even tear out a feather or two. Not lethal, but real unpleasant." - she started explaining, her hoof pointing - "This is where the wingbone ends, and it`s the first sensitive spot. A lot of feathers connect here, and that makes it sensitive to the touch. Sometimes, when I fly in the cold, it feels good to put wingtips in warm water, but generally, those are best left alone."

Rarity habitually fetched her glasses with magic as she leaned to investigate. "So, this is a bad spot to touch?" - she offered thoughtfully. Dash nodded - "Yes. Stepping on wingtip is a sure-fire way to piss off a pegasus, by the way." Rarity nodded - "Well, that`s good to know, but I wanted to know where it`s good to touch, not where it`s bad to touch." "Patience. You don`t want to hurt Fluttershy by accident, now do you?" - quipped Dash rhetorically, - "No? Then take notice." Rarity sighed theatrically and used her magic again to fetch her a scroll and quill. Dash giggled - "Well, maybe not so literally. OK, next... See where the bone curves? This is where the muscle starts. Rubbing from this curve to the shoulderblade is good. Just don`t do it in public - touching someone`s wings like that is pretty intimate thing to do."

Rarity looked closer. "So... From here to here." - she pointed. Dash nodded - "Now, here`s the sweet spot - right where wing connects to the shoulderblade. This is where the wing muscles mostly are, so that`s where we get most cramps and hurt if we overdo flying. A good firm rub just between the wings will get pretty much any pegasus soft and mellow as a cloud." She tapped her side just under the wing and continued - "Same goes for underside just here. A good rub right under the wing and over the lower part feels great." Rarity briefly considered writing this down, but then decided it would be superficial. She intended to put the knowledge to use soon and use it often enough to keep it fresh in her memory.

"Well, OK, but what about intimate spots? Does that go for whole wing, or how?" Dash shrugged - "Generally, the closer you get to the body, the more intimate it gets. Poking someone with wingtip feathers is nothing noteworthy. Sticking a hoof under someone`s wing? That`ll get you slapped, unless you`re lovers or best friends ever." Rarity nodded thoughtfully - "Well, that just about covers it, I think. I have just one question left, Dash." She was naturally up to the challenge - "Oh yeah? What is it?" Rarity sighed and put her hoof across her face - "Did you talk to Twilight in the morning, or she used some kind of magic to brief you on the fly?"

Dash almost stumbled, as she turned to Rarity abruptly - "....How... I mean, no... Agh, buck it! How did you know!?" Rarity rolled her eyes - "It`s kind of obvious, Dash. You`ve been way too restrained and helpful. And that lecture on wings? Come clean, Dash, being discreet really isn`t your forte." Blue mare paced quickly from wall to wall a couple of times, her wings fluttering. "I can`t believe you just... went and figured me out like that." - she finally offered, looking on Rarity - "Yes, Twilight told me about how elements can make us think weird stuff and how we should keep a lid on it. I think she talked to Applejack too."

Rarity nodded slowly, her own suspicions solidifying. "What about you, Rainbow Dash? Do you think Twilight Sparkle is right about elements slowly driving us insane?" - she offered, cocking her head. Dash shook her head resolutely - "Twilight never said they do. I do believe her about elements affecting how we think, yes, but... I don`t think it`s as bad as "drive us insane" kind of thing. Celestia wouldn`t just hand them to us if they were that dangerous." Rarity, however, wasn`t so convinced - "Well, think about it. You, me, Twilight - everyone realises elements affect us. Are they really that benign?" Dash looked her square in the eye - "Don`t forget they`re elements of good things. Is it so bad to be a little better then other ponies? A bit more honest, more loyal, more generous? I don`t know about you, but I don`t have beef with it. Yeah, I`m awesome, I know it, and I`m gonna keep doing that. And not just because it`s awesome to be awesome, but because sometimes you just have to be better then anypony else to make things better for everypony."

Well, that certainly put a fresh twist on the issue Rarity had been grappling with. Ever since the conversation with Twilight, she`s been concentrating her thoughts on the fact her element influenced her, and haven`t even paused to think if that`s influence is undesirable or not. But she had to note that any of the elements could`ve propelled them to do something insane, if certain circumstances were to arise. "So you`re not afraid that elemental influence will force you into some kind of undesirable situation?" - she questioned, more for her own peace rather then any curiosity. Dash shrugged - "I don`t think much about it. Sure, being good can sometimes put you in awkward sitches, but it`s not like I haven`t had my fair share of those before element, y`know? The way I see it, so long as we remember we have the elements, we`re gonna be fine."

Rarity nodded thoughtfully. And then smirked, as she had an idea. A sneaky underhanded but oh so amusing idea. "Oh, and Dashie, dear? I think I`d like you to model a dress or two, after all. You won`t abandon me here all alone, now would you?" - she quipped, batting her eyelashes for good measure. Sproing. She watched with great amusement as Rainbow Dash`s wings sprung up, as blue pegasus turned toward her indignantly - "...You cheater! You said you wouldn`t... aargh!" Rarity gave up and laughed. Her tittering apparently relieved pegasus` fear of clothes, as after a few huffing seconds she joined in.


Cottage loomed just ahead. 'Good timing, Rarity, old filly.' - she thought, as she cantered toward the rustic house. Fluttershy should be in - by that time she was done with animal care and usually could be found reading or doing some minor housework. At least, that`s what Rarity usually encountered when she needed to visit the shy pegasus in the afternoon. She expected she`d be doing a lot more visiting, now that aforementioned pegasus was also her marefriend. Marefriend, heh. Rarity still struggled with the novelty of word in its application to Fluttershy. Who`d have thought that kind of thing could happen?

Truth to tell, Rarity was thinking about Fluttershy throughout her whole day. And while advice both from Twilight and Rainbow Dash gave her some peace of mind, she knew that the true calm and quiet would come only from Fluttershy herself. But first, Rarity just had to meet up and see where they stand now. How far did they move, how much closer, or Celestia forbid, farther, they`ve became. And so, she raised the hoof and knocked on the door resolutely. After a few moments of silence, timid voice inquired - "Hello?.." Rarity shivered. She did not expect that to happen - but just hearing that voice seemingly awoken a gaggle of butterflies in her belly. She haven`t felt that way since school. Most surprising and unsettling - she was not aware she could experience being lovestruck again. Apparently, she could.

"Ahem.. It`s me, Rarity." - she offered, momentarily surprising herself with timid notes in her own voice. Door opened. Fluttershy let her in, smiling at the unicorn gently, her cheeks flushed. "Hello. Is it time for Pinkie`s party already?" - she offered softly. Rarity shook her head, as she trotted into the cottage, letting Fluttershy close the door after her - "Not quite yet, it`s at six. I`ve came a little early to talk and.. ahem." She was not sure what else she came for, but she was most certain there was some other reason she visited Fluttershy aside from talking. "Oh, I almost forgot." - unicorn mentioned, as she reached into her saddlebag and pulled out a package, - "I brought you some saffron leaves."

Yellow pegasus smiled wider at that - she was quite fond of the taste of saffron, and Rarity knew that quite well. "Um.. Thank you, Rarity. I.. I`ll make some tea." - she offered, trotting off to the kitchen. Rarity followed her with eyes. She had to admit, those swaying flanks suddenly made her mouth dry. Not like she haven`t seen Fluttershy walking before, but... Having had 'unlocked' the notion of viewing Fluttershy from sexual point of view, suddenly all that pegasus did looked alluring.

Shaking her head, Rarity hastily sat down next to the table, unwrapping and putting saffron on the table. She was partial to those herself, and having a marefriend to share them with was such an... interesting prospect. Fluttershy reappeared, setting the mugs of tea on the table. Smiling, Rarity leaned over, and tapped Fluttershy`s side just as she sat them down - "Come sit with me, dear." Fluttershy suddenly blushed brighter, but nodded, gingerly sitting down next to Rarity. That... was not quite what Rarity expected, however. Up close, she could clearly see that Fluttershy is tense and unsure. That... harshed the mellow, so to speak.

"Fluttershy?" - she began softly, as she took a cup and sipped it gingerly - "Mmm... chamomile, wonderful... Mm, yes. How are you, my dear? I understand the yesterday was quite stressful, and I was hoping you feel better now." Shy pegasus merely nodded, her eyes glued to her cup which she did not dare to lift. Rarity sat the cup down, and continued - "Which makes it necessary for me to ask you... What`s wrong, darling? Because you`re trembling like a leaf in the wind." When that only inspired a squeak from suddenly terrified pegasus, Rarity felt it was time to attempt more direct approach.

She leaned closer and put her foreleg around Fluttershy, hugging her softly. "If you`re nervous about me, you should not be, darling." - Rarity offered softly, - "When all is said and done, I`m the same Rarity you knew yesterday. So... talk to me, my dear. Tell me what worries you." Fluttershy meeped softly, her tension increasing as she struggled to get the words out. Finally, she managed - "I`m alright... Just, um... nervous." That was absolutely endearing, the cute look when she said that, the soft blush... Rarity felt her own cheeks heating up as she blushed in return. Still, she was the worldly one in this relationship, so it would be her duty to make things nice.

"Talk to me, Fluttershy." - she offered, as she moved her hoof a bit, running it over Fluttershy`s back, - "One lesson we definitely learned yesterday was that it`s best to communicate... Lest we want to be miserable because of miscommunication." After a few more tense seconds, Fluttershy finally choked out - "I, um... I`m not sure what marefriends should do." That made Rarity giggle yet again - "Dear, look... it`s not some kind of ritual we just have to do. We are who we are." She levitated a leaf of saffron to Fluttershy, holding it in front of yellow mare closely, - "Here. Have a bite, relax."

A few more tense seconds later, Fluttershy finally reached out and nibbled the leaf. Rarity let out a silent sigh of relief. "There. Now, I understand precisely what you are feeling right now, darling." - she offered softly, taking another sip of tea - "I have same kind of thoughts, I suspect. The whole gaggle of doubts, really." Seeing Fluttershy`s expression drop a little, she added quickly - "No, not the doubts about you, dear. Doubts about me and how should I handle this precious precious connection we suddenly have." Yellow mare smiled again, her nervousness easing up as Rarity confessed to her own doubts.

"I...um, can I ask you something, Rarity?.." - she ventured, looking up on unicorn. Rarity nodded eagerly - "By all means, darling. Communication is the order of the day." "Well, um... I wanted to ask you about... what we um... did yesterday. Do we have to... um, do it every time we... oh, no, I... No, nevermind..." - pegasus trailed off, her gaze again downcast. Rarity blinked. Then leaned back, and offered thoughtfully - "Have to? No, dear. Of course no. Ponies do...ahem, intimate things not because they have to, but because they want to, normally." "So... um... You wouldn`t be upset if I... um, didn`t do it today?" Rarity heaved a little sigh and smiled ruefully - "Fluttershy, dear. Physical intimacy is a boon of relationship, not a mandatory part. And yes, I am most certainly not going to demand you do something of that nature. It`s not a duty, it`s a gift."

Fluttershy, however, saw the rueful expression just fine - "But you do want me to, don`t you?" White mare shrugged, her hoof slipping off Fluttershy`s back as she did - "Of course I do, darling. Just like you want me to bring saffron leaves. I`d be delighted if you would, but wouldn`t be upset with you if you didn`t. Speaking of which, have another one?" She levitated another leaf in front of Fluttershy, waiting for her to nibble it up. Pegasus did, her face thoughtful, as she thought things over.

"But... you want to." - she mused, licking the taste of saffron off her lips - "And that`s OK. Would you like me to... um, do it?" Rarity pulled back, somewhat offput by the idea. "Dear, don`t get me wrong, but... Not right now. Pinkie`s party is quite soon, and coming to party with wet horn would be just... uncouth. " - she responded quickly, - "Besides, I would like to try something else, today." Fluttershy blushed heavily - "Um... Something else?" Unicorn nodded, as she stood up and moved behind pegasus - "Yes.. You see, I`ve been thinking it over, and decided you shouldn`t be the only one bringing gifts of physical pleasure."

"Um, wait, Rarity, what are you... um... going to... ah... oh... mmmmmm...." - whatever objection Fluttershy had, it dissolved into a sound of content as Rarity ran her hooves over yellow mare`s back, rubbing between her wings softly. A few quick strokes later, wings started unfolding partially, as Rarity rubbed their bases firmly. Fluttershy let out a soft moan - "Oh...um...Rarity. A little lower, please." White mare obliged, her hooves trailing over pegasus`s back, up and down, up and down. She could see Dash`s tips working out magnificently, draining the tension out of shy mare. A little while later, all tension was gone, and two mares were sharing tea, saffron and gossip freely, giggling at particularly juicy tidbits.

As she offered yet another piece of hearsay, Rarity couldn`t help but feel awkward feeling of forgetting something. She quickly mulled over the events of the day. Something she meant to tell Fluttershy... Oh. Right. Twilight`s warning about elements. Sighing, white unicorn slumped a bit, looking into the cup. Broaching this subject with Fluttershy would be... awkward, to say the least. But she had to - if Fluttershy were to find this out from another source, Rarity`s integrity would be quite rightfully doubted.

"Fluttershy, dear? There`s one more important thing we should talk about." - she ventured seriously, setting her cup down. Pegasus frowned slightly, her worry returning as she looked on Rarity seriously. Fashionista shook her head and ventured boldly - "I`ve been talking to Twilight earlier, and she said something that...That I think you should also hear." Yellow mare nodded thoughtfully - "Well, if Twilight told you, it must be important..?" "Sort of. She`s worried about elements of harmony, dear. According to what she found out, elements tend to influence our thinking subtly." - explained Rarity pensively, avoiding Fluttershy`s gaze - "She told me that our respective elements might have played a big role in... arranging our current relationship."

"Elements?..." - pegasus echoed, mulling the idea over. It was obvious she hadn`t given that idea any thought before. Unicorn nodded slowly, continuing her explanation - "Twilight did suggest that all of that started when you volunteered to help me with horn care. Though, to be honest, I am quite sure you would`ve offered to help with or without element, dear." Shy mare nodded back, as she caught the idea - "I see... Well, um, I don`t really think my element did much in all of this. But what about your element, Rarity? I mean, it could... oh my." Wincing, Rarity nodded - "Yes, that`s exactly the point Twilight made, too. Said I just might be compelled by element to be more "generous" with my affections then expected. I`m pretty sure she disproved the idea, though." "Oh? Disproved?" - that notion perked Fluttershy up noticeably, and in return, Rarity`s mood elevated sharply as well. She chuckled - "Twilight said she could cast a spell that would make us forget all that happened, let us just get back to being just friends as we were. And, by golly, you wouldn`t believe how much that idea angered me."

Seeing surprise and bewilderment on Fluttershy`s face, she hastened to explain - "It would be simply atrocious to forget that what happened between us, darling. I`m quite sure I will never forget what had happened, nor will I ever consent to forget. Be what may, but I will treasure those precious memories." Blushing profusely, Fluttershy leaned closer, mumbling something not quite decipherable. Rarity leaned closer, trying to figure out what was said, their faces just inches from each other. Cloooooooser...

They leaned back from each other slowly, blushing as their lips parted. Neither had a conscious notion of leaning into kiss when they did, nor conscious notion of pulling out of it, when they had it. Wearing matching expressions of happy blushing bedazzlement, both heaved a small happy sigh, smiling at each other. "Sweet..." - muttered Rarity quietly, as she leaned to Fluttershy, putting a leg around her again. This time, pegasus didn`t shy away from gesture, but extended her own hoof to hug Rarity back, echoing - "Wonderful..."

Time passed quickly while they made out, and by the time they realised it`s time to actually go to Pinkie`s party, the best they could manage was "fashionably late". Not that it bothered either of the ponies in question much. At least, it would not be a loud party with lots of people, as Pinkie Pie initially insisted. It took some effort and argument, but eventually Rarity was able to persuade party pony that what went on between her and Fluttershy was not a subject to public celebration. So the party was meant for the six of them to catch up and relax over the finest baked goods Pinkie Pie and Applejack could produce.

As they trotted out of the cottage, it was dusk already, sunshine dimmed enough to see the stars appearing, one by one. Rarity looked up curiously, as her eye spotted something unusual in the sky. She pointed with the hoof, nudging Fluttershy - "Look! Look! A falling star! Make a wish!" Both of them stared upwards, transfixed by the multicolored trail... until they realized just how close the falling star was getting. Sky blazed with unearthly colors as the streak of celestial matter crossed the sky above Ponyville. Windows clattered and air trembled as the falling star struck the ground somewhere deep within Sweet Apple farm orchards.

Unicorn and pegasus exchanged quick glances, and broke off into gallop. That.. was most definitely a cue for them to join the party.

Comments ( 18 )

wow, i didn't even expect you to do a another chapter, and i must say you are a magnificent writer. the only problem i can see is you seem to leave out a considerable amount of the word "the" when it is needed. other than that, i love this story :yay::raritywink:


To be honest, I didn`t intend to continue initially, but the combination of rush in the end and an boring evening all alone with my overactive imagination and coffee put a good deal of second chapter to virtual paper.

I`m not quite sure how or what will follow this one... but apparently, there will be a third chapter at least, seeing how I`ve left a cliffhanger with meteor just now...

Also, I guess I`ll be renaming the story at some point (as soon as I figure out an overarching name), seeing as Horn Care applies only to first chapter.

P.S. Lack of the is best made peace with and ignored. I`ve tried to add extra ones, and results were awful... As for beta-readers, they tend to get suckered into my style and their suggestions about additional the placements are only slightly less horrific then mine. Think "The cat the jumped the over the book." kinda awful.

It's pretty nice!
and I also think it needs a 'comedy' tag, i laughed out loud during some parts

keep it up sis!
and while the the issue slightly hinders the read, it's still very enjoyable, keep it up!


Yeah, I pointed this out last time, but when English isn't your first language, all the the's are hard to keep track of for Cyto.

Saffron is not a leaf btw, you're are going to drive me to drinking with things like that. :derpytongue2:


I don`t mean the spice as is. Saffron leaves, as in leaves of Saffron Crocus, the plant from which saffron is made. I figure that consuming the flowers themselves, from which saffron is collected, would be a mite too intense on it`s own, while leaves with their much lower content of alkaloids may be used by ponies as an exotic snack.

While personally haven't tried the leaves of the plant, I do know if they'd be either edible or taste like the spice itself. While there are some plants that can have a partial flavor of the fruits, etc in the leaves, the few I know of are in the berry family.

They`re not nearly as spicy as actual saffron.

Sometimes, unscrupulous vendors grind the leaves/petals and add them to saffron to "make more" of it, but the taste gets much weaker.

Frankly speaking, I`m a bit annoyed that pony snacks don`t go further then "hay fries" and "daisy sandviches". I wanted something more exotic - after all, Rarity is all about exotic fineries, and it would serve as a reasonable "guilty pleasure" for Fluttershy.

Wow. And you made a Flarity story too. You're all over my favorite pairings. This needs a favorite and a track. :yay::heart::raritystarry:

And Suddenly there's 'duh-duh-duuuuuuh!' grade plot! Keep going!


I can snark off at you if it helps.



As for continuation... I`m not sure about it. I suppose I do have some drafts to next chapter, but I`m not quite sure I want to put them to use as is. It`s been a while and I think I`d like to rethink where this story is going. If it`s going, that is.

Not a sir? Oops sorry about that :twilightblush:
And I think it should be continued. Not intending to pressure you there by the way. Just saying that I think that its going great so far and would definitely enjoy reading how it pans out. Regardless of what happens either way, you did a really good job with it


The thing is, I`m not sure how I`m going to continue it. I had some drafts to what is to follow, but some of them are pure fluff, and some - nightmare fuel. So I`m just trying to figure out where to go with this, and if I even want to try it. Thing is that drafts diverted from Rarishy and veered into adventure/dark/steampunk/conspiracy direction... And I`m not sure I recall the plot I wanted to use correctly.

Well whatever you decide to do with it, I'll be happy to read. And if you decide not to continue it, that will be sad, but I'll be happy just knowing that I was able to read this much


Flatterer. I`ll see what can be done. If anything.

This is a very sexy premise. Will read to see if you can deliver.

Uh... I don`t think I was going to continue. At least, I don`t have any idea on how to go about it at the moment. It`s been written years ago.

Sweet of Rarity to find out what might make Fluttershy feel good. Also liked the way she assured Fluttershy that she didn't have to do anything like that if she didn't want to.

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