• Published 16th Jan 2012
  • 3,019 Views, 251 Comments

The Sour Grapes Chronicles - The Incredible Werekitty

The story about Sour Grapes, and her vineyard

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A very small beginning

Okay. Everypony gather around, and I’ll tell y’all a story.

“Once upon a time, a humble earth pony winemaker met the daughter of a wealthy and powerful unicorn family. They became friends, then lovers, courted, and married… much to the dismay of the unicorn’s family. The unicorn’s mother even went so far as to disown the hapless filly. The unicorn’s brother was angered by the decision, but the matron’s will was like iron.
And so the Unicorn chose to live with the Earth Pony upon his vineyard, and for many years they were very happy. Then one day, they had a daughter. When she was delivered, her father made an amusing comment on how she looked like she’d tasted something sour… Just as the nurse was asking for a name.

The Earth Pony’s name is Champagne Grapes. His family had owned Grapevine Hills Winery and Vineyard for generations. The unicorn’s name is Champagne Diamond. Her family was in the gemstone trade, among other things. She gave up a life of wealth and stature for a life filled with love.

And that is, very briefly, the story of how my parents met, and how I came into the world.”

And just so you know, the Grapes family is an offshoot of the Apple family, as are the Oranges. And that’s how an Earth Pony can have a unicorn for a cousin.

Oh, and -heh- the Pears are distant relations.. a batch of nere-do-wells at most of their endevors. Hence the term "Things have gone pear-shaped."